SCP-001 - YOU Are The Anomaly

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The SCP Foundation has faced a number of wide,  potentially apocalyptic threats in its mission   to uphold normalcy and save humanity. We know the  SCP Foundation could be ruthless in this mission,   the events of SCP-5000 before Agent Pietro  restarted the universe show what happens when   the Foundation is pushed to its final decisions  regarding normalcy being upheld. In SCP-5000,   it seems that the SCP Foundation decided to cease  research further into the anomaly they needed to   neutralize, but what would have happened if they  didn’t? In any case, we know the SCP Foundation is   dedicated to normalcy and the containment of  the anomalous, but what happens when the SCP   Foundation is faced with a dire decision:  uphold normalcy or destroy their universe. The multiverse is a concept in science fiction  that has gained mass amounts of popularity over   recent years, especially recently, thanks to a  certain wall-crawler’s movie. Multiverses are   parallel universes that are similar or extremely  different from the main ones. Scientists have   pondered over the existence of a multiverse for  hundreds of years, with the most popular being the   Many Worlds Interpretation, a theory of quantum  mechanics that states there are many worlds that   exist in parallel at the same space and time as  our own. Some interpretations even state that   every decision a person makes causes a branch in  reality, where the person made the other decision. We’re familiar with the SCP Foundation’s run-ins  with the multiverse, from SCP-2935: O, Death, a   cave that allows the wanderer to enter a parallel  dimension that’s fully and completely dead   only for the same thing to happen to their  world once they return through the cave,   or SCP-1437, a hole that allows  the Foundation to send, receive,   and read parallel dimensional documentation  from other, multiversal SCP Foundations. Combine those two concepts with an SCP-001  proposal. The importance of an SCP-001 proposal   is not lost on the Foundation. Researchers of  the SCP Foundation save the SCP-001 slot for only   the most dangerous, apocalyptic, or widespread  anomalies that could affect the Foundation itself,   humanity, and normalcy. Arbelict’s SCP-001  Proposal and the research within its file found   the answer to the question we posed above, when  the SCP Foundation is faced with a dire decision,   do they uphold normalcy or destroy their  universe and all the people who live in it? The file begins somewhat different from  what we’re used to with SCP Foundation   files. Instead of an item number or containment  procedures, we begin with a yellow notice from   The Records And Information Security  Administration, or RAISA for short.  The notice states that the following file was  received in 2026 from dimension R-42. Is dimension   R-42 potentially the cause of SCP-001? Could they  be attacking this version of the SCP Foundation? The notice continues with a description  of the file that follows it,   it states the file below describes an anomaly  threatening all members of humankind in all of   the multiverse. This file had been emitted to this  version of the SCP Foundation for 8 minutes as an   extremely dangerous congitohazard, classified  as a class 5 cognitohazard capable of easily   destabilizing and penetrating this universe,  however, it was found to not be dangerous,   only reading as a danger level 0. While this  Foundation was unable to quickly counteract   this cognitohazard, it appeared to not pose a  threat to the affected universe’s humankind. Part of this notice is crossed out,  indicating that it is no longer true: “There is a high threat of  repeated cognitohazardous   or other forms of attack from dimension R-42” Instead, this part has been  replaced with the following fact: “dimension R-42 no longer exists.” Did that version’s SCP Foundation fall  to SCP-001? Their entire universe no   longer exists, so perhaps, this file that  this dimension’s SCP Foundation received   could be a potential warning. Under this RAISA notice,   the reader is not greeted with the standard  Foundation documentation yet again. Instead,   it seems that the original senders of this file  left a note for the readers of this file. It says “Greetings. You are reading this  dossier in a paradimension of   the relict dimension R-42. Due to the  colossal size of your world's address,   for your convenience, your dimension  will be hereafter referred to as "PD".” Paradimensions? It seems as though we’re reading  this SCP-001 file through the eyes of the SCP   Foundation in this so-called Paradimension, so if  the original SCP Foundation and their universe,   R-42, is now destroyed,  what does this mean for us? The note continues: “The following message has been constructed by  the SCP Foundation of the relict dimension R-42   and is addressed to the SCP  Foundation of paradimension PD.   