Science for kids | Body Parts - Unluckiest Kid Compilation! | Experiments for kids | Operation Ouch

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there's a bone to break a break crazy crazy [Music] if your body takes a knock it won't be long before you get a whacking great bruise a bruise is when your little blood vessels break causing the red blood cells to gush out whoa that looks like the best waterslide ever the red blood cells have nowhere to go so they fill up in between your normal skin cells but the area becomes so cramped the oxygens cut off turning the red blood cells blue you look a bit off-color tell me that I can hardly breathe then your body breaks down the leaks blood cells your bruise then turns greeny yellow because the blood cells have been turned into bile and bilirubin the same stuff that makes your poo brown finally it's slowly absorbed back into the body and your skin goes back to normal [Music] this next boy may be accident-prone but his body is brilliant and mending itself just like yours a nice mug of hot cocoa yeah when you burn yourself the extreme heat cooks your skin damaging the top layer of skin cells the damaged cells trigger an alarm inside your body and it sends in your immune system to clean up the mess first it flushes the area with a load of new blood full of white blood cells this makes the burn site go hot and red these white blood cells remove the damaged skin by easing it yummy then there's a rush of plasma this creates a blister to protect the area [Music] meanwhile below new skin cells are being born all the time making their way to the top so don't be tempted to pop that blister as it's doing an important job protecting the new skin oh but it's so satisfying yes on that you could get germs in there your body knows when the time is right to dry out the breasts are only when the rand-new skin is ready be careful with hot drinks unluckiest kid this next boy may be accident-prone but his body is brilliant and mending itself just like yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] colds are caused by viruses and enter your body through your mouth or nose once inside they stop reprogramming your cells to make more and more viruses but luckily your immune system is on the case first it makes loads of snot that traps some of the germs so you can blow them out but there's still work to do with the rest you can throw the tissue away now unluckiest kids t-cells grab the virus intruders so they can't get away then b-cells flood the area with antibodies which make the viruses stick together so they're easier to fight and then macrophages the viruses killing them instantly mmm delicious in about a week you'll be feeling better but try to sneeze into your elbow so you don't spread germs oh dear here we go again your body is brilliant it can even repair itself if you get injured as this next boy will show you [Music] the crazy blades it was an ankle sprain his brain [Music] your face has more blood vessels in it than anywhere else in your body yep that's a lot of blood vessels up your nose there are little blood vessels close to the surface they're very delicate so in nose picking finger can break them making your nose bleed first your body needs to plug the gap using platelets that are in your blood they stick together like glue and stop the bleeding a protein called fibrin arrives at the wound and creates a big structure that makes a big hard scab new skin cells work their way to the top then everything is cleaned by plasma this brilliant enzyme dissolves the scab and everything is left looking good as new not again oh dear [Music] your body is brilliant it can even repair itself if you get injured as this next boy will show you there's a bone to break oh another accident he really is unlucky if you cut your skin lots of tiny blood vessels tear and bleed but straight to the rescue are an army of platelets they stick together like glue this is called clotting and it makes a plug to stop the bleeding then a protein called fibrin holds everything together with fibers a bit like scaffolding the clot dries out and goes hard forming a scab to keep bacteria out like a bouncer sorry mate you're not on the list new skin cells start to gather meanwhile the heavyweights infection-fighting white blood cells constantly patrol the area fighting infection your new skin starts connecting to your nervous system and it gets all itchy because your skin knows there's something there you need to get rid of but don't pick it wait for your scab to fall off oh dear this next boy may be accident-prone but his body is brilliant and mending itself just like yours there's a bone debris the crazy glazy sprained his brain loose ligaments are attached to your bones and they're strong and stretchy but if they're stretched too far they can tear this is called a sprain ligaments tell your blood vessels they need help urgently because blood contains healing white blood cells so it sends blood gushing to the spray the area swells up protecting your vulnerable joint from moving it gets hot too so bacteria don't want to live there but if it swells for too long then scar tissue can build up the only way to stop that is to keep it cool back inside white blood cells get rid of the damaged new ligament cells arrive after a few weeks the ligaments get stronger so you're back on your feet watch out all unlucky when you get injured your body is brilliant at mending itself this next boy should know he's always having accidents gone off or hasn't been cooked correctly can contain harmful bacteria that attack your body but your body fights back immune cells in your tummy tries to kill you bad bacteria Oh watch out whew then friendly bacteria multiply and release toxins to stop them - then your body gets you to eject them sometimes your stomach muscles contract to push them upwards or sometimes it's downwards your intestines don't absorb water when you have food poisoning so when diarrhea kicks in a lot of liquid is flushed out and you're left feeling dehydrated so keep drinking water but not water with bugs in it oh no not again [Music] your body is brilliant it can even repair itself if you get injured as this next boy will show you the crazy crazy [Music] new shoes that rub can make your skin red and sore and can sometimes cause a blister so what's going on your blood vessels deliver a fluid called plasma to the top layers of your skin this makes the area swell and a blister springs up it protects the scene from germs new cells make their way to the top replacing damaged ones as new skin grows that plasma fluid is reabsorbed back into the body and your blister deflates drying up until it disappears but to help prevent blisters make sure there are no wrinkles in your socks and your shoes fit properly when you get injured your body is brilliant at mending itself this next boy should know he's always having accidents your eyelashes and eyelids protect your eyeballs but sometimes little things can blow into your eye and can scratch the surface immediately the area around your eye gets to work the tear ducts open up and tears rush in to flush out the debris and your eye blinks furiously spreading the liquid about then your body injects something called lysozyme into your tears this acts like a disinfectant to keep infection out the offending article is usually pushed out and then your eye gets on with mending the scratch left behind fresh cells fill up the injury and in just 24 hours your eyes left as good as new oh dear it was lunchtime at school and Peter was tucking into the sandwich no beans on toast nose and fish and chips I love fish and chips nose on it was chicken murim that's a lot of chicken yes but as Peter was eating this ear started hurting Oh No then it started growing Oh like Jack's beanstalk Xander this is Peter story not Jax anyway it grew and grew come on Chris stop it now wasn't that big okay okay just kidding but the pain did become so bad that Peter couldn't eat his lunch ouch [Music] - crazy crazy [Music] well there's two parts to this stories aren't okay what's the first turns enlisted her tight boxing class from spiraling with her partner riad who wouldn't want to mess with her I know zon they both went to do a band I move a flying kick but their knees clashed ouch that's not all sand there's more hot a couple of days later Tamsin was playing hockey in PE who's winning never mind that Zahn will kiss as Texans opponent whacked the ball his stick accidentally hit Tamsin shin on the same leg Oh double ouch [Music] [Music] it was a gorgeous sunny day so Tiana and her mom were out for a bike ride or sounds lovely Tiana had the best view from the backseat whilst mom was doing all the pedaling at the front even better but he all went wrong as they got to a roundabout Oh No did she do the same as you the other week you know when the pigeon pooped on your head and you got in such a flap you ended up face-first in a fountain nose and you promise never to tell anyone oops anyway Tiana's foot fell down off the seat and it got caught in the spokes of the wheel ouch [Music] [Music] it was lunchtime and old school fish and chips no idea was actually Bank beside football with his mace yes but does ewoks czar concentrate everyone knows there's no food allowed in the sports hall listo striker we have many sites [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Operation Ouch
Views: 611,111
Rating: 4.64886 out of 5
Keywords: Science for kids, Kids Science, Biology for kids, Home schooling, Educational kids content