Scoring a 99 Yard Touchdown with EVERY NFL Running Back!

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today I attempt to score a 99-yard touchdown with every starting running back in the NFL oh great we get to start with deonto Foreman come on Foreman make me smile score on play number one you mean we only need about 85 more yards and bro we barely now can get out the end zone like he's been good in real life but dude's only a 74 rated Madden he only has 88 speed like this is gonna be impossible come on at least get out of the end zone but we're not even getting out of the end zone dude I'm all Foreman we have the blockers we have the blockers and like yeah it looked so good but yet 70 yards away now you'll see that we have a four minute and 20 second timer going and that's because for each 99-yard touchdown we successfully score before the time runs out we get to add a plus one to all of Derrick Henry's catching ratings which is vital because if Derek doesn't catch a 99-yard hill Mary come his turn I have to give away a Derrick Henry Jersey to a random subscriber in the comments how am I supposed to score this in Just 4 minutes and 20 seconds maybe like this not quite I don't want to have to give away a Derrick Henry Jersey dude that's a lot of money I guess I could change up the Run play if I wanted to I knew you as a Titan and you can do better than this dude I know you have it in you dude six broken tackles on a play Let's Go actually a pretty nasty setup yanta Foreman keep on rolling brother well we didn't get the six broken tackle I actually like this setup I like this setup a lot one little nasty spindle that's the worst spin move I've ever seen in my life this is not good doing you improve Derrick Henry's catching we literally don't even have three minutes to do so oh please run over them run over them he did with the second guy got us please deonto one more bro step on them to Hell let's go okay he's not that fast he's not that fast I can't I can't celebrate yet I can't celebrate yes now we can let's go he's like I'm so scared what 88 speed was just enough to get Derek Henry's first catching booze yay now we get a fake running back humor me take it play number one at least out of our own End Zone Cordero he's got more speed than Foreman but he's not getting his fastest four man or Pat you're better than this that was pretty sexy but the entire team brought him down I love the blocking I love the blocking if we can get one more block we're actually gonna go ahead and take this one of the house please nobody ketchup who are you would stay away stay away bad boy boom bro that barely took 45 seconds bro isn't Melvin like 40. so what I'm gonna do is pick whatever running back is starting for the team right now so if like a player's injured like too bad and it was the only Bronco running back with the face scan like he's so bad dude like there's just no way we do this it's all about the defensive setup they're set up on a random play it's like they come out Man 3 deep like that's fair play for us to run all over them come on get these 60 year old legs into the end zone Melvin you mad boy oh God 26 is gonna catch up to us please break the tackle he doesn't missed let's go The Impossible has happened bro this has got to be the most insane thing I have seen in my entire freaking life I like Joshua Joshua has been having himself a pretty good season hopefully that transitions into our challenge today I mean he already has about 65 broken tackles on play number one all right that was a really good cut but that was also a really good tackle I mean I know the Raiders offensive line is bad but they're really not blocking down the field at all bro we've literally not got like to the 30 yard line and we only have a minute and 20 seconds left dude come on Joshua we need those Derrick Henry catching upgrades I know you're better than this dude I gotta lock the freaking I have got to lock the freaking roughly 30 seconds left Joshua 30 seconds to be great we literally have enough time for like two more attempts bro 10 seconds dude let's just get this snap off lock with everything you got here Josh please oh my God there's no way there's no way Josh Jacobs I swear to God I did not rig this as you can see I didn't I really thought I was going to score there now unfortunately for me fortunate for you this is this is where things start to take a turn since we don't get to upgrade Derek Henry here we get to reset the timer but if our running back fails on attempt number two I have to discard his highest rated muck chord and throughout the video we're gonna track how many coins we've discarded and if that amount reaches over 1 million I have to tweet out this video's most like common dude I might have a freaking Stroke by the end of this video you've been given another life Joshua hopefully this time no it doesn't cost me much coins I mean this has been a pretty stinky start oh my God