Score Goal = 1 Icon Pack

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my team is full of bronzes and using them has been the worst experience of my life but by the end of today's video I'm going to have a team full of icons for every goal I score with this bronze theme I get to open one icon pack but wait hold up how on Earth am I going to score with this bronze team that's the neat thing you don't our Striker legit has 47 finishing bro is going to struggle to kick a football the other Striker we've got I can't even see his name on YouTube otherwise I'll get demonetized to make it worse his shooting stats are terrible oh no our cam can barely run and in defense I am not happy to see this guy with 55 Pace I need that first icon pack somehow forget about scoring I need to be worried about conceding we might actually concede of course we do I don't know how I'm going to get a goal with this team wait no we're through on goal bro look at his first touch his first touch is crazy oh my God he got clattered we might still score no we don't please somebody score no oh oh we might finally get a goal diving header bro is even looking where the goal is at like bro look at this how do you hit a diving header so far off Target bro like honestly could this be our chance could this be the chance no I tried so hard to score a goal with these bronzes but they were so bad finally finally yes we got it Mr Evans did it let's go I don't know how Evans did it but he actually scored for us I just realized he scored better shooting stats then both our Strikers make that make sense but with that we get to open our first icon pack I'm opening our first icon pack please give me someone good to replace those brones here we go boys here we go Netherlands sent it forward it could be hullet no way hullet in our first pack a it's Dennis ber cam for a second I thought it was going to be rude hulet but you know what that is B cam isn't too bad oh it could have been c as well but the good thing is it's time to say goodbye to Mr hole what he's gone and welcome Dennis Berg Cam and to get more icon packs we're going to need Burg Camp to score goals but not just any goals the wheel is going to decide the type of goal we need to score to unlock the next icon pack okay let's see what kind of goal we need to score I'm so glad we've got buram to score the goals for us and we need to score a header that's probably the one thing buram isn't good at but he's going to have to do it for us straight away in our next game I started spamming crosses to Dennis bur camp but as expected he was not winning any headers forget headbutting the ball bur camp is out here head butting the goaler what is he doing guys I think we need to rethink our strategy let's make bur Camp the provider and get someone else to score the header that might actually work or Corners might be our best chance come on Dennis bur camp we need a good delivery from you it's decent ah not good enough this is still going to be tough but instead things got worse and we conceded a penalty we're going to concede of course we are for the second off I need a new strategy I'm seeing who are our tallest players P at 6'4 oh he can't run at 47 piece but we just need him to head the ball in let's try this out H we need you to score the header this could be it bamp header no what a chance though things went from bad to worse when one of our players got sent off oh he's not going to be happy about getting sent off there see what I did there come on B Camp the cross needs to be perfect and it is but the header same no oh even with the red card we were trying everything to score a header no guys the game is over and we couldn't score a header we tried everything since we couldn't score the header and we essentially failed the challenge we don't get to open an icon pack instead we get to open a hero pack and to be honest the stage where our team's at right now I will take any hero gladly okay who is this one going to be let's see Portuguese flag cam is that going to be ruy Costa I'm pretty sure ruy Costa is hero this time around and there you go a Champions League hero ruie Costa to be honest at one point in FIFA he was an icon guard but yeah he's not an icon and there you go ruy Costa is going into the team it's a massive upgrade but now I'm hoping with him and buram we're able to complete our next challenge and open an icon pack cuz I want nothing to do with the hero packs let's see guys which challenge do we get for the next one it's a power shot okay oh and buram got 89 shot power ruy Costa to can bang them in oh but I completely forgot happy got sent off in the last game we're going to put this bald guy into the team but forget about him we need to score a power shot bro the game's barely kicked off and look at buram go I'm going to strike it with him oh it's a rocket that's what's up boys Den is sp Camp bangs it in look at the clock not even 3 minutes in and we've completed the challenge and so we get to open another icon pack okay please be good a you know it's terrible when it's the Irish flag this is going to be Roy Keen Ah that's literally one of the worst icons you can pack why are you dancing that's something Roy Keen would never do Shing I am I disgusted with it I've put him into the team but it doesn't really feel like an upgrade I definitely need another icon pack so let's see what