Searching The Ol' Muddy: Coins And Relics! | Aquachigger

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so are you ready for another adventure today I think we're gonna have fun we want to find some stuff but unfortunately the water is not clear at this location so it's gonna be a little bit of a problem getting good underwater footage but I will try to do do that and I'm gonna promise one thing you heard me say so in the beginning of the video don't say it again at least you won't hear it again okay I'll make sure that all right let's get in the water to see what we can find it working my way downstream and I'm now sitting under the papaya tree and I see my first river treasure haven't even started detecting yet okay it's a bore we should hook do uh something yeah so the hooks are rotted off oh boy head and keep that I've got a special bit well I guess don't need a special bad guys I hope screw it off all right I'm trying to work my way downriver so that would come up keep it as clear as possible you know on the chance that may even get some underwater stuff done oh not in a minute but it's all right now well have good news that have bad news I think we're gonna have relics but I think we're also gonna have cholera by the into the day this is my first uh target was down deep as a beautiful old axe Vlad iron in here I bitches are gonna be a lot of tools today this is awesome what we're gonna have call her here's my next target and then do you know what is let's say yes leg to a stove like an old uh wood stove or maybe a coal stove that's pretty cool yeah we're gonna find a lot of stuff hopefully there'll be some good Civil War stuff mixed in like bayonets and swords and muskets and belt buckles and bullets but so far who just have our iron well hunted around for an hour and whole bunch of kids have come down here and they're swimming now so that's it so well I've been hunting around for about an hour and as a bunch of kids came down here and this woman carrying on so why I said so didn't I sorry well I'm gonna go ahead and move on I've got another spot we can check out I didn't really do really well here I don't although I do want to come back on something a lot of iron but not a good squeak or one but there's so much iron I guarantee the stuff in there you show you real quick what we found you saw the ax lots of big spikes we got down on some type of mechanism there this is a beautiful piece of iron it's cold okay I'll pick those other ones up I'm gonna do something with that one nothing is really cool-looking you tell us hand-forged and just some spikes and that leg and whatnot but and this thing which I kind of thought were oarlocks but maybe they're casters people are saying in my video so that's possibly like whatever what have a wheel attached there and would roll along I'm not positive but what we're gonna do is um we're gonna go maybe head up or downstream a little bit wait a couple hours hit these kids leave they leave we'll come back if not well maybe we'll find a better spot let's go look I moved away upstream and I've been hunting for about an hour and I really haven't found much set the can here I think it's some type of Maddox you know something that digwydd but look how it broken I think that's just amazing really cool piece and melted iron it's not like it's almost like pig iron but it's a lot crueler than pig iron but now I just found some lead any Civil War minie ball look at that and it's dropping it's beautiful know if it's gonna be like a star base or a US base are we just a regular one but anyway this is what we're after we're after Civil War stuff I love iron tools and I'm gonna save every one of those ah this makes my heart go pitter-pat hope what does yours do hopefully is a hundred more right here let's get the machine out listen hold you might be my pick that's iron don't hear anymore all right little bread pan whatever the thing is don't inject that I couldn't literally lost it cuz I use it this point all there didn't retract okay hold up ah nope just pinch my skin I think we have something right here beside my knee right there probably hopefully another boy don't buckle look want your other stuff you know what I think get back here like it's an exact same hole really thick clay here can't really wonder again yeah don't you get the summon your eyes alright hopefully it's not a hot rock now something right here I can feel its heavy another dropped minie ball now I love mini balls don't get me wrong any type of bullet some of you guys say well you know you find so many those things don't you get tired of them no I don't get tired of them but you shouldn't either because when you're finding bullets like this that are drop that means there could be other stuff there there could be felt buckles breastplate so it could be epaulets that could be gold coins that came out of somebody's pocket a soldier was right here and you either pitch this in the water or lost it when he was retreating across the river so this is also this is what was a really good sign I bet you there's gonna be more in this hole right here I wish I could go under but that's new party not enough current in this room alright I'm gonna turn you off guys you were at four minutes and eight seconds on this segment like I'll get some more signals we'll get you back on again this is a really weird horseshoe I mean it's a broken horseshoe but it's not broken into play said I normally see them broken like someone smashes one on purpose for some reason that weird is so much iron I can't I can't get a good signal here hopefully can hear that we'll get you back on okay so I dropped downstream from where I was with I dropped downstream from where I found those couple of bullets because my picks up there somewhere and I wanted to clear up miss dear knows I'm gonna look for it but I got into a little pocket of nails down here and it's just like the cool nail I know they're not that exciting to you but there's so many down there that those are beautiful I mean anything could be hiding oops okay can be hiding in these iron signals like that I would not be surprised if I pull up like a big ol belt buckle or at least maybe a button or something on one of these handfuls of iron hopefully my pick oh I think that's a dirty diaper my pick should be right up in here you see it here