Science Quiz for Grade 3 | Questions and Answers | Class 3

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hello and welcome to fun science quiz for third grade students these questions are about plants animals rocks weather and more are you ready let's go question number one what is the unit used to measure [Music] temperature the answer is letter D temperature is measured using degrees it helps us understand how hot or cold something is question number two what organ in our body helps us [Music] breathe the answer is letter A our lungs help us breathe when we inhale they fill up with air and when we exhale they release carbon dioxide question number three what is the name of the force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth [Music] the answer is letter B gravity is the force that keeps us from floating off the Earth's surface it also makes objects fall when we drop them or throw them up in the air question number four what is the name of the process by which plants make their own food using sunlight water and carbon [Music] dioxide the answer is letter B photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy which they use to grow and survive the word photosynthesis means making things with light question number five what is the name of the smallest unit of life that can perform all the functions of living [Music] things the answer is letter C cells are the basic building blocks of all living things they have different parts that perform different functions such as the nucleus which contains the genetic material and the mitochondria which produce energy question number six what is the name of the natural phenomenon that causes flashes of light and loud noises in the sky during a storm the answer is letter D lightning is a discharge of electricity that occurs between clouds or between a cloud in the ground it can heat the air to over 30,000 CE which causes the air to expand rapidly and create a sound wave called Thunder question number seven what is the name of the part of a flower that produces [Music] pollen the answer is letter C the stamin is the male reproductive part of a flower it consists of a filament which supports the anther which produces and releases pollen pollen is the male gay mate that fertilizes the female gay mate in the pistol question number eight what is the name of the type of animal that has a [Music] backbone the answer is letter b vertebrates are animals that have a backbone or spinal column which supports their body and protects their nervous system there are five main groups of vertebrates fish amphibians reptiles birds and mammals question number n what is the name of the layer of the Earth that we live [Music] on the answer is letter A the crust is the outer outermost layer of the Earth which ranges from 5 to 70 Kem thick it is made up of rocks and minerals and it forms the continence and the ocean floor moving on to number 10 what is the name of the organ that pumps blood throughout the [Music] body the answer is letter D the heart is a muscular organ that beats about 100,000 times a day if has four chambers two atria and two ventricles the Atria receive blood from the body and the lungs and the ventricles pump blood to the body and the lungs question number 11 what is the name of the type of rock that is formed when magma or lava cools and solidifies the answer is letter A ous rocks are rocks that are formed from the cooling and solid Sol ification of molten material magma is the molten material that is found under the Earth's surface and lava is the molten material that erupts from volcanoes examples of ous rocks are Granite Basalt and obsidian question number 12 what is the name of the force that opposes the motion of an object when it slides over another [Music] object the answer is letter B friction is the force that acts between two surfaces that are in contact and moving relative to each other friction reduces the speed of an object and produces heat friction can be useful such as when we use brakes to stop a car or harmful such as when we get a blister from rubbing our skin question number 13 what is the name of the natural phenomenon that causes water droplets to form on cold surfaces [Music] the answer is letter D condensation is the process by which a gas changes into a liquid when it cools down for example when water vapor in the air comes into contact with a cold surface such as a window or a glass it condenses into water droplets question number 14 what is the name of the part of a flower that receives pollen and produces seeds [Music] the answer is letter D the pistol is the female reproductive part of a flower it consists of a stigma which receives pollen a style which connects the stigma and the ovary and an ovary which contains ovules that develop into seeds the pistol is also called the carpal lastly what is the name of the type of animal that has no backbone [Music] and the answer is letter C invertebrates are animals that have no backbone or spinal column they make up about 95% of all animal species they are many different groups of invertebrates such as insects spiders worms snails jellyfish and coral that's it for today's quiz I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new how did you do let me know your score in the comments below and don't forget to like share and subscribe for more fun science quizzes thank you for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Grade School Quiz Factory
Views: 22,899
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Keywords: Science Quiz, Grade 3, Grade 3 Quiz, Science Quiz for Grade 3, Grade School Quiz Factory, 3rd grade science, science for kids, science questions, science trivia, science education, science learning, grade 3 science, elementary science, homeschool science
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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