Scottish River Fishing Adventure | RodTrip Ep1 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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boys I'm going in tell me Mrs oliv we over 30,000 species of fish worldwide from the tiny minnow to enormous sharks fishing offers a plethora of opportunity what a weapon of a fish and with a world champion and team England Allstar like trying to get our L out of bed multiple competition winning fishing fanatic big old mouth on him byebye on a hunt to catch some of them you're joking with help along the way these piscatorial Pioneers that is a fish I'm getting bit to death must be because of taste good take on a global fishing rod trip whether you're an experienced angler or complete novice Scotland's varied Landscapes and abundant water make it a prime destination for the boys to start their Adventure you two done much in Scotland before fishing wise no uh no it's new to us all so none of the boys have fished Scotland before this is going to go well the first stop on the journey is the river nith to catch one of the best looking fish in Britain the gring also known as the lady of the stream these fish are some of the most stunning in the British Isles and a 2 one would be considered an impressive specimen the challenge is on this is a bit more Scottish in it yeah yeah gee despite being a gr in Mecca the river niff is also home to salmon sea trout and brown trout which might provide great sports but are much more aggressive and could muscle their Target out of the swim all right then chaps have you got everything you need I apart from a 2 grin yeah as he got everything he needs look at him we brought the kitchen sink got me Penny on yeah let's go good luck mate keep in touch yeah B mate see you soon catch me a two dinner lady after 7 hours in the van with the boys I'm quite pleased to have a little bit of fresh air and my own space and peace and quiet because let's be honest it was a bit noisy at times and the van did start smelling the farts Matt and Rooney headed Downstream towards the bridge nearly a kilometer away and Dean took the shorter route Upstream he's got like a good Knack of watercraft he'll wander up there and be like that looks good daddy yeah he just sees it though don't he he knows what he's looking fors for it mate livs for it well ladies and gents I think we might have found our first spot from what I can see it looks a bit paer in in a little bit shallower just Upstream but then drops off widens out and just a lot smoother this is a sort of area that you're looking for if you're targeting graving so this is where I'm going in first the idea is to creep out into the stream with a technique called trotting which is a method that involves running a float Downstream in the flow whilst feeding maggots Upstream to attract the gring for this style of fishing you don't need complicated equipment and traveling light is key a 13 ft Rod balanced with a compact reel loaded with 5lb Mainline is a perfect setup a float is attached to the line at approximately the depth of the river below this there is some shot that act as a weight to take the bait to the bottom which is where hopefully the grailing will intercept it course I think the key is Rivers flowing in any maggots that we throw in are going to drift down yeah and we want to make ours that's got the hook in them look as much like the feed as possible that's it so all the mechanical end at the top and doing all the business to make the bottom end look as own natural as possible so Mr maggot yeah can behave like this oh my God oh my God I'm going to end up in a fishes M Mr grins like this I'm going to eat you [Laughter] my as ever Dean was in position first eager to wet a line loads of this River looks beautiful looks perfectly fishable it looks like it should hold a load of fish but you never know until you get a fish whether you're on them or not so you just got to keep working and keep moving wonderful I can think of worst places to be though there oh nice yeah handy that I'm just going to give it a little oh that looks nice tell you what conditions are nice for trotting first run Down's always a bit special isn't it it is and a bit scary at the same time my rig didn't go in the [Music] best oh O Come Baba oh see that that look a bit suspicious didn't it got one finally G and got one no you're joking no never that's what it's called fishing isn't it fish from Dad did you see that little movement yeah that must have been an indication before that must have been a fish before anyway hope it's a gring man oh if it is it's got to be a good he's a big fish it's a gring it's a gring i s it's thin i s it's thin it's a gring oh oh god he's a big he's a big we got a life support unit on that I'm scared that big Rudder on top there so in control of the fight oh look at him he's a nice fish I'm not going to rush this I'm just going to wait for him to be tired just try and keep his head up and then he can't use his big Rudder oh my what a St that's massive look at that for a fish that's like a gr nor bigger they don't look anything like that when they're little look at s and he's thin look at that Rooney has only gone a fluked one on his first cast a gring of 2 is a massive fish and with this one only being a few ounces of3 lb it is enormous look at that for a fish can I just uh yeah do the honors look at that what a weapon of a fish an absolute Warrior of a fish suppose we best uh get her back and uh swap [Music] over that's a fish that's a fish how's that I don't know