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I am SCP 3899 the night hauler this SCP only appears at night on the highways of my GTA RP server and I'm going to appear behind random players cars and drive them off the road causing extreme damage and even death will the SCP Foundation be able to stop me make sure to watch until the end of the video to find out here we have our first person on the highway right now looks like they're driving into PLO Bay I got catfish catfish what the hell twice by the same person twice by the same person how do you fall for a catfish twice at some point it's intentional okay so he's stopping for gas this guy's fueling up his truck right now all right so he's driving on the open highway right now start messing with his radio what's going on Turn The Radio along the night holler stay out of my way I got to go fast the notall there must be some radio interference going on here comes the smoke we're about to smash right through them move out of the way I got to get speed eight supercharged cylinders just ready to go hey come on don't hit my truck [Applause] oh this truck goes so fast hey is that you again hey hey stop Tru they right now stopping me pal I'm leaving like a whole smoke trail behind me slow driver stay out of my way going back around you can't stop me I'm faster than fast I'm faster than fast quicker than quick stay out of my way we're fleeing the scene now all right looks like the guy survived he got like thrown off the bridge okay we're [Music] fine hey yo Johnny he's calling his friend I think and that guy hit me with this truck I don't know I'm going to try and find my car hey I I'll call you back John all right think I broke a rib oh my God this guy got flung around like an airbag car there's this car it's all messed up W oh no oh I had all my money in it you got to blow a little harder there pal oh that that hurts hey yo Johnny yeah I found my car on the freeway it blew up in Flames I know like C Godzilla well all my money wasn't in there John so looks like I'm I'm staying in motel for a bit this is a predicament I've I've never been in before so now because the night hauler has destroyed this guy's car and uh his money we're going to wait for him to get to wherever he's going and he's going to get a lot of money and an unmarked envelope from an unknown sender and it's going to be like hey sorry for the damages I didn't mean you any harm even though it was like clearly trying to kill him and run him off the road so now that I've total this car M will arrive and and the note will be like I'm sorry didn't mean no harm for the damages here you go here's some money go get yourself a new car drive on all right so he's just taking a taxi all the way from the city up here to Sandy Shores and I think he's going to complain to the sheriff that he got run off a road I had giant 18wheeler literally a cop right there I'm going say it's very nice in here oh hey there officer hello yeah I want to report a crime that happened to me on the highway okay what crime is that so uh I was I was driving my truck just to start fire to get some general Goods up in pedo and I was cruising past you know where the highway splits off to go into sand it was a great time for driving bit foggy but added to the atmosphere and out of nowhere this this and I say huge huge truck just appears behind me comes speeding up starts honking its horn telling me to get out of its way you know it's got to go fast or something like that uhhuh and then it it just started ramming me rammed me off the road once and I [ __ ] you not that truck it it must have accelerated from zero to like 60 in a second he spun me out again and then again where I got ejected from the vehicle and then when I go went back to get to my car the whole thing just exploded so if you're taking any nonprescription drugs you should be taken nothing like that so you're telling me a super fast truck slammed into the back of you then disappeared and blew up your car yeah pretty much that's the story and you've definitely not taken any drugs you know psychedelics nothing like that I love that the typical reaction from police when they describe anything I did as um they're on drugs or they didn't get any sleep like how many drugs have you taking today sir all right so the police have been alerted to what's going on and uh it's really up to this one officer if he's going to report it to all his other units and uh try to figure out what's going on I put a subtle hint that he should go to a motel I said the motels and Sandy Shores are now open just got released from the hospital hey there bud how you doing sir hoping I could get a room yeah yeah of course how long you uh planning on staying I had some uh I had some car trouble so I'll be stuck in Sandy for like I don't know a week maybe okay okay we're doing $4 a room I think that's a good deal I'll take that you want to hand me that money I'll uh I'll get set you up with the room yeah your room will be upstairs if you go up the stairs it's on the other side