Scratching $1,000 book and more of New York lottery tickets!

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[Music] alright guys here we go buy some tickets and pronto everybody she Wilson chick Dallas is Joe what are you doing we're getting a twenty twenty dollar wild Bonin's a whole book the whole book is all booked I want to scratch everyone very very scratch in every road everyone right now right now in front though we are in front though buying the book good tickets right now happy that is Jay is the boss he and he is a man here we go win up man awesome thousand thousand right there it is guys looking at Joe's counting it thank you we got some winners in here I'm telling you we got awesome awesome and here he is areas the bottle shaker oh there we are guys on where do you go guys we're here you have 50 tickets and we're gonna lead it off with Mama boo scratch in the first one yes she is hey folks here we go something you never see all these children's there we go alright here we go six eight seven thirty seven and four we're looking 49 well 22 doubles are coming out 30 to 35 and 39 another double 5a miss last round hoping that the Hail Mary is 14 no go all right number one a loser so next up to bat hey night scratcher sorry no no get that big thing ticket number two the wild bonanza not my favorite but we're gonna get them a win canine scratcher on the Larry and Joe show learning yes I probably didn't personally 47:34 46 26 27 31 32 15 14:43 nothing come on come on can I gotta turn it over to the money sign 3528 39 all right final round I drilled things around and we'll waitress Rome famous last wrong we'll wait there here's the Hail Mary come on chicken legs next up ticket number three and we're gonna have mrs. Kane right so when you eat snow 11:29 and 43 [Music] well you want to multiply is multiply there's there's no right way oh thanks huge 33 I actually want to use that once - Bonnie you got to head out you got time to let me let me hit it real quick once - there's a winner yeah I love it all sorry the things is kind of hard to control here and it gets away from the fire all right guys ticket line number six all right we got the scratch in here come on come on Joey Michael Jordan are you shooting [Music] we're gonna have a double doozy here 14 how's it feel guys to see the original dynamos ration and pronto I know fancy no any this is live guys this is live stuff you do your witness insomnia when this to me losing as always all right here it is famous left row from Z original man Hail Mary 38 fu pile Wow that's where we're gonna cut the nice one in your alright alright all right next up now let's Hudson to get numbers all right guys here's to hoping for something good it's gonna it's I tell you what somebody's gonna catch a big one tell you what fam we we might have a good one coming in this book we might have a giveaway tonight maybe it's on this ticket lucky number seven forty-eight 26 32 36:43 oh yes yes I am alright Mary what we got [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright alright so next up we got Kurt join this up we just want to thank him he actually got a small shirts made up and when you're gonna see some of them in the prize pool so give Kurt a big shot in the comments [Music] [Music] what's up everybody oh yes you've got a scratch ticket guys this is our first subscriber about to scratch I think he's gonna hit the jackpot right now that would be nice yeah thank you so quiet right here Mikey what we got so far we got 20/20 and a $40 ticket [Music] [Music] jennifer love you [Music] all right all right we got to get 12 let's do it well they all know how it works well I'm not gonna explain that in a while even though it steals a prize spot but we'll take Mary what do I got number 13 thinking about 97 and 13 this one's gonna be a winner cuz 1313 watch so I think wait oh okay let's clarify these a little bit do a Larry scrimp 49 no 41 no there's no check this ticket somebody hopefully it's the big one because I would literally like pass out [Music] oh yeah we're just trying to 105 dollars so far all right I'm getting five 40 50 60 70 80 100 and stick around all right Dallas is back here we go to get number 15 there is plotted I've been blowing it I've been blowing it for all of you all right guys ticket number 16 I'm gonna break the ice a we're gonna find the big one right now that's a good scratch like this I like it too all right 26:19 twenty four and seven come on thirteen I've been on a bad losing streak lately as everybody knows like that always takes being bored no one is you get somebody buzzer dollar ticket now I still have a good feeling about this Pope I do too there's a lot honestly I got tingles Vilayet when I held it did you sign 1846 41 44 all right you know what time it is 36 25 49 and number 12 Wow alright guys I don't know if you're ready for him but Larry's all that scary comes amid scratch this is a little bit [Music] all right that's clean nine twelve forty seven and dirty three big male being in nothing right ever see nothing happening 42 6 15 and 16 nothing 13 and 39 looks like a 2 and 21 nothing 3731 4017 dirty one we have a winner we have a winner do you have your ticket properly thank you so much for that information oh my god that is awesome anything else going on here I'm gonna be happy with that one this is 35 okay yeah all right well we got something here so we got now eight forty one forty four and thirty six and there's not that happening there but I'm excited we got something up here right 31 what do you want do to multiply first will you win it first that's your man yes that's it multiply it says one time someone say ten dollars twenty five times one is 25 everybody all right we got $24 one [Music] yeah awesome all right so we're up to so far 130 back all right [Music] [Music] 23 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] Jersey and he said leave not leave it not anyone knew we left like 15 come on chicken [Music] [Laughter] and then when you're done when everybody's going sing-songy 14 come on famous last row flr let's do it 4642 Hail Mary and come on now step right up sweet ladies go back ya know see if I can turn my luck around mmm I doubt I will yeah I usually win about an average about 200 or team I almost miss Allen - I was in and away 30:21 it is one all right so that's number 20 that is gonna be scratching more of them Oh Leonard winner hey Ice Cube back-to-back and then we'll uh we'll stop the film and then we'll distill think we snap our minds oh yeah no way that just sounds like a shame don't do it but it's a pretty fun walk 20 bucks we got one bad I think we got a little run though in here that was a two in a row 20 bucks what it is 20 bucks all right mighty last one buddy here we go we got lucky last time we came here if there's a new park yeah he was telling me about yeah I sense a winner subscriber and that's good luck another $26.50 five we're missing 275 we're missin 100 so I think the next two winners are gonna definitely