SCP-001 - Plague Doctor Teams with Dr Bright - SCP-035 Ruins Everything!

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The Plague Doctor had seen a great deal of death in his time. It was the very nature of the work he devoted his life to. Patients were lost on the operating table or taken from him, soldiers fell on the battlefield right before his eyes, even the simple touch of his hand could stop a person's heart. He had watched the world outside turn to hell as the sun destroyed every living thing that wandered into its beams of accursed light. But somehow, even after all that he had witnessed, this latest loss weighed heavy on his heart. He hadn't known Fernand well, or worked with him for very long, but he had offered comfort and support in a time when all seemed lost. The giant man had been steadfast, loyal, and dedicated to the cause. So devoted, in fact, that he gave his very life for it. It was Fernand's choice to go that way, to roll the dice and risk his body for the sake of the Doctor's work. He knew that, and yet...the pain pressed down on him like a dark ocean, uncharted waters that threatened to drown the Doctor in a grief he had never felt before. He knew that the work was waiting, he could hear the cries of the fleshy creatures oozing by outside, waiting to be cured of their ailment. Still, he could not pull himself out from beneath the blanket of deep depression that weighed him down. All day, he would lie in his bed, a cot formerly reserved for D-Class prisoners, staring up at the ceiling and feeling the minutes tick by. Eventually it all began to blur together, with no need to eat, drink, or even sleep, there was nothing to break up the passage of time. "Doctor?" The Plague Doctor lifted his head for the first time in a long time at the sound of a voice coming from the doorway. There stood Lord Blackwood, the dapper gentleman sea slug. His rhinophores twitched curiously as he slithered into the room. "Hello my friend..." The Doctor sighed. "I say, I've been a bit worried about you old chap!" Lord Blackwood said. "We haven't seen you in quite some time! Not since the untimely loss of our dear comrade Fernand." "I confess I am finding it hard to carry on. Does it not seem hopeless? To continue the fight against the forces out there? How could I be so arrogant, to think I could do battle with the sun itself?" The Plague Doctor rested his head in his gloved hands. "Balderdash!" Lord Blackwood shouted. The Doctor looked up at him, startled. "Forgive my outburst, old sport, but that is the grief speaking through you. As intelligent men we must honor our feelings, as they are parts of us, but they cannot be our rulers! As the great poet William Ernest Henley once wrote: 'It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.'" "Stirring words, and yet..." The Doctor trailed off. "And yet what?!" Lord Blackwood seemed to swell with emotion. "We find ourselves in dire times, yes, but what are we to do in the face of them? Roll over, show our bellies, and embrace defeat? Not I, sir! Never I. I don't believe you should either. Would Fernand have wanted you to let yourself be lost this way?" The Plague Doctor sat with that thought for a moment. Then, solemnly, he shook his head. "No, he wouldn't." "Then we shall rally! Pick yourself up, come with me, and in the memory of our fallen friend we will sing a happy tune, as he would have! We mourn, we celebrate his life, and then, as we always have, we do what needs to be done! Come with me, Doctor." The sea slug led the way, and, though he still felt the call of the void tugging at his heels, the Doctor Followed. Dimly, he could hear Lord Blackwood ask, "Are you familiar with the works of Gilbert and Sullivan?" The Plague Doctor was not, in fact, familiar with them, so he could not join in as Lord Blackwood attempted to lead him in a chorus of "I am the very model of a modern Major-General." Still, the sound of music, of any kind of joyful noise, lifted his spirits just the same. The two spent several hours together, swapping old stories, singing songs, and remembering Fernand, the lovable cannibal. At one point, Lord Blackwood brought out a tankard of home-brewed ale he had been working on in one of the empty laboratories. It smelled strange, and tasted stranger, but it was still nice to share a drink with a companion after so much hardship. Eventually, Lord Blackwood passed out, flopped over on his side and snoring softly. The Doctor leaned against a wall nearby, resting his eyes for the first time in many, many days. It wasn't happiness, not quite, but it was a kind of peace, and a welcome reprieve from the torturous thoughts that had gripped him as of late. But the peace did not last, as the Doctor began to hear sounds from within the tunnel, the passage that led somewhere deep beneath the Foundation Site. He could hear footsteps, muffled voices, creeping ever closer. They did not sound like the fleshy monster who had invaded the facility before, but he could not be certain if they were friend or foe. He scrambled