Scrape Reddit Comments R ExtractoR

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Reddit Comments
hey welcome back everybody this is marcin grass here and i'm at a website called if you have not heard of it you probably should check it out because it's pretty pretty awesome anyways what I want to show you today is how to use are in a package called extractor extract or to extract comments and to find URLs that have specific terms in them and what better way to do it to actually give you a practical lesson on how to do it in real time here so let's go ahead and find first we in do the easy way we're gonna find a reddit that we want to check out like I've got quite a few here let's just click on just randomly picking one so this is live asked me over 30 I love this reddit so let's just click on this particular one here and I'm gonna grab that URL so I'm going to come and see that and as you can see there are comments but there's not that many comments for this one there's not that many but that's okay because that's part of what I'm going to show you is find a way to find her write it that has more comments so we'll do that programmatically as well so this is a really good good way to do this so let's go back to our I've got a little bit of a shell already built here we're gonna skip some of it okay so you're gonna need to be using the tidy verse and the reddit extractor package if you don't have those two installed click on install and obviously just type in tiny verse which you should have if you follow it along with any of my previous exercises and then let it extractor just click on install let it do its magic and you're good to go so reddit extractor and tidy verse should be installed do that and you can load these libraries so let's load those two libraries we're gonna skip lines four through eight I know it's hard to see but we're gonna skip this for now so I'm gonna show you this in a minute what I'm gonna do with that because we already have a website we're also gonna skip line 10 and by skip I'm literally just not gonna run those you should comment them out if you're never gonna run them but we're going to leave that there for a second for a placeholder and now what I want to show this is this function called reddit content now reddit content comes from reddit extractor and all you have to do this is how simple this is this is amazingly simple is put it in quotes so add some double quotes on both sides and control-v or command-v and paste that URL in there see it's all in there and it's in there now so on line for me 12 I'm gonna do command enter and you'll see how fast this is there at the bottom you see it's 100% done what it did was it extracted those six comments so there wasn't that many so under content if I click on it now what you see is you see the subreddit is called ask a man over 30 you've got the comment date and you have the structure and a few other things on there let's scroll to the right and you'll see the actual comments are here so you have all your comments we've just literally extracted the comments and the URLs to go with them so what I want to do is I want to write those to a CSV file so that we can maybe cut and paste into some sort of I don't know a text-to-speech synthesizer throw a YouTube video on there and make money off of it something like that right you know so this write dot CSV does just that and I really only want the comments so I'm gonna just go ahead and do content dollar signs come comment cuz that's the name of the feature or the header that you see the name the header name I'm gonna call it test dot CSV and I don't need Road Eames and it doesn't mean anything to me so let's go ahead and write that and we go to our files here and you see test on CSV you can go find this in your directory if you'd like as well and I'm just gonna view it right now so here they are here are the comments which is kind of cool because I think oh it actually captures the markdown language as well that's pretty interesting now there's ways to programmatically strip the markdown as ways to programmatically make the markdown happen there's all kinds of things you can do with this but I've got the general idea here so what you can do is copy and paste this into us text-to-speech synthesizer make that into a mp3 throw it on some sort of video and put it on YouTube right so that's the idea is how do i scale something so that I can always have youtube content that I don't have to actually produce because there's only so much time in the day it's just it's just an idea there's there's already tons of that out there people do with Python quite a bit honestly so anyways there's one of many many many ideas you can get so we have that information there now that's cool because we already have the URL that we were looking for now what I want to show you next is this this function here called reddit URLs and it has a bunch of different parameters it has more parameters than what's shown here but what I want to do is I want to add search terms so I'm going to add a search term called Trump in there I don't know if it's case sensitive or not though I guess we'll find out and then the CM threshold is your comment threshold I don't want it to return any URLs that have the word Trump in it so in reddit the way that they do their URL has to do with the name of the title so if the title has Trump in it it's gonna pull it back it's gonna give it to me and it's gonna be threshold it has to have at least 20 comments or more to come back and the page threshold don't worry so much about that but that's just the amount of results you want and you can probably get as many URLs as you want but when you get them you can't extract all the data at once there's limits to how much you can extract at one time I'll get to I'll get more on that in just a second let's go ahead and run this we got the word Trump in there hit enter let's see if we even get any results so it looks like links this might be from previous time I clicked it because as you see down here this little stop sign oh it's gone now that means it ran so 92 observations of five variables let's click on that now I have links so I have the title see it all has Trump in it it looks like it's not case-sensitive which is good because really Trump or capital Trump so here's Trump here that's lowercase and so you have all the URLs and that's what I'm really after the URL now this might be useful in itself because it has a number of comments and the title which is kind of cool you can sort these by comments if you click on that so 23,000 comments on this particular one with this particular URL so you can see how this could be beneficial it depends on what you don't and it tells you the subreddit it's under a subreddit called to ask reddit so pretty pretty handy information here so let's go ahead and take what we've found here this knowledge and bring a we're gonna bring the comments in based on maybe the top comments or something like that right so let's see if we can do that it looks like our Road numbers are over here but I'm not I'm sure if that's really true because I'm not sure does so there's 252 and there's only 92 observations so there's not true statement that is not a true statement so disregard these numbers over here is not true so you've got to be careful with that because this is a package that we don't know what it's really doing so what it probably does