well you take care so the guy just bought a motel room and now he's showering so we're going to leave some mail at the front door oh nice some M got a letter stack of envelopes bills for crash truck oh that's a lot of money [ __ ] 5,000 $721 I got to hold the state oh I'm so I'm absolutely fuming okay now he's going to find the piece of mail let's have a look all right he's opening the SCP letter right now envelope heavy okay let's open this thing oh that's a lot of cash crinkled up cash in the envelope this is not read as well so you got $1,390 34 from the SC damn that's that's a good amount of money I'm sorry I didn't mean no harm for the damages here's some money get yall a new rig and drive on that's a very nice letter I'm sorry didn't mean no harm even though he drove the guy off the road newe now he's got some money he's a big baller now 1,300 bucks from the SCP dude you wouldn't believe it hey you know that whole commotion I had on the highway with that truck following me so I I booked a room at a motel I was going to stay here for a week I hear someone posting a letter so I I open up the letter and guess what I find inside big water of cash and uh a letter saying that whoever did that was sorry for it all right so it's night time again and the night hauler is about to come out looks like we've just found our next Target driving a car what the what is this goddamn thing not working what the [ __ ] oh I told those mechanic let me try let oh I got stop stay off the highway that's mine radio I am the night huler stay off the highway what the hell oh my God all right so this person just pulled off they need to go back on the highway if I'm going to attack them so I'll have to see officer officer help me oh yeah what's going on car is is doing crazy weird things it started saying I'm the night hauler stay away off the highway all right so the cops looking through his radio but they're going to find nothing all right so here we have a clown van traveling down a highway I think we're going to Target this clown man for sure the nigh hauler want some blood drive faster faster Master Floor of the metal I am the n huler and I do not stop for No [Applause] One stay away from the night huler try faster next time oh my god dude the clown band got absolutely annihilated oh my God they had a packed up Van dude it's all messed up where were they going to goo I think we broke something I think you broke a lot more than he thought parking enforcement shows up at the perfect time illegal parking sir I know we're working on it we apologize we moving it right now the vehicle is literally sandwiched into the wall anyway you to P ticket F can I park here no don't ride a ticket ride ticket oh my God they the parking enforcement left him a $330,000 parking [Music] ticket hey you get you get back there hey you came back there sorry sir did you happen to see a red and black semi Tru going barreling through here I think there was gas coming from the back of it I see nothing you want to buy propan canister I can't I can't say you want to buy some propan no be start popping I just could St I just could stop him right in the head like a wackamo I can't remember him uhhuh okay somebody tell me the color of this goddamn truck the police are trying to piece together what kind of truck it was all we know is that the truck is black and red and has smoke coming from the the back of it and it goes at bar or like insane speeds and just hits into people are you okay do I look okay you just look like a clown okay I think I'm fine is bent the wrong way this guy needs medical attention and they're just talking about the color of the truck me crashing into him totaling his van has also racked him up a $30,000 parking ticket so I wonder if the night hauler is going to pay up excuse me are you slapstick Stan yes I'm slap stick stand all right sign for your package steing on a potty right now this is act crime scene is that my new bow tie sir you you were in an active crime scene and I got a job you up thank you get out of here maybe next time you should wait your damn turn oh my God they put a parking ticket on me they're opening up the dirty envelope that he just got wait where's my boat tie at lot of cash inside with the notes a l cash okay let's look at this note sry about the first didn't mean you no harm hope this helps you all out can I have that note please all right K Carson let's go down the station and run some fingerprints on this note why don't we he keep the money right it's not crimin wait do you want one of the bills we need the money for our investigation I just put in my pocket they're taking his money he just got not only does he owe $30,000 to parking enforcement but he owes like probably 10 on the van how much is there not that much okay good day officers you have you have a goody let's go R these fingerprints the cops have just taken the money that's six grand each there's like some stuff on the back here so they found small amounts of uh residue like deposited on the note that I gave him that's