sCrypt Meetup 10/8/2021: CoinGeek NYC Recap

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okay kick it off man kevin uh yeah so so far i've been uh i've watched the keynotes and then maybe like i don't know 50 of the other ones but uh so yeah it's uh so far so good cool what's your favorite if there's anything um i would say oh i don't wanna play favorites i don't know i don't know your video the s script one for sure okay yeah yeah for sure yeah i'm kidding oh somebody just uh i don't know i dropped off peter okay and then uh i got this 3d printer i got the 3d printer which is yeah it's not related so i won't talk about it too much but just uh so i've been setting that up which is fun and then that's uh that's it what about you guys what are some of your favorites let's see who we got i have still a lot of them to watch i watched a few of them i watched the obviously showers and i watched thai and okay die everett that's what i watched and also like with craig and do uh blockchain guys like the ogs you watch your kevin's uh panel yet no i haven't i haven't yet no okay yes my week was really hectic so i haven't really had the time but but i'll watch them now in the weekends i have more time so i i get to them eventually let's go is it a networker do you want to introduce yourself quickly welcome here hello he's only lurking oh okay that's that okay that's fine and also we have also have our uh hong kong you want to say a few words this is the guy who's the hello i am i'm engineer of ask quest shelby i will fist the the icer okay there guys are you uh h h yes in the okay okay yeah i know i recognize your name and i mean great pretty late now but uh yes stefan is not coming okay that's fine i think it's already too late for him all right uh let's kick it off then i think it's officially i think lurker he said i cannot figure out how to work audio okay say hello from montreal okay hello bonjour okay let's get started so first of all i want to i mean before everything else we talk about i want to highlight what we released in the last three days right we released three three things so every day we release one thing uh the first thing we release is this new website called the learn script the basic card go to is uh for people who have seen some other uh tutorials like so-called crypto zombies on ethereum which is i think a number one tutorial for newcomers on ethereum so this you can think about is equivalent for us learn script so basically if you haven't yet i strongly recommend you go there you can also go to and then on the homepage you can click learn and then you can see it it's uh it will be our default tutorial from now and we are adding more courses so if you haven't signed up yet strongly recommend do it and the second day we release the so-called state property i don't know if how many of you have checked it out so basically now you can almost write a state as easy as you write state in uh solidity basically instead of like you have contract you have properties right so if you just decorate with this add state keyword and then you can use it as like just like any other property you can you can use this thought to access it you can read you can also write to it and then when you're ready to pass it on there's some uh go to our go to our blog and then you will see the instruction also there's a link to the uh language spec as well so that's much easier i think one of the most difficult part if not the most difficult part for newcomers to to escape is to learn how to maintain state because for utxo by default is stateless so now that's our biggest improvement i think for in terms of language so we have that ship i think so far is getting a lot of good feedback and the third one for third day for do you want to do and then you said do you want to and then it cut out um okay michael do you want to introduce it because that's your baby right uh what do you mean uh i owe the goal yeah yes yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah it's it's it's getting uh slowly in shape so basic contracts already work it's already usable i still have to uh integrate uh state uh annotations that i mean the decorators that's the showy was talking about so if you got a script compiler a newer one it won't work yet with go so keep that in mind so and also for the python version it's the same but until end of next week it should probably work already and most of the stuff should be okay very soon so that's good soon all right then let's get back to uh coin gig then so uh what's uh have you seen this hackathon with three projects hackathon projects we have uh i think at least joe the the number one the gold the prize winner he's also in our group i think uh he he's a very uh his project is very nice called bitcoin phone i think probably you have everybody yeah that's very good congratulations joe that's uh let's speak and some other one is good the other the bonus point oh no like a coupon from japan right i forgot the third one the third one is uh you guys uh okay i watched the the coupon one yeah that that was fun and that was a really fun presentation very japanese you can see yeah yeah yes it's the reason the real satoshi yes you guys all see the video for satoshi to swinney show some of his sportsmanship there yeah i saw that that was pretty good yeah he didn't know he's good with the sword actually yeah pretty much i think it's uh yeah some people like a corner he tries to hold it basically he says he has to hold it with both hands otherwise he will drop off and cut off his feet i think it looks uh if you're not a skillful you can hurt yourself because it's a real thing and it looks sharp from even from the video you you see when the people when i feel me using the phone at the very end i don't know haven't noticed but they're starting to back off because it looks pretty real intense then you don't want to be it's attached to it and that 3d uh that 3d scanner was pretty cool too oh okay yeah yeah i saw this thing i guess uh it's some sort of thing where you stand in the middle and it scans you in 3d i've uh tried to play with some of those apps uh there's some on the app store where you can scan a 3d model but they never turned out that well but that one looked like it turned out uh pretty decent somebody needs to send me the object file and i'll print one okay you can create your own satoshi i know that'd be great little bobble doll with a very steady finger point somewhere yes yeah on my desk it should be actually the real statue about him you know yeah yeah it's a real one yeah just some random guy who space i think yeah yeah two other apps i haven't tried yet but definitely going to try one is i briefly tried the pure sand you guys heard about this from pure game the pure company yeah very nice actually oh lighting yeah this is lightning fast and it works today i think it supports uh twitter i don't know i looks like it supports an amazon checkout that's why i i haven't tried yet but they'll be they'll be cool because i buy a lot of stuff from amazon so if they support that i can just you know get some more transactions i may not be too much different at this moment i think but uh you'll be good to just be cool i think i haven't tried it yet uh have you guys tried yet to no no no not only just no i'm googling for it right now is the amazon feature actually live i i've tried pearson it looks from that demo yeah i've tried it on twitter uh and that yeah it is yeah but uh one thing i would like to see is uh sub one dollar transactions yeah i think they is like they have some kind of image right so that i've heard from twitter sphere but uh what is that about you have to deposit at least one dollar or something or you have to spend send one dollar oh i'm asking because i heard somebody's say i think the lowest value is one dollar that you can send actually uh with the lightning thing you know icon yeah yeah but i also saw like screenshots about the amazon integration and that actually looks actually really cool if that will work like for with like one click basically that will be actually pretty big because yeah i think i'll try it out yeah it's actually a nice way to you know leech value from all these big companies yeah i like the whole idea and based on jeff jeff pike basically he's saying we instead of like for example reinventing everything right let's say twitch you compete with twitter uh it's it's not impossible but it's just more difficult right because the network effect everybody use already twitter so why not just uh tap into their own the existing uh network so you can it's like a water you said right basically sleeping away all the value to drain to drain the swamp or whatever i think that's the only way to win because uh you won't succeed if you create another amazon for bsv i mean yeah ahead i feel like what we need to do is actually like right now all the existing uh um kind of bsv apps they're like a direct clone of the existing thing except with tips or with uh you know whatever which yeah which isn't which may be a necessary step and so i'm not against it but back in the day when the uh television was first introduced um the first tv shows were radio shows where they would just film the person speaking on the microphone oh really okay yeah those are the first ones because that's all that people could think about doing well what else are we gonna do we're just gonna guest podcast yeah yeah it's basically but um or like the larry king live or charlie rose it's just two people together with the microphone but then people said oh wait we could actually do like dramas and sitcoms so that kind of stuff and so i feel like right now we're in the stage we're in that stage with the bsv apps where the only thing that people are thinking about is just the same platforms that we have whether it's instagram twitter or whatever but with tips or just a little little improvement but i'm curious what will be the next wave where it's stuff that legitimately isn't even possible uh using the old ways uh just like you couldn't do a sitcom on a radio show yeah so that's the killer apps yeah that's that's the killers but which is also the not even the billion dollar question it's probably the trillion dollar question nobody if that's anybody yeah if anybody has figured out yet please come on this meetup and let us know so we can make some bucks satoshi and i'll help yeah and um yeah i like that just the help approach just basically turn the turn the existing model on his head to try not to directly compute it with it because that's like a it's like a crack saying right yeah like trying to kick a gorilla you know it's usually doesn't end up it's hard it's not impossible right so that's why i think people are starting with uh kind of like a clone x works on bitcoin like a trash relica uh a lot of other uh existing apps but which is of course is very good to start like the fact that i think i like so i said i think it's a necessary first step uh because in people they are able to see something that's familiar with a little bit of improvement and uh so i think it's a necessary first step but i think that what we'll see in the future is stuff that it isn't possible at all uh in the old medium yeah yeah i think eventually like something will come along where it will just explode like you know but it takes time it's like trial and error means you never know it's so unpredictable what will actually catch on but i think it's it's it's inevitable it's it will happen