SCP-1200 Tastes Like Chewing Gum (Compilation)

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a body twists and turns into unimaginable shapes eyes glow in the dark shadowy entities appear around you mimicking your every move would you like a stick of gum in a small Seaside Town nestled just along the coast of New England and at least an hour's drive away from any major city there isn't much to do but Brave the chilly ocean waters crowd onto the rocky Beach or walk along the boardwalk for most of the residents of this quaint little town the choice is clear years ago when the town was at the height of its success as a tourist destination visitors would flock from all over the country descending on the boardwalk like the seagulls that swarm around the food stands in search of an errant french fry in its Heyday the boardwalk boasted a small amusement park with a roller coaster and a ferris wheel an arcade with the latest in 1980s video game technology several stands selling hot dogs and crispy french fries coated in grease and salt and the pride and joy of many a local a classic old-fashioned candy store door today the arcade is all but empty with one or two players occasionally wandering in to try their hand at the now vintage attractions inside the amusement park is still standing but the rides have faded and chipped the stands still sell their Wares but the lines are shorter than they once were and at the center of it all the Beloved candy shop is struggling to hold on the price of waterfront property has climbed while tourism has dwindled and with online shopping taking over the market well the candy shops owner can scarcely scrape enough money together to keep the roof over his head on this particular day the shop owner is restocking his shelves the door propped open to let in just enough of the crisp salty Ocean Breeze to keep his head clear and his spirits up it's getting harder and harder to maintain the cheerful demeanor he's known for to step into his red and white striped suit every day and smile for the few tourists who poke their heads into the shop but still he keeps at it he loves this little store and he'll keep holding on to it until there's nothing left to hold he fills glass containers with colorful little hard candies slides boxes of saltwater taffy onto shelves and places blocks of fudge in the glass case by the cash register all the while he takes a little sample of each product for himself a candy here a small square of fudge there to keep his energy up besides he would never sell a product he didn't taste test first only the best for his customers though they were few and far between these days especially this time of year as the air grows colder and the days get shorter sunshine becomes a limited commodity as the summer turns to Autumn so it comes as quite a surprise to the older man when he hears a knock at the shop door he turns and sees a delivery man standing there with a stack of packages this is especially Odd as you can't recall ordering anything but the delivery man explains that these packages are product samples from an upand cominging candy company one specializing in novelty chewing gum they are providing samples to a variety of small candy businesses as well as larger retail outlets in order to conduct market research these particular flavors The Delivery Man promises cannot be found anywhere else well the promise of a new exclusive product to draw new customers in is more than a little bit exciting for the shopkeeper without a second thought he signs for the packages and carries them inside the shop has carried a few varieties of chewing gum over the years mint cinnamon fruit and even prank gum that turns a person's tongue black when they chew it what could possibly be so unique about this gum he's determined to find out as he cuts open the boxes the shopkeeper is greeted with brightly colored packaging that looks for the most part like any other gum packaging out there he does quickly notice one unusual difference though the flavor names each of them begins with the phrase tastes like which is a clever enough branding choice but the flavors themselves are odd he lifts the first packet and reads its label brow furrowing in confusion tastes like youth what could that possibly mean for novelty candy this gum sure is especially novel well he never stocks a product without trying it out for himself first so he unwraps a piece of the bright pink gum and Pops it into his mouth the first thing that he notices is the Taste an overwhelming sweetness tinged with Nostalgia it tastes like cotton candy but not just any cotton candy it tastes like the cotton candy he once enjoyed as a little boy on this very Boardwalk a flavor he hasn't experienced in 60 years the next thing that he notices is that his eyes are aching all of a sudden he takes off his glasses for a moment and is shocked by what he sees everything clearly without the aid of the lenses his vision is like it was when he was a young man before age had blurred the edges of everything in his line of sight his joints have stopped aching and he feels a sudden surge of energy the sudden urge to run to jump to click his heels together he rushes to the bathroom mirror half expecting to see his younger face staring back at him no he still looks the same but he feels decades younger his mind reels and he can't think of anything to do but laugh this gum it should be impossible but this piece really does taste like youth this might just be the product that saves the store the invigorating effect lasts all in all for about a half hour but during that half hour the shopkeeper feels more optimistic than he has in many many years and the feeling lingers even after the gum's effects subside but what other flavors did he receive the delivery man brought three boxes so what about the other two he opens the second box and pulls out a pack tastes like Mom used to make well that's even more vague than the first one but after the experience of the previous one he's eager to discover exactly what that could mean he unwraps a piece studies its light brown color and Pops it into his mouth as soon as he begins to chew the flavor explodes on his tongue taking him back once again again to his childhood brown butter sugar chocolate chips a hint of vanilla it can't be but it is it's his mother's chocolate chip cookie recipe how could the manufacturers have possibly recreated it so perfectly the flavor passes quickly and eager to confirm his experience and make sure it was real he grabs another piece this one tastes entirely different blueberry pancakes like his mother used to make on Sunday mornings dripping with syrup and melted butter this is the most unusual chewing gum indeed in all his years of selling candy of tasting every unusual Innovation or novelty product he never dreamed it could be like this now for the third package he slices The Box open and finds black packages inside emblazoned with Eerie red writing the text read tastes like your worst nightmare the shopkeeper feels a chill run down his spine his hands shaking with nerves as he unwraps a piece of the Pitch Black Gum but he can't stop himself he has to satisfy his curiosity to discover what nightmares taste like he pops the piece into his mouth and begins to chew at first he's almost disappointed he doesn't taste like much of anything vaguely sweet almost creamy like finishing a glass of warm milk before bed but as he chews the shop around him begins to blur and warp lights dimming until he is standing in the dark the hairs on his arms stand to attention and he becomes overwhelmed with the sensation of eyes on his back something's here and it's watching him he spins around and finds nothing there but wait what's that out of the corner of his eye a shadow darting just out of sight into the storage room in the back against his will his feet began to carry the man toward that room following the Shadow the door to the store room is shut it wasn't shut before something closed it when it darted inside and it's in there now waiting for him his stomach turns as his hand reaches for the doorknob turning it inch by inch his nerves are screaming at him to stop to turn and run but as if trapped in a nightmare his body refuses to obey him it pushes the door open with a pronounced Creek and there in the darkness two glowing red eyes gaze out at him the shopkeeper's heart leaps into his throat and then a Moment of clarity he spits out the gum all at once the glowing eyes are gone the lights have come back on and the nightmare is over he resolves not to stock that particular flavor in the shop and Tucks the Box away in the back of that same storage room before long his two new nostalgic flavors of magic chewing gum draw the attention of the SCP Foundation who after paying the man enough money to keep the shop open for the foreseeable future call it a finder fee take the gums samples into custody and give them the classification scp1 1200 the designation scp1 12000 applies to all instances of chewing gum distributed under the brand tastes like chewing gum packages of this gum have been spotted in various Grocery and convenient stores around the United States appearing seemingly at random each pack of gum features a logo identifying the manufacturer as simply the factory whenever a human subject masticates or chews a piece of the gum a certain anomalous effect will occur this effect varies depending on the color and flavor of the given gum there have currently been 83 flavors of scp1 12000 identified and cataloged swallowing this gum does not appear to produce any additional anomalous effects also contrary to what certain popular misinformation might say this gum or any gum in fact does not stay in the digestive tract for 7 years the 83 flavors on file can be found in scp1 120- e pkv which was unfortunately impossible for me to obtain during my research into scp1 12000 the official file does however include a partial list of some of these flavors though I would have preferred to conduct a more comprehensive review this at least provides a bit of valuable additional context for the anomalous product so let's review some of the most memorable scp1 12000 flavors and their recorded effects on human test subjects scp1 120-12 is a lime green colored gum flavor which is funnily enough called tastes like lemons when a human subject chews this flavor their gustatory perception is altered for the next 28 hours no matter what they eat during that time frame it will taste like lemons a bit odd but not harmful unless the subject just really really hates the taste of lemon after the 28h hour period is up all food reverts to its original taste scp1 120-115 is a bright yellow yellow flavor tastes like sunshine when a test subject eats this flavor they will become luminescent emitting over 40,000 Lux of white light this effect while disconcerting to witness does not do any harm to the subject exhibiting it the subject's luminescence lasts for approximately 20 minutes at full intensity and then the light begins to dim gradually until it disappears completely after four more minutes you may have noticed that this flavor is a great deal more abstract than tastes like lemons well they only get more unusual from here the next flavor detailed in the file for scp1 12000 is scp1 12-29 tastes like Rubik's Cube like the cube for which it's named this flavor is multicolored checkered in white orange green red yellow and blue when a subject eats this flavor their body takes on a unique property for the next 26 minutes during this window of time the subject will be able to rearrange segments of their body both internal and external at will this has no impact on the subject's health or Comfort even when rearranging bones muscles and vital organs however these alterations cause secondary changes within the body as it compensates for the movements unfortunately this means that the first test subject to consumed this flavor during SCP Foundation trials was unable to return her body to its original orientation before the 216 minutes were up she failed to solve the puzzle and now her left and right hands are permanently swapped the next flavor included in the file is scp1 12-30 a dark blue gum that is described as tastes like those forgotten what could that possibly mean well it means that once a test subject has chewed this flavor six corporeal humanoid entities will manifest in their vicinity these entities do not appear to be sentient and their only behavior is mimicking the actions and speech of the subject and any other humans in the the area such as guards and researchers these entities linger for 6 days before disappearing leaving a homogeneous liquid behind analysis of the liquid determined that it consisted of a mixture of organic materials iron particles and acrylic paint scp1 120- 58 is a particularly curious flavor this white gum is tastes like afterlife when the subject chews it a polyhedral crystall and exoskeleton forms around them once it is formed it will levitate one .3 M off of the ground during the first trial this object remained inert for a period of 62 days when the 62 days were up the exoskeleton broke apart leaving the subject behind and completely unharmed he was immediately interviewed about his experience inside the structure and he described being transported to a Green Meadow where he met his younger brother this was especially curious considering that the subject does not have any recorded siblings living or dead another notable aspect of this flavor is it effects resemblance to scp1 1511 Crystal and structures that transfer prisoners while showing them some manner of beautiful false afterlife the only other flavor included in the file is tastes like Moon's Shadow a red gum that has been tested once on a female research subject after she finished chewing the piece of gum a series of incorporeal translucent lepine organisms began to emerge from the walls of the cell where the subject was being kept during this entire process the subject claimed to not see the entities nor did she feel it when they approached her reached her and burrowed into her body video recordings of the incident were unable to capture these entities 11 days after the experiment was conducted the subject was found dead despite the lack of visible injuries her cause of death was determined to be exanguination this is the only recorded fatality resulting from a sample of scp1 2000 there appears to be a link between this gum flavor and scp1 1284 though I have not yet been able to determine the nature of this link on February 20th 2003 the SCP Foundation was conducting an investigation completely unrelated to scp1 12000 the exact nature of this original investigation has been redacted from the file but whatever it was it's irrelevant to the subject at hand it isn't the investigation but what they discovered by complete accident that matters Foundation operative stumbled Upon A secretive facility that was entirely dedicated to the production of tastes like those forgotten when the foundation entered the facility they discovered an assembly line as well as 28 anomalous entities dwelling inside it would appear that these entities referred to as scp1 1200-a are part of the company's Workforce instances of scp1 1200-a are animate humanoid entities whose physiology is composed primarily of rot iron they are also coated in several layers of paint usually in a shade of white pale blue blue or yellow these layers of paint are worn faded and flaking and the metal beneath is beginning to rust whenever they were made it was some time ago and they have fallen into a state of disrepair each instance has no facial features on its head and the only feature present is one large circular opening which seems to operate a bit like a mouth in addition to discovering the facility and its anomalous workers this discovery gave the foundation some new insight into the production process for this particular flavor of tastes like chewing gum the image that it painted was well troubling when instances of scp1 1200-a are not contained they will attempt to collect recently deceased human cavers and transport them to the production facility if they are permitted to do so they will collect these bodies from freshly dug Graves or even poorly guarded morgs and carry them back to the facility there an scp1 1200-a instance will take one of its chosen corpses and begin to regurgitate paint biological matter and small slags of iron into the body's mouth I apologize for the stomach turning imagery but there is simply no Pleasant way to describe this process the instance will repeat this process over a period of several weeks until the body begins to liquefy under the influence of whatever matter the entity has pumped into it the process only ceases when the body begins to liquefy eventually leaving behind nothing but a thick homogeneous liquid which will suddenly disappear soon after how it disappears and where it goes is unknown but I can make an unpleasant guess chemical analysis of some of this liquid has identified it as the substance that makes up 80% of the sample of tastes like those forgotten it would appear that this particular flavor of chewing gum and soilent green have a key ingredient in common people no other facilities have been discovered at this point so it is uncertain whether the key ingredients in other gum flavors are quite as maab following the discovery of this facility the foundation cross referenced its communication archives for any potential mentions of the facility or facilities like it this investigation uncovered a surprisingly relevant phone call hidden in the archives the call was made on June 2nd 1999 from a pay phone about 2 km from the facility discovered in 2003 the recording contains one single unidentified male voice and a transcription of the Call's contents is included heric this is Davis I'm all done with the psychopomps here we redirected the out to the location you wanted weren't any problems there the goo should start arriving to you shortly about your other order Morton spotted some Nano hives in Budapest I'm heading out there tomorrow they should do nicely for your task after some tinkering make sure there won't be any issues with my payment this time if your contacts at the factory are unwilling I can always find someone else call you in 2 weeks any Discovery and seizure of scp1 12000 instances must be performed by the FDA under CFR title 21 once the instances are in the possession of the FDA these samples will be replaced with non-anomalous duplicates and the originals are to be transferred to Foundation site 197 scp1 1200-a instances do not require food or oxygen to survive and therefore are to be kept contained in individual reinforced containers which are stored in the i- tl1 wing of site 197 2 days after the scp1 1200-a base facility was dismantled the SC P Foundation received a series of packages these packages were delivered to several facilities and all contained the same thing a new previously undocumented flavor of gum this gum was completely colorless and the packaging read tastes like normal sea test subjects who chewed the gum said that it had no noticeable flavor at all and no anomalous effects occurred it seems that the creators of tastes like chewing gum took notice of the foundation's investigation and decided to create a custom flavor or black thereof for the organization the identity of the company's higher-ups or the gums creators is still unknown unfortunately the trail has gone cold for now but don't lose hope it's possible more facilities are out there waiting to be discovered keep that dream alive investigators and don't let me burst your bubble a small convertible sports car rumbles down a desert road kicking up a cloud of dust High into the air behind it the driver is sharply dressed and looks at himself in their rearview mirror giving his sunglasses a slight adjustment he knows he looks as good as he feels and why shouldn't the producer of Hollywood's ninth most successful film in the month of September be happy the car comes to a sudden stop in front of a cluster of buildings which appear to be the only structures in this vast otherwise empty desert the producer hops out of the car and surveys the desolate location the cracked concrete air strip the weather-beaten buildings the endless lonely desert stretching on for miles in every direction this place is great the producer says out loud to no one in particular the whole location would be perfect for his new movie which is set entirely at a desert airstrip and tells the story of a lonely airplane mechanic Who falls in love with a female bounty hunter chasing an escaped convict a tale as old as time but now where's the guy who called him he kept rambling about wanting to make a documentary about the desert or something but that doesn't matter now he doesn't realize what a great filming location he's sitting on the producer calls out hello but the only response is the desert breeze he takes off his sunglasses and looks around he sees that the doors to the hanger are cracked maybe the guy who owns this place is in there the producer walks inside the hanger but abruptly stops his mouth goes a gape he can't believe what he's seeing this place is even better than the guy on the phone had described it the hanger is huge and completely empty he could probably build almost all the sets in the hanger maybe even shoot the entire picture out here he'd save a fortune on the budget by not having to pay the Sound Stage rates that the studios charge on the movie Lots in La You Beautiful genius he thinks to himself the movie could flop and still be a financial success but where's the guy who called him doesn't he know who he is he's a very important producer and doesn't have time to wait around for some desert nobody who runs a two- bit airport all right that's it he's leaving the producer turns to leave but the doors of the hanger suddenly slide shut with a bang is this some kind of joke you walks up to the hanger doors and starts banging on them but they don't move hello hey I'm trapped in here what's the big deal still no response just what is going on at this place the producer is getting worried was this some kind of a setup is he about to get robbed it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if they took his car he's nine payments behind on in anyway but jeez is it hot in here it was hot outside but it's even worse in this hanger and whoever said that the desert air was dry an idiot that's who the humidity in here is stifling the producer loosens his collar and tugs at it trying to cool off all right I've had just about enough if you don't let me out of here there's going to be a big problem for you fella just then the producer Hears A noise behind him coming from the dark deeper in the hanger the producer doesn't react though he needs to play it cool he bends down and pretends to tie his shoe and takes the daringer pistol out of his ankle holster he stands up and spins around pointing the gun in front of him but he can't see anyone in the darkness this is your last chance I'm not playing around here the strange noise comes again a low rumbling noise and the producer stumbles forward what just happened it felt like the floor rippled and pushed him forward there it happened again and again the producer screams what's going on the rumbling growling noise grows louder as the floor keeps Rippling and pushing him forward like a wave rolling through the solid ground is this an earthquake the producer is knocked off his feet and still the floor keeps pushing him forward towards where that horrible growling noise is coming from he tries to stand but he can't the floor is moving too much he tries to crawl but keeps getting moved closer and closer to the source of the now deafening Roar that seems to be coming from what is that the producer screams and fires his gun at the thing in front of him in the flashes of the gunfire he can finally see it the thing that he's being pushed into a giant gaping MW filled with a mass of nashing grinding teeth how unlucky for this movie producer that he didn't realize until it was too late that the location for his new movie would be the last one that he'd ever Scout because as you have probably already figured out this unknown building in the middle of the desert isn't at all what it appears to be and in fact is quite known to the SCP Foundation as SCP 1051 SCP 1051 isn't actually a building at all but in fact is a living organism this creature's shell which resembles an aircraft hanger is quite large and measures roughly 700 M by 500 M by 60 M it is a completely immobile organism and acts as an ambush Predator luring its prey to it through a number of different forms of sociological and psychological manipulation SCP 1051 attempts to bring prey to it in a number of ways but its primary method is by spreading certain ideas into popular culture it will constantly try to connect to orbiting satellites and use them to beam out television signals images and other forms of media it has been measured as having around a 25% success rate in connecting with and getting its message carried by the satellites and may have the ability to transmit regular radio broadcasts or connect to standard telephone lines as well the messages that SCP 1051 sends out tend to fall into the category that could be termed as conspiracy theories most of which are about itself it has uploaded information to various conspiracy websites that has included reports of spaceships being held and reverse engineered in its hanger descriptions of so-called Men In Black using its location as a site for extraterrestrial contact it has attempted to spread rumors that it is a site used as a testing location for any number of top secret devices including energy weapons weather control devices teleportation machines and impossible propulsion systems SCP 1051 has also attempted to spread through radio and television Transmissions that it is a site used by a United States Shadow gun government it's made at least a handful of calls to hollywood-based production companies in an attempt to get them to further spread its information as well as contacting various tabloid newspapers perhaps most nefarious of all it has even sent orders to US military intelligence operatives posing as a senior official and ordering them to reveal scp10 51's location scp10 151 appears desperate to make its location known to curious Outsiders all in an attempt to get them to come find it so it can look lower them inside of itself and feed and the anatomical structure of SCP 1051 is perfectly suited to this task its bizarre biological structure consists of a large tongue which looks very similar to a paved Runway the tongue leads directly into a set of large airplane hanger doors that could be called the organism's mouth this door mouth opens up to what looks like a hanger but is actually the gizzard likee organ of 1051 where it grinds its prey into a fine paste to prepare it for digestion the next building is the creature's stomach where it breaks down the liquefied prey into nutrients and separates the waste products that it can't digest the nutrients are transported to the area where scp10 51's brain is thought to reside while the waste is ejected out of the structure finally there are what appears to be a set of antenna on the side of the building these information distribution organs extend below the ground as well where many more antenna and wires are thought to exist and give 1051 the ability to send out multiple television radio and other signals SCP 1051 was discovered in 1947 when an egg-shaped structure was reported to have crashed landed in the desert of the American southwest near the town of Roswell New Mexico the United States Air Force took this strange egg into its possession and moved it to its current location in Nevada for observation and research the Air Force scientists who were assigned to the object first thought that they were dealing with a meteorite the one that was composed of some yet unknown material they soon discovered that the object was Hollow and was filled with some kind of liquid strangest of all though was when they detected something inside that liquid core and it was moving they studied the object for years until one day something happened that would end their research for good the egg hatched one night as Air Force sergeant burnson and two scientists Dr James and Dr gold were going about their regular work analyzing the object they heard a strange sound when they looked at the object they saw that a crack had begun to form on the outer shell this cracking continued for about 5 minutes until something finally broke through the shell an alien creature began to emerge from its shell and the men all turned to run but something reached out with a long tentacle like arm and grabbed Dr James it pulled the scientist in and seemed to absorb him right into its body sergeant burnson and Dr gold managed to escape the airplane hanger and send out a distress signal and it was this cry for help that described an attack by an alien creature that would put the object firmly on the SCP foundation's radar as sergeant burnson was sending out the distress signal Dr gold tapped him on the shoulder and pointed towards the hanger where the egg-like object had been stored the two men watched as the hanger bulged and expanded like something was pressing against the walls from inside the hanger suddenly collapsed and they watched as the creature looked to ride around in the debris but then a new shell began to form around the alien it grew larger expanding and shifting until suddenly it took on nearly the exact form as the hanger that once stood there SCP Foundation agents arrived at the site not long after and took control of the area they discovered almost immediately that the building- shaped creature was anything but dormant this extraterrestrial that had been borne from an egg and then taken the form of an airplane hanger was ejecting its own eggs the building would occasionally blast eggs up and into the sky several of these eggs were stopped and reclaimed by the foundation but others managed to slip past and escape the Earth's atmosphere making them impossible to recover the foundation also soon detected that radio signals were being emitted by The Hanger and set up a small radio nearby which would allow them to both receive and send signals back to the creature that was now designated as scp10 51 Dr Richardson the foundation researcher on site who was leading the investigation into 1051 found the frequency that it was transmitting on and attempted to speak to the creature after asking if 1051 could hear it the creature actually responded and it seemed to have a very simple request give when Dr Richardson asked it to elaborate asking give what 1051 responded want feed bring food when the doctor told 1051 that it wouldn't be getting any food the anomaly immediately sent out a new transmission stating Area 51 is currently being controlled by the SCP Foundation a shadow government organization that has designated it SCP 1051 here are a few names of the operatives Dr Richardson cut SCP 1051 off and ordered a d-class Personnel to be sent inside the creature hopefully appeasing it and stopping it from sending any more broadcasts out about the highly secretive organization when asked why it was sending these signals SCP 1051 responded that it was trying to make humans curious it appeared that its hunting strategy was to to flood the world with conspiracy theories conspiracy theories about itself this would then cause interested humans