diesel fuel tire rubber and small amounts of blood truck residue what type of what type of truck this guy must not be in the system he must be a he must be a ghost then a ghost never had his yeah yeah someone who's never had their DNA taken not like a literal ghost y [ __ ] but like he never had his DNA taken oh I got scared for a little bit I don't like ghost are we sure that these people are just cracked out we need to get on this highway and we need to look for this guy let's go you know how famous we're going to be if we stop him super famous they definitely promote us I I'll be the real share the night holler stay out the highway the highway is fine what the heck 4285 am I the only one getting radio interference what the heck 104 I think I'm just in a bad area he thinks it's radio interference it's perfect come on what is going on with this thing dang motorpool car stay off my Highway 18 Wheels of Steel what the don't trap slow uh 4285 my radio is doing some weird stuff saying like stay off the highway 18 Wheels of Steel I'm not sure what's going on man they got to fix these old m cars I think it's just interference but that's weird what's up driving by the sasp station and all a sudden you know my radio started tuning and stuff I thought it was just you know it's an old car and then it was like stay off my highways 18 Wheels of Steel something weird stuff I think it's just the car and interference with all the trees but I I don't know something really odd is going on with the highway we don't know I mean I was sitting on the highway and all of a sudden I clocked five but I didn't see anything behind me yeah right now I kind of believe it might be paranormal like for the Ghostbusters trying to figure this out cuz everything we have get out of here with that there's a fentanyl epidemic right now man there was no way they would all have the same trip that's physically impossible you literally have CCTV footage of the thing going so fast it's literally just a blur all right well I'm going to get back out there if you guys don't need me y of course so now he's going back out on duty these people are crazy saying oh is Paranormal wo stupid who actually believes in that honestly he's just asking for it at this point turn my lights off so no can really see me here the you better get to moving uh 4285 my radio's doing it again and it just said I better get to moving I'm I'm in the center area I mean it' be pretty hard for something to hit me he's challenging me at this point all right here we go here we go night hogers in [Music] session stay off my highways dude they're unloading on me right now dude oh my God they got like a really fast car behind me right now sorry I probably pushing about 200 mph right now oh my dude he crashed his car chasing me you idiot we have seat belts for a reason we were going to catch the truck oh he he fell out of the car he didn't have a seat belt on oh my neck I can't I can't feel my legs dude bro I can't I can't feel my legs I I can't feel my legs I can't wait until they go back to the station and there's an envelope it's like hey I'm sorry for like you know crashing you and nearly killing you and like all of your officers but here's uh a few hundred bucks here you go so sorry didn't mean to harm you my legs my head and my neck hurts so bad dude oh they got an air unit coming in right now it is really bad out here so the police are advising all citizens in the local tri-state area to stay off the highway at all costs because there is a mad man driving around with an all blacked out 18wheeler truck and a lot of people are dying and getting very injured no one knows that this is SCP 3899 the night hauler we even have a bearcat rolling up right now holy crap I've been told that there's a lot of SCP agents right now kind of roaming around a lot of them are inside agents at local police departments and others are just your average everyday civilians didn't mean to nearly kill you twice my bad bro my bad here's here's $400 all right so looks like they've just medevaced their patients out of here it's going to be a crazy few nights for the people of San Andreas all right so right now I'm going to roll up to the cop I originally hit he is now out of the hospital for a few minutes and uh he's already back on duty so I'm going to hand him his letter use me are you are you Kitana Matsumoto uh yes sir I have a letter addressed to you they said I could find you out here who's it from no idea they got no return address listen you have a wonderful day all right uh thank you sir that was odd uh 4258 uh I was just contacted by a corer a little bit ago with a letter addressed to me with no return address oh he's going to open the letter it's all bent envelopes all bent and dirty okay oh man it's a good thing I'm wearing gloves jeez you know I'm going to give him $400 what the heck this hey sorry about that didn't mean no harm here's some cash to fix your hot rod 4285 are there any LSPD supervisors on this frequency sorry about that didn't mean no no har here's some