but the question is when you know i mean we got the platform now we need to start building you know yeah reminds me a little bit about the the when the mobile phone first came up i think people also trying to do whatever that's already doable desktop right just go to some website and then uh it just browse whatever that's that usually browse on the on the let's say desktop or laptop but it's nothing much different right but then later on like very i remember clearly that then you have this games right let's say uh angry bird i think that's one of the biggest kill app and then you have instagram right because usually you don't carry your laptop and take pictures and then send it right and then then when you add this also gps enabled oh then there's suddenly people oh okay yeah you can do more than what uh desktop you can get it's more like mobile friendly right all these apps i think similarly here is yeah kind of yeah but the the issue is that's a billion dollar question when's an hour you know angry bird and instagram coming that's like a bitcoin native it's almost like people i think always have this kind of uh in retrospect if you figure out that idea people all think oh why haven't i came out with the idea seems so natural right but that's that's uh that's something uh you can only you know uh you know you you you will see you come in but uh before it comes nobody thinks it's possible so yeah yes yep well you have to i think also one of the things too is if you look at the media like you said which is a really good point like uh you don't have a camera that you carry around on your desktop but on your phone you do right and so you have this camera built in or like angry birds you just have the touch screen i like it probably i mean maybe angry birds would be fun on the desktop but to have like the really short levels um where you can just play a little bit on the bus a little bit here a little bit there because it's just very short and it's just a simple game dynamic where you're you know pulling back the slingshot with the finger um so then what is the properties of bsv and we have microtransactions we have an immutable log of transactions and um so then how would that fit into a uh how would that fit into an app and i think that you know i don't know but i i think at least what uh yeah at least two projects attacking this uh which i've seen from the for the coin gig one is i i don't know if you check it out but yeah it looks very the vision is very grand better id i don't have you watch that video from a sony phone i've heard i've heard the name and i'll make a note of it yeah definitely yeah definitely uh if you haven't watched it but it's very grand basically he's trying to build a meta knife so meta id definitely check it out from sunny phone and you you and all the recent big blocks yes all the recent big blocks they are coming from a lot of them is brought by the apps under the meta meta knight id meta id protocol so basically his argue which i think is also in the long term it's definitely true it's just uh it doesn't make sense for us to have you know every time we go to some new website we have a new uh we have to register a new username and id and also we have to maintain all these passwords which is just a security like a loophole and also who's going to like even for me i mean i'm not even talking about my grandma anything it's hard to maintain all these passwords right so you have a dilemma do you want to make it super complex so you may not remember or if you make it easy but it's easier to hack so you know it's just much easier like a money button right or all this kind of unique unified id you have your wallet that's your identity you can just log into any site you just swipe you don't even you you use like a signature to prove you know you know the to sign in right so here's also instead of just bringing one app is creating like a protocol like almost identity protocol so you know i think he always showcases like 10 apps you can all log in through that and it's all interoperable right so if you let's say you don't like twitter you move to someone let's say gap right today right but you lost all your followers all your content but you imagine now you instead just twitter and gap is just the front end right you can just say seamlessly migrate that will be i mean for end users all is is just much better and they also get rid of all this you know thai has been like a very passionate i don't have you watch the thai session i watch the speed jeff especially very yeah very passionate which also i think the speaker i think at least personally for me is also my feeling these days it's kind of like a you know when you think about the technology especially brought out by silicon valley used to be all like a grand you know robots flying cars whatnot right for for these days it's kind of get somehow gets this dystopian like uh uh i don't know it's just uh it's just my my personality is getting dark it's getting dark it is dark because and that's what chamoth back in 2017 chabot polyapotia he had this speech where he's like we have built tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works and he gave examples of like in india where these people would get all these uh they'd all get online on facebook and then suddenly they were like you know running around vigilante lynching people like literally hanging people and so anytime you put a bunch of people on these networks it destabilizes like the country and i honestly feel like with kovids like we've actually like almost in a way started destabilly destabilizing like our bigger countries not just these smaller countries uh because of all the fear and the misinformation i mean i don't know exactly but that was my feeling when it first hit i'm like oh my gosh now we're seeing all this and like polarization people can't get along they you know turn everything into this uh whatever so we need to have a better way regardless of whether or not my theory is correct of whether or not social media is causing all this um we just need a better way and we need to have hierarchy in terms of being able to prove that you have um it's tough though is how do you how do you determine who's at the top of the hierarchy you know what i mean like right now we're trying to like put the uh government agencies with little banners at the bottom of social media but i feel like there should be a more organic way where people build some sort of credential over time on the network and then that's how they get to be the top um because and i yeah yeah but but but i'm thinking more like this person has read this article they've proven comprehension of it and it's almost like you as you go on the internet you're able to like kind of store your history and then you can um because like you know people like i learn a lot but it's stuff that just i'm curious in and just like random off the wall but i have a lot of like weird dispersed knowledge of things because i was just interested in it and i read about it and but i don't know if i could go to school and learn a curriculum that taught those things so whether it's like you know the light spectrum or you know bonding of atoms like just little stuff that i i would never call myself a chemist or anything or a whatever and i don't even have a full understanding of it but just just like little things like that that i've read about just because i was really interested in it for a little bit and so if you could have some sort of test that could um that could um you know prove that you have some sort of understanding of that then there's like things like that that uh i don't know you could kind of carry your credentials when you give an answer on something like uh what's that quora what's the one yeah they're curious right yes yeah yeah exactly because like right now when you give an answer it's like there's you kind of do your little uh you do like your name and uh you can give like a bio but there's no way of really improving that stuff um but if you could have like a history of all of your kind of uh articles that you've read or education things that you've read but yeah i don't know i don't know i'm just kind of talking out or thinking out loud so um but yeah if you could have a better way of um a better way of proving knowledge and then we could organize voices in a more you know sensible way because right now it's just whatever is the most popular and so somebody comes up with some crazy thing that you know causes a lot of fear-mongering and it catches a lot of attention and it spreads like wildfire but it's not at all accurate that's like it's dangerous and it destabilizes literally countries and so that's uh that's like not good that's really bad actually and so we need to really take thought in how we design these things and start small and make sure that it you know works before we scale it up but i think that that's not going to happen people just because of all the people just scale things up really fast but i don't know that's my thoughts um yeah and i think a tai has been very passionate about this yeah actually lisa uh much more passionate than i expected everything everybody else in the in the conference i think when he spoke you can almost hear the pin drop did you get that sense i know i'm watching watching live because i know he's going live and then he's uh stood up and then just the whole whole conference very super quiet it was he has like he's like super energetic about it which is good yeah yeah you need that kind of passion to really uh make some changes and also to his point and i think one thing is uh yeah i was inviting him because usually he showed up in this meetup and he said he was on the plane so probably not a good connection so just uh maybe next friday we can have him uh have some like a ground report you know to to see what's happening there but to get back to i think another thing i can think about is this uh so as much as if we have this uh bitcoin base right like a meta net by base apps or id then it's much much harder to censor right unless you're like against the law right if you just have a different viewpoints it's much it's like if twitter senses me i can move frictionlessly to like gap or whatever right other network i'll still be there i can still view me but my content will still i can carry it around and really like all my own data right for now i think it it's just maybe it's just my personal experience but since the 10 years of being the you in the u.s is like the censorship is getting out of control because when i first came here is that you can pretty much say whatever unless i mean it's not a super like a you know like a child pornography or like a terrorism or whatever right if it's just different viewpoints you can pretty much say it anywhere like i i've never even heard about the censorship in like 10 years ago but for now i think you have to be very careful anything you say you have to be cautious i think it's just they had a very short-sighted view of how we're gonna fix this problem right because i agree that the kind of misinformation if you want to call it that or just like how how something that's just sensational headlines could spread really fast on these networks okay because it's all based on popularity but then the so-called solution was to have these government agencies like the cdc or whatever come in and dictate the truth and then you put the banner at the bottom but then they flip-flop first you don't need mass then