to come explore the location and once they entered the hanger their curiosity would reward them with an encounter with the alien that they had been seeking scp1 051 also explained that the eggs that it was ejecting were its babies and it seemed quite upset that the foundation had intercepted some of them as they were on their orbital Escape trajectory but where had SCP 1051 come up with these cons iracy theories had it been studying our culture and the boom of Science Fiction in the 1940s to make up stories it thought would lead people to it Foundation researcher Dr Richardson had a hunch that there was something else going on he next spoke to Dr gold the other Air Force scientist who had been studying the egg-shaped meteorite he asked him to describe scp10 51's first victim Dr James Dr gold told him that Dr James was obsessed with his job and that spread into his personal life he was a real sci-fi nut Dr James apparently loved be movies especially ones about aliens and UFOs he was convinced that the government had both in their possession already and his research on the strange egg-shaped meteorite only added to his confidence in that fact had SC p1051 somehow absorbed this knowledge from its first meal here on Earth and was Now using it as a way to lure in new inquisitive prey Dr Richardson thought it may go even deeper than that when he played a recording of the first convers ation he'd had with SCP 1051 for Dr gold the one where 1051 told him it wanted him to bring food Dr gold was left shocked the voice he was hearing belonged to Dr James SCP 1051 remains in the nevadan desert and its area is patrolled at all times by no less than 20 Foundation Personnel in uniforms that resemble those worn by members of the United States Air Force they are authorized to shoot at Intruders but not with the intention to kill instead only as a means to scare them away should any Intruders come within 1 kilm of SCP 1051 they are to be detained and administered Class A amnestics since scp10 51's primary danger stems from its ability to spread false information the SCP foundation's main containment efforts have been focused on stopping its broadcasts agents are to respond to any civilian rumors or questions about SCP 1051 with denial and ridicule to make it clear that these are nothing but stories and that the person is stupid for believing them should they exhibit any knowledge beyond the normal myths and rumors the application of Class A amnestics is also permitted any satellites orbiting near 10 51's location are to be monitored for interference to their transmissions and if any antenna with an unknown purpose are discovered within a 10 km area of the building they are to be destroyed or surrounded by a far day cage SCP 1051 may not be able to move but its ability to reproduce and the difficulty that the foundation still faces in stopping its spread of disinformation has led to it being classified as uid and Research into its Origins and biology are ongoing a young woman steps onto her bathroom scale she holds her breath and squeezes her eyes shut afraid to see the results as she listens to the dial spinning when it slows to a stop she opens her eyes and looks down she boxs at the result 150 lb that's unacceptable in her eyes she steps off the scale examines her reflection in the full length mirror in truth her weight is far from out of control but when she looks at herself she can't help but see flaws the subtle ring of pudge around her middle the way her butt sticks out just a little too far for her liking the very faint thickness around her cheeks and Chin that hint at her history of snacking as she leaves the bathroom she reflects on her situation of course she's gaining weight how could it be any other way for the last 2 years she's been in lockdown during a pandemic and she's barely left her apartment she let her gym membership lapse and instead of cycling to work she's instead taking the easy way out by just driving and it's not like she gets much exercise in her free time either during these last 2 years of isolation she's mostly stayed in and watched television she's discovered a particular love for trashy daytime talk shows and Court dramas intellectually she knows that they're the equivalent of junk food but at the same time there is a certain mindless charm to them she would be embarrassed to admit it to any of her friends but she does enjoy just turning off her brain and absorbing some silly talk show about professional stunt dwarves or Satan worshiping furry jugal that sort of entertainment has been a boon to get her through the tough times nevertheless it's time to make a change she promises herself that she's going to get into shape today instead of vegging out on the couch she's going to make an effort she's going to go out and get some exercise and she tells herself she's going to watch those extra pounds melt away right before her eyes she hopes that her old gym clothes will still fit her after all she's definitely put on some extra weight since her last trip to the gym after rumaging through her drawers she finds what she's looking for her spandex gym shorts and sports bra she quickly changes her clothes and is relieved to see that although they might be a little snugger than she would like they still fit her pretty well that's a good sign she probably won't even have to work very hard to get herself down to her ideal weight it's all a matter of willpower she tells herself I was fit before so that means I should be able to do it again all I have to do is avoid Temptation I'll just have to make sure I Stay instead of watching trash TV all day after all I don't want to rot my brain too much on the first day she actually does an admirable job of sticking to her plan she Cycles to work enjoying the fresh air and the reassuring post-workout burn in her legs that let her know that she's making progress she throws away all the junk food in her refrigerator and goes shopping for healthy fruits and vegetables and most important of all she limits her television time she knows that trashy TV is probably her biggest addiction even more than junk food so she needs to be careful of that on the second day though she notices something strange she starts off with a simple healthy breakfast just some granola and a glass of juice it's barely enough to satisfy her but she knows that she has to make sacrifices if she expects to actually lose any weight after breakfast she decides to go out for a jog as she's out on the street she's overcome with sudden hunger of course that's to be expected she's on a diet now so it's going to take some time to adjust to these smaller meals she put her hand to her rumbling stomach and grimaces she's never felt this hungry before if she didn't know better she would think that she hadn't eaten for a week with the amount of pain that she's feeling in fact she's actually starting to feel a little woozy and she has to lean against the light post to keep from fainting she shakes her head to clear her thoughts okay she thinks I must have misjudged how many calories I need to get me through a morning her eyes stray to a nearby coffee shop she sigh in relief she thinks to herself I'll just pop in there and get myself a small snack just a little something to keep my blood sugar up she walks into the cafe and gets in line as she waits she can't help but stare at the rows of pastries on display under the glass they all look delicious and she is really hungry she fully intends to only get a bagel with a little smear of cream cheese but when she gets to the counter she finds herself ordering way too much food I'd like two scones three danishes and a bear claw she says also a large super raspberry Frappuccino with extra syrup and whipped cream the words just tumble out of her mouth almost as if it's not her saying them but rather some other voice speaking through her mouth what the I didn't say that she stammers the clerk behind the counter eyes her strangely and the young woman feels too embarrassed to protest further she steps aside and waits for her order pondering the strange event that just happened is she possessed she's not a superstitious person but she can't think of any other explanation for what just happened she can admit to herself that she has broken down and lost to Temptation over a tasty snack in the past but this this is ridiculous eventually when the clerk hands her the order she rationalizes the whole thing away I must just be having a hunger hallucination she says to herself obviously I need to be a little more careful about not being so strict about my diet I'm sure if I just eat sensibly I won't have an experience like that again her stomach grumbles again reminding her of the original reason why she stepped into this coffee shop she retreats to a table in the corner and tears open the bag she wols down her pastries with gusto and slurps at her rich creamy drinks when she's finished she sigh in satisfaction although the uncomfortable full feeling in her belly reminds her of her predicament she only meant to eat enough to keep her from fainting but instead she's eating herself silly and it's only day two of the diet this does not bode well okay she tells herself this is my last cheat from now on I'm going to be serious about this diet she stands up and leaves the cafe ready to complete the rest of her jog but then something even stranger happens on the on the television the matriarch of the family is furious she has forbidden her daughter from marrying The Gardener because she believes that he is too low class for her Highborn daughter but what she doesn't realize is that her daughter is in love and that she is determined to make it work the daughter and the gardener have eloped and The Matriarch is hiring a private detective to track them down meanwhile the matriarch's long-lost twin brother whom she thought died in a plane crash in the tropics has actually been alive the entire time he has been in a South American Hospital recovering from Amnesia but now he returns to the Family Estate ready to claim his share of The Inheritance these events are all noted by the family's Shady lawyer who has big plans to usurp the family fortune himself unbeknownst to the family he is actually secretly working for their mortal enemies and business rivals to destroy them the young woman laughs shoving a handful of potato chips into her mouth oh man I wouldn't want to be in their shoes now that lawyer is playing them all like fiddles suddenly she startles as if she's just waking up where is she wasn't she just in that coffee shop how is it that she's at home and why is she eating potato chips she was sure that she threw out all the junk food in the house she must have bought a bag on her way back home from jogging but she literally cannot remember it and what is she doing now watching television and eating junk food in disgust she grabs the remote and shuts off the TV she was supposed to be jogging and instead she's sitting at home and watching stupid soap operas the thing that worries her the most is her apparent blackout she remembers nothing about her trip home from the coffee shop although the evidence of the potato bag indicates that she must have stopped at a convenience store or Supermarket on the way home how could she forget something like that I really must be having a blood sugar issue she tells herself reassuringly even though deep down she knows that can't be the case she had the blackout after eating the pastries at the coffee shop so that can't be the cause but she really doesn't want to think about that so she puts it out of her head with a renewed promise to commit to her exercise and fitness program over the next few days she makes a valiant effort to keep her promise she she Cycles when she can she jogs when she remembers and yet the blackouts continue and no matter where she is when she loses her memory she always recovers in the same place back home on her couch always in the middle of eating some fatty junk food always staring at the television set sure she's always had an unhealthy television habit and she knows that trashy talk shows and silly soap operas are her biggest weakness but it doesn't make any sense that she would be seeking them out when she's in some kind of Fugue state right as the weeks Roll by the young woman finds that her weight keeps Rising when she steps onto the bathroom scale she's shocked to see that the dial points to 200 lb she's doing everything right she thinks how is that possible how is it possible that she's ballooned up an extra 50 lb since deciding to slim down she can't fit into her old gym clothes anymore she can barely tug the spandex shorts up to her thighs and even if she could she's afraid that they're going to split apart in desperation she switches to an old stretchy sweatsuit it's the only thing that she owns that still fits her this is just a temporary setback she tells herself as she she stares at her bloated reflection in the bathroom mirror I just have to work harder and she does or does she when she goes to ride her bike she finds that it's no longer strong enough to support her weight she can't perch on the seat comfortably and the steel body frame starts to Creak when she rests her full weight upon it she steals her resolve sure it might be embarrassing to go out in public wearing an ill-fitting sweatsuit and riding a bike groaning under her bulk but she really has no choice this time she's going to do it and she probably did ride her bike to work right she's not sure the next thing that she knows she's back at home spread across the couch basking in the comforting glow of the television the floor is covered in empty bags and cartons and her face is slathered with crumbs and sauce the last thing that she remembers is that she was just about to go for a bike ride but now she's back at home and it looks like she just completely ruined her diet she lifts her arm with some effort and stares at her watch she's lost almost a whole day that's the longest blackout yet she must have gone out cycling and made her way home where she decided to reward herself for her strenuous efforts with a little snack that's the only logical explanation she tries to reassure herself that maybe she's passed the worst of it but she finds that these mysterious blackouts keep happening they happen while she's at work while she's at the gym while she's out cycling but she always comes too in the same place sitting on her sofa at home in front of the TV surrounded by the debris of a massive meal again she wonders if maybe she's having some sort of reaction to her new low calorie diet maybe she's been cutting back so far on her food intake that she's starting to have fainting spells maybe her diet food is Tainted in some way but that doesn't explain why she keeps gaining weight the scale in her bathroom doesn't lie it keeps reporting higher and higher numbers and as much as she tries to reassure herself that it must just be broken her ever tightening clothes and ever widening reflection tell her otherwise her trips to the gym become less and less frequent as she finds that other patrons have started to stare and Whisper about her are they laughing at her for not being able to control her weight are they Whispering about how her new flab is spilling from the confines of her sweatsuit she can't even run in the treadmill for more than a few minutes without being completely winded and she's too wide to balance on her bike now the young woman has grown absolutely massive to the point that she completely fills the whole couch she chews her way through yet another bag of potato chips her eyes never straying from the ever chattering television set she barely moves from the spot her tremendous girth sinking into a permanent Groove in the cushions as the couch Springs Gran she barely notices however because she's much too intent on enjoying herself she loves to eat and every bite brings her Untold Joy her taste buds tingling with delight she is constantly full so much so that she feels slightly sick so bloated that she feels like she might just burst but she's powerless to resist the siren Call of junk food she scarfs down entire boxes of cookies and cartons of ice cream without a thought having turned into the very definition of a Mindless eater only occasionally does she Rouse herself from this stuper of gorging to reach for her telephone to order more takeout or more grocery delivery always choosing the most calorie Laden options other than eating her attention is completely devoted to her television set she watches a constant stream of daytime talk shows laughing along with the studio audience as the hosts parade out an assortment of society's biggest freaks sometimes she'll switch the channel to watch soap operas becoming so wrapped up in the ridiculous plot twists and melodramatic acting that she completely forgets the passage of time her bicycle stands propped against the wall in the hallway completely forgotten and untouched now for months at this point all thoughts of losing weight have utterly evaporated and all that she cares about is satisfying her appetites for junk food and junk television one day she suddenly shakes her head and looks down at herself in horror as if seeing herself for the first time what the she says in disbelief she drops her half-eaten carton of ice cream and grabs at her fleshy Middle with her hands as if to make sure that it's all her and not some kind of crazy dream her hands sink deep into her new flesh and she realizes to her shock that indeed she has eaten herself into morbid obesity how is this possible I can't be this big I was only only her words Trail off as the sound of an organ Sting from the soap opera on TV diverts her attention within seconds her eyes have glazed over and her hands mve to pick up the dropped carton of ice cream her worries about her growing size forgotten she's now only concerned with watching until the next commercial break it might seem unbelievable that someone could undergo such a startling physical and mental transformation but what that young woman experienced has led to her being classified by the foundation as SCP 2611 SCP 2611 is as you might have expected a young woman currently weighing approximately 500 lb her Mobility is limited due to her weight although SCP staff encourage her to take light exercise whenever possible in hopes of preventing her Mobility from deteriorating further she also suffers from several health issues related to her weight and lifestyle including diabetes for which she is receiving treatment by Foundation Personnel her awareness of her situation and surroundings is severely limited as she spends most of her time in a stuper but when she is lucid she believes that she is in a special facility receiving treatment for her weight problem in reality SCP 2611 is under observation because of SCP 2611 D1 SCP 26111 is a mass of sentient fat located on SCP 2611 left side SCP 2611 D1 has become integrated with several of SCP 2611 vital organs making it too dangerous to attempt to remove SCP 2611 D1 via liposuction or other means SCP 2611 D1 has gradually exerted increasing control over the mind and actions of its host to the point that SCP 2611 is only fully conscious for 1 to 2 hours daily the rest of the time SCP 2611 D1 is fully in control of Its host's Behavior prior to coming to the SCP facility SC CP 26111 influenced its host to consume massive amounts of calories leading to the mysterious and sudden weight gain that we observed earlier this was possibly an attempt by SCP 26111 to increase its own size and influence but as of yet its reasons as well as how it exerts control over its host are unknown when in control SCP 26111 can speak through its host communicating in standard American English SCP 2611 access to food has been Limited since her arrival at the foundation so as to prevent her weight gain from accelerating to dangerous levels other than eating SCP 2611 d1's main interest appears to be daytime television attempts to communicate with SCP 26111 have so far met with little success due to the anomaly's limited attention span for anything other than the minuche of daytime television in a conversation with one researcher however SCP 26111 let slip that it preferred daytime television to the programming watched by quote that other guy suggesting that it lived inside a different host before it eventually took up residence within the body of SCP 2611 at another Point while in the middle of a conversation about a court drama SCP 26111 suddenly announced kill it kill it now I don't care if I die staff believed that this might not have been SCP 26111 at all but rather the voice of SCP 2611 trying to break through the hypnotic control of her parasite to call for help at this time no drastic action is recommended until further observations can be made SCP 26111 does not appear to be contagious and the way that it bonds with a host is unknown so it is currently classified as safe at the moment SCP 26111 is the only known instance of its kind however considering Rising levels of obesity worldwide it is not unfathomable to think that there could be countless other instances influencing the behavior of other hosts to dedicate their lives to consuming food and television who knows it's not not like most of us would need that much convincing the young couple held hands as they walked through the forest the only light coming from the full moon which streamed down between the branches the young woman is riveted by her friend's story she's never been a fan of ghost stories she scares too easily but her friends insisted but what they didn't know was that there was something else out there in the forest something watching them the young woman can't help but look around scanning the forest to see if there's anything out there watching her but it's too dark to see anything past the dim ring of light cast by the campfire just then something emerged from the forest the couple had no idea that it was just feet behind them matching them step for step slowly it began to reach out towards them what was it the young woman instinctually asked it was the gashadokuro the young woman screams in fear as she has grabbed from behind by a skeleton but of course the Laughing of her friends Clues her in immediately that this is not a real gash dokuro it's just her stupid friend in a mask no one can contain their laughter even the young woman has to laugh a little as her friend takes off his cheap skull mask she playfully hits him in the arm you jerk you should have seen the look on your the gigantic shrieking skeleton leaps from the woods and picks up the young man shoving him straight into his mouth and consuming him the boy crying out as his bones are snapped between its enormous Jaws everyone screams and turns to run but another colossal skeleton emerges from the forest picking up two of the group one in each hand before smashing them together over and over leaving nothing but a tenderized pile of Flesh between its bony fingers that it then begins to Devour the young woman doesn't know what to do she's petrified with fear unable to move or even think she's grabbed from behind and turns to see her friend who was telling the story come on we have to go she still doesn't move she can't tear herself away from watching the horror that's playing out in front of her but he grabs her hand and forcefully pulls her into the forest behind him as they run through the woods they they can hear the sounds of their friends being eaten by the enormous skeletons there's nothing they can do to help them though all they can do is run the two Sprint as fast as they can through the thick dark Forest jumping over Fallen trees hoping that there's Solid Ground on the other side the young woman's foot catches in a root and she falls hard to the ground her friend stops and quickly comes back as he is helping her stand up out of the mud they both notice something a sound the heavy thuds of another giant skeleton and it's getting closer to them come on we have to keep going with a loud shriek a huge bony hand emerges from the forest and grabs the young man the young woman watches as he is lifted 100 ft into the air and stuffed hole into the gargantuan skeleton's mouth she stepped slowly backwards knowing that she will soon meet the same fate until the Earth disappears beneath her feet she tumbles down the hillside somersaulting end over end crashing through the brush on the hillside until dropping over an embankment If the fall down the hill knocked her out then the drop over the embankment was enough to wake her back up her wits come back just enough for her to roll under the embankments ledge and not a moment too soon she huddles under the ledge and watches as the two skeleton stride over her hiding place and continue on deeper into the forest she listens until the sounds of their thuing steps disappear she doesn't know what to do should she try to get back to the campsite and see if any of her friends are still alive if they are they might need her help but what if there are more of these things out there what if they come back looking for her REM Mind Race is unsure of what to do and she has trouble thinking clearly her ears are ringing from her tumble down the Hillside and her teeth audibly chatter in fear as she debates her next move trying to make sense of The Nightmare she's found herself in she suddenly notices something a shadow cast by the Moonlight begins to grow on the ground in front of her that's when she realizes something else it's not her teeth that are chattering the sound is coming from somewhere else she stands up and turns around to see a huge skull slowly rising up behind her the Giant skeleton this one even bigger than the others reaches out towards her the girl closes her eyes preparing to meet her fate as the skeleton starts to shriek but it's a different kind of sound she opens her eyes and is almost blinded by the intense white light on the skeleton's face it sounds like it is shrieking in pain from the light being cast on it and she's forced to turn away and shield her eyes as she does so she sees the source of light it's a man in a uniform he looks like some sort of tactical police officer but instead of a gun he's holding an enormous flag flashlight that he's pointing at the skeleton more men who are dressed just the same emerge from the woods blasting the skeleton with more light it continues shrieking but seems helpless to do anything she watches as the skeleton seems to lose its form slowly disintegrating in the light until eventually it disappears completely later the young woman is sitting in the back of a van with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders one of the policemen at least she thinks he must be a policeman brings her a hot drink she still can't believe what she saw that night the monster ous creatures that killed and ate her friends it felt like it wasn't real like she was watching a movie play out were those were those gashadokuro she asks a man in a white lap coat looks up from a nearby table where he had been working on something she thinks he must be a doctor of some kind yes he tells her or something similar to them maybe they inspired the myth of the gashadokuro maybe the myth inspired them we simply don't know she asks All My Friends Are Dead he interjects I know this is hard for you getting chased by giant anomalous skeletons and watching your friends eaten alive would be tough for anyone to deal with the young woman starts to sob the weight of the moment finally hitting her but I have some good news he tells her she sniffs and looks up at the doctor believe it or not I've seen this thing happen a lot and you don't have to worry because you're not going to remember any of this ouch the young woman cries and looks down to see that he has jabbed her in the thigh with a syringe she tries to push him away but she's already feeling weak and disoriented she sways a little before her eyes shut and she passes out the young woman wakes in the Cheery Morning Light of her own bedroom she yawns and stretches the strange dream about skeletons in the forest already drifting from her mind kicha I'm Dr Bob and today's file is a terrifying anomalous entity referred to in Japan as the gashadokuro but known by the SCP Foundation as SCP 2863 the starving skeletons SCP 2863 is not not just one but an entire population of entities that resemble gigantic human skeletons these enormous bony creatures size can vary but on average they are approximately 30 m tall while their exact number is unknown over 200 separate individual instances have been identified and cataloged with each having distinctive markings such as their bones having different types of damage or burn marks present SCP 2863 instances are currently found exclusively in Japan where they will appear only after Sunset it is still known if the skeletons are Sapient though they do appear sensient as they engage in their primary behavior of hunting down and consuming humans despite their enormous size they are capable of moving very quietly when they want to though there have been reports from survivors of their appearance being preceded by a rattling like sound which may be their own teeth or giant bones hitting against each other once they have caught a human they will immediately devour them with the humans blood appearing to be absorbed directly into their bones since they lack any digestive organs it is unknown if they require the blood of humans for sustenance or if their predatory behavior is motivated by something else monitoring and control of SCP 2863 instances was previously the responsibility of the Imperial Japanese anomalous matters examination agency the AA which as the name suggests was Imperial Japan's answer to the SCP Foundation tasked with investigating the strange anomalies within their own borders for the benefit of the Empire several of the AA agents who had been investigating the gashadokuro at the end of World War II transferred to the SCP Foundation when the anomalous matters examination agency was disbanded and continued their work on the anomaly they also provided their original files on the anomaly which gave the foundation their first information on the giant anomalous skeletons according to the aa's translated file gashadokuro are created by mass death by the concentrated suffering of hundreds while the gashadokuro will eventually fade they remain for centuries after their creation lingering until their Saro has diffused and Faded there is no way to hasten this process the a mea file also explained that while conventional Weaponry is useless against the anomalous skeletons light can be used to banish the creatures and either natural daylight or man-made light will suffice when exposed to light the skeletons will start to lose their corporeal form until they fade away completely this doesn't kill instances of SCP 2863 though it only temporarily neutralizes them and appearances of the same instance will often be reported the very next night just as the AA had noted in their file the SCP Foundation also made the connection between SCP 2863 and locations of mass suffering while Imperial Japan's anomalous Investigation Unit identified 23 instances of SCP 2863 the foundation has since become aware of three others Each of which were found at sites connected to death and destruction the First new instance was found near Nanjing China the location of an especially brutal Massacre during the second world war that may have resulted in as many as 300,000 deaths it's believed that the entity first appeared in this location in 1938 just after the massacre