[Season 4] E19 Crong Goes Number Two | Kids Animation | Pororo the Little Penguin
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Channel: Pororo the Little Penguin
Views: 2,924,433
Rating: 3.6670318 out of 5
Keywords: Pororo, kids, animation, penguin, english, children, baby, kindergarten, 뽀로로, tayo, Pororo the Little Penguin, kids animation, animated short film, show for kids, Nursery Rhymes, Learn English for beginner, video for kids, tayo the little bus, fun kids movie, kids video, toy, animal, animal animation, toddler, animated cartoon, animated shorts, sing along, princess, dinosaur, polar bear, youtube cartoons, free animation, free cartoon
Id: QQV-rRFhwmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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