to his feet, prepared to defend himself if necessary. "Lord Blackwood!" He hissed, attempting to rouse his sleeping friend, but the slug continued to snooze away. If the need to retreat arose, he would have to use something to scoop up the sleeping slug and carry him to safety. The Plague Doctor was just picking up a nearby bucket when the first of his unexpected visitors emerged from the darkness. It appeared to be an ordinary human man, wrapped in dark robes that covered his face. His arms were left bare, and glinted in the low light. They appeared to be made of metal, though the Doctor did not recognize the kind. He removed his robes to reveal a deeply tanned face, black hair, and piercing blue eyes. There was an arcane symbol carved into the man's forehead, just above the gaze that now fell on the Plague Doctor. A beat of silence passed between the two men, before the Doctor finally spoke up. "Please, sir, identify yourself." The strange man stared at him curiously, not quite knowing what to make of him. "My name is Cain. And who are you?" He asked. "I am a doctor," He answered simply. "How did you find this place?" "I had some help..." At this, Cain glanced over his shoulder, to unseen companions waiting in the shadows. "It's safe here! You can come out!" As the Plague Doctor watched, three more figures emerged from the tunnel. First, a man wearing a kind of light-blocking HazMat suit. He removed the suit slowly, exposing blond hair, green eyes, a tattered brightly-colored t-shirt, and cargo shorts. The man that followed just behind him was wearing a similar suit, and removed it to reveal a lab coat and an unusual necklace hanging around his neck. The final visitor was not a man at all, but a large mass of slime. At first, the Plague Doctor felt a shock of anxiety, but at a second glance, he recognized the slimy creature. It was SCP-999, the friendly being that often roamed the halls of this very site! It cooed excitedly at the sight of the Doctor. Though it knew not to touch him, its pseudopods wiggled in a gesture resembling a wave "hello." "Yes, hello, my friend!" The Plague Doctor smiled "But who are the rest of you?" His eyes settled again on the amulet around the third man's neck. He had seen it somewhere before... "Ah! Dr. Bright, I presume? I'm afraid I did not recognize you with this new face." Dr. Bright grinned broadly. "Yep! It's me! A little apocalypse can't keep Dr. Bright down. Good to see you again, Doctor. This is SCP-507." He gestured to the blond man. "You can call me Guy." He stuck out his hand to shake, but the Doctor shook his head. "It would be best if I did not. But, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." "And you've already met SCP-073, Cain," Dr. Bright nodded to the man with metal arms. "Of course, this little guy needs no introduction." He patted SCP-999, which wrapped its pseudopods around his hand and gave it a friendly squeeze. "I had him with me at Site-17 for some cross-testing when everything went to hell. Good thing, too. Never needed an emotional support slime more in my life." "Dr. Bright was in a room near mine when the alarms began to sound," Cain explained. "As soon as it became clear something truly disastrous was happening, we retreated underground with as many supplies and survivors as we could." "And where were you?" The Plague Doctor asked Guy. "I was out of town." Guy grinned at his own joke. "I popped into a forest dimension. Like the Amazon, but it went on forever. It was beautiful, but the mosquitos were the size of my head, and I couldn't wait to get back. When I did, though...everyone was gone. Nothing but the alarm going off over and over and over again. Luckily this guy," he patted Cain on the back, "found me before those melty things outside did." "Ah, those who have succumbed to the sun sickness. I know them well." The Plague Doctor's face fell. "We lost a member of our party to them not very long ago." "I'm sorry for your loss," Cain said, and his face made it clear that he really meant it. "We have supplies, if you need them." He pulled a small cart from the tunnel. "Generators, food, clean water, weapons. We're happy to share in exchange for shelter here." "I thought we agreed I was the leader?" Dr. Bright piped up. "There are no leaders in a time like this, only survivors," Cain said solemnly. "But you got to walk at the front." Dr. Bright pouted. "Thank you. All of you." The Plague Doctor's heart swelled with gratitude at the gesture, at the knowledge that there were still allies in this nightmarish world. "Doctor, are we having company?" Lord Blackwood awoke behind him. "Yes, my friend, it appears we are." The next few weeks passed comfortably, almost joyfully, a far cry from the gray fog of sadness that had lingered in the aftermath of Fernand's passing. SCP-999, Guy, Cain, and Dr. Bright brought new life into the facility, lighting it up both figuratively and literally, with the help of the generators they had brought. Dr. Bright had plans to set up additional power sources, and devoted his time