SCP-1678 - UnLondon (SCP Animation)

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London is the second largest city in Europe, and underneath this bustling city is one of the oldest and largest networks of train tunnels in the world. But that's not the only huge, old structure located beneath the city of London. Below even the deepest underground metro stations of this historic city, there's a whole artificial world of surveillance cyborgs, impossible architecture, and stomach churning nutritional supplements. So be sure to mind the gap, because we're about to take you on a tour of SCP-1678, also known as UnLondon. SCP-1678 is located one kilometer below the city of London, England. From all appearances, it seems to be an exact copy of the city, though aesthetically, it's more in line with how it was around the turn of the 20th century. Gas streetlights stand on every corner, and the modern skyscrapers of the business district are recreated in the style of Victorian architecture. The epicenter of construction appears to be the houses of parliament, which is evidenced by the more unfinished and flawed the city becomes further out from the center one goes. Some of the buildings are made of nonsensical materials like copper pipes, and some of the 'gas lamps' are nothing more than a ball of disembodied light floating atop a metal pole. The first big question that the Foundation had upon discovering this location was, of course, why on earth was it created? And they wouldn’t have to look far, as an explanation of this bizarre mirror city plays automatically upon entering - “My fellow citizen. If you are hearing this tape, then the world as we knew it has finished. The sky has broken, the ground heaves with the tramp of terrible feet, and all the horror and madness from the dark corners of the world has broken free to exact its vengeance on the world of Man. Evil has raised its bloody flag upon all nations of the world and crowed its unholy victory to the broken sky. Yes, this is the end. But there is a new hope. Welcome to UnLondon, a city of the survivors, a city of the free. Together, fellow citizen, we will wait and prepare for the new beginning, the grand new world that is soon to come. Let the world above burn. We will endure. Let the monsters have their world. We will prepare. We will wait. And I tell you, citizen, that there will be a new morning. And you will emerge from UnLondon, and stand blinking in the sun. And on that day, citizen, there shall be a new order, as we raise the Union Flag over the entire world. I welcome you to UnLondon, the Last City. And the first.” From this message, it seems that this mirror city was built to be a refuge for survivors of an apocalyptic scenario, but the SCP Foundation had no knowledge of such a plan. In fact, it's still unknown who created this place, or how they did it. The one fact that was evident to the Foundation was that even though this strange place was intended to be a safe haven, it was far too poorly constructed to actually act as one. Illumination was unreliable, and most of the buildings were damp and infested with mold. It's also unclear to the Foundation where the oxygen and gas supply of UnLondon was coming from. Throughout the day, the loudspeakers around UnLondon play automated messages such as “No one is safe from the influence of memetic beings.”, “Bryson’s Home for the Poor is here to help.” and “Crime will not be tolerated in UnLondon...The tormentors of society will become its defenders.” At the end of every hour that passes, the speakers announce the time, followed by “...and all is well”. When the SCP Foundation first entered UnLondon, it was unknown whether or not any living things inhabited the city. On first investigation, it seemed from its state of disrepair that the city had been long abandoned. But soon the foundation met their first inhabitant of the underground city. Mobile Task Force members were inspecting the area around the houses of parliament when they discovered what looked to be a bank. As they approached the doors, they heard the following announcement over the nearby loudspeakers: “Citizen, you are entering a restricted area. Have your authorization papers ready. A Bobby will arrive to escort you shortly.” This signaled the approach of SCP-1678-A, also known as 'the bobbies'. A single instance of SCP-1678-A appeared with the unmistakable sound of a police whistle, and as soon as it arrived it started attacking the members of the task force. Another announcement came over the speakers- ‘‘Police! Halt, criminal!’’ The bobbies are the main threat to visitors in UnLondon, and they will attack on sight with any improvised weapon they can find. True to their name, they are all dressed in uniforms consistent with those of London city police officers from the Victorian era. What sets them apart from their historical counterparts, is their construction. These beings are made out of human corpses, crudely dismembered at the joints and re-assembled using metal hinges and bolts, with their heads wrapped in bandages. Bobbies are extremely hard to kill, with only high-caliber rounds and explosive weapons being effective at putting them down. Autopsies of dead bobbies have shown that underneath the police uniform, the bobbies all wear prison inmate-style jumpsuits. This adds a chilling context to the announcement about 'the tormentors of society becoming its defenders'- it appears that the bobbies are the reanimated bodies of prisoners. In addition to the bobbies, the Foundation cataloged two additional forms of artificial life present within UnLondon. First are SCP-1678-B, or Eyes in the Sky, hybrid bio-mechanical birds made of flesh with an exoskeleton of copper wiring. Some of these creatures are covered in a deteriorating outer layer of plastic and feathers, suggesting that they were originally meant to resemble pigeons. As their name suggests, eyes in the sky serve as a type of surveillance drone, and while they have no offensive capabilities, they still pose a significant threat to the Foundation. It's still unclear whether they're able to communicate with or summon the bobbies, but the SCP takes no chances. The last 'life form' present in SCP-1678 is