Searching for an underground water leak

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hey guys today we got another plumbing video for everybody the trolls love those so let's get started this probably isn't the best day to do this but we have much choice and it's rained a bunch here you'll notice the yards wet but it's been especially wet in this one area I don't think you see this plus I've noticed in the last couple months our water bills gone up so what I suspect is that we have a hole in our waterline or break or crack something and the water lines feed in the house because it is right behind that tree where it enters a house y'all watch one of my earlier videos when I put the clean-out in you can see the clean-out in this white cap over here I cut through the water line that is pretty much a 90 degree shot right to the house so pretty much right under that tree and the meters over there so it turns somewhere so I'm gonna try to figure out where it is exactly so I have a piece of actually TIG welding rod cut this roughly in half see how roughly we got ya that's within half an inch okay so now going to bend them and go by right there we'll see if this works hold them lightly in your hand and the idea is you walk and walk over a line they'll come together and that'll be where the line is you don't you got to just hold them loose in your hand don't squeeze them or anything just let them pivot right there kind of hold them parallel the ground let's see if you can see this I did not turn those so they're turning right here and as you walk away they'll go back straight just as I thought we'll start digging just try it out right here know if you can see that there's water pouring in that fast based on all that I'm gonna go make preparations to rapidly turn off the water at the meter you get some tools together for that just in case all right it is still gushing and I have not found it so I'm going to see if I can find the line at all I'm going to pick a spot right about here where there's no real vegetation I'm going to dig down right here I think I'm also gonna rig up something shut the water off easier [Music] it's clearly still gushing right there both holes are filled up just just to make sure I'm not crazy make sure we can shut this water off all right let's turn 90 degrees I should be off [Music] saga continues I'm gonna leave the water off for a while and starting to rain my battery's about to die so we'll come back to this so what's the next day if you can see that but water is still coming up through the ground so water still running but the level in the meter box is subsided and now we can actually see the meter water is not flowing and there's the shut-off so we've been with that shut off yesterday water was still flowing out of there and it's flowing now but it was flowing through the meter that little blue wheel would be turning so apparently we have like some sort of artesian well in our front yard which is like the highest point in neighborhood makes no sense so anyway now that I've trashed my yard and you put all this back together because we're supposed to get an inch of rain today and one more thing I didn't show was I had to modify my wrench a little bit because it's spread open that valve is really hard to turn so he's well a little bit to the side anyway thanks for watching subscribe and see you next time
Channel: Bryan's Projects
Views: 270,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: water main leak, dowsing rods, church key, water meter stut off, natural spring
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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