Scott Pauley: Good News to God's People

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amen well I love the Lord Jesus Christ 37 years ago he changed my life and I praise the Lord for the difference he's made in my heart I'm very grateful to be here with you tonight I thank God for your pastor and for this work and I love especially the theme that God has led him to for this year I think anytime you're lifting up Jesus Christ and putting people's eyes on the Lord that's a very good thing and as an evangelist it's my privilege to travel and preach the gospel preach the good news and that's exactly what I intend to do tonight I came tonight to preach good news to God's people how many of you know the Lord as your Savior would you raise your hand are you glad to be saved wonderful you may be in this place tonight and you do not know the Lord Jesus and if you don't know him I won't introduce you to him tonight but if like me you've trusted Christ as your personal Savior and some of you have been saved for many many years I want to give you some good news tonight we live in a world of bad news a matter of fact I turned the news on just a little while ago I shouldn't have done that I really shouldn't have done that how many of you've watched the news lately would you raise your hand it's depressing and we live in a world of bad news and frankly it's not just in the world you get bad news sometimes you get around Christian people and get a heavy dose of bad news but I want you to know in Jesus Christ there is always good news not only for a loss squirrel but for God's people I want you to open your Bible with me please in the New Testament to the book of Galatians the Galatians chapter number 2 and I want to show you this good news God has led us to for this hour and I want to warn you about something when I finish preaching in just a few minutes I intend ask everybody to respond everybody now whether you come forward or not that's your business that's not between me and you that's between you and God but I don't think you can be neutral on the truth and I'm gonna ask you to take this truth tonight and to make it your own this verse I know is a verse that is very dear to your own pastor this is a verse that changed the life of Martin Luther it's a verse that set John Bunyan free it is a verse that pointed Charles Wesley to Christ it is a verse that changed the life of the famous missionary Hudson Taylor but that's not why I'm preaching on it tonight I'm preaching on it tonight because it changed my life as a matter of fact I remember where I was when God used this verse to open something to me that I was in desperate desperate need of let me just say this before we read some of the most sincere Christians I know are some of the most frustrated some of the busiest Christians I know are some of the most barren the trying they're working they're doing everything they know to do they're just they're there knowing that there's something more that they're missing what is then I know that because I've been there I remember I was on an airplane several years ago flying to Washington State I was by myself and I was spent I was at utter ly exhausted I'm not talking about ministry I'm talking about as a Christian I knew I was saved I knew the Lord lived in me I was reading my Bible and praying and in church I was witnessing I was headed to preach to some people something was missing there's a book that someone had recommended to me that I had thrown in my briefcase for the trip it was an old out-of-print book at the time it was a book called they found the secret it was a story of 20 great Christians in history men and women all over from different backgrounds great Christians who all discovered the same secret and I was so hungry and I remember flying along on that airplane reading that book and somewhere I don't know where it was but somewhere in the midst of reading the lives of those great people there was one verse that just kept coming up over and over and over and over and I knew the verse I could have quoted the verse you know it's amazing how these familiar scriptures are real to us but not real to us and at that moment it was like the Holy Spirit of God just turned the you know what I'm talking about I tell you when God turns a light on there's nothing like it and at that moment God did something for me I'm not trying to be spookier mystical bells didn't ring lights didn't flash I didn't feel funny all over but at that moment God opened heaven to me it changed my life do all of these years this one verse I've gone back to again and again and again because it's a deep well it's Galatians chapter 2 and verse number 20 you know it look at it with fresh eyes tonight Paul writes I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself from me and then we don't often read the next verse but look at verse 21 he says I do not frustrate the grace of God for if righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain and I want you to do something I want you to take your pen and I want you to circle in verse 20 the word faith and in verse 21 the word frustrate and I won't tell you you're living one of two ways tonight you're either living the faith life or you're living a frustrated Christian life and I'm gonna be honest with you we're pretty good at putting on the appearance that we're living and walking in victory but I want you to know if we were really living in victory there wouldn't be so many casualties among us if we really had entered into this life that is Christ I venture to say there'd be a lot more fruit produced in our life by the sweet Holy Spirit of God as a matter of fact I would go so far as to say that some of us that dress up really good for church and carry the Bible and know all the words to him and even not our heads in church and say Amen every now and then sometimes they're living extremely frustrated Christian lines frustrated because we know there's got to be more to it than this where where's the joy jesus promised where is the victory over sin where where is the