Searching In An Overhead Environment

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thank you absolutely yeah you found it yeah i did how thankful we are to hand it to him does it still work yep it's still working thank you so much tessa awesome thank you [Music] so [Music] what's up guys it's brian again from lake hickory scuba marina and if you are new to our channel do me a huge favor make sure you click this little subscribe button over here and ding that little bell as well that way you guys will be notified every time we upload new content and we got another search and recovery video coming today we're headed out to look for a guy's lost iphone but i got a new videographer with us i've got my oldest daughter tessa here with us say hey tessa hi and so she's going to be filming everything on land for us and of course i'll be filming underwater for you now a couple of things that i want to get across in this video is first of all i'm going to be doing this solo so a solo diver situation i wouldn't encourage anyone to go out here and do these searches solo unless you have the proper training number two there's going to be quite a few entanglement hazards not only am i going to be up underneath the dock looking for the cell phone i'm also going to be up underneath the boat lift itself so i've got the dog and i got the boat lift to contend with and it is going to create some entanglement hazards but with that being said i'm going to show you some tips and tricks that i use to not only make this dive more successful but also a lot safer as well we've got a couple more miles to get down the road here then we're going to jump into the water and hopefully have a safe and successful search hey you matt yeah hey man nice to see you lost yep that's what we got here all right [Music] awesome thanks let me get some gear and we'll get going [Music] all right guys here you can see i'm getting ready for the dive and i'm still talking to the owner here just to make sure he understands everything that i'm going to be doing now i do a ton of search and recovery diving that is solo diving so always make sure i file a good dive plan i'll let my business partner which is my dad know where i'm at i'll text my wife let her know where i'm at and i kind of give them my dive plan what i think is going to be the depth that i'm going to be at how long i'm going to be searching now my daughter is filming for me today and she's got a cell phone obviously she can dial 9-1-1 but i still want to follow that dive plan anytime i'm doing any type of solo diving i want to make sure all my gear is in good working order i want to make sure i don't have any type of entanglement hazards one thing that you'll notice is i've got a short tank i'm only using a 63 cubic foot tank you wouldn't think that's something that you would want to use during a solo diving operation and typically i wouldn't be using a 63 however where i'm going to be diving at it's very very close quarters i'm not going to have a lot of room to actually operate if i got this big bulky tank or doubles or side mount or something like that so i'm using it you'll notice all my hoses are nicely and kind of routed even my dry suit hose which i leave on this particular reg all the time i've got it secured in behind the cam straps of the tank so i've got everything nice and secure there's really no type of entanglement hazards that can cause any problems for me underwater i'm also going to be setting a reference line but you guys have seen me do this in plenty of videos so here i'm going to be dropping a reference line straight down this is going to do a couple things one it's going to allow me to easily navigate the area that i'm at it's also going to keep me in the area that i need to be searching anyway so as i descend down to that i know it's going to be general the object i'm looking for is going to be in that general area one thing i'm not going to be doing though is jumping in right there i need to find a safe place to get in and what i've decided to do here because this is a new part of the lake i'm not used to is to do a controlled seated entry versus a giant stride or a roll back or something like that because i don't know what's directly underneath this dock i could very easily jump on something break my leg or something like that so i'm just going to do a slow controlled seated entry making sure everything's nice and good and i don't injure myself in any ways but i'm going to swim over to the main search area i will descend down about three or four feet and then swim over into the line just because it's such tight quarters there i can't actually get up in there until i'm down underneath the boat and the boat lift itself so you'll see me i'll actually descend down and then i'll you'll see my bubbles kind of go forward up towards the reference line and that's where the underwater footage of this video will actually kick into play so here i'm descending down i'm actually just going to keep my hand on the cylinder what we call hard seal in there until i get over to the reference line or my down line and so i'm swimming i've actually got one hand up above me right now and there's my reference point on my reference line i'm going to drop down on it i'm going to get to the bottom make sure i go slow make sure i remain neutrally buoyant because i don't want to hit the bottom and also just stir everything up so i'm going to remain neutrally buoyant here i'm going to give it just a really quick quick look over just see if the phone's there but i'm also looking for any type of debris or anything on the bottom that would prevent me from doing say a circle search or anything like that and right off the bat i can tell there's really not that much debris there there's not much very light because i've got that hard ceiling above me and there's hardly any ambient light coming through so i'm really going to have to rely on my flashlight when i do searches like this i personally prefer a thousand loom lot because i don't think it's um too powerful enough that i'm gonna have a bunch of backscatter coming back and blinding me when it hits the bottom but i also think it's just powerful enough to really cut through some of the muck that i'm looking through right here uh the search pattern that i've decided to use i am on a slight incline but the the area i'm searching is not big enough to really uh worry about my no decompression profile if you will so i'm actually going to be doing a circle search but unlike a typical circle search would i would have a pivot point and i'd be going around using a rope or a line or some type of string i'm actually going to be using my finger so i'm going to start my circle search on just a five foot circle i'm literally just going to put my finger down in the muck and while i'm neutrally going i'm just going to spin around my finger and i'm going to keep that reference point right there with me or that down line so that i always know where i'm at and then once i've completed that instead of having my finger here in front of me in the muck i'm going to actually extend my hand out stick my finger in and that's going to extend my search say another three or four foot based off this visibility three or four foot's about all i really want to stand out i wouldn't want to go much more than that um but i've already made one complete circle here i'm actually on my second pass and typically i would say go slow when you do searches like this i do it pretty much every day every week so i'm used to it especially in the depths i'm not very deep and then as you can see there i come across the phone very easily one thing that we also rely on is what's called the drop radius and so basically an object let's say i drop this object here as it goes down it can go straight down but it can also go the equal amount of distance away is what the depth is so here in say 12 foot of water looking for this phone that phone could have been anywhere 12 foot away from that down line itself so i know my search area is not more than about 12 foot well if i'm 5 foot 7 that's basically a complete arm span and a little bit extra so my search pattern wasn't really going to be that big but here as i come up you'll see that i did start up that reference line but as soon as i get a little bit of ambient light i'm going to move out around it just so i don't hit the overhead there you found it yeah i did how thankful we are hand it to him does it still work yep it's still working thank you so much tessa awesome thank you job well done you're still working back yeah that's probably the first time you've ever had to go get a phone isn't it today first time today but not the first time this week were you wearing a wetsuit yep oh that's awesome brian thank you oh you're welcome all right guys as you can see we had a very very successful search was able to find the cell phone in practically no time at all guys i hope the tips and tricks that i showed you in this video help you out in the future as a search and recovery diver and if you are doing the solo please do us safely make sure that you got all your gear in the right place make sure you're making appropriate entries so that you don't jump on something that you shouldn't be um but guys if you did like the video give me a huge thumbs up as a matter of fact if you think tessa did a great job filming for me today give me a huge thumbs up and definitely share this video as well because i really do hope you enjoyed the video if you got any questions please put it down in the comment section below i'll try to answer questions the best i can because as always make sure you follow us on instagram and twitter like us on facebook pin us on pinterest subscribe to us here on youtube and as always guys we appreciate your business
Channel: LakeHickoryScuba
Views: 1,710
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Searching In An Overhead Environment, Searching Underwater For A Cell Phone, Lost IPhone Underwater, Scuba Diving In An Overhead Environment, Cave and Cavern Diving, Lake Hickory Scuba Center And Marina, Instructor Trainer Bryan Stafford
Id: AE0xQ8o4Vu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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