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so we're participating in a sea trial today but obviously if you look behind me it is not our boat this thing is huge we are on board the hh8 their first sailing super yott all carbon it's just bananas so we're going to introduce you to some of the crew definitely talk to the owner Sean and uh I don't have a nice day and [Music] see [Music] of course this is the sea trial of this boat and this will be you know I'm sure a week longer more process for this vessel first of all it's not actually in the possession of the owner yet or owners which is Shawn and Jamie this boat is still owned by HH and so that makes Paul the captain for now and then of course they'll take ownership at the end but that also means that they haven't had a chance to move on and so you're seeing it in kind of a chaotic State it's not the perfect time time for a tour but but but but luckily Sean has decided to start a channel way back when when he decided to build this boat like from conception so you can go way back and watch the whole story there and he's done a proper walkthrough of the entire vessel because that would be a video all of its own because this is an 88t sailing cadar with just a lot going on so we're going to get a little taste of that today first things first let's start with Shawn the owner because he is on board today that's how we got our invitation so thank you Sean and kind of get the scoop on how this all came to be before we dive into the boat I feel like we need just a teeny tiny bit of a background on you as a person if you're cool sharing that us native but left California when I was 14 uh to go to Canada and finish off University and everything through there started my company in Canada and then from Canada moved down to the Caribbean and we currently reside in the Cayman Islands water has always been a very important thing for me so this is just kind of the next step for us I guess and then really quickly what like your professional career like because this does tie into a lot of this boat so I feel like we need to tell people about what you do it does but what nobody really actually knows is I went to seventh years of culinary school all that that taught me is how much I did not want to work in the restaurant industry but you still love to cook I still love to cook and that's why downstairs is what it is but I also did another major in Housing Finance and structure and stuff like that so as much as I'm not an engineer I'm very good at reading plans and that's what I've always done I got into Custom Construction and then specifically student housing which is a whole animal on its own and then I've always done custom home construction on the side what was the dream what sparked the idea to want to get a boat and live on it and sail about the world cuz you could have just had a house on the beach but you wanted a boat so why a boat so I've actually been through through that whole house on a beach thing um it's not all it's chocked up to be definitely a boat because I could take a luxury apartment and move it anywhere in the world this is a home for my wife and I so unfortunately she is not here right now she's back home in Canada but taking care of business doing important things but yeah she's here in spirit yes her name is Jamie and she's lovely we got to see Jamie for like the first time I think really in your last video uh she pops up every once in a while um we're not a Lifestyle Channel the Channel's not about us specifically and she's in the background of all these videos because she's behind the camera the dream has gone through a couple of different iterations uh and it wasn't until I finally did like a barebo charter in the BB with a whole bunch of our friends that I said okay I definitely want a catamaran now and then it just kind of evolved into okay what do I want to have on this thing and that's how we kind of came up with our spec sheet and then it was beyond that it's how do we power all of those things things yeah because this is a giant energy plant this whole boat is just nuts with energy well it's a small floating island that's exactly what it is so you decided that you want to buy a boat so that you can travel about the world and you had clearly must have been a very specific idea of what you wanted in a vessel I stumbled across these plans um that Paul hes uh originally Drew up almost 15 years ago or so and I looked up who the naval architect was and it was melan I got into contact with Gino and then he said there's only one company on the planet that can build this boat for you and then I started negotiating with Huds and Yachts and 5 years later five years we're standing here yeah there's a lot going on it's like got to be a bit chaotic at the same time it is um there's a great team of people that are nailing it down in in construction the last 5% is equally as difficult if not harder than the first 95% because it's all those little minute details that sometimes take time and you have to destroy in order to rebuild properly that's a good way to to say that and I think a firsttime buyer there's no way you can understand that I think unless you've had some sort of previous experience with something another project of a similar scale which I think