somewhere bullets different is it theirs yeah all right I feel much better now so the bullets I was fine I was right in here somewhere so I'm gonna go back to where I was digging those nails the slowly work my way back up I just found a fired minie ball which tells me either they were target practicing or there's a battle nearby maybe all those drop ones I found well oh that's from some guy maybe waiting across the river trying to get away from the missiles of death I'm glad check the hole just in case a lot of times what can happen with firing bullets is you know a soldier might be soldiers might be shooting into a tree yes a target practice or in a big battle it might be lots of bullets in the tree and the tree will get washed down into the river maybe fall over float down and rot away and if there's like 50 bullets in there the they'll fall out into one spot right there so whenever you find a fired bullet even in the river you want to really double-check it hold as many times if I'm more than just one as it could have been in a tree might just be a straight shot but you never know what happen I signal here somewhere okay I had my knee on it there's even the 50 so I don't think it's a bullet and a rock pile unfortunately [Music] there it is it's a shotgun show face that's a face to a maybe you can see it cover with leaves yeah just the base to a shotgun shell and that reads pretty much like a button would read it's like an eagle button or something like that it's a you know brass base not the best fine but not the worst either is it chiggers would be worse what do you think this thing is it's obviously iron I thought it might be a hole but it's definitely I don't think it's a hole any idea let me know if you do weird broken for sure I have no idea what that is alright let's go find it nice horseshoe kind of rock rusted on it but we'll definitely keep that one beauty and digging a lot of mushed up cans too unfortunately yeah this isn't the same hole I was in for sure all right whatever it is is in here now I don't know it's iron or non iron because right here no I okay it's a bullet this is a modern shotgun slug like a 20 gauge it's a big hunk of lead you see it's got these weird little lines on the sides that's like full rifling to help it spin one out the barrel of the smoothbore shotgun Martin shotgun hmm oh well where's the squeaker anyway not a good squeaker you're all the iron too though somewhere in this iron yeah it was my pen water there it's an ear though I heard it right there let me grab it real quick so much other iron in there here we go pretty deep I can't hear it with the pinpointer here we go starting to hear it now I'm starting to feel it buzzing oh crap lot of rocks now I don't know for sure I'm in a signal we heard what the metal detectors definitely not iron but what I'm chasing now Mike could be a nail [Music] I lost it again here we go I think the car took you away I have something in my hand I don't know if it's the squeaker target or not but we'll find out together see it no I see a nail have a nail that's what I was hearing with you know the pinpointer but there was a squeaker down there for sure I'm gonna go in turn you off until we get until I get it out this week er that is and we'll get a really good signal okay I see I haven't got the squeaker down here now and it's just really really good high squeak I want to go ahead and dig it together honey no waters reading on the meter but that's not a bullet squeak hopefully we'll get it pretty quick oh I don't know if it's a modern coin or ah might be a button that yeah what do you think I think it's a button or a coin I think that's gonna be a coin of some sort pretty small might be half penny half cent see a little bit of a design on let me clean it up a little bit oh yeah that's definitely yeah let me get the camera wanted to show this to you I'll get a better picture but it's definitely a half cent you see the Liberty head there I'm not sure kind yet I think that's gonna be like pretty early 1700s or early early 1800s before we're done I'll go ahead and get a nice close-up with the other camera for you so you can see what it is but yeah sweet man away from where I got that corn I got another signal not quite as nice but it's definitely I mean it's not ironed so but will they get together maybe back here you cutter what is it together no beeper off no that's an iron ring right there that could be what we were hearing sound really really good but I'm not convinced it was so let's go back and check it again there's so much iron in here feel a hole or get that coin right there all right I mean if you're watching I'm going turn you off it's kind of a weird signal here so it's a good signal but it's kind of jumpy bump I mean you can find at the end kind of it's I don't think it's a bullet here might be 2 2 or something here but it's um it's on some nice hard clay so I think it's pretty easy to get to come back here Justin I moved it moved it's a weird it's a weird thing it's not [Music] alright looks like a modern penny though what do you think not say that is an Indian Head Penny I'll make sure you get a nice close-up of it yeah it's a nice little Indian head I'll get you close up with the other camera after a bit oh cool man I just dug a little small caliber musket ball or a pistol shot looks pretty old and I'm finding ROS head nails - that's a rose head nail it's a hand forged nail well probably from the 1700s early 1800s that's nice right there but yeah a little baby musket ball I like it cuz broom work on you can see it right there that's probably a field cast another nice high squeaker here it's big it sounds good doesn't it hopefully it's not a can hopefully it's a big old giant piece of silver I had in my hand whatever was which isn't a good sign cause it's really shallow wasn't very No whatever it is this in there well that's a bullet that was really a high squeak for a bullet though look at that that's a fired minie ball thing you see it's really deformed so it hit pretty hard and it wasn't shot from like five miles away and well wouldn't travel five miles anyway but it'll hit pretty close and I don't think I hit the water either I think I might hit a tree and wash down here like I was telling you all right I'll check the hole went for something else in there I'll show it to