you need mass then you need double mass and like they were so flip-floppy that it didn't even it's like it was just a short-sighted solution and so instead of having somebody dictating truth and then banning everybody that disagrees with it what we need to have instead is like better ways of filtering kind of like arguments and then here's the way it's saying that is we need a better way of finding the truth or like disc like how what is the truth and how do we even get to the truth and that's like a very philosophical thing but it involves debating and proving things and um presenting evidence and verifying that evidence and all this kind of stuff and so what we need is these systems that help us do that instead of the short side of the thing of oh we're just going to take everybody off the platform that sensor uh yeah sensor and so it's like it's just it's a version did these people read history it's like for me i i'm not a history expert but name namely one instance the the good good guys are censoring the bad guys namely one instance right because to me if you have good argument right why do you even need to censor that's very at least to me it's almost i'm going to say 100 right but usually when you resort to censorship is a big red flag to me the same thing for like a bdc censoring vch and then samsung ps3 right because if you can have a good argument why not just present it right so i think that's a huge problem for now is just this platform that censor you deep platform you is yeah it's a yeah it's uh it's almost like a vicious cycle right then you never get out at least now if you have a methane add face abs i could see this at one approach you can get out of this not health and leave it i'm not saying completely get rid of this problem and the second one i think is some people probably i think it's very likely a good approach basically instead of saying oh this is like some some random so-called independent fact checker put a label on this right so this is true or false why not when you post some post any news article it you you also attach it's almost like a like a bounty so if you're true if this turns out to be false proven to be forced whatever approach then you get confiscated so basically you have a accountability right so you have a you pay a penalty if you are spending that news that can be proven first in some way i don't know a court or something but not just a fact checkers but a few and also uh if you are true the only value people can you know uh it's like almost like a bitcoin right mind minus if they're doing all this work they got the incentive they got paid and if you are doing dishonest work people will offer your blog basically somehow you can you have if you can somehow put money into this maybe it just just uh think our life yes it would definitely help but every system it will eventually get you know exploited yeah but i think like the most valuable thing about all these systems is that you could tie actual like credibility to your identity right i mean you could do that right now but nobody on the internet will actually like you know it could be made up or it's hard to actually like check like who this person is in his history because you got all this blue checked yeah yeah and you got all this fake info about you but uh with this i mean that's what's it's it's essentially turning your credibility into your wealth right like indirectly and i think the best uh like voting mechanism at least it used to be is uh i mean wealth you know because uh i mean sure you can have like uh some people will abuse the system to create like short-term wealth but if you if you got someone that actually like has a long term uh steady like credibility line is he's probably like you know it's probably someone who you could trust right but yeah there's one one thing i think i was thinking about this since our last conversation but um so charles koch wrote this book and charles coke is like the uh wealthiest private uh like you have public companies and you have private companies and he owns koch industries which is like the largest i don't know if it's the largest but one of the largest uh private companies in the united states and he wrote this book called good profit and it says that you know there's good profit and there's bad profit and bad profit is sort of where you just kind of for short-term gains you're exploiting people but you're causing all sorts of harm you're breaking the law et cetera et cetera but good profit is where you actually you know are helping other people you do it in a way where you're obeying all the uh you know the relevant laws and stuff like that so my point of saying all this is that i do agree that whoever has the most capital should have the most votes but there also needs to be a way to make sure that that is uh they've earned that money in some sort of honest way in other words when it's good profit then it's uh acceptable but it's bad profit and then the other thing that i want to say was um so one of the things that kind of bothers me is that let's say like bill gates he gets super wealthy in terms of uh software but then he can carry over that reputation into some sort of medicine but does he really deserve that influence in medicine or could there be some sort of way of restricting it to you know just software um i don't i don't know if that's i mean he's uh he's a virus uh expert right look at well i know but but the big yeah exactly but the the reason why he like should we you know now that we have a way of proving our history of how we earned money in a sense i mean it's never gonna be perfect but what if you can carry that reputation just in the single domain that you made money um i don't know it's just i'm just throwing it out there i'm not saying i have any but because i don't know i mean i uh i feel like we do that a lot where maybe somebody is like they become a celebrity in movies but then suddenly they're the expert and whatever and people listen to them on any topic but are they really an expert on that topic or they're just an expert yeah it's like you talk about you hear about this uh all this celebrity talking about fts right i think they probably heard about that sometime this year and now they're suddenly experts right yeah because we are somehow it's always uh this phenomenon right this uh i think that there's a there's a study behind this basically there's a it's a new somebody who's a nuclear physicist so he read all these daily articles right daily newspapers when he whenever he noticed something about the nuclear physics physics he can always say it's almost always forced in the news and then for any other domain you trust the news right yeah i know yeah it's just this domain he happens to know he can find out all this forgive forgive french the right anything else he thinks that you know this uh newspapers or whatever the authorities that are doing the great job except this one small domain which he knows i think i think that's true of all of us it's like all our experience when we have some sort of direct experience and then we see on the news like oh that's false but then we just switch off and we say oh it's right on everything else i i just don't even watch the news anymore what i try and do is i'll watch uh like unedited interviews uh or raw footage and there's actually a lot of that now which is kind of cool so you could just see like raw footage of you know gilroga the white house yeah joe rogan this is an example that's why he's but yeah but i'm also talking about like uh like if i want to hear news about what's happening in the government i'll just say like white house raw footage and i have like videos of them coming off the plane like all unedited like talking to the reporters getting in the car uh so you can see the whole unedited sequence or if there's a talk at the white house they'll film the whole thing um but not all of like i don't have time to watch everything yeah that's why i used to be soundbites and video clips yeah which they usually which is usually very biased to say the least yeah yeah but so but what i'm saying is there's always going to be some amount of curation meaning that uh somebody's gonna have to go through there and then pick out the uh you know the points that are worth watching but the thing that really bothers me about the news is when they do the the edits that are like deceptive edits you know and if you so what i always think yeah so generally what i do is i'll see one of those super deceptive edits and then i watch the full thing and i'm like okay yeah this is just totally whatever so i don't even watch i i rarely watch the news i'll i'll read like my local newspaper um and then that's about it and then i'll just use youtube and watch raw footage but um but yeah i think we just trust people across domains which is probably uh not a good thing and so if we could have some sort of uh like let's say it's on quora or whatever where if you're really good at computer science does that necessarily mean that you can talk about maybe it gives you some credibility but maybe it's not the same credibility as if you are in a different domain so uh i don't know but but i mean sometimes if you have a polymath that's really good a lot of things that also they can connect the dots so maybe maybe it can give you some weight but let's not let's not just automatically assume if somebody's an expert in this domain that it carries over because we do that a lot and so uh something to think about just throwing it out there yeah but ultimately it's like up to the reader to decide who has the credibility right but the thing is with all this stuff that we're making we're making it easier to actually like verify stuff you want you but ultimately like people will need to learn to use this stuff and they will because i mean as you probably noticed like the younger generation is a lot more prone to like misinformation because they're like exposed to it like from the early years and they know they know to take everything with the grain of salt but they don't really have now the tools to actually like check it on if anything like actually happens you know but with with all this stuff on chain you could actually like um you know like tr without transcend truth through time without actually like messing it up you know if yeah and i think the thing the thing that's dangerous is that people on on current social media they use their metric of success as how many followers or how many uh likes or whatever and so the metric of success and whether or not this is trustworthy is how much engagement did it get but what we have to realize is that sensational news or sensational headlines will always get the most engagement but that's not that has nothing to do with the truthiness in fact the truth is generally a lot more boring than in sensational headlines and so it's not going to get so much engagement um so there has to be a moving away from the uh the popularity as the uh as the top metric but the only way for that to be possible is if we're not using the advertisement based business model because the reason the reason why you know they want to drive engagement with these platforms whether it's conscious or not is because the more eyeballs you have then the more advertising you could put in front of people and so what we really need is a new way of paying for content and that's what we have this is one of those uh features of our new medium and so with micro payments and that kind