you have a good perspective on just because of I mean you had buildings and you're managing student housing of all things right like the most destructive creatures on the planet probably are colud were the problem it was mostly their parents that were the problem their kids never did anything wrong they would never yeah so now here we are we're on your sea trial which is still not technically your boat yet nope yeah not my boat yeah not not your boat does that give you a little bit of relief oh it does absolutely like not having that responsibility just yet so anything that happens you're like not on me yeah exactly um Captain Davis still up there driving the boat from time to time and I've taken the helm station and everything like that and we're starting to play with some of the toys on board and but you a boat this size a project this big you need to be able to be on board in order to just figure out what is or is not working so there are a million different features on this boat obviously you have an entire Channel dedicated to it because there are so many different things that we could point out but if you can only show us three of your like unique features that are on this boat what would they be uh definitely The Galley so this is Sean's probably favorite space on the boat I would guess definitely one of them I spend the most time here this is kind of a a happy spot for me we've got everything that you could possibly want to be a fine dining restaurant on the water for 10 15 people at any given time enough capacity and everything as well plus tons of storage but the most important thing and the reason I like this space so much is just the layout that we have over here on this side one person can be set up here with a cutting board and then you can have a whole another person prep Chef right here right there or standing on this surface and this is actually just the crew mess cuz it opens and closes and it's a comfortable table in the meantime and directly behind it we've got Jason's favorite yeah side of the of the galley Jason why is that your favorite side of the galley coffee s toy for our boat yeah just as soon as you want to upgrade to an 80t plus catar they said we get a full length mirror and the coffee machine if we upgrade to an 80t or more immediately underneath it this is where all the plates and everything go for breakfast service and all the utensils are just down there I like that there's an entire no like no this is just for breakfast uh this is just so anybody can be in the gy and if a guest on Board needs something they can come down here prepare a coffee there's a whole bunch of fridge space down here as well we can keep snacks or whatever this is a large vessel right and it is like intended to be obviously your home you'll have your friends and family and and guests on board we also Charter this vessel as well we do yeah because you'll take a break from boat life because we all need a short break from boat life it's what helps it um stay enjoyable right it's home for you and you want it to feel like home for everybody else this is not like your typical charter boat where like you would never go in the galley of if you chartered another Bessel like this because you would have full crew on Bo yeah you'd have staff doing that yeah so this is like it's more like you're everybody's actually living and using the vessel versus like just being catered to yeah that's that's the intent and we have set it up this entire way that when the boat is under Charter you come down this companion way into the galley everything forward everything behind this door is dedicated crew space there's so much extra space that we've just dedicated to crew comp Comfort on board that we could have taken as owner privilege or whatever but we tried to give them as much separation as possible from the actual guests because guests can be a lot when they're on board yeah um and at least that way they have their own space they can have their downtime and treat yeah exactly so then what's the next one again you made it very complicated limit it to just a few things dinner in a movie anyone so this is hands down one of my favorite features on the boat there's two movie theaters on board all of this had to be seamlessly integrated into the whole onboard network Wi-Fi signals does not transfer through carbon whatsoever need to put a a booster in every single cabin we have a 40 terabyte drive that's already got about 1,000 movies on it and about 100 different TV shows complete series you are your own Netflix yeah we are pretty much I think of like Studio Movie girl you know I'm like what it feels like and then if you want you come back here and you're lounging and although I will say your tables feel so nice but you want to it's the joy of resin they're easy to fix yeah I guess so but I'm likeo this is not like the boat you want to put your feet up on the furniture oh we were doing you will so then third feature you only get one more I know and it's behind you oh come hold on we're about to go outside tell me that's not ridiculous it's like a spaceship so you can launch the jet ski completely separate from the tender but the jet ski is on top of the tender there's a built-in crane right behind here okay a door opens crane pops out you