Science Quiz Bee | Sample Question | Actual Competition |#science #quiz #competition #fyp #grade10

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[Music] thank you [Music] includes first poetry lessons in science number two each section must have one representative chosen by the science teacher number three the contestants will write his or her answers at the back at the black part of the illustration board for all grade level contestants will answer the same set of questions in writing before the questions read the participants must raise their mortars or chalk five there will be three components in the competition mainly easy round average and difficult Realm number six the easy Ram has 10 questions worth one point the average round has sent questions worth two points each and in the difficult round the 10 questions worth three points number seven in the easy round 10 seconds is given for the contestants to answer 30 seconds for the average round and one minute for the difficult round number eight the questions will be read by the police master twice number 10 after the second reading the quiz Master shall say go and only then the contestants will be allowed to write their answers on their bullets automatically does that time limit will be given with the word go by a quiz Master 10 seconds for the easy 30 seconds for the average and one minute for the depictment number eleven after the time limit the whistle is flown by the Thai people the contestants must stop writing and must raise their answer words and only those with correct answers must raise their boards after the announcement of the answer number 12 the quiz Master shall rep and verify the contestant correct answer and number 13 the contestants who gets the highest number of points is automatically declared the winner in case of time three time breaking questions will be given good luck and God bless thank you Mom Jen okay the mechanics are made clear to everyone so are you now ready ready great and students [Music] collectible interest power and joy so enjoy the guitar you need my stress okay so before entering this wonderful quiz let me introduce our grade 10 level committee foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] yeah our great legal registration slash coding in charge sir ezrael [Music] our time keeper [Music] De La Cruz and our Checkers Lush retriever mom Esther and listen Brian okay so that's it okay we all know that you are so excited and curious about the competition so hold your heart for some time and of course relax relax now without wasting much time let me let's move forward and wish you all the best cross your fingers throw your attention and of course lead yourself for the win good luck learners [Music] what type of seismic wave causes the greatest destruction to buildings again what type of seismic wave causes the greatest destruction to build this a Body Waves b s waves c p waves and D surface waves go okay [Music] jokes [Music] and the correct answer is letter D surface waves Pops I just write it down I also it down please [Music] question number two which of the following volcano is cinder cone volcano again which of the following volcano is cinder cone volcano a Mount Mayon B Mount Saint Helen C Mauna Kia and D [Music] go [Music] a little bit chops up Razorback board the correct answer is letter C Mauna Kia hot materials move black a any direction b sideward c upward D downward go [Music] thank you [Music] raise your tag board the correct answer is letter C are example of again the Hawaiian Islands are example of a vacation destination B Hot Spot C convergent boundary D Transform boundary go foreign [Music] the correct answer is letter B hot spot when did the super continent Pangea begin to break up again when did the supercontinent Pangea begin to break up hey about 145 million years ago about 200 million years ago C about 250 million years ago and G about 65 million years ago go [Music] foreign [Music] the correct answer is letter B about 200 million years ago boy be as in boy all bees remain one two three [Music] scientists estimate the first age is about again [Music] the scientists estimate the Earth's age is about a 150 million years old B 4.6 million years old C 4.6 billion years old and D 10 million years old go foreign [Music] foreign [Music] the correct answer is letter C 4.6 billion our second round the average round chops up question number one for the average round in a hot spot volcano a is on top of the month of plan volcano bee is 20 kilometers farther than volcano a while volcano C is the farthest what can you infer about the ages of the volcanoes [Music] again in a hot spot volcano a is on top of the mantle crown volcano B is 20 kilometers farther than volcano a while volcano sea is the farthest what can you infer about the ages of the volcanoes a volcano C is the youngest being volcano a is the oldest [Music] volcano than volcano Siege and D volcano a is older than volcano C go [Music] thank you [Music] very much [Music] nothing though foreign ladies jumps up raise your sideboard the correct answer is letter C volcano B is younger than volcano C the oldest cross are found blank the meat Oceanic Ridge again the oldest jokes up we all this crust are found blank the mid-oceanic ridge a farthest B nearest C along D away go [Music] [Music] away [Music] okay jumps up raise your tag boards the correct answer is letter A farthest all A's remain one two three [Music] what evidences do scientists use to support the continental drift theory again what evidences do scientists use to support the continental drift theory a rocks fossils air B rocks fossils climbing C rocks Water Ice and D rocks fossils human beings goals foreign [Music] [Music] foreign answer is letter B rocks fossils climate all bees remain we have one two three okay shall we [Music] okay so let's begin the third and final round the difficult one question number one Chop Stop [Music] question number one what two continents fit together the discipline Supply the answer again [Music] what two continents fit together noticeably so um Supply the answer go [Music] don't worry [Music] foreign [Music] spelling is wrong [Music] please no sharing foreign [Music] [Music] answers please remain oh [Music] as you can see question number six if the Atlantic Ocean is widening at a rate of 5 centimeters per year how far in kilometers will it spread in a million years [Music] again if the Atlantic Ocean is widening at a rate of 5 centimeters per year how far in kilometers will it spread in a million years go [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay jokes up raise your tag boards the correct answer is 50 kilometers five zero question [Music] okay so we have one two three six seven black is when the force of gravity pulls a lithospheric plate downward and away from a ridge pushing it towards a trench again black is when the force of gravity pulls a lithospherically downward and away from a ridge pushing it towards a trench go away [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] board the correct answer is Rich push [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Views: 16,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: general knowledge, high school, science questions, science quiz, science questions and answers, general science quiz, general knowledge trivia
Id: PWptkzTWOWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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