SCP-006 - Fountain of Youth (SCP Animation)

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Commander McGrath, one of the most influential  members of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1,   better known as the Red Right Hand,  had been summoned by his masters for   one of the most important missions of  his life. It was so above top secret,   even he would likely need to undergo amnestic  treatment once he’d seen the job through. It comes with the territory when  you’re dealing with SCP-006.  The Red Right Hand is no ordinary Mobile  Task Force, either. They were the personal   enforcers of the O5 Council, the thirteen  most powerful members of the SCP Foundation,   and by extension, some of the most  powerful human beings on earth. Commander McGrath stood  before the assembled Council,   trying to suppress the tremors of  fear and awe running through him. He’d gone toe to toe with SCP-076, Able, one  of the finest humanoid warriors ever known,   during one of his many containment breaches.  He’d led strike forces after a fleeing SCP-682,   the Hard to Destroy Reptile, after it escaped  its acid tank and began charging towards the   nearest populated area intent on causing  mass death. He’d personally taken out more   people than you’ve probably even met, all  at the behest of his Foundation superiors. And yet, standing right here, before them, he  couldn’t help feel a twinge of deep terror.   It was like staring right into the face  of God, and waiting for it to blink. With his well-honed military observation skills,  he noted that O5-2 wasn’t among the council this   time, but he knew better than to ask why. He was  employed to take orders, not ask questions. And   this time, his orders were something special:  He wasn’t given any more information than this… “McGrath, we need you to lead an  elite team to Astrakhan in Russia,   on the double. Procedure 006 is now  in effect. You know what to do.” McGrath nodded. He’d been prepared for this  day. His predecessor, Commander Richards,   had only needed to enact Procedure 006 once in his  long and storied career with the Red Right Hand.   It was truly a once in a lifetime assignment,   and now, the torch had been passed to him. The  only question was whether he’d be up to the task,   but McGrath didn’t have time to ponder on  this question. Time was of the essence. First, he needed to assemble a team - small, but  focused. Loyal men who’d keep their heads down,   complete the mission, and take the forbidden  knowledge no further than the bounds of said   mission. McGrath selected three  operatives: Bennett, DiMaggio,   and Stuart, all of whom had proven valuable  assets in prior missions. They would be the   ones to accompany him on this most valuable  and secretive of directives: Procedure 006 But before they could execute the mission  itself, they needed to be trained,   briefed, and fitted with the proper equipment.  For a mission this sensitive, and dealing with   an anomaly as deadly as SCP-006, they needed  to wear modified Class VI BNC suits. These are   the ultimate, total-exclusion hazmat suits,  designed specifically by the SCP Foundation.   They offered such a degree of protection that  they made regular hazmat suits look like bikinis. Commander McGrath actually knew  very little about SCP-006 and how it   worked. Like many of the more top-secret  anomalies contained by the Foundation,   only the O5 Council understood the full scope  of it. Everyone below them were only told the   specific fragments of information they needed  to do their job. After all, filling your head   with the wrong kinds of knowledge can get your  memory wiped, or worse, at the SCP Foundation. SCP-006, as far as Commander McGrath knew,  was the more traditional kind of toxic.   He’d been briefed using the SCP-006B Infopack,  a heavily redacted description of 006: Safe Class, liquid in nature, but one  of the most toxic substances known   to man. It made mercury and uranium look like a  glass of mineral water. And more dangerous still,   if someone came into contact with even  the tiniest quantity of SCP-006’s liquids,   they would not only be marked for certain death,  they would also become a vector for transmission. A veritable plague rat. A  walking danger to all mankind. That’s why the Class VI BNC suits needed to be  tested. McGrath, Bennett, DiMaggio, and Stuart   suited up in a secure Foundation training facility  and fully submerged themselves in a training pool.   This was how they made sure that there  were no vulnerabilities in the suits.   If any bubbles were generated, it meant  there was a leak. And if there was a leak,   then the person wearing the defective suit was  as good as dead when they reached the real 006. Lucky for them, no leaks. They were ready  to proceed to the next stage of the mission:   Making their way to Astrakhan, Russia, where  SCP-006 was contained. The pressure was on, with   the council growing more impatient by the moment,  so they needed to make the journey immediately.   