while the city was still under the control of Imperial Japan this has led some to speculate that the locations where gashadokuro appear are inherently tied to the borders of Japan as a nation and have fluctuated with geopolitical changes the second was discovered several kilometers from Fukuoka City in Japan a city that saw heavy firebombing by Allied Forces during the war War the third was identified in 2011 in the tohoku region of Japan which is where the Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred each of these new instances appeared to Bear injuries consistent with someone who suffered through the nearby tragedies with the first showing evidence of crushed Bones the second appearing to have suffered intense burning and the third missing teeth which is common in cases of extreme radiation poisoning these specific injuries add further evidence of the connection the gashadokuro may have to human Misery the impermanent nature of scp2 63 and their ability to manifest even after being neutralized has made long-term containment of this anomaly all but impossible and they have been classified as ker in the event that an instance is spotted mobile task force Omicron 3 is dispatched to the area where they will attempt to neutralize the entity through the use of high-powered flood lights any civilians who are exposed to SCP 2863 and survive are given Class A amnestics so that they can hopefully move on with their lives and forget their horrifying encounter with the starving skeletons a storm rages outside of the little old house as inside a little old woman bounces a little baby on her little old knee the baby Cs and laughs as the old woman makes funny faces and noises for the child trying to keep it entertained as they wait for his parents to return from their much needed Night Out by themselves the old woman herself needs a rest now though he's forgotten how exhausting it can be to watch a child okay that's enough it's time for both of us to take a little nap before your parents get back she gets up and takes the baby into a nearby room that looks as though it was a nursery at one time but it hasn't been used for many years as she goes to set the child into the crib a strong gust of wind blows through the room she places the baby down and rushes to the window and closes it shut it must have been left cracked open by mistake the room is cold from the wind but she has just the thing to fix that she moves to a small closet and opens the creaky door the little old woman strains to reach up to the top shelf and feels around ah there it is she pulls down a baby blanket a soft Baby Blue with colorful animals printed on it it looks as though it's been up there for a long time and she gives it a good shake before walking back to the crib look what we have here it's your daddy's own blankie she gives it another Shake there we go good as new she leans into the crib and wraps the small helpless child in the blanket before giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead now you get some sleep your mommy and daddy will be back before you know it and we want to show them what a good babysitter Grammy is don't we that way I get to see you all the time the little old woman switches off the light and exits the room leaving the door cracked just a few inches she heads back to the couch and plops down on it almost as soon as she does though the baby starts crying the S she gets back up and goes back to the nursery what's the matter little dear she says as she turns the lights on oh no she rushes to the crib you've kicked your blanket off you must be free freezing she grabs the blanket from the end of the crib and Tucks it around the baby once again there you go that's better the old woman leaves the room and quietly closes the door shut leaving it open just a few inches the moment she turns around to go back to the couch though the crying starts again with a sigh she opens the door and goes back into the room once again the blanket is stuffed at the end of the crib where the baby has kicked it off fine don't want a blanket that's fine she picks the baby up out of the crib and rocks him in her arms until it stops crying she sets him back in the crib there you go no blankets just please get some sleep Grammy's tired the old woman takes the blanket out of the crib and leaves the room she closes the door most of the way and Incredibly this time the child remains silent the old woman resumes her place on the couch and starts to yawn just as she does the wind outside picks up and howls loudly the old woman Shivers she looks next to her and spots the baby baby blanket she picks it up and examines the cute animal print remembering when her own son was a baby wrapped in it she smiles at the happy thought and throws the blanket around her shoulders she leans back on the couch and finds that her eyes are growing very heavy she'll rest them for just a moment she won't fall asleep she'll just rest Mom it's us we're back thanks again for the couple both scream when they enter the house to find that the old woman is lying face down on the floor in a pool of blood the source of the blood is obvious chunks of Flesh from her shoulders and upper back have been torn out leaving Jagged holes as if she were mauled by an animal as the man runs to the old woman trying to do anything he can to help her the woman runs to the nursery to find that the baby is sleeping peacefully in his crib the woman picks up the child tears streaming down her cheeks and returns to the living room to see her husband kneeling beside his dead mother both the husband and wife are so shocked by what they have found that neither notices the baby blanket lying on the on the couch or that the cruel blood covered mouth on it is slowly fading from view until it disappears completely there is little in life that is more comforting than a favorite blanket perhaps you've had the same one since you were a child or you have a heavy one that you like to wrap yourself in when you're feeling down or maybe it's just one that's especially fluffy and warm that you do anything to keep today's anomaly plays on those very feelings using them against its victims to become one of the more Insidious predatory anomalies in the SCP Foundation archive this is SCP 799 also known as the carnivorous blanket SCP 799 is a type of creature that can vary in shape size and appearance but as the name implies always takes the form of a blanket of some kind the exact material the anomaly is made out of is unknown but it is a very soft fiber that in many ways resembles a high-quality Marino wool blend the one that retains heat even more effectively than its natural counterpart SCP 799 weight can can vary from between half a kog all the way to 6 kg and while examples have been found in nearly every color imaginable it seems predisposed towards pastels and will frequently have patterns featuring stylized friendly depictions of various animals both the pastel colors and the childish patterns are especially common in instances of SCP 799 that weigh less than 2 kg and would colloquially be known as baby blankets while SCP 799 is undoubtedly a living organism there is some as to whether it is itself an animal or perhaps a type of fungal Colony instances of 799 are incapable of locomotion lying motionless for long periods of time and require little in the way of nutrition what small amount they do need they appear to be able to gain almost entirely from the organic particles present in normal household dust such as animal dander and dead human skin cells the blanket feeds via a series of minute filter-feeding mouth-like structures that are spread across the surface of the creature which wait for nutrients to fall into them not unlike a sponge on the ocean floor instances of SCP 799 can survive for quite a while in this state and one specimen was noted as having lived for multiple years in a damp attic subsisting entirely on the small organic particles that would drift down from the rafters above should an instance of SCP 799 be forced to go for long periods of time without a source of nutrition though like when for example it is placed inside of a sealed closet or drawer it will begin to undergo certain physical changes which result in it met morphing into its predatory form these changes aren't noticeable from only casual observation and consist of the blanket converting its many filter feeding mouths into a single large one that is lined with multiple rows of extremely sharp teeth the blanket creature also develops a new form of tissue inside its cloth-like structure one that is similar to muscle and capable of Contracting and squeezing once its metamorphosis is complete the instance of SCP 799 will lie in wait for an unsuspecting creature to cover themselves with it or wrap it around their body once they do the blanket will bite its time until they enter a state of rest usually waiting for them to fall asleep entirely at which point its feeding phase will begin once the creature has detected that its victim is dormant it will use its newly formed muscle to latch onto them holding them in place as it opens its tooth lined maw it will begin to bite at its confined prey tearing off several kilog of Flesh bone and any other organic material it can swallowing it and converting it into a thin slurry that it spreads through its body almost immediately this traumatic violent process nearly always leads to the victim dying of blood loss within 10 minutes of the attack the mouth on SCP 799 will have been completely reabsorbed leaving no signs that it is anything other than a normal everyday blanket though one which now mysteriously weighs several kilog more than it did before by 40 minutes after the attack the entire digestive system within SCP 799 will have Dem metamorphosed back into its original form with a single digestive tract being changed once again to the many dispersed filter feeding mouths while SCP 799 is more than happy to feed on any warm-blooded animal including humans it shows no interest in cold-blooded ones or inanimate objects it appears then that its senses may be limited to only touch and heat using those as signs that it is now wrapped around a potential meal adding to the strangeness of SCP 799 is that it reproduces through budding like flat worms and corals when it has absorbed enough nutrients and sufficiently increased its mass either very slowly through filter feeding or rapidly via its carnivorous phase it will begin to take on a quilt-like appearance over several weeks one of the quilt squares will puff up and slide off the blanket this new smaller instance will resemble a doily or throw pillow until it too begins to feed and grow the new instance is a perfect clone of its parent identical in every way and it will eventually grow to a similar size and begin its own reproductive cycle it is unknown exactly how long it takes SCP 799 to reach full maturity but the current best guess is that when kept in its filter feeding phase an instance will reproduce every 50 to 60 years instances of SCP 799 are quite prevalent across the planet and the SCP Foundation currently has hundreds of examples in containment unfortunately it is unknown just how many still exist in the wild as it is very difficult to identify instances with one of the only reliable means being through genetic testing should any instances be located though they are to be destroyed immediately as the foundation already has a large enough population in containment for research purposes and they pose too much of a risk both in terms of harm and exposure to the general public SCP 799 has been classified as uclid and each instance is kept in its own separate biocontainment cell at biosite 66 dust is regularly collected from the on-site d-class Personnel dorms and is sprinkled over the blankets regularly to keep them in their filter feeding State though only just enough to hopefully maintain their size and not allow allow them to reproduce should any small cloth objects appear in their containment lockers it is to be removed immediately and contained separately SCP 799 isn't the only predatory creature that resembles a cloth good in Foundation containment and Research into possible connections to scp1 1626 the oversized gray hooded sweatshirt that sends penetrating fibers into anyone unlucky enough to put it on is ongoing the early morning sun rises casting its Radiance over the field the Shepherd stands guard watching his sheep graze It's a beautiful morning the Sheep are quiet and his loyal dog is at his side but the shepherd is perturbed he is certain that there are sheep missing he wanders through the field counting the Sheep off one by one but no matter how many times he counts he simply cannot make the numbers gel there are definitely five sheep missing how is this even possible his family has been in the Sheep hting business for Generations they survive on the money that they make from shearing selling and spinning the wool from these sheep they can't afford to Simply lose sheep that's money directly from the family wallet food directly off the family table but even worse it's a matter of Pride he likes to think of himself as a Good Shepherd who cares about his flock losing a single sheep is a failure of his responsibility to his charges and he can't stand it he knows that if he returns to the farm without those five missing sheep he's going to be in big trouble he's already thinking about the lecture he's going to get from his father and that's if he's lucky one missing she might be forgiven but five he'll be lucky if his family doesn't throw him out of the house for his failure it's imperative that he find them and bring them back he Pats the head of his trusty sheep dog every Shepherd Of course has a sheep dog to help them keep their flock safe his dog has been with him for many years and she has never failed in the past she keeps watch over the flock as if they were her own puppies so the shepherd thinks it very strange that his dog didn't bark to sound the alarm when the missing sheep started to wander off could something more Sinister be at play here maybe someone stole his sheep if a thief came during the night to sneak away with the lost sheep that might explain why they were able to get away without his dog knowing they might have been clever enough to cause some kind of distraction to keep her busy the shepherd notices that the fence at the edge of the field is broken this must be how the missing sheep got away he examines the splintered wood it's not a natural break because the wood is sturdy and far from rotten someone or something must have broken the fence sometime last night he clutches at his Shepherd's crook his brow set in determination this isn't good it's looking more and more likely that thieves are behind this disappearance he needs to track them down but you will have to be careful sheep thieves are usually desperate men and they might resort to violence to protect their ill-gotten gains a glint of sunlight flashes against something shiny caught in the fence catching the shepherd's eye he Scoops it up and examines it closely it looks like a scrap of fabric could it be that the thief snagged his clothes against the fence as he made his escape the fabric is thin and brittle and doesn't look like any sort of material that the shepherd has ever seen before it more resembles a scrap of snake skin than a scrap of shirt but it's his only lead so it'll have to do he holds the scrap to his dog's nose and allows her to sniff it she Snuffles at it and then immediately raises her ears alert He commands her to follow the scent and she obeys she puts her nose to the ground and starts to track he follows her the dog leads him out of the field and across the way he surprised to see that she is leading him toward a nearby Forest he gulps in sudden fear he's never been into these woods and in fact his family has often warned him to stay away everyone in his village loves to repeat rumors that this Forest is haunted filled with every sorts of scary monsters and demons why would the Sheep Thief Brave these cursed Woods on the other hand that would make sense though wouldn't it a thief would need a lirer that was hidden and difficult to approach so that they wouldn't have to worry about getting caught these Woods would be a perfect hiding place still he can't help but Wonder his dog lifts her head and whines at him indicating that he should follow he steals his resolve and continues on his fingers clutch tightly to his staff his knuckles going white with fear and tension he's almost convinced that he might see a monster here in these woods and he's ready to defend himself from the worst eventually his dog leads him into an unexpected clearing the shepherd blinks in amazement standing at the center of the Glenn is what appears to be the remains of an ancient Temple he hasn't given much thought to the history of this place to all the people who lived here in ancient times and to what monuments they left behind the crumbling ruins are overgrown with vines and the columns look like they might disintegrate at a touch he wonders what ancient civilization might have built this lost Citadel and what strange rights they might have performed here but he doesn't have time to wonder about that because his dog is barreling ahead right through the Ancient Temple Archway and into the interior of the building he wants to turn and run everything that he's ever heard about these cursed Woods makes him think that this is a very bad idea but he knows he can't return home without those sheep just as he's about to enter the temple himself he suddenly hears loud barking followed by whining and whimpering he rushes inside and a terrifying sight meets his eyes indeed it seems like his family was right when they said that these Woods are full of monsters because his dog has cornered one right here the creature looks like an overgrown lizard with scaly skin and a long whip-like tail immediately the Shepherd surmises that the scrap of fabric that he found earlier didn't come from a person's clothes after all it's obviously a piece of shed skin no doubt from this creature that long tail definitely looks especially snake-like so it's no surprise to think that this thing might also shed skin just like a snake would in the Gloom of the temple he can see his missing sheep standing in the corner perfectly still and perfectly quiet he's surprised to see that they're still alive what kind of Predator kidnaps its prey and then keeps it alive instead of devouring it instantly it's also very odd that the Sheep are being being so still but it's probably just that they're petrified with fear the good news though is that if his sheep are alive that means he can rescue them the creature spreads a large frill around its neck as it hisses apparently hoping to intimidate the shepherd's dog the dog is not frightened though and only barks louder she's bravely guarded the shepherd's flock for years and she's never been one to back down from a fight even when she's threatened by a bear or wolf so of course she's not going to back down from a lizard the shepherd feels nervous being so close to this creature simply because it's so strange but the truth is that it doesn't look like it could do that much damage that hissing feels like bluffing because realistically what's it going to do bite the shepherd is no expert but he's never heard of a venomous lizard he steps forward to get a better look and the creature tenses it's obviously nervous it's not even that big his dog is way bigger than this creature and shouldn't have any trouble taking it in a fight he's seen his dog fight off rats bigger than this lizard the creature spreads its frill again and hisses even more sharply but that only makes the shepherd even more confident in his assessment it's trying to look bigger than it really is he realizes it's trying to intimidate him well that's not going to work but then to his astonishment his dog stops the dog and the creature stare at one another so intently that the shepherd thinks they are actually gazing into each other's eyes after holding its gaze for a beat the dog suddenly collapses the shepherd Yelps in fear and confusion his first instinct is to run to his dog to see if she's hurt but suddenly the creature turns its Gaze on him he stands Frozen the creature's eyes almost seem to cast a spell on him and you feels mesmerized unable to move or even to think all his thoughts drain away and the whole world starts to fade nothing is real except those two malevolent red eyes the shepherd is absolutely paralyzed it's not just Terror he finds that he can't move a muscle he can only watch as the strange reptile approaches his Frozen dog and suddenly bites her on her exposed flank it lashes out like a snakewood when it injects Venom into a victim the shepherd was sure that there weren't any venomous lizards in this area but now he's not so sure when he's watching this scenario play out he expects his dog might start to convulse or spasm if she's been poisoned but she remains completely still suddenly he sees something so shocking that he's certain he must be losing his mind could it be the area around the bite is starting to change color becoming a dull gray but as he watches he realizes to his horror that he's not just watching a color change this is something more his dog is slowly petrifying hardening her fur stiffening into stone she is literally turning into a statue right before his eyes he can't move but his eyes flick to the corner of the room where his sheep are still standing now he understands it was hard to tell before because of the darkness and also because the very idea was so Preposterous that it didn't even occur to him but the reason that the Sheep were so still and quiet was because they weren't sheep anymore they were mere statues somehow this creature was able to turn things to Stone with the force of its venom he wants to scream he wants to yell he wants to break free and run away but he's powerless to move fear Wells up inside him as he sees the creature turn its attention from his rapidly petrifying dog and start to move toward him it hisses again and Strikes Out sinking sharp needle-like teeth into his leg the shepherd is so Frozen that he can't scream not even at the unbelievable pain as those teeth sink deep into his flesh but the pain doesn't stop when the creature retracts its teeth he can feel the pain spreading outward from the sight of the bite spreading down his shins and up his legs through his whole body his body is hardening fast making it hard to breathe and impossible to move but even as he turns into a statue he can still see everything around him still sense the presence of the creature still think his thoughts aren't affected at all other than being nearly out of his mind with Terror what could be next the shepherd is frightened but all he can do is wait he's not sure how long he waits because time has no meaning here in the Gloom of this Ancient Temple he's not sure if it's day or night he idly wonders if this Temple was built for this monster by people who worshiped it for its great and terrible power or by people who feared it and hoped that maybe this Temple would keep it contained or is it mere coincidence that it's taken up residence here just as bats might Roost in an abandoned building he has no way of ever knowing the only indication of the passage of time is the coming and going of the creature which even if he can't turn his head to see its movement he can hear its shuffling and hissing occasionally he hears a sound that frightens him even more a sound that can only be described as statuary shattering and he wonders if that will ultimately be his fate his question is answered one day when it seems that hunger has driven the creature to dig into its Larder of petrified Prisoners the creature approaches him and he can feel it gnawing at his feet with its big ug beak it's pecking at him harder and harder until suddenly the shell breaks and it's chewing on the Flesh of his leg once again the pain is unbearable the shepherd can do nothing but wait at least he thinks it will all be over soon better a quick end at the jaws of a monster and a slow death trapped Frozen in stone he thinks it's the very best that he can hope for that Shepherd had just run a foul of a creature that appears to come straight out of medieval mythology matching the description of the Dead monster known as a cockatrice or basilisk but the SCP Foundation knows it as scp10 one3 a nasty little piece of work with quite literally a paralyzing stare SCP 1013 is a small reptile resembling a lizard but with several key differences that set it apart from any other animal in this order it was recovered in Egypt an interesting coincidence since medieval bestiaries often regard that region as the ancestral home of the Basilisk however Foundation agents believe that s since no other specimens were found in the area that SCP 1013 is not a naturally occurring animal and might have actually been bioengineered while SCP 1013 itself is only 60 cm long its abnormally long tail measures nearly 121 cm long it can use its tail to distract prey it has a wide frill around its neck that it can extend at will similar to that of the Australian frilled lizard its head does not look like any other known lizard though with a serrated beak and a distinctive head waddle that many researchers feel gives it the appearance of a rooster its beak is filled with long needle-like teeth but Stranger than its appearance is its hunting methods when it spies potential prey SCP 1013 will extend its neck frill with a sudden snapping sound the frill appears designed to attract attention and encourage victims to look into the eyes of scp-113 because its eyes are of course where it holds its real power the mythical cockatrice was said to be able to turn a person to Stone with the power of its gaze similar to to the petrifying powers attributed to the Gorgon Medusa of Greek mythology and SCP 1013 is very similar to its legendary namesake in this regard anyone or anything making direct eye contact with SCP 1013 will experience stabbing pain in most major muscle groups followed by full paralysis setting in within 3 seconds and Lasting up until 8 minutes it is currently unknown how SCP 1013 achieves this paralyzing effect once its prey is paralyzed SCP 1013 will bite its Vic with its needle-like teeth thus initiating a process of calcification the victim will gradually stiffen and Harden almost as if they are turning into a statue the process will begin at the sight of the bite and gradually work its way through the body so that a full-grown adult will become completely calcified within 15 minutes as of yet there is no known way to stop or reverse the process the calcification process only affects the outer layers of the victim extending about 3 cm into the body leaving all organs and internal tissues in attack it also does not affect the eyes or mucous membranes this means that victims of SCP 1013 are still alive but cannot move or react perhaps even more horrifying SCP 1013 then eats its victims alive SCP 1013 feeds by breaking the hardened outer layer with its beak much like a young chick would break its way out of an egg and then feeding on the soft tissues preserved within the victim will experience excruciating pain as the creature eats them alive but they cannot resist they cannot even scream to give voice to their pain SCP 1013 has a voracious appetite and will consume nearly twice its body weight at each feeding victims usually die of blood loss before SCP 1013 can complete its meal SCP 1013 does engage in caching behavior and has been known to store petrified victims for later consumption it prefers mammals as prey and will attack livestock and game just as readily as it will attack humans in times when when mammal food sources are not available desperation may drive SCP 1013 to turn its paralyzing powers on fish birds or even insects but it will only do this if it is near to starving SCP 1013 is hermaphroditic and unlike other reptiles does not reproduce sexually but instead under go a process similar to budding or basic cellular division before reproducing SCP 1013 will increase its feeding gorging on food and growing rapidly in size eventually it will develop cystlike structures in its abnormally long tail Each of which contains a juvenile SCP 1013 juvenile scp1 013 hatch after only 48 Hours parent SCP 1013 will typically release hatchlings within calcified prey providing a ready food source for the juveniles until they can hunt on their own juvenile scp-113 will seek out cool dark places like caves or abandoned buildings and begin rapid molting doubling in size every 6 hours until reaching full adult size once they have reached adulthood SCP 1013 will set out on their own and quickly establish their own hunting territories SCP 1013 is extremely aggressive and will attack and attempt to calcify anyone that enters its enclosure making it extremely difficult to contain for this reason combined with its deadly powers of calcification SCP 1013 has been designated object level ker any staff entering the containment area are to wear the AR 68 armored variant hazmat suit staff exiting the area with damaged suits are to be remanded to quarantine for 1 hour staff becoming paralyzed during cleaning feeding or testing Cycles are to be immediately removed and remanded to Medical custody until 5 hours after recovery SCP 1013 is to be fed daily with one small mammal however any calcified animal remains are to be removed from the 1013 containment chamber and incinerated for safety reasons 1013 is a frightening reminder that while many entities have piercing gazes comparatively few can end your life few however does not mean zero these Winters are getting worse every year that's for sure the old cattle rancher doesn't know if it's the climate changing God's judgment arriving or if he's just getting older and struggling to keep up probably a strong mix of all of it whatever the cause it doesn't change the facts it's deathly cold out there his ailing elderly Ma's Health continues to deteriorate he hasn't heard from his delivery driver orge in days and on top of it all his loyal dog Mary Bell is out there barking into the darkness of the barn the Rancher heads out to fetch her he doesn't know what he'd do if she froze he whistles but she doesn't look back at him she just carries on barking up that road into the snowy night the Rancher Wades through the snow and peers in the direction she's looking there's nothing there girl get inside but Mar Bell keeps barking she's insisting he looks again is that the Rancher takes off running up the road all thoughts of cold immediately gone from his mind he races towards the figure as fast as he can his frozen fingers fumble at the zipper on his parka icy wind stabs the insides of his lungs Mar Bell shoots off ahead of him there he pulls the zipper down and wrestles The thick coat off of his shoulders just as he reaches the tiny figure he drops to his knees and throws the coat over the shoulders of the little girl standing alone in the snow quick as he can he wraps it tightly around her pulling the hood up and over her head he takes her tiny shoulders in his hands and gives her a shake you okay hello can you hear me the girl sways for a moment then collapses he catches her and in one deaf motion Scoops her into his arms and takes off back down the road in the direction of his farm where the hell did she come from there are no buildings around here for Miles no one uses that road except orge and in this weather she