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some more scp i here yeah my ass is she is anybody else's eyes itchy does that never happen am i the only guy with itchy eyes i'm gonna see if i can infiltrate this server it looks like it's full but looks can be deceiving i'm in i made it i made it into the metaverse the roblox the roblox metaverse is here flat stanley is that you you got a job at ikea i didn't even know they were hired did you just take it take it easy take it easy for a second my boy my boy let me live i just started the video and i'm already dead twice this is how we're gonna deal with the ikea employees we'll build a giant wall like attack on titan like except uh there's not they're not titans they're kind of small they're actually smaller than you but we build a wall anyway we don't even have to build it that tall because they're not that tall ah yes i found some people yes oh they got a nice thing going they got a nice fork going here nice place i'm gonna go in there oh look at that they got bathtub full of snacks these guys got the works i should try to infiltrate their gang and then i won't have to do any work i just make them do all the work and then i'll take credit for everything they did that's crazy that's what i should do can i join your community your community of hermits that you got going on here preferably within the next minute minute 38 seconds would be great that would be really good here i'll help build the wall i'll help build the wall i'm not gonna be a freeloader but i do expect you guys to to listen to everything i say but if you're okay with that then i think we can get along great look at that look how much i did i placed one thing that's good right you guys really gotta start listening to me more it's funny they were already building something kind of like what i wanted to build it's crazy in the wild how these things happen how do i turn it the other way this is that there it is there it is are we dismantling this fort we're gonna take this forward we're gonna just take it apart recycle we recycle around here no bed or bookshelf will go wasted around here around these parts if we just took our beds our old beds and built houses out of them like in this game i think we could solve a lot of the world's uh fossil fuel issues and i i'm gonna have a ted talk about that that's a lot of snacks i should probably try to take some of those while i still can while i'm here can i be king dictator of whatever this place is who actually runs this place who's in charge who started so just found out big news big news the people who i'm staying with right now uh they actually speak spanish so that's why they didn't answer my whole king dictator question so that makes a lot of sense uh i also think it's going to be pretty hard to boss them around if we don't speak the same language nothing wrong with speaking spanish i wish i knew how to speak spanish honestly if you're bilingual i think that's i think that's awesome and i wish i was you because i don't know how to speak anything other than dumb american needless to say i will be staying here for the night buenos dias thank you um gracias senor max maximilian i don't know what that means i don't know what that means maybe this guy knows hey man what are you doing can you translate can you translate for me buddy i don't think he's gonna be able to do that you gotta speak in spanish they don't know what you're saying oh yeah oh he's small he got in because he's small how do you say small how do you say small in spanish how do you say small in spanish [Music] [Music] oh he's actually not even hurting anybody okay you're not going to hurt anybody i want to make sure of it by trapping you in the corner with this refrigerator don't worry boys i go let him get out help again yo is no more nope no he's breaking he's kind of breaking out a little bit i'm gonna be honest oh wait oh oh this is the big oh no i don't know that word grande el grande oh yes i know that from starbucks oh they're on me oh oh god no okay four foot four friend no why did they block me out you guys don't like my translator i can get it think they were trying to block me out i'm in i'm in i'm in don't worry i fixed the wall el grande outside leave leave leave leave is he talking to me i'm going to take my chances with without getting pequeno or whatever but yeah okay bye i never passed in spanish so i never took spanish you want to know why i didn't take spanish it was because i was in the dumb classes where i got a free period to do my homework instead because i would always fail everything so they were just like i don't know just put them in a room let them do some extra stuff don't teach him anything for a little while his brain is overheating so that's what i did instead of learning about spanish let's try to find some other people that aren't those guys oh my god is that what is that a tower that goes all the way up my god oh my god this is what i tried to do one time but failed miserably and they they did it please don't kill me this is awesome this is so cool what how high does it go you guys are crazy oh my god get out or i ban you from the game get out or i banned you from the game get out all right ben you from the uh this is nuts dude you were out your mind brother we're almost to the ceiling this is crazy work in progress this is unbelievable this is so cool i will help you i will help you build this thank you you're welcome i will join you on this adventure to the skies just gotta go all the way down and pick something up god this is gonna take so long that's why i didn't do it i was like yeah that's a good idea but do i really want to put my life aside so that i could build a really high skyscraper and scp game but today the answer is yes today nothing else matters nothing i don't have anything else to do today it's a tuesday and i have nothing going on and i'm gonna help this guy build the thing okay so that was one down one down so yeah the uh the tower is going good haven't left this game for a couple hours we're just we're just grinding you know looking down on the map below because there's so many people in this server and it's so laggy so many things are happening time has virtually stopped um so i don't know i don't really know what's going on i just fell off i just fell off the tower i missed it i wasn't recording i was working on the tower