Scrap Run - Scrapping A Heap Of Brass!

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hey dude it's Dov and today Oh today is an exciting day I'll tell you why well I mean if you didn't read the video title or see the thumbnail then well thanks for being here and shout out to all my my blind viewers that even work what do you call what does a blind person Calvin they're enjoying TV are they a viewer or I guess audience member well I think that was a new record for how long it takes them to get off on a tangent so having that yardsale felt really good it was cathartic it's nice to unload a whole bunch of stuff and it's nice to have a fistful of money afterwards so I'm going to continue on that train and this is a multi-stage process getting this thing all sorted out but I'm thinking I think we're making a good pace so the next easiest way to clear up a bunch of space at once is going to be a scrap run yeah scrap run today is a great day to do it one thing in particular I think today would be a great day for and I've been letting a pile up so this should be good is the brass another reason why I think today is a good date is because coppers doing really well and if you know it's doing some kind of floating things but mostly doing really good maybe I'll get into some more detail on that at the end of the video but if you know anything about brass you know it's just cheap copper in disguise so naturally the prices follow and today's going to work out though I can't spend any more than now we're doing this so let's get right into it and see how quickly we can crank through okay one hour let's go boys [Music] three pound of brows right there please you dollar you remember that trick I showed you about how to test if it's brass or not not all of us have a grinder either go in there I don't you do that anyway [Music] come on now no sometimes when things are seized you can just release them with a tap of a hammer now can help kiss man [Music] see that piece doesn't breasts out of close-ups be some breasts but I bet I can just bend this flange and now slide it up [Music] all right gone through one bucket we're not second one I tried to bring this in last time and they were like oh hell no because it's got all those it's got all those little rubbery nubbins on it so this time they picked time to remove all the little pieces of rubber and I mean they're not wrong that that much rubber probably weighs quite a bit vote it through this and then we'll see there we are it's all pretty heavy piece of brass but yeah probably like a half pound of rubber that's fair so we've gone through a second bucket now on the last one it's already taking a lot longer than I wanted it to motoring [Music] [Applause] yes new discovery check these things when you pull them off because this one's actually brass which is nice unfortunately the one that it came off of the allen key is really stuck in there and I can't seem to get it off so adding that to the cut pile now this piece has brass here with the rest is copper so I am definitely going to separate the tube because I've got an easy point of excess Oh where's my I lost the tool oh it's right in front of me very cool stuff okay there now this piece I could use my tool to separate the pieces that have a solder on them from this piece and have some number one number two but I don't think this link is enough to justify that there's another fun tactic this one here has these thick rubber tubes on it so I'm probably only going to be able to get dirty brass because it's got kind of a high percentage of other garbage but I can't really get my little tool to spin around in there so here's what we're going to do ma'am because copper is nice and soft right so if you're not going to save it for something you can get through it pretty quick with a hammer now this piece I do think is worth the time to separate that little piece of solder to increase the value every dirty cop can cover we're getting there alright that took two hours which is twice as long as I wanted it to take brass is good money but you got to set some time apart for it so this is what we ended up with that's the pile of garbage this here's the copper the nice shiny stuff and the stuff that's not so shiny but doesn't have any solder on it over here this is the rest not too much this is just copper with no brass it has a bunch of painters touch on it these pieces I thought they were copper because they're the right color but they're not they're cover coated I guess that's all the nice shiny brass I think you get a better price for that and then two buckets of other brass noise and then these longer pieces which are also shiny that's maybe I should keep I'm not really sure but I don't really have a project in mind for these ones and then I'm going to do something bidding and then I'm going to do something that I never ever do which is bring in a pile dirty brass like on purpose not just things that they couldn't separate but see to get through these I would have to take the angle grinder with a cutting disk and slice there is that and then fart around a bit more it would take a bunch more time and it it's worth it but I just want to get rid of them today so that's just what I've chosen to do we're going to load this up but we're also going to put in some aluminum because we're going there anyway now sometimes it's just a few I don't feel like kicking out the angle grinder in that situation cast aluminum is brittle so you can always just bash things straight through it alright alright [Music] things are sorted let's get things loaded well that's not the most full this car has ever been put it ain't bad and I get a thumbnail out of this I bet they'll make a decent thumbnail van thumbnail maybe huh look there like I said though that took too long we got a move just let me make sure I've got my ID got it let's go good driving all day listen with like 500 plus pounds I don't think there's going to be any fast way to do this it's not going to be a quick in-and-out situation because this is the first day after a long weekend then there's going to be a lot of people with Scrabble they would have brought in a different day they're going to be piling on today and it's not early it is currently 3:30 so we'll see I might I mean if we if I'm just really fortunate today we might end up rolling in there just in the middle of a lull but I wouldn't bank on it empire and what do you think what is holy cow