sculpting as much as i can in 24 hours ✿ clay & glaze with me! | small business diaries #studiovlog

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hi friends welcome back to my channel my name is Tammy I run a small business and in this video we are going to sculpt for 24 hours today is March 12th and is about 10:30 I've got the time on my iPad here I'm going to prop this up on my desk so that you guys can see the time going by I'm also going to use a stopwatch so we can actually sculpt for a full 24 hours if I'm going to be sculpting all day I definitely need a fun little drink for myself let's make some matcha [Music] okay now that I've got my caffeine I'm ready to [Music] sculpt so I have my list here and the reason why I like to handr write all my orders is that it helps me like double cooperate both online and on paper that I'm making the correct item because in every batch I only ever make enough items for each person to have exactly what they ordered this is also a really good time for me to look at notes like this person wanted a pink Sprout instead of a green Sprout and this person wanted a keychain instead of a desk friend I also just get a ton of Nice Notes from people saying that they love my art and they love my work and that just encourages me to keep going for the rest of the day now we can finally get started tell lies for you love you like the oce love you in motion anything it takes to make you st but I can't r on you doesn't matter what I do you say you need a time out think you mean to buy out cuz it's pretty clear you're on your way out and know I understand it's hard sometimes to make up your mind in this trying times yeah I just can't accept you leav in me when I'm overseas with heart so heavy Jason what a pleasant surprise all right the first sculpt of the day is done it is a cottage core desk friend I like to paint on the little white dots on the mushrooms after it's baked but yeah feeling pretty good we've been sculpting for 37 minutes I think if I wasn't filming this would have only taken 30 minutes max but I'm actually pretty happy that filming only added like 7 Minutes usually filming things takes way longer than that I think today I'm worning less about all the Angles and I'm just having fun with it let's keep going I see a lot of different coffee borrows on my list so let's make a batch of them [Music] next Easy Rider on the highway station wagon going slow windows open you are [Music] Bing in the Blue Grass radio it is easy now to see you with your hand out on the wind I keep this folded at the corner so that I could not forget fold it at the corner so that I could not forget is the nice friends benefit of getting back together again aha the hassle now we're getting down to it about this anym is that why we're still friends cuz it be the coffee baras have been sculpted I love them so much the time is now 1:08 and I have been sculpting for 2 hours and 8 minutes I am going to pause the stopwatch because I have to take Winnie on a walk now and this is a perfect time to actually talk about the sponsor of this video which is Farmer's dog they are a very good friend of our Channel Winnie used to have a lot of tummy problems and has always been a very picky eater we've tried so many different types of food and this is the only one that she truly truly loves it's because Farmer's dog is real fresh healthy food it's made with whole meat and veggies gently cooked in human grade kitchens to preserve their nutritional value and what I love especially is that it comes in pre-portioned ready need to go packs I just Tha in the fridge overnight and serve her her portion the rest I'll stick in a tupperware in the fridge for later and that way it's both convenient and fresh all you have to do is tell them a little bit about your dog and then they deliver personalized vet developed recipes for as little as $2 a day it's literally never been easier to invest in your dog's health with fresh food so if you have a puppy in your life too get 50% off of your first box by using my link plus you get free shipping we ended up walking for like 40 minutes thank you Farmer's dog for sponsoring this video now I need to [Music] eat I changed into my comfy pants let's do this [Music] a [Music] it is 5:20 and I'm having my first snack of the day Mr on comfies mom gave us these little ramens they're like a mini snack siiz version of the ramen packets and it's seasoned and it's so so good [Music] I'll take this [Music] [Music] fin [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's 6:30 and it's pretty dark outside now so so I have all the lights on I don't know if you can tell but I really love warm ambient lighting however at my workstation I only really use white lights white light is actually what the sun produces so the colors are more accurate here are all the coet maxines I finished I must reiterate though I absolutely detest white lighting but I will say it's very utilitarian I think that's what I hated most about art school or art studios without Windows was that it was all white lighting and I understand why I just hate it anyway I am done making goldfish for the day here is everything we've made so far I have made 17 items in about 6 hours I still have so much to make oh [Music] boy hello despite the glowing background behind me it's actually so so gloomy today we had to do a ton of errands like fixing his car and I also had to do some editing so it's already 2:40 so it's a little bit of a late start sculpting wise but we're still going to do it I'm still going to clock in because I have orders to get out let's get to it shall we apparently it's going to snow like 2 to 3 ft tonight here in Colorado and it's times like these where I'm so so grateful that I get to stay home to work and I don't really have to go out if I don't want to Mr uncomfy also has the day off tomorrow so we can just both be home and safe starting the clock now you woke me from a dream now reality baby baby you are really hurting me cuz every time you tell me I look good and that I'm doing fine but nothing ever changes and now I see baby you are hurting me stuck in repeat stop lying I know you play [Music] your [Music] good morning friends do you remember when you were in elementary school and you were just praying and hoping that