holiness I mean really holiness of spirit not not externals I'm talking about the deep work of God where is all of that and I want to ask you a question are you living in verse 20 you living in verse 21 I don't mean where did you used to live where do you want to live where does somebody else think you're living I'm asking you right now before an all-knowing God which way are you living at this moment the good news for lost men is this you don't have to die how many of you think that's good news you're lost your Center you deserve to die and go to hell forever and I'm going to tell you something this is good news Jesus Christ died so you'd never have to die look 37 years ago this year a lady took a Bible and shared Jesus with me I took Christ as my personal Savior that was the greatest day of my life let me tell you about me he said I'm an evangelist let me tell you what I really AM I'm a sinner a black-hearted hail deserving sinner in desperate need of the mercy of God and a Scott Paul II got what he deserved tonight he'd be in hail at this moment but I'm not in Hell tonight and praise be to holy God I'm never going to hell why because Jesus Christ died for me but that's just good news for lost people the good news for a lost man you don't have to die here's the good news for saved man you don't have to live let that sink in just a moment we get carried away sometimes and we say live for Jesus live the Christian life and we're trying hard like rats on a wheel where we're working hard or added to to produce and to get somewhere and to make something of ourselves and to achieve some level of spirituality and then we hit a wall and utterly frustrated and exhausted and spent we throw up our hands in the air and we say what's the use of trying and the devil who by the way is still a liar whispers in our ear and says you know that's for people more spiritual than you and people say you know I think I'm just gonna settle for this this kind of nominal Christianity it's better than most and I tell you when we get to glory we're all going to be terribly ashamed that we did not live more in the victory and the or that Jesus Christ made available to us what's the answer the good news for you tonight is that you do not have to live the Christian life didn't I tell you the real truth you can't live the Christian life can I tell you why because you are carnal and fleshly and in your own power and energy you can't produce any good thing but here's even better news you're ready you don't have to live the Christian life because Christ Himself is living inside of you Jesus didn't call you to be christ-like he called you to let Christ's life live out through you every day there are lots of people who study the life of Christ but never get to the place where Christ is their whole life you know the amazing thing about the Apostle Paul it wasn't just that he knew a lot about Jesus the amazing thing about the Apostle Paul is that Jesus Christ was so real to him so alive within him but it was no longer Paul's life at all as a matter of fact he said when Christ who is our life shall appear I wonder have you gotten there yet Christ is your whole life look at the verse with me for just a moment it's a famous verse but I I will tell you this it was the prepositions that opened this verse to me for all the young people forgive me for using a dirty word like prepositions in church how many of you believe every word of Scripture is given by inspiration of God that means God doesn't use fillers nothing is there by accident the Holy Ghost chose it on purpose so look at the verse verse number 20 says I am crucified what's the next word Church Circle that in your Bible that's the first one with Christ see every preposition is a revelation here's the first one he says I am crucified with Christ when did that happen that happened on the day that Jesus Christ died in other words this part of the verse is already fulfilled whether you've realized it or not this is done you can't you can't change this when Jesus cried it is finished He fulfilled this at Calvary Jesus Christ not only died for you he died as you watch please that was your sin hanging on that cross that was yourself hanging on that cross and if I died with Christ then guess what I was buried with Christ and if I was buried with Christ praise God I rose with Christ and if I rose with Christ hallelujah I ascended with Christ and if I send it with Christ I am seated with Christ in heavenly places at this moment now whether that's a practical living reality in your life or not that's another story but the spiritual reality is this this part is fulfilled you were crucified with Christ on the day Jesus Christ died in your place watch please he identified with you so that you could identify with him well that's not all read on no it gets even better I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth what's the next word Church Circle that word in your Bible Christ liveth in me somebody says wait a minute am I in Christ or is Christ in me yes yes may I tell you this happened on the day you trusted Jesus as your personal Savior the first happen on the day Christ died the second happened on the day you trusted the Lord Jesus as your Savior hmmm if you remember the day you got saved was that a good day to the old M writers said glad day glad day when Jesus washed my sins away whether you realized it or not I didn't realize it let me just tell you I was five I was a whole lot I didn't realize but on that day whether I realized it or not I was placed in Jesus Christ and the beautiful son of God came to live inside of me that means what's pleased that the life I'm talking about tonight it does not require some future some future act on your part we're not seeking after something more hey friend the day you got saved you got it all in Jesus Christ you didn't get part of God you got all of God living inside of you Christ liveth in me and so it's a present reality that's not all look at the verse again because you can believe the first two parts and still live in defeat