Searching For The UK's Rarest Owl

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] evening Fox well welcome back to another film and drinking a little bit special tonight we're on the lookout for the long eight hours now this is some something I have never photographed I've never photographed them before one get out so it's a like I said it's so much special for me this as I said in that not the last film the one about permissions it's always good to have a group of you you know you can share knowledge you can share locations and that's how I've managed to get on this one um a metamine he uh he knew about it from someone else and he's passed it on you know it's been good enough to pass the information on so I've come down here um it's the second time I've been down I came down the other night managed to get some nice shots I'll explain there what I was using but tonight I've just come down brought the 300 down I want to try and get a few um I want to try and get a few flight Shots tonight luckily um the other night I came down with the with the 500. because there's quite a lot of youngsters knocking about and they're on the branches and that's all I actually brought a secret weapon with me and I'll show you a good mates around Neil he lent at me and elongate owls are notoriously difficult to find they're so well camouflaged anyway he lent me this this is a pull shot thermal imaging scope and it's an absolute game changer for this kind of thing so easy to spot them um managed to spot a few few youngsters so like I said I came down with the 500 F4 more for keeping a distance really it's it's easy when you spot them in order to start going too close and you don't want to do that you don't want to disturb them so I had the uh add the 1.4 Extender on and 500 mil and it meant I could I could keep back you didn't even know I were there to be honest so I got you know nice bit of footage of them um we'll put that on after but um yeah the setup tonight I'm open to you know again have a look around see if there's any knocking about just wait till the calling wait till the younger calling then hopefully we might get the adults coming in we feed I've seen them coming in off the uh off the Moorland uh the other night managed to get a you know a couple of shots a couple of uh off decent backlit ones which were nice but tonight it'd be good to uh to see if we could get some you know some better ones let's put it that way and it was going a little bit dark so hence I've got the uh the 3028 I could always go into crop factor with it you know and I've also got the extender if we need it but um yeah that's that's the idea plenty of light gathering with the with the 2.8 so we'll we'll see how that goes but I think for now I want to get some concealment on just have a sit down really have a sit down just watch what's going on it's uh it's only up past seven now so we have a couple of hours at least before um before it kind of kicks off I would imagine so let's get some uh let's get covered up and see what we can get simple camo set up tonight nothing to elaborate bit of a snowed there cover the neck up 3D camera jacket on probably don't need it to be honest but it just helps to just breaks that little bit of a silhouette up quite a big consideration is that one of the principles of concealment I'm not sure what they all are to be honest but I know you've got a shape shine silhouette spacing some others I'm not sure to be honest but I know that's the military military ones but um yeah you can break that silhouette up you don't do any amp to put it on and then you don't need that on but we've got smell a clover and gloves and lucky gloves on foreign that just gives you that edge camera wise I've got this track a pound Gilly leg sleeves on I'll be honest I'll never take these off they're just on all the time and I've got them snagged up hang on there we go there you go there on there and I've got me Gilly lens cover again probably don't need it but it just doesn't do any iron to put it on foreign quick and so effective I blocked me I brought me understory blanket and I'm here model using that tonight it's got more than enough camera on there so like I said the the idea tonight it's gonna have a little bit of a mooch round set the scope if we see anything it's going to back off watch it from a distance hopefully they'll start calling and then even maybe the adults will come in if they don't they don't but I'm just gonna back off I'm not getting close to them at all it's a lovely evening be really nice to get some backlit shots later but who knows who knows what we're gonna get [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you literally two two long get old chicks just flown in right in front of me [Music] well wow warm superb what a result I just managed to get two two youngsters sat together but never even knew I were there this this camel really played a part in that just backed off managed to get some nice footage got some very similar footage the other night but let's just dropping a bit now so I'm gonna go out onto the uh onto moorooland see if we can get any flight shots if I do I'll I'll put that footage on but who knows but that's a proper success two trips and two good night's photography and especially a new subject as well oh brilliant absolutely super what an amazing bird these are they their eyes are so pacing that you know I mean shorty those are the same you know with them yellowy eyes but uh the orange on these is something else so that's it for this one guys thanks very much for watching I want to show you a big shout out to all those people that came to see me at the bird fair at the weekend so we went down to the the global bird fur down at orcum the year near near Rutland it was it was wet to say the least it was I've Not Seen Rain like it and it were a bit uh honestly straightened this camera up on my Orbit place here and got there we go that's better yeah um they were lifting the the Marquis they're having Tamara him down again the second night I got back and it'll blow me tent down so yeah we're an eventful eventful few days but fantastic like I said we're working on Dragon stand but there were loads of people came down and you know bobbed into the stall and said hello um bumped into Mike Lynn had a chat with Tom Mason but the Highlight for me for the weekend was a little fella called autis Williams I said I'd give you a shout out mate so he came down with his uh dad and his brother I think it was and he didn't he didn't know I was going to be there but he watches the channel and he painted me this way drawn this fantastic picture of a bar now I'll put it on and uh you know we had we had a chat and showed him some pictures on the camera and it was brilliant but just fantastic to see you know youngsters getting getting involved and having a Passion because he said he wanted to be a conservationist an artist and a photographer and I thought that's that that was me years and years ago but brilliant you know just you know and if you if you've got relative if your brothers sisters nieces nephews you know cousins that that just show an interest take them out with you and it can it can just spark that little that little flame in them and you know they it's something that can lead to you know fantastic things and it was brilliant they made my weekend did that so nice one artist thanks very much pal that's it for this one um with a few uh a few Adventures to come I'm not going to spoil it for you so you'll have to tune into the next one but give it a thumbs up if you've liked it and we'll see you on the next one catch you later [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Simon Eardley
Views: 19,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildlife photography, long-eared owl, thermal camera, thermal camera photography, simon eardley, simon eardley photography, british wildlife, wildlife documentary, wildlife photography for beginners, wildlife photography camera, long eared owl photography, wildlife photography gear, wildlife photography documentary, wildlife photography lenses, wildlife photography course, british wildlife documentary, long-eared owl baby, thermal camera review, long-eared owl in flight
Id: C924cs23WWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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