there'd be a snow day and you got one that's the feeling I'm having right now except I still have to work but it just feels a little more fun a little more gratifying to be inside all day we still have a ways to go before this challenge is over we have about 4 14 hours left of sculpting but I'm really really excited I think one of the reasons why I'm sculpting so much is to get the rest of my orders done with so I can do other things I have about 66 pending orders from my polymer clay shop but after that I'm I'm trying to force myself to take a little break so I can focus on other things that I've just been thinking about for months and months like I want to do some more sketchbooking and more Painting and More illustration work I also want to work on my Ceramics collection and sadly I just don't think I can do everything all at once I have to take a pause from polymer clay at least for the time being just so I can at least start on these other projects that I've been wanting to do if you guys remember my vision board for 2024 one of my goals was to expand my shop with more manufactured items and I think in order to do that I need to draw more and I need to do more illustrations so that's going to be the sort of content I'll be making moving forward after this video I'm really really excited to grow and expand my store but like I said we still have 14 hours left it's a beautiful day to just sit inside and [Music] sculpt [Music] for let's be on our [Music] way hi guys so it is 10:00 and obviously I've eaten dinner I worked out and everything but I am officially 17 hours into this Challenge and this is how much I've sculpted it's almost a full tray I have like enough space for two or three more items but yeah pretty awesome I love the look and feel of filling up a whole tray I'm probably going to sculpt all up tomorrow morning but as soon as it hits 12 I need to switch gears and start glazing all of these I'm going to go to bed now see you guys [Music] tomorrow so I've gone ahead and put everything in the oven for them to bake the snow is already thawing and it's really sunny right now so it's a perfect day to glaze everything I feel like this is a part that I don't usually include in my Vlogs the majority of my time is definitely spent sculpting but a lot of it is also spent glazing with UV resin if you don't know what UV resin is it's basically a plastic it's a type of resin that cures with UV light so you can use a nail lamp or you could use the sunlight I prefer using both we have 6 hours left in this Challenge and I think by the end I should be able to have glazed everything and assembled everything for you guys which is really really exciting cuz we'll get to see how many pieces I can do from start to finish in exactly 24 hours I hope I was in Focus my lens is being a little weird right now and I'm about ready to finally start glazing I finished painting all of the pieces that need to be painted but there's one last stuff that I like to do to make sure my pieces look Immaculate and that is to sand off or use a file of sorts to file off the specks of dirt that I couldn't remove with rubbing off alcohol and for the past couple years I've been using a hand file but I recently just upgraded to this nail file this has been by far the biggest Improvement or life hack that I've learned this year I saw this girl on Tik Tok using it for her polymer clay stuff so I was like that is so smart I'm being bested by like a 17-year-old so here we are my mother is a nail tech so she already had these tools laying around but if you don't know anyone in the nail industry I think you can get these off Amazon pretty easily it's just equipped with this like little tip and then it turns on with this power bank and there she goes so now I don't have to trigger my carpal tunnel every time I sand my pieces and it goes by 10 times faster I will say that it does generate a lot more dust as with anything Palmer Clay I highly suggest having proper ventilation I'm actually going to move my air purifier closer to me now I'm going to put it on the highest setting I also have the windows open and I'm going to make sure to wear a mask while I do the sanding room just like doesn't get over people and so even though he knows that like she's not interested he's but she's like yeah really don't want to be a queen cor is like I and she's like let's show that that and we'll talk about that later if we and here's where we [Applause] love we are officially 20 hours into the video I think that's just the right amount of time to glaze all of these pieces so here's my setup when working with UV resin I like to wear gloves that these are like fancy Nitro gloves that my boyfriend got for me from his work he's like a chemist and then I also wear a respirator this one is by 3M and it filters at organic Vapors my window is open I'm watching Carrie can read here is my UV lamp it turns on like this and I usually put a towel over it so the light doesn't hit my skin so much here are all the pieces that we are glazing I like to fasten all the desk friends onto like little pieces of paper it just makes it easier for me to hold while I glaze it's pretty much my [Music] setup I look for a first that I can't seem to [Music] find I go to read it just leaves my [Music] mind so sturdy and if I ever decide to work you guys I did it it's pretty late at night now so I think I'm going to clean up and I'll show you guys everything that I made tomorrow morning good [Music] night friends we finally made it to the end in 24 hours I managed to make 48 items which is pretty crazy because if I wasn't filming I could have definitely made more I'm really really proud of myself I kind of have to pack these like right away before the postman gets here but thank you so much for watching this video I hope you had fun I hope you had a cozy good time thank you again farmer dog for sponsoring this video If you have a friend at home definitely check them out and I'll see you guys next week I was cleaning her shoe when it clicked on the TR over in the bright morning we brush and we braided Dandy lons and
Channel: Uncomfy
Views: 260,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aWeeGAYvgU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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