Every minute counted, and Commander McGrath  was painfully aware of the time slipping away.   Though he couldn’t possibly fathom why they’d  need a toxic chemical like this with such urgency. They made their journey in a covert cargo plane.  It was beyond important to keep all Foundation   activity around SCP-006 under wraps. A number  of Group of Interest cells were active in the   area - including the Church of the Broken God  and the Serpent’s Hand. And if ever the dreaded   Chaos Insurgency caught wind of SCP-006’s  existence and triangulated its location,   the damage it could do would  be unprecedented. That’s why   nobody but the O5 Council could truly be  trusted with this almost sacred knowledge. When they touched down in Astrakhan, they met with  a Foundation courier who would take them on the   final leg of their journey to the Foundation  site, roughly 60 kilometers West of the town. McGrath and his team had no idea what they were  heading towards, or the insane history of the   land they traversed, all because of SCP-006.  The Foundation had first become aware of   the anomaly back during the 19th century, but  were unable to gain control of it until 1991,   due to it being fiercely guarded by a  procession of territorial Russian rulers. The blood of hundreds of thousands had been  spilled on this land in historic wars and   conflicts over SCP-006. So many had wasted their  entire lives unsuccessfully trying to find it.   During the several hour car trip to the  site, Commander McGrath had no idea of   the true value of the anomaly he and  his small team were heading towards. But he would, in time. Though an  innocent would have to die first. The courier dropped the four operatives off  outside an abandoned chemical plant in the styx,   far from what anyone would call civilization.  It was the kind of industrial decay you could   expect in the badlands of rural Russia, a  huge complex, weathered and broken by time.   But what the untrained observer wouldn’t  realize is that the plant was actually   full of heavily-trained, and even more  heavily armed Foundation security personnel. As McGrath’s team approached the  building, they had no less than   eight sniper rifles pointed at them from  various vantage points within the plant,   just to be safe. The Foundation couldn’t  afford to take any chances with SCP-006. They arrived at the gate and provided their  clearance credentials. They were envoys,   here on behalf of the O5 Council themselves, and  if they weren’t allowed to complete their mission,   then the 006 personnel would have the  death of a Council member on their hands. With that, the team was given a free pass into  the site, under close observation. Anyone seeking   to interface SCP-006 was forced to do so under  almost microscopic scrutiny. Even when inside   the building, McGrath and his men needed to pass  multiple secure checkpoints throughout the halls,   each time restating their security credentials. Eventually, they reached a different  section of the building. Forbidding,   anonymous hallways gave way to what seemed  like a mix of a garden and a jungle.   But the plants were...different. The trees, the  shrubs, even the weeds, were unlike anything   members of the team had ever seen before.  It was like stepping into an alien world,   or perhaps this would, but as it was a few million  years prior. It was terrifying and wondrous. They suited up in their Class VI BNC suits,  fearing airborne contaminants from SCP-006,   before proceeding further. They walked through  this new jungle, being watched at every turn by   security cameras and personnel posted throughout  this overgrown portion of the facility.   It didn’t take long for them to reach  their destination, the legendary SCP-006:   A small natural spring jutting out of a  rock, surrounded by rich, emerald grass. It looked more like a nice place to have a picnic  than a dangerous and highly secretive anomaly,   but McGrath wasn’t paid to question things, only  to carry out Procedure 006. The only object they   had with them was a Quad-Sealant Container,  an ultra-secure liquid containment unit   specifically designed for safely transporting  samples of SCP-006’s water between sites. The team members descended into the spring,  and began filling up the container. It was   nerve-wracking, knowing the stakes of their  mission, and knowing that they were submerged   in such a deadly substance. But they had  a job to do, and they were going to do it,   come hell or high water. They  filled the containment unit,   but sadly for McGrath and his team, this  mission wouldn’t be entirely without casualty. A single bubble rose from  the leg of Stuart’s suit.   He was a good MTF Operative, but the youngest  and least experienced member of the team.   