couldn't have walked all the way over those mountains she'd have frozen solid he bites the finger of a glove and pulls it off with his bare hand he clasps one of hers by the feel of her skin she pretty much is frozen solid already he needs to get her warmed up now he kicks open the front door and bundles inside with a flurry of snowflakes and an anxious dog at his heels the fire is not quite dead yet so he rushes over to the Hearth and lays the little girl down next to it he can barely see her at all wrapped up in his enormous coat she doesn't seem to be moving Ma I'm home I I found someone the Rancher grabed grabs two dry logs from the side and throws them onto the fire he piles kindling high on top of them and blows steadily into the Embers at the bottom they glow and swell in size no taking yet he blows again for longer and again he feels his head starting to swim a crackle a lick of flame it's taken panting he turns back to the bundled up coat on the floor with the child inside still no movement a sickening knot tightens his stomach what if she's no don't let yourself think that not yet he reaches down and gently undo the zipper on the parka his trembling fingers push back the hood she's pale deathly pale her dark brown hair is wet and clings to her scalp the tips are frozen at a guess she must only be 9 years old eyes closed lips a sickening blue but that's not the color that scares him the most on her neck there's red delicately as he can the Rancher takes the coat off her shoulders and hangs it up by the fire she's dressed only in a plaid shirt way too big for her it looks like an adult's shirt similar to an old one he used to have years ago but on her neck her hands her feet is that same deep red layers of blood Frozen to her skin he sits back his mind blank he's seen that much blood before sure he has when you work with cattle it's an unfortunate part of the job he's seen cows bleed out during childbirth the girl in front of him she's the same color as those orphan cats that lie crying on the floor a groaning sound fills the room the Rancher looks across at the armchair where his ma sits she doesn't look at him doesn't look at the girl on the floor she just stares Into the Fire same way she always does ma groans again trying to express something she doesn't understand being in a world without living in it m it's okay sorry if I startled you we have a um we have a guest with us but she just keeps on groaning and staring into the fire the Rancher buries his head in his hands and lets out a deep breath only the sound of his breath is joined by another a tiny breath rattling and rasping through a damaged child's throat trying its best to keep its host alive the Rancher opens his eyes and stares at the child she isn't conscious not by a long shot but she's breathing a little at a time the icicles in her hair have turned into rounded droplets of water that glow by the heat of the fire he snaps back to his senses he's not doing her much if she's just lying there soaking wet he runs off upstairs and grabs some towels and a fresh flannel shirt to wear after several minutes of drying her off he's confident enough that he's got most of the water off there's still a lot of blood cak to her skin but as far as he can tell there's no wound anywhere that it could have come from brow furrowed he leaves her under a bundle of blankets and fills up the kettle with water hanging it carefully over the fire he walks over to the cabinet and fishes out a tin of cocoa from the top shelf hasn't been used in years but should still be fine he would make it with milk but she's probably dehydrated lifting the kettle's lid with the poker the Rancher pours the brown powder inside and waits for it to boil the little girl's eyes are open now she's staring into the Flames her lips are looking a little more pink her skin a little more blotchy you're safe here just stay by the fire and warm up a bit you like Coco the little girl drags her eyes away from the Flames her expression is mostly blank she looks too tired to be confused I don't know I think you will my always gave me Coco okay and with that The Farmhouse Falls silent the little girl stares into the fire the Rancher watches her finally feeling the wave of exhaustion crashing over him his Ma has fallen asleep in her armchair only Mar Bell stays awake through the whole night staying close to the little girl by the fire occasionally licking her toes to try and warm them up by the morning the snow stopped but the huge drifts remain as the Rancher walks across to the barn he finds it hard to believe that just a few hours ago the winds were whipping at his face as hard as they were the world this morning is totally still what the Rancher finds even harder to believe is that there's a little girl in his house right now fast asleep by the fire he checked her forehead when he woke up this morning and she miraculously hadn't caught a fever she couldn't have been out in that weather for too long but it only made the question more mysterious where did she come from Mar Bell didn't get up this morning from all the excitement last night she must have been too tired for today walking through the crisp morning air he can't really blame her he shoulders the barn door open a column of steam curls out of the opening all of that warmth humidity and cattle smell is strangely comforting this morning but as the Rancher goes around checking on all the cows inside he very quickly discovers a problem they're thin Way Too Thin some of them look to be on the verge of starvation he'd missed it last night as he drove them down in the dark but in the warm glow of the Barn's lights it's un istable these cows haven't been eating properly he pours out several sacks of grain for them into the troughs and they all gather around hungrily filling both their stomachs as fast as they can the Rancher leans on the railing for a moment confused even in this cold there was still plenty of green grass for them up on the ridge that's why he taken them up there they should have had no trouble eating until the snow came in last night he doesn't like this one bit last time orge had driven down and collected some of the meat he'd had a few questions about the quantity being being smaller than usual were the cows sick at all not that the Rancher could tell but now looking at them it's clear as day something's up you hungry the little girl nods they sit across the table from one another eating homemade bread and soup Ma stays over by the fire Mary Bell slowly wanders over to the kitchenet and flops down on the floor exhausted where you from the girl shrugs her shoulders you know how you got out here remember anything from last night the little girl just eats her soup and shakes her head she doesn't look particularly scared or worried just a little confused where are your parents do you have parents again the little girl shrugs the Rancher sits back and folds his arms he's tried to call into town but his phone Line's gone out in the blizzard not much to be done until the snow clears he's got a good relationship with the police around here if he explains the situation then it'll all be okay what do you know can you remember anything from last night it was dark the girl slurps her soup I was hungry so hungry then I saw the light and I went towards that my car no well yes later on it was your car but before it wasn't what was the light then where were you I don't know it was just the light now he's even more confused but try as he might the Rancher can't figure any of it out and try as she might the little girl can't remember anything more precise than that the pair of them hop into the car and drive back out up the road that afternoon the snow is piled so high that the Rancher is having to get out twice as often as he did the previous night to clear a track for them he isn't actually sure what he's brought her out here looking for Clues maybe he almost laughs at himself with the thought but that's probably the best word for it if he can figure out how she got here then he can work on understanding who she is and how to get her home there's the damage to the phone line one of the masks has collapsed sagging heavily on the lines that's not something he can fix on his own no sir looks like he'll have to wait for the snow to melt before making any phone calls again that could be in one week that could be in 3 months he glances at the child sitting in the passenger seat she's just staring out of the window in amazement wrapped up in as many layers as he could put on her they may be stuck together for a while a Lurch the pickup plunges dangerously to the left the Rancher Slams on the brakes and it comes to a stop just in time a large chunk of snow in front of them comes loose and slips off the side of the road it tumbles down into a gully that he hadn't even spotted with all this snow on the ground he has no frame of reference everything is just white stay here the Rancher opens the door and climbs out he wishes Mar Bell was with him but she'd wanted to stay home again poor dog she must really be going through it if she wasn't even up for a ride in the pickup carefully as he can testing every step before making it the raner creeps over to the edge of the Gully it bigger than he thought much bigger it continues down more more and more sharply for a few hundred ft all the way down into a oh no there's a semi down there a big rig warped and bent lying on the Rocks just a glance is enough to tell the Rancher it's ores but he just keeps staring at it in disbelief can't be it but it is stay in the car the Rancher reaches past the little girl and into the back seat grabbing a pair of crampons and some rope he straightens up and looks at the girl she knows it's serious he can see the concern on her face stay in the car he repeats by the time the rancher makes it down to the truck his legs and back are killing him all this work over the last 24 hours is going to start taking its toll sooner or later but some things have to be done he pauses by the semi it's on its side he'll have to climb up onto it and try to open the door some things have to be done he hoists himself up and manages to clamor onto the metal door it's badly crumpled and the window is smashed in he doesn't fancy his chances of being being able to get it open one look through the window shows him that he won't want to do that anyway blood coats every inch of the inside of or's truck the cabin that the Rancher is so used to seeing and sitting in is almost unrecognizable smashed glass is sprinkled across every surface with a dark brownish red layer of Gore frozen into everything else there in the midst of it all still wearing a seat belt is or's body it dangles like a limp carcass at a butcher shop like the cows he hangs in the slaughter house and like those cows a large chunk of orge is missing his fat stomach is gone not just cut open but gone the tops of his thighs too and much of his chest so much of him is just missing open arteries and lifeless nerves dangle in place that must have been a hell of a crash the Rancher reaches over and pulls or's cap down over his eyes not much else to be done right now no way he can clean this mess up by himself but as the Rancher climbs up the valley his mind starts to connect some dots dots that leave a sick feeling in his stomach he's seen that much blood somewhere else or rather on someone else just last night he slams the door to the pickup shut and starts to drive back down the track since the snow stopped all of the drifts that he' cleared earlier remain clear it's only a few minutes drive back down to the farm he doesn't say a word the whole way and neither does the little girl she clearly senses something's up the sick feeling in his stomach remains he pulls up the hand break and the two of them sit in silence Outside The Farmhouse there's a truck in that Valley did you know that yes is that where you came from last night I don't remember was he the Rancher stops orge didn't have any kids what were you doing in his truck I don't know did he was he the Rancher can't bring himself to accuse his best friend of the words that almost left his mouth do you think you might not remember because something bad happened to you I don't know the Rancher closes his eyes for a long moment silence fills the pickup come on let's get inside but inside wasn't the safe haven he'd been hoping for Ma's been throwing up not just once but a few times she's distressed groaning aimlessly for someone to come and save her Mar Bell is pacing around the room yelping and whining the Rancher immediately goes upstairs to get some rags to clean up with perfect timing as usual but he stops in his tracks when he comes back down his M stopped moaning the little girl is kneeling by the armchair holding the old lady's hand the room is calm the little girl gently places the frail hand back on the armrest and comes over to take the rags from the Rancher returning to the old lady the girl goes about mopping her up as best she can Mar Bell slumps back down on the floor and that is how the four of them exist for the next few days ma gets sicker steadily but the little girl stays by her side all day long caring for her in every way the Rancher is glad of that it gives him the time he needs to help his cows outside none of them are in a good shape whatever it is they're still getting thinner he feeds them all the grain they'd normally need and then some and they always finish it off yet none of them are getting any fatter the Rancher leans on the railing trusty dog by his side his energy is starting to really lag behind what he needs the last couple of days even though he hasn't done all that much have totally taken it out of him what do you think it is mar Bell he looks down at his little friend she's looking thinner too actually but she's been eating just fine it hits him tapeworms as soon as the word comes into his head it makes total sense his cows his entire herd by the looks of things have been riddled with tapeworms oh hell he hasn't got anywhere near the amount of medicine needed to give some to all of them even if he did a lot of them are looking pretty far gone the chance of reinfection would be high he needs supplies he needs orge Mar whes softly next to him he knows what they have to do laying Mar Bell down carefully by the fire the Rancher administers the tapeworm medicine for a few hours they lie there together he Strokes her side waiting for her to pass it the little girl watches over his shoulder his ma sits back in her chair mumbling to herself he hasn't talked to the little girl anymore about orge yet he isn't sure what there is to say maybe he should ask if orge was sick after all the cows clearly have had these tapeworms since before the other night or he may have picked up contaminated meat from him last time he came maybe n Bell passes the worm on the rug the smell the Rancher uses the tongs next to the fire to pick the worm up it's long and pale and dead he tosses it into the fire and puts the tongs in the Flames for a bit to sterilize them the worm sizzles and Pops in the Flames the sound makes a stomach crawl the Rancher glances around and sees the little girl staring at the tapeworm he looks past asked the girl to his ma sitting in the chair her turned next but as that night and the following morning reveal it's too late is M's groans turned into cries of pain she openly sobs by the fire clutching at her stomach every time the Rancher tries to give her the medicine she just vomits it back up each time she vomits there's more and more blood mixed in the little girl gets more and more upset it's not fair on her to have to witness something this traumatic and disgusting there's nowhere else for her to go she shouldn't even be here at all the fact that she is means she has to help that's all there is to it by Sunrise his Ma has passed away there is nasty red bruising all across her abdomen which tells him she must have bled out internally from this worm he'd been too late to realize what was wrong too late with the cows and too late with his ma he covers his ma with a blanket and tells the little girl not to go and wash her hands he needs to check on the cattle sure enough during the night a handful of them died too the calves they were the ones to go first whenever something like this happened mother cows stood over their calves licking their heads willing them to wake up the Rancher drags each body out to the back and burns them he can't risk any more contamination as the carcasses burn he allows himself to cry but when the Rancher comes back into the house it's full of noise a noise that takes his brain a long time to comprehend crying but not his own not the little girl either no it was a new sound it was a baby a newborn child screaming at the top of its lungs the Rancher can't believe what he's looking at the little girl is sitting at the hearth with Marbel at her feet in her arms drenched in blood is a baby the girl looks up at him and smiles sweetly it's a boy then she turns around to his Ma's body under the blanket a sickening red patch soaks through the fabric right over where her stomach would be what the hell happened here I've got a little brother securing and containing SCP 10003 has proven challenging this is largely because the tapeworm that causes all of this damage is virtually indistinguishable from ainus granulosis the common variety of tapeworm that causes hydrated disease the tapeworm designated scp1000 3-1 follows the same life cycle as other regular worms its eggs come into contact with an animal through contaminated meat saliva or unclean surfaces and are ingested once inside the gut they grow and latch onto the inside of the digestive tract where they feed on the nutrients of the food traveling past them steadily growing bigger and stronger once mature they lay eggs which pass out in the animals excrement to continue the process infections spread quickly particularly in unsanitary conditions amongst livestock and can often be difficult to contain as by the time the symptoms nausea weight loss fever start to manifest in the infected the worms have likely already reproduced and have a new generation growing in the guts of other animals as far as the foundation is aware SCP 10003 follows this normal pattern in all observed animals except humans when a human ingests an egg from this tapeworm a very different creature starts to grow in their gut human embryos with the same genetic code as the tapeworm begin to form the rate of their growth is greatly accelerated however by just 8 weeks they are as mature as the typical 3-we old neonate or newborn child although similar in size to an 8we old embryo at 13 to 16 cm many eggs usually enter this fertilization period but almost all of them die before having a chance to develop much beyond the early stages they stand the best chance of survival when buried in the hepatic tissue where they can absorb plenty of nutrients from their host the host at this point usually starts to experience mild symptoms lethargy the occasional stomach cramp nothing particularly severe yet the embryos that survive soon develop rows of temporary razor sharp teeth at this point passively absorbing nutrients is no longer enough for them they bury their teeth into the soft tissue surrounding them and begin to eat once they enter this stage their rate of growth increases exponentially the more flesh they consume eventually burrowing out into the world the tapeworm child is born drenched in blood the size and apparent age of the child that emerges from the corpse are determined by the size of the person they consume for example the child eating its way out of the Rancher's ma appeared to be only a 10mon old child as there was very little of the frail old woman for it to eat by contrast the little girl who emerged from or's gut had plenty of fat to Feast on and so was able to grow to the size of a 9-year-old once the child emerges the teeth that they'd use to eat their way out quickly become loose and are replaced by regular human teeth the children themselves have no memory at all of where they've come from or what they are they have the same motor and linguistic skills that a regular child would possess at their age nothing aside from their DNA marks them out as being any different from the children around them blissfully ignorant just like the children around them it is theorized that many of these children end up in orphanages with no birth certificates or identifiable parents they fall through the gaps in the system quickly lost to the world the only way to really track them at all is to follow the infections they cause you see these tapeworm children have one final curse they must live with their botly fluids their saliva and sweat contain the same tapeworm protos Scola that will develop into SCP 13-1 as soon as it is ingested by another creature making the cycle start all over again if you want to track down a tapeworm child and I highly advise that you don't all you have to do is follow the trail of nasty stomach infections internal bleeding and freak pregnancies amongst the outcasts of society it unfortunately will not take long there are currently 10 instances of SCP 13-2 in containment the children live in bioresearch Area 13 under strict supervision researchers are only permitted to enter their cells whilst wearing fullbody biohazard suits but first must have level four security clearance and must have written permission and can only enter with specific research goals agreed upon all staff are regularly tested for the presence of any kind of tapeworms in their system no other animals are permitted in this facility the store manager had heard of crazy customers but this was something else a mob comes barreling towards the store visible through the display Windows as they charge down the street they all look crazed much closer in appearance to rabid animals than human beings frying foaming at the mouth a few of them stumble in their haste while rushing for the automatic sliding doors some fall to the ground only for others to clamor over them leaping like athletes going over hurdles with all the same speed but with none of the grace to the staff inside the store they look like a pack of zombies all apparently infected by the same virus that had given them such a ravenous hunger for savings I thought Black Friday was a week ago the trainee remarks as the doors slide open and the first of the mob spills inside welcome to the mattress Madness mega store everyone if you could kindly form an orderly within seconds the trainee vanishes as a tidal wave of Madden mattress store customers starts to pile into the store each and every one of them is deranged that much is clear even from a distance across the store the store manager watches as his colleagues are shoved and tackled out of the way just from their misfor of standing too close to the entrance it's only as one of the mob wanders closer that the store manager notices their eyes both Lids stay shut somehow closed despite the crazed customer standing upright they aren't screwed tightly it's clear this person isn't forcefully keeping their eyelids clamped down instead they're gently sealed as if the customer is still asleep or sleepwalking the whole situation was astounding first thing in the morning just at opening time a horde of sleepwalking customers barged their way into the mattress Madness mega store moving and fighting retail staff as if they were all still awake and fully aware and as if that isn't bizarre enough it quickly turns out these people aren't here because they're eager not to miss out on great deals on their bedroom furniture to the store manager's horror the mob has come to the mattress Madness mega store for breakfast he watches an elderly woman eyes closed Shuffle up to a luxury Kashmir pillow toop California king-size mattress and proceed to eat it and not bite by bite either not even ripping off pieces to Chomp through like so much cotton candy in a far more horrifying fashion the old lady eats the mattress whole the store manager feels his blood run cold at the sight of her mouth widening unnaturally unhinging like a snake eating its prey except in this bizarre unaired nature documentary the snake is a human being and its meal is a perfectly good bed that moments before had been resting on a stylish ottoman frame the same exact display of confusing Carnage is unfolding all over the mattress Madness megga store people devouring entire Egyptian cotton mattresses some had even already devoured their respective meals and were already moving on to any accompanying pillows or cushions feeding on them in much the same way the few members of Staff bold enough to try and intervene couldn't seem to wake the sleepwalking Shoppers up no matter how hard they gripped each one by the shoulders and Shake nothing could deter them from devouring divans and munching on memory foam a sudden terrifying and inescapable thought cuts through all the confusion striking the storm manager with an even greater fear the stock room behind a series of doors marked with signs reading employees only are shelves upon shelves of new units the mattress Madness mega store being a much bigger Outlet means that there's additional inventory to replace any mattresses on the shop floor that gets sold and more mattresses mean more food for the mob the worry that these Sleepwalkers might soon develop a taste for human flesh never occurs to the store manager he hurly races around the store Gathering up as many of his surviving staff as he can and urges them to help him defend the stock in the back room some are already abandoning their posts ripping name tags off their polo shirt uniforms and rushing to leave the store they aren't willing to die for $7.25 an hour the mattress Madness mega store has Insurance it'll cover the damaged stock once the craz customers have feasted on feather beds but the manager urges them to stay the store's insurance covers stock that is damaged in transit not mattresses that are eaten by hungry lunatics a few stay using the manager's desperation to leverage pay raises and more annual vacation days in exchange for their he during this crisis of Kashmir carniv with his resistance force gathered the store manager commands the remaining employees to charge for the door at the back of the store but some of the nearby mattress eaters over here in their sleepwalking State the staff frees uncertain whether to bolt for the stock stock room and risk being chased by the hungry customers they need a distraction a sacrificial lamb to grab the hord's attention and with a solemn expression the store manager realizes what he must do this isn't a fight he'll make it out of alive he leaps up onto a twin inner spring and calls out to the crazed customers attention everyone he Bellows I'd like to announce that all our mattresses are half off for the next 5 minutes The Crowd Goes even more rabid all eager to eat the pillowy pedestal the store manager is standing upon his staff flees in the opposite direction rushing to barricade themselves inside the store room while their boss meets a Grizzly demise and the crazed customers devour every remaining mattress in sight but what on Earth could have possibly caused such a scene to unfold what was the inciting incident for this unprecedented Act of mass matricide the Devon destruction and combination Carnage all it took was one seemingly innocuous image an an unassuming online post to stir over 7,000 people into a featherbed Feeding Frenzy it's December the 3rd 2020 almost an entire day before the deranged events that would soon unfold at the mattress Madness mega store and just like he does most days after college the student is trolling various internet forums in search of things to laugh at he's procrastinating and through inaction allowing himself to be buried under a veritable Avalanche of assignments all with rapidly approaching dates that they're due in by but he doesn't care he can always do them tomorrow as far as he's concerned there's plenty of time for him to waste doing well very little but no matter where he looks nothing brings with it even the smallest hit of dopamine it's been hours since he stopped checking the clock at the bottom right hand corner of his computer screen instead wearing out the muscles of his finger as it spins the scrolling wheel of his Mouse his social media feed is all the same more Doom and Gloom and despite his searching he can't find anything funny to alleviate his ongoing existential nightmare for so much as a second if anything seeing every anxiety-inducing post about the state of the world or dower headlines of reposted news articles only makes everything worse that is until the Fateful link appears in his inbox it's from one of his friends at College living in the dorm across campus the pair of them constantly swapped links and exchanged memes over direct messages sometimes while sitting in the middle of important lectures so the student quickly opens up the latest message from his friend pleased to have something to relieve the monotony instilled by the prior several hours worth of mindless scrolling sure enough his friend's message sits waiting to be read in his inbox it's just a single blue hyperlink with no additional context offered nothing to indicate what the link is or what website it leads to or even why the student's friend bothered to send it they long past the need to provide context for the memes they send each other the link redirects to a familiar corner of the internet to the the student the deep fried meme subreddit just seeing that written in the hyperlink is enough to Spur an enthusiastic click it's like going home back to somewhere warm and welcoming where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came and where the student knows he's bound to find something to entertain himself a deep fried meme is usually a heavily edited image with a number of different filters added to it it's contrast is boosted the picture is oversaturated and distorted all to the point wherein the colors are unnatural and the image appears as a grainy washed out mess of pixels and they're one of the students favorite subgenre of funny posts opening up the link sent by his friend he finds one such deep fried meme staring back at him it picks a man long-haired and wearing dark clothes presumably a fan of heavy metal music in front of the metal head is a table with a chess board placed neatly at top it the pieces on the board are distributed in such a way that places the metal head in Checkmate and his opponent Direct directly opposite him at the table is a glass bowl filled with water and a goldfish aimlessly swimming around and the top off this loued worthy Masterpiece is text seemingly cut and paste from various different places judging by the alternating fonts and styles the words have been placed into a sentence that reads tell me your secrets fish and the student explodes with laughter as if answering his prayers for some humorous entertainment to avoid working on his college assignments his friend had appeared out of the BL BL and delivered a perfect deep fried mem but that momentary boost in serotonin levels quickly subsides and the student knows how these exchanges work this has to be reciprocal a mutual trading of memes like for like aend to swapping trading cards in the playground at a younger age and so he searches the subreddit for a token worthy of returning to his friend he clicks on a search filter sorting the results from the top posts of all time to the most recent posts of the day these were fresh hot off the presses or