they're Broncos Everywhere Man 3d man this is the defense we have got to bully 16 broken tackles that's one that's two that's three couldn't get the seventh eighth and Ninth okay we're going backwards this is not where we need to go Josh I don't want to have to give away mud coins I don't want to get canceled I don't want to have to give away a Derrick Henry Jersey like things are not looking good for me right now this is like running back number 432. that was actually a super delicious spin move to be stopped in the end zone for a safety gosh please bro we barely have over a minute Oh yay only 97 more yards you need a miracle we need an absolute Miracle we literally have 30 seconds we have 30 seconds to be great I like the look one broken tackle a second we died we might have time for one or two more plays we got out the end zone that time so that's a positive start well that's good Devonte Adams block better maybe we have enough time for one more oh my God just just snapped the ball get to the next repetition get to the next repetition with two seconds left get the snap off there's just no way right there's no way right there's no way right you are right God dang it dude bro I don't even know how expensive his highest rate of muck card is no dude he has a 92 Tim of the week this is 267 000 coins down the drain that's the easiest 99 yard touchdown I've ever seen oh my God somebody comes through in the day I'll thank the Lord bro took us an extra two minutes Josh there is no way I'm actually doing this bro there is actually no way I'm doing it I did it and that already puts this over 25 percent of the way to a million coins discarded JK Dobbins is my guy here even though he's out for a few more weeks please dear God don't make me have to discard more mutt coins and bro we have got to start upgrading Derek Henry again fast you hold the middle but uh that's at least 12 Bengals that's got to be a penalty please bro 55 you're not that fast you're not keeping up with the running back bro now bro time sped up there's no way there's only two minutes left already under a minute bro under a freaking minute dude make a play JK please bro literally have under 30 seconds for what is going on maybe one or two more plays Left JK dude can we please be great got to snap off imagine imagine the scenes I actually beg bro I actually beg this is not scripted bro I ask you bro I swear to you you can ask my editor you can ask my editor JK Dobbins at the dead let's go oh my god I've never been so happy to up a human being's catching ratings bro you can crack this up as the eighth wonder of the world this joke to the right is a good running back and all but EA did them dirty let's show EA Sports that you're mad that's a great start I tell you bro there's some Wizardry going on around here maybe just maybe maybe just maybe we're gonna have to beat this guy stiff on him let's go bro I think I have ever seen in Madden history like that is actually so nasty and Derrick Henry continues to transcend into Justin Jefferson oh I really hope he performs like playoff Lenny playoff Lenny would score this play number one doesn't look like we're getting playoff Lenny today he would definitely score on play number two yeah bro get out of here I actually like the look of this one never mind bro before Patriots came out of nowhere two minute 30 second Mark like this is definitely where I start to get a little nervous bro if I can get to the second level here it could be game over it might actually be game over block for me Christopher Christopher you've got to do better that's the worst blocking job I've ever seen I really don't want my teammates lack of effort to keep us from a Derrick Henry catching upgrade barely over a minute to go dudes Lenny I thought he had the edge I actually was so confident that my blood pressure lowered a little bit now it's all the way back up blocking the outside Michael Evans unlike your teammate Christopher where was Christopher to be found there somebody's got they could play somebody make a play for your teammate somebody blocked for once we're literally down to like one or two more tips can we do it again no maybe just maybe we could squeeze out two more runs here Please block if we could actually block downfield nah snap the ball repetition repetition fast fast get the snap off hit the second level we literally hit the second level like literally with the secondary like we hit the DB but like it doesn't matter because we don't get the Derrick Henry upgrade now bro muck coins are on the line now and I do not like that at all probably got some sort of playoff Lenny card that's a 99 rated that I can't even afford I have faith though he's gonna pull through eventually eventually please just be the one save my muck coins save my muck coins number two get away number two get away let me cross that line boom that was a close one I'd like to give a massive shout out to GLD shop for sponsoring