of stuff so but we need a we need an easier way of actually like money button is uh is a great thing but i feel like we need we what we really need is for it to be integrated with apple pay or something like that speaking of that i was just trying to bring up the next uh cent b i haven't tried yet but uh from the top we can use it for walmart and a lot of retail places target directly or do you buy the gift cards i'm not quite sure somehow i'm not sure that's how i have to check it out yeah but uh lauren here from santa b he says you can use it now they are expanding globally right and they are actually relocating from south africa to to london actually they are nasty there so they're saying it's a mod yeah i'll put it in the slack oh okay is it from congee or something yeah it's from corn gig it says send me now allows users to shop at major retail outlets yeah that's definitely something i will try it probably doesn't make much difference for me but for me it's uh it's just cool to actually use it daily you know yeah but we need it to be so seamless it's like that people just use it like they yeah it's like they know they know how to download an app it's like oh there's an app and i'm like oh i know how to do it like you don't have to teach anybody how to download an app you don't have to sit with them for 15 minutes you have to teach them how to save the key like i tried to onboard people onto like you know to get a bsv wallet and they're like oh we'll just do it later we'll do it later just do it for me and it's like oh my gosh so there's just too much friction right now um [Music] there's too much friction and so we need to have a way of it being super super easy where people are just using this stuff like they're using their they don't even realize they're using it and then uh so that's kind of the first step before a lot of these social media ideas and uh so we just see it onboarding easier and we need identification um so but i there's people that have been talking about that so i think it'll happen yeah i mean i i remember the good old days i was seeing some other coins that the the wall is is crazy i don't know if you still using some other at the old wallis is pretty much command line you have to type this type that run your own note even for a lot of new chains you're launching today you have to write a full node and then use a command line to log in and many of them don't even have a ui you just use the command line setup i think a chai what is that i think some some some of my friend is uh mining the chai coin says it's showing me the wallet there's no interface whatever it's just your command i think bsvp yeah the wallet i mean well it's it's definitely the best out there but again as you said you can be made more friendly because then it's like grandma right if the grandma can use it then we know we have been okay we have made it i think so far i think it's a pretty pretty good already yeah i think it also for the we have a quite a few uh wally sessions right this uh hand cash and sandby and uh what else oh there's a uh violinix oh from cambridge he also put robin right he also brings his like enterprise grade wallet solution i forget the name how to pronounce it but uh yeah that's the sum and also uh from elas right there's also another like enterprise focused wallet right yeah i'm gonna look at those i've i think hand cash malaysia yes malaysia yeah i haven't heard of that one i use it's a new one cash and relay x are the two i keep on my phone so my two uh okay that's my wall yeah yeah and then apple pay yeah i use but um i have all of them but i think for now mostly i'm using the web browsers for whatever reason yeah yeah me too like usually yeah i mean think of mobile yeah that's why i use my channel if yeah if it's if i can go to a walmart and play with it that will definitely use it uh oh also uh simply cash that's also pretty good and it's a one-man project so in case you didn't know this is very important yeah just an app go i'll download it right now [Music] it's a relica or iphone app store because somehow i cannot find it i'm trying to collect some like like a bounty voice yes dfi wallet yeah do you know really car because maybe they have android or something i definitely see the mobile application app face interface but i haven't been able to find it no i don't see it on here i don't know if i'm spelling it right let me google it cuz i do the spell check relica bsv in different cities yeah i think i think uh there just seems to be more integration with um with the uh actual ios platform too and this is what like like the whole uh court case i think it's actually in our favor now i needed to read more about it but they have this whole court case with i think it's epic games um where epic games was trying to have uh a different type of payment they wanted people to be able to buy stuff using paypal instead of through apple's in-app purchase and they went to court and all this kind of stuff and there are some they didn't get everything that they wanted but they got some new features where it makes it easier to pay with other mediums except instead of apple's in-app purchase mechanism so they're that's going to free up some some things for bsp but what really should happen because um what really should happen is that apple somehow just uses bsv for their in-app purchase thing to get the prices down lower because like right right now you pay 30 of your revenue to apple and they use that to set up all the payment processing with all the different currencies all around the world they also use that 30 to actually build developer frameworks like ar kits and you know all the user interface kits and um all the stuff that they offer us and so i don't want to go to apple and say no like you're not going to pay you at all and get it because they actually build stuff for us and they provide xcode and they provide all this stuff distribution network yeah app store yeah exactly that's really valuable stuff but what they could do is integrate bsv and then they could make it cheaper for them to do all this stuff and then and like right now the only instead of saying i want this in-app purchase to be um you know a certain price you actually there's different tiers and the cheapest you could do is 99 cents but instead of just saying i want it to be 99 cents you select tier 1 and then that's in all the different currencies all around the world it selects whatever the equivalent of 99 cents is so in some countries it'll be a little bit more some it'll be a bit bit less but what they could do is if they integrate bsv is you could actually do micro payments so you could actually charge a fraction of a cent for an in-app purchase and so that's that's really what i think should happen is that they integrate bsv into the existing in-app payment they can still take the 30 but now we can actually do micro payments um on ios but then outside of ios you don't have to pay the 30 and you can just do whatever but the reason why they take that 30 is that they could provide us all the free developer tools which are just paid for by that 30 tax and i'm happy to pay it maybe they could bring it down even lower and because people complain that they're overcharging and they may be but i you know i'm very happy with apple's developer system so i'll send them uh an email again okay tim cook okay yeah hopefully they read it we'll see [Music] yeah integrate bsv okay there's another uh in grants scared of things i think you talk about the two points right how why what what is a it's like an internet first game app or mobile phone first game app what is the what is the advantage compared to the last generation of uh platforms you know you can always do what uh whatever the last generation platform is doing but what usually the killer apps are is something you can only do with the new technology right like a mobile and whatever what are the things yeah and what you just think about micropayments yeah micro payments and you you also mentioned beautiful immutable logs yeah immutable logs and so immutable logs are really helpful for things like you know like let's say that every update you do to a server you have to pay zero zero one percent of a thing or whatever but then and maybe not every update but certain key things and then if you have a hacker that comes in and starts changing things around you have an immutable log of all of the steps that he took and so because it's immutable and so that's one of the things um but anyways as far as the uh the payment i wanted to mention one one other thing is that when itunes first came out they actually would because the um they wanted to do just small payments where you paid 99 cents per song but just to do 199 payments you know the credit cards that that doesn't work well with credit cards and so they had to go through some um process where they would batch all the transactions and that's why if you used to use itunes back in the day um you would only get a bill like once every uh two weeks or something i don't know if you remember that yeah it'd be like a tab but now if we actually can pay we could actually do you know micro payments and so we don't have to do the batching of transactions anymore so um i forget where i read that i think it was uh it might have been a steve jobs autobiography i think it had something to do with eddie q uh and uh maybe there's a speech he gave i think i tried to find that for somebody in slack and i couldn't so i got to do more research but um but yeah i remember reading that somewhere uh where that's that was their solution to doing the so-called micropayments at the time which was the 99-cent payments is they would create a tab and then they'd charge it once every two weeks or once a month or whatever but now with bsv we can do true micro payments and so you could actually have a one cent payment option in in-app purchases on the ios store so that's uh that's a killer app but it requires it being integrated by apple not by one of us because it's illegal to do your own in-app purchase things so but you can do it on the web yeah web is much better but uh unfortunately nobody uses web apps yeah that's not a problem it's just uh rare yes yeah that's nice that's a huge uh yeah that's the obvious obstacle yeah i think a vault is kind of uh getting around this right because they only usage my understanding they're not purchasing anything inside the wallet you can go using that to log into let's say token swap right then whatever fee you have is he's painted that so that's yeah this is vault vault or wallet vault um can you put in the slack yeah you don't use this okay no you're not playing with uh talking swapper oh yeah i don't i don't use token swap three thousand percent api [Laughter] i don't know how this stuff works i i just put a few dollars in like magic man you put the one one dollar ten dollar you got 100 later it's like a magic box and everybody's happy i try not to use i i just don't do any of the uh i don't know i was just kind of raised never to do never to do day trading or anything like that i'm not against it but it's kind of like i was you don't trade i don't trade i buy and hold so i'm just saying it's just involved you don't you have to trade you don't even have a right oh it's like a they're called fat like i think i'm fun okay yeah yeah i'm checking it out yeah so called the number one d5f wallet then bsv interesting cool well yeah i'll check it out but um but yeah i mean i i want