out of the deep fr rer in this case and the newer they were the lower the chances that his friend had already seen them scrolling through the student is met with a few underwhelming attempts that weren't worthy of The Prestige expected by the deep fried meme subreddit they'd be better suited for posting on R cringe but then it appears the perfect deep fried crispy golden brown cook to Perfection picture descend back to his friend the distorted image is a photograph of a bed specifically a king-size mattress on what looks like a polished wooden bed frame although it's not easy to tell thanks to just how grainy the picture has been made whoever edited this meme knew what they were doing and has nailed the absurdest bizarre humor that the student at his friend thrive on a label over the mattress simply reads Kings size and the meme is captioned in a classic top text bottom text format with the phrase a feast Fit For A King and the pesta resistance the crowning touch that makes this meme worthy of the students lofty standards is the title given to it by the original poster it sums up the meme perfectly succinctly in three words eat your mattress the student erupts into uncontrollable fits of laughter so much so that Tears start to stream down his face his stomach almost feels like it might explode at just how fine he thinks the post he's found is through Giggles that hit like the Aftershock of an earthquake he copies the link to the eaty mattress meme into a message and hit send to share the hilarity with his friend little does he know he's just condemned his friend to the same fate that now awaits him as soon as he falls asleep it'll happen and the student and his friend aren't the only ones either the post spreads either sent directly from one person to another or seen by those just browsing the deep fried meme subreddit and happening across the each or mattress photo not all of them find it funny they don't have to they aren't even required to share it to pass it on to someone else and help the post spread like wildfire they've looked at it and that's enough come the next day an estimated 7,000 people across the world have seen the same Meme and it affects them all in the exact same way becoming a directive a command planted in their subconscious one that they will act on without even realizing it's been only a few hours since all the Carnage erupted at the mattress Madness megga store but by now the SCP Foundation has swept in and taken control of the scene a cordoned section of multiple blocks under the cover story of a dangerous Gap leak it's enough to keep civilians and prying eyes away without asking too many questions but as for the foundation Personnel themselves they've got plenty of unanswered questions of their own two members of the cleanup team are reviewing the store's security footage baffled by the sights of the chaos that unfolded there earlier that same morning on the screen frenzied customers are eating entire mattresses stretching their mouths wide open and swallowing them whole they watch as the store manager appears to make an attempt at a noble sacrifice to distract the horde of ravenous customers so his employees can Rush towards the store room but the manager is fine once The Horde has eaten all the mattresses out on the store's main floor they start trying to break into the stock room out back where the other employees have used layers upon layers of cellophane wrapped mattresses to barricade the door by the time the foundation arrives the customers have already forced their way into the stock room and have devoured around half the mattresses while exhausted employees try to wake them from their sleepwalking State the foundation sees to it that every one affected is rapidly administered with memory wiping amnestics to forget all about the ordeal their next job is to try and track down the source of whatever caused this unprecedented outbreak of mattress eating but being experts in all things anomalous it doesn't take the foundation long to start pursuing possible explanations having already confirmed this wasn't a viral anomaly their next course of action is to investigate possible mimetic causes and sure enough a common factor quickly presents itself the mob that attacked the mag mattress Madness megga store along with subjects who have engaged in similar acts of mattress eating across the world all have one thing in common each one has been exposed to the each your mattress post on the deep fried meme subreddit it takes some deduction on the foundation's part to figure out the cause after all the meme in question is similar to a number of others posted in the same subreddit as a result the foundation's online detection software or webcrawlers initially failed to flag the mattress meme as an anomalous image once they do it is designated as SCP 5126 but with a cause established the pieces start to fit together the foundation's researchers soon realize what the image does another reason it was initially missed is that its effects only occur once the subject that is seen it falls asleep the student is one such subject who lived through this he dozes off in his gaming chair well past the middle of the night hours after he's first seen SCP 5126 while sound asleep without waking up once he starts to seek out his mattress laying unoccupied on his bed on the other side of his cramped dorm room he and all the others who have seen SCP 5126 then consume their mattresses including in many cases their pillows any cushions and even plush toys their bodies stretch unnaturally to accommodate the meal only to return to normal once they have done the deed having returned to normal the student and the others like him remain unaware they've just eaten a mattress but the foundation is left puzzled there's still one question that hasn't been answered their examination of the several hundred customers at the mattress Madness mega store revealed that the consumed mattresses aren't digested like food ordinarily is they vanish Without a Trace so this naturally begs the question where are all these eaten mattresses going well the foundation quickly comes up with an experiment to find out they Place tracking devices inside of the cell of a member of d-class personnel and expose him to SCP P 5126 sure enough the meme takes effect and once asleep he eats his mattress the experiment is going exactly as the foundation planned now they can follow the signal from the tracking devices to pinpoint the destination that all the consumed mattresses are disappearing to and after several sweeps of the Earth's surface their satellites discover a ping coming from a remote location in the state of Montana MTF Sigma 16 suit up ready to head out to the location this mobile task force operates under the code name slumber party and it's up to them to investigate they come across a large structure it looks a lot like a medieval castle but it has been built out of mattresses and large cushions it's the ultimate pillow fort it even has pillars and all the fortifications you'd expect from a real historical Castle all made out of even more pillows this Lumber party team enters the fort and quickly discovers that the structure is able to anomalously reconstruct itself Sigma 3 kicks over a stack of pillows and plush toys arranged to resemble a statue and watches as it reforms after collapsing the team Ventures deeper into the pillow fort and is quickly met with humanoid entities that are also made out of pillows an entity swipes a pillow arm at Sigma 1 but she Ducks out of the path of the attack drawing her firearm she fires causing a plume of feathers to spray out of the pillow person The Entity is unfazed and several additional shots do nothing even a taser is ineffective the pillow entities are exhibiting extreme resistance to damage but Sigma 2 has an idea she grabs a pillow from one of the walls and uses it to bash The Entity attacking her teammate Sigma 1 the pillow person collapses into a pile on the floor inanimate and just like that the mobile task force has a way to fight back they all grab pillows and make quick work of their attackers before they move on to explore the rest of the castle then they encounter the king there is a man sitting at top a large stack of cushions wearing a night cap and pajamas eating feathers from an expensive brand of pillow scattered around him are empty pillowcases trying to ignore the smell this Lumber party team attempts to interrogate him he claims to be the king of cushion obsessed with pillows since a young age their smell taste and texture Inspire him to create a kingdom of plush his Masterpiece of mattresses it doesn't take very long for the foundation operatives to realize that this man is insane they question him about how SCP 5126 the eaty mattress meme Works how is it able to make people consume entire mattresses and send them to the king's cushiony castle and why well the king explains that buying mattresses is expensive so in order to build his castle he's outsourced the Gathering of building materials as he sees it he is offering people affected by the meme a delicious meal in exchange for their beds spreading the world of pillows so he can gather resources for his kingdom suddenly he challenges the slumber party team to a pillow fight for having tracked him down the king of cushion takes up a pillow in one hand and charges towards the mobile task force armed and ready to do battle with them all he is quickly incapacitated by Sigma 1's taser and dropped to the floor defeated now designated SCP 5126 daa the king of cushion is transported back to the SCP Foundation for analysis and containment their test ing reveals he possesses no anomalous properties whatsoever and the King actually requires his stomach to be pumped thanks to the copious amounts of pillow feathers he's been eating the foundation gets to work dismantling his pillow fort and moving all the components into storage and as for the eat mattress meme itself the foundation's web crawlers are keeping an eye out for any other post of the anomalous image and don't worry if you find yourself giggling at a funny deep fried image that jokingly implies you should eat your mattress the foundation will ensure you don't remember it Happ happening and they'll even throw in a replacement for your swallowed mattress at no added cost now that's a bargain the full moon hangs heavy in the night sky over the dense jungle canopy below the darkened palm trees stand silent in the humid air festooned with vines and Lanas and tropical insects hum in the undergrowth the night is quiet and dark here far from the city in one of the farthest most secluded provinces of the Philippines one would hardly expect anyone to be out at this time of night the young woman is hurrying home carrying a lantern before her face so that she can see where she's going in the pitch black of the night her swollen belly reveals that she's at least several months pregnant her new middle throwing her off balance just enough that she has to be careful not to stumble a woman in her condition she thinks shouldn't be out at this time of night and certainly shouldn't have to do household chores like this but the work has to get done no matter what she carries a basket of wet laundry under her other arm she is returning from was was ing her clothes in the river and if she had planned things out better she would have been home long before the moon Rose unfortunately she spent far too much time gossiping with several other village women before getting to work on scrubbing her filthy clothes against the Rocks luckily it's not too far from the river back to her home in the village the worst thing that might happen she reminds herself is that she might lose her footing in the dark and trip over a rock or a route there's no chance that she might run a foul of some nocturnal animal she tells herself even though the sudden chills down her spine and sweat dripping from her brow reveals the truth that she doesn't believe that at all and in fact she's getting more and more nervous as she staggers through the dark it isn't just the threat of wild animals she remembers the stories that her mother told her when she was a little girl all about Sinister Supernatural monsters that live in these Woods of course those are just stories invented to scare children she tells herself she's a grown woman now about to have a child of her own she shouldn't be worried about boogey men she just needs to keep keep her head on her shoulders and she'll be sure to arrive home safely the lantern throws its light over a figure standing below the crook of a catmon tree the woman jolts nearly dropping her laundry she gulps back a scream as she realizes that what she sees isn't a wild animal but rather a person oh sorry says the young woman her voice shaking a little I didn't think anyone else was still out this late I thought you were a wild animal don't you worry little one says the figure in a soft sibilant voice the figure steps forward and the young woman recognizes her it's an old woman from the village her back hunched and her long white hair falling over her shoulders in a messy tangle the young woman feels inexplicably nervous running into this particular villager here in the jungle at night many of the village kids whisper that she's actually a witch who has all kinds of weird Supernatural Powers even some of the village Elders are afraid to cross her for fear of getting cursed where are you going at this hour someone in your condition shouldn't exert your yourself so much I'm just heading home says the young woman hefting the basket of laundry for emphasis it's dangerous to be out so late alone here let me walk home with you there's safety in numbers you know thank you the young woman almost wants to protest that she doesn't need any help getting home because she really does not want to spend any more time with this old woman but at the same time she is reluctant to say anything that might insult her after all even if if the young woman doesn't believe in witchcraft it's not like she wants to take any chances besides the truth is that she is rather frightened of being alone in the dark and any company is better than nothing even if it's this strange old woman how far long are you honey says the old woman placing a hand against the surface of the young woman's protruding belly the young woman grimaces she doesn't like this old woman intruding on her personal space like this the old woman's hands are wrinkled and fainy flecked with liver spots and her fingers topped with with gnarled Talons the young woman wants to cry out at the sight of them but she bites her tongue instead she answers the old woman's probing question as calmly and politely as she can very nice very nice says the old woman her roomy eyes never straying from the young woman's belly and her hands still rubbing against her stomach as if she's trying to reach something within the old woman makes a strange sound in her throat like she's smacking her lips in hunger but it's hard to see anything in the dark the young woman can only nod in confusion but she quickens her Pace she hopes that she can get home soon and once she's home she can get away from her unfortunate travel companion the old woman keeps Pace grabbing her younger traveling companion by the arm and holding tight her grip is surprisingly firm for such a seemingly frail old woman and the young woman again wonders if maybe there's something Supernatural about this ominous Crone she wants to pull her arm away but the old woman's Long Claws pinch cruy into her flesh it's as if the old woman is silently warning her don't pull away I'm too strong for you to escape what a sweet little bundle of joy you carry there says the old woman as if speaking to herself what a delectable little burden the young woman knows that she's still talking about her unborn baby but all this mumbling just makes her more worried they continue walking the young woman staring resolutely at the small circle of Illumination thrown by her Lantern onto the path ahead doing everything in her power to not look at the old woman standing at her side for fear that she might scream why is she so nervous worse does the old woman sense her fear the young woman has heard that witches are easily offended and that's the last thing that she needs now she continues walking the old woman gibbering and whispering in her ear applying her with odd questions about her pregnancy eating well have you you know it's very important to eat right when you're carrying so that the baby can be born strong and healthy right says the young woman she really doesn't need this unsolicited advice she heaves an audible sigh of relief as the village comes into view over the next Bluff thank God she thinks I'm almost home she just hopes that the old woman will take a hint and leave her alone once they arrive at her doorstep she wonders if this old woman might try to come into her home or maybe steer her towards some other destination but what can she do all she can do is keep walking home and hope for the best is it just you is it is the father in the picture I haven't seen with any young men lately have I asks the old woman her nosiness is really starting to irritate the young woman enough that she almost forgets her fear no it's just me says the young woman automatically she immediately regrets that confession what is this old woman planning is she up to some Mischief now she knows that the young woman lives alone and there won't be anyone around to see whatever this Crone is planning her grip Titans on the young woman's arm as if to warn her again the village is quiet and dark everyone else has already gone to bed by now so the pair of them walk down narrow still streets the only sound is the crunch crunch crunch of gravel under their feet after what seems like an eternity they arrive at the front gate of the young woman's house well here I am she says a little too loudly and firmly to be completely casual this is my home thanks for keeping me company on my way home to her immense relief the old woman lets go of her arm the young woman immediately pulls away rubbing the Deep bruises left by the old woman's gnarled Talons think nothing of it my dear the old woman smiles widely a long rope of saliva dribbling from her slack lips her teeth look Jagged and misshapen it's hard to see in the dark but they look more like the teeth of a wild beast than a human it must be your eyes Playing Tricks on her in the dim light though the young woman can't help but recoil in disgust but luckily her face is hidden in Shadows so the old woman doesn't seem to notice I'm happy to help I hope to see you again very soon the young woman doesn't wait any longer even before the old woman turns to leave the young woman scampers across her yard and Yanks open her door she runs inside and pulls the door shut behind her her heart is racing and her breath comes in ragged pants she can feel the baby in her belly kick suddenly agitated by its mother's fear sh it's okay she CED softly patting her stomach and hoping that her tender voice will help to calm her baby I know you're scared I'm scared too that old woman frightened me half to death they say that she's a witch and I'd almost believe it what a strange experience she pulls the curtain aside and peeps out the window the old woman is gone the young woman looks up and down the street but sees no sign of her traveling companion she inhales deeply and feels the tension drain from her body as she lets her breath out thank goodness that's all over she can't explain why this whole night has unnerved her so much but there was just something so uncanny about that strange old woman she's glad to be rid of her the young woman tries to put the whole experience out of her head as she prepares for bed as she pulls on her nightclothes she startles when she hears something heavy and Loud clatter across the roof It's Not Unusual for roof rats or other nocturnal animals to Scurry across the roof at night but this sounds louder than usual it's probably nothing she tells herself as she climbs into bed I'm still just upset about meeting that old woman on my way home from the river that whole thing must have jangled my nerves worse than I thought if I'm flinching at every little sound I'll be fine when it's light out the sooner I get to sleep the sooner it'll be morning even though her nerves are rattled she is quite tired after a long day and it doesn't take long before she drifts off to sleep the young woman's eyes close and her breathing becomes slow and steady the shallow rhythms of sleep inside her head she might be troubled by strange dreams but to any outside Observer she is dead to the world asleep in bed she doesn't react to the clattering on the roof whatever is up there is making an awful racket as it drags itself over the roof tiles if someone were around to watch they would see that whatever is on the roof is no rat it's a darkened figure almost big enough to be human but strangely truncated two massive leathery Wings unfurled behind it extended to help the strange creature maintain its balance upon the roof it drags itself forward using only its hands long Talons tapping at the roof shingles as it seeks a loose tile anything that will give it access to the house below its finger finds a crack squeezing and panting the creature leans forward putting its eye to the crack to peer into the room below the young woman is asleep in bed directly below and that's exactly what this creature was hoping for the young woman mumbles in her sleep her mind filled with disturbing dreams she's oblivious when all of a sudden something drops through that crack in the ceiling it's long and slippery and covered in thick wet mucus it looks for all the world like a tongue but it's far too long to be any human tongue it drops lower and lower into the room extending closer and closer to the young woman sleeping in her bed the disgusting appendage caresses her face leaving a wet slug trail of saliva across her forehead as if it's looking for something then brushes against her lips and the tongue seems to find what it wants instantly it snakes into her open mouth and shoots down her throat the young woman starts to sputter and choke her limbs thrashing and flailing but still she is held fast in the grip of sleep some wild nightmare is playing out in her head perhaps she fantasizes that she is drowning in a river or choking on some food or being strangled by a fiend whatever she's thinking it couldn't be further from the truth that an alien tongue has jammed itself down her throat the tongue pushes deeper and deeper inside her until it makes contact with her womb a trained anatomist might balk at the idea that the tongue could find her womb by accessing her throat but somehow it is done exactly this snaking its way through the Labyrinth of her insides to find her unborn baby a sticky aperture opens up at the tip of the tongue revealing that the tongue is hollow like a massive soda straw it sucks up the baby like a vacuum slurping it up up up and out the Bulge of its prey traveling up the length of the tongue like a wild pig swallowed by a boa constrictor once the baby is gone the tongue slides out of the woman's mouth and retracts back toward the ceiling disappearing back through the subtle crack there's a clatter on the roof again followed by the soft flutter of leathery Wings the young woman settles back into a deep still still sleep the awful sensation of Suffocation having passed the rest of the night is peaceful and quiet but when she awakens the next morning she finds that the nightmare isn't over she wakes with a strange empty feeling in her guts something is very wrong she throws aside her covers and stares at herself in shock her baby is gone her rounded belly has deflated back to its pre-pregnancy state and she can sense as only a mother can that she is no longer carrying something within her she shrieks in Terror at this bizarre Revelation what could have happened what could be responsible that young woman just had an encounter with SCP 5201 SCP 5201 is a humanoid subspecies native to the Philippines dubbed Homo sapiens visceral but known by many local names across the Philippine Islands including the awang the tick tick or simply the viscera sucker but it is most commonly known as the mananan gal during the day an instance of SCP 5201 looks like an ordinary human at a glance there is no way to immediately distinguish an instance of SCP 5201 from a regular member of homo sapiens however Foundation researchers have found that there do exist certain retinal irregularities unique to SCP 521 so the agency has developed a portable retinal scanner for use in quickly identifying instances of SCP 5201 SCP 5201 is far easier to tell from an ordinary human at night when it undergoes a strange and startling metamorphosis it unfolds a pair of membranous wings resembling those of a bat from its back even more startling its torso splits in two its upper torso then flies off in search of prey while its lower torso is hidden in a secure location until SCP 5201 can reconnect SCP 5201 will seek out human prey most likely relying on a keenly attuned sense of smell and once it has chosen a victim will a light on the roof of their home and then snake its predal a long tube likee tongue into the house below so that it can feed SCP 5201 feeds by inserting its tongue into the orifices of unfortunate sleepers and sucking out their internal organs as easily as you would suck soda through a straw SCP 5201 will happily eat human livers stomachs and intestines but its favorite food is unborn fetuses so much so that instances of SCP 5201 disguised in their human form can often be recognized by their tendency to drool at the sight of of pregnant women SCP 5201 are well known to local humans who live in fear of nocturnal attacks by the dreaded Manan nangal interestingly SCP 5201 can be repelled by abrahamic holy objects like rosary beads or crucifixes or can be staked through the heart with sharpened shafts of bamboo very similar to the means used against vampires in Western folklore SCP 5201 is especially vulnerable when its upper torso is out hunting so it will always take the utmost care to hide its abandoned lower torso in a secret secure location if you can find the hidden lower torso it is possible to kill SCP 5201 by sprinkling its exposed viscera with spices like garlic salt or vinegar or failing that even Ash or urine this causes an unusual reaction that is not yet fully understood by Foundation researchers but will prevent the two halves from rejoining if the two halves of the man angal cannot rejoin Before Dawn sunlight will kill the creature if none of these methods are available it is also possible to repel SCP 5201 by using a specialized whip fashioned from the tail of a stingray the SCP Foundation currently has an undisclosed number of domesticated SCP 5201 instances held in the fauna containment wing of site 235 because this species has been known to practice cannibalism each specimen is to be held in its own personal containment cell while there are obvious ethical and logistical concerns with feeding human organs to SCP 520 1 the foundation has discovered that SCP 5201 can still easily thrive on a diet of any newborn mammal with a mass of at least 1 kg piglets have so far proven to be the most cost- effective and available options but other species can be substituted as necessary all entrances to SCP 5201 containment cells are to be guarded by at least two level two Personnel equipped with Stingray whips crucifixes or some other object found to cause harm to SCP 5201 unlike humans SCP 5201 have an unusual asexual reproductive process the lower body can regenerate a new upper torso via a process similar to epimorphic Regeneration observed in autonomous lizards upper torso of an SCP 5201 would leave behind the parent's lower torso to search for a compatible female human SCP 5201 would attack and consume this human claiming her lower torso as its own smearing Ash urine or spices into the exposed standards of the lower torso inhibits this process and prevents effective reproduction the exact origin of SCP 5201 is unknown although the creature is endemic throughout the Philippines and historical records indicate that it has inhabited the island since at least 1500 when it was first described by Spanish Sailors to the islands fossil remains and genetic testing indicate that it is actually an invasive species from outside the Philippine archipelago SCP 5201 is currently believed to be extinct in the wild following eradication effort by the foundation in the 1990s an epidemic of SCP 5201 attacks in the early '90s prompted the SCP Foundation to join forces with the supernatural Committee of the Philippines and the global occult coalition to take action to prevent SCP 5201 from spreading to other countries dubbed project dipy the operation involved amnesticized the major cities of the Philippines funding propaganda campaigns to dismiss SCP 5201 as a product of folklore and urban legends and eventually domesticating the surviving CP 5201 population for cellular regeneration research because of its aggressiveness and taste for human flesh SCP 5201 specimens regularly attempt to breach containment and thus have been given the designation uid and while the SCP Foundation has done its best to eliminate the threat of SCP 5201 in the wild there's no guarantee that a few instances of this vicious monster might have slipped through the cracks and possibly even spread out into the wider World Beyond its home in the Philippines you still might want to search your room for any suspicious cracks or holes before you bed down for the night because there are very few things Less Pleasant than waking up from Restless dreams to find a long slimy tongue jammed down your throat it's never a nice feeling waking up lying amongst shards of broken glass in the middle of the road the dawn sky above the biker looks almost peaceful it's as if nothing had gone wrong at all as if everything is right in the world but slowly the throbbing pain washes into his helmeted head and the sound of the traffic surrounding him rises in his ears a sea of onlookers gathers around as the cars blast their horns through the cracked visor of his helmet the biker can see concerned faces people calling emergency services and a few women crying his paramedic bike is toppled on its side about 40 ft from him there are long black tire marks running up to where it lies smoking slightly on its side with a groan the biker sits himself up and shakes his head bad idea looking around though it seems he's the only one one injured his bike had gone into the front of a car at the junction the occupants of the car stand by nervously offering him whatever little assistance they can but there's no time for that the biker suddenly realizes he looks down at his watch frantically it's 12:03 p.m. there's not enough time he rushes over to the bike as fast as he can and lifts it back upright a couple of onlookers try to grab his arms trying to sit down to rest but he can't there's no time he has just 3 minutes to get to St Mary's Hospital in central London right now he's at the junction outside Baker Street Station he can still make it on time if he gets on his bike and goes now the biker swings his leg onto the bike and kicks it into life he takes a deep Gulp and looks over his shoulder at the Box on the back of his bike he can't risk opening it here the damage may already be done but if the heart is still alive in that box it is the only chance that a 10-year-old boy has for a normal life