Season of Discovery: Final Phase 3 Preparation Tips

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good morning evening or afternoon everybody it's kago coming at you with another video so today I wanted to take the time to talk about some final preparation tips that you guys can utilize with phase 3 coming now I wanted to do this video mainly because there are a few different things that have changed with the information drop and and mainly regarding a leveling plan as well as some new content and things that you can do in order to make it to the next level and phase so it's just a few things that I want to touch up now that we have the phase3 uh leak and you know share with you guys some additional information but before we get into the video be sure to like comment and subscribe everything you guys do helps my channel grow helps me get discovered and helps me help as many people as possible which is the entire point of my channel so without further Ado let's get into the video so the very first tip is going to be have a leveling plan now this is always my first tip because I think it is the most important plan so for you guys today um the biggest thing that I personally doing is there's a prequest guide someone uh colax 947 on Reddit posted this guide about a month ago I found it looked it over and it looked really awesome I tried to reach out to him but I have no way of sort of contacting him it was shared to me by one of my guildies so I'm going to link that guide Down Below in the description so definitely make sure you check this out because it is a stepbystep minmax prequest guide for horde I plan on doing the majority of it because I didn't really quest in phase two I straight dungeon leveled so I have a ton available what my plan is is to pre-quest do no meron and then I plan on Duo grinding um Emon and ZF with a hunter friend of mine and we are going to just blast a 50 grinding those instances making some gold at the same time if you do not want to do that plan you have the options of questing in zones like booty Bay Hinterlands or ay Highlands I believe even tar Mill has Quests for horde and then eventually Ango feralis Blasted Lands all of those are really good questing zones and then this is a question mark CU we do not know if it is available but you might be able to effectively Grind from level 40 to 50 within the Nightmare incursions and earn some really good reputation in loot so if you're you already are planning on grinding those to get the new stuff it would make sense to also level in there to get the new stuff so it could just be a really nice um win-win situation grind I don't know how good of XP it'll be it'll be really tough to sort of say that before it comes out but it is an option for sure then the next one is to sort of have your consumes and World bus ready to go and clean up your bags so like right here I have a bunch of useless stuff right here like I'd get rid of this microfilament these pieces of gear that I'm not using um and just sort of fill this with questing gear and things that I'll actually use like these love fools I'll probably actually use those can be in handy then we got some consumables you know arcan Elixir Firepower Mana pots wizard oil all the stuff just makes you do more damage which speeds it along and then uh World Buffs I would highly recommend um that you Boon your DMF buff and and save it for 50 so you can do sunken Temple at 50 if you plan on doing a week one cuz it'll line up really weird to get DMF and have the uh World buff up so um if you're hard especially because it's going to be over in elwind Forest so that Sunday to Monday night you'll be able to go get it the day of but it's kind of a blood bath on a PVE server so if you're hoard I'd recommend only booing DMF and then just click off your spark we have another n Gun planned before the lockout so that's why I have not done that yet but it'll be a really huge thing to do and then the next step is get essential flight paths what do I mean by essential felwood is a great one to go and get you can die and go and get ever look in Winter Spring you can come down here and get Ango and since you're at angor you might as well just get S with this cuz it's an easy run with your Mount to go here and get it um more flight paths over here in the Eastern kingdoms well if you haven't gotten toys obviously get tenis but you probably have if you've played Phase 2 um booty Bay great one to have if grum Gall if you don't have those um if you're Alliance make sure you have Blasted Lands if you're horde make sure you have stonard once again if you played phase two you probably have these um the tricky ones are going to be getting uh car gath and Searing Gorge as well as burning steps but these are all decent flight paths to go get burning steps would be a little hard at 40 but you should definitely go ahead and get sing Gorge flight path at 40 it makes life really easy then you can go ahead and get the hland flight path a really easy way to do this is the AY Highlands uh Rune Quest you just jump off here take the boat and then swim up through the Hinterlands I find that to be a way easier um one if you've gotten that Rune than to have to go all the way through air Peak and then another one that you can do is make you can if you really want to go and get Eastern PL lands but I think that'll be more level 60 content but those are the essential flight paths that you're going to need for phase three then the next tip is to have a profession plan whether or not you're going to level them early if you've been stockpiling resources if you follow my stockpiling guy and you have a bunch of herbs and stuff that you plan on using you can actually since we know the date is is April 4th which is less than 30 days away you can actually go ahead and mail those resources to your characters so I've gone ahead and mailed a bunch of stuff to my druid who is my Alchemist because he will he's going to be the one that I'll either use the herbs on or sell them I showed that in the stockpiling video if you don't know what I'm talking about definitely check out the phase 3 stockpiling video for more information on that but just having your professional plan ready because we can get a lot of the materials to go to at least two 50 right now 250 to 300 depends on the profession but you can definitely get to like 250 off of like mageweave cloth for tailoring and stuff like that so it's just something really important that you make sure you are doing and you can prepare now then finally this could be changing cuz sunken Temple is the um level up raid this patch but make sure that you know what your class Quest is certain classes like a hunter and a priest for example have to go out in like aara and get a bunch of stuff and make sure that they are doing the um like they have to do a few prequests and stuff over in aara and things to make sure that they can get their weapon and item or trinket whatever it is so just make sure you take the time to just read what your class Quest is now it's important to know that class quests could change because it is the level up raid so this is just information that is old and dated possibly at the time of recording we won't know until phase three comes out but class quests are an important thing and they're tied into the level up right now so definitely make sure that you are aware of that but anyway guys that is it for this video These are the final per preparation tips that I can think of if you think I missed anything anything you'd like to add definitely Drop it Down Below in the comments I hope this will help you out a ton but anyway guys I hope you enjoyed the video and until next time I'll see you later have a great day bye-bye if you made it to the end of this video thank you so so much for watching it truly means a lot to me if you happen to find anyone that you know would also benefit from watching this video please please please share it with them it helps me out a ton and allows me to keep doing what I love every single day and that is gaming and sort of helping people any way that I can so finally thank you so much and I hope you have a fantastic day goodbye
Channel: KaghoeGaming
Views: 5,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow classic, season of discovery, classic wow, season of discovery wow, wow classic season of discovery, season of discovery class tier list, season of discovery changes, world of warcraft classic, sod class changes, kaghoe, sod kagho, sod goldmaking, phase, sod, p3, P3 Professions, goods for phase 3, phase 3 stockpiling, three, sod p3 prep, preparation for phase 3, phase 3, preparing for phase 3, 40-50, PHASE 3, p3 prof, p3 items, phase 3 changes, p3 changes i want to see, P3
Id: FstvHD2eHAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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