SCP-999 Tickle Monster BIRTH STORY

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Robed figures with hidden faces stand over seven young women, tied up. The robed figures chant phrases both arcane and profane. The leader among these dark cultists clears his wicked throat and says, “Be not afraid, girls. You are here for something wonderful. To beget seven perfect children for the Scarlet King…” How did we get here, and more importantly, what happened afterward? In the near-constant darkness that follows the grim but necessary work of the SCP Foundation, there is one bright light that can always be counted on to keep hope alive, to bring a little sunshine into everyone's days: SCP-999, the Tickle Monster. The sweet, simple creature does nothing but provide an endless source of joy, hugging, playing, and delighting in loving everything around it. But what if I told you that this slimy little friend has hidden depths? A tragic history that seems impossible to reconcile with the happy, playful being we all know and love? How could 999, the happiest SCP ever, have a sad backstory? Well, it's one of the best-kept secrets at the Foundation. Before we get to that, let's talk about a Foundation researcher and her brand new job - a new job that would make her privy to some highly classified Foundation secrets. Dr. Izzy Collingwood was delighted to wake up to a call informing her that she had been appointed to one of the most coveted positions at the SCP Foundation. After applying, crossing her fingers, and hoping for the best, she had been promoted to Head Researcher for SCP-999. What could be better than attending to the kindest, gentlest, cutest anomaly in Foundation custody? Gone were the days of coming into work and wondering if she'd leave in one piece. No more cleaning up toxic spills, fighting to contain killer creatures, or fetching cups of coffee for old doctors that wouldn't give her so much as a "thank you." Years of hard work had paid off. Now, she could rest on her laurels and do work that she truly enjoyed. There was just the matter  of some simple paperwork,  and she would be ready to begin this extremely welcome new chapter of her professional life. When she walked into her office to get started on the paperwork, something unusual caught her eye. There was a small stack of files on her desk, with a sticky note attached to the front. There were just two words written on the note, to indicate what might await her inside the folders: "The Truth." She scoffed at first. "Very funny, guys!" She called out the door. But no one responded, no one came forward to take credit for the elaborate joke. Maybe they were playing the long game, or maybe... she couldn't be sure. She sat down, flipping the first folder open. It was untitled, unlabeled, just plain text on a page. She almost closed it after a brief scan, but the words "The Scarlet King" jumped out at her. She had worked at the Foundation long enough to hear that name more than a few times, often spoken in hushed tones, as if merely speaking his name would bring about some kind of disaster. As she dug deeper into the file, she realized just what she was looking at: the proposed origins of the Scarlet King himself. It was a folkloric explanation, one her scientific mind struggled to wrap around, but she had seen so many strange things over the years, things that defied all rational explanation. Perhaps there was some truth to be found in the myths. The Scarlet King had, according to the file, once been an elder god born from the earliest days of existence, in the shadows of the Tree of Knowledge. He had devoured his brothers and sisters, growing stronger with each one he consumed. As his strength increased, so too did his overwhelming pain and hate, his deep desire to destroy the Tree of Knowledge and all living creatures. He declared himself the king of darkness, and, through a series of horrific events, took seven unwilling brides and bound them to him with magical seals. Each bride bore supernatural children, powerful, terrible, and monstrous. The first bride, A'tivik, had only a few children. Those few were skilled strategists, exceptionally wise in the ways of war. The second bride was A'ghor, overcome with constant despair and desolation. Her children conquered with massive, unthinking armies, never sated and never quelled. The third bride, A'distat, hated her sisters and all she surveyed. The fourth bride, A'zieb, took the shape of a great beast. Her children followed in her stead, and were invulnerable, their thick hides impenetrable by physical or magical means. The fifth bride was A'nuht, blessed with a strong mind and cursed with a fragile body. Her children were gifted in the ways of magic, and incredibly destructive. The sixth bride, A'tellif, would not speak. She kept to herself, and, like her, her children moved in silence, disguising themselves as whatever they wished. The seventh bride, however, was different. A'habbat was her name, the smallest of the seven, with an unbroken spirit. She birthed mighty heroes that she trained in secret, in hopes that one day they would overcome her family's darkness, and topple the King from his throne. All the while, the Scarlet King wages his unholy war against all things, waiting for the day