tie up to the jet ski you lift the jet ski off drop it in the water unhook and you're off are you anticipating like you get somewhere and you're like I don't need the tender just give me the jet ski exactly okay uh that for me it was kind of a safety thing it was another system that we could have on board it's also just storage too like all fits on the davits of the boat versus like being up on deck or taking up additional storage elsewhere do you happen to know the load strength of your davits alone like that's got to be intense I think it's close to 4,000 kilos yeah I mean that's but those davits they come in and they're sandwiched in between these two a structural bulkheads so it's very strong it's a lot that's a lot right back there in that one thing so I get why you're like and this is one of my other favorite features uh the engineering behind it as well cuz again it all ties in seamlessly with the dive station and everything and uh the Double depth seating so you can sit there with a dive tank on if you need to and you're not smashing the hell out of everything and again you're like Charter guest yeah don't hurt my stuff please please don't break my boat yes everything got really quiet so maybe we go go see if they're going to hoist something hoist good afternoon I'm Sandy Bottoms reporting to you live from the sea and that's no BS it seems that International Sailors are 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screen for CBS News I'm Sandy Bottoms this was on the starbo pro couldn't get through it we had to send in our trusty crewman here Chris the I mean it probably took most of this small stuff off like you can see there was definitely some cutting happening but that was wrapped around the prop start for prop that's why there was that big vibration happen on that just a lot it's prudent for like fishing lines and stuff cuz those are the little ones that get really sucked in so I think it's good for keeping stuff out of the Hub but you're never going to get through this thanks Chris that was a fair bit of a fun little drama and then of course which starts the discussion about rope Cutters which we have not selected the Box on yet and I think uh yeah well there you go looks like we're getting rope Cutters they're necessary so doesn't mean it's going to work on that as Eric explained but but will help in a lot of situations well we've just wasted the Anish is clear so both ahead on both engines now we got the Reena s on board so part of our testing is the maneuverability of the boat and so I have to take her up to full speed which I'm about to do and then essentially stop the boat as quickly as I can by going into full reverse Johnny Yes wide open throttle full speed okay okay 9.2 okay post spe the amount of like fishing lines and buoys just floating out in the water I don't know how tall is thanking about anything other than navigating We Ready 3 2 1 okay on there giv you a distance 0.19 noal miles right put one L is that good Johnny it's okay it's okay it's okay put one line normally we deploy the stac cuz it has a chafe bar on it yeah but we're just pulling the sheet forward just to be easy and we don't have a lot of time here so yeah deploy Solen any [Music] time Jason I guess you really considering trading up right now yeah yeah yeah are we even moving it just feels like we're floating 44 to 188 I mean it's only double in every direction we got 9 and a half kns of speed it's supposed to be because we've got 1.4 of current going off stop it's [Music] awesome what are we doing right now Sean we're saying like a basically 10 kns this is one of the greatest parts of my job isn't it the part where Sean says it's not my boat yet and we still got to go sailing so I get to play around on a multi-million dollar yacht and crack 10 knots of boat speed on the S and try not to slush the water out of the hot tub did you ever think you put that sentence together pretty cool 104 top speed right right there here's Sean there's his hot tub you're sailing at 10 plus KN at 10 plus yeah turning up to 11 what are we putting out right now Eric we're racing the tide home so we're going to kind of motor sail so we're going to motor and jib can't get there fast enough at this stage you have a sailboat we can sail faster than we can motor Yeah It's just tough cuz we'll sail fast but in the direction we need to navigate all these pots which is the hardest part about kind of sailing around here is unmarked obstacles so there's a lot [Music] of I'm shaking yeah shaking are you uh that was by far my most exciting Landing ever I've never been going that fast and for it's been that complicated to catch and then like there was me piloting it m Jason's catch was epic and I am bummed we didn't have a camera rolling it was well done well done that was a deser an award holy crap I'm shaking man it's that's just always exciting so much adrenaline and then we aren't even going fast this boat is huge there's not really a lot in the way but just the air gets dirty a yeah I'm glad we got that shot I'm glad we don't have to do that again for a while nobody knows they were just watching nice drone yeah exactly this is Eric working real hard hard day at the office you know all the hard work pays off yesterday I was up the top of the rig