Scrap to Craft , Scroll Saw Project

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afternoon everybody I figured for today's project what I was going to do is a little scroll saw project this is a piece of scrap wood from the red box video that I did so I will take this and try to make something out of it so let's see what we can make right the board is 11 3/4 inches long and only wanted about 9 inches wide so I measured off nine inches from the table saw and this board and we'll give it round over around the edges with my powder and we'll give that a light sanding with some 120 grit sandpaper [Music] [Music] after a while their dad found the image and I was Bolton I printed it out cut it out this something neat that I've done about table many little thing here like that when I get my image that I want its lay it on here and spray it I don't have to worry about glue getting on my work area or surface area spray it down good with some adhesive let it get a little bit tacky and we'll stick it to our piece of wood trying to Center it up about the best we can that looks pretty good like that [Music] okay so the shaded area is the area that we want to get cut out and I put a little scrap piece of wood underneath the bottom and to be able to do that with mount without making an entry hole we're just going to drill a hole and usually I would use my drill press for this but I've got my sander on it so we're just going to drill a little hole there and two reasons I put that there to keep my block clean and it's to keep the back clean so to have a smooth surface in my scroll saw lease a hardwood 3/16 inch scroll saw relatively cheap you can get it for $69 one they're on sale I said I think it's a pretty good buy for someone to start now but what we want to do is take the blade this is a pen scroll saws not a plain scroll saw it does have an adapter you can get it but only I don't like that when I'm upgrade scroll saws later but what you do is make sure the blades pointing down stick the blade through the hole that you agree over connect it underneath and then connect it to the top once you have them both connect it tightens up near ready to scroll remove evil souls when Horizonte photo paper lovers in Las Cobra introduces Taurus to grab our appeal [Music] maybe de Greco is true folks at home Ravi Lolo stores 40 whoa [Music] what yellow steamer a star too [Music] No [Music] Donna [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] pipeline running near the best [Music] and there you go just loosen up the blade top out the blade and there's your cut out so there's been some videos on how to take the residual paper off of the wood they've Steve Ramsey showed you how to do some mineral spirits that works good and I just simply have a heat gun and I'll heat it up real good and it just peels right off I wanted to show you this to Olsen makes this scroll saw centers quarter inch wide the plain ends for the further pins that would go in you do it just like you would the the blade put it through the bottom through here and it actually is pretty cool because and I didn't show it to you because I didn't want to waste your time but it basically says just like it solved it but it sounds the inside edges of the wood so I thought that was pretty cool I found those they probably had them forever never knew about it and I just come across them so Olson scrollsaw sander that's that's some neat stuff and I had a little bit more of the mint wax floor finish from the breadbox we'll use the rest of this for this little plaque [Applause] then we'll finish it off with a little spray lacquer and that's what we'll bring it to an end on this one there's a lot more you can do with this as far as dressing it up we've got wool felt paper you can get in the sheets with different colors and put on the backside of it here's one that I had done earlier I actually put a frame this is white oak with wormholes and down the heart with the red and black backer so there's some different ways you could dress up the little politics there please don't forget to go and like comment and subscribe to my channel and before I go I'd like to say thank you to a couple of I consider friends now YouTube friends david picciuto he's a great wood worker he has a website the drunken woodworker he actually shared the first video out there on my breadbox and I really appreciate that I'm humbled because I had 20 views I think on the bread box and within 24 hours I believe it was up to 400 and I was just blown away and then right after that drew short the rockin H wood shop he shared a comment on that it boosted right up the Wood Whisperer he shared it a photo other with the link to YouTube and I think it was over a thousand use now - you may not seem like a thousands that many but where I'm from that was this thing's went viral so I'm just humbled and blessed and I thank you for sharing those videos David and for drew and for the Wood Whisperer we just greatly appreciate that and again this is all about working together and helping each other out and if you go to my page you'll see some links to those websites to the drunken woodworker - rockin H woods shop and to the Wood Whisperer also have Steve Ramsey's mere mortals on there with Steve goods he has got a great site for Scrolls all patterns and things of that nature so Steve Carmichael he has some great comments on the video that was shared and I appreciate that - Steve I know there's 2x4 contest that's coming up and I'm looking forward to that because I think I might get in on that I don't know if I'll be in the running or not but I'll throw something in there for the - buff award so thanks for watching and we'll see you next week
Channel: Sterling Davis
Views: 432,336
Rating: 4.8697143 out of 5
Keywords: Wood Carving (xyloglyphy) (Hobby), Woodworking Joints (TV Subject), Woodworking
Id: VD6ZiFc5pY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed May 07 2014
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