he can arrive in our realm and unleash absolute destruction. Dr. Collingwood shuddered as she finished reading, an undeniable chill passing over her. This definitely wasn't some kind of prank or hazing ritual. This was something dark. Something real. She held secrets in her hands, and she couldn't stop reading them now. She opened the next folder. It was a description of a cult, monitored and raided by the SCP Foundation, called "the Children of the Scarlet King," also known as Group MENDES. During a sixteen-month investigation of the anomalous religious group, the Foundation's undercover operatives were able to ascertain a great deal of pertinent information on the group. What they found was troubling, and of great concern. The group had ties to several wealthy benefactors, as well as links to extremist paranormal groups. Their set of beliefs was relatively simple and disturbing: they worshipped the Scarlet King, and were devoted to supporting him in his battle to destroy the Earth and all life as we know it. The faithful who followed him in this task would be rewarded handsomely with positions of power in the new, hellish world. An initial estimate put the cult's membership at approximately eight thousand members, a quarter of whom belonged to the group's primary branch in Alabama. The reporting on the cult was detailed, far too dense, and heavily researched to be fake. Again, she had the distinct feeling that someone was trying to tip her off about something the Foundation hadn't wanted to be widespread knowledge. With shaky hands, she picked up the final file. What awaited her inside? There was only one way to find out. She flipped it open, and began to read. It was a file on an entity known as SCP-231, specifically SCP-231-7. An addendum was attached to the beginning of the file, reading: "All personnel assigned to SCP-231-7 must rotate out for one month of psychological counseling after two months on-site. SCP-231-7 is to be kept at an undisclosed location. All personnel assigned to SCP-231 will be transported there blindfolded from Site-19 by a route including no fewer than seven different forms of transportation, including but not limited to aircraft, automobile, underground tunnel, and several we cannot discuss here. Removal of the blindfold during the transport process is grounds for immediate termination. Personnel assigned to SCP-231-7 must undergo heavy psychological testing before being cleared to enter the site. Individuals must score at least 72 points  on the Milgram Obedience  Examination, be unmarried, have no offspring, and express nothing less than total loyalty to the Foundation. Normal psychological screening procedures against Axis II disorders are waived, so long as the Class-D personnel in question has the mental capacity to carry out Procedure 110-Montauk as needed. Personnel who express sympathy towards SCP-231-7's plight and/or express a desire to rescue or sympathize towards SCP-231-7 will be transferred to another project without delay. Any actual rescue attempts will be met with immediate termination. Personnel who have served on the staff of SCP-231-7's Containment Team are not required to divulge that information to others. No official record shall be kept of the names of any staff assigned to SCP-231-7, nor will said service appear in the personnel files of said staff. While on-site, individuals assigned to SCP-231-7 will be issued concealing helmets with integrated voice changers to protect their identity. On-site staff are not to remove said uniforms in the presence of other staff members. Off-duty hours are to be spent in private quarters alone. Six Class D Personnel are to be assigned to SCP-231-7 each month for the purposes of carrying out Procedure 110-Montauk. Violent criminals are not to be used for this purpose due to the possibility of accidental fatality during the 110-Montauk process." Dr. Collingwood swallowed the lump of dread in her throat, her palms beginning to sweat. SCP-231-7 was a young woman, retrieved during a police raid on a warehouse owned by the Children of the Scarlet King. She was one of seven women found there, the first of which went into labor 24 hours after being rescued. She did not give birth to an ordinary child, however. She gave birth to a monster that took the lives of dozens of civilians. She did not survive the birth. The second woman was lost shortly after, also succumbing to the dangers of the creature waiting to be born from her womb. One by one, the survivors, the women chosen by this cult to become the new brides of the Scarlet King, fell. Soon enough, there was only one left. SCP-231-7, kept contained at a Foundation Site in a hospital bed that she could never leave. Dr. Collingwood's stomach churned as horrible images flooded her mind. The notes from attending researchers in SCP-231's file insisted they were doing all they could to save the woman, to free her from her fate, but that there was little they could do. Each birth opened a gateway from this world to another, to a world of darkness and despair, and they could not allow the final seal to be broken. Simply putting the woman out of her misery would cause the effect to jump to a new host, a new bride. There was nothing to be done. The file fell from Dr. Collingwood's