today's video so I went with the two millimeter rope chain and white gold and guys I promise you GLD sent me this a few months ago and I have not taken it off once since then and after a few months straight of wearing this bad boy like I'm automatically so used to it now and it completes my look so like I don't plan on pegging at all anytime soon they actually have a super sick collab with the NFL and I might just actually have to buy that Titans pendant not only is GLD made with real gold built to last they were founded on the idea that everyone should be able to afford high quality jewelry pieces that add to your confidence and help finish your look and got believes so much in their products so they literally offer a lifetime guarantee on all products so any issues with your jewelry GLD will have you covered and right now you can complete your look and get 33 off your order by clicking the link in the description box below or visiting the site that you see on screen Damien Harris one of the like 95 running backs that could have picked for the Patriots going to be great here on play number one I mean no oh the perfect opportunity to get more than two yards of play oh we can run over these guys I know we can maybe not four of them at a time like bro I swear at this point I feel like we're averaging negative yards per play the second level we we didn't not even close maybe Damien Harris just isn't him I'm about to start barking like speed oh my gosh Damien bro just like 90 more yards barely have a minute we barely have a minute for you to be great my friend I swear ever since I've barked both of my dogs have came into my office under a minute bro please dude Damien I bet bro I'm calling it a freaking buzzer beater upcoming get off the floor I actually lost soul faith I think I have lost all faith can we get another snap off I won't cheat I promise one second no he didn't oh my god dude just save me the queen bro screw the upgrades right now just save me the mutt coins now bro I swear the timer just skipped a minute I had to Damien Harris I swear to you bro you just had to break one more and you know what you didn't you failed two minutes here to save my mutt coins Damien oh my God I I said you just never can do the last thing you can just never make the last move you know what I want to purposely discard your card Damien under a minute until I have to eat into my mother count again I just want you all to know I am currently actually distraught completely distraught maybe one or two attempts I really hope we can get one more up bro come on can we do it again can we do it again we get the snap ball Damien Harris I beg you can I lateral what has gotten into us I actually begged that you have a bronze card and a bronze card only and it looks like he only has an 82 rated so uh 5 000 coins thank you you know what Damien I'm not even proud I'm not even excited I'm not even gonna celebrate goodness I just went with the dolphins highest rated for some reason I don't have a good feeling about this I mean it started off okay so maybe I should be optimistic all right maybe now I'm pessimistic oh please make that block please brick attack oh I mean we got 20 yards only 80 away bro I'm not gonna lie to you I've not even paying attention to the timer maybe I should start you know because we're finding difficulty getting out the end zone just a couple good blocks a little green grass and we're gone really over a minute to go and things continue to look dark and Grim oh there's actually a little potential can you block for me can you block for me oh please stay in I I think I could have done better I think that's on me that's on me I got to do better we have some good blocks oh my God no no no no there's no way of all times you tackle me first try now oh that's just the greatest Everlast attempt home God now we have his highest rate of muck card on the line we're already under the three minute Mark dude like time is flying past okay I actually beg sit him down sit him down oh that's blasphemy I mean I've been locked in but two is not working they actually brought everybody they brought everybody there's nobody that's gonna catch up to you nobody that's just the most disappointing thing I've ever witnessed oh I beg you I beg you just one or two bills settle down well we just never do anymore what happened oh please please oh please I beg desperation in my voice and it's not getting me anywhere hey God this is Raheem mostert and not a freaking CMC on the line gotta do it here we got to do it here please like he only came 90 yards away get the snap off get the snap off I'm Mickey Mouse in it I am counting it I don't care she did I still didn't get it I definitely hurts it definitely hurts that's just 36k gone that easy somebody's gonna come out somewhere right after all that time after all that time it was that guy ding easy it doesn't get any better Evan Singletary this one might be the hardest