the strangest and the most frightening - SCP-1678-C, known as the wretch. The wretch has only ever been encountered outside the zone which is now under SCP Foundation control, and it's uncertain how many instances of this being exist. The wretch resembles an old woman, or sometimes old man, dressed in filthy rags. The wretch sits at street corners holding a begging tray, and will attempt to elicit pity from anyone who happens to walk by. The wretch will ask for food or money, but if food is supplied, it will start weeping before vanishing into a puff of black smoke. On a few occasions, audio notices playing on the city's loudspeakers have alluded to this being, saying “Do not pity the Wretch. Allow them to pay the price of their betrayal for all eternity.” The current Foundation protocol with regards to the wretch… is to not engage with it at all. In addition to the bobbies, the eyes in the sky, and the wretches, there's another strange component to the world of UnLondon. Throughout the city, in any area designed for human habitation, the Foundation discovered multiple machines that resembled modern gas pumps. These machines are fitted with coin slots and rubber hoses that, when coins are inserted, dispense a porridge-like substance advertised as 'Dr. Goody's Wonderfood'. According to posters around the city, Wonderfood is a meal replacement supplement, supposedly containing all of the required nutrients for survival. Wonderfood also appears to be the only food source available in UnLondon. Despite the claims by various posters around the city that Wonderfood ‘Contains all the nutrients you need!’ and ‘Completely restores health and vitality!’examination of the substance has revealed that it is, much like the rest of UnLondon, unsuitable for sustaining life. Tests have confirmed that Wonderfood is a synthetic starch gel heavily enriched with various minerals, vitamins, fats and bulking agents, and it contains artificially engineered DNA helix structures. While it does contain all the elements required for short-term survival, consuming the product for longer than 6 weeks will result in severe malnutrition and eventually scurvy. Further tests have shown that Wonderfood also contains certain psychoactive properties. The porridge contains a mixture of unknown molecular compounds which, through regular consumption, make subjects calmer, less anxious, and less likely to resist authority. It also seems to have been engineered to cause withdrawal symptoms that set in if a person stops eating it, symptoms which include headaches and depression. Foundation personnel are forbidden to consume Wonderfood, but the substance is highly attractive to instances of SCP-1678-B and 1678-C. Like most things in UnLondon, the quality of Wonderfood varies wildly, with some dispensers putting out a product that is so degraded that it can cause sickness, deformities, or even death in the consumer. But strangely, the Foundation has also recorded a type of unknown colorful mollusk which feeds on spillage from the Wonderfood dispensers. At present, UnLondon is only partially contained. Mobile Task Forces Tau-4 and Epsilon-6 have succeeded in establishing a perimeter around the Hyde Park district where they have managed to stop any incursion from SCP-1678-A. Even though this is the only area that is fully under Foundation control, explorations have been conducted of buildings outside that perimeter. The investigations are vital for the Foundation's main purpose in UnLondon, which is figuring out who built it, and exactly what kind of event this underground mirror city was meant to prepare for. The interior of the Natural History Museum yielded particularly strange insights into the purpose of UnLondon. For the most part, the museum is close to how it appears in the above ground, but with one key difference. The task force investigating the museum discovered an exhibit called 'The Fall of Man', exactly where the Darwin Wing should have been. The exhibit, as its name suggests, details the apocalyptic scenario that would've theoretically driven people underground into UnLondon. But, to everyone’s surprise, its dioramas and displays didn't depict an asteroid impact, plague, or nuclear armageddon. To the Foundation task force members, the scenes of destruction depicted in the exhibit were far more familiar. They recognized the reptilian form of SCP-682, the ordinary-looking brownstone basement door that serves as a gateway to SCP-2317, and, most chillingly, the imposing many-eyed figure of the Scarlet King. These were only some of the known Keter class SCPs depicted in the museum exhibit. It was clear that even though the SCP Foundation hadn't built this city, whoever did knew a lot about the SCP Foundation's activities. It's believed by the Foundation that whoever or whatever created UnLondon still resides in the houses of parliament, and the ultimate goal of the task forces is to infiltrate the building. But in order to do that, they will first need to find where the bobbies are made and halt their production. It's believed that Bryson's Home for the Poor is where they originate from, but it's unclear exactly where the materials to make them come from, nor is it clear just how they're produced. Ultimately, the Foundation's goal is to catalog the entire city, and, once they have stopped the production of more bobbies, MTF Tau-4 and Epsilon-6 will storm the houses of parliament and contain whatever force has created UnLondon. But, London is a very big city, and UnLondon is just as big. So, there's no telling what else they might find exploring this bizarre location. Now go check out “SCP - 035 - The Possessive Mask” and “SCP - 2935 - O, Death” for more chilling stories from the SCP Foundation!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 881,536
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Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-1678, scp 1678, scp1678, 1678, unlondon, london underground, scp london, scp unlondon, scp underground, scp bobbies, scp bobby, scp england, scp uk, scp britain, xk class, scp euclid, scp euclid class, euclid class
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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