things to be uh i want it i don't i want to try and you know i'd like to see the industry move away from all the like financial things and into actual use cases okay so here's a good talk um was it the first day i just remember craig saying this in the last week and now i can't even remember where he said it so i think it might have been the first keynote but he was talking about how the finance industry accounts for like 50 of some gdp or something like that yes and it just sucks the life out of everything because all this yeah exactly they're excessively living off of inefficiencies right and that's also like why there are a lot of problems uh facing like global adoption with this stuff because you know a lot of money actually we know who where it gets from you know mastercard and stuff like that as well yeah yeah so i want i want to see people actually using it for goods and services on the internet and so um instead of just you know whatever so if we could have in-app purchases where you're actually buying goods and services whether it's a you know some sort of level up in a game or whether it's a news article or whether it is [Music] just whatever people buy on the internet all the goods and services or whether they're paying for a google search or whether they're um whatever i think that's that's really where the killer apps are going to be and it's it's it's something that's actually like a step forward and you don't have to worry so much about all the regulatory compliance because if it's just some sort of weird defies as they call it thing where it's like i don't even understand how that stuff works and so i don't even trust it like i remember on coinbase they started paying me some sort of yield i'm like don't give this to me like you're going to get me in trouble i can actually turn it off which if i don't understand where he's coming from you're just going to get me in trouble i don't know how to report this on my taxes very easy turned off the future think about it like a black box you put one dollar and then sometime later you take a ten dollars out it's a it's magic yeah i mean if i if it was something legitimate where like i was actually like there was like a bunch of different loan applications like somebody an act like i used to use this thing called kiva my uh it was like a way of donating to people in uh in developing nations and they would actually put and i'm sure some of it was totally fake but um some of it was real and they would it would be like this lady or this whatever in uh some developing country and they needed to raise money in order to buy you know a little uh stove top so they can open a restaurant or something like that so if it was if i was lending money in that sense where like there's loans come yeah real businesses and there's like a bunch of applications coming in and then i do a loan to somebody that would make more sense but right now with the thing it's like yeah we're lending it out to other people but like who are these other people i have no control over it i don't understand it but i just get money back it just feels like a scam in some way and maybe it's not i don't know but you're learning somebody else too so they can show some other coins for example bsv that's my understanding so it's it's like a zero sum right so as you mentioned i think the only way you can break out to be really uh to be a legit business for me understanding is it it's like any other banks right you can loan to real business for example you just met somebody wants to open like a corner store or 7-eleven or a restaurant right don't need some capital to get this started i think if you loan that out and then they make profit they pay you back that that's legit but uh if you just you know you you learn some other you learn some coins for some other people to use as a collateral to short loan some other coins is it's zero sum right it's a closed system that's that's where i feel is fish but i i don't know maybe people are already doing that or maybe not so if that's that's that's my understanding because otherwise you are one one man's winning is always somebody else's loss right so it's never you don't have a you don't have a win-win situation yeah i think well sometimes that's what go ahead that's what i think it's not uh i'll find a link later but uh some um oh i think it's b-tracks talk hey bill hey hello hey hey we have somebody uh president uh from coingeek you're in geek right right yeah it was it was pretty good oh okay yeah why not new york are you back uh i i'm actually in new york yeah you are basically that's right oh yeah i recognize you from the other one okay cool yeah so yeah we are just uh doing some recap so why not you just uh do a you know you are on the ground so what what was it like and is it mostly empty chairs as it's like a lot of people um there were there were plenty of empty chairs um i guess the second day was the most packed uh there were there were plenty of people um without without covid and vaccine requirements i wonder if it would have been definitely uh you know definitely would have been bigger yeah even me and kevin will be there and i know at least 10 other people will show up if it's not for this uh this uh passport thing and um what's his name kurt walker jr had mentioned somewhere that maybe if like that they had thought about uh moving it from new york but it was too late yes so that's what i heard because they booked it uh about one year ago and then when they tried to move it somewhere else to florida or texas everybody else already moved so they got the it's already booked and then they'll probably have some contract with the value already it will be huge hassle so yeah i wish i think that's understandable people some people are complaining on twitter i was like dude i mean all this do you see this coin geek conference staff they're like best probably right look at the quality i don't know last time i watched some bbc conference it was not as good college as this especially the after party right that's like a world famous top notch is it i didn't i didn't get to go uh i watched you no but but it was good uh to see a few people um you know of the before there was a meet up and uh during uh during you know lunch and during in between things um there were a few guys and i got to talk to ty everett um he did such a good job um like i was excited almost as excited about his speech as i was about george gilder's uh i thought george stiller you know you feel if i'm being honest i think he did a better job could be this this time because yeah i mean just gilda's uh talk i feel uh i mean it's great but it's a little bit of a reminds me his uh last previous thought is uh talk about big two big problems right so okay i i had never seen him talk before i know people always said well you're going geek yeah i think every time it's a coin geek and i know uh you know people had mentioned him all the time but i didn't really know him um but he's not a builder right tai you know that's yes that's great yes and then he's more like a he's a visionary yes and you had posted some uh uh lots of things which was great uh but you i'm on board with you you like pierce and i like pierce and uh tai um i really like the bit phone uh that he won joe i forgive his name that's like uh why is the famous book george gilder yeah i think most people yeah he's good at uh predicting things he predicted like i think a tv and then predict internet and then he's now predicting a so-called uh like web 3. yep yeah i bought that book on audiobook i listened to it but i haven't uh i should go through it even more [Music] yeah keep going bill usa um yeah i liked uh joe the big phone guy because i feel like he's he's creating a win-win between rich students in america and potentially poor language tutors all over the world and he's he's distributing bitcoin potentially you know he would be getting bitcoin from rich people in in the first world to zillions of potentially lots of people in the third world and just spreading it around you know i also like that he used in sequence yes that's the first that's one of the i'm not very sure about the business use case but it's just because for me i'm a nurse i always do you know if it makes sense i don't know i just at least it's cool right because that's the first end sequence based application i've ever known or maybe in the history of bitcoin right yeah um what else um then there were uh the two guys uh tones notes was there and um mort uh so it was good to see them i had met mort at um unwriter's thing a year and a half ago who is this guy uh mort his name is monty you you'll see he's on uh unwriter's slack m-o-h-r-t i think well he on the first uh escript meetup um isn't that he maybe i'm maybe i could who's that okay someone else might be confusing him he used to be a minor years ago and um and he was at unwriter unwriter had a meet-up about a year and a half ago [Music] yeah you were there i'm sorry i just met him there um and then tone's notes is he is he a member of this slack or the only other slack i'm on is atlantistic uh unwriter slack so maybe he's from there this other guy tones notes cones nose okay all right all right so it's not this one i forget which one it is okay so it's uh unwriter has a slack and he's on that slack another good guy um um and what else uh yeah so it was good speeches um not super crowded as i said um but it was good um it it forced you know seeing all these things and talking with people like ty uh and all it helped evolve and mature my thinking on this thing that i'm working on um uh because i need i need a uh a transaction provider and right now i'm using um what's on chain and um i have a client that's requesting um transactions not a server i'm trying to at least right now avoid having a server it's just a client or these clients requesting transactions and things like i i spoke with the guy from coda um yes yes right yes and he uh if you want to request if you want to play with his api with use any of these apis you need to be registered so you can't have you know millions of people potentially thousands of people registering with him just because they're running a client um you know that's some it sounds like the relationships he wants the people he wants to be using these apis are servers and at least right now i don't want to um have a server just yet um but um so talking with him and then talking with ty and ty's got these bridge ports as part of private project babbage and then also seeing the the bit phone um they're they're using i guess effectively it's like you can call it a payment channel where you know in sequence so uh so made me realize that for now uh maybe i would just use what's on chain um these clients but eventually i could build a server um where they would they would effectively pay for requests maybe um uh pay for it you know as they're requesting transactions um they can pay their way uh you know every 10 minutes you know if they're requesting a lot of transactions we could advance the end sequence and they could uh effectively send a little more bit by bit anyway so it was good to rub shoulders with people and discuss things yeah it's always uh really i wish i was there looks a lot of like not only a lot of uh you know very high quality talks but also a lot of fun seems from outside yeah my one of my favorite uh tv shows when i was growing up was entourage and so it's cool to see uh adrian i guess i always pronounced his name wrong