and now i'm really far away it's all right though it's all right wait is this the is this the house i was staying at earlier no no it's different okay i can dismantle this random person's home and run away with the parts and use it on the tower oh look if someone else was trying to do that here too ours is way better yours sucks you gave up i mean i gave up two but now i'm not giving up because this guy's had it already 90 done yo dude this guy's breaking the tower we're building what are you doing what does this guy do he just ripped out pieces of the walkway from beneath me no dude we almost made it all the way to the top where did he go did he fall off too i hope he died there's a giant hole in the thing now this guy's peeving me off if only jandal was here that's what jandal says all the time yeah i'm peeved off man i'm peeved off i'm peeved off dude me and this random guy were working so hard on this freaking thing and he's over here flattening parts of it and then and then and then what he just deletes something for under himself and then we both fall and he dies unbelievable i gotta repair this this is a perfectly good sky tower man not only that it's about to be daytime this tower was impeccable it had no flaws and now look it now look at that now people are falling off because no one knows where the tower's broken why are you doing that no you lunatic i will kill you i will end you why are you doing it how dare you disrespect the tower oh my god you better not i better be fine i swear if you move another freaking thing on that oh my god i'm so mad why oh my god dude dude he ripped it all down we almost were at the ceiling i'm not kidding found you fouled you yeah okay congratulations congratulations my day's ruined because this random guy decided to ruin our tower we worked so hard on this tower ah dude i'm so upset i'm gonna find out where he lives and i'm gonna be like you dude is scp ikea game you mess with my stuff and then i'm gonna tell him i'm the boogeyman and then he'll start crying his parents will barge in who are you who are you don't mess with me in video games and then i'll walk out that's what i'll say the repair there's there's no use guys there's no use look at look at there's still a huge piece of the tower up there we gotta fix it shidoko it's the last thing i do we're going to finish this even if a horn of bacon hairs come upon us and remove the stairs that's right me and this guy have dedicated ourselves to escaping the scp game through the roof because there has to be a roof there has to be asked to go somewhere we are very dead set on making this happen and now that the lights are on we can finally see what we're working with we can see how close we are right after i get back because i may or may not have fallen and died again for another time oh there she is it's beautiful or at least it was beautiful before some troll came in here started messing with my stuff it's looking better by the second boys we can come back from this it's a slight hiccup in the operation but we can we can bounce back no why they why did they why are you killing me why why did you do that why did you every time every time i go back there i might have to walk away from this whole project because people keep moving the freaking thing that i'm standing on why we gotta trap him we gotta beat him up i'll punch you what does that mean sketch leaves because of this bozo rip bozo rip bozo look at him he's wrecking the stairs my guy it was so beautiful and you've ruined it i never die i will make you i will make you i will make you look at him look at him look at this guy chaos everyone go report his account i'm using my power if you want to use your power against me i will use my power against you i can't believe it i hope you go to the no-no place daniel daniel you're very very mean spirited individual i wish a thousand years of bad luck on you i cast a spell on you daniel daniel this this spell will only will only break if you have a heart of gold which you do not because you suck well thanks for ruining the only thing i care about my entire life daniel i hope you're happy i'll never get to make it to the ceiling i wanted you so bad i wanted to do it but i have to give up on my dreams because daniel would take time for the tic tac guy wanted to ruin my day what we have witnessed here today has been a massacre an absolute massacre a griefing by daniel the vip servers in this game are awesome yeah it's a lot less daniels on those servers i bet why don't they have like a kicking system or something it seems like one of those games daniel say you're sorry say you're sorry say you're sorry daniel never never never and never daniel who hurt you bro who makes you feel so so rage inside look at him look at him look at him he's a little a little nerd yeah you're a little there dude daniel's gets so mad every time someone places something look at him why have you made this your life mission daniel this isn't even the real game what is what is your problem guys stop daniel stop we shall help sketch it's okay guys it's all right it's not that big a deal i mean it's i mean yeah it is true i am not a big fan of daniel right now i'm not gonna let you get me down in the dumps daniel daniel spaniel daniel grandel randall he's just trying to put beds and stop trying to put beds inside me or be inside beds oh he's trying to talk me in oh i get it he's trying to talk me in danny boy tuck me in good tug me and give me nice warm milk danny i'm telling i'm telling on you danny i'm telling the school principal i'm calling your school santa is canceling christmas danny danny this is all because of you because of danny because danny did it guys i bet you still believe in the easter bunny you monster dude look at him look at him look at him he's going back come on what is your problem bro you know what type of kid this is the type of kid who goes on the playground just to break other kids toys and like like push him in the dirt and stuff probably doesn't have a father figure or something
Channel: Sketch
Views: 738,121
Rating: 4.9357071 out of 5
Keywords: Sk3tch, sketch, sketch roblox, roblox, roblox scp, sketch scp, sketch roblox scp, scp ikea, roblox scp ikea, scp 3008, scp-3008, 100 player scp, scp 3008 build
Id: 67b0hiJhrNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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