one of them all dude maybe not though can we get some good blocks not really I'm not gonna lie to you guys I really don't think we made it past the 10 yard line yet this really might end up being the hardest challenge I've ever had to do I don't know if it just comes down to need better blocking or what but Somebody's gotta make a play here could be the one oh my God Devin single Terry he did it nobody come out of nowhere nobody bad number eight bad number nine come on Devin please bro oh my God I was too close for my liking finally bro something good happens in my life I need to get to using the better running backs fast it's about time we got some Talent you're a touchdown on play number one kind of guy Archie DeAndre oh please I actually beg to be perfect it just never can be too good to be true is this gonna be the easiest touchdown we've scored yet that's twice my heart is being crushed so far make it three times you've had too many good attempts to not get Dear Henry is upgrade here and this might be the one that's actually kind of nasty that is actually extremely nasty and nobody's even gonna come close to DeAndre Swift that is a grown man right there ladies and gentlemen I'd honestly rather this be Justin Fields running the football oh my God 35 I see you going out there finding a block oh please slow down a little bit it actually worked it didn't it it came close it came very close now we're getting to the point where I barely can get out of my own End Zone what happened okay this is looking better there's just so many people they all kind of vanish but came back quickly I was a little nasty but it got us nowhere man we gotta beat one man stiff arm a second a second why under a minutes ago Dude like why did this have to be so hard that would have been so nasty Davis shocked me here or just run out of bounds just please bro I beg David 's not gonna get there is he can we get one more playoff please three two we didn't get it off gosh I cannot discard myself another muck card dude oh huge hole bro we just gotta beat two like that's the closest we've gotten I feel like in an hour oh my God huge oh there's just no way oh he's gonna catch up isn't he blocked for me brother no way bro please David go David go nobody I dare you try to catch up to David boom we save ourselves on my coins why can't we always start in the light miles just waiting for somebody to strike on the first play I mean he did a little crab walk there okay miles yo that's a little potential it looks like oh this right there Henry's not gonna be able to catch a gosh dang thing hold your blocks that actually Becky miles Sanders please be fast I really hope you're faster than Anthony Bar he is the fast boy he's a very fast boy Anthony I actually beg you I was so scared I thought Anthony had him for sure I can't tell you how mad I would have been here dude some may argue for Tony prove the doubters wrong Zeke like honestly I don't even know if he could make it 99 yards I mean we honestly might be averaging three yards per carry just need Zeke to make a play to prove that he's still a top running back when I'm not seeing anything well it's great for me to now notice that we have under a minute remaining man and he can't even get out of his own tin there was too many bodies over there and I think it might have worked if 88 could block God dang it CD going where the men aren't and we went where the men were it worked the first time this is gonna need a miracle to get out of our own End Zone I just know Zeke has a muck card out there worth at least a million did we actually just bust that with Zeke there's no way 96 year old Ezekiel Elliott just busted the ball on the outside like that and dusted the rest of the Philadelphia Eagles there's no goddamn way dude I'll gladly keep those mutt coins in the bank I feel I could mean more if I ran a screen pass instead let's get things off to a fast start here I mean that would have been like Zeke's third fourth best carry I mean Kamar is looking pretty nice out there right now I like this one where's the defense stiff arm please Stefan please get away from me but allow him to catch up he broke the tackle though that guy missed that's a touchdown that's a Mickey Mouse sir that's 100 of Mickey Mouse are but Alvin I'll take it Ryan is so slow though we're just gonna try and pound it down their throats doesn't look like it's gonna work oh my God oh my God we pounded another throat Brian where in the world did that come from I'm not complaining though bro he's slow too come on James show him the slow boys don't always finish last in the race and it's like my players they just don't want to block for me come on Jamis make us proud if I could hit that hole I hit another hole number six is not gonna catch oh no for six James Connor bro maybe he does have a little Breakaway speed young meat uh Kenneth is a guy I would expect could potentially take this play number one Maybe I'm