Enclosed you will find information about  SCP-001, which is a threat to the multiverse.” Here we go, SCP-001 is definitely  the cause of R-42’s destruction.   But how can we be sure of this? Maybe SCP-001  caused the Foundation to destroy their universe? The note also includes the following statement: “As you may have noticed, this message was  preceded by a burst signal containing a   non-dangerous cognitohazard. The burst signal was  constructed in such a way that minimal change to   the signal would have caused indiscriminate and  overwhelming casualties among the denizens of PD.   As you can see, R-42 is capable of eliminating  the absolute majority of PD denizens but has not   exercised this capability. In the context above,  we ask you to consider this action not as an act   of aggression, but as a demonstration of the  fact that R-42 has no pretension for conquest   or other forms of aggression towards PD.  Take the following information in earnest.” Well, at least this version of the SCP  Foundation is being someone friendly with   the paradimension. If R-42’s SCP Foundation  needs to quell this multiversal threat though,   why are they leaving it up to an SCP  Foundation that may not be so inclined? The SCP-001 file begins with the object  class. This anomaly is of the joint class   of Paradox-Apollyon. We know from SCP-001 When Day  Breaks or SCP-3999 that Apollyon class anomalies   are extremely dangerous, posing an immediate  and almost unstoppable threat to normalcy,   the SCP Foundation, all of humanity, or even the  universe itself. The paradox part is interesting.   What exactly is paradoxical about an Apollyon  class anomaly? A footnote explains this for us: “This anomaly's distinguishing feature is that,   in order to eliminate the anomaly that  will inevitably eliminate mankind,   it is imperative to eliminate mankind  or release another K-Class Event.” Oh boy. It seems that the SCP Foundation  of R-42 was not eliminated by SCP-001,   they eliminated themselves to contain SCP-001. Is  this paradimension faced with this decision now? The containment procedures of the SCP  file continue on this note. The only   way to contain SCP-001 and prevent a ZK-Class  cross-reality failure event is the annihilation   of humankind. K Class scenarios are not a  concept used lightly by the SCP Foundation.   We’re familar with the Omega K class  scenario where we are completely rid of death   or XK-Class End of the World scenarios, so we  know the danger these anomalies hold to humankind,   normalcy, and the world. The SCP Foundation  will do anything to prevent these scenarios   from occurring, apparently even including the  elimination of all humankind or entire universes.  The description goes more in-depth on the  SCP-001 anomaly. SCP-001 consists of all   living members of the Homo sapiens species living  within dimension R-42 and the Paradimension,   or PD for short. It seems as though this anomaly  was created out of a mistake from dimension   R-42 and PD, as the description states  “The anomaly first came into existence   and developed in the relict dimension R-42,  and later activated in PD by accident.”   How could this have happened? Are these dimensions  linked much more closely than we first thought?   Let’s continue with the description  to find more information. Scarily,   this portion of the description contains a  note that states that unchecked growth of   SCP-001 will cause the annihilation of the entire  multiverse. The SCP Foundations of dimensions R-42   and PD are not met with this decision,  as now the entire multiverse is at risk. The R-42 SCP Foundation has done immense  research on the topic of the multiverse   of their universe. After the Big Bang a  finite number of universes were created,   only 57 to be exact. However, only one dimension  was able to form humanity, dimension R-42,   and it is unknown why this happened, but all  we know is that with the destruction of R-42   and the potential annihilation of PD, humanity  will cease to exist in the multiverse. The danger of SCP-001 is that it has the  anomalous capability for wide-scale replication   of paradimensions. We are reading this article  from one of these paradimensions, so this SCP   Foundation is technically an anomaly that must  contain itself. A paradimension is defined as a   parallel reality that has an extremely small  deviation from its parent dimension, in this   case PD is a paradimension of R-42. It seems that  these paradimensions form as a result of human   decision making. So if you’ve ever been between a  type of shirt to buy or were confused on an exam   and guessed a question, a paradimension could have  formed from this decision, where the paradimension   has you take the other choice. Because of this,  dimensions housing living instances of SCP-001   uncontrollably "grow" a colossal number of  minimally differing paradimensions every second.   