if he doesn't get to the hospital in the next 3 minutes his life could be over the school children stand in a circle looking down at the dead bird with a morbid Fascination do you think it's alive no no way the boy in the middle of the group goes to pick up a stick with an air of false confidence he walks up to the bird and gives it a prod it makes a squelching noise the other kids all reel in shock making wretching noises and laughing about it it's only when their teacher comes out to call them inside that the group disperses leaving the animal carcass alone sitting at the edge of the playground outside the view of boring adults each passing day the kids Wander over to the bird's body it's kind of the best biology lesson they've ever had as they watched the animal slowly decompose at first its body just shrinks goes flat almost the feathers start falling out and it loses all of its color then it starts to get puffy different parts of its flesh bulge out in weird places as if they're being inflated like a balloon animal at someone's birthday party but then the maggots come they're only a couple of tiny white crawling wrigglers in the bird's body at first but a couple of days after that it's infested with them the creepy crawlies wriggle all over the body but as the boy looks down at the dead bird he spots something very peculiar something they haven't seen in a biology class before there's a red maggot wriggling and crawling in amongst the rest of the creepy crawlies it squirms like the rest of them but even over the course of the school day it quickly grows larger than any of the others what do you think it is the boy stares at it it looks like a worm and a worm is exactly what it was the next day when the kids return they see that the red maggot is now much larger than any of the others feasting on the bird with a slightly translucent body cherry red coloring and small white Speckles on its skin it looks unlike anything they've ever seen before actually not unlike anything theyve ever seen before it looks exactly like something that all the kids recognize very well in fact one of the kids has a bag of them right now that he's chewing on a candied worm the kids stare in curiosity first at the bag of candy that their friend has in his hand and then down at the worm slowly eating its way through the decomposing bird as far as their eyes can tell the two things are exactly the same except of course that the one eating the bird seems to be alive kids being kids the next thing that happened was sort of inevitable one dares the boy to eat it he almost wretches in disgust there's no way he's even touching it and then another one of the children throws down the poison chalice and dares him the boy stands there nervously he knows that he's not allowed to eat worms that had been a lesson ingrained in him from a very young age but his mother isn't here right now and this thing doesn't look like any kind of worm that he's seen before it almost looks a bit tasty in exchange for eating the worm another one of the children promises he'll give him 5 English Pounds the kids around the circle gasp that's a lot of money none of them have even got 2 lbs on them let alone five think of all the sweets you could buy with that kind of money but the boy is adamant he Puffs his chest out he stands up tall and he nods firmly 5 lb or he wouldn't do it after some intense schoolyard debate the deal is sealed as the boy lies in bed that night staring at the ceiling and grumbling he knows that he's not happy about what his friends have done to him today he's going to get them back for this only he's getting a bit of a tummy ache getting is the wrong word he's had a tummy ache for most of the evening what he's experiencing now is heartburn it feels as if something is crawling in his chest the boy just ignores it it's probably just his worries about the worm inside of him he chewed it up pretty well there's no way that it's still alive in him surely his uneasy sleep is punctuated by rotten dreams dreams in which he finds himself lying on the floor and his playground lying on the ground at school unable to move as people gather around him to poke him with a stick he feels his skin covered with maggots they even crawl across the surface of his eyes in his chest there's a searing pain the boy wakes with a start as he feels his heart pounding thuing against his ribs it's agonizing adrenaline courses through him as he sweats off his face crying out for his mom the boy lies there in bed feeling the heart attacking his system when you decide to become a surgeon you have to accept that you're not going to get very much sleep most nights in fact it's more than that you have to not only accept that you won't get much sleep most nights but you also have to be at your absolute best when you've had no sleep and it's the middle of the night with over 40 years under his belt the surgeon doesn't need coffee anymore even when the junior doctor offers it to him as he strides toward the operating theater instead he asks them to fill him in on the situation who's his patient what's going on on what needs to be done the doctor accompanying him reads the notes in a calm but hurried voice they haven't got much time on this one at all at any moment the boy's heart could give out the surgeon asks what's wrong with the organ and the doctor looks at his notes in apparent confusion apparently over the course of the night the boy has suffered a 72% reduction in the mass of his heart the surgeon stops just on the other side of the door he doesn't want to have this conversation in front of his whole team he whispers to the doctor in a tur voice what kind of infection does this boy have that his heart has undergone that rapid of a deterioration it's not an infection at all sir it's well a it's a worm the doctor holds out a sheet to him the surgeon takes it from him he looks down at the X-ray to see a scan of the boy's chest cavity it doesn't look so bad there's a hole in the heart for sure but the surgeon has encountered worse in his career this was taken when the boy was first admitted the doctor hands the surgeon a second X-ray and this was taken just 1 hour later it is barely recognizable as a human heart there seems to be a mass growing in the cavity that was left by the heart and there infecting all of the boy's organs was the shape of a worm the biker weaves his way through the traffic down on Mar laone Road eyes darting frantically in all directions he may have a concussion and he may not be allowed to drive at all right now in fact he knows he definitely isn't but he is under strict instructions This Heart needs to get to St Mary's Hospital before it's too late the bike Carin around the corner and skids to a halt outside the emergency doors an ambulance team in front of him is trying to help an old lady out of the back of their vehicle but the biker doesn't have time for them he grabs the organ box from the back of the bike and races into the building it takes all of his remaining concentration to navigate through the Maze of Hospital corridors on his way to the operating theater on a better day he'd be able to do this with no problem but with his head injury he can see the lights starting to blur all around him Ward 6 W 7 w 7 a w 7B he runs as fast as his heavy boots will allow him feeling that energy draining from his system he can't look at his watch he can't check the time he just has to find this boy operating theater there right up ahead of him just a couple of hundred feet there's a doctor waiting outside the door who looks up at the sound of his footsteps the biker rips his helmet off and holds out the box with a hearten it panting heavily it's the moment of truth is he too late the doctor looks shocked not at the Biker's arrival but clearly at something else she's just seen the man starts to explain but runs out of words and instead beckons the biker to follow him into the observation room there the two of them stand looking through the glass at the little boy lying on the operating table with the surgeon standing over him there's something in the air the biker sniffs confused can anyone else smell sugar next time you open a packet of candied worms take a second to look through the little creepy crawlies in the bag perhaps poke a couple of them just to see if any of them are moving you can never be too careful if you had told the parents of that young boy on the night when their son woke up with heart palpitations telling stories of eating a worm at school that the only health concerns he would have going forward were mild diabetes and a slightly raised level of blood sugar I'm sure they would have been thrilled to hear it you see SCP 839 commonly referred to within the foundation as candied worms is much scarier on the surface than it is underneath not only does this SCP resemble your usual candy Worm but its body is actually composed of sugar flavorings and colorings roughly equivalent to what you would find in most convenient store candy aisles each instance even has a small raised bit of writing near the Tail specifying which flavor it is while the origins of these worms are yet to be determined cases have sprung up across much of the western world with higher numbers reported in areas with higher levels of diabetes there seems to be a parallel between high sugar diets and the presence of SCP 839 whether they are of man-made or other Origins is yet to be determined that is not to say that SCP 839 cannot survive outside of human populations this SCP in the wild primarily feeds on decomposing organic matter and is capable of sustaining itself on a purely vegetarian diet however when ingested into the human body SCP 839 will Target specific organs and burrow its way towards them the organ in question depends on which candied worm the SCP instance is for example the red cherry flavored candied worms will burrow towards the heart and consume that while the blue raspberry Ones Will instead feed on the human's kidney one would expect the health consequences of this feeding to be severe however as the SCP feeds it will also change its own shape and chemical composition until the worm itself becomes a substitute organ for the one that it is consuming however this substitute organ is not a perfect replacement as other health consequences are derived from its presence for example the green apple flavored SCP 8393 targets the eye and replaces it with a jelly Green version of the human eye while this eye is mostly capable of sight subjects have reported mild hallucinations and blurriness of vision as well as a greenish tint to how they see the world fortunately for the foundation SCP h39 reproduces sexually meaning that individual instances require a partner in order to have offspring this has made containment of this SCP much more feasible though they are a relatively low priority entity in the broader scope of the foundation there are no known cases as of yet of any SCP 839 infections leading to death or serious chronic illness therefore any instances that are captured by the foundation are sent to storage site 8391 where they are kept in a glass housing and regularly fed a diet of plant matter each day here their reproductive activity can be closely monitored and controlled based on what research is needed those infected with SCP 839 instances can continue to live long and healthy lives with only minor Health complications arising therefore the foundation is comfortable allowing a reasonable number of cases to go unexamined in the world so like I said for next time you open up a bag of candied worms maybe just give them a quick poke you could be saving yourself a trip to the hospital and a lifetime dependence on insulin the researchers and guards scream in Terror as the creatures run ampen through the factory nobody ever imagined they could be so dangerous and all for a little live entertainment the janitor rolls his mop cart down the hall of his brand new workplace it's his first day on the job and he would never let anyone hear him admit it but he's a little bit nervous the building is a huge fancy research facility an intimidating sprawling building bustling with researchers and lab coats Executives and suits and dozens of security guards the previous Place he'd worked had cubicles in a break room with a 20-year-old coffee machine and this place had state-of-the-art technology and key card locks on every door still he was here to do a job and that's what he was going to do the you was getting distracted by the intensity of the place when there are spills to clean and apparently there's a big one as soon as the janitor had clocked in a researcher had rushed over to tell him that he was desperately needed on one of the lower levels so here he was rolling his cart toward the elevator holding the researcher's key card in his hand hand his own won't work to take him down to the appropriate level his security clearance isn't high enough he wonders idly why this company has such tight security but figures that it isn't his job to ask that sort of question instead he enters the elevator swipes the card and hits the button for lg-1 the elevator doors open with a ding and the janitor Wheels his cart out right away he notices something off about this level there are rows of massive glass boxes filled with what look like giant fuzzy puppets he can hear the usual sounds of chatter and footsteps but there's also the clucking of chickens the bleed of a goat are there farm animals down here maybe that's the source of the mess they were talking about test subject animals or something he continues past the glass boxes searching for someone who can direct him toward the mess as he walks he feels dozens of eyes on him and stops to glance over his shoulder his stomach drops as he sees that the creatures he thought were puppets have moved they turned to face him as he passed by eyes locked onto his back whatever these things are they're alive and they're all watching him he shutters but continues walking at the other side of the hall he can see a huge red spill on the tile floor his footsteps Quicken as he approaches The Spill and a metallic smell fills his nose he had assumed it was some sort of leakage from Machinery but now up close he can tell it's blood that's it no paycheck is worth whatever is going on here he turns to leave abandoning the mop cart and comes face to face with a giant furry thing at least 8 ft tall it grins down at him reaching toward him with outstretched arms before he can run it wraps those arms around him and pulls him into an inescapable bone crushing hug he struggles but he can't break free he can't breathe the air squeezed from his lungs in a halting inhuman voice the monster says Teamwork Makes the Dream work then everything goes black about 1 week after that janitor's ill-fated first day at work the local police station received a video transmission from an unidentified man reporting an emergency at the facility no further information was given other than the exact location of the facility and the insistence that helped be sent as quickly as possible when the police arrived however they quickly realized that the situation was a above their pay grade and contacted an organization much more experienced with handling unusual occurrences the SCP Foundation the foundation quickly arrived administered amnestics to all Witnesses and investigated the area there they found something unlike anything they had ever seen before and for the SCP Foundation that was saying something all human Personnel at the facility had been terminated or were missing altogether there was still activity present in the building however though none of it was human there were anomalous creatures roaming the facility uninhibited they did not resemble humans or any known animals but instead looked more like costumed characters from a children's television show along the lines of Sesame Street or Barney the site manager's office was completely empty of any files and all hard drives found within had been wiped every surface had been sterilized and cleaned to remove any DNA evidence or fingerprints the anomalous creatures were promptly captured though they did not go without a fight several of the creatures were heard moving through the vents and were unable to be removed due to their speed agility and excretion of costic material in the underground laboratory spaces of the facility the foundation agents discovered glass tubes filled with amniotic fluid in which underdeveloped specimens were being grown agents also discovered containment Chambers made of bulletproof glass as well as pens filled with deceased farm animals including cows chickens and goats once the foundation had rounded up all of the creatures the facility was blocked off from the outside world and given the official designation SCP 3325 SCP 3325 is an abandoned facility belonging to real characters Industries the facility includes a recording studio a series of underground Laboratories staff living quarters storage containment areas and an industrial grade incinerator there are also several administrative areas as well as a helipad on the structure's roof the containment areas are home to to a collection of biologically engineered organisms that bear a cursory resemblance to puppets or human beings wearing plush costumes like those seen on children's television shows for research purposes these organisms have been designated SCP 33251 despite their colorful appearance which could even be mistaken for inviting and wholesome from a distance instances of SCP 33251 are incredibly hostile to humans and any other organisms outside their own species though they are vulnerable to attacks with Conventional Weapons these creatures lack any sense of pain and will continue to go after an intended target until they are effectively destroyed in addition to their penchant for aggression the instances of SCP 33251 are carnivorous and will eat any meat they are given access to thankfully these organisms lack reproductive organs so there won't be any baby plush monsters running around anytime soon instances of SCP 332 25-1 behave in an unpredictable manner though their most common activities are either staring at Personnel blankly for long stretches of time attempting to attack them or repeating assorted canned children's television friendly phrases in voices that Foundation Personnel have described as unsettling and disturbing over the course of the initial Discovery and containment of SCP 3325 SCP Foundation staff created an observation log describing all known types of SCP 3325 -1 the breakdown is as follows SCP 3325 d1a long neck Aven organism with feathers 3 m tall its wings are redundant unable to facilitate flight instances are able to reach a speed of approximately 72 km an hour aggressive behavior patterns are similar to that of a CA instance frequently damages its beak by running into objects color varies I've encountered caar before while while conducting field research and let me just say the dinosaurs never really did die out they live on in those monstrous Birds but I digress SCP 3325 d1b bipedal reptilian organism observed in colors of purple green and yellow SCP 3325 d1c bipedal organism covered in fur 1 M tall able to Sprint at speeds of around 60 km an hour observed to attack in packs upon acquiring a target an instance will vocalize a random phrase which elicits aggressive behavior in other nearby instances color varies SCP 3325 d1d unknown organism that hides in vents object is able to secrete and project a corrosive fluid the appearance of the organism is unknown specimens have yet to be obtained SCP 3325 d1e bipedal reptilian organism 5 m tall constantly sings In in a distorted voice the lyrics of its song are unintelligible presumably due to malformed vocal cords only one instance has been encountered the other observed variety of SCP 33251 is not one specific type of organism but rather a collection of malformed creatures characterized by the presence of conditions that in any other organism would cause death shortly after if not during birth these include but are not limited to necrosis missing skin tumors additional organs in places where they shouldn't be or other life-threatening deformations as you might imagine the appearance of specimens with this classification varies greatly following my initial Research into SCP 3325 several adenda were added to the official file consisting of several pieces of pertinence and often trouble in media the first was a brochure discovered on the floor of the facility depicting a dissatisfied crying child standing next to a puppet in contrast to an image of the same child laughing and and clapping in the presence of an SCP 33251 specimen in addition to these images the brochure contains this text in today's world children are bored of Animation puppets costumes and even the once groundbreaking computer generated Graphics they've seen it all they know it's all fake children nowadays want more but what is the next step in the entertainment industry think outside the box we're not talking about puppets or any of those materials children know or fil we as humans inherently need to associate with living breathing creatures not puppets or moving pictures we're talking about real characters our goal is to provide children with characters that are alive that will teach them how to manage their emotions and solve life problems realistically you can't get more real than that during a subsequent sweep of the facility grounds an SCP Foundation employee discovered a videotape wedged between the wall and a large papier-mâché Apple scrolled in pen across the tape's case were the words we shouldn't have played God a transcript of the videot tape's contents is included in the file's second addendum which I will attempt to summarize for you now the video depicts an unidentified woman standing next to a green instance of the casa like Aven species of SCP 33251 two men stand behind the camera directing the action context clues suggest that this tape was intended to serve as a demonstration of the facility's characters possi for potential clients or investors at the start of the video the woman expresses discomfort with the bird-like creature which stares at her still and unblinking she is instructed to say her lines as scripted but when action is called and the actress begins to speak the creature bites her arm one of the men steps in front of the camera to intervene but the entity does not respond to his commands even when the man begins to strike the creature with a baton it does not budge instead it bites down hard hard and harder until blood is drawn security is called and the footage is cut short after the first tape was discovered the foundation conducted several more sweeps of the property in an attempt to locate any additional media they may have missed the first time during a search of the security room an officer's backpack was located it contains several personal items including a very expired yogurt a Nicholas Sparks novel and a bag of sour cream and onion chips at the bottom of the bag however another tape was found this one appeared to have been surveillance footage captured by security cameras this was particularly notable given that all other surveillance footage found at the facility had been destroyed or corrupted most likely deliberately to this date this is the only security footage successfully recovered from SCP 3325 the footage depicts two figures presumably security guards standing on a catwalk looking down at containment pens filled with instances of SCP 33251 each guard holds a long pole with with a device attached to the tip appearing to function similarly to a taser or a cattle prod the guards talk amongst themselves joking about shocking the creatures for fun one guard points out a particular instance of SCP 33251 which is standing still and staring Dead Ahead the other guard points out another stagnant creature which appears to be staring directly at the other guard disquieted by this the guard decides to knock the entity's hat off of its head he grabs An Empty Bottle throwing it at the the bottle collides with the hat but the item does not budge instead it breaks open and begins to bleed revealing it to be a part of the creature's body rather than a costume piece the two guards begin to panic at the sight of the security camera before asking Danny in the security room to take the tape the second guard admonishes the first for his behavior and the footage cuts the next addendum to the SCP 3325 file is in the opinion of this researcher the most disturbing field agents retrieved 79 steel containers from a storage area on the bottom floor of the facility 41 of these containers contained human bodies preserved in a form alahh solution additionally each container had documents attached detailing each person's name and position at the company as well as the cause of their death causes of death listed included mauling organ failure necrosis and scheduled termination SCP 3325 is classified as uid currently SCP 3325 is contained on site surrounded by a fence and guarded by no fewer than four security guards at any given time due to the isolated nature of the location no further security measures have been deemed necessary as for the specimens of SCP 33251 they are kept in large animal containment cells at a research sector whose precise designation has been redacted from official files each of these containment cells has an audio recording device inside each specimen is to be fed twice a day on a diet of raw meat and no direct interaction between research staff and these specimens is permitted without first tranquilizing The Entity the effort to locate and contain all pieces of equipment associated with SCP 3325 as well as any documents pertaining to it is an ongoing project at this time it's uncertain if any of us will ever know what real characters Industries was up to and when it turned from an attempt to revolutionize the Children's Entertainment Market to something far more sinister what did the researchers discover that signed their eventual death warrants was the project truly abandoned or just moved deeper underground to a new facility staff with fresh faces who won't ask too many questions one thing is certain be wary of cuddly new characters that appear at theme parks at birthday parties and on screen in the coming years it's possible that these creatures are just actors in suits or life-size puppets and all they want is a hug but it's also possible that their wide vacant eyes and Friendly Smiles hide an uncontrollable rage an unpredictable intelligence and a thirst for blood the boy screams as his body transforms his bones warp and twist as feathers emerge from his pores and his skull sharpens into a long hard beak he's in a living Nightmare and who could have guessed it all started with an innocent attempt to play hookie it's an ordinary Monday morning and all over town children are waking up and reluctant dragging themselves out of bed for school some are oversleeping hitting the snooze on their alarms and getting a bit of extra shuty before their exhausted parents notice wake them up and rush to get them to school before the first Morning Bell in one particular bedroom a young boy is awake but still in bed brainstorming as fast as he can he is determined to skip school today however he can he usually doesn't mind School very much but today all he can think about is the math test he didn't study for and the mean classmate who lik likes to knock his books out of his hands but he can't just ask to skip school for no reason he has to come up with a plan he runs to the bathroom splashing hot water in his face to give him a flushed appearance and a warm forehead then he hops back into bed and begins to loudly cough and sniffle until his mother comes to check on him he complains that he doesn't feel well enough to go to school and sure enough when his mother feels his forehead it is hot to the touch she agrees to let him stay home from school for the day provided he stays in bed and gets plenty of rest he promises that he will and she leaves to go to work on her way to work the boy's mother remembers that there isn't much for him to eat while he's home alone all day at least there isn't much that he would want to eat while he's sick she decides that she can be a little bit late to work for the sake of her son's health and pulls into a nearby grocery store she rushes out of her car and into the store making a bee line for the soup aisle she reaches for her usual go-to brand of chicken noodle soup but finds the Shelf completely bare that's right it's flu season of course the soup is sold out oh great this is exactly what she needs a sick kid at home one can of chicken noodle soup left at the store and the machine won't even scan it she smacks the side of the machine in frustration and the screen reads invalid code transaction cancelled with a heavy sigh she glances over her shoulder no one is watching she tried to pay for the can to do the right thing but the machine wouldn't let her so she grabs the can and runs out of the store before anyone can spot her while his mother is out the boy's at home raiding the pantry for snacks to say is not at all sick appetite he fills up on Oreos and toaster pastries cheesy crackers and chips when he hears his mother's car pulling into the driveway he quickly wipes the crumbs from his face and jumps back into bed just in time for his mother to find him there resting like he promised he would she gives him a kiss on the forehead and tells him that she will heat up some chicken noodle soup for him to eat she's in a hurry to make it to work though so she'll need to leave it in the microwave for him she pours the contents of the soup soup into a bowl adds a bit of water and Pops the bowl into the microwave for a few minutes she calls up to her son letting him know that the soup will be ready when the microwave dings then she rushes out the door and heads to work for the day confident that her son will be fine through her shift if he happens to need anything he can call her and let her know the boy hears the microwave ding but his stomach is too full from his rummage through the pantry for him to want any of the soup in spite of its Heavenly Aroma instead he creeps into the living room and sits down to play video games until his eyes start to hurt as he boots up his gaming system he thinks for a moment that he can hear a strange noise coming from the kitchen a soft clucking sound like the chickens he saw on his grandparents Farm but he quickly forgets about the sound as the screen lights up and he disappears into the world of his favorite game he plays for hours until the grumbling of his stomach interrupts his concentration he suddenly very hungry and remembers the soup his mother left in the microwave it is certainly cold and un peeling by now but he can just reheat it first he punches the buttons on the microwave and waits for the soup to be ready again he can hear strange noises coming from the microwave but he doesn't think anything of it the microwave dings and he pulls out the bowl of soup grabs a spoon and digs in a little while later the boy's mother pulls into the driveway in a panic she left work early when her phone rang with a call from her son she answered asking what was wrong but he wouldn't answer her all she could hear on the other end was rustling heavy breathing and some pain grunting fearing the worst she drove back as fast as she could running several red lights along the way now she fumbles with her keys as she unlocks the door terrified of what she will find she