Wrong there's just no way there's actually no way Kenneth what actually just happened bro that is the most insane misdirection I've ever seen like what is this man here doing Clyde like some of the touchdowns that we've scored today are absolutely complicated then you have some like these not one guy touches us the entire run really wish this was a dump off challenge so Austin is an athletic little beast so if anybody's gonna break some tackles and make some moves it's gonna be this guy even though Madden thinks he's hideous oh talk about some bad photos of no way this is the best touchdown yet Austin Eckler bro he is an absolute king that's a touchdown just like that the running backs have been getting better in skill and that's been giving us some absolute fingers some more fresh meat this guy has been an absolute stud this season I think most of us knew he would is he actually gonna be the guy gonna break one tackle he threw him down at the ground it's just always too good to be true man now he probably won't pass the 50 the rest of the challenge what a pancake oh my God that was the best block I've seen all day and it said Danny appears free and just like that is it a record I feel like Travis could do the same I mean at least he got out of his own End Zone and he still what in the world some of these guys are robotic the blocks oh my gosh we have to be one man I think Travis is faster broken tackle 24 don't you dare ah my heart is broken dude oh no this is the first time in a while I've had to be stressed out dude hey keep in mind any of these running backs could be worth a million coins I think now we don't have to worry about Travis having a Golden Ticket cause that's a touchdown took a little bit longer but we'll take anything that saves my muck coins oh gosh Come on Niger show us what you have in you brother and we kind of are running right towards miles Garrett spin the other way Niger I actually beg you have one guy bro stiff armor where'd you come from 54. I've been teased so many times today as much as I talk crap about it I have not scored once today against me and three deep and I still haven't they're actually bringing everybody they got to me okay the blocking it has gone downhill fast under 30 seconds to go and we got out of our own End Zone that's a start that's a continuance of the start that can win the world what in the world what the freak no no that was too good of a Roy there was too good around that count that should freaking count in seconds ago is gonna be it no way he does it again just just get down get us another attempt please bro snap the ball snap the ball I'm counting it there's no way I just should never even try to cheat like it's never gonna work now najee's highest rate of my card is on the line man it's already bad enough not to get the upgrade that we need for the grand finale I swear we haven't even got past like the 30-yard line in the past two and a half minutes as you see like having a discard a 9j card could easily bring us up to like the half a million coin more minute to go not this stress again man we actually only have 30 seconds left and this could be our best attempt not one of them blocked now one of the goddamn wide receivers down the field block for me this is actually it dude Najee see you have it in United lateral lateral oh I think we're in the clear he hasn't been good this year so he has no Good Chords kind of getting unlucky and lucky at the same time I mean to be honest that was worth the wait that was a pretty freaking good touchdown run nausea I have a job somebody's got to take it the distance on play number one you can start by getting out of your own End Zone all you had to do was something like that that guy doesn't State a chance but the 16 others do that's actually ridiculous I really don't know what happened back there some sort of teleportation but Nick Chubb just took this thing 99 yards to the house and Derek Henry says thank you oh not Daryl I think Daryl's gonna have to prove me wrong because scoring a 99 yarder against this defense is difficult especially when you're Daryl Henderson oh nice to know we barely have two minutes left Niners defense is just everywhere under a minute to go and I think Daryl's gonna need an absolute Miracle okay this is the one play that we needed there's just so many of them bro there's so many are in Fred we stiff arm that guy where are the blocks can we get some blocks downfield we actually got one that time I think it did more bad for us than good that's it oh not the mutt Queens on the line again I think I've came to discover that Daryl just doesn't really have that Breakaway speed that I need here under a minute to go now come on Daryl our life is on the line here Daryl Daryl what in the world where did that come from bro did somebody give Daryl Henderson a 99 speed boost sometimes you've just got to love the Madden AI yay Talent come on CMC show off a little bit of