but adrian grineer criner i don't know how to pronounce but i definitely recognize his face and uh so yeah i i wish i could uh that would have been fun but to meet him but uh we're on the same speakers list and so i felt i felt special that way even if i didn't meet him yeah okay yeah he's uh i think i got uh occurred to i think the second day or the last day i think the second day right after they have this new coin coin tv after the whole conference over i think he was uh talking with this guy andrea yeah he it makes more a lot of sense actually i thought it was like you know you just get some people famous here to bring up some hype and the guy probably doesn't know much about but uh he yeah at least he's uh he knows you know what he's saying yeah it's not like i felt like his answers made a lot of sense but i was expecting them just to be like nonsense but i was like oh that's actually a pretty good answer so yeah i i completely agree with that but i it looks like he has some sort of venture capital uh thing and so um yeah almost like uh what was it what's he got the austin catcher the guy except ashley was with vitalik just the other day yeah yeah i don't know if you saw that you guys were in the screen like it was really like i almost fell off my chair when i saw the first song yeah me too that was that picture was also supported in wework right before it fell apart too so you know i like i'm not against dasha kosher but i'm just saying his track record yeah celebrity endorsement is not uh it's not a good indicator especially obviously you talk about the serenas right everybody there knows and also magic leaf have you heard about this company magic leaf i was saying is like the hottest vr uh stealth mode the startup based in southern florida everybody was injured and then seems like uh do you guys remember that they made a very big splash basically they they show this uh like a marketing video so if you basically for usual vr you have to put on some kind of goggle right but for them you don't have to put anything it's almost like a you put something on your retina it's almost like uh then you can watch like uh the ar and the vr merge with the reality it's almost like an xr they're quite and then you basically you you put this thing on no device outside and then it's almost like you're watching like uh real movies so they demo this by showing you go to like a football card and then they show you like a big killer whale jumping in front of you which made a lot of splash i think that everybody is trying to invest in even like a group of ventures like sandra actually do they actually have like a prototype or was that only like it turns out is uh it's a city i mean yeah obviously but i think like uh if they have like actually something like working like maybe in the lower you have to pick uh you you have to put on a cargo it's not different much different from other vrs turns out so yeah it's a good it's i mean it's a good idea if you could do the actual thing but this is the thing it's like with theranose too it's like if you can if you could actually do it from a blood drop that'd be great but do we actually have technology to be able to do that that happened right yeah but but how but it are we actually there no i mean are we there in terms of technology advancement now so yeah you see we've seen the little uh we've seen the uh contact lenses with the computers in them in the movies and tv shows and it's a great idea and i'm sure that one day we will have it but can you actually do it in the next five to ten years probably not so we're not we're not even with the ar glasses yet so to think that we can do all that in a contact lens that's uh that's probably a scam yeah even like air glasses are probably like 10 years away i think in this decade i think there will be stuff happening in that sphere in my opinion because apple i think apple is working on uh on some prototype behind the scenes i've heard and apple you know apple is like a big step maker in the industry so maybe maybe there will be something from that it would be pretty cool i think so but these things these things are actually like going like sales are going through the roof like smart watches i mean a few years ago nobody i knew was wearing a smart watch but now like everyone has one right they they've become cheap like you get one where for a hundred dollars i think i just bought this the other day it was i think 70 euros or something like that and it's it's really good it's it's it's like one you know when you have your phone in your pocket and you take it out all the time you don't have to so you just yeah i think it's nice for notifications just like you know just you get the little tap on the wrist and you can feel like you can be away from your phone a little bit more which is uh useful in some contexts and then the tracking features for health i like and then what else do i use my apple watch for [Music] notifications and health tracking is really the two primary sometimes if i'm in the car or something and i just want an easier way to press the next button on music or like if i'm listening to music and then i want to skip the song but i don't want to take my phone out of my pocket it's nice just to have it you could just tap it but um yeah i haven't i don't know what the those are the three killer apps for me but uh other than that there hasn't been much on the phone yet or on the watch yet but i still wear it uh when i'm out i don't wear it at home that much but if i'm out i almost always put on my watch so yeah i think wearables and glasses and all this stuff in the future will just be part of our part of our everyday life so it's it's exciting yeah you just uh talk about uh we just talked about the how how to legitimize d5 i think if you are into that i strongly recommend you haven't haven't yet watched the the b track ceo i'm a little surprised he's showing up because usually i mean bsu is not very friendly let me put it it's not the most friendly chain to exchanges so i'm glad he's there he seems legit i mean if you watch his uh he author show some global use cases yeah i mean we want to we don't want to use this term but uh but it's okay the banking that i'm banned is giving two examples one in china one is i think it's in africa one called m peso it seems like gaining a lot of attraction i think it's a almost almost like a peer-to-peer kind of like a micro loan so as you talk about right kevin talked about if somebody wants to launch like a house alone or just a family restaurant you know then you don't even have a bank account how do you get a loan so they kind of pull together community community-wise i think yeah that's that's a capability yes so i got that it's called and that's uh that's right this is the lending thing i talked about where entrepreneurs would go and you donate 100 bucks or 50 bucks but yeah you could do even cheaper so like here's uh here's some examples so this is a lady in somewhere in africa that's looking to raise money for uh to buy a loan of five thousand dollars helps to buy more apples and mangoes anyways this person needs a decorative item for her shop for something so it's stuff like that that's where i got the idea but uh so i guess in a sense that's banking for but it's not banking it's like it's micro loans um but you the problem is you can't actually like verify if it's actually the like exactly but it's yeah but the the but the thing is is that it's so small for us in the west just to give five bucks 25 bucks that you just kind of view it as a donation but then they actually do pay it back so um like almost unless some some of them don't pay them back but i think when i use used it like um you know 90 of the people after three or four months i'd get my money back so uh it's it's kind of cool but i don't know that's good that's good real quick but uh yeah it's kind of cool but um but yeah it was more of a donation thing my uh grandpa got all of us to use it during like a christmas thing because he's really into charitable donations and so he wanted us to use it but yeah i always looked at it as a charity thing not a lending service but as far as banking the unbanked i think what that means is just that because because the confusing part of that is that we're going to give loans to that kind of thing and craig has said multiple times that big banks are not going to be giving home loans to people in ghana or something like that or i don't know if you said that exact word so sorry but they're not going to give loans to people whatever because it's just too small of a thing but micro lending from one of us like on kiva like they do for kiva that could work but i think the biggest thing is they could just participate in the digital economy you know what i mean because the only way you can participate in the digital economy now is with the credit card but in order to have a credit card you first have to have you know all this other stuff that it's too expensive for just a normal person uh in africa to have but if they could just have a phone with uh some bitcoin on it bitcoin sv i should say then boom they can do micro payments and they can actually participate digitally uh with anybody in the world uh in commerce and so that's i think that's what's meant by the banking the unbanked term uh in its best light but yeah there should be a different term for that i guess they could participate in digital commerce yeah i also like right term i'm changing the subject but i also liked uh dictionary um this guy oh yeah john check peace peace yeah um no we talked to him in miami we had dinner nice yeah i thought he gave a good speech um i could see them turning into maybe a wikipedia where it doesn't have to just be a definition it could be more things um yeah it's like he is also saying the same thing right it's almost like an amazon model you know it starts with uh selling books but then yeah yeah and i also like that his little twist uh claiming that if um if in the future i'm holding a if i own a definition and i could sell it or i could um um it sounds like he's using stos tokens and and so there are some satoshi's on each of these tokens and but it's not just a single satoshi i don't know he made it sound like it was more than the dust limit i don't know uh but he made it sound like um you know if let's say if you have a a a property that's worth a word a definition that's worth 50 cents but um you you want us um and or let's say it's worth five dollars um and um maybe or and uh you have the option of melting it down for these satoshi's on there um but maybe you value the satoshi's more i don't know he made it sound like you could maybe get an implied value you know how i value price yeah how do you price it the bitcoin is that yeah that's yeah he's uh in uh wall street for like more than 20 years doing financial analysis and an uh analysis so he's good at this kind of a guy yeah and cash flow and also the valuation and not based on speculation how to get some his own formula to compute the calculate the price which is i feel it's based if i use a word yeah yeah basically if you have let's say uh you own this word right let's say uh huddle and then you you go to he uses example right you went to some place where you want to have a breakfast with a wife and then you have the choice whether you give this up you burn this to turn into just real cash or you still hold it right so at one point if you reach this this point where you are willing to give up