and frustration I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh by the way and then our problem look look at it look at this you see with this you see this you know what this is you know this is flesh you can dress it up you can let it preach on a platform of a church and it's still just dirty rotten stinking flesh that's why Lester Olaf said the first thing if a new every day when you get up is jump in the grave you got to die the great enemy is not the devil excuse me the great enemy is your old man it's yourself life it's it's your own will it's the flesh that your battle with every day of your life there's a great struggle here I know Jesus died for me and died as man I died with him on that cross and I know I've trusted him as my savior and I know he lives inside of me but how Lord how to live in victory how to live in the power that Jesus promised was mine through his salvation how Lord and the Holy Spirit answers look at the next preposition the life which I now live in the flesh I live what's the next word church circle by by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me and the end it's all faith why is it that we're willing to trust God for heaven but not today how is it that we understand that it's faith alone that keeps a man out of Hale not our works at all that save us and yet somehow when it comes to live in the Christian life it's about what we can produce may I tell you tonight why so many people are frustrated because they're frustrating God look back to verse number 21 notice what the Bible says I do not frustrate the grace of God the frustration here is not ours it's his there's a God in heaven that says wait a minute I got everything you need I've got all the resources at your disposal and you're content to live without them I've made everything available that you need to live a victorious Christian life excuse me sir stop excusing your sin ma'am stop saying well you know everybody's got their besetting things and this just happens to be mine I'm just going to live with us up stop accepting this nominal mediocre average run-of-the-mill ordinary Christianity that is less than what Jesus Christ bought and paid for at Calvary stop all of that God says you're frustrating me you're frustrating the grace of God God's good grace gives you everything you need to live a victorious Christian life but it is only accessed by faith see faith is always what opens the door to the grace of God how'd you get saved the grace of God but how did you get to grace it was by what faith we had time to read the rest of the book of Galatians especially chapter number 3 you'd see these words repeated over and over again it's by faith it's by faith it's by faith it's by faith and there I am flying along at 30,000 feet trying so hard working so much to be the Christian I'm supposed to be to dot my eyes and cross my T's to walk the line and please God but wait a minute we're late Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it is what impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he's reward of them that diligently seek Him read Hebrews 11 again by faith by faith by faith and by faith by faith let me ask you a question it was by faith all through the Old and New Testament why do we live any different today first John 5 forces and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our what church faith Jesus looked his disciples in the face that it ever dawned on you that they were living by sight at the moment he spoke these words though they had their eyes on Jesus physically and Jesus says to them have faith in God and yet most of us are content to live lives that are really not faith lives may I ask you what is it you need to trust God for tonight three years ago God stirred in my life and my heart after serving for nearly two decades and in a wonderful church and college in a great place and a place of God's choosing for me comfortable content gonna spend the rest of my life there everything's great and then the Holy Ghost says all right now you've got to take a step of faith on your own and I argued with the Holy Spirit I sure did anybody here ever argue with the Holy Spirit let me just tell you that's not an argument you're ever going to win and I remember God bringing me to a breaking point in my own life where finally I had to say to the Lord Lord I trust you excuse me as easy as a five year old boy to say I trust him as my Savior but now here I am in a man on the verge of 40 and thinking about my family and my future and my livelihood and all the the security around me and suddenly God says now you got to take a step of faith and I'm gonna tell you it got real at that moment some of you tonight standing on the great threshold of a life of victory if you're not careful you're gonna miss it you're gonna be content to live and die by not exercising faith in God at this moment and I want you to know you cannot you cannot live in victory and power apart from living the faith life it is utterly impossible Israel limited God by their unbelief Jesus hometown Nazareth he could do no mighty works there because of their unbelief but one thing that limits an all-powerful God is our unbelief and the one thing that releases the power of God is our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ don't ask you a personal question right now can you honestly tell me you're living by faith at this moment I did not ask have you ever trusted him I asked are you exercising faith in gun you have a pastor in this place who has lived and led by faith for many years you you're a part of a church that has seen lots of great victories wrought by faith but I'm not talking collectively tonight I'm talking about you individually and your marriage and with your children and on your job and your finances and your giving are you trusting God at this moment because if you aren't you're frustrating the grace of God let me give you a few observations from this verse would you write them down somewhere maybe in the margin of your Bible all about faith number one would you write down