hand as she pushed herself to her feet, running out into the hallway. "Who put these on my desk?" She shouted, her voice echoing in the empty hall. "Well? What do you want from me?" But no answer came. Slowly, she returned to her office and sank down into her chair, haunted by what she had read. She had seen horrific things in her time at the Foundation, but nothing that had shaken her to her core quite like this. The silence in Dr. Collingwood's office was broken by the sound of a tinny beep, coming from her computer. She turned on the screen, and saw the source of the alert: One New Message, from O5 Command. What could they possibly have to say to her? Could it have something to do with the files that had wound up on her desk? She accepted the message, quickly completed the mandatory multimodal biometric ID scan, and began to read. "Hello, Doctor Collingwood, and congratulations on your new appointment as SCP-999's head researcher, one of the cushiest and most enviable assignments in the entire Foundation. SCP-999 is one of the few anomalies in our custody who will not only never attempt to harm you but will actively try to save your life if you’re ever in any danger. Though your initial reaction when receiving this assignment was no doubt elation, you may have thought it was odd that such a seemingly low-risk position was assigned by the O5 council directly. If you had already heard rumors of this prior to your assignment, you probably thought it was mere nepotism; the O5s protecting their friends and loved ones by giving them the safest job possible." Dr. Collingwood sat back in her chair, laughing to herself and shaking her head. She would never admit it, but she absolutely had heard those rumors, even believed them until it had happened to her. "Unless you are so narcissistic to think that someone on the O5 council must be your secret admirer, you’ve likely realized that this is not the case. To understand why this is our concern, you need to know about 999’s origins. You may have noticed that its file makes no mention of where it was discovered. This is a deliberate omission. If you’re not familiar with the mythology of the Scarlet King, I suggest you read up on him. There’s plenty of unclassified information on him in the Foundation database. All that’s relevant for now is that he is - to the best of our knowledge - the most powerful malevolent entity in the Multiverse." Her stomach dropped at the mention of The Scarlet King. She was right, this was all connected somehow. She leaned forward, eyes darting across the words with increasing intensity as she read on. "You've been with us since you were a research assistant, Dr. Collingwood. In that time, I assume you've heard many rumors about some of the horrific things we do here at the Foundation that you've never personally witnessed. I regret to inform you that these rumors are true. Or at least, they were. A thaumaturgical cult calling itself the Children of the Scarlet King enacted a ritual wherein seven young girls became effigies for each of the Scarlet King’s seven brides, allowing them to bear his horrid offspring. How they obtained the knowledge to perform this ritual is unclear since all we ever recovered were handwritten notebooks. Superficial resemblances to some Sarkic practices has led some to speculate that the Children of the Scarlet King may have some ties to modern Sarkic cults. It's an interesting idea, but no concrete evidence has ever been found to link the two. Investigation into the matter is ongoing. As for the ritual itself, each birth caused more destruction than the last. The writings of the cult’s priest predicted nothing less than the Apocalypse if the Seventh Bride gave birth, which could only be prevented if Procedure 110-Montauk was performed without fail each and every day. To our seemingly great fortune, the notebook contained detailed instructions on how 110-Montauk was to be carried out. Needless to say, we found this suspiciously convenient. Why would they devise a countermeasure to prevent the very apocalypse they were trying to invoke? We needed more information regarding these entities. Fortunately, our archaeologists have unearthed numerous tablets, scrolls, and artifacts of the ancient Daevas. They were a sadistic and warmongering people who were granted unholy power and knowledge by the Scarlet King as a reward for the death and suffering they caused. One of the Daevite tablets in our possession, found covered in dust and blood, was a theogony for the Scarlet King and his Brides. It was quite informative. The information that we found most relevant to our situation was that the Seventh Bride was not like her sisters. She was never completely broken by her King’s subjugation. Instead of monsters, she gave birth to great heroes in the hopes that they would destroy her sisters’ children and overthrow their father. Thus far, all have failed, but by a vote of 7 in favor, 6 against - admittedly more out of concern for Procedure 110-Montauk's lack of viability as a long-term containment strategy than out of empathy for the girl - the O5 council decided to believe that the Seventh Bride still remained unbroken and that her child would be an asset to us. At the risk of causing an XK-Class End of the World