Scraping, Scraping, Scraping Or A Slow Descent Into Madness. The Conservation of Mathias J. Alten
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Baumgartner Restoration
Views: 3,511,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art, fine art, art conservation, fine art conservation, art restoration, fine art restoration, painting, painting conservation, painting restoration, oil painting, restoration, conservation, ASMR, Chicago, craft, oddly satisfying, Alten, Baumgartner, Julian, paintings, cleaning, scraping, repair, old art, new again, restore, Mathias Joseph Alten
Id: YOOQl0hC18U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Julian Baumgartner has a lot of painting restoration videos on YouTube. They're fascinating to watch, not least because it's incredibly satisfying watching the brown grime and old varnish come off to reveal a vibrant image underneath. But as I was watching this one, I noticed a few things that made me think of /r/MensLib:
He talks a lot about how emotionally frustrating his job can be when he has to undo poor conservation work, and how he manages his work around that. It's a nice bit of explicit emotional competency that we don't often see from men in the media.
It's a job that requires gentleness and patience.
Although I wouldn't categorise this video as deliberately trying to portray a different type of masculinity, this articulate, skilled man doing sensitive work is an example of a talented man who isn't doing something stereotypically masculine.
This subreddit often sees people asking for examples of diverse men, so I thought I would share this one when I noticed it.
I really appreciate how he knew his limitations and had no shame in them. He didn't push himself further and harm his physical and emotional well being. If you have that kind of luxury, take it and make the most of it. Most people who work have someone dictating what gets done and the amount of time they have to do it. Which leaves people over worked and over whelmed and depressed.
I love watching his videos. They're fascinating and they put me right at ease.
I really enjoyed this
I love this guy, and here's another that does something sort of related in a similar fashion
There was recently some drama in the restoration community because of him. They don’t like his techniques. Also he’s a bit of a jerk. Really bummed me out when I was told since I enjoy his videos :(
That's pretty neat. I'm curious about a couple of things:
It seems there are lots of details that were lost. For instance, that clump of trees in the background lost some of its smaller vegetation and even a few trunks!
I love watching Julian’s videos. I was once showing my husband one of his videos and just sort of dozed off for a bit. It was the middle of the day but I felt so relaxed!
This is so cool and I don’t know if I would have thought of it in this context had you not shared it that way. V. Cool, thanks!