please this faith has to be personal the first word of the verse is the word I and the last one of the verse is the word me that gets pretty personal it's got to be your faith nobody can believe God for it's got to be your faith as a matter of fact one third of the book of Galatians is Paul's personal testimony that's fascinating most of his epistles there's not that much personal information in but one third of this particular book is biographical in nature and why because he's demonstrating well the life of faith has to look like he had to believe God for himself I have to believe God for myself and you have to believe God for yourself and for the record read through the book of Galatians I did it again today just for my own Souls sake really I read through the book it doesn't take very long read through it sometimes not while I'm preaching but when you get home tonight read through the whole book you know what you're gonna find in the book of Galatians that repeatedly Paul says this is not about men this is not for man this is not of man this is not for those people no no all eyes are on Jesus Christ you know how there's so many disillusioned Christians in this world because they've lived with her eyes on men instead of their eyes on the god man the Lord Jesus Christ friends there's only one truly great man and that's the god man the Lord Jesus men will disappoint you and fail you the best men the best men will let you down but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever you can trust him it was meditating on this verse this week and those first two words jumped out at me what's the first two words of the verse I'm sorry didn't hear your Galatians 2:20 what's the first two words the verse I am you remember Moses said to the Lord Lord I I need to know what your name is would you tell me what your name is and God says I am I am what Lord yes all the above the self-existent eternal God the God who cannot be explained or defined the God for whom there is no substituting of which there is no end he is the great I am but wait a minute he's the only one who can say I am and put a period at the end of it the rest of us have to say I am crucified with Christ it's getting our eyes off of ourself it's getting our eyes off with everybody else and it's getting our eyes back on the Lord Jesus turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace number one your faith must be personal number two would you write this down the faith you must be present our God is a present tense God his name is not the I was his name is the I am and if God is present in our faith must be present tense look at the verse again I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live did you ever notice a little word now right in the heart of that verse so much of our Christianity is past tense and yet God says no no it's gonna take a day by day moment by moment conscious vital dependence on Christ and Christ alone and here's what we want to do they want to come to church two or three times a week and get enough of Jesus to last us the rest of the week but I want you to know that's not the life of Christ being lived through us all no the Christ life that I'm talking about is a life that enters into the Lord's presence at the beginning of the day and says now Lord I want to live in your presence all day today it is a life that Usher's everything into the holy presence of God let me give you some good news remember that's good news for Christians tonight let me give you some really good news God's going home with you tonight aren't you glad about that he's going with you to school tomorrow on the job tomorrow it look he doesn't live inside this building friend God is a very present help in time of trouble and if he is ever present your faith must be present tense it's a personal faith it's a present faith number three would you write down it is a practical faith some people read a verse like this and they even memorize and quote it think it's theory it's like pie in the sky somebody said well that sounds nice but what does that look like I'm glad you asked look at Galatians 2:20 again I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live mark this in your Bible in the flesh what does that mean it means it touches everything you touch it means you're ready for this that the invisible God enters into every visible part of your life is it your finances is it your family is it some relationship is it some decision some thing you need to divine direction for what is it in your life at this moment I want you to know we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin hey friend he was touched with it and he's touched by your faith at this moment how do you reach out and touch Christ by faith and every day of your life and every area of your life you must say to the Lord Lord I trust you Lord Jesus I need your Lord Jesus I test myself on your Lord Jesus I can't live without you that life of faith is the life that brings you to the end of you and the beginning of him when you get to the end of yourself at wit's in throw your hands up in the air and say I quit God says good I've been waiting on you to get there a long time because at that moment God can be God in your life and the divine resources are now at your disposal so it brings me to the great thrust to the verse look at it please it's not only a personal faith and a present faith in a practical faith it's powerful faith and why is it powerful it's not powerful because your faith is strong it's powerful because the object of your faith is strong look at the end of the verse I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me look at the end of that verse don't miss this look I'm not talking you about something tonight I'm talking to you about someone I'm not coming to give you seven steps to have a happier life or five ways have a better day tomorrow I'm saying to you look to Jesus all the victory is found in Christ here's the power look at the end of the verse he's the son of God why use that term of all the terms to use why use that