Scoring With Steph Curry In Every NBA 2K

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today I'm scoring with Stephen Curry in every NBA 2K but for every game I'm gonna be spinning a wheel to see how we have to score with him starting off in NBA 2K10 we have to get a reverse layup as a rookie Curry is only a 69 overall I don't even know how to get a reverse in this game I'm just gonna see if it's the same as 2K 23. [Music] um not what I wanted to do I mean I got 16 with curry now but not a reverse layout oh here we go oh we got a dunk with curry all right let's get around everybody come on come on go for the reverse is that a reverse all right so we go up for it we kind of that is not a reverse run around the defender yes there we go we got first finally and we're on to 2K11 and the shot we have to take this game is going to be just a normal three Curry all the way up to an 80 with an 86 three-point shot and this should be one of the easiest challenges in the video if we get like a screen here the screen uh we're getting like double teams I just gotta put up the three here and there we go we hit it and we're on to 2K12 spinning the wheel again we are going to land on a logo three very stolen 80 over all this game but his three-point shot is a nine I would have preferred this Challenge in a later game when he has a 99-3 I still think this shouldn't be hard with a 93. let's go ahead put that up and it's no good maybe on attempt two we got this oh these are so bad why is he shooting it like that come on Curry that's it that's it yes we hit it it took us six attempts but we got it to go that's honestly not too bad and we're on to 2K13 and our next challenge is to hit a half court shot Curry's up to an 82 filled with a 93. again in one of the later games this probably would have been a little easier of a challenge let's see attempt number one here that's pretty close this can't really be a half court shot that goes into counts that went in I cannot believe this shot went in but it was a back court we have to have one that actually count come on that's it no all right here we go that's gotta go that's gotta go yes finally finally we got the half court shot it wasn't a backcourt violation this time and it only took 32 attempts we're on to 2k14 and the challenge for this game is a spinning three hurry up to an 87 overall but his three point is down to an 89. this challenge was originally a spinning lamp but I wanted to make it harder with a spinning three I don't even know how we're gonna oh my God we just lose the ball instantly okay so we move forward while we spin spin put it up come on yes we actually hit it I wonder if we can get two in a row here spin pop the three that was not a three-pointer but we green that one and we're on to 2K15 and of course spinning the wheel again we are we land on free throw hurry up to an 89 in this game with an 89 free throw obviously hitting a free throw won't be that hard it's gonna be actually getting fouled to go to the free throw line we can get around Tony Parker here just go inside no we get blocked that was the worst layup attempt I've ever seen what is Danny Green doing try it again let me run straight at them come on yes we drew the foul we're going to the line all right now I just gotta not completely choke these free throws which I shouldn't first one is a green bro Steph Curry looks so bad in this game why does he look like that and the second free throw here another green another challenge complete and we're on to 2K16 spinning the wheel yet again we are gonna land on a post fade Curry all the way up to a 93 but only a 52 post fade rating so this challenge might be our hardest one yet but I don't know let's find out here fade away I missed the green and that was so bad I blame it on how Curry looks in this game why is his hair like that all right Curry we got this fade come on that should have been a green we hit it anyways it was a bank shot oh we still hit it so we're on to 2K17 which means we're spinning the wheel again and this time we got a dunk Curry now in 94. but he only has a 36 downgrade we were able to dunk with curry back in 2K10 but I don't know if it's gonna be as easy in this game I think our best bet is to get it on a steal like a fast break Curry on the fast break here come on don't get don't get let's go he actually did that really easy I thought it was gonna take so much longer I didn't know Curry had that in him has he even dunked in real life before with that we're on to 2k18 another spin on the wheel and we land on a step back Curry's still a 94 but he has a 99 three-point shot so a step back should be pretty easy to hit with curry unless I just stuck how do we step how do we step back in this game the Curry's step back is kind of weak in this game though but his three-point shot is good enough that it shouldn't be bad there we go put that up and we hit it we didn't green it but since he has a 99 3 you don't have to Green it in this game and we're on to 2k19 we still have two of the hardest challenges left too let's see if we get one of them this game and no we just have to hit a mid-range shot 3 95 with a 98 mid-range all right this should be a very easy shot to hit I'm just gonna fade for mid-range I'm covered it doesn't matter 98 mid-range Curry's just way too op in these games on the 2K 20. another spin at the wheel here another easy challenge we just have to hit a layout perio 95 again with a 97 layout so this one shouldn't be hard at all we're gonna get a screen here uh just run at the basket put it up and the green mean I mean it's a layup it's Steph Curry I don't know what else to say on to 2K 21 and with only three remaining hurry again and now again this won't be a very hard challenge for Steph Curry Run towards a basket and that is not what I wanted to do we got foul the game looks way nicer than 2K 23 though I will say this game sucks no that is not what what is I got the win now that I know the controls let's try this again there we go with the floater and that's way too easy we are just wide open what do you know the controls it makes it so much easier and we're on to 2K 22. we only have two challenges left and they're both extremely hard starting off we have to hit a full court shot oh this is gonna suck Curry a 96 with a 99 three-pointer I don't know if that's enough to hit a full court shot though let's see can we get in on attempt number one I was kind of close and I'm gonna be switching between both teams we got two Currys here going for full court shots that was awful this Curry is already cold actually they're both oh my God this is gonna take all day wow yes yes yes the Buzzard reader now that's it that's it let's go let's go we finally did it 36 attempts with one Curry 39 with the other quick math quick math 30 plus 30 is 60 69 plus 75 attempts total to hit that full court shot honestly I thought it was never gonna happen with how things were going can we hit two in a row that would have been crazy now we're finally on to 2K 23. of course we only have one challenge remaining and that's to hit a shot laying down area 96 again with the 99 three-point shot I don't know which attribute we need to hit this now in order to make this challenge possible I got a bunch of like one foot players on the floor we're just gonna toss the ball down the court and hopefully it rolls to the other end as close to the basket as possible and then when it's around here we're gonna dive for the ball we're laying on the ground now and now we just gotta hit the shot we missed that are you kidding me and we got like a three-point shot here I don't know how this is gonna go oh it's not gonna go well and die for it yes die for a curry we're in the paint is it gonna be a behind the back no this is a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be die for the ball again okay this isn't too far of a shot come on Curry no okay oh let's dive for it yes we are right under the basket this is our opportunity and there is the laying down shot that was so hard to do but their story was Steph Curry in every 2K but what would happen if he faced off against LeBron in every 2K check out this video right here to find out and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Smequle
Views: 196,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smequle, nba 2k23, nba 2k, stephen curry, nba 2k23 gameplay, stephen curry evolution, steph curry, stephen curry ratings, career simulation, 3 point
Id: hTLS-Zu0uX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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