Score A Touchdown = Add A 99 Overall To The Bills

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today I'm going to be playing out the 2023 season for the Buffalo Bills but for every touchdown that Stefon dig scores we get to add a 99 overall player to this team I mean honestly the bills are already stacked they really don't need help right now but by the end of this video they should be a super team but this is what the offense looks like to start things off I mean obviously they're stacked the o line could definitely use some work though and obviously the defense doesn't look like this now cuz they're super injured but as you can see when they're he they might be the best defense in the AFC I mean obviously after looking at the roster the bills are clearly a playoff team so I mean adding players is just going to make them 10 times better than they already are but as you can see we got take on the New York Jets in week one I mean this is a game that the bills did end up losing in real life so hopefully we can flip the script here we have terrible field position at the seven to start things off as well as you can see the reason for that is cuz we got to stop on defense so obviously the defense is already doing their job I'm going to try and put the ball in the air here I mean it's kind of risky at this area of the field but we're going to find sherfield for the first and as I've said before I feel like James Cook honestly might be one of the most underrated running backs in the league I mean I know he's only a 79 overall but he plays like he's in the high 80s the bills did recently sign Leonard forette though which I mean they lost Damen Harris so it kind of makes sense but at the same time it's not like Delvin cook hasn't been helping you guys out that's a huge run from Diggs let's go sorry James Cook not Delvin cook I already know I'm going to be getting flame for that one but I'm going to try and go for another run here and if this works the way I want it to I'll probably put it in the air I mean we don't have a whole lot of short option passes with Stefon dig so we kind of got to just make a do with what we got and hopefully he can be open here I mean that's risky and that's an interception okay that is not the start I was looking for I mean thankfully for us as you can see it looks like we're going to get lucky here cuz we got a sack to push them all the way to the six yd line and then we forced a fumble so we have the ball back and this time it looks like we're not going to throw an interception so Diggs is in for the touchdown Which is going to give us the lead first here hopefully that is going to be the first touchdown of many for Stefon Diggs and once again our defense got another stop so we have the ball at the 47 now I'm pretty sure they attempted a fourth down conversion but obviously that didn't work and the way the defense is set up it looks like Stefon Diggs is going to be wide open so I mean backto back plays on offense and this guy is in the end zone so that's two touchdowns on the game for Diggs I mean I didn't think another one would come that quickly after the first but I'll take it but as you can see we're back out here in the fourth quarter I'd say things are definitely going our way right now we have a minute and 56 seconds to try and get one more touchdown with Stefon Diggs it looks like Gabe Davis is wide open so that's going to be another huge pickup I mean this offense is already unbelievable I mean it's so easy to get plays it looks like I'm playing on rookie mode but I promise you I'm not I'm just going to try and go back to digs here though every time man I mean nobody knows how to guard this guy seems like he's always open so that's three touchdowns on the game for Stefon Diggs I would say that should put the game away but honestly the game was already over before we scored there I feel like I have to prove it now just cuz the bills are making this look so easy but so you know that I'm not playing on rookie mode there you go so obviously we're going to be moving to 1 and0 on the season I forgot to tell you I had pre-existing injuries off too so Rogers was playing obviously he did not do a whole lot but anyways step digs finished that game with three touchdowns as I said this team's already stacked so I was honestly having issues deciding who I wanted to pick up but we got Aaron Donald that one's pretty self-explanatory we also got Joey Bosa and ran Smith so as you can see this defense is by far the best in the league but as you can see we got take on the Las Vegas Raiders in week two I mean this is clearly a mismatch we should be able to have an absolute field day with this one this is also our home open so obviously this is a game that we're going to want to win with the defense I mean they don't really have any good players to be honest with you other than Max Crosby we really don't need to worry about anybody I mean the Jets had s Garder that was kind of terrifying but he really didn't do a whole lot so hopefully we can also take Max Crosby over the picture today I mean that's another decent run from cook he's actually playing pretty well right now so I'm going to hand it off to him again and see if we can get some more yardage and then after this depending how this play works I'll probably put it in the air that's another one okay first down as I've said his overall does not show for it whatsoever CU he plays like he's in the high 80s he does not look like a 79 overall running back but we're going to find Diggs I'm going to try and go for another pass though I mean the way this is looking it might get shut down but if Gabe Davis can somehow get open which he will that is going to be a lot of yardage let's go