Searchable Drop Down List in Excel (Very Easy with FILTER Function)

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Can Excel have a searchable data validation list? This is one of the common questions I get on this channel. So here I have a data validation list. When I click on it, I get the list of all customers. To find one, I have to scroll and find the name. Now here comes the part of it being searchable. If I type in GAR and I click on this, I get the list of names that only include GAR. And notice that it doesn't have to be at the beginning of the name, it can be anywhere in the name. If I type in Rob and click on the down arrow, I get a list of names that include the word: Rob. And if I remove that, click on this, I go back to the full list. Now, if you look for this online, you're going to find a few VBA solutions. I also cover a VBA version which uses user forms inside my VBA course. But how about doing this without VBA? Until now, you needed complex formulas and complex data preparation to set it up. You pretty much had to be a very advanced Excel user. But not any more. (uptempo music) Let me show you how you can easily set it up with dynamic arrays. But please note that dynamic arrays are available in Office 365 for now in the Insider Edition, but soon for everyone using Office 365. Let's get to it. So this is where I wanna have my searchable dropdown list. Once the user searches for the customer, they select a customer name, they automatically get the company the customer works for. The list for my master data is inside the master data tab. We can see customer and company here. This list is not an official Excel table yet, but I'm gonna turn it into an official Excel table towards the end, so that every time we add in new customers our searchable data validation list is gonna include that customer name as well without us having to do anything. Ultimately, what I want to do is to have my list here, but somehow I need to create a separate list somewhere that restricts the names to the names that include the words I type in here. So when I type in GAR, I need somewhere a list generated of names that only include GAR. Now currently, dynamic arrays works well with names. So names in name manager, but data validation lists don't work with names that have dynamic array formulas in them, right, so I have to create a data preparation table for that, and I'm gonna do it right here. So any time the user types in GAR in here, I want my data preparation table to give me a list of customers that include GAR. One formula that helps us identify which names have a GAR included in them is the SEARCH formula. So let me just demonstrate this. Instead of switching back and forth from the report tab to the master data tab, I'm just gonna act like my input field is right here, so I'm gonna be typing in GAR and right here, I'm gonna see a list of customers that include GAR, but let's see how this search function can help us with that. Search needs these arguments. First argument is what text we're looking for, so that's what we're gonna be typing in. Where are we looking it up? We're going to be looking it up here. Actually, it's gonna be the full list, but let me just show you what SEARCH actually returns. The last argument is optional, it's where do we want it to start looking, like which position. Well, in this case, we'll always want it to start to look for that name from the beginning. Right from position one, so I can leave that empty. So what do I get here? I get a number back, and the number is the position of this name in here. So if I switch this to M, what do you think I'm gonna get? Six; because M is the sixth position in this name. And if I switch this to a letter that's not in the name, I get an error, right? So basically, I get either a number, if it's in there, or an error if it's not in there. Now let me just apply this to the full range here, and this is where we can see the advantage of a new dynamic-array-aware Excel. So instead of looking for this in A2, I'm going to look for it in the entire range, so control-shift down, and then I'm going to press enter. And my formula spills. So it gives me all errors, because all of these don't have V in there; this one does, and that's in the fourth position, and the rest don't either. So if I switch this to Rob now, we can see numbers and errors, so what I wanna do is to convert these numbers and errors to true and falses. So if it has a number, it should be a true, and if it doesn't have a number, it should be a false. So I can use the IsNumber function here. And just wrap this up in there, press enter, now I get my false and true values in here. So now we can move on to the next function that can filter this list and just give us the TRUEs back. And a great formula for that is a new dynamic array formula called the FILTER function. We need to define the array that we want filtered, so basically, what do we want to see back here? We want to see a list of customer names, so control-shift down to select the whole range. The next argument is: what do we want included? And we already have our true and false values here. So filter is just gonna include the true values in here. And the last argument is: what do we want it to show if it's empty, so if it doesn't find anything? I'm just gonna put: not found. Okay, so when we type in Rob, we get the list of names that include the word Rob. If I type in V, I just get one, and if I type in something that's not there, I get: not found. Okay, so that works well. It's just that we're not gonna be typing here. I'm actually just gonna call this: data validation prep. But instead, I'm going to change that reference to search in here (Report tab). So in that cell, I had GAR, and I get my data validation preparation list, showing me the names that include GAR. Notice that my customer list here is a list of unique values. If yours isn't unique, so if you have Robert Spear mentioned a few times, you wanna get the unique list back, all you have to do is wrap this up, inside the unique function. But in my case, I don't need to do it, because I have a list of unique values here. But also if I wanted this to be sorted, I can also wrap this up inside the sort function. Okay, so actually, let's do that. Now as a next step, all I have to do is to get my drop down in here, so I'm gonna go to data, data validation, under settings, I'm gonna select list, for source, we're gonna go to master data, we're gonna click on the first cell that has our main formula, and we want our entire spill array, so the entire spill range, I need to put a hashtag (#) in there and I say: okay. So when I click this, I get the list of names that include GAR. Now, there is one setting we need to change, because if I type in something new and I click this, I get an error telling me this value doesn't match the data validation restrictions defined for this cell, right, because it doesn't find Rob in that list. So I'm gonna click on cancel and go back to data validation. Under error alert, I need to take away the check mark. Show error alert after invalid data is entered. And I say: okay. So now if I type in Rob and I click on this, there's no alert. My data preparation list updates. So does my data validation list. Now the aim is also to get the company that this person works for; now here you can use VLOOKUP, you can use INDEX and MATCH, but since FILTER is one of my favorite formulas right now, I'm gonna use that. So our array is company, right, because that's what we want to get back. What we want included is the customer that equals the customer that we select right here, and as the last argument, if it's empty, I'm just gonna put: nothing (""). Close and enter. Now if I'm just typing something in like M, and I click here, notice that it doesn't return anything. Right, because I said if it doesn't find it, it should show nothing. And then once I click something, then it shows the company. Now if I look for something that's not on the list, I also get nothing, and when I click on this, it just says, okay, Leila's not found. Now, let's go to the part where we can add in new customers and get our list to automatically update, without us having to do anything. So we're going to take advantage of Excel table functionality. So all I have to do is turn this data set into an official Excel table, so you just click anywhere inside and press control-T. My table does have headers. Just click on okay, and just gonna go and clear the design. And call this table: customer. And press enter. I don't really have to do anything anymore. All I have to do is just go and add in my names. And let's go to my report, type in Leila, and click on this and I get Leila Gharani. And this formula updates automatically as well, because it understands that the source data has changed into an official table, so it expands the formula range as well. Now I know it can be frustrating if you don't have dynamic arrays, but if you have Office 365, it's coming. And if you're excited to get dynamic arrays, click that like button. Once they're there, you're gonna be one of the first to know how to create searchable dropdown lists, without VBA. I'll keep you updated, so if you're not subscribed to this channel, consider subscribing. (uptempo music)
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 1,267,855
Rating: 4.9517746 out of 5
Keywords: searchable drop down list in excel, search within dropdown list, dropdown in excel, searchable, excel data validation list, excel searchable list no vba, excel dynamic drop down, excel dynamic array, Dynamic arrays, Excel Tutorials, excel search function, isnumber, Excel SORT function, Leila Gharani, Excel 2016, Advanced Excel tricks, Excel online course, Excel tips and tricks, Excel for analysts, XelplusVis, excel filter function, Microsoft Excel, Office 365, New Excel
Id: Z-h2UER3b_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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