you another pretty high squeaker here I like this spot because it's nothing's really deep it's really not that much junk I mean it's iron but there's not like a lot of soda cans or anything like that I think I got it put together oh you see wash it off with some nail there we go see it now well that's not a good sign is it I probably dropped it winds blowing the boat yep it's a bullet what we're not working there it is okay see it right there did you see it before I did another high squeaker hit hard I'm telling you that get wasn't a tree pretty close to the other one I follow just dug a beautiful mini ball made into us fishing weight you know a sinker hitting that nice you see their rings on it you see the base and the hole in the top although it's not poked all the way through cuz it's full of mud I love these things I'm calling one of these in a while a boy I have now though I'm still digging stuff I'm getting a lot of split shot and things a little modern split shot and other pieces of lead that were probably waste but you should tug it's really weird bullet look at that that's a fired Civil War bullet that's like turned inside-out almost you can see where it's mushed on that side that's the base I believe that little hole right there I'll get you close up with that one too after a bit it looks like looks like Casper it's a Casper bullet or something on it a Casper the Friendly Ghost Casper the Friendly bullet I don't think you too many friendly bullets are there you I've been hunting around for about a half an hour so finding a lot of junk did just find another bullet and that was like not hardly even buried in the mud but there's a lot of aluminum you know pieces of doors and stuff and kind of sorry I said that I wasn't finding much junker here cuz this is a lot now tiny bullet here probably modern though oh I'm so bored another 15 20 minutes and then we won't have to hit the road cuz I got stuff to do this evening at home with her wife so I move our foot away from my phone that fired bullet probably another fired one oh yeah look at that one now that one is a hard mush when it was fired it hit something pretty close had lost energy and it really mushroomed hopefully it wasn't a person but you never know I just dug another fired bullet nice hard Marsh found a I guess this is like a little hammer or something it would add a handle here where that thing was like destroyed somehow Lord a force to do that yeah and look at this big old chunk of melted iron that's kind of weird to find out here isn't it anyway I got a good signal let's listen to it right here alright dear almost can get you under but not quite just a little bit more current upriver a little bit and sound a bit won't current to yourself so [Music] all right so whatever it is is in here I'm gonna break it apart gonna feel it's right there I think it's a bullet we feel it with my thumb yeah I think it's a drop bullet finally it's another one of those cleaners can you see it sure you can Oh yep a big old Williams cleaner bullet drop so hopefully there's a whole bunch hopefully there's a thousand more right here in this hole let's listen together are you ready nope nice hard clay does nothing's gonna be deeper in here there's something right there almost have enough for you getting on Ethier yeah do you yeah you do hey what I'm gonna go ahead and put you under I'm gonna go ahead and put you under you need to hold your breath at least once today all right she'd be right down here hey hey here we go boys are gonna cloud it up okay let's go under let's go get her [Music] that is another round ball with a screw on it so it's either like a pistol bullet or a small caliber musket ball see if there's any more down there listen Shh I'm really surprised only that one cleaner bullet here no it's just chunk all right I'm gonna put you away for a minute and find some more targets for you Wow but we really do have to go sounds like a good one doesn't it I bet it's a bullet I can't look at the number though all right take the two piles kind of mush I think it's right there no that's not it Oh what is it see it mmm now let's find one more good thing and then we're going to go I promise you we'll go this time oh I did want to show you these things I'm kind of cool I'm finding a couple of these they're like little pieces little strips of red that they've wrapped up probably had fishing line through them at one time and they could be really old probably not really new but yeah all right one more great target that we're gonna go I don't know if you can see it but this is actually a beaver hole that goes up underneath those roots you can see it's all dished out like that at least I can see it from up here and there's a signal and the dirt that he's pushed out so hopefully he's a good beaver he left us a gold coin he's giving us a gold coin there it is right there Oh mountain by just taking it a coal cool he wants his gold all right in here this is our last target of the day I promise I don't feel like I'm gonna take about half of it what half of it there it is it's a good Beaver surround ball mr. beaver or mrs. beaver left us another little round ball probably Doug get out of the bank up in there that's pretty cool innit all right well let's check the hole just make sure I didn't take it the whole nest of them there's some more stuff iron probably alright so I'm gonna go ahead and pack it up because I want to get home I think we did really well today I mean got it someone like really old coin in another pretty old coin gotta get more on me while I can she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain and you're like it mother earth has no sympathy
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 51,415
Rating: 4.9493179 out of 5
Keywords: aquachigger, beau ouimette, metal detecting, serious metal detecting, metal detecting supplies, at max, at pro, metal detecting finds, treasure hunter, treasure hunting, river hunting, metal detector, civil war, metal detecting tips, river treasure, coin shooting, relic hunting, metal detectors, treasure hunt, finding stuff in the river, old coins, indian head, river finds, garrett metal detectors, garrett pro-pointer, magnet fishing, aqua chigger
Id: x5t976M2tNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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