Search Me, O God

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[Music] search me oh god know my heart today try me and [Music] that is search me today i am here right by your side unfailing love for you hold onto my word [Music] never is or forsake you the lord is [Music] her eyes [Music] i am [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] aloha we hope you're blessed by the message of this special song a song that was inspired by the ancient prayer of king david a prayer that has deep relevance for us today you see today we live in a world that is divided whose favorite sport is the blame game human beings have become experts in discerning the faults and failures of others we sit back with keyboard courage and throw accusations at each other typing things that we normally wouldn't say in person why because it's far easier to hide behind a screen than it is to stand in front of a mirror it is far easier to throw stones than it is to build bridges but today the lord of love is calling us to stop focusing on the problems without and start examining the heart issues within to take inventory of our own lives and personal responsibility for our own choices the message of the song directs our thoughts to the omniscient god the one whose eyes run to and fro throughout the earth the one who sees what happens behind closed doors and knows what goes on in the dark he knows our deepest thoughts and is acquainted with our most intimate feelings he reads our lives like an open book and he knew us even from our mother's womb he knows the deepest the darkest and the dirtiest secrets of our lives and yet though he knows all of this his thoughts toward us are still thoughts of infinite love more in number than the sand of the scene as i walk upon the hawaiian seashore today and look upon the innumerable grains of sand i cannot help but be overwhelmed by the extravagant love of god for someone like me it is absolutely mind-blowing to realize that despite my failures and my foolishness that jesus still thought enough about me to hang on calvary's cross to take away my sin that despite the pain i caused him he still desires a forever friendship with me and my friend the same is true for you today the one that knows you the very best is the one that loves you the very most you are fully known and fully loved by him and there's nothing that you've done or ever can do to change the way that god feels about you and when you come to see the truth of this reality it gives you the confidence to look deeper within your own sempluded heart knowing that there is nothing there that is too filthy for the blood of jesus to cleanse nothing there that is too corrupt and crooked for the holy spirit to straighten out and that's why the psalmist instead of looking outwardly he looked inward and he prayed search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting when you're confident in god's unfailing love for you you will then have the boldness to confront all the inward issues that are holding you back in life you will cease to play the blame game and you will forsake the victim mentality you will no longer hide behind the filters of self-righteousness and the mass of pseudomoralism you allow the lord of love to purge your sin and cover you with genuine righteousness that will enable you to fight the good fight of faith with jesus test it try and purify enduring to the end that we all might be saved glory to his holy name so go ahead and take a deeper look beyond the outward symptoms of polarizing politics confusing conspiracies and one-sided news narratives let god take you to the heart of the issue the real place where lasting change is found and as you do know that god is here right by your side he is unfailing love for you hold on to his word for his word is not like the empty political promises made every four years god's word is true he will never leave nor forsake you now as we trust in him he will lead us through the chaos and into the promised land together and when we all get to heaven there will be no left or right but only those whose lives are centered in the one that cleanses us with the red of his precious blood and covers us with the blue of his righteous law that we might stand as his royal purple people children of the heavenly king there to dwell in the kingdom of glory forever and by god's grace will meet you in that royal kingdom of god you
Channel: Jacqueline Jewel
Views: 2,102
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: lAG5K8dmcqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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