SCP-3199 - Humans, Refuted (SCP Animation)

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In almost all respects, Kevin O’Reilly is your average 50-something Irish Man. He lives in County Cork with his wife, Martha where he spends his days working at a local accountancy firm, and during his free evenings, he likes to take quiet walks through the nearby woods. There’s only one remarkable thing that can be said about Kevin: He was the second human ever to encounter an example of SCP-3199, a dangerous Keter-Class anomaly that has the power to knock humanity off the top of the food chain if left unchecked. We know what you’re thinking: What about the first human? Don’t worry, we’ll get to him, but we can assure you: He’s anything but unremarkable. Back to Kevin. He was enjoying one of his nightly walks when he heard a horrible shrieking sound in the distance. It sounded like a woman was being murdered and just hearing it chilled poor Kevin to his core. His first instinct was to run to the woman’s aid and do whatever he could, but there was a lurking anxiety under the surface. The echoing memory of an old childhood legend: The Banshee. A monstrous, ghostly woman of Irish folklore, whose blood-curdling screams always foretell death. But those were all just stories, surely? Grim omens to stop children from straying too far from the path. Kevin took his first brave step in the direction of that awful screaming, repeating the quiet mantra of “There’s no such thing as monsters” to himself again and again. If only he knew just how wrong he was. He ran deeper into the forest, following the awful sounds. Whoever this woman was, she certainly had some pipes on her - the screaming had been going on for minutes on end now, and it didn’t seem to show any signs of subsiding. The sky above had darkened from evening to full on night by the time Kevin reached the source of the screaming. Kevin found himself in a clearing in the forest, but in all his years of walking down here, he’d never seen it before. There was a ramshackle old cottage, rotten with age and damp, and next to it, a rusty old hut made from corrugated iron. Like a kind of oversized chicken coop. From the tinny, echoing quality of the screams, he knew that they were coming from inside the hut. Was a woman being held captive here? Kevin was a smart man. He approached the tin hut quietly, not saying a word. If this woman had indeed been captured and was now being held against her will, it wouldn’t help the situation to potentially alert her captor to his presence. This quick thinking is the reason that Kevin O’Reilly is still alive today. Because, when he arrived outside the tin hut and peered in through the window, what he saw inside was not a woman. In fact, it wasn’t even human. The beast that Kevin saw inside the hut was nothing short of a crime against nature. A twisted abomination that was only vaguely humanoid. Its bloated, fleshy body, dripped with some kind of viscous fluid, and it looked more like a plucked, rotten chicken than a person. The creature was shrieking and wailing, its huge body convulsing in the coop. It was making a gurgling, gagging noise, like something was strangling it. Kevin felt like he was going to be sick. But the monster beat him to it. It doubled over, its wretched, lipless mouth stretching open to freakish proportions, and started to vomit something out. It was a gray, leathery mass, covered in dark red blood, that soon flopped out onto the ground, among a number of other masses that looked just like it. The creature then gave one final wail, and spewed out a red stream of blood and bile onto the masses. That’s when Kevin realized what he was looking at: Eggs. A pile of big, unnatural eggs. The foul-smelling bile that the creature had just vomited up had no effect on the eggs, but it seemed to burn and corrode the surrounding environment. It hissed against the metal as thin wisps of steam rose from the scorch marks. Kevin was horrified but also entranced by the bizarre sight - until the creature stood back up, and began to turn towards him. Kevin didn’t let his morbid curiosity get the better of him. He turned and sprinted out of the forest, knowing that if he lingered for even a second longer, he wouldn’t return home alive. He ran and ran, and finally heard the wailing fade into the distance behind him. This was the first ever outside brush with a specimen of SCP-3199, also known as “Humans, Refuted.” Sadly, it would be far from the last, and would remain one of the rare few that wasn’t deadly. When Kevin got back to town he immediately told everyone what he saw. There’s a monster in the woods, and it’s breeding! He even told the local newspaper, which printed the headline, “BEAST SIGHTED IN LOCAL FOREST.” It was enough to get the SCP Foundation’s attention. Field Agents were sent to the town proper to suppress the information leaking about the creature and gather any additional information they needed to assess whether they were dealing with a real anomaly here, or just another crank. Straight away though, the agents could tell from Kevin’s demeanor that he’d seen something truly awful. He was given amnestics, and Mobile Task Force Omega-19 were dispatched to secure and contain the creatures that Kevin had seen. They had twelve well-armed personnel, trained and prepared to deal with anything. Or so they thought. They were led by Corporal Duncan, a seasoned MTF operative, and they used state of the art night vision technology to gain a tactical advantage in the dead of night. All they had to work on though was the visual description provided by Mr. O’Reilly. It didn’t take long for them to find the same clearing out in the woods. There was the rotten old cottage and the metal “coop”, just like Kevin had described. Two younger MTF members, Private MacLeod and Private Langley, were eager to take the lead and prove themselves as they explored the dilapidated nightmare of a house. Once inside, they heard strange noises, what they assumed must have been footsteps coming from deeper in the home. They crept further in, and that’s when Private Macleod first noticed it: The shape of a large, pale, bulbous figure at the end of a long hallway, shivering slightly in the cold. Compared to some of the hardened