that's another huge pickup we almost got pushed in the end zone I'm going to try and go to Diggs on this play I mean it looks like he's wide open hopefully they don't realize that they've left him wide open I mean that's going to work that's another touchdown from Diggs the defense really messed up on that one I mean I don't know how you can leave out of all players Stefon Diggs really that's who you're going to leave wide open but anyways our defense got to stop so we're still up 7 nothing in the second quarter I'm going to try and go for a shot with Davis here and it looks like he's going to be wide open I mean this defense is terrible we are rolling all over them right now we're going to go out of bounds and try and hand it off to dig again it's not like the Raiders are a good team though to be honest with you I mean this is a game that bill should be destroying them in either way and once again oh we got exploded kind of butt hurt that we couldn't hold on to that there but I mean it's whatever we got crushed that was bound to happen at some point I'm running the exact same play here though which probably isn't very smart and it looks like we almost threw an interception so I mean I guess it's something or nothing now it's Fourth and goal I'm praying that this can work out I mean Diggs let's go thank you okay that was desperation time I mean it took the whole game for the Raiders to start playing good but they brought a fourth down up at the one yd line either way we're going to score though so that is two touchdowns on the day for my boy Stefon digs not a whole lot happened after that though I mean the Raiders did score a couple times as you can see we only won by one score but either way we're going to get our second win of the season so that's going to move the bills to 2 and0 but digs finished that game with two touchdowns so we got two new additions to this team as you can see to help out the o line we picked up Armstead and obviously as you can see we also picked up Derrick Henry I mean James Cook was playing so well too so I kind of wanted to hold out on getting a running back but you know I had to pull the trigger and get Derrik Henry but as you can see we got to take on the Washington commanders who are also 2- 0 in week three and real quick before we hop into this game as you can see it looks like Josh Allen ended up winning AFC offensive player of the week obviously we got Derrick Henry for a reason though so I mean I'm going to go for a run with him and hopefully he can tear up this defense we almost got got smoke there but I mean we're going to get some yardage I mean three yards definitely isn't terrible when you have Jonathan Allen coming at you at full speed but anyways they brought a third down after that so we need something here and it looks like we're going to find shefield that still wasn't enough for a first down so it's fourth and one but realistically I mean going for it is probably the best option one yard should not be an issue for Derk Henry we almost got stopped but we're going to power through for the first honestly he hasn't been doing a whole lot though I mean to be honest with you it seems like James has been playing better than Derrick Henry so far I want to try and get an explosive play with him there we go that might be it that's going to be a first running the ball of Derrick Henry is actually so fun mix I mean it takes a few players to get this guy down I mean if it's one-on-one he's probably going to stiff arm you into a different dimension that's not what happened there though I mean so far Washington is containing him pretty well Stefon Diggs is wide open come on you're making it too easy for me that's another first down Stefon Diggs is going off right now I mean after that Washington got struck with a roughing the passer call so hopefully we can find digs here we got four attempts to try and do this now which is nice and it looks like he's going to be wide open on the first try so that's another touchdown from Stefon digs that is going to give the lead to the Bills first here but anyways we're coming back out here in the third quarter we have a 10- nothing lead right now we didn't do a whole lot after that touchdown honestly I mean Washington's defense has been playing really well today we're going to find Hardy though that is a huge pickup I mean Washington did bring up another third down after I wanted to try and get bench working but we're like 0 for six with that play today so that one might be off the table that's going to be really close let's go Diggs that's a first down that play kind of proves it right there I mean Allen and Diggs are such a dangerous Duo he might be locked up here though we really need something cuz it is third down now Washington is locking us down as I've said today that's going to bring up a fourth and 10 I mean this is not anything near what I wanted but I'm just going to kick the field goal to play things safe I mean I don't want to come all this way way for nothing so we'll put another three points on the board but as you can see Washington's getting absolutely slaughtered in the fourth quarter it doesn't show for it but out of all the teams we played so far Washington has been the most difficult I mean their defense has had us locked down for the most part even I mean most of those points are field goals and from simming but we're at that point in the game where they're going to keep attempting to try and go for it on fourth down that's how we ended up with the crazy field position that we had here oh man this is dangerous oh bro digs found a who bro no way that worked out he was locked up until the last second of that play So I'm happy I held on to it I was going to try