for an hour tuning things and marking Howards but now we can cash in on all that hard work and just enjoy the boat that's right it's a good day at the office sure is pretty lucky here clear to Floral stolen I'll abouty you Jason now's your day at the [Music] office it's so funny walking around this boat because there's just so many different ways to get to each space that it's like you walk out here and there's somebody popping out of a window headed up top or there's somebody coming from the side or from up above it's like you can get anywhere from any direction on this boat yeah baby first shot goard there you go a [Music] down just hiding up some replin I tell them to freaking throw their sandwiches overboard and do their jobs that's definitely making the video we're heading back in we got to beat the tide at low tide we can't get past like this little break so it's over that's the end damn it such a short amount of time dick feels good this is a good time to chat for just a second I got time okay okay we f it there's room for that here well then so this is a sea trial so what's the point of a sea trial basically to punish the boat punish congratulations you've been born it's going to be a horic Tre and and you saw that today we we punished it um and and it's about stress testing things cuz I want if it's going to break I want to break it now yes please and um so that when um we hand over to Shan he's got a beautiful boat that lasts him decades um for that problem how many days total you think it takes to see trial of this vessel well um cuz you're not done yet I know that sure we we we actually haven't had wind conditions yet to uh fully uh push it I'd like to be able to go out there over 16 knots at least and then we can have full main full jar and we can take it right up to its maximum writing moment for that configuration of sale okay well I hear there's a typhoon on the way so I mean if you're really really looking to stress at things we can see what she can really handle what was nice today was how good the boat feels under s yeah she's quiet she's fast she feels comfortable she's yeah you almost don't know you're moving sometimes which is a little 10 knots and we I don't know what a heel was but I doubted it was more than two de it didn't feel like much of anything it seemed like we were just flat yeah it was very full I got Cadillac like a Cadillac that's right I just saw I mean really did you ever think that you were going to build a a a boat with hot tub that sails in 10 knots of wind you know I never thought I'd be sailing a boat kind of in a enclosed um fly bridge where I've got aircom blowing at me oh now he's coming over to the Comfort side yeah yeah that that racer inside of you it's like well I don't know this is awfully nice I mean this is um I mean we're kind of struggling on this home chair right now right oh yeah yeah for sure you know no harness no tether got air conditioning we could go to the Arctic right now something in the way a DA pointing are we good she's off my P yeah we don't want it Dave looking like when Sean came to you um many mons ago now with this crazy idea of I'm I know that you normally build all these like racing performance boats that go really fast but I would like a hot tub on my fly bridge please what did you what did you think about that initially there were a lot of kind of like you're kidding right you want a you want a fully carbon catamaran yeah that was good we got that and then there was a big boat and that was all good and then it was like oh this fly bridge and then it was like well it's going to have a train to lift a giant jet ski then came the hot tub then it became quite apparent that okay we're not building um something that will ever uh go onto the racetrack other than to watch your sisters go racing but it was to be able to provide a boat that could sail in light wind and S respectively a moderate breze yeah so there's no reason why this boat in a moderate Breeze and say 20 knots is going to be doing 14 knots and 15 knots it has Gina mlli and Eric we got up it's got a top VPP of over 22 LS now yeah going of R the day that uh we we do that in the background I on look over and smile you got a uh yeah it would be pretty impressive to have this vote at 22 knots but I'm pretty sure that's not on Sean's like top 10 list of things to do in this buzle is to get it at 22 knots no so was really a like no you don't need to sail your hot tub at 22 knots not not when you're in it this is Chris this has been his baby for what got here in February um with the task of the first job of commissioning um this boat from my predecessor and then helping with the ongoing builds um designing and commissioning their systems but this was the first B to do and certainly a big challenge to say that it's got a lot of systems is just a bit of an understatement so there's no way no way it would again this would be like a multi video series if we just covered the systems on this boat so if it's even possible to just give us like big picture overview absolutely so the boat has a total of 16200 a lithium iron batteries that is split into a bank of 12 batteries for the house loads and then four batteries for the hydraulic system inside this cabinet here we have three Standalone house battery