kind of goal we need to score for it finesse shot outside the box that's going to be a bit of a challenge but again with bur Cam and ruy Costa I think we can get it done one thing's for sure Roy was not going to help us score any sort of a finishe shot but we do have one man who can get it done guys the only one I trust to pull this off is B Camp edge of the box and that in I think I need to check whether that was outside the box or not all right guys V check and it's confirmed outside the box we completed the challenge can we please get a better icon than Roy Keane okay who's it going to be please be a good Nation Brazil is perfect left Winger is it going to be Ronaldinho has to be please oh Rivaldo ah that was so close to being Ronaldinho can you imagine oh he's wearing the Argentina kit which is sus to be honest though we cannot complain about having rialo in the team he's got 91 dribbling crazy stats scoring goals with him in the team now should be a lot easier well actually it kind of depends on the goal we need to score and okay this one's going to be simple just a happen a few minutes later okay let's see let's see should be an easy one oh it's off the post no we failed again bro why is it so difficult to actually score a tap in man honestly and finally we do but I don't think that's a tap in have a look at this that was legit a proper goal I can't call that a tap in okay please this has got to be it this has got to be it this has got to be it now that's more like a tap in we'll take that for scoring that tap in opening an icon back and are we going to get someone good the Spanish flag is never good ah it's Fernando hero well at least we've got ourselves a center back you might be thinking what's the point of a Defender cuz he's not going to really help us score goals and you're right but once we build this theme full of icons I'm going to have to play an All or Nothing game where if I lose all the icons that I've packed get discarded I'm not even kidding Rivaldo bur Camp Keen hero whoever else we pack as well all of them gone so I'm hoping we do keep packing some great icons cuz I don't want to lose but that though we got to keep scoring the goals and let's see what we need to score next and it's a free kick oh and revaldo is pretty good with free kicks this is it we by the way have three attempts to score this free kick if we fail we're going to have to settle for a hero pack but I think revaldo SC crazy good free kicks he can put this one and go on revaldo it's decent oh the keeper saved it no come on revaldo oh this angle is a lot more difficult from Rivaldo it's from 25 M out I don't know if I can do this let's see raldo please put this one top in you can do it oh it's brilliant that's what we needed raldo come on look at him celebrate with bir Camp there this was actually a perfect free kick worthy of getting us an icon pack we're opening the icon pack now and no English flag is never good I think this is going to be Ashley Cole ah Ashley why did it have to be you I mean I guess it improves the overall team but I kind of want to get attackers and gold scorers but to be honest this team has come a long way from being bronzes now a fair few icons but I want to make this team even crazier with more icon packs and up next we need to score a Panka penalty you know what that should be easy and so to spice things up I'm going to take it with the worst penalty taker we've got among the icons it's clearly not rivalo with his 85 pens not Burham not ruy Costa either it's probably going to be one of the Defenders isn't it maybe Fernando hero no he's actually decent with pen 73 actually go is 72 so right now it's him unless Roy Keen is worse at penson oh my we're going to have to score to panenka with Roy Keen to get our next icon pack once again we've got three attempts to pull this off okay let's try it let's try it man Pena with royen first attempt oh he's actually pulled it off Roy Keane I didn't know he had that in his locker fair play for scoring a benga with Roy Keane we deserve something crazy honestly man none of our icon picks have been outrageous and this one's Portuguese Center forward no no no no no is it actually us saio I think it is I think it is let's go we've actually backed us sa you are you actually kidding me bro that is insane that's probably one of the best players I think I've ever packed in any FIFA FC whatever you want to call it that's crazy nah bro I can't believe we've actually got him you Sabio bro that is unreal yo I'm playing him at striker I don't even care the first goal we need to score after packing usabo was to dribble the keeper and score with Yabo's 91 dribbling this was a cakewalk yo look at youve your dribble he's crazy but I still need to dribble the keeper and score this might be my chance yes I've done it let's go you save your scores challenge complete which means another icon pack and this one's a bit of a different icon pack there is definitely an icon in this pack but there's also a lot of other stuff but we only care about the icon okay who are we going to get from this polish I don't think there's anyl polish icons Barcelona wait is this leandi oh there you go we've just gotten Robert leandi surely there's an icon walking out and it is it's zamb BR that isn't too bad cuz we don't really have a right back after packing you Sao I don't think I can complain