and go for knock there but that's two touchdowns on the game once again from Stefon Diggs I'd say that would put the game away but again like last time the game was already over so we're going to take it 29 to nothing the final I mean our defense was phenomenal today they got a shut out win so that's going to move the bills to three and0 on the season we are off to one hell of a start right now but anyways that was another two touch down game from Stefon digs so I decided to give him a friend we got Tyreek Hill and we also got Trent Williams for the o line so the o line looking pretty solid right now and this wide receiver Duo is going to be absolutely insane but as you can see in week four we got take on the Miami Dolphins this game would be a lot scarier if they had Tyreek Hill but he's with us now so hopefully this can be another win defense got to stop though so we have the ball at the 26 to start things off I going to hand it off to Henry and hopefully we can get a run going we are not doing that I got to try and go for another run of Henry man I mean I'm kind of but her cuz he is definitely underperforming right now I mean James Cook was playing better than the way he's playing now that brings up a third and four though so we got to try and go for it here I'm going to throw it in the opposite direction of jayen Ramsey I mean hopefully somebody can get open here we're going for sherfield that's a nice one let's go I mean we almost didn't get to that but I'll take it so that's a first down I'm going to try and go for another run with Derrick Henry cuz I'm just waiting for him to have a super EXP explosive play and it looks like that might be the one that's a first down it is cool having Derrick Henry on the bills though I mean this did almost happen in real life but the Titans decided to keep him after the trade deadline I mean the bills Ravens and Cowboys were the Front Runners to get him I feel like if you went to the Ravens though Lamar Jackson and Derrick Henry would have been such a terrifying Duo but anyways we lost two yards off that play so I'm going to try and go for Tyreek Hill this time that is a ridiculous grab that was super offt Target but he still got there after that I'm going to try and go for a shot with Stefon digs he is the number two wide receiver now that we have Tyreek Hill so hopefully this route can work for us I mean we're going to find him and it looks like we're going to be just short not that big of a deal though I mean we only need one yard here and I'd like to think that he should be able to get that that's another touchdown from Diggs so that's going to give the lead to the Bills first here I'm hoping he can pop off today but anyways as you can see the dolphins ended up getting a field goal after that and then we gave the ball up but we forced to Fumble so we have the ball at the 10 yd line and I'm really hoping that works I mean against Jaylen Ramsey this is dangerous but Tyreek Hill's going to beat him in the foot race so that's going to bring the ball all the way to the 28 yd line I'm going to try and go for a shot with Stefon digs after that and hopefully this can work out I mean we're getting chased but we're going to find him he's wide open for another touchdown so that's two touchdowns for Diggs in the first half so he is already off to one hell of a start that's going to make things a two-score game one once again and as you can see we got another stop against the Dolphins so we're still up by two scores I'm going to try and go for a shot with Tyreek Hill here I mean we're kind of in a time crunch right now cuz we only have 2 minutes before halftime we found Hill again though and it looks like he's gone I mean that would be an easy touchdown but we're going to step off and try and hand it out to Diggs with Tyreek Hill this team is so dangerous I mean if this actually happened in real life I couldn't even imagine how good the bills would be that was a pass interference call in the Dolphins too by the way on that last play of dig so now we just need to get one yard here I'm hoping he can be open not a single soul is on him so that's his third touchdown of the first half obviously he is having himself one hell of a game so far that is going to make it a three-score lead but we're back out here in the third quarter as you can see the dolphins are getting absolutely annihilated right now so hopefully we can put one more score on the board and that would put things away even though this game is pretty much already over I still want to try and get one more touchdown with Stefon Diggs but that brings up a third down cuz once again d Henry is still underperforming which I didn't think would happen but that is where we're at right now we're going to find James Cook though he's just short so now we just need a couple of inches I mean as long as Henry doesn't get stuff behind the line we should be able to get a first down here and it looks like we're going to barely get that I don't know what's going on though man I really want to get him going for a huge run but it seems like every team has had him locked down so far I mean this time there we go never mind We're stopped again I mean don't get me wrong that's still a nice nice pick up but if we didn't get hit by that man we probably would have got at least 20 yards off that play I'm going to try this play though I'm pretty sure this is a run with Josh Allen yes sir okay he has got more yardage On The Run than Derrick Henry right now which is actually ridiculous but I'll take it I'm going to try and go to the end zone here and hopefully Diggs can get open I mean hopefully Jaylen Ramsey is occupied with Tyreek Hill and it looks like that's going to be really tight we're