cash to fix your hot rod okay maybe this is from the crash I don't really remember much about it oh my God his memory's blocked out oh my God he can't remember anything um so I'm in blank County and I just had a corer approach me and hand me an envelope I opened the envelope and inside there was about $400 in like a weird assortment of bills with a note basically saying sorry about the crash didn't mean no harm here's the money to get your car fixed I you know I was in the hospital for a while but I don't remember the car accident at all and this cor this posttop corer approached me while I was on scene of a TC and he handed me this envelope and I just looked in it and there's money and a note 10 for 23 sspd like the last thing I remember was talking about semi and then I woke up in the hospital that was weird man so he's driving back to the precinct right now and he's going to hand in the letter for some more attempts at getting DNA of who the nigh hauler is but he'll never find anything I didn't really want to touch it that much but like the envelope was like super dirty and stuff oh first we'll dust it for fingerprints yeah they're dusting it for fingerprints yet again they're not going to find anything but traces of rubber diesel gas like fumes and uh some blood all right so he's dusting it for fingerprints but there is nothing to be found nothing at all there's like no fingerprints no name no nothing on uh who gave it to you person it was a posttop corer all it looks like the police are pulling out a bearcat right now they've had enough all right so we found yet another car by themselves out here oh my my Jesus Christ hello 18 Wheels of steale um God the night Haller the night oh Jes no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] this [ __ ] go go go n just flew right by he's out of here the brand new car no he's freaking out drive faster better fast I cops about to pull him over for driving fast I don't know what to do over do I not off dri fast drive faster hey hey oh my God they're taking off okay ni [Music] TR Master Clow through that cop right now oh I think cops are about to see me right now oh yeah they got the barcat going D they stepping on the gas right now so loser damn that was so animatic he crashed his freaking car I think he's dead he crashed his car into the barrier went flying out the windshield Road Rash Road Rash they're getting back in their car they're getting back in their car come on there we go there we go he's running he's running oh thought that was going to stop me did you oh I fell out I fell out the scp's out even as PS need to wear their seat belts think that was going to stop me did you oh my God the med teams are just staring at me like [Music] ah yeah the medical team's going to have to go and evaluate that guy pretty sure I hit him pretty bad this is this is my road they better stay out of my way the night haer's way dude everybody's just getting out of the way stay out of my [Music] way oh my God I just plowed into like a group of people that Camaro just drove off the road they're shooting at me I [Music] think we're going so fast right now that nothing matters but when the sun comes up that is when we dematerialize the cops have given up on the pursuit they have no idea where he went he just goes so damn fast get your buy out of the well I hit somebody I have no idea who I hit here he comes oh my God oh my God like we're going to go grab that Bearcat that's a good idea oh my God I think they just found the body right as the sun's coming up so the SCP is now like dissolved for the day jeez if this person's dead I won't be able to give him a letter he's been laying here for so long all right so the SCP is going to leave her a note on her dashboard all right I left an envelope on her car here I grabbed my oh man Road Rash bleeding from back really messed up holy crap this is going to hurt like hell I got to set that leg before I split it okay everything everything hurts anyway all right they're going to go check our car they're going to find the envelope oh there's a note let me grab it yeah let me let me open up the uh envelope here and look at it okay opens the envelope okay it says sorry I didn't see you back there it didn't mean any harm for in for the damages there's a a stack of cash get y'all a new rig and drive on what does that mean going to leave her 50 bucks 50 bucks it's only $50 though $50 is not going to cover 5050 bucks and $1 bill bills I'm looking at it $51 bills what kind of person does that total like a m like a multi th000 car leaves 50 bucks after he total hey sorry back there I didn't see you I I fcking bullsh he didn't see me he didn't see me I was literally steering for her trying to kill her actively I even went on the Airfield to run her down oh my God the the cars over here are from the nigh haulers damage oh we've been damaging so many cars w we damaged like two expensive classic cars over here they were like this does not make any sense $50 for damaging this brand new car it makes no sense so right now