that definition for a certain dollar amount that's the price right right right right so that could be measured externally you know you can see people melting down or redeeming these um these definitions um for the underlying uh satoshi's and you know at a given point in time and so you can see well how much was that definition earning earning him um cash flows yeah so it's interesting the more the more we have people from all these different uh walks of life you know not just developers the more we have all these people coming up with ideas um that's that's wonderful you know it'll just um it'll it'll at some point hopefully we won't be able to follow the development right it'll just be a thousand industries finding their way of using uh of using bitcoin for ways we have no idea like like i told him who in their right mind would come up with this idea you know it's so good that you know i thought most people would wouldn't come up with it um but it's great that's cool i was just i was just going through it but then i and this is what i was saying what we need is that we need less friction because i wasn't logged in the money button and then i'm like oh and then i went to log in the money button but then i was in the wrong browser where i had my password stored and then i didn't have my passwords as like so i still haven't been able to search for a word so what we need is just seamless yes it needs to be way more seamless because if i can't do it and i'm like i'm like a bsv person like you think about what my mom was gonna do or something she's just there's no way i gotta figure this out and play around with this legendary though this is a cool idea and i'm gonna watch this thing again i watched uh i saw him speak but i haven't again i haven't had the time to watch all of the presentations yeah yeah um the the other thing that really was driven home uh to me uh was there was a panel with this guy uh what's his name not johnny deutch someone deutsch oh yeah donnie deutsch donny deutsch yeah the even marketing guy and uh someone before him they they basically were saying well he said it's the consumer stupid um you know they were both saying basically you have to find um you know what are you making easier for someone you know it's very easy to to build something right we could all build something that's interesting and uses end sequence yay it uses then sequence but if you know the user doesn't care about it right i find it so interesting oh that's that's so elegant or beautiful but if it's not making something easier for someone or letting them do something they they couldn't do with a credit card then we're wasting our time you know it's an exercise yes i think that that's what i feel uh it is almost the two challenges one is the technical and the other is a business right you can always i mean for i think for at the very beginning of course there's no nobody care about the business side of things right if you are using something like a latest technology you just all it's almost always this kind of a you know weirdo ski geeks just tinkering with it which is good right because at the beginning i don't think when the ios or android first came out and people say oh let's build like instagram or angry bird right i think i haven't paid much to follow their history but probably there's like a thousand or even ten thousand apps before that before they they really break out into the masses because people will always say oh i can always just use my desktop right that means a bigger screen and higher resolution and has wi-fi why do i even use this cellular you know smallish even at the beginning i don't still remember i think it's a you know when you are trying to type anything it's almost like uh it it's a nightmare right i don't know if you remember it it's always uh it's not a user good use experience and then there's people tingling on i think about people oh we can do x we can do i we're going to say oh why not we combine all this i think that's also i think that's why i think in the big phone i'm not saying it would be like a killer app tomorrow but it's always just showing case oh this can do and sequence oh that you can charge based on usage whatever i think as people are more sure and more use cases and then hopefully somebody with uh more business uh you know uh uh dance they can they can all come combined it's like uh we're now all doing all these kind of experiments and then just lead to this uh some guy who came up with uh the master it's almost like bitcoin right you have all these different ideas time chain proof of work and you know a hash and then you need to somebody genius to put all this together to come up with a whole system yeah i i i wonder like i think about these nfts uh they don't seem interesting to me at all but i'm willing to believe that someone can create the next crypto kitties uh like um you know the they in in the euro dogs okay yeah dora dogs right in the um in the exhibitor space they had um uh omniscape from this company i forgot uh but they they would do a 3d scan of you you would stand very cool and they would do a 3d scan of you and then they they hold on to your data and they you know nobody gets to see it if you don't want uh but it could be in their world um but at the same time there's you know all these different artists creating things i could imagine you know i was joking around like in america we have baseball teams and and the kids used to collect baseball cards and and if you had um a card from that had a player a baseball player in his rookie year his first year you know 10 years later that might be worth a lot of money so i was joking around that you know if you if you have a associate craig wright scanned himself so if they turn that into an nft and there was only one of that first craig wright uh you know that would be like his rookie card and if you had that nft i don't know i could just imagine some some smart business person is going to understand human beings understand the way kids are or the way that people are and like they they like to hold on to things and and maybe there'll be some crypto kitties or something that everyone will want i don't know yeah i think i think with the nfts they're playing around with uh collectible things and trading cards or whatever but also you can think of nfts as just like any sort of title for anything so whether that's a car or a house or whatever so i feel like i mean whether we use the word nft in the future or not but uh something that represents ownership that's going to stick around for sure but uh but yeah right now it's synonymous with uh just trading cards and stuff i remember beanie babies was a really big thing back in the day i used to have like 100 beanie babies and then i wouldn't sell them because i was i was a little like i think i was i don't know how young i was i was like a little kid and i would start crying every time they wanted to sell them but uh but yeah collectibles are an interesting thing i think i think that'll that'll be a big big deal yeah it is yeah i think it's ft maybe i'm missing something i think for nowadays all this ft is also like a proof of concept thing you know because always i can always take a you know snapshot and then downloading right like a people or whatever but it once you can somehow has a can be legally binding so imagine right i have this piece of work i can license it you know it's like almost like a digital twin right you can i can license it i can do drm i can yeah you may have some uh it's almost like a d5 right if i at the end when i all have this big pool of money i can learn it out to real business then they profit make profit and they pay the back right that's how we connect with the real business same thing for ft right now it's almost like i get this picture of rock uh i mean selling for like i don't know maintenance i feel that's a it's a first step so but it's not connecting to the real world yet maybe i'm somebody i cannot easily license out because you know for for now you got all this like a label label companies or this music industry take almost like gatekeeper but if somehow the artist or whatever they can find this using fd technology to somehow get around it or even they don't have minutes back they can also distribute or selling the rights they can earn like a small amount and then jump start this can be you basically connect with the real economy to grow the whole pie that's that's how i just my random thought yeah i don't know yeah maybe another uh another instance of one way to think about it is um you know when when you go to a concert a music concert you might buy a t-shirt right of the event you know the the rolling stones you know on tour in these cities um but maybe some people you know some kids in the future will want to say oh look i was at i was at the the whoever you know but the rolling stones on on this this date oh yeah i was also at uh this concert and you know and then swiped through all their nfts and there were only you know a thousand of them printed and i don't know that could also apply to what we were talking about earlier with the credentialing for uh answer websites like quora or whatever if you could have and if you could have some credential that you are one of the top qualified persons in some field or something like that stuff like that so yeah i think they're here to stay but i think that it's been uh it's just become synonymous with like these little artworks and stuff on the web and now everybody's talking about it just people everyday people tell me about these nfts i've heard about nfts that's like it's like yeah it's uh it's just an ownership certificate yeah that's how i view it yeah exactly it's like a title of a title but it is i think it is useful yeah but i think in the future like you're saying joey it should be more like integrated just like you guys were talking about bitcoin class where if you have this thing it's the access token to a higher resolution whatever whether it's financial data or an image or whatever so um that's that's where it should should go yeah in the future how was uh what else in the conference did you see any did you like have your white paper signed or anything or no i i i stayed away from you know i i well actually when i showed up to the pre uh the day before meetup uh i was about 15 minutes early and i thought hmm you know i was up on up on the 44th floor and i said huh should i should i go or should i just wait i don't want to get turned away but i went up anyway and as soon as i i walk in there's three people on one side there's someone on the phone i go to the other side and there's three people sitting at the table sitting at a table have a about to have a wine stefan matthews calvin ayer and dr crate craig wright and um yeah yeah i i just picked three man yeah so i you know i i said hi to them i chatted with them just for a few minutes i shook their hands but nice i didn't want to i looked i felt like i was a little intruding you know they didn't stick around forever but they did stick around for when everyone came in in the next you know hour or two but i was very surprised they were just sitting there you know yeah that was like a syria that's what uh i like to go into the conference it's like uh it's like you go to like i don't know world war ii and then you walk into a bar and you see it as uh you know winston churchill and uh you know in the u.s president and also joseph stalin sitting in a bar having some drinks and just