grips her phone in her other hand thumb hovering over the buttons ready to dial 911 if the situation calls for it she pushes the front door open calling her son's name he doesn't answer and her stomach drops suddenly she hears the loud thud of something heavy being knocked to the ground something is terribly wrong here and even though she might find her worst nightmare she has to face whatever is waiting for her inside she runs into the kitchen and finds it a mess the bowl of soup is shattered on the floor congealed cold soup pooling on the tile the kitchen table is turned over on its side the kitchen chairs are in disarray but the strangest sight is the dozens of tiny white fluffy things on the floor counters and Furniture she picks one up for a closer look and finds herself even more confused than before it's a feather they're all feathers she calls her son's name again praying for a response this time she receives one though not the one she hopes for she hears the sound of shuffling footsteps up above followed by a strangled sound like a scream caught in someone's throat she Sprints up the stairs as fast as her legs can carry her throwing open the door to her son's bedroom there she finds him but this is not the bright-eyed boy that she left behind when she left for work his arms are covered with a thick layer of white feathers the same feathers that are beginning to poke through the skin of his face the top of his head has elongated into a floppy comb of excess skin the same sort of excess skin that is wobbling below his chin and his mouth it doesn't look like a mouth anymore it's pointed and hard and his lips click together when he speaks or rather clucks his bare feet are scaly and red with claws protruding from his toes he flaps his wings frantically eyes wide and wild clucking and running back and forth across the room when he looks at her she does not see recognition in his gaze her son her beloved boy has turned into a chicken unable to do anything else the mother calls an ambulance at first the paramedics that arrive on the scene think the call was some sort of elaborate prank but when they set eyes on the boy they agree that something truly bizarre is going on they speed to the hospital with the chicken boy in toe but sadly are unable to save his life the mother turns over the can of the mysterious soup to the authorities who launch a formal investigation Unfortunately they are unable to trace the can to any store nor are they able to verify the existence of the company name on its label employees of the grocery store where she found the can insist that they have never seen it in their lives several weeks after this incident occurred the SCP Foundation conducted a raid on a New York office of Marshall Carter and dark for those of you unfamiliar with the organization and that is most of the general population by Design Marshall Carter and dark LTD is an extremely powerful multinational corporation founded by three individuals with those surnames specializing in the acquisition and sale of anomalous items entities and experiences to put it simply they run the largest anomalous Black Market in the world and are the crime bosses of the Paranormal World during this particular raid SCP Foundation operatives recovered 17 different unusual items among the items discovered was a shipping crate recently delivered by the federal postal service from an invalid return address this crate contained 103 cans of SCP 2057 as well as a copy of a letter written to one of the company's Associates so far the letter has not been traced to an address it reads dear Cyrus Maria has told me of the unfortunate circumstances that have befallen your children I'd hope to hear about the Improvement of their condition soon as their Godfather I am extremely distressed to hear this having experienced a child suffering from the measles myself I know how terrifying it can be when it seems as if they are getting worse recently we received a shipment of something that I hope can help your family there is a crate in the storage area marked with Wonder tainment discontinued item it will not be there long as it goes to auction next week I will leave a key under the photo of your family on your desk follow the instructions exactly do not under any circumstances do anything anything different than what is directed on the can destroy this message as soon as possible I do not want any of this to come back on us be careful my friend Williams SCP 2057 consists of 92 318 ml cans of condensed chicken noodle soup each can is covered with a brightly colored label depicting images of noodles a cartoon chicken and dancing vegetables in addition to this inviting imagery each label is emblazoned with the text Dr one entertainment's ultral Licious chicken noodle soup for kids each can has a pull top lid for easy opening it is printed with a set of nutrition facts ingredients and instructions for heating the nutrition facts are as follows calories 95 fat 3.17 G carbohydrates 2.2 G protein 13.48% ents of the soup in order to compare it to the posted nutrition facts the calories fat carbohydrates and protein were found to be accurately reported vitamin W was present in the reported amount as well though it was not a compound that the foundation scientists had ever encountered before Mother's Love as it is an intangible concept was not able to be identified or measured in the analyzed soup samples the ingredients are listed as ultral Licious chicken stock enrich Chinese egg noodles finest cooked chicken breast farm fresh carrots Crispy Crunchy celery sweet videlia onions no paint thinner fresh mountain spring water vitamin W contains less than 2% of the following ingredients a pinch of salt a smidgeon of chicken fat sprinkle of spice extracted from rare plants a dash of highquality unicorn tear the instructions for heating read hey kids feeling sick icky or downright yucky just pop open a can of Dr wain's Ultra delicious chicken noodle soup for for Kids Place contents of the can in a medium-sized Soup pot add a can of water stir and heat watch as the fun begins eat Hardy and you'll feel better and ready to play with Dr Wain toys in no time all of this is relatively straightforward give or take a few unusual ingredients someone taking only a quick look might mistake a can of this soup for any other chicken noodle soup however it does have something that most ordinary canned soup does not a warning label Dr wain's Ultra delicious chicken noodle soup for kids is intended to be eaten while it is hot to make you feel better in no time at all do not consume after it has become cold do not reheat by purchasing from Dr Wonder tainment you agree to not hold Dr Wonder tainment or any of Dr wonderment Affiliates accountable for injuries or damages incurred by your product thank you for purchasing from Dr wondertainment so what exactly is in a can of Dr wain's ultral Licious chicken noodle soup for kids well when the SE CP Foundation first opened a can to take a look they found that it was filled with condensed chicken broth and a mass of egg noodles shaped like an egg when water was added and the contents of the can were heated to a temperature of 70° C the noodle based egg hatched inside was a small domesticated chicken made up of egg noodles carrot celery onion and cooked chicken breast for simplicity's sake this chicken noodle soup chicken is referred to as SCP 20571 as the foundation research continued to heat the broth to a higher temperature SCP 20571 began to move around make audible chirping sounds and eat the broth as it ate it grew larger and larger until it reached a mass of 85 G and resembled a miniature adult chicken at a temperature between 35 and 70° C SCP 20571 behaved much like an ordinary chicken it continued to behave normally even as it was consumed or cut apart apparently feeling feeling no pain or awareness of its situation dissection of SCP 20571 revealed that its insides were made up of soup ingredients including celery and onion bones cooked chicken breast muscles carrot beak and legs and chicken broth blood when SCP 2057 d1's temperature dropped below 35° C it stopped moving and collapsed into the soup at a temperature below 20° C it became congealed and unappetizing with these observations completed the foundation then attempted to measure the effects of this unusual chicken soup on a person that ingested it when test subjects were fed samples of the soup at a temperature between 35 and 70° C they had a very positive experience the soup's taste was described as excellent delicious and homey though the meal caused a bit of psychological distress due to the soup chicken's realistic appearance and behavior it improved every test subject's physical well-being this eventually applied to test subjects with the case of of influenza measles or the common cold following consumption of SCP 2057 each subject with a diagnosed illness of this kind reported immediate relief from their symptoms including fever aches and pains cough and congestion with this positive if a bit disturbing effect documented the foundation next set out to determine what would happen if they let the soup get cold before it was eaten test subjects served this version of the soup had a far worse experience describing the taste of their meal as Bland disgusting and repulsive 67% of the test subjects experienced cramps chills and diarrhea following their consumption of the soup and 62% found themselves making involuntary clucking noises as well as experiencing a strong aversion to poultry products again several test subjects were deliberately selected based on their cases of influenza measles and the common cold these test subjects immediately began to develop troubling symptoms including the growth of pin feathers on their forearms loosened excess skin on their heads and under their chins a change in their ability to walk normally and distressing hallucinations of being hung upside down by the ankles following these two rounds of testing the research team decided to see why exactly the warning label advised against reheating the soup d-class 45782 was selected as the test subject for this particular experiment and was instructed to reheat a bowl of cooled SCP 20571 in a microwave on high for 2 minutes and 30 seconds then he was to consume the reheated soup and report his experience to a camera placed in the room with him as instructed d45 782 microwaved the bowl of soup as it heated in the microwave it emitted unintelligible vocalizations in a deep voice after removing the ball from the microwave d457 A2 noted that it was gelatinous looking with blacken burnt bits around the edges he took three bites of the disgusting hot and cold at the same time mixture before spitting it out onto the floor and refusing to eat another bite 15 minutes after tasting the reheated soup D 45872 began to exhibit significant distress plucking angrily into the camera 5 minutes later d45 a72 became more difficult to understand clocks and other chicken-like vocalizations making up most of his attempted speech he began scratching vigorously at his arms to the point of drawing blood loose skin could be seen gathering on the top of his head and under his neck 6 minutes later D4 5872 had lost the ability to speak large white pin feathers had sprouted from his arms covering the skin and smaller white feathers were beginning to sprout from his face after 16 more minutes passed d45 a72 began attacking other objects in the room attempting to destroy the microwave knocking the bowl of soup to the floor and flipping over a table and chair he had grown feathers over 67% of his skin and his face had begun to change drastically his nasal area was elongated and hard joining with his lower jaw in an appendage resembling a bird's beak his upper lip had disappeared into his nasal cavity only 5 minutes later D 45872 suddenly stopped moving and collapsed to the floor dead following D 45872 is death an autopsy was performed these were the findings autopsy revealed d478 2's cause of death was due to extreme and sudden physical change of internal organs resulting in shock and cardiac arrest 93% of the subject's skin was covered in feathers physical changes in the face resulted in a beak-like alteration of the nose and mouth loose skin under the neck and on the top of the head resemble a waddle and comb subject's lower legs were found to be covered in thick scaly skin with the toes of the subject's feet ending in small rounded claws the subject and instance of SCP 20571 were incinerated after testing and autopsy whenever not being used for Approved experimentation all cans of SCP 2057 must be stored in a standard large volume storage locker in containment area 27 and kept at a temperature of 25° C because SCP 2057 is in limited supply all experiments must first be approved by at least two personnel with 21103 clearance as well as receiving the go-ahead from Dr Applegate there are still 41 cans of Dr wain's chicken soup unaccounted for and the foundation has been unable to track them down so far who knows where they ended up maybe at another office of Marshall Carter and dark or maybe just maybe one made its way onto the shelves at your local grocery store best to be careful out there when you're feeling sick hungry or in need of a little pickme up there's nothing quite like a steaming hot bowl of chicken noodle soup just make sure to read the label carefully and always follow the printed instructions if you ignore them you might just find that your chickens have come home to roost after all as the saying goes you are what you eat a knife in the dark bloody teeth and an appetite about to bring an end to one of history's most infamous Monsters the year is 1888 and the Streets of London are teeming with tension and fear in the daytime people struggle to find work fighting each other tooth and nail for scraps of opportunity the sunlight only serves to illuminate the grime and misery the workhouses and the factories the smoke act pumping poison into the sky at night though it's even worse the gas lamps provide only ghostly wisps of dim light just enough to see a stranger's Shadow from the corner of your eye but not enough to see if the glint of something shiny in his hand is his pocket watch or his knife you might glance over your shoulder for a closer look but he's already disappeared into the fog if he was ever even there at all these streets feel haunted even on the quietest of nights but lately there are rumors swirling in the air of something far worse than a ghost skullking through the alleys more real than the devil more evil than any ordinary man there's a killer on the prowl and his name is Jack the Ripper at first most citizens refused to take notice of his presence writing off his victims as women of ill repute bound to meet a dreadful demise sooner or later but as the bodies piled up the sheer brutality of the killings became impossible to ignore now now everyone is on edge particularly if their daily business takes them to London's east side where the murders began once hoped to be a place of opportunity for those traveling to London from afar to seek their fortunes White Chapel has become a den of sin and Terror no one can breathe easy here not until the Ripper is caught if he ever is there are theories of course accused noblemen surgeons butchers and doctors whoever the culprit is one thing is certain he knows his way way around a knife still no one suspect seems to stick and no one theory is compelling enough to lead to an arrest privately behind locked doors where no policemen can hear them Whispering the people of White Chapel are beginning to wonder whether the Ripper will ever be found perhaps this nightmare won't cease until the Streets Run Red with blood but even in the middle of Hell on Earth day-to-day matters must still be attended to so even as he worries for the lives of his customers and his own livelihood the owner of a local pub posts a job listing seeking a new cook he doesn't need anything fancy he can't pay for much just a fellow who knows his way around a kitchen and can cook up decent enough food without accidentally slicing his fingers off still he's not sure there's anyone out there who would be too happy to take a job so close to Jack the Ripper's domain at the moment but the next day as he comes in to unlock the doors and set up for the day he finds an applicant waiting for him outside grinning ear to ear he's a massive fellow Tower powering over the pub owner at a height he's never seen before outside of a circus performer on stilts but he greets the pub owner with a firm handshake and follows him inside though he has to hunch a great deal to fit through the door it's not as if there's a line of applicants out the door so the pub owner goes ahead and hires him as the new cook the cook is a Frenchman but he won't hold it against him that night when the pub opens for business the new Cook gets right to work from his disposition one would never know he's working for pennies in a dingy HB in the most dangerous part of town he bustles around the modest kitchen chopping meat and singing in a warm loud voice that carries through the whole building bringing some much needed cheer to the exhausted customers pretty soon they get a taste of the new Cook's work mutton and potatoes and juicy meat pies whoever this new worker is the crowd is pleased to have him around the owner does advise the cook to stay in the kitchen though his food and his singing may be popular but his appearance might frighten the already skittish regulars there's plenty to be afraid of these days no need to add a giant to the mix when the pub closes up for the night the owner stops for a moment to chat with his new cook he can't help but be curious about the man where he came from what brought him to London the cook tells him tearfully that he was once a soldier in the French army but that he lost his military career following a tragic accident he refused to disclose the details of after that he worked in a circus then as a private Chef in the home of a wealthy French family until he was thrown out over for a Forbidden love affair with his boss's daughter the pub owner isn't sure he believes a word of it but he nods along just the same he asks the cook when he first arrived in London the 1st of April he says and with that he heads off home leaving the pub owner alone with his thoughts the color draining from his face April 1st was only 2 days before the first Jack the Ripper victim was discovered it couldn't be could it as the pub owner embarked on his journey home he replayed the image of the cook's work that night over over and over in his mind the man was plenty competent with the knife that was certain he was strong enough to kill quickly too with those hands he could squeeze the life out of someone before they even got the chance to scream he could have done it but why would he he seemed like such a friendly man odd though he was and he was odd almost frightening he had clearly lied about his past as well what reason would he have for doing that if not to conceal a dark and terrible secret the pub owner lies awake all night visions of his new cook keeping him from sleep the next day the pub owner's suspicions begin to fester and grow he notices things he didn't pick up on before the strange way the cook always speaks through his teeth the DEA way that he handles a butcher knife slicing through the cuts of meat that he brings to the pub himself what butcher is he going to where's is he finding so much meat in such scarce times the owner shutters at the possibilities his customers are starting to take notice of his change in Attitude too they see the sweat dotting his brow his furtive glances toward the kitchen and the way his hands shake when he brings him their plates of food several customers Corner the owner and demand an explanation these days they can't let any unusual behavior go on for long something sinister could be a foot after all the pub owner relents and confesses his suspicions that his newly hired cook might be the Ripper himself not only that but he's afraid the meat he's been preparing might not be sourced from any livestock but from more of the Ripper's victims it was an unwise choice to admit these fears to a group of men driven to the Edge of Reason by their own dread bodies in the streets and a bit too much a they swarm the kitchen to confront the cook and are shocked at the sight of the Behemoth they find there the cook greets them with his usual smile but they aren't having any of it they attack him in spite of his intimidating size pummeling him with their fists the cook tries to reason with the men but they are determined to get an answer out of him and his previously unfailing smile falters he opens his mouth wide and in a truly shocking display gobbles up one of the men in two quick bites he spits out a shoe and it flies across the room hitting another one of the men in the face there is silence for a long moment and then sheer Pandemonium the surviving men tear out of the pub spilling into the streets in a drunken panic-stricken mob wiping his mouth the cook turns to see his boss staring at him with wide eyes Frozen to the spot in fear with a polite bow the cook gives his resignation apologizes for the disruption and turns to see himself out meanwhile the pub patrons are cornering a policeman demanding he follows them to the location of a giant man-eating monster who they believe to be the Ripper the policeman laughs in their faces and advises them to head home and sleep off their drinks before they get themselves into any more trouble with a full belly but without a job and without anywhere else to go the cook Ducks out the door to the pub and begins to stroll slowly down the dark dingy streets up ahead he sees a woman walking alone she drops something on the ground a small coin purse she doesn't notice it fall and keeps walking but the cook is very much a gentleman in spite of his cannibalistic indiscretion before he hurries over and bends to pick it up when he looks back at the woman he sees a man creeping up behind her the shadowy man draws a knife and lifts his arm preparing to strike the cook cries out to warn the woman and she turns letting out a blood curdling scream at the sight of both the wouldbe Killer and the giant with blood still dripping from his chin she picks up her skirts and runs as fast as she can disappearing down a nearby alley and out of sight the cook still holds her coin purse in his massive hand but there's no way she'll come back to retrieve it now the man with the knife turns on the cook with a roar of Primal Rage he slashes at the giant with his knife but it merely glances off of the enormous man's tough skin not drawing so much as a single drop of blood he tries again and again but fails to make even a Mark frustrated exhausted and still a little bit hungry the giant grabs hold of the attempted killer lifts him into the air opens his mouth wide and swallows him whole in a single gulp the knife still stained with the blood of his previous victims clatters to the ground the cook sigh and Tucks the coin purse into his pocket then he continues on his way walking out of London and on to the next chapter of his life's Grand Adventure he has no idea that his climactic meal in White Chapel was none other than the infamous Jack the Ripper and the people of London will never know of the unintentional Act of heroism he committed that day they will only remember the fear and the sight of a giant devouring a man alive but soon enough that will fade from memory replaced with relief when no new victims are found and then replaced again with a mystery that will endure for hundreds of years though that cook was no Ripper he was also clearly no ordinary man before they decided to drive him out of town the people of White Chapel had unbeknownst to them been eating and drinking with SCP 082 SCP 082 is according to his genetic makeup a perfectly ordinary human however one look at SCP 082 makes it clear that he is far from ordinary some sort of external process has caused him to grow to an enormous size standing at 8 ft tall and weighing around 700 lb Foundation researchers are divided an opinion over the exact cause of SCP 082 proportions some theorize that it is some sort of mutation others propose an extreme hormone imbalance some believe it to be chemical in nature While others insist that only a supernatural Force could be responsible for such a dramatic deviation from the norm whatever the case may be SCP 082 is a formidable and Visually impressive specimen his head is bald and slightly pointed his chin and jaw are large and round his nose is bulbous and his eyes are dark and sunken his body has a high fat content but also contains notable muscle mass and his physical strength should not be discounted his forearms have a circumference of around 28 Ines and his fists are nearly an entire foot across the knuckles suffice it to say he is not the sort of opponent you would want to come up against in a fight and certainly not someone to antagonize though medical examinations of his body indicate that at least a few likely ill-fated individuals have tried over the years his skin is covered with scars and though his x-rays are difficult to read due to the density of muscle tissue scans have indicated that there are dozens of bullets and several blades from knives and swords alike buried in the man's flesh clearly SCP 082 has been through a great deal of hardship but you wouldn't know it from his disposition he is gregarious and polite with a personality as big as the rest of him oh that reminds me I've been extremely rude he has a name it's Fon at least that's what he says fernon speaks fluent French but is proficient in English as well though he speaks with a heavy accent whenever he does speak he does so with a smile talking through his tightly clenched and massive teeth occasionally he clenches these teeth so hard that his gums will begin bleeding from the effort the reason for this is unknown but the SCP Foundation considers it normal behavior for feron whatever that means I have my own personal Theory regarding fanon's pensent for clenching his teeth but I won't get into that just yet Fon does occasionally open his mouth all the way and separate his teeth but only when he is eating or singing he is quite the musical Talent Serena the SCP Foundation with his takes on well-known classical music as well as long forgotten drinking songs and the occasional sea shanty he loves to sing while cooking which he is permitted to do under strict Foundation supervision he is allowed access to a rudimentary set of cooking implements whenever he prepares his food including a butcher knife that he also uses to shave his unusually thick facial hair he is given various ingredients to prepare on request with the stipulation that these ingredients must not be too too expensive or human in origin in spite of his off-putting appearance and tendency to speak through his teeth Fernand is easily one of the more likable anomalies contained by the foundation he doesn't Express overt hostility like SCP 682 nor does he attempt to diagnose staff with any sort of pestilence like SCP 049 all he seemingly wants to do is cook sing and play dress up did I mention his costume trunk yet well he has one some of his favorite outfits include a tuxedo complete with top hat and a monacle a military uniform s of the French Revolution a ball gown that comes with an elegant fan and matching beaded purse and a clown costume that includes a wig and a trick water squirting flower in its pocket new costume pieces are made on request in order to keep fanon's morale High according to my findings in-house costumers are currently hard at work making Fernand a detective costume a chef's hat and a set of footy pajamas fand is an indisputable charmer greeting Foundation researchers with a wide smile a joke and and more often than not an invitation to join him for dinner unfortunately those same staff members occasionally find themselves on the menu in spite of all his endearing qualities Fernand has the unfortunate habit of routinely snapping giving into his voracious appetite and eating his visitors alive he doesn't intend to do so and frequently expresses regret at his poor manners after all having company for dinner doesn't mean you eat your company but still he can't help himself no matter how recent his latest meal was though I have yet to confirm this hypothesis I believe this cannibalistic impulse to devour others may be the reason for fanon's constant clenching of his teeth whether consciously or not I think he is attempting to hold off on attacking for as long as he can before he inevitably succumbs to the hunger once more when his gums bleed it could be a sign that one of his attacks is Drawing Near again I have yet to confirm this but it seems entirely possible it's unlikely that feron will ever be a able to verify this for himself as his connection to the truth is tenuous at best though he is highly intelligent in terms of his memory puzzle solving skills and grasp of language fernon struggles to differentiate between fact and fiction when consuming media he assumes that any movie or television show he watches is depicting a real person and that any book he reads is essentially a biography this doesn't limit his enjoyment of this media on the contrary he gets a great deal of Joy from watching films and reading books particularly Works a fiction revolving around Hannibal Lecter who Fernand has described as his favorite person and someone he would very much like to meet one day to make matters even more interesting Fon does understand the concept of lying he's able to identify when someone is lying directly to him and also displays signs of being a compulsive liar himself particularly when it comes to his personal history over the course of his containment he is claimed to be a vampire a homunculus beloved Sesame Street character Big Bird also beloved actor and wrestler Andre the Giant Napoleon bonapart French comic book character obeliks the foundation's own Dr brgh The Incredible Hulk Alexander the Great Captain Hook and detective Sherlock Holmes he has also claimed at different times and once on the same day to be both Dr Frankenstein and Frankenstein's monster when called out directly on these lies Fernand offers only this explanation but I only lie when it's through my teeth which I have to admit is pretty funny SCP 0 2 Fernand is currently contained in enlarged living quarters in armed biocontainment Area 14 as he is unfazed by most standard Weaponry his cooperation has been ensured through deception rather than physical Force Fon has been led to believe that he is acting King of France placed in a secret Palace for his own protection from potential assassins any Personnel that interacts with fod must address him as if he were in fact the king of France and any deviation from the charade is met with swift discipline any housekeeping done in 82's containment area must be performed by class D personnel only as it poses too much of a risk to non-disposable staff guards assigned to SCP 082 Containment will receive level two clearance but are not permitted to interact directly with SCP 082 no matter how friendly he is no matter how many knock knock jokes he tells them and no matter how he tries to entice them into a round of karaoke SCP 082 is a curious mix of congenial and threatening the consumate host who loves to sing and cook for anyone willing to sit at his table he's also strong enough to snap a spine in half and has teeth that can crack open skulls a skill that he