charges that put out 100 amps each and then also on the side wall here we have four 3 1/2 Kow Combi Masters which also put out 100 amps each charge and also their combined inverter output is 14 Kow so the capabilities of the system are getting to about 10:00 at night turning the boat off generators and running 3 to four cabins including the salon air conditioning on what we call dead chip which is running off just the inverters and the batteries and then we can run that through through from about 1011 at night to about 7 or 8:00 in the morning at which time we start the generators we can charge 700 amps just off the generators if we start both main engines we can add an extra 150 amps aside there and when we've got the solar charging which does up to about 150 amps we can charge in the realm of 1100 uh amps so we can charge this Bank up from 20% depth of discharge in about 2 hours wow is your head spinning yes a lot of numbers I'm trying to keep up but it is a lot this is a like passage going vessel and it's meant to sail and not to burn too much diesel so I it sounds like you've set those systems up to kind of like quickly recharge yet have enough of a battery bank so it's you're not all the it's not 100% running off of like exactly generators all the time which most super it's all like you never right it's very unique you know I've done a lot of work on other boats of the similar size like a sun Reef um and those boats basically switch between the two generators in parallel 24/7 so on a boat of this size inevitably you're going to have to run a generator at some stage and that's when you're using the main ovens we're both very power hungry um we've got dive compressor we've got two big water makers so at some stage we're going to have to run the generator to run these big loads and the idea is that we Maxim that time to charge up our house Bank as quickly as possible and give us that nice 8 hours of dead ship capability which also means everybody gets to sleep at night with no generator noise which is still a beautiful thing or there's going to be plenty of times where you're going to be sailing and enjoying day time when the sun's at Peak You' be great danding there too so it is the Hydraulics are all 24 volts so was designed that way so that the generators could be off when you're sailing and just use the batteries to run the um the wines and the furlers and the main sheet Rams yeah so you've been running around this boat all day has it been like that for the whole it has been yeah the guys had to have done a great job and the drawings are the second to none the world class so they've certainly made my job um very easy but as a case when you've got Master Vault and czone and b& and you've got all of these systems together it's quite labor intensive to program everything and to get it all working in Harmony and that's why we've been I've been living on the boat um for the last you know 10 days um so that we can live test these things you know testing them in the yard and Tes them in the factory you don't quite get that um that level of um commissioning that you can when you're actually living on the boat yeah is there something that like I mean you can just spend a lot of time now on all of this it has like really impressed you the SE Zone like any digital switching system is kind of what makes these modern boats um so user friendly whether it's czone whether it's power uh powerplex whether it's RAR in switching Di's got one as well it gives you that ability to set the boat into modes and switch stuff on without you know your traditional switchboard with dozens and dozens of circuit breakers that you've got to manually turn on and off it's that automation side of things that's very impressive and Leading Edge on this boat and will make the difference in the r and do you enjoy programming that kind of stuff absolutely the most enjoyable part of this which we're kind of getting to now is the entertainment side of things so at night time when it goes into movie mode and the 65 in TV pops up from the seat behind you what lighting mode do we go into there so the strip lighting will dim down we set the mood lighting and then there'll be another mode for you know cockpit entertaining which will involve the jacuzzi as well and how the lighting is set up around there and of course to assess these systems properly I have to use them so that means watching movies having a Jacuzzi eating outside otherwise I can't get it right now I'm starting to understand where this is going you're like I build it so then I have to test it absolutely it has to be tested oh so you're saying you had to stay on board for the last 10 days it's clearly been miserable it's been a very enjoyable part of the job and kind of a reward of the the months of hard work leading up to the crawling around the yard um and it's nice to you know have the Sanders and the Grinders and all of that come to a conclusion and you can see how wonderful the boat looks without all the protection on um it has been pretty nice oh you to put live check on Go I mean if you think we can get over all right so now the captain not quite yet the captain of this vessel because well Paul's still the captain of this vessel but as soon as it reaches hand over all that responsibility