about anyone I get but yeah zamb BR isn't too bad this theme is looking crazy but we still got three more bronzes to replace let's see what kind of goal we need to score next ooh a long shot and I think for that we've got a lot of quality players I'm going to try it with Burham flicking it up shoots scores but I'm not sure whether that was outside the box V check on that one and yep it was inside the box so it does not count I'm trying it with usabo now flicking it back in oh oh usabo what a strike that definitely counts what a long shot from usabo fired that one like a rocket challenge complete and that means another icon pack but also before that if you guys could subscrib to the channel That would really be awesome we're getting closer and closer to 100K subscribers and with your help we can get there soon enough all right let's see who we're getting in this one is that the Ghana flag I'm not sure CDM that could be Michael essan right wait is he from Ghana I'm not I'm not entirely sure my flag knowledge is s but we have got Michael Essen that's actually pretty awesome he's not going to help us score any goals I guess he going to be amazing in the team we've got just two more bronzes to rep place and for our next goal we need to score a trick shot this might be a bit tricky and now that was wasn't pun intended I spent the next 20 minutes trying to get this trick shot but I could barely even get an attempt I thought I was going to have to open another hero pack instead but then oh this is my best chance bur Camp let's go that counts that counts bur camp with the trick shot it had to be him of course trick shot done and we've secured another icon pack ooh this pack has got a lot more stuff but hey we just need the icon from this okay so we get pop but there should be an icon behind her who's going to walk out wait wait wait no no no we've already got him oh no that's my first duplicate Fernando hero ay since we can't have two Fernando Heros in the team we're allowed to buy an icon off the market but the icon price should be lesser than Fernando hero oh but this is bad cuz hero is worth only 75,000 coins you know what I wouldn't mind getting an icon goalkeeper in that budget ah but I'm seeing the icons that are available for 75,000 and none of them impress me no no way not a single goalkeeper within that budget I guess guys we're just going to have to buy someone from here um I guess we can go with chabby Alonzo I might have to put him at Center back though but I guess we'll go with him we took a massive L with this icon pack but we can earn ourselves another by completing the final challenge which is to chip the keeper and score we do that and we get one more icon pack I think with usio I should be able to do the chip oh that was simple first attempt that's how good you sa your ear no way that chip got this guy a rage quid guys we're about to open our final icon pack but I just realized that we're desperately in need of a goalkeeper the final icon backward opening has two icons in it this could be our best chance of getting like a goalkeeper I've never wished for a goalkeeper from my icon pack but please can it be one it's it's Striker Dodge who is that going to be oh Robin V persy who's the other icon Ronald Coman Ah that's a bit of an l no I mean if we would have packed these icons earlier brilliant but we can kind of needed a goalkeeper now I've got to decide between kman and Vamp pery who to put into my team the problem is whoever we put in is going in goal and you know what vampers is known as The Flying Dutchman maybe that will help him make some saves and so we're putting him into the team and that's it guys we've now built a full team of icons and a hero card but the worst is yet to come cuz we're going to now play an All or Nothing game where if I lose each and every one of these icons discarded if I have to discard this usio card there will be tears yo what is this guy's team I'm going to get destroyed he's got playar of the month MBA okay but we do have a full team of icons although we've got van persy in goal so if he shoots he's going to score okay but Dennis bur Camp has other plans maybe not bur Camp whoo please has to be it oh it's off the post rialo rebound let's go we take that guys so far the plan of not letting this guy shoot is is working but it could end anytime cuz he's got some crazy good players oh no no he's got a free shoted goal of course but Percy wasn't stopping that surely this is it surely this is it usabo how are you not scoring oh my de look at the position we've got a free kick from Rivaldo you've got to score this man bro it's gone in it's gone in I can't believe it let's go usabo this time you've got a score for me oh he's beating the keeper simple from usio I think he's going to rage quit let's go bye-bye that's what happens when you face a full Dem of VI icons even though one of them was in goal and that means I don't have to discard any of these icons including my first owner pack pull you saio if you guys enjoyed this video why not watch me do this challenge but for every goal I school I get to open one amazing pack that was a lot of fun click here to watch that
Channel: EvenMoreS2G
Views: 1,103,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cuYeGq177Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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