shake hands and hey guys uh when are we going to you know attack or whatever feels surreal yes yeah yeah and then yeah i didn't want to just be someone glomming onto them i didn't have anything useful enough to say uh but i also uh it was it was good to just meet people um i met the guy he gave a fairly boring speech a very boring speech probably to most people he he gave the one he wants to um create bitcoin futures so i don't know if you saw that okay so it was just here's a did you yeah a disclaimer by the guy right yes the page disclaimers all these uh us code all these laws that he would just put up on the thing but i i spoke with him before you know at this meet-up beforehand and it was interesting i i liked him because um he was talking about gold and silver and and the banks and the dollars uh you know in person without showing all these disclaimers and all um and you know he believes in hard money and all that so um and you know so he's you know maybe he'll contribute to price discovery and all that stuff and making it um instead of you know making it this the glue for the world where you know i i think what he was saying is that today if you know there's all well george gilder also says that it's awful that there's all this uh the biggest thing in the world is all this uh what do they call it foreign exchange trade right but that foreign exchange i guess um i don't know if if the us dollar is the is the middle there's the glue right now but even if it if it is right now something better would be something that's not tied to a nation so this could be a good you know i'm calling it the glue i don't know what he would call it but um you know the backbone for all the trade i think his name was like jeffrey hammond or something like that [Music] yeah i remember his uh i remember his talk but he's spending five minutes reading all these disclaimers 20 minutes probably yeah okay okay but so that's why i skip it yeah i skipped the the disclaimer but his talk is pretty good yeah i have to rewatch it to understand it but yeah it's hard to understand okay so glad i'm not the only one who's not falling i thought he's talking about too much into like a financial job inside which i'm not experts in yeah yeah he's also from wall street right it looks like background yeah i forget exactly where he's from but yeah he's he's right he's definitely plugged into wall street and all and he knows what he's talking about just you know i hope he succeeds um i think it would bring adoption and all or at least institutional adoption you know her use yeah the only thing i i think i'm a little bit of the surprise is i was expecting to see something like a new turnout demo bring us to like i don't know 200 200 000 tps or something but seems to not happen in this time maybe next time yeah yeah he actually talked about uh bringing terror note uh live in the beginning of the next year so that's where their focus seems to be on right yeah and then they can optimize further yeah sorry for interrupting no i'm interested yeah that's what i i already told my sorry yeah he um it sounded like like any time you do a live demo you don't want it to fail because there were you know people here and there who their audio would drop out or the video or demo god yeah right always angry so probably to prepare for um a demo you know probably takes all sorts of man-hours you know two weeks and all and you know just maybe there was only incremental approval you know maybe instead of 50 there was going to be 200 000 uh 200 000 per second but but at what cost you know maybe he can spend that time instead of making the demo look good you know maybe he can spend that time and actually making terra node work better you know i don't know yeah ain't change seems to have released some open source tool which i i think a bookmark i haven't checked i think also he uh shadows showing all these big slides with very complex like uh like architectural graphs which i can i cannot follow so i have to rewatch that seems to release a lot of like a mappy and p2p and i don't know spv tool tools i think i am going to share in the in the slack i haven't checked but that's like a huge document i have to have to learn yeah yeah i'm glad this is still on track yeah if as long as it's on track no demo that's that's good yeah i i didn't see um like i went to whatever website uh coin geek pointed to like i forgot what it's called like bitcoin and i didn't really see anything new there but it's probably just not there yet or i'm looking at the wrong place i need to look at some github repo that i don't i haven't found yeah i will share i think at least there's one one link i know from twitter they send out something i have to i share in the slack thank you yeah that's always uh almost uh it's almost like the opening thing i'm always like getting used to it to see some like uh oh bigger blocks and uh more transactions so we'll see next uh dubai hopefully we can all go there yeah yep so far they i mean they're still open for i think i think you have to do a quarantine period but uh i think all this stuff will relax over the next uh yeah you could go to dubai right now uh i i heard that method is you uh joe he's saying uh you don't need a quarantine passport to go i don't know when you come back i'm not sure about that good do you think uh you can go out and come back on the site on the site that i read you have to quarantine but i don't know i mean i don't know okay but but dubai is like a central hub for all sorts of different countries they're like right in the middle of asia and africa and europe and uh so i feel like they're and most of africa is not vaccinated at all and they have all sorts of workers from everywhere so i don't know what their restrictions will be but um but i think it'll be open because it's open now if you know so it's fine you just have to jump through some hoops but um but uh and they also have the dubai expo which just uh was supposed to be in 2020 but now it's uh it's going on in 2021 so it'll be going during the same time of uh quinn geek so it'll be super cool and dubai is awesome it's like they have the tallest building in the world and uh you know half party there they'll be explaining yeah i actually have a bit at the top i just i just viewed it at the base uh that they have all these fountains and stuff at the bottom which is amazing so it's very inspiring and the whole thing just the whole city was built in the past like 50 years so it's still it's still very new and like i think obviously uh you know country cities like london or milan or paris all these uh places that people like to go it has way more culture and there's more history and so it's it's better for tourism in that regard but if you're just interested in like uh i don't know future like uh the future yeah i think i think uh dubai is a good place uh to visit so i really during the crypto bubble i had made a bunch of money in 2017-18 and that was the first place i went was dubai and i don't regret it i love i love it so yeah yeah but now it's uh not that's a sin word you can't use the word crypto but a lot of people are using it i i don't use that word anymore but i i was wondering if on my youtube i should go back and like cross out those those words maybe anyways guys it's coming up to the end here okay i don't know how long you want to stay but it's almost two hours so yeah that's good uh good time to wrap it up i think it's uh yeah basically i'm uh i think for three days i've been watching i think uh summerlin online uh live but now i have to you know go back and chop into different pieces and see what's what's new there i think we will talk about a few things definitely going to check out psn uh to try it they they seem to work on amazon if that's true that's great i think also send bb they're saying they can you can use using in the u.s and probably europe too for a lot of retail shops like like uh target or walmart i think definitely i i'm going to try out there too and also the engine release the tools all these things i'm going to check it out what else uh yeah i'm also of course last need to of course to emphasize what we have released so we have released an interactive learning course so if you haven't tried it yet please sign up at or you can go to sql dot io and just click learn that will be that will be our number one tutorial from now i think we'll keep adding more tutorials and also keep polishing it i think the in the end with the goal is to yes thank you in the end it will be like uh if there's anybody who's going to you want to on board on bitcoin uh script you just send me the link let's hope it's a one stop destination we just keep keep it going and also second we introduce this state property basically now you can write a state for contract as easy as you write solidity so because that's almost uh if not the number one issue people face but definitely top three people have been talking about that for a long long time so so yeah that thai requested last time yeah two times ago okay yeah yes i think a lot of people at least 10 people have requested since we have the stateful so finally i think for me i even made peace with myself but now i can recommend it to my even say former colleagues or whatever say hey try this thing because otherwise it's it's it's a little bit awkward the code is awkward you can do it but you have a lot of hoops to jump to now it's much similar and lastly of course thanks to michael we have the gola sdk release and actually yesterday there were people using it but they found a few bugs but uh michael were fixed which is good yes it's not officially released yet but it seems like golem is very popular these days i think a lot we know a lot of people using golem so if you have all if you have your own failure language that doesn't have sdk yet uh please let us know and also try we have so far we have a javascript python and go i kind of have java because stephanie is working with stefan february so he's part of his uh like bitcoin 4j uh i forget the name but i also share in the slack so stay tuned and let us know how hard is it to be though because i would love to do it on swift because i could use javascript and uh then access it from swift sorry to continue this at the very end but uh but yeah swift that's my request swift for ios swift oh okay i haven't checked that out okay swift okay okay well i could use javascript in the meantime though okay that was script okay that's good feedback bill you have your favorite language um you're doing good uh i'm using it in javascript that's okay that was great yeah maybe one day java but no maybe i'm good with the javascript i'm good thank you okay cool all right guys uh it was great and uh i really wish we could all go to dubai so stay tuned we will we will this is awesome okay now yes you know we're going to apologize building you know talk about bitcoin and uh that'll be that that'd be cool yeah we all have a script only invite like ft limited sea sitting on the top of the tallest building in the world okay i'm looking forward to make that happen okay man sounds good right see you next week enjoy the rest of you all right see you guys okay see you next time see you bye
Channel: Bitcoin Class with Satoshi
Views: 230
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: JrrLBJbAUg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 25sec (6865 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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