shifts to Dave here which Dave have you ever had a vessel this like like this boat before I mean no it's no no and really this is a this vessel is a a first of its kind as well a cool carbon vessel uh this size this boat is actually fun to sail and there's a lot of action and a lot of movement and it's it's still a good workout you may not think so cuz the push button but um you work you see me back here behind the wines and you're working constantly so it's going to be exciting I mean I just can't fathom this boat on passage we're looking forward to uh passages but we're also going to be looking forward to the anchorages and playing with all these cool toys sea has you know so um there's a lot to look forward to this is just the this is the end of the beginning how did Sean find you I was recommended through melian Melvin this would be my third four fourth HH boat that I've been involved in yet wow okay it's hard for me like just being a typical Cruiser to kind of wrap my head around what it must be like to be the captain of a vessel like this cuz you're living on this boat you're pretty much on it 24/7 so it feels like almost like a marriage well the boat itself there is a marriage that for sure right that's marriage number one so now you you've got two relationships going on with the liver board owners yeah you have to make sure that you can gel um it's important that you that you work well with them that there's no animosity between your ideas different ideas and how you operate otherwise I wouldn't be here yeah familiar face we've got Eric of Melvin and R I knew I was G to get it wrong wrong every time it's em andem that's all that matters it's em andm so tell us a little bit about your role in this vessel sure uh well Sean came up to us 5 years ago now wanted to make this a little bit different kind of out of the scope of the normal HH so we're the naval Architects and we helped them put together the platform so the hole shape's kind of like a an extension or not necessarily a direct scale but familiar hole shape compared to the rest of the HH family been developing those over the years but the biggest difference on this boat is just like the size of the rigging and the hardware and the sails like just goes on forever yeah which we got to see in action today and they're so big that now you've got Hy rics exactly so all this is the uh just quick overview first this is the uh inter Staal uh it's a permanent stay just because it would be so so difficult to get it up and down like in Anger you know this is the force stay and then at the front of the Linger on there is the downwind asymmetrical sale these are on hydraulic furlers uh reans I believe uh that's a factor one on the forest day there's a really complicated hydraulic system in here with 10 pumps I think and a whole bunch of batteries very complicated system but you really need it because just even to furl it takes a fair bit of pressure uh all the winches in the helm station up there like there's no hand grinding I mean you can but you're going to be there for a day um the winches can pull five tons so like that's a lot um five tons yeah the sheets are really really loaded so you just have to be very careful we've made the uh We've made the all the sheets two to one just to reduce the loads a little bit at the helm because easing a 5 ton sheet is like really frightening so at least it's only 2 and 1 half yeah we're not just worried about rope burn you'd be like worried about losing a limb at that point exactly so it's a big boat but we're trying to make it manageable but trying to make it kind of a little sporty too so how's this project been for you like I mean it's been going on for a long time and there was obviously all the co stuff in the middle and we weren't allowed to come here so actually the first time I saw the boat was only about 6 months ago uh obviously we've been following it along with video updates and everything but actually seeing it and touching it in person is a it's nice to see I don't even want to know how many man hours has ended up in this thing but it's definitely over a few hundred thousand so it's a lot of Labor and a lot of labor of love but I mean a 5year project for everybody it's a long time to be working on one thing exactly so yeah oh well it was very cool to see it underway thank you well that's it the uh tide is going down and down and down so we've got to hurry up and get off of this boat or otherwise we're going to be slogging through mud for a very long distance to get back to land not that I would oppose to stay on this boat but they don't have sheets and stuff on board yet so you know
Channel: Gone with the Wynns
Views: 314,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gone With the Wynns, the Wynns, Sailing, Catamaran, Sailboat, Sail Around the World, Cruising, Nikki and Jason Wynn, Blue Water Cruising, Ocean, Sailing for Beginners, Circumnavigation, Life on a Yacht, Living on a Yacht, Boating, Boat life, lifestyle, curiosity, travel, adventure, off grid, tiny house, living on a sailboat, Gone With The Wind Sailing, self reliance, sustainablity, HH88, Superyacht Sailing, Carbon Construction
Id: 5q9maMxvrac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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