Scenario, SCP-231-7 was relieved from Procedure 110-Montauk following the deaths of SCP-231-1 through -6, and was allowed to give birth. SCP-999 was the result." Dr. Collingwood gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. A Research Assistant walking by her office paused, looking at her curiously through the window. She waved them off with a forced smile, and turned back to the screen. Surely she couldn't have read that correctly? But, no, there it was, plain as can be: "Go ahead and read that again. Be sure you understand it in all its preposterous ridiculousness; The Tickle Monster is the child of the Scarlet King. We’ve been running a counterintelligence campaign ever since, which is why everyone and their mother thinks we’ve still got a girl strapped to a rack in a bunker somewhere. Let them think that. Far better for everyone that the Children of the Scarlet King believe that they’re playing us for fools than for them to know that there is a threat to their King. The girl herself is fine, by the way. She was cured of the trauma from her ordeal by SCP-999, at which point it was decided she could be returned to her family so long as they were all given class F amnestics, implanted with new identities, and relocated to a town at least 1000 km away from the Children of the Scarlet King's nearest known activity. On the insistence of the Ethics Committee, the family was also given a seven-figure payout as compensation for our repeated…misdeeds against their daughter, as were the families of the other SCP-231s. I suppose it was technically malpractice on our part. In case we have any moles for the Children of the Scarlet King in the Foundation, as far as anyone else knows 231-7's family were killed in front of her as part of 110-Montauk. I’m sure you’re skeptical. Are we insane? How could our sweet little tickle monster ever hope to dethrone a Lovecraftian Horror of unparalleled might? Well, SCP-999 is less than a decade old. It’s still just a child, and nowhere near its full strength. Even so, its power is incredible. Even brief interaction with  SCP-999 can permanently  cure severe depression and PTSD, and more recent experiments have resulted in the complete reformation of D-class personnel who were previously unrepentant sociopaths. This effect is not chemical, but psychic, and one day it may grow powerful enough that not even the Scarlet King himself will be immune. The experiment with SCP-682 was most remarkable. Based on multiple Daevite texts, including  descriptions from SCP-140  itself, we are reasonably certain that 682 is the offspring of the Fourth Scarlet Bride. If this is true, then SCP-999 is already strong enough to temporarily quell the malevolence of its own eldritch siblings. One day 999 could very well be strong enough to permanently reform its family members just as it reforms human beings. It will not overthrow the Scarlet King by force, but with light and love and laughter that can brighten the blackest of hearts. 999 is not, in reality, a safe class SCP. It is Thaumiel. It is the best and really the only weapon we have against some of the most powerful hostile entities known to exist. By all means, doctor, enjoy the relative safety of your new position, but do keep in mind that SCP-999 is not a mere pet that we fancy. It is one of our most valuable assets and must be safeguarded at all costs. Its safety and well-being are paramount, and you are not at liberty to share this information to anyone without level 5/999 security clearance. As per protocol, unauthorized disclosure of level 5 classified information will result in your termination. This e-mail will automatically delete as soon as you leave the terminal, so feel free to reread it as many times as necessary to remember all of the pertinent information. Take good care of our little tickle monster. The fate of the Multiverse may well depend on it. - Your secret admirer (if anyone asks), O5-1." Dr. Collingwood let out a long, slow breath as her mind did its best to process everything she just read. The message looked official, and, when she really thought about it...this all made a twisted kind of sense. What could SCP-999 possibly be, if not some sort of mythic hero of divine prophecy? What other explanation could there be for something so utterly, perfectly good? Maybe one day that happy orange slime would save them all, and do it with a smile. But for now, it was just a little, innocent child. No need to burden it with talk of heroism, of epic battles between good and evil. For now, she would just pour SCP-999 a heaping bowl of M&Ms, give it a gentle pat, and say "thank you." The tickle monster gurgled excitedly in response, nuzzling his new head researcher's hand. He didn't understand what she was thanking him for, but he appreciated it all the same. Now go check out “SCP-999 Tickle Monster VS. the Most Evil SCPs” and “What Does SCP-999 Do All Day? (Hour by Hour)” for more knowledge about the most adorable anomaly of all!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 252,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-999, scp 999, scp999, sad origin story, sad scp, tickle monster, scp tickle monster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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