His suit must have been somehow  damaged during transit, and now,   he was compromised. He shared a haunted glance  with McGrath and his fellow team members, knowing   that his part of the mission, and his life,  was about to come to a swift and violent end. Alarms rang out across the facility. A huge  team of armed operatives, all wearing Class   VI BNC suits, charged into the room. Stuart was  grabbed and manhandled out of the 006 spring,   while his fellow team members sealed the  containment unit and continued their mission.   There was no time to stop, rest, or mourn.  Completing the mission was the absolute priority. If McGrath understood the protocol  as well as he thought he did,   Stuart would be dragged into a secure room by  the site staff, and locked in with a blast door.   He would look down and notice the floor below  him was a metal grate, caked with ash. His last   thoughts, as the incinerator launches it’s  flames into action, would strangely be that   he was feeling the healthiest he’d been in  years. But that wouldn’t stop the sudden   furnace around him from decimating his body and  leaving little more than ash and charred bones. Over a decade of loyal MTF  service, ended in an instant.   Stuart would have been terminated. According  to orders from the top, it was all that could   be done for those affected by SCP-006. A  mercy, really, if they were to be believed. McGrath and his team soldiered on. After  retrieving the sample, they were hurried back to   their inception point: One of the many classified  bases occupied by the O5 Council members.   While DiMaggio and Bennett were ushered off  to be given amnestic treatment, McGrath would   personally get to see the containment unit and its  precious cargo make the final leg of the journey. He was going to be granted access to O5-2,  the person this had all been in service of.   Commander McGrath approached the  secure quarters of the Council member,   escorted by a bevy of heavily  armed security personnel. The doors opened, and he saw her there, O5-2.  Bedridden, laying at the center of a grand web   of life-saving technology. She was beyond  old and decrepit - Commander McGrath could   see the centuries she’d endured written deeply  in the wrinkles and scars of her ancient face.   She didn’t look like one of the most powerful  people in the world, she looked like one of   the most feeble. Her eyes lit up when McGrath  entered the room holding the containment unit. She beckoned him closer, until he was close  enough for her to take the containment unit   from him with scarred, trembling hands. McGrath  watched in horror, as she disengaged the lid,   and swigged down the entirety of its contents. But wasn’t the water toxic? He thought. McGrath had been fed the same lie as everybody  else. The Foundation didn’t keep 006 such a   well-guarded secret because it was capable of  bringing death. Quite the opposite, in fact. All Commander McGrath could do was stare,  awestruck, as the years seemed to fall from O5-2’s   face. Decades and decades and decades. Scars  faded. Wrinkles disappeared. Little by little,   O5-2 began to sit, and then stand. By the time  she was straightening her clothes, she looked   like a healthy woman in her mid-forties.  It was a complete and total transformation. The liquid of SCP-006 has a plethora of benefits  to human subjects: the ability to regenerate   damaged DNA, by heightened excitement of cellular  duplication, and producing a frightening increase   in the effectiveness of the human immune system.  Even upon testing the liquid on animal subjects,   hostile bacteria and viral agents  were destroyed immediately. Members of the O5 Council are experts at cheating  death, and SCP-006 is just another ace hidden up   their sleeve in that endless battle against  the reaper. A secret so well-guarded that   they’re willing to terminate even their most loyal  servants to keep it safe. After all, if everyone   knew about it, everyone would want it, and the  O5 Council are very invested in exclusivity. Never normally one to rise above his station,  Commander McGrath couldn’t help blurt out,   “But...if it was all a lie...Private Stuart…” “Is perfectly alive. All smoke and mirrors, you  see. And like everyone who works a 006 mission,   he won’t remember a thing. Good work, Commander  McGrath,” O5-2, now in perfect health, replied.   “Now return to your post, after a visit to our  boys in Amnestics. There’s still plenty to be   done, and we can’t afford to dilly-dally.  After all, you’re not getting any younger…” Now go check out “Secret Group that Runs the World  - SCP O5 Council Explained” and “How to Work at   the SCP Foundation Explained” for more of the  SCP Foundation’s most classified inner workings!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 556,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-006, scp 006, scp006, fountain of youth, scp fountain of youth
Id: UtOSvXdJEzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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