Search Engines are Totally Useless Now...

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Reddit is a terrible site and the people who use it are really terrible...

This guy will probably get banned by any reddit mod even before he can make any posts

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/baconsnotworthit 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

He does have a point - although it is unlikely search engines will go away. For product reviews I do tend to go to specialized review sites that I trust. For example When I was looking for a new vehicle several years ago I found it fascinating that whole webpages appeared to be auto generated in response to my searches. You could tell they were bot created - but they were pretty impressive all the same.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ecohousing 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Google is still pretty much the best one out there if you dont mind it collecting your info.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thisusernameis4ever 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Yep.. the internet became shit the moment any nonce that bought a phone got access to it.

This is also when reddit began its terrible slide into the toxic intellectually retarded loud mouth echo chamber it is now.

Go back 12 years in reddit, the discussions etc, I have no doubt current reddit would believe reddit was "ALT RIGHT TERRORISTS"..

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/a-orzie 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why does google totally suck now for search? Lol

Oh, i have to lengthen my comment here to please mods. Nice.

Advanced search on google is also terrible now. I have a hard time finding the same stuff ive found before. Because its all ads or something from 2 months ago, even when im searching for old info.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Complic8 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
i've been thinking about the abysmal state of the modern internet nowadays and something came to me and this is going to be a bold prediction very bold prediction i think that within the next couple years and this has sort of already started to happen i don't think people have noticed it but in the next couple of years search engines will become basically obsolete okay this is really already happening it's probably just happening under everyone's noses but search engines they're pointless at this point like circs whatever everything uh all these search engines are becoming more and more useless now back in the day why do i say that all of us use search engines every single day so that's a bold claim for me to say but back in the day search engines were you know put brought to existence they were invented for you to find websites you need to find information a search engine will help you do that you need to find this that or the other the other a search engine uh you know will lead you to new sites things you haven't seen stuff like that but the thing is if you go to a search engine nowadays go to google and search something you will not find new sites here's what you find there are basically three things that appear on a modern search engine result and this is partially by choice this is partially what google and other companies have deliberately chosen to put first in uh responses but some of it is just people playing the search engine game they're playing seo you know search engine optimization and stuff like that there are basically three things you get firstly um the top results are always going to be stupid sites that you could search individually like big sites like uh facebook like reddit like twitter none of which should really be indexed by google that might sound like a weird thing but it's totally pointless to have facebook results on google when most people in the world who don't have facebook's are going to click on those things and not going to be able to access the content oh it's private oh we'll show you like five seconds of it and then we're gonna like bring up this menu that tells you to like you know undo your ad blocker and become a member or something like that so search engines nowadays firstly they're indexing just a couple of sites that everyone like already knows and the results to most search engine searches whether you're looking for something in real life or some kind of event or whatever you're just gonna get like the same three or four sites over and over again uh the worst offender here is definitely reddit uh reddit is a terrible site the people who use it are really terrible and they're getting worse and worse and the worst thing is reddit is like every search result now like this obscure site that bit like such a miniscule portion of the world i mean it's a big site but like in the grand scheme of things very few people have reddit accounts and it's the most frustrating site to navigate it is the most poorly written site you to like go through a thread on reddit it's just impossible but what has happened is all the other forms that you used to be able to search you no longer get those results you will get results that is what google is doing nowadays you will just get big social media sites so that's one thing you see thing number two is sites that have no organic popularity but google and other search engines deliberately decide oh let's prop the site up now google has done this explicitly they do stuff like oh well you know if we actually are honest speaking over the past 10 years um there have been a bunch of mainstream sites that were fading in importance and they've regained importance on the internet because sites like google have now deliberately said we are going to be you know propagating these sites putting them uh you know on the front page of the internet because we don't oh my goodness we don't want people have disinformation we want people to get their stuff straight from cnn we don't want anything else so on the front page of google you have social media sites that you already know are there and you know how to find information on them and you have you know basically shill sites that like there's no like no one would want to go to them like i'm sorry when i'm looking for a news headline even if i'm looking