is it goes through every URL and in it district and it discards the ones that have less than 20 comments but it kept the road numbers as if it didn't discard that that's a very subtle thing that's hard to see but just so you know so these road numbers are not actual observation numbers so be careful with that anyways let's just go ahead and close this out and let's go down here where I have this other content so I'm gonna comment this one out which shouldn't matter if you run these in certain orders but I don't want you to get confused so so this particular way right here was when we had the exact URL we already had but now we can extract the URLs this way we can actually plug in hey I want the fifth URL the tenth URL and do it that way it's gonna do the exact same thing is it as if I if I copied and pasted it but we get to choose from what we just picked up up here so maybe we want to do the max right maybe we want to find the one with the most amount of comments and extract those so how can we do that let's see let's see if we can do this here we can do a we can do a max function and I know we can get back by bringing in the links dollar sign dumb comments this will give us the number though not the actual index number like I still don't know what row that is right so that's that's also a problem another row so what I can do is I can say bring me back let's let's use a tidy verse this is why we have it we're gonna do links I'm gonna bring in a links data pipe it over to a filter function on my filter and I'm gonna say filter I'm gonna say I want the num comments to be equal to the max number of comments and if I hit command enter on that you get the actual URL see the URL actually just showed up down here so that's what we want so we're gonna say max URL is equal to that and this is just on the fly I don't know let's let's try it max URL so I'm gonna command C on that and instead of the this particular URL right here where it was just grabbing the first one might delete that out command V in there so I have max URL I want the max to RL and the wait time 2 is where if in in the API for reddit they're gonna let you extract only a certain amount of comments per minute per two minutes per whatever and so the default is two minutes and that's the least amount so you can you can grab a chunk of comments wait two minutes grab another chunk wait two minutes so that way everyone's not using all of their comments and bogging down the system and making maybe you know unfair advantages or something like that so let's go ahead and run this I'm gonna do command enter error invalid URL parameter and knew that was gonna happen so max URL it's actually because of the way this is set up in the tiny burst it's actually a data frame itself as you can see right here max URL if I click on it you'll see it's a data frame with one observation so but we're almost there so we know we want to max URL in the only observation in there the first one boom there we go command enter on that ooh double whammy dollar sign URL first URL here we go well I'm glad that I could solve those pretty quick but you're gonna run into that quite a bit so just don't be discouraged and it happens to everybody so I have content now 409 observations of 18 variables let's click on content and now based on that URL which you can see over here I still should have the URL yep on the right hand side I've grabbed all the comments and you have all this different all these features to comment date the number of comments things like that which the number of comments are the same because we grabbed the max remember was 23,000 something there it is so we have that and over here we have a feature called comments and we have all of the comments now I am only particularly interested in the comments so I'm gonna go ahead and extract those and put those to a CSV file so that's what I have here so I have my content that I just read all the comments on and I only want the comments so the dollar sign comment will get the feature and I want to bring it to a file write to a file called test dot CSV and I don't need the row names I'm gonna hit command enter on that and normally you wouldn't quite do it like this where the comment dollar sign is just because it's not really a comma separated value in that case I don't think let's click on test dot CSV and see what it looks like new file well it's more like a every time a comment happens there's a return character in this particular case but it's a separated value to see that each comment is on its own the line so to speak right and what you'll notice too somewhere maybe is yes so like this one right here that's called markdown language so it actually keeps the markdown language now there's ways to strip out markdown and convert it to non markdown there's ways to do all kinds of things with this right here but this is actual the actual comment that somebody put in read it with that language with the brackets with the parentheses with the URLs the reddit allows those inside of the comments so we've captured that which is actually pretty awesome data to have but it might not make sense if you can do a text to speech recognition synthesizer or a text-to-speech synthesizer and put this on YouTube and try to monetize other people's content hopefully not or something like that so that's the idea so again let me run this run this through one more time we have search terms equals Trump this is to get the links that have those terms or the titles we didn't have to do that we could have plugged in down here on line 14 the actual website that we're interested in the URL for the reddit and then you wouldn't use this line here but we did one of the max amount of comments we wanted that particular story right now there's other terms inside of this reddit URLs you could have put in here for example I could have put in comma sort sort by equals and new and that would just give us today's let's see so right now links has 92 observations let's go ahead and run this one more time the links so anywhere in here just do command enter and now I have nothing so there are no nothing new I don't know what the threshold is for new on this so we have to look that up if you did a question mark reddit extract there and then you'd have to go find out through the documentation what new means so new is definitely not gonna get us far with this new could be within the hour could be within the day I don't know it's a little bit vague but for now just know that there are different thresholds you can set different parameters and that's it it's pretty cool now do what you want with those and expand on this and try to automate more of your daily life so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take these comments I'm gonna try to see if I can spit these into like a Final Cut Pro if I plug-in maybe and automate comments and they're already out there so I know people are doing it but now you can do it just like that alright so if you found this helpful or have some modifications or some cool little things you want to add to this comment DM e do whatever you can follow me and I will see you in the next video you
Channel: CradleToGraveR
Views: 1,334
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: RProgramming, scrape reddit, extractor, r scrape web
Id: sze_XrE1AzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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