term in that verse can I tell you why because the son gives you access to all the father's house is there some impurity in you tonight God knows and you Sam will try harder I'm I'm gonna do better in that area no you're not no you're not you're gonna continue in sin it's gonna get worse on your strength but let me tell you something for every impurity in you friend there's holiness in Jesus is there weakness in you tonight oh there's good news for you sir there's strength in Jesus he is their ignorance tonight about what to do that's all right cuz there's wisdom in Jesus hey it's all right to feel like a child as long as you know who your father is and the Son of God makes a way for us to come in to the throne room of the father matter of fact turn over one page look at Galatians chapter four verse number six and because ye are sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father wherefore there are no more servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ you ready for this through Jesus Christ you have access to all of the riches of God in heaven whatever you need at this moment Christ is enough say those three words please Christ is enough say it please Christ is enough no no say it like you mean it Christ is enough turn your neighbor and tell them right now please ready Christ no I want you to preach it that was pitiful get your preaching finger out point to that Center next to you come on ladies I know you do this a you can do it in church it's alright point at the ready say it one two three Christ is enough look please at me the life of victory and power is one thing it is a life that recognizes and depends on one truth and it is this Jesus Christ is enough for wherever I am and whoever I'm dealing with and whatever is facing me I can trust him because he's the son of God a fine well-dressed man came around the corner of Bucky and paddles one day a little entourage with him he was a boy kneeling off to the side of the gates have you ever been there it's quite a quite a stoic place and those soldiers of serious man they're serious you can even get him to smile little boys kneeling off near one of those soldiers tears streaming down his face hair disheveled clothes dirty and tattered and the young gentleman walked over and knelt down next to me said son what's the matter with you he said well sir he said I walked a couple miles today to see the king but they won't let me in he said I tried I fared go through the guard to the guard said the King didn't have time for dirty little boys like me he said he told me I had to leave he sitting sir I I went all the way around this palace and I tried every door they told me the same thing and every door the gentleman stood up and smiled and straighten his suit coat dusted himself off and he said to the little boy well I'm going in little boy's eyes got big and he said you think you can get in he said I got a pretty good idea I can and he said to the boy he said would you like to go in with me son and the boys head you think out of work and he said I think it will he said you take my hand and everywhere I go you go they join hands and that man and that dirty little boy started walking towards the same door in the same same soldier steps to the side and salutes at attention and the door swings open wide and right they go into the palace right into the throne room where the king was at that moment well that little boy didn't know was he had by the hand the Prince of Wales the king's son and I will tell you something when you get joined to the son you get access to the father well that's not the best part of the story somebody said well that's sweet no no you missed the point friend I was that dirty little boy soiled by sin and stained by this world I tried every way to get access to God I tried baptism and good works and trying harder all those things but every play says it sorry you can't come into the King's presence that way and then hallelujah for the day the Son of God came and stretched out of nail-pierced hand and said I'm going in would you like to go in with me and I want you to know my friend tonight you can trust the Son of God because he brings you right into the throne room of the Heavenly Father you don't need some priest you have a great high priest in heaven you don't have to go through some man you get to go to the creator of all men for yourself you can trust him Christ is enough look at the verse again it's powerful not only because he's the son of God oh thank you for this Jesus it's powerful because he loves me he loves me he loves me with an everlasting love there was never a day never a day that he started loving me and there's never gonna be a day stopped loving me he could never love me any more and he will never love me any less why because he doesn't just love God is love he loves me because he can't help himself and I want you to know tonight God loves you and some of you so low right now and you think you got nothing to live for and don't know how you ever gonna get out of this mess you're in I want you to know that the Creator God of the universe seated on the throne of heaven holds the whole world in the palm of his hand has his eye on you at this moment he has every hair on your head numbered he knows you by name and he's listening to your prayer God loves you you can trust a God that loves you that much Christ is enough and then you come to the end of the verse you can trust him not only because he's the son of God he loves you but you can trust him because he gave himself for you a word gave literally means to give up gave himself up I'm thinking now I'm in the Garden of Gethsemane in my mind Judas thought he trapped him in the and the soldiers thought of a tracked him down there but look no man layeth taketh my life for me I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it up again excuse me Judas you didn't take his life Jesus gave His life willingly gave himself up for me that in mind hold your place here go back to Romans 8 just for a second would you please and this verse has become