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In Today's Episode I want to talk about the TV series Outlander The thing is Scotland Does not Get A very Good airing on Television at all so on the odd Occasion When We do have a Scottish film or TV series. We tend to pay quite a lot of Attention to it but Bizarrely this Series Outlander Took Quite A Long Time before We in Scotland even Got to see it now Of Course This is a Series About Fiction right it's not real but There are some Elements To it Which are Definitely based on facts on facts What Outlander Makes you Realise is About Scotland History of the Clans Now I don't know if Many People know this but? Scottish History in Terms of Clans and What happened to those clans why, They existed why They Broke Up that was not Taught in Scottish Schools Until very Recently and That is Obviously A very great, Shame Because We have got some Fascinating History in Scotland? Really Interesting Story About What Scotland used to be and why That kinda Shaped modern day Scotland and indeed the united Kingdom now The original Idea for the Series Came from Actually a Series of Novels written by Diana Gabaldon Gabaldon I don't know Exactly how you pronounce it but she is from Arizona in America and I think that Fascinating Because I, did defend our Ties with Scotland and America I've Been Talking About This Recently quite a lot Ever Since my trip to America Exploring American values Diana Brought this Series and it's all about this idea of Scottish Clans and A women who goes Back Into the Past I find that Fascinating To be Honest with you guys I do not Read Many Books I am not. A big Book Reader Least of All Fiction Novels I have not Read the books I Also do not Watch much TV Anymore I simply do not have the Time to go Through Watching Series and Things like that I Really Watch Them but This one Caught my attention because of the Scottish Connection and Because everybody Was seeing is Actually Pretty Good The first Thing I want to Say about Outlander as a Scottish Person it is Amazing to See they've Actually Filmed a lot of it in Scotland Now I know a lot of it is Based in Film Studios Around the World and I believe They're Actually Shooting at this very Moment in Time and South Africa But A lot of the Scenes were Actually done in Scotland as it Should be it's A Series all about Scotland and I should Mention by the way since I've Started Watching it I've only Just Made it Through Halfway Through The first Season so no Spoilers Please the Scenery has Been Magical now Obviously Scotland is a beautiful Country Anyway But they Have Really Shown that off With the Filming and that is good they've got People who Have Really Embedded Themselves Into the Scenery and Done A great Job of Showing Scotland to its Full Potential Leoch Castle One of the Main settings Certainly in The Beginning of the Series is actually Doune Castle in Stirlingshire, as a beautiful Castle I passed A few Times I've Never Been Any I do want to know that I've Seen it and in Outlander. the Series is based Around A Woman Called Claire Randall - she is a Nurse in Second World war she Goes on a trip With her Husband to the highlands of Scotland Where She goes and touches some Mysterious Magical Standing Stones and Is Tele-Transported Back in Time 200 Years Earlier to the Time of the Scottish Clans in the Highlands of Scotland and She lands With Mackenzie Clan in Their Land and Leoch Castle Now for what I've Seen I have really liked the plot line I really like the story Developing I think it's great and Most importantly they have used A very very Scottish Cast. This is Really Important for us Scottish People to get Into The Series Paying Particular Attention to Accents We would not be Watching it Nonetheless You Guys Have Been Absolutely Loving this Series and it has Been Great for Scottish Tourism A? tourism. Lot of People Have Travelled Over to Scotland Simply to See the Film Set and I think that's Amazing I might Make this into a bit of a series Maybe I When i go back to Scotland Actually Travel Scotland Like i said I was going to do A couple Months Ago and Go and See all of the Filming Locations for Outlander I love doing roadtrips Around Scotland We Should Definitely do that now here's one? one of the Really Fascinating Battles That go on in Outlander between Scottish Clans and Mackenzie Clan in Their Land and The English Red Court Army who are stationed There I don't know how that is going to Progress But History tells Us it becomes very Bloody and Unfortunately Only One Side Wins i think has Been very Important Though that the story between the two has Been Told Quite Accurately that They very much Disliked each other There was very much A sense of Rape Pillage and Plunderin by the Occupying Redcoat Army and I think it's good that the Series has Actually Showed that Which I should eventually lead to the add leads to the Clearing of the Highlands The Highland Clearances But I do Think it's great that the Outlander Series Has Respected The fact that it was an Occupying british Force in the Scottish Highlands and They Did Some very Bad Things indeed and as I say it's Also good to Use of Scottish casts With good Scottish Accents. Now There Is a couple of Cases and Actors who are Definite not Scottish for example the Actress Lotte Verbeek Don't be I don't know if that's how you pronounce it. Bless her, Lotte Tries her Best Her Accent is Actually not Bad for somebody Who's not Scottish But you Can Clearly Tell she Isn't and I'm not one of the People from Scotland who will Just go on and Harp on About That something That Makes A serious Terrible I actually Think she does a really good Job There will Be People out There who are Scottish People Complaining about that Let's Just put that over There I am not going to be one of Those People Because I think she Does A good Job but I think is Really cool About the series overall it Gives Us A bit of historical Context Into what the Clans were who they? Were the Different Names the tartan's that they used, something a scottish People don't Actually know much about Guys I can't even Stress This Enough and America You Guys are Fascinated by Clans by tartan I think that is Amazing and Incredible that you know so much and are so interested in This Unfortunately We in Scotland We don't know much like this is a learning Experience for a lot of us Myself included But know that I'm Watching the Series it Makes me Actually want to go out There and Learn more About the Scottish clans to Scotch Scottish Tartans Because I think it's Fascinating I wanted to gauge the wider