be at least over 25 here Joe take this one yeah that's a loser yeah what ticket number was that twenty-two yeah that's 123 yeah alright guys so we're gonna start on 23 in a second and we'll be right back is we gave everybody fleet tickets for the remaining tickets I'm gonna do 49 and 50 when they're done and they're just gonna scratch when I start calling out winners and uh this night guys guys it's 12:30 we're still here scratching tickets all right all right so just to let everybody know we the biggest one was only 40 so we still have a $50 prize here we still have a $75 prize we still have the $100 prize it better be some happy that would be a perfect way to end this video yeah Kristin bear with us you got some winners Kristin you got someone as you know the regular closing out the video all right nobody has said winner yet guys that's not a good thing just scratch your barcodes please her just blew through one he didn't say anything all right Mike you got 25 good job Mike yeah Mike doesn't know about the most and he still got some numbers oh hold on damn who's gonna pull the hundred watch will be the only book that does not hit the hundred I went up no it's all yeah I think that's almost illegal at Belmont you guaranteed me half my money back Wow Wilson rifling through him to down enough any hurts to down nothing maybe 49 50 maybe I got him here all right Wilson got one we got a bone we got a boom good and we didn't even let anybody know forgiven 10% guy I think we would be safe to say we had something to do our 10% back mama got one alright good one time our mama's multiplier all right Mama's gonna wait [Music] boom Damien got a winner for 28 that's a big 28 yes Larry says that Damien's winner you got the big 30 what about the multiplier it's gonna be big dirty he's got two more lines to go all right let's do it hi Wilson one time one time multiplier 20 Wilson got 220 damn who's got the hundred [Music] yeah that's where you got 30 yeah so mamma's is there might rather number yeah it's not that it that is enough one like what I hit 80 the other day I was like it's gonna be a 20 right I think mama got the hundred it's gotta be 20 yes anything guys are you serious that we have the 75 and 100 dollar one here nothing on all three Kurt oh my god that'll be sick where's the loser pile over here well in 20 that's 40 bucks right there all right so that's gotta you're gonna have at least another winner on there you definitely gonna have at least another 100 Dallas still has an extra ticket to Mikey how you doing over there brother a while whoa hold on are you staying quiet over there Mike that means that's good things put that to the side right yeah save that one don't scratch surprised like that means you won all the prizes on that row that means that's not easy to get nice yeah let's save that for the Mikey good job buddy we got a wants very good know about that [Music] three losers I got put them in the fu piles Mike so you have Mike how many tickets of you scratch so far and you've got two winners holy so depending on which we gets believe it or not then well there's there's still a $65 winner there's got to be there's got to be a 75 25 okay just make sure the countdown still goals and that means they're still going okay yeah I gotta see I want to see that while where's that wild yeah what's it say over that wall do one day be a wild Oh No yeah I can't believe we still haven't hit the plunger definitely probabilities 1fu policy file yeah if the hundred is in the up you bother we got problems oh yeah those were definitely no good come on join the open if everyone in mind room 49 is a loser the only other thing I could think of is Mike's got a monster in there because it might be because we're not nowhere near no there is a winner that's funny yeah because if this isn't a winner then that means that that ticket is a ticket that is normally not in the book which is more than 100 points it last one he have two tickets total what's the total that we got so far in prizes like this before that's the first curious we try to just get through this ticket I'm gonna see what that while it is I kind of want this to be nothing because that's something really big 325 there's something wrong and this is a loser has to be over $200 per subscribers let's see what he forgets now I'm coming around hi my keys all gonna do yeah we got some crazy right now we got a wild card left and Mikey are number one subscriber scratched it off right now he's disgusting and watch we won when I introduced I think you did something there I think you need to hold on oh I wanted to see his face everybody's based well no the whole thing what do you first what I'm going over this isn't gonna be a prize it's only gonna be these three so do the multiply first I do to multiply in my little wooden seat a wild whinny there you go one of the time now write down the role Mikey win just do that one let's see what it says what does it say Mikey did he Bluffs all right there's one it's gonna be 200 I think dad Mikey dirty dad's under dalla wanna just a hundred one more 100 it's $100 right there mighty good job we're at 4:15 on that boat oh thanks can you go littles so what is that that's a little less than a little lost enough now there was any other one on you why not just that that was ticket number 25 a triple nipple 175 and 25 so we're here in a turn of events guys we initially thought we only had 400 and anyway - yeah 410 worth so we knew something was wrong we threw away two tickets one for $75 and one for $65 but anyway here's all the winners we ended up with so we ended up getting five hundred and ten dollars back actually we thought it was 315 oh yes we thought it was 315 and then we won the hundred and then we had the two in the garbage so it brought us to five times five ten yep so we got back a little hat a little bit of back more than half our money but what we're gonna actually do and everybody decided on this is everybody that chipped in money we're gonna do a giveaway so 10% of whatever we just won which was five hundred dollars $50 giveaways gonna be put into the prize pool so we could thank everybody here for that Damian Dallas mama boo Kurt well those sued Jessica Big Mike and Larry can't forget Larry so yes next week guys you'll see 50 dollars in the prize pool anybody want to say anything to buy and Joe awesome so guys thank you thanks for coming I appreciate you it's been a great day and we'll see you guys next time somebody do the fit Wilson you do the fish Oh hit the screen all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Larry and Joe Show
Views: 233,780
Rating: 4.3722382 out of 5
Keywords: giveaway, contest, winner, win, 4k, money, cash, millions, billions, new york lotto, the larry and joe show, donafello, talk show, seaside heights, roller coasters, books, fousey tube, joe rogan, david letterman, jay leno, prize, prizes
Id: Z_-h9wYIcXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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