to experimenting with anomalous materials he had managed to recover from storage. He also offered his services to the Plague Doctor as a new assistant, someone to help him find a cure for the plague that raged on outside their walls. Cain promised to make supply runs, insisting that his metal limbs made him less vulnerable to the effects of the deadly light's beams. He still covered his skin with the thick robes whenever he went outside, however. "I'm not sure if it would take me or not, but that's not a chance I'm willing to take," He had said. Meanwhile, Guy entertained the group by reciting the plots of his favorite movies, tv shows, and comics. He had joined Lord Blackwood as one of the de facto storytellers of their new little band of survivors. Perhaps, the Plague Doctor thought, they would find some kind of happiness here. Perhaps things really would be alright after all. Meanwhile, out in the nightmarescape beneath the transformed sun, a wicked mask was wandering the land in search of a new host. Its artificial body had begun to corrode, to rust and decay beneath the torrent of black sludge always pouring from its mouth and eyes. Soon, it would not be able to pilot the structure anymore, and would find itself trapped again, waiting for an unsuspecting person to come along and put it on. In the current climate, the odds of a human happening upon the mask were lower than ever, and, though it would never admit this out loud, the mask was beginning to get a little bit nervous. Perhaps it should head back to the Site, try to make nice with the Plague Doctor, and see if he would offer some assistance...? No, that would be pathetic. Seeking help from someone so low, so wretched. It would manage fine all on its own. Still, as its rickety mannequin legs creaked, cracking and splitting apart with every step, the mask knew it had to move fast, and think even faster. If only it could find a weapon, some kind of leverage. It could return to the Site and force the Doctor to become its next host. As the mask pondered its options, its gaze fell on one of the fleshy beasts, oozing across the ground in search of more people to pull into its molten embrace. The creatures ignored the mask for the most part, knowing it was inorganic and impossible to convert. But, the mask suddenly thought, could it perhaps convert one of them? Would its consciousness be strong enough to override the hive mind the monsters all seemed to share? The mask had overcome the will of kings, of heroes and villains alike. Surely it could take on one of these simple lumps of goo. The flesh creature moved slowly, a little bit at a time. It had all the time in the world, the mask supposed. Or at least, it believed it did. As the mask snuck up behind the creature, its expression changed from a frown to a nasty smile. It reached up toward itself, angling just right. It would have to land perfectly for this to work, but it knew it could stick the landing. Anywhere on the thing should work. After all, it didn't have a face. For this particular beast, time had run out, and it was time for the mask to take its body for a spin. Then, it would pay a visit to its old nemesis... Back at the Site, the Plague Doctor was having an intense discussion with Dr. Bright about all that each man had witnessed so far. Dr. Bright listened with fascination as the Plague Doctor described his attempt to treat one of the infected humans, the invasion of the massive flesh beast that had taken the human survivors right before his eyes, and Fernand's noble sacrifice to save their shelter from destruction. Dr. Bright, in turn, told of his own trials: the difficulty getting into the tunnels, the retrieval of Guy before he was lured outside by the creatures, and his mission to rescue as much research as possible before setting out to find a safe place to hide. Sadly, it seemed that the SCP Foundation knew even less about how to counter the effects of the sun than the Plague Doctor did. Still, two heads were always better than one, and an extra set of hands to help with the work would certainly speed the process along. For the first time since Fernand was lost, the Doctor felt some kind of hope. "All we need to do now," the Plague Doctor said, "is procure another test subject. This will, of course, be rather difficult, as it is perilous to venture outside. Perhaps we could appoint some manner of...task force?" Dr. Bright nodded. "We could try that. Cain's done pretty well going out there so far, maybe he can bring us back something next time he goes out for supplies?" The Plague Doctor opened his mouth to agree, but before he could say another word, he heard something knocking against the window. This particular window had been treated to filter out the deadly light some time ago, seemingly by accident, when the Foundation was making the glass resistant to other forms of attack. Through its tinted glass, the Doctor could make out a strikingly familiar face: the porcelain mask with the permanent smile, staring in at him. "Hello, Doctor." The mask laughed, black slime pouring from its mouth with a gurgling sound. "Villain!" The Plague Doctor spat. "What do you want from me?" "Why must you assume I want something from you? Perhaps I've just come by to pay you a friendly visit." The mask's voice was smug, gloating. "Because you, sir, are no friend of mine." The Plague Doctor crossed his arms defensively. "Oh, you have guests, I see! Dr. Bright, I'm surprised you made it this far." The Mask cackled at the sight of the man. "Should have known you'd make it. I've heard cockroaches can survive anything," Dr. Bright shot back. "Have you come here to trade verbal blows?" The Plague Doctor asked. "Or with a true purpose in mind?" "Why, Doctor, I came here to visit you. And to show you something wonderful." Though it was impossible, the mask's grin seemed to widen. "What could you possibly have to show me?" The Plague Doctor was growing irritated, tired of the mask's games. "My new body, of course. Silly me, you can't see it when I stand this close. Let me just back away and give you a better look..." With a horrible squelching sound, the mask's face retreated from the window. Before the doctors could even stop to ask one another what it might be, the terrifying answer was right in front of their faces. The mask was not piloting an ordinary bipedal host, but rather had positioned itself somehow on the top of a massive mound of gelatinous flesh. It was one of the enormous beasts that had previously tried to invade through the tunnel, the amalgamation of dozens of melted people, stuck together into a roving ball of molten skin, bone, and muscle. "Do you like it?" The mask asked. "I've been building it for days. It started small, you see, just one person- though I could scarcely call it one anymore. So warped and pathetic. Sad. I could just cry." The mask flickered to a frowning face, just for a moment, and then the smile was back. "But I won't. It was so easy to drop myself right onto the thing, and before I knew it I had a lovely new vessel, so malleable, so indestructible, and so very easy to expand. So simple to just..." It flexed one of its tentacles here. "Snatch up anything I see, pull it out into the light, and let it become a part of me. Not that anything has a choice." "You're a monster!" Dr. Bright exclaimed. "Yes, isn't it marvelous?" The mask tossed its head back with a cackle. "And I haven't even told you the best part yet. I'm not finished growing, you see. I need more, always more...and you two, and whatever sad, silly little creatures you have in there with you, will make the perfect addition. I've been waiting for the opportune moment, and I think now is a perfect time, don't you agree?" "You'll be waiting a long time." Dr. Bright said. "We will never go outside, devil!" The Plague Doctor added. "That is perfectly fine, gentleman. Perfectly fine. I'll just come to you." The mask leaned back, and, with all of its might, threw its massive body against the wall with a crash. The building shook with the impact, rattling from the blow. "Can it break through?" Dr. Bright asked, wide-eyed. "I'm afraid I cannot say for certain," The Plague Doctor said solemnly. "These monsters...they are unlike anything I have ever studied before." "Same," Dr. Bright grimaced. All the while, the mask continued its assault on their hiding place. As it collided with the wall again and again, the two doctors heard a sound that made their stomachs drop: the sound of something splintering apart. It was working. The wall was beginning to give way. "Dr. Bright!" The Plague Doctor cried. "We must retreat. Do you know of a safe place to which we can flee?" "I think I just might." Dr. Bright nodded. "Quickly, gather the others! We have no time to waste!" Dr. Bright and the Plague Doctor assembled the rest of their ragtag group: Cain was engaged in a lengthy conversation with Guy while SCP-999 played with a wind-up toy car it had found. Lord Blackwood was brewing another batch of his unusual ale. They were all shocked at the news of the sudden invasion, but as fast as they could, they gathered their supplies, a few weapons, and the remaining generators. Then, they headed back into the tunnels, but not before Cain made one final defensive move. Using his anomalous strength, he dragged an enormous steel cabinet in front of the entrance, blocking it from view. If the mask did break in, hopefully, it would not be able to see where they had gone. Then, together, they left the little slice of familiarity they had carved out in this frightening new world and set off into the unknown. Now go check out “When Day Breaks SCP-049” and “SCP-001 - Can SCP-049 Finally Cure When Day Breaks?” for the first two parts of this epic tale!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 375,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-049, scp 049, scp049, scp-001, scp 001, scp001, when day breaks, scp when day breaks, plague doctor, scp plague doctor
Id: I9uz5RVY8Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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