killers he’d heard about in combat training, this creature looked like a piece of cake. This half-man, half-chicken - it was almost a walking joke. He leveled his weapon and grinned as he approached the creature. But Private Macleod had made a fatal mistake: He underestimated his enemy. In a later Foundation debriefing interview, Corporal Duncan would report with a dull horror what he saw happen to Private Macleod that terrible day. He’d never seen a smile fade from someone’s face so fast, as the creature turned, shrieked, and sprinted down the hallway towards Private Macleod. The poor Private barely even had time to raise his gun, his hands quivering with panic. Though even if Macleod had been quicker on the draw, it probably wouldn’t have saved him. As the beast approached, it spewed its foul, stinking red bile out onto Macleod’s face. It was a sudden burning sensation so powerful that he passed out in an instant, his lower face dripping off of his own skull. He was dead in mere moments. Then, the beast leapt forwards and began attacking Private Langley, biting and striking and spewing more of its deadly acidic liquid. By the time it was done, there was barely any of Langley left to retrieve from the house. The ten surviving task force members opened fire on the creature, but along with being surprisingly fast it could also apparently take quite a licking. Even when Corporal Duncan managed a direct hit on the creature’s chest, blowing a portion of it away, the monster just let out the most awful scream and continued fighting. Corporal Duncan admits that, to this day, that scream, and the moonlight shining through the hole in the creature’s chest continue to haunt him. When the monster was finally subdued, they were able to take it back to the nearby evac chopper and begin the journey to the nearest containment facility. But things took another terrible turn during that fateful flight. The creature’s body began to convulse, before vomiting out a pair of large, leathery eggs. Without a moment’s hesitation, the eggs began to bulge and tear open, and a pair of rapidly-growing SCP-3199 instances crawled out, attacking the mobile task force members huddled together in the cramped confines of the helicopter. Once the second onslaught was over, only four of the remaining ten members of personnel were left alive. The Foundation had discovered a formidable new foe. The specimens were brought back to Site-114, and placed in a modified version of the standard Keter-Class containment chamber. It was fitted with acid-resistant steel walls, and a series of transparent resin blocks to store the specimens inside for constant observation. But the creatures weren’t given Keter Class for nothing: Escape attempts are frequent, and whenever they happen, the numbers of creatures in containment increases. The most frightening detail of SCP-3199 is the fact that it’s impossible to reduce the number of them in existence. Each creature has a unique, stomach-like organ inside its body which holds an egg in reserve. While it’s possible to destroy one of the creatures, the eggs have proven to be almost indestructible. As a result, when one of them dies, the egg within it hatches and immediately grows into a replacement. And if the creatures are ever allowed to roam free, they begin laying eggs in any unoccupied space they can find, causing their numbers to grow. In theory, if left unchecked, they could supplant the human race with their own species in hardly any time at all. The only solution that the Foundation has found is submerging the creatures in sedative-laced water, as the beasts seem to inherently register water-filled areas as “occupied space”, and therefore do not begin laying eggs while submerged. But even the Foundation’s most optimistic minds still admit this is only a temporary solution. But where did these awful creatures come from? After the chaos of the first mission, the Foundation had dispatched an additional Mobile Task Force, Surface Team Delta-029-E, to perform a second sweep of the house and figure out what had been going on during the two decades of proceeding silence. Inside, the team managed to collect a number of strange objects to bring back as evidence of the peculiar activities that had taken place there Among these were a number of chicken carcasses that bore evidence of surgical dissection, a pair of chicken feather quills, and an A5 hard-cover notebook labeled “NEW BREED MANIFESTO.” Its writer is believed to be deceased, most likely as a result of SCP-3199, but the final note scrawled inside the book and dated 1973 provides some insight into what had occurred inside that dilapidated shack in Ireland. It reads: “If you're reading this, then lucky, lucky you! 400,000 hour from now and it'll be warm and wet and warm, and the wonderful vursatilli vessa versatility of (INFERIOR) human DNA will birth a better era. A stronger era. One where [ILLEGIBLE] and food and water will be nothing but things of the passed as we make and make and make more until until I REALLY HAVEN'T MUCH TIME TIME THATS why i ENVY you so so so much. you'll have all the time you need. time will be a thing of the time will be on and on and death will be life. life new life needs things to live. new life will be a part of life from now on.” These are the last words of the deranged mad scientist who created SCP-3199, perhaps under the demented belief that somehow, they’d make the world a better place. Personally, we don’t think SCP-3199 have any interest in improving the world, but whether we like it or not, their insane creator is right about one thing: They’re our problem now. Now go check out “SCP-610 - The Flesh That Hates” and “SCP XK Class End of the World Scenarios Explained” for more anomalous entities that could bring humanity to its knees!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 225,846
Rating: 4.9647059 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-3199, scp 3199, scp3199, humans refuted, scp humans refuted, turkey monster, scp turkey monster, half turkey half man, keter, keter class, eggs, scp eggs, scp creatures, dangerous scp creatures, dangerous scp, scp keter
Id: sFOoeXcwkDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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