the Sun is setting and we have some crazy drivers out on the road and the nigh hauler is not about it whatsoever I'm waiting to see what Falcon does here all right he's about to go Northbound towards pedo he just got in his red car he's driving what the hell you better start driveing mud 18 Wheels of Steel we see I heard on the radio all day this thing I've heard on the radio all day oh my God I just saw the night hauler he's looking behind he's looking behind what have I told you about staying off my roads no what the hell I told you to stay off my roads now you're going to pay you're going to pay I am the night huler and I'm coming in hot I know I can feel this Fe I Roll With the Wind my wheels sing sweet love to the black top oh my God the cops the cops the cops oh my God I a getting the hell out of here that's accidental that was that was not good he's like I avoided that thank God thank God I avoided that a real sing sweet love to the black TP this is going to be fun stay out of my way stay out of my way I am the ner there comes the cops here comes the cops oh there he is how you doing partner where do you think you're going to go I catch up to him so fast oh that's cute where do you think you're going I am the night holler I'm filling y'all's beans with both salt and exhaust in the smell of burn r you ain't stopping this some homeless man just walked out in the middle of the road just got pancake going 200 M an hour you trying to find me officer good luck what I got is pure rattling salvation 18 hungry Wheels ain't nobody stopping this I speak for all the souls of the road I am the N Holler oh my God I almost got that cop I almost got that cop off the road Sanara dude I have a cop in Hot Pursuit of me right now we're traveling like 200 miles hour I feel the rubber Accord to my veins this is for the souls of the road for the long nights and dead engines and everyone try to put that Horizon under their wheels so many cops chasing me right now this is a lot of fun I love just driving through this is a good excuse to take a 18wheeler through traffic going light speed there's someone up here on the road this is for the souls of the road this is my road and now I ain't giving it to nobody nobody at all stay off my road go my speed or get off me I'm going light speed again through PLO got a helicopter right now all right this cop's going to have a lot of trouble keeping up with this right now I have killed so many people in the last few minutes destroyed lots of property probably destroyed at least a million dollar in property so far cars being towed out of here are you okay hey hey get up come on come on get up get up get up you're fine come on hey hop on the back you're going to hold on really tight okay does Johan know where you are right now Reggie all right so the guy the red car that we were previously following um the guy just got out of the hospital and now uh he just got picked up by a friend on a moped the night holl is going to come back for a second round hey make sure you're still holding on okay are you going to be okay to drive Reggie yeah I'll be fine okay cuz you know if you can't drive I can call you a taxi Reggie I don't feel comfortable letting you drive reie okay they're grabbing a sedan they're grabbing a family sedan this is going to be great that's whoa whoa why are you screaming that's [ __ ] oh my God oh my God he's traumatized the first 18 whe he sees that isn't the SCP about to shoot it reie listen to me reie listen to me we are in a gas station please do not shoot anybody in the gas station literally a normal 18wheeler ra handgun oh my God he's cocking the gun reie no Reggie no I'm going to drive I'm going to drive Reggie it's fine we're going to drive we'll be fine please do not shoot anybody Reggie for the love of God it's just a truck trck just a truck you're fine it's just a truck just a truck reie it's fine just take a breath trck truck I'm fine take a breath you're fine hey there oh you think you think our business was concluded you got a Death Wish holy [ __ ] holy sh going crazy my God holy sh get everything right now through theie oh my God the car is like absolutely screwed hold on okay oh Bearcats are rolling in we're getting out holy [ __ ] drive on my highway holy [ __ ] help help help the truck truck drive on my highway without my permission I am the night hauler reie get out of the car regie Reggie all right so the nigh hauler just practically evaporated Into Thin Air right now um do we have Ghostbusters on speed we have Ghostbusters on speed di every officer I'm pretty sure now has been assigned a Bearcat and we also have helicopter units circling the counties right now kind of looking to see where this SCP just went been pretty interesting so far all right so I've just learned that the SCP Foundation has just discovered me they've discovered what SCP I am and they're going to be trying to test some new containment procedures because technically according to the Lord the SCP n hauler has yet to be caught they can be creative I feel like