Perception of Scottish People what We actually Think of Outlander Because that is Fascinating so we know that A lot of Americans and People From the Rest of the World Absolutely Love Outlander and That is Amazing it brings a lot of Tourism to Scotland a lot of Interest A lot of Focus Or that kind of Stuff great We love that but What About Scottish People there is A Thread all About Outlander and What Scottish People Think and People do Mention About the good Sides of it the bad Sides of it and the Side of the True gruesome Nature of the british Army are not being Fully Revealed by the Series But that Could Progress One Commentator is A tour guide and a storyteller She Says I am all in Favor of Outlander, I Work as A tour guide in a Scottish castle even Though it Is not a film Location the TV Series and Books up significantly boosted over seas visitors I'd estimate that at least 80% of Visitors from the Usa and Europe are Enthusiastic Outlander fans. That's incredible to hear like Somebody who Actually Works in a Scottish Castle Seeing Boosting Numbers of Tourists to Scotland that is Amazing that's all We want to See More of That Please Another Commentator on The Same Thread I am A scot and I've Read most of the Books and Watch the Series and Have enjoyed it There Are Some irritating Accents in the TV Series That don't even Sound Scottish some of the Locations chosen Team A bit odd? (Falkland) Standing in For Inverness for example the Two are Nothing Alike I must admit i agree With that comment the part where They Choose a little Town near Falkirk Standing in for Inverness, was A bit weird but Nonetheless Sometimes That Just happens you can Always Get A city that you want for A film location to actually Appear to actually be Available Maybe It looks too modern Nowadays Lots of Different Reasons as to why They Didn't Actually Use inverness When in The Series They Were supposed to be There Another Interesting Commentator Here on the Forum he Says I Had Better Declare an Interest I am a member of a jacobite historic Interest Group I enjoyed the first Series of Outlander very Much I took Keen Interest and the Costuming and the Set and Could Find Little Fault Apart from Just About Everyone in kilt Is wearing Rather strange Knee-High Boots so largely We get the scheme of Scottish People reacting in A positive Manner? We like Outlander, I like it as a Scottish Person I really Really Like it i think it's a Brilliant Series and Like The Tiny Little Details that Could be Historically inaccurate with what they Were in The 18th Century Like for me I don't even Matter because I don't know much about Scotland in 18th Century other Than the fact that We had clans They Wore Tartan They Were Groups That Were Eventually Kicked off The Land and Killed and Slaughtered by the British Army I wanted to get A bit more Reaction from Scottish People So I turned to twitter when I have got a lot of Scottish Followers Make sure you guys Follow Me in Twitter as Well if You're not Already so basically I asked them twitter Anybody who is Scottish I want to get your Reaction your Opinion About Outlander and I got a number of Responses Immediately so from Lady of the Jocks really Enjoying it by Just Finishing The first Series Says Had to Watch it after David Cameron insured it wasn't to be Shown Before The Referendum Turns out I like it I think They've Done very Well on Many Respects Shows offer Oppression the Misogyny of the Time Class Structure compliers and Dyers Tom I have Watched Both Series and I love it not all good Comments but Mostly Positive Here's One From... Started it but Found it trite and Patronizing Probably too close Glad it Supports Scottish Tourism though. Some People are Concerned About all the Sexual Violence That Goes on the Rapes and Stuff so that is One Reason why A lot of People haven't Watched it that is Quite A common Thread not everybody likes to Watch that type of Thing and it Is Violent like Scottish history Is violent like you could not Make a Series About Scottish History it Without There being Violence Involved okay Billy McD Says it's a must-See you'll Understand why Cameron intervene for the referendum to have it blocked Till Afterwards Terry Says yes it's Brilliant and more Historically Accurate Than the Little We were Taught in Schools here that Is a point that I've Mentioned We're Not Talking about Scottish Clans all that kind of Stuff very Much in Schools at least I wasn't so like A lot of mixed Opinions There from Scottish People but it's good because it Is Sparking A debate about Scottish ness Scotch History all that kind of stuff Which is A good thing Susan Says I think it's Brilliant Also good to See some History on the Jacobites Love the Scenery to culloden Trip on the Cards Should I think Very Cool Christy Says, oh my god I'm obsessed Onto the Books Amy Says yes I love it I think it's shott Brilliantly and Shows A Lot of Scottish History Which is great a number of Scottish Reactions from my followers and I think Largely it's Positive as a Scottish People, We like it I tell you what my Parents Have Watched it and They Also Really Really Enjoy it so I think from our Scots it's Largely thumbs up So the Makers of Outlander and Obviously to the writer of the original Books great Job it's Amazing to see Scotland being told in more Stories, We are A Nation of Storytellers and it's a story I feel that We should Have Told but it came down to an American to tell it so that's why I want to get more Involved in Scottish Culture History Through the Series on my vlog Thank you very much Guys for Joining in and Make Sure you guys Follow me on twitter and Join in That Conversation Instagram if You've Got it, My Facebook Page all the rest of it I'D love to talk more About This With You Guys About Scottish History, Scottish Clans Jacobites Outlander Let's Talk About Outlander Outlander Is Going to Reappear on our Screens very Soon Scotland. aye. I'll Catch you Guys again Later
Channel: Shaun
Views: 620,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SCOTTISH PEOPLE REACT TO OUTLANDER, outlander, scottish people, scottish accent, outlander scotland, outlander series, oulander season 3, outlander filming locations, scottish people react, scottish, scotland, outlander cast, outlander season 3 spoilers, shaun scotland, shaun, shaunvlog, shaun vlog, shaun vlogger, scottish vloggers, scottish vlogger, scottish youtuber, scottish youtubers, react, reaction, scottish react, scottish reaction
Id: 97Lfag6xTBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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