going to find Diggs though and we're in for another touchdown so that's four on the game for Stefon Diggs again I'd say that would put things away but this game was already over so it looks like the Dolphins are getting slaughtered today 49 to13 I'm pretty sure that's the biggest blowout we have had all season so far so that moves us to 4-0 on the season but anyways we get to add four more players to this team that is already ridiculously stacked I mean to help out the o line we got Zach Martin we also picked up Travis Kelce so the offense is by far the best in NFL history and as you can for the defense we picked up Jaylen Ramsey and we also got Micah Parson so same story here best defense in NFL history and it's not even close so I mean I'd say there is a very high chance we go undefeated we're already 4 and0 but we're going to go ahead and Sim to the playoffs and see what's up and as you can see the bills are going to finish off the season going 17 and0 which really isn't surprising obviously that's going to give us the number one seed in the playoffs and it looks like we got to take on the LA Chargers in the division round and it looks like we're going to sneak away with the dub so now we have to play Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs who no longer have Travis Kelce for a trip to the Super Bowl and it looks like the Chiefs are also going to get demolished so now we have to play the Cowboys in the Super Bowl and as you can see it looks like Josh Allen is going to get a well-deserved MVP this season I mean playing against the Cowboys is never easy as you can see even though they don't have mic a Parson this defense is insanely stacked but hopefully Oh I thought that was a run with Henry that's one thing that always bugs me with Madden I mean half the time I'll say it's a run with a running back and then it's just like a handoff to your quarterback and you're not expecting it at all but anyways I was hoping sherfield would be open there but he kind of stopped thankfully we're going to find Tyreek Hill for a massive pickup so that brings the ball all the way to the 47 after that I'm just going to hand it off to Derrick Henry again and hopefully our o line can give us some blocks uh I don't know what's going on with Derrick Henry I mean he's been super underwhelming I mean as you can see Delvin cook is getting more yardage On The Run than Derk Henry has I'm going to give him one more chance cuz I want to try and get an explosive play of Derrick Henry I mean he's had a few but it seems like Delvin cook has played way better than he has I mean once again we're not going to get a first down off of this play I'm not going to lie though that was still a pretty solid pickup we only need two yards for the first down now so I'm going to try and go for Travis Kelce cuz we have not hit him yet that was terrible we're going to throw an interception that's probably going to be a pick six too I mean ah bro that accuracy he was so torched you've got to be kidding me Alan save the day thank you I mean after that the Cowboys are up 7 nothing I'm going to try and go for a shot with Tyreek Hill here I mean it's looking like he's probably going to be locked up but hopefully he can just burn these guys with the speed I mean I'm not even going to risk that Davis is wide open either way going to try and go for another shot here though I mean it's looking like Hill's probably going to be wide open on this play depending how Ste Trayvon digs plays this I mean that's looking good that might be a touchdown that's a do from Josh Allen and we're not getting caught so we're going to get in with Tyreek Hill that ties the game up hopefully we can just keep rolling for the rest of this game I mean we've played well all season as you can see we're tied up we're actually in overtime right now as you can see though we're already in scoring position so as long as we don't throw an interception we should hopefully at least be able to get a game-winning field goal Dallas has played extremely well today though I mean this has by far been the closest game all season but it looks like Tyreek Hill is going to get a game-winning TouchDown for a Super Bowl ring which is a pretty crazy way to end off this video so it looks like we're getting the ring we deserved I mean press got balled out today though I did not expect Dallas to play that well especially against a defense like ours that's like a 95 overall even though it took overtime we're still going to get the job done so as you can see Josh Allen and this stack team are going to be hoisting the Lombardi trophy to end off this video but anyways if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like And subscribe it' really help with the channel and if you have any video ideas feel free to drop them down in the comment section below I'll try to get to as many of them as I can and while you're down there comment the most random thing you can think of so we can confuse everybody in the comment section but other than that I'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music] out
Channel: Prime Time
Views: 327,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden 24, madden 24 challenge, tdbarrett, td, barrett, gameplay, challenge, madden 24 tdbarrett, youtuber wager, madden 24 wager, madden tdbarrett, game, touchdown, madden trash talker, comedy, every madden, scoring every madden, Justin jefferson, every team, score every team, madden 24 best defense, madden 24 gameplay, madden 24 franchise, madden 24 ultimate team, bryce young, cj stroud, anthony richardson, carolina panthers, houston texans
Id: 8tpk8Sl1Mfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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