they're going to be creative the SCP Foundation are doing a briefing right now about $38.99 okay they got insurgent armored vehicles with 50 cal machine guns about to leave the garage here this is going to be insane they got some crazy plane to take down the truck that has yet to be ever caught we're aware of what it is it's 3899 you know the semi- truck it goes up normally High rates of speed doesn't deviate from the highway our plan of action has been placed on sight on our staff email our goal is going to be to immobilize the truck they've already set up a plan of attack SCP is fed up with this they've had so many calls into the Homeland Security and Department of Defense that there's some weird anomalous Supernatural truck going at high speed killing people they've had enough I'm going so fast all pass the cop he's definitely after me right now we're going so freaking fast right now night holler I own these roads everybody stay out of my way there's a lot of people on this road stay out of my way oh my god dude total so many cars that guy must be dead back there oh my God I am the night huler and I'm coming in h y'all best clear the way for me this is my kingdom this is my my black to this is for the souls of the road for the long nights and dead engines and everyone trying to put that Horizon under their wheels I am the Roar of hot iron I am screaming freedom I am death of all barriers this rig ain't got no quit I am the N Haller this in my RO oh my God they tra they actually dead sto me oh my God smoke is everywhere right now it looks like the SCP Foundation has somehow stopped the truck or so they think we're going to make them think they got the SC but reality this is just a Chuck hauling smoke grenades I'm the night hauler and I'm coming in h you thought that was me didn't you I think we got a instance I don't believe this is the full truck this is for the soul of the road I am the ner you guys might want to move off the road coming from PLO coming from PLO oh my oh my God oh my God SCP truck just came whizzing through here at light speed hey off over there guys here comes the night Haller oh watch it oh my God oh my God he's mad he lost his trailer y bards took my trailer now you're going to pay you think you can stop me you got another thing coming oh my God oh my God ran through so many cars oh the SCP is now chasing me right now I lost my trailer and I'm very upset took my trailer did you must be so proud of yourselves night huler is not done you're going to pay for taking my trailer oh my God I'm just crashing in the cars like crazy killing like so many people right now you think you're going to stop me hey buddy where are you going just keep turning around like 180° oh my God oh God I just learned that the SCP Foundation are about to bring tanks right before the sun comes up too they only got so much time oh my God he but a scratch another one bot to dust oh they shooting rockets at me I am the N Holler fear my robber oh my God I head on cided with a player so bad he flew out of his windshield uh 50 cal helicopter chasing here now oh God the sun's but to start coming up the tanks better do something fear me for I am the N Haller I pave these roads with my sweat and blood and y'all shall pay for it having fun yet you took my trailer not about that one bit what the hell is that they shoot me with a freaking tank this ain't over the night holler the SCP Foundation has eliminated the night huler oh my God holy crap get some readings of that thing before it to manifest look at that they got tanks and helicopters all around the thing looks like they're going to try to get a reading on it before it Dem manifests oh the sun's coming up check levels oh they're getting readings on it [ __ ] oh okay it's gone it's the night holler just Dem manifested looks like the SCP have had us a victory but I'd like to believe the next time it goes dark it's going to be out again I don't think they've permanently stopped it but I would say this is a W for the SCP Foundation for sure if you guys have future SCP suggestions you'd love to see me do on the channel Channel leave it in the comment section down below as always thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next time City feel like once again people show me love whereever i i north I prer a little sand we te up the show then we leave in a Sprint event I'll never have to Sprint again ring over Sprint again we rising over this again money like weting it SUV for all my trips you can't see inside 5% up all my see
Channel: jmwFILMS
Views: 850,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jmwfilms, jmw, films, gaming, gta, rp, gta5, funny, comedy, gta 5, gta v, gta 5 roleplay, pro, gamer, network, pgn, jmwfilms pgn, fivem, five m, gta rp, gta online, gta 5 rp, gtarp, gta 5 mods, mods, gta5 mods, roleplay, scp, nighthauler, 3899, truck
Id: 2j15EJXyViY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 1sec (2461 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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