that athleticism come on your name is Christian we should already scored this by now there it is there doesn't been waiting on at all day long oh my gosh dude it was like so many minutes of misery and just like that the Red Sea ported I told you his name was Christian definitely didn't think this would be the Jets running back at the start of the year I mean James doesn't really have the Breakaway speed or anything but I have faith in them I'm like in the blocking I'm seeing from these Jets wide receivers this ain't gonna take long but for real though like what's the point in these red lines I'm gonna run outside of them and then Juke and I'm gonna run fast I'm gonna run fast 54's fast Tony brings me down if any time James you could have got a broken tackle I'm telling you guys James is gonna break him get away from me a second a second victim go that's the nastiest thing I've ever seen James Robinson with two stiff forms in the same place I told you guys that he had a little bit of nasty you know talk about Talent if anyone is gonna do it it's gonna be say Quan take it to the house brother there's no way there's no goddamn way dude who is that DP bro who was that TV bro is that Helen Keller what is this guy doing we just gotta get Aaron in some open space Aaron Jones is a demon dude Harrison Smith stands no chance ruinedu run dude I told you guys we had some talented running backs to come let's go this is the kind of nasty I've been expecting all day long let's see if Dalvin can beat him and he definitely has the speed to do so he feels so fast like these guys took something like I can eat actually what are up with some of these safeties where was he jumping okay I will die on the hill that Amos was trying to take out one of our coaches let's get this bread JT I'm scared though because I need these upgrades and I also know JT probably has a super expensive mutt Court out there okay there's just no way to make the block make the block you're not out running you're not out running JT maybe you are maybe you freaking or I honestly didn't think this would last a minute but here we are you can't do me like this JT we made it this far I'm actually liking this a lot stiff form them ah they're liking this too I'm really liking this I'm really liking it shove them off kill them run the ball stay in Balance Jesus Jesus under two minutes I can't let Jonathan Taylor feel the challenge we have our own lineman knocking is over great there's actually no way there's no way we are under a minute already this is probably our final tip this is actually probably our last attempt JT just run I pray I actually pray get away there's too many of you there's too many you're too fast you're too fast let's go at the death again I just want to know where on Earth they came from and of course the King has to take it 99 yards on the ground I would never live it down if I fail with Derek Henry so please let's not do that I mean at least it wasn't a safety there's so many Colts on the other side of the film one dare there's just no way bro the Wildcat is disgusting the Wildcat is disgusting Derrick Henry it's the score 99 yarder without one broken tackle and that officially gives King Henry a pretty massive catching upgrade which actually makes him a half decent wide receiver we literally have less than 10 minutes to complete this to Henry like guys like Austin Hooper are gonna jump in front of them man I have to somehow catch it with them and then go the rest of the way in score like look at him he can't even catch and remember if I don't complete this within 10 minutes I gotta give away that Derrick Henry Jersey please Derek the economy is not too great right now we've got to catch this and we've got to score like what are the odds we actually do this like Hail Mary's are tough enough much less a 99 yorder why are they bringing everybody on a Hail Mary like maybe it actually would work I thought the challenge earlier was the hardest I've ever had to do this one might be like of course it is I'm trying to catch a 99-yard Hail Mary with Derrick Henry he can't even catch that good in real life this is really going to come down to the wire it's the no no it's not Derrick Henry please please for the love of God love of the god no fast people boom he truly can't do it all not only did you just witness all 32 NFL running backs scoring a 99-yard touchdown you got the witness Derrick Henry catch a 99 yard Hail Mary now if you enjoyed that one and want to see more 99 yard bombs click right here to watch me throw for a 99-yard touchdown with every NFL quarterback
Channel: RBT
Views: 1,396,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden, madden nfl, nfl, madden 23, game, gameplay, challenge, madden challenge, rbt, touchdown, 99 yard touchdown, run, score, scoring, running back, football, rb
Id: dma5YorNyk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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