No sign of paradimensions have been  found in the other 56 parent dimensions. The picture on this file shows  how PD has branched from R-42,  but at this point, it seems that millions if  not billions or trillions of paradimensions now   exist. The real problem of Paradimensions is  that the multiverse has a limit on the number   of paradimensions that can exist, and once  this is crossed, the ZK-Class cross-reality   failure event will begin and the multiverse  will be destroyed. The R-42 dimension’s SCP   Foundation has also discovered that once  humankind emerges in the paradimension,   they can begin to have paradimensions  themselves. The ZK-Class cross-reality   failure event can be expected to begin between 4  to 2 months from the PD receiving this message. To summarize, SCP-001 is humankind,  specifically its decision-making.   When a person makes a decision, a paradimension  may be created. The multiverse has a limit on   the number of paradimensions it can have, and  since paradimensions can have paradimensions,   they are quickly approaching this  ZK-Class cross-reality failure event. The SCP Foundation of R-42 is approximately  17 years ahead of PD, which allowed them to   research and develop containment procedures to  contain the anomaly and save the multiverse. R-42’s SCP Foundation discovered SCP-001  five years before writing the file we’re   reading now. And from that, they developed  two Operations: "Castling" and "Minimal Gain"   to slow paradimension creation and prevent  the ZK-Class cross-reality failure event. In stage one of Operation Minimal Gain,  the Foundation began with neutralizing and   decommissioning all of their contained anomalies  under the classification of Euclid or Keter,   specifically those that were expensive to  contain or required high levels of personnel   and researchers. Stage Two saw  Operation Castling be commenced,   the R-42 SCP Foundation launched rockets with  "Variant C-Global" amnestic-dispersing warheads,   took control of all countries in order to  hold power over all humankind. In Stage 3,   the Foundation began to move their  world to a more natural state,   destroying all hazardous radioactive, chemical  and bacteriological objects, removing dams,   and stopping oil extractions. During Stage three,  Stage Four began. The R-42 SCP Foundation began   eliminating humanity in third-world countries by  use of viral and biological attacks. Stage Five   was a wider spread attack on humanity, where the  SCP Foundation added deactivation-resistant viral   agents to water treatment and collection plants,  food products, medications, and household items   of developed countries. By Stage Six, only 0.1%  of humanity remained and they were targetted with   drone strikes or put into concentration camps  for elimination. Stage Seven: of the remaining   survivors the Foundation sampled them to find  the fittest of those left to preserve humankind.   Stage Eight saw 15,000 of these people put into an  indefinite cryosleep and the remaining survivors   were eliminated. Stage Nine saw the destruction  of the remaining SCP Foundation personnel. We move on to a list of proposals that were  made before or during Operations "Castling"   and "Minimal Gain". Proposals rejected include,  the use of SCP-objects or other technologies to   eliminate derivative dimensions, the  development of nanorobots with the   capability to control human decision-making  capabilities and eliminate variability,   full replacement of humanity with bionic hybrids  acting explicitly within standard behavioral   models, unification of humanity into a neural  network with control given to an AI control unit,   and the destruction of Earth and/or all of its  inhabitants. While most of these seem like clear   solutions that would prevent the elimination  of humanity at the SCP Foundation’s hand,   these proposals were all rejected for one reason:  The SCP Foundation did not have enough time. One proposal was accepted, however, the use  of SCP-0000. This appears to be the solution   the R-42 SCP Foundation concocted to fight  SCP-001 and potentially save the multiverse.   It poses the question, if the R-42 SCP  Foundation used this anomaly to contain SCP-001,   as proven by the fact they no  longer exist, will PD do the same? The file explains that the R-42 SCP Foundation  opened a dimensional wormhole into PD, as they   did not know at the time if paradimensions could  cause the creation of more paradimensions. In   doing this, the SCP Foundation seemingly infected  PD with the ability to create paradimensions. The   author of this file goes on to explain that  the R-42 SCP Foundation had plans to attack PD   and use Operations "Castling" and  "Minimal Gain" in the dimension,   however, they could not access the dimension again  and they believed that the Foundation personnel   of PD would have made use of Thaumiel class  anomalies to save themselves and their world. A note from R-42’s Overseer Council is left for  PD. If the Apollyon designation was not enough,   the Overseer council is involved.  