so very precious to me oh I wish you'd claim this make this verse your own tonight look at romans chapter 8 verse number 32 this is the God this is the God who loves you this is the God you can trust look at Romans chapter 8 verse 32 he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us what's the next two words Church hey do you really think I God it would slaughter his son for your soul he's gonna hold back some other good thing from you hey if he gave you the whole thing why do you think he's gonna hold out in some one little area I want you to know he gave the greatest thing he'd ever give when he gave his own son he he gave himself and some of you tonight you're trying to find something something it's gotta be here somewhere there's got to be there's got to be some little less than I can learn that'll help me there's got to be something I'm not doing right there's got to be some thing that I really need to live in victory and what you don't realize is it's actually not something at all it's someone and you don't need to look for him you already have him if you know him as your Savior Christ is enough would you go back to Galatians 2 verse 20 let me show you one more preposition I saved it to the end on purpose I'm crucified with Christ that happened the day he died nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me that happened the day I trusted him and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God that must happen every day who loved me and gave himself what's the next word Church then I just would like to remind you tonight he's for you he gave himself for you and he's for you at this moment and the preceding verse in Romans 8 verse number 31 says if God be for us who can be against us and I have a simple prayer tonight I prayed that somehow somehow I may not even know who it is it's okay but somehow the sweet Holy Spirit would take this verse and would open it to somebody in this place like he opened it to me that day it changed my life my life's not free of problems i got problems like everybody my life certainly not perfect i was such a sinful man but i'm gonna tell you something i have i have found a secret you see it's not just for the huts and tailors and the george Mueller's and the amy Carmichael's no it's for all of God's children I wish I could tell you I've lived in this verse and let Christ were to live in me as he wanted to and through me everyday I haven't but I can tell you this the days I haven't I've been thoroughly miserable because I've known I was missing out on this life a victory and the greatest days of my life have been the days where I just simply lived by faith simply trusting and obeying Hudson Taylor wrote to his mother and said I'm exhausted I've tried everything but I I do not know what the answer is and in his letter to his mother he's writing as a missionary from China he said these words I never knew how bad a heart I had and the son like that in this room tonight a few months ago a woman came to me at the end of a service and she was sobbing uncontrollably she was an older lady she was very well-dressed and very articulate but she's sobbing uncontrollably she couldn't hardly gather herself she could barely speak it we walked to the side of the auditorium and I said ma'am what can I do to help you she said I'm a Christian I know I'm saved and then she said to me these words she said something's something's going on inside of me she said I I feel like I'm getting closer to Jesus she said but the closer to Jesus I get the more I realize how really sinful I am and she said I'm just overwhelmed with it she said my my sin seems so bad and I said to her that's wonderful she looked at me startled and she said excuse me I said that's wonderful she said you don't understand she said I'm positively miserable she said I'm trying to do all the right things but I'm desperate sir I need help I said it's close it's really close she looked at me puzzled she said what do you mean and I said I mean to tell you that every person that's ever entered into a life of victory and power and joy and blessing has had to come to exactly where you are where they see themselves like God sees them but then don't despair there you get beyond that and suddenly you get a glimpse of one that's much greater than you it's not just you you see they're all no now you see the beauty of Jesus Christ who lives inside of you and at that moment oh there's a liberty friend the truth really does make free I'm here to testify at that moment praise to the name of our God that you get a glimpse that Christ is enough at that moment you're set free from trying to please everybody or you're set free from trying to line up with what you think you have to do all the time and suddenly you're free to live and walk and the joy and power and victory of Christ nobody has to make you do right then friend you just want to do right you know why because now it's not you it's Christ living through you not i but Christ when Hudson Taylor finally entered him to have hat he wrote another letter he wrote to his sister and he said I've never been happier in my life he said the burdens are greater than they've ever been but I've never known more joy and blessing than at this moment and he said I finally came to the place where I realized it wasn't in trying harder it was in simply resting on the faithful one and I won't tell you tonight there's only one really faithful one his name is Jesus he's been faithful friends he's never forgotten you never forsaken you and never failed you and he's not about to start tonight either and wherever you are Christ is enough you can trust him and that is good news for God's people
Channel: Lancaster Baptist Church
Views: 3,254
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Keywords: lancaster baptist church, lancaster baptist, baptist church, paul, chappell, paul chappell, pastor paul chappell, Galatians 2, growth, point, Scott Pauley
Id: iO1pR301qhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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