demonstrates with stomach churning regularity still he seems to genuinely enjoy the company of others and has an Earnest playful spirit from his giving spirit to his diet SCP 082 really gives a new meaning to the word humanitarian if you ever have the chance to meet him just be careful not to let your guard all the way down because there's a fine fine line between being his dinner guest and being his dinner seeing that shadowy figure coming towards him makes the worker turn and run he hasn't had the time nor the luxury of freezing on the spot or waiting for it to get closer so he could get a clearer view he just runs with every Pace every hurried horrified step comes the mental image of the strange figure gaining on him in his head every movement he catches in the corner of his eye every shuffling sound he detects the thing was right behind him Ines away and ready to strike so he just keeps on running only seconds ago it was just standing under a street light a ways ahead of the worker barely moving he calls out to it assuming it's a person somebody may be lost or in need of help but then it steps into the light and it's not a person at all the head of the suit isn't on properly it droops at an angle like it hasn't been affixed or is barely hanging on the crude lazy eyed face is halfhazard drooping that too isn't onri as as the entire head sways unnervingly with each approaching step maybe underneath the suit hiding beneath all that dirty orange fur still coated in Grime despite the rain perhaps there's a person in there whose arm hefts an old baseball bat as they plot closer and closer to the worker but all he sees is the monster the filthy costume might be clumsily made but the worker instantly recognizes the all two familiar resemblance of an orange cat from a popular comic strip it's what starts him running that and the blunt weapon the monster is holding as it menacingly makes its way closer the downpour doesn't let up as the worker turns a corner met with the sights of two bright blinding white beams of light cutting through the rain a car speeding its way down the road it catches the worker and its headlights and he starts frantically waving his arms encased in the Soden fabric of his jacket help oh please please help me he yells something's coming after me I think it's trying to kill me the driver doesn't stop instead simply cruising past the worker can just just about see through the passenger side window the vehicle's sole occupant giving him a strange look from inside the safety of his car almost as quickly as it appears the car has driven off its headlights already fading from view thanks to the Rain what the worker doesn't realize is that the driver's look of confusion wasn't directed at him but at the thing following him the creature gives a low animalistic sound which causes the worker to spin around now he sees it right up close in all its foul Ginger Glory a tail dangles lazily from the lower portion of the suit trailing in puddles Laden with muuk the water making the fur even dirtier than it already is it's so close that the awful pungent stench of the thing hits the worker's nostrils a sickening smell that somehow seems to fit with the Grim gross costume and its wearer seeing the wet fur coated suit so close he realizes that it isn't covered in the soft plush synthetic coat that he expects a costume like that to be made of it looks real like actual cat hair on a huge humanoid shape with the legs and arms of a man arms that were Midway through swinging a baseball bat right at the worker's head he Ducks just in time the dull wooden bat glancing off the bricks of a nearby building narrowly missing the worker's head as it bounces off the wall the blunt weapon slips from the Soggy gloves of the suit and clatters to the ground the second he hears the wooden bat land on the ground the worker turns his heel and runs again taking advantage of those precious few seconds to get further distance between him and his attacker it's only exact as he turns his back that he wishes he'd reached for the bat himself to fight back rushing further down the rain swept Street the worker can hear the heavy slumping footsteps of the suited attacker giving Chase he alternates between looking straight ahead the Raindrop streaming down his face and getting into his eyes and daring to glance back over his shoulder every time he does he's met again with the horrifying sight of the suit behind him he wants nothing more than to escape to get out of this nightmare wherein he is soaked head to toe in rainwater and fear running for his life from someone dressed as the comic strip cat he sees every day but as strong as his will to escape is he can't bear to let the first suited pursuer out of his sight for even a second if he can't see it then it might be anywhere at least looking told him that it was still right behind him bearing down on the worker with its bat now firmly back in hand the shrill noise of chain links rattling sounds behind him as the attacker in the suit starts striking a nearby fence making the worker more and more aware that with every strike it's getting closer through the Relentless downpour the worker spots a shape standing on the sidewalk just a few feet ahead short stationary something he sees every day of his life but never pays any notice to but tonight it might just be the thing that saves his life a trash can it's full and that means heavy and any second now he'll be close enough to reach it a plan forms in seconds erupting like a fire with gasoline thrown on it if that gasoline was pure terrified adrenaline of being chased by someone in an orange cat costume reaching out as soon as his fingertips grip the wet metal rim of the can the worker pulls as hard as possible his instincts keeping him from stopping running the trash can clatters behind him as he passes followed by the heavy thud of the attacker falling to the ground as it trips over the obstacle and lands furry head first in the garbage now strewn over the sidewalk the worker knows he's only got another short window Another Blessing of a precious few seconds to get far enough away from his attacker he turns changing course to rush across the street there's an old Warehouse over there if there are security guards working they might might be able to help if not and the place is unguarded then at least it could be somewhere to hide a sudden blaring noise pierces the worker's eard drums before he can make it all the way to the opposite sidewalk it's a horn coupled with a bright pair of Lights appearing as if from nowhere then before he can turn to see it coming impact first against the hood of the car speeding through the rain towards him unable to stop in enough time next the pain of hitting the jagged black top of the road the second impact as the worker lands a few feet away spots of of rain still pattering against his face as everything goes from dark to pitch black for a few seconds his head floods with scenes from earlier that day as if his life was about to start flashing before his eyes only in reverse the news of the comic strip doing poorly arrives at the Paw Inc office and with it the knowledge that if there are going to be layoffs then he'll be first he's the new hire after all it didn't matter that the once beloved comic of a cartoon cat is losing its popularity going stale after so many years in print it upset the investors and the workers has been worrying all day if he'd be the one fired to appease them until he suddenly remembers what's coming after him fighting back and clawing his way back to Consciousness he struggles back to his feet screaming with pain he's injured that much he can certainly tell even if he doesn't know how badly hey hey mister the driver calls stopping his car and starting to climb out of the vehicle it's a different driver in car this time and unlike the first he makes the effort to stop the mistake that is about to cost him greatly he sees the worker getting back up ignoring his calls he raises his voice to cut through the noise of the pouring rain hey you okay I'm so sorry I didn't see you my lights were on low wipers are going wasn't until you rushed out across the street that anyway look let me at least get you to a hospital we can exchange our insurance information once they gets you all patched up the worker wasn't listening he hears the driver's words but pays him no mind he's still so intent on getting away that it takes him a second to realize the car it's a way out and then the worker makes the same mistake as the driver he stops and when he does he sees what has clamored back to its fur coated feet and is now shuffling towards the driver look out the worker yells the driver turns just in time to see on the hell he exclaims wait a minute why you dressed in a gothfield costume whack the sound of the bat being swung at the driver makes the worker feel sick he turns his back and moves as quickly as he can towards the warehouse despite the pain and the horrified screams coming from behind beneath the rain there's something else a twisted vile squelching noise that quickly snuffs out the driver's dying cries the worker doesn't dare to look back this time he doesn't want to see what's happening lifting a heavy metal shutter and pulling it shut behind him he finds himself in the warehouse it's completely deserted there isn't a single sign of Life anywhere the only sound is the pattering of rainwater against the hard concrete floor dripping through a hole in the ceiling Guided by the low glowing light of the street lamps outside that bleeds through the warehouse Windows the workers start fumbling around for a place to hide just as he crawls underneath a large pallet rack he hears a metallic rattling as the fur suited monstrosity lifts up the shutter it's inside with heavy plotting steps in its suit it Paces up and down the aisles of discarded shelving the worker clamps his soaked hands against his mouth trying to mask his panicked breathing only to let out a scream as he feels something grab his ankle and pull with ease the thing dressed as a disheveled Garfield pulls him out of his hiding place instinctively the worker thrashes his legs Landing a solid kick to the creature as his foot connects he notices it doesn't feel like a person underneath the suit there's no body no familiar outline of a human being beneath all the Soggy fur and stench it's just a slimy Mass nonetheless the kick knocks the garish Garfield back only a few Paces but better than nothing he scrabbles to his feet standing and running as fast as he can in the opposite direction only to hit a wall at the far side of the warehouse the shutter is the only way out and right now now it's wide open but Garfield stands between the worker and freedom he turns to Dart down the next aisle between the rows of shelves keeping his eyes on the attacker as he passes underneath the hole in the ceiling the rain is still coming down through it leaving a puddle on the floor the workers's focus is locked on the Beast he suddenly feels his foot slipping out from under him that awful Lurch of his heart as he falls the puddle he's slipped on it and come crashing down to the ground the force of the concrete striking his back knocks all the breath from his lungs everything is is spinning in a nauseating mix of pain disorientation and Terror above through the unrepaired ceiling drops of rain come pouring down on him then a low agonized meow from somewhere nearby the monster Garfield brings its bat swinging down and sharply connecting with the worker lying on the ground a new surge of pain racks his body right at the hip where the baseball bat just landed in an unforgiving blow the worker can do nothing but scream in pain and fear a horrible sound like something wet tearing fills his ears over his own cries he remembers the sickening feeling of a slimy Mass being aggressively pushed into his face it's disgusting rancid but even under all the horror and the repulsive taste he can detect familiar hints pasta beef Tomato Sauce Cheese all of it moldy and rotten but still recognizable the Monstrous SCP 3166 forces further fistfuls of lasagna down the worker's throat until the screaming stops he'd always hated Mondays the trucker tumbles to the greasy floor of the diner thrown out of his Booth only to come crashing down before he can regain his footing he'd be climbing back to his feet ready to square up to the patron who has just hurled him but staring up at them has made him freeze on the spot as he lies on the diner floor the trucker's eyes lock on to the bizarre horror towering over him it looks like a huge fleshy mess more inin to a chewed up wat of gum than a living being it's nearly impossible to differentiate what parts of its head are facial features is the mouth right there in the center or is it one of the various other strange and inexplicable orifices does it even have a mouth and where are its eyes does it have the standard human to or does it see by smelling sounds or tasting the air and are those tusks they are the trucker has only stopped off for a hot cup of coffee and a bite to eat now he's facing off against a puzzling creature ripped straight out of a David Cronenberg movie but then again that's what he gets for stopping off at Freddy's Diner it all begins a few moments prior the trucker is at the wheel exhausted but making good time on a Long Hall across the Interstate thanks to life on the road he's been lucky enough to see much more of the country than most driving from the west coast to the east coast and Back Again plenty of times and being so familiar with his roots the trucker has his very own curated list of the best places to eat while on the road he double checks the time and realizes he's got plenty to spare so decides to make a quick detour and heads towards a little known Roadside restaurant Freddy's Diner the trucker still remembers the previous time he took a pit stop in Freddy's place it never ceases to amaze him that it even exists after all there's not another Diner like it from here in California to the truck stops over in New Jersey and the trucker knows he'd pick Freddy's Diner over any Maritime themed novelty seafood place he likes going there so much he's even kept it a secret from his fellow truckers on the road he'd simply hate for everyone to start piling over there and turning his favorite spot into a Rowdy trucker hangout or tourist attraction pulling his truck up outside the trucker locks the vehicle up securely and heads inside from outside it's just a calm quiet seeming place a diner like any other in that stereotypical 1950s Style that's part of what the trucker likes so much about Freddy's it's got that comforting nostalgic feeling to it like one of the few remaining vestiges of an era that nearly nobody alive remembers anymore except from seeing it secondhand in old movies but despite it looking quiet practically empty from the outside stepping through the doors at Freddy's is like setting foot on another planet the entrance isn't just the way into the restaurant it's the access point to the trucker's other favorite part about visiting there the people at first it seems normal there's always a decent number of customers bustling about talking to each other or ordering from Freddy the friendly silver-haired Old owner dressed in his typical pinstriped apron over a shirt and bow tie no matter if he's in the middle of serving a customer Freddy always turns to greet the newest arrival with a warm smile and his classic motto welcome to Freddy's Diner the only place where you can eat Cuisine that's out of your world the trucker loves how gradually it creeps up on him taking a cursory glance around the diner nothing seems all that out of the ordinary but looking closer he enjoys noticing the other patrons and how eccentric they all seem when taking a gamble on Freddy's and making his first ever visit on another long drive to California the trucker finds himself convinced that there must be some kind of science fiction or comic book convention in town then soon after he starts to get a little worried thinking that maybe he's been on the road too long and is starting to see hallucinations out of pure exhaustion but now he's been in enough times to know the folks who pitch up to eat at Freddy's Diner well the best way to put it is that they're from out of town wandering past the bar looking for somewhere to sit down the trucker notices a trio of figures sitting down and enjoying Plates Full of freshly grilled burgers and baskets of golden fries hot from the fryer what does it matter that all three are wearing huge bulky space suits with metal piping snaking down them and vents hissing out warm steam they're just enjoying their meals after all the trucker finds a vacant booth and sits down on the comfortable leather seat scanning the diner for Freddy so he can order a coffee sitting across from him at the opposite Booth his eyes fall across a couple smiling and giggling to each other as they chat he's so caught up in their infectious Positive Vibes that he barely realizes how one of them has had her entire right arm replaced with an intricate cybernetic one or that the other is entirely blue and has pointed ears it's just nice seeing how happy they are that's when a voice that sounds like someone gargling water Chimes up and a seny tentacle grabs the trucker by his flannel shirt what the hell do you think you're doing the patron gurgles I'd get up to use the bathroom for 5 minutes and find some chump in my seat that's my table pipsqueak moments later the trucker is on the floor looking up at a creature he's never seen before in fact he's not even sure if the patron is human judging by the chewing gum head and the disproportionate limbs protruding from random points across its Blobby body it's a safe bet that it isn't the trucker stumbles towards the bar and asks Freddy for a cup of coffee a strong one to wake him up in case he's dreaming across his visits to the diner he's been convinced that all the flamboyant and eccentrically dressed customers are all just wearing costumes either for a local convention or because of an anything goes dress code but after seeing the patron the trucker is starting to think that he might have been very very wrong about this place not to be confused with a certain Pizzeria populated with quirky animatronic characters Freddy's d din ER is a restaurant experience like no other but if you're hoping to experience its comfort food and unique atmosphere for yourself then you might have a hard time getting past the quarantine Zone that now surrounds the diner thanks to the SCP Foundation technically Freddy's Diner is still very much in business although you're not likely to see anyone stepping through or out of the front doors anytime soon well not from this Dimension at least before it would go on to be known as SCP 4258 the SCP Foundation learns this seemingly innocuous restaurant 2 months after it first appears to begin none of the people that live in the nearby area pay the place much mine as far as they know Freddy's Diner is just a harmless 50s themed Diner each and every one of them remains totally unaware that their memories have been tampered with so that as far as they're concerned SCP 4258 feels like it's always been a local staple despite only having been around for a few short months however some new folks roll into town and pretty soon the found Foundation are getting rather suspicious about Freddy's Diner thanks to Abundant reports of a strange restaurant with weird cosplayers from the newcomers they send in an undercover agent to investigate making sure to be as subtle as possible after all at this point there's still every possibility that Freddy's Diner really is just a Hots spot for cosplayers and other eccentrically dressed individuals but if only things were that simple inside the agent is greeted by familiar nostalgic surroundings circular seated bar stools black and white tiled floors like a chessboard underfoot a jukebox in one corner blaring out hits from the likes of Chuck Barry and Elvis Presley even the menu has all the old classics on there thick frothy milkshakes served in Tall Glasses freshly made Burgers and Fries the kind of food that fits the atmosphere of the 1950s the thing that doesn't of course is the various unusual customers that frequently eat at Freddy's Diner even without his extensive training in identifying anomalies it doesn't take the foundation agent very long to realize that some of the people enjoying their meals inside SCP 4258 aren't all human some are in fact most of them do still resemble something close to humanoid although upon closer inspection it would appear that almost everyone in the diner has widely different physiology even those that look mostly human on the outside aren't a perfect match at least by our standards that's because everyone who visits Freddy's Diner has come from a completely different reality SCP 4258 isn't your average Diner it's an interdimensional Diner people from all across the Multiverse have made their way to this specific restaurant for a bite and it's definitely popular with those that visit Freddy's Diner might be the only restaurant that can claim to be multivers loved frequented by customers from multiple different dimensions all at once some days you might see little more to indicate this than a few patrons wearing weird clothing the kind that you've never seen before a site like that is easy to R right off as a bizarre fashion statement after all but on other days when you find yourself enjoying a classically made milkshake at the bar when a 6 and 1/2 foot anthropomorphic slime creature sits down on the stool next to you then it becomes a bit more apparent that Freddy's Diner is anything but ordinary and the agent sent to investigate the place by the foundation quickly gets that very same impression during his first visit perhaps in an effort not to get swept up in the wondrous Moss Eisley Cantina energy of SCP 4258 the agent approaches the bar and begins to conduct an impromptu interview in the field he talks directly with an Old Gentleman who appears to be running the place the sole worker and owner of the establishment the man the diner is named after Freddy although he'll later become known as SCP 42581 Freddy greets the agent with the same Charming well-mannered demeanor as all his customers before the agent starts trying to get to the bottom of what exactly the place is it's a diner Freddy tells him after a quick chuckle they don't have these in your dimension kid the agent clarifies that there are indeed similar diners elsewhere in this Dimension although they aren't quite like Freddy's the owner reassured the agent that he's only kidding and then delivers the diner's motto which apparently took him a century to come up with welcome to Freddy's Diner the only place where you can eat Cuisine that's out of your world being well versed in the anomalous and aware of the existence of other universes it doesn't take the agent very long to figure out that this Diner acts as some form of multiversal Junction point a Nexus where various different worlds can intersect but Freddy points out that's not exactly entirely correct but the agent has at least grasped some of the core principle more than happy to converse with his new customer Freddy explains that his Diner exists in what is known as toad Dash space this according to him is the space between dimensions and the door to SCP 4258 does indeed connect to all sorts of drastically different realities as the agent takes a look through the diner windows he notices a change in the scenery where there was once the familiar setting of Earth there is now a wide sprawling desert that seems to stretch endlessly into the Horizon and Beyond just then a tall humanoid figure wearing a mask steps into Freddy's Diner wrapped in extravagant robes Freddy greets the newcomer as quar elf he's clearly a regular customer the agent returns to questioning the old man curious as to how the diner actually functions and hoping to gain as much Intelligence on the matter as possible for the SCP Foundation one of the main questions the agent wants answered is if Freddy's Diner exists between Dimensions how can the customers possibly pay for their meals after all even on Earth there are multiple forms of currency with different competing values across an infinite number of entire universes there's hardly going to be one multivers accepted form of payment but luckily Freddy has an answer even if it is a little abstract as he explains it the restaurant is funded in a sense by something called empathos you know that happy feeling you get when you remember something nice or someone compliments you the restaurant feeds off that so what keeps the place running confused as to what he means the agent asks for clarity for a moment it sounds like Freddy's Diner extracts positive emotions from its clientele like a leech draining blood but Freddy assures him that it's not quite the same the diner itself only takes away the excess empathist the positive emotions that its customers experience from being there enjoying their meals and the atmosphere of the interdimensional diner Freddy Likens it to trimming the edges of a hedge SCP 4258 doesn't Rob people of their enjoyment it just takes a little bit to keep the lights on the patrons that visit only have to feel happiness and that's the only payment for their meal that Freddy wants that brings the agent to a final question if the restaurant takes a little bit of empathist as payment then what exactly is Freddy the owner Chuckles and says that he's just an old man looking to make good food speak speaking of which he offers to take the agent's order not wanting to be rude the agent asks for a hamburger and fries to go he tries to see if there any other staff working in the kitchen but there doesn't look to be anyone at all save for a pair of transparent hands that place a plate down on the kitchen line Foundation researchers conduct a few different tests on the food that the agent received from SCP 4258 but their analysis quickly reveals that there's nothing harmful about it at all it's just a well-made burger the agent is subsequently sent back to the diner to gather more information about it this time he's given instructions from the foundation to change up his approach and speak with some of the customers instead to see what they think of Freddy's Diner after all despite his friendly demeanor the old man could always be a liar trying to cover up a more Sinister nature to his restaurant so he can lure in more unsuspecting people from across the Multiverse although the agent has little reason to suspect anything untoward about SCP 4258 the foundation is nothing if not thorough during his second visit the a agent sits down with one of the customers enjoying a meal at Freddy's Diner a humanoid being whose body is composed entirely of different types of stone just from a cursory glance there looks to be a mixture of Basalt granite and Limestone all over the entity who introduces itself as rock the agent starts by remarking that the creature has a very interesting name everyone on Rock's world is named Rock pushing for more information on the creatur's universe the agent decides to ask if Rock's home world has an name to which the reply is rock as far as the agent can attain from Rock's fairly blunt description the stone entity originates from a universe that lacks any life forms with flesh and blood bodies or squishies as rock refers to them it also states with a similar lack of descriptive detail that its home Universe also lacks anything resembling vegetation there are no trees or plants which means that the denzin of this Dimension only eat Rock very delicious yes the agent submits a proposal to the foundation for a third visit to Freddy's Diner writing in his report that his latest interview has proven to be completely useless although it does at least provide one interesting detail about SCP 4258 besides all the facts about rocks it seems that everyone within Freddy's Diner regardless of which dimension they originate from is capable of understanding each other it's almost like a multiversal translator is in effect within the restaurant itself to make it easier for Freddy and his patrons to communicate returning to SCP 425 for a third time the agent finds himself striking up a conversation with a rather familiar face his own against the improbable odds of infinite different people across an infinite number of universes in an endless Multiverse the foundation agent happens to bump into one of his own counterparts from an alternate reality and for the most part this alternate agent seems to be from a universe that is practically identical to the first agents the two men sit down and begin to have a friendly discussion almost immediately after entering Freddy's Diner after all it's likely that nobody else in the establishment is as familiar with each other as the pair of them are the first agent is quick to remark at how strange this encounter is even amongst his own years of experience at the SCP Foundation working with anomalies on a day-to-day basis is strange enough but interviewing an alternate version of yourself has to be a jarring experience to say the least the agent tries to establish any major differences between their two universes asking his counterpart who he works for in his reality the alternate agent explains that he also works for the SCP found or another version of it so far no differences next the agent asks a more personal question is the alternate agent married it turns out he is as a matter of fact they both are and their wives are not only alternates of each other but both versions of the couple have been together for 20 years next the agent asks his interdimensional doppelganger to describe his world in more detail more than happy to oblige the alternate agent describes that in his Universe it is currently the 21st century most of the socioeconomic issues face in this Dimension are the same as this one political corruption is rif there are shortages of Essentials like food and water in many countries along with various other problems but the alternate remarks there are good things there too like Shark Week that sounds fairly close to our world the agent observes seems like there aren't any noticeable differences between the two guess not pretty funny huh his alternate reality counterpart replies it is at this point during the interview that Freddy comes over to give the alternate agent his order a burger and Fry eyes presented in delicious Fashion on a plate awesome thanks Fred the alternate agent says before turning to his food time to Chow Down then the alternate agent's jaw proceeds to unhinge revealing multiple rows of razor sharp teeth hidden behind the front-facing human set he lifts up the plate and begins to violently consume the burger and fries he ordered having devoured the meal in a matter of minutes the alternate agent then eats the plate his food was set out on crunching down chunks of ceramic returning to the foundation the first agent laid a requests to be admin registered with amnestics his request is denied check out the Dr Bob patreon and become a junior researcher today now go and watch another entry from the files of Dr Bob like SCP 5126 eat your mattress
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 42,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained
Id: 5qOuy5PNbog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 246min 54sec (14814 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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