The importance of the neutralization   of this anomaly can not be forgotten,  so the Overseer Council explain to PD: “The world has existed before us and must remain  after us. Our multiverse is ill, and the name of   the illness is humanity, SCP-001. The only way out  is SCP-0000. We'll cease to become a threat with   its help. It is in our power to leave a chance  for other sapient species that, perhaps, will   not be afflicted by the same anomaly, or will find  a way to get rid of it before it's too late. We,   the O5 Council and other survivors from R-42, have  chosen our fate. We hope you will do the same.” What is this SCP-0000? How did the SCP  Foundation of R-42 find this solution? The file for SCP-0000 is placed within this  SCP-001 file. SCP-0000 is a Paradox-Thaumiel   class anomaly without any containment  procedures. SCP-0000 is a device that,   once activated, will destroy the  universe it was activated in.   It will also destroy all paradimensions  that are not creating other paradimensions.   As such, PD would not be destroyed, however the  billions or trillions of other paradimensions   the R-42 parent dimension created will be  destroyed. PD is left with this harrowing   decision to continue living, or destroy  itself to save the rest of the multiverse. In the file, a note from R-42’s Joan Simpson is  written for an SCP Foundation Overseer, O5-1.   As part of Operations "Castling" and "Minimal  Gain", the remaining Foundation employees were   allowed one family member to uphold morale. Joan  is not writing for R-42’s O5-1, instead, she’s   writing for PD’s O5-1, this dimension’s version  of her father. She begins with wondering whether   she can call this version of O5-1 her father, as  her version of her father recently passed away. She remembers the day the Foundation employees  were allowed to choose the one family member   they would save for the time being. Her father  was opposed to allowing two family members,   as he claimed it would cause unnecessary  stress and schisms among the remaining   few-hundred Foundation staff. O5-1 chose to  have Joan over her mother and she understood   everything by the look in his eyes, and grew  angry, but that feeling is long gone now.   She began to work with her father and  the remaining Foundation personnel   that called themselves hostages behind  the backs of those higher up the ranks. On days she felt sad, Joan and her father would  go up to the surface of the Earth in hazmat suits,   sitting on the grass and watching over the empty  city at the bottom of the mountain. No humanity   remained, with the only life she could see being  birds. Her father promised her that they’d return   there and build a giant monument to humanity at  the center of the city. She knew this was a lie. Joan remembers when someone proposed  that they should open a portal,   the one that opened to PD. This was their fatal  mistake, as after that the paradimension began   replicating paradimensions. The countdown  went down to months again and the promise   he made to his daughter became impossible.  O5-1 died and left the position vacant. Joan says to the PD’s O5-1 that she doesn’t  care whether they destroy their world or not   or whether the universe will continue to  exist or if there will be new life in it.   Her world was crushed long ago. The note also reads the following: “It's good that this message is encrypted with  your key, that was passed on to me - or these   lines would've been deleted. Everyone wants  to save the world. But who needs it like this?   Empty and cold. Without those to  appreciate its beauty. Without humanity.” “Do whatever you think is right.” “I truly feel better now.” “Love you. Faithfully yours, Joan Simpson.” We’re not too sure if PD went through with  destroying their universe to save the multiverse,   but it seems that whatever decision was made  would cause the destruction of that universe,   whether that be through the use of SCP-0000  or the ZK-Class cross-reality failure event,   humanity will cease. But maybe if they make  the decision to use SCP-0000, sapient life   can begin to exist again, and hopefully, no  paradimensions will be made from their decisions. Decisions are an extremely innate part of  humanity. You decided to get out of bed this   morning. You decided to open up your computer or  phone, and you decided to watch this video. Who   knows the amount of paradimensions we may have  created today, but in our world, we’re not at   risk, but in the SCP Foundation’s universe,  anything can be anomalous, even humanity. Now go check out “SCP-507 -  Reluctant Dimension Hopper”   and “SCP-2935 - O, Death” for more  Multiverse madness and explanations!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 398,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-001, scp 001, scp001, apollyon, paradox apollyon, apollyon scp, apollyon class, apollyon class scp
Id: ozj-ZZMXP0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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