it's true there's nobody here like barely my goodness that's something to be excited about we might actually be able to get home before rush hour gets stupid oh and you know they're not down with me filling in there so I'll get back to you guys after we've got this all she's riding pretty low I love seeing that I really do one thing I don't love here and though I just asked them like just to be funny so you're paying a lot of money for copper teens didn't know grace is going down actually which is weird because the stock price is going up I hope I didn't pick the wrong day all righty got that all taken care of and let's get the heck out of here it's 4:30 so traffic is definitely started getting bad but if we motor we might be able to avoid the absolute biggest of it we're going to scoot on home and you go through some numbers if you like um what yes please you're coming with me nice to meet you right we're back I went on a GT pick up real quick it was something I needed I got all these blades for ten bucks but that's basically what my life is as an endless series of plots are back flopped it back walk it back walk it back walk it back so scrap life today says three hundred and thirty bucks let's talk about that let's talk about money here stuff I just want to point out that yes our hundred dollar bills do smell like maple syrup I'm not even making this up you need a couple of in your hand and you rub them together kinda like a scratch and sniff and trust me it's there it's weird I don't know why I love it Oh Canada but that wasn't the point I was trying to make look at this is the first time I've actually done one of these now I guess this is the 2017 version so a whole bunch of other people have probably already seen this but like how cool is that it's all purple except for like the Northern Lights up there to all the different resources is that like shimmery green thing over there those I guess would be the Rocky Mountains probably over here we got all this shimmery green stuff and Sir John a McDonald historical figure but will not generally consider to be a good guy by today's standards and a bunch of other like this is just really cool this is where we came from on that ye olde paper bill then we went to this one good have the first Prime like this is what we've been walking for a while all the plastic bills look like this and then we switched over to this thing I don't understand why I like the purple though anyway that's not really that's not what I wanted to talk about either this is what we're here to talk about so I was going to show you graphs and stuff about copper and how it's sitting at just a hair under the highest point it's been in two years but it wasn't reflected in the price I got paid today I actually got five cents less for number two insulated copper wire than I did the last time I was there so I guess the yard doesn't always directly reflect the performance of the metal I don't understand but if they're a couple days behind then I think they made a lot more money than I did today well of course they did more money than I just didn't even scramble the thing but why are we so if you care you can pause right there and then you can see all the numbers that should be plenty focused I'm just going to detail the interesting ones so I did separate some wire because they do actually do a number one and that pays a dollar thirty-five as opposed to ninety cents for the number two so there was only eight pounds of that but that that was awesome collectively though I have 72 pounds of wire which isn't bad considering it didn't actually go to that many different locations to grab it so batteries and barbecues are over some of my favorites barbecues I think I had six of them and that was 35 bucks and then batteries there was only four them turned into $49 so 50 bucks aluminum whatever let's talk about brass and copper I got a buck 40 a pound for the clean brass so that turned into 75 bucks and then the other ones a dollar a pound for the lately dirty stuff because I do have to separate that but that's the tab brass that's still way better than the other place that's what I like about this place and then the dirty brass which is the stuff that I just completely gave up on that thirty pounds of that stuff at 20 cents a pound six dollars so you get five times as much for light dirty brass and seven times as much for clean brass if I hadn't cleaned any of it and I just brought in the hundred and four pounds but it probably would have been one hundred and thirty pounds if I had all that other junk on it I would have gotten twenty to twenty-five dollars instead of one hundred and one dollars so that means the two hours that I spent doing it was about somewhere around seventy-five dollars an hour so yeah it was a pain in the button it did take a bunch of time but it was it's one of the best returns for your time when it comes to scrapping so don't bring in dirty brass just being lazy I do kind of wish it no no no clean you're non-ferrous folks that's the lesson here I mean everybody already knew that but I think that I just wanted to help illustrate what I could have had if I didn't put any effort in at all now I really want another rice cat but I'm probably not going to do that because time is short and if I don't hop it there and actually some stuff themself in distracted then I will find myself trapped forever in an alternate timeline where I failed bearded divers challenge and I just can't live with that I hope that happens so thank you again for hanging out I hope this was a little add a little more helpful information if not I'm glad you stopped by and I hope you enjoyed it in all the rest of your journeys until I see you tomorrow leave it better than you found it and keep doing the thing [Music] [Music] don't you know that I am the one for you oh no what
Channel: undefined
Views: 69,264
Rating: 4.8275094 out of 5
Keywords: thubprint, dumpster diver, dumpster divers, scrappnig, scrap metal, scrap haul, scrap metal haul, scrapping metal for money, professional scrapper, professional recycler, recycling metal, make money dumpster diving, make cash dumpster diving, get paid dumpster diving, dunpster diving, dunpster, making money from garbage, scrapping brass, scrap brass, metal scrappers, scrapping, dumpster diving income, cash from garbage
Id: vrxoKzj5vVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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