for a current event i do not want to see what the new york times has to say about this i know what they're going to say about everything no one cares okay so that shouldn't be there anyway but the third thing and this is you know probably one of the most annoying things is that the uh aside from social media sites and mainstream news sites the only other thing that google sims seems to index nowadays is spam sites sites where you have some ai right articles you know let's say you search something like oh how do i change my car's oil oh you guys i've all seen these kind of sites but you search something like oh how do i change my car's oil you click on like the first second third google result what is it it's one of these like ai written search engine optimized uh just junk sites changing oil is something that people do all the time oil can be changed what does oil do blah blah blah you know exactly what i'm talking about it's like a dummy site that is just like a bunch of words there's no it doesn't answer the question and all the sites are titled like questions or best computer 2021 it's all like search engine optimization because when dumb normies when they search for things they either search entire questions or they search uh you know best whatever 2021 current date i don't know why they do that i don't know why they think uh i don't know either way that is what appears on google nowadays uh you know five social media sites that everyone that aren't shouldn't really be indexed anyway because they're not really searchable or usable by people who don't have accounts there mainstream news sites and literal just spam ai generated sites okay so a lot of people nowadays you know one of the big problems is search engines and of course everyone has this isn't just a google problem all other search engines they're not just following how google does their things but if google propagates you know the new york times and gets a lot more links to that site by definition that is going to increase their uh you know their appearance on other search engine sites that don't bias their results in favor of that that's just how it is okay that's how it works and so what's happened is search engines no longer they don't give you new sites you will never find a new site on google you will never find new information you will get the same five sites that are meticulously curated to tell you exactly what you know they want you to you know know or something like that um and nothing else that's it that's what a search engine does and the thing is for the things that people actually use search engines for okay you know let's put them down in a couple categories right so they're let's say how to stuff like how do i fix this how do i do that how do i uh you know fix my car how do i do my makeup how do i make a something you know all this kind of stuff you know those they're really only a small number of sites that actually give good complete information about that kind of stuff and they really could be indexed by another site that just indexes a couple sites gets rid of all spam and that would actually be a better experience like if you made a cell phone app or uh you know even maybe even a desktop application that just gave you a cert gave you search results of a couple you know well-chosen sites with no ads and stuff like that for those kind of things or for recipes for that matter that would be something that people want search engines as it is right now they're just a pain like you have to scroll down pages and pages of stuff to actually get good information nowadays so i think that as you know what people actually use search engines for whether that's looking up how to do something uh or most other things they could actually have specialized sites that could do this better in each case and what's happening now is you know i find myself relying on search engines less and less because it's just like they're just bad they're they're really unusable it's just frustration doesn't matter which one you use i mean i use all of them i use circs and i can have it index all search engines all together you know order them in whatever way i want you know and it's it's still not good enough like i could get direct results from google or duckduckgo or anything else it just sucks and fundamentally it creates the idea that the internet is just five sites and then a bunch of spam and that's the idea that normies have they don't have this idea that oh there's there can be an artisanal website that a person puts together that has good information there might be a place out there where a guy has uh you know created a site with just information about how to fix your car but i am never going to see that because he probably doesn't do search engine optimization and he probably doesn't you know uh it's going to be drowned in a bunch of nonsense that actually shows up in the the search engines so the ability to actually provide that kind of stuff the kind of stuff that people actually want on the internet i think there's a good market for that the other month just on a whim you guys might might remember i was complaining about recipe sites not doing this so sort of on a joke we created a recipe site that just has recipes without ads and any of that other stuff base dot cooking that's the website based dot cooking um but either way i think the future of the internet we're weirdly enough it's sort of like returning to the tradition of the internet where there are a couple sites that have good informational content and uh you know all the search engine stuff is just stupid it honestly is it's so frustrating uh and that is why i think in a couple years search engines will have you know be less and less important if people want to search for something on facebook they'll go to facebook and search it if if they don't use facebook they have no reason to ever see a facebook result because i don't want to see some stupid ad in front of the information i'm trying to look at on a facebook page that tells me to sign up to facebook it's just not going to happen like it's just it's stupid anyway so that's it
Channel: Luke Smith
Views: 42,767
Rating: 4.710412 out of 5
Id: N8P6MTOQlyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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