you know I don't think this is a gring oh my fears of it being a trout is I think that's probably the case look oh it's just come off unlucky Dean better luck next time can I have a couple of grubs for the old hook couple of grubs There You Go sir two redend you caught him on didn't you or her whatever it was yeah hey that was a good fish W it one of the best fish I've ever seen thanks pressure on for me now you you had one cashed one fish you put you got your own Rod out yeah on your own gear you ready you got your yeah happy Come on come let's go about that line yeah yeah about there you just sort of Let Let It Go didn't you just run through nice I don't think your maggots be rolling about as they're going down I think you want to be similar do you know what I mean I don't think you want to be holding back too much but hey that a bite don't know if it was the fish has got no lips now no maggots left on oh that was a bite do you think we've got some fish in our swim I tell you what our watercraft must be amazing yeah better than Maes wonder how he's getting on I'm sort of missing him a bit I'm not something suck me maggot from down there I've never really caught a big I don't know what to do when he look one I watching you thinking you s hang on for d don't you I think so yeah you sort of natural reactions take Tak SP and then you got someone in the background going sorry I'm just [Music] excited don't the male and the female ones have different uh is it called a fin yeah it's the dorsal fin dorsal fin dorsal fin um I think those your maggots yeah they're all right them too not scared this time so the the male ones have a taller dorsal fin yeah and it's shorter isn't it ye shorter and taller shorter and taller and the female's got a longer and more rectang flowing rectangle Mal's a bit Square fin females a bit more rectangle learn something new every day don't you good facts lovely facts boys there you go [Music] you you can probably hear me AR thumping at me bloody chest they fight so hard for their size and they also fight really dirty like they twist turn and when you get them in a bit closer they start to jump so they've got that big southing like dorsal fin and they do they sort of they sort of fight a little bit like game or pelagic fish as [Music] well there it is it's a good fish it's a very good fish it's a very good fish it's oh it's in the net that was so ugly I don't care Oh mate this is why we come all the way to Scotland and look at that for a gring the bigger the dorsal fin the more chance it is of a m and that is definitely a cockfish absolutely amazing at 2 4 oz it's another incredible fish as time tick by Matt was still blanking got oh that were on that we on and off that were on and off I'm telling you now I felt it I felt it that were a fish if not it were a rock that felt alive a rock fish maybe that were a fish that I'm telling [Music] you hey what what a place to be though eh beautiful isn't it you know what I like about this kind of fishing as well when I sound like I'm meing excuses but even if you're not catching out it's just nice watching a float go down is it yeah oh it looks cool even I'm enjoying watching the float go down and you're doing it so well I must admit just don't think so fight no [Music] no oh oh oh go on how good is this it's mint isn't it a it mint I don't if it is a grin you know no I thought that was it I thought that was Rod hoger that is a nice trout you know like the colors look at that incredible fish so beautiful aren't they that is very cool nicely held as well very calm isn't it very calm bring him back yeah he won't be calm then watch although a lovely trout it's not the target species but Upstream Dean was in again there you go is that a fish that's a fish I think that's quite big I mean you should like that but I hate it I hate it there it goes Downstream come on you need a bigger net Dino yes look at that as the sun goes down over the hills 2 10 oz of Scottish magic that is incredible what a place absolutely made up with this that is [Music] perfect a stunning way to end the day with mission complete Dean headed Downstream to see how Rooney and Matt had got [Music] on well chaps how's your day been boys I have been a bit of a blanker have you really this perfectly good grailing River have you made it look like there's no grailing I've made it look impossible to be honest with really yeah my feet are cold my fingers are numb my arms aching it ain't been easy though is it no at all no it's been good though I'm ready for a but yeah and a cuddle a big cuddle it is only the start of the adventure true next time on the rod trip the boys head deeper into Scotland to explore the highlands Rooney hooks a monster it's a big old Pike Matt Smiles I'm in the element here a lot I just love him Dean is a ghost they take on more angling challenges byebye in some spectacular places but we one of the rarest fish in the UK that's got a red belly make an appearance it's got a red belly
Channel: Tackle Guru
Views: 32,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Grayling, Scotland, Fly Fishing, Float Fishing, Adventure, River, River Fishing, Matt Godfrey, Adam Rooney, Dean Macey, Stickfloat Fishing, Trout, Grayling Fishing, Trout Fishing, River Nith, Dumfries, Tackle Guru, Guru, Fishing Gurus, Trotting, Rodtrip, Rod Trip, Fishing Rodtrip, Fishing Roadtrip, Fishing in Scotland, Angling, Angling in Scotland, Korda
Id: 5Chn5ximP_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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