SD on Why He Fell Out with Chief Keef & Glo Gang

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it's interesting because as an adult do you look back in it and think maybe i should have been a little bit more selfish uh see i i i always make sure i was straight yeah like i never signed management contracts or nothing i never did i never was signed with um none of that i never signed a deal at that time with them right so like everything that i put out always just was just me being i want to say i was be just being salvaged but it was just me doing my own thing right now i'm saying what were you guys calling it yourselves at that time because this is pre-gpe right yeah we but she my name my rap name today was my name no but i mean like as a crew it wasn't you didn't even really have a crew name at that point like we didn't come up with that name until fredo came about radiohead got out of jail and was like you know what we're gonna call ourselves glory boys oh so fredo didn't get out until keith and y'all were kind of buzzing already right now i was saying we was kind of buzzing right he got out right before we could start doing any of that right when we just first started dropping it learning we could do videos and he was older right yeah he's not a few years older than us yeah you all look at him as kind of being more experienced and [ __ ] keith probably did because that was his cousin you know what i'm saying but for me personally i always had to heal my own so i never looked at nobody else besides me as in these days everybody kind of knows that keith is a strange guy in the sense that he's sort of to himself he's very he's not he's kind of reclusive he's definitely not like the biggest talker what was your perspective on him at that time when you guys are like best friends he talked to me she i feel like he talks to his friends a lot yeah no yeah no no like nah you know when you talk to [ __ ] you be like that right yeah no is that i don't know i don't know i don't know i just know man you knew he was a different kind of guy i wouldn't say he's different now you know he's shorty smart he ain't as slow as he seems to be he's right or not shorty smart i think he's a genius who just doesn't really communicate it verbally in the way that people sort of want him you just don't want to just you just don't want to do what he feel like you want to do right he'd be having his mind made up like he ain't even what you call a rat to be selfish you know saying than anything he rather be to himself you know what i'm saying right for sure and i respect that i guess i respect it so was your friendship and relationship on totally good terms all through him sort of blowing up or when does there start to be some strain on the relationship between you and everybody well everybody me and everybody had no issues okay me and him so it ain't how i mean i know issues it just man they have no issues we never heard and spoken with each other about actually you know what i'm saying bumping heads or nothing like that man i don't know what it's this i don't know what it is with between them to be honest you gotta really ask him i thought you said it was when it was proposed that there was gonna be like a label and he was gonna be sort of the leader of it and you were gonna be his artist nah i don't know he now he could have probably i don't know he probably could have wanted that i thought that but if now don't get me wrong at the time by that being my dog i wouldn't mind just falling back and doing that because it's like who the [ __ ] it matters to say that you bigger than me or this and that don't matter i won't give a [ __ ] we're on the same thing so it wouldn't matter that that i want a kid at that time you know since but he i don't know i can't even really it would but i know but i could tell you the situation wasn't supposed to go the way it did right i would tell you that much in what way and the way it did just and it just being mainly focused on him right it wasn't supposed to be about just him it must have been weird because you guys are all on the same level coming up and then all of a sudden it's like his songs start going crazy and you know he starts to perceive it as like maybe i should be in charge of this as opposed to just one of this you know yeah and that's what i think you know i'm saying over time because i never wanted to say it or admit to it but over time i just i just let him that's why i never really complained about object because it's like it is what it is that's what you feel like you wanted to be or you mad about that hey see you can't be mad at me because i'm trying to make myself making sure me and my fat kids eat right now you got an issue with that damn [ __ ] you didn't have five kids at that time no at that time i had three yeah but you know what i'm saying so but if you're gonna try to get in the way of me making sure my kids can't [ __ ] you know saying [ __ ] your [ __ ] and everything that's right right because i ain't that [ __ ] getting away that nothing you know what i'm saying a lot of people might not respect the fact that i'm trying to do my thing i'm doing because i feel like people don't like you say the business you know what i'm saying the business don't be right right i'm saying that's really mainly the main thing why i didn't sound with the situation but i stayed loyal to it because of the simple fact that we created that situation of us just having bonds together right so it was never it was a family thing it never was about contracts never was about this you know what i'm saying keith ended up having a constant doing a side contract with having a manager on the slick side you know what i'm saying so he ended up getting a manager we never none of us ever had a manager oh okay so you felt like him getting a manager was kind of yeah that's a big role we talking about a big role no no pain cool they haven't been around from the beginning right yeah pam been around for the weekend and actually me and pam actually do used to do work do a lot of work for me oh okay yeah he used to actually do a lot of work for me in the beginning of my career okay he used to actually help me do a lot of work so i got a lot of respect for pain crazy fascinating person to talk to because he having like you know helped manage one of the probably hardest to manage artists on earth but he came he has a real perspective he started man he came about years later though i got to the [ __ ] you know he did a lot of cleanup work so i give him a lot of pr i'm a lot of props you know what i'm saying because he did like he did a lot of cleanup work you know what i'm saying no but like you asked me you know cause like i said he did that situation where nobody knew what was going on with that nobody knew he had to manage or nothing okay and his manager just made the thing to where like i could say of course he was putting out his thing like you said we always at the same level type of thing and then it just became more so a key thing right and like i say that because his manager was mainly folk he only had the contracts on who else is he going to focus on you dig what i'm saying well i guess you think about it as that standpoint and if i was in the street probably be the same way too because the only person he had a contract on so he made it focus on him right you know then he was able to take the lead with it by him dropping his project first and then he catching buzz so he was like [ __ ] it let's keep it going let's make it about you and we're gonna make everybody be under you type of thing and everybody just gonna have to go with it that's what he i can i can believe he probably was just saying and managers and labels usually work the same way where if they have 10 artists and one artist has a hot song and he's popping off right at the moment go try to make it all about that one and almost never is a label or a manager going to be able to have all the resources or all the time to really also be able to focus on a bunch of other artists and even then it's like two or three orders is a lot you know having like five or six dudes who are all buzzing from a crew i mean that just becomes really serious really that's what i understood though yeah that's why i didn't really trip well i never complained about it because i understood i knew that already right that it's difficult to maintain that type of work you know what i'm saying so i did so i just did a lot of work by myself initially you know what i'm saying by myself because i knew that you know what i'm saying so i ain't want to sit there and be complaining about this guy can't do this because he focused on this or he's doing this all right he did this contract with that okay back man that's what man he's focused on him i can understand why why this contract was that and then he gonna sign it while when he signed a contract doesn't mean he'd help him and ever you know what i'm saying like i ain't gonna say he just he you know folks that's a bad he was a bad keith heck and i was a bad he's just a bad person now but she who wouldn't want a contract that's based just about them and everybody else can be under them if they want that guitar you know if they if they want that type of control okay guys we wanna thank you so so much for getting us to a hundred thousand subscribers right here on the clips channel if you wanna support please click that subscribe button we're trying to get to 200k thank you thank you so much
Channel: No Jumper Clips
Views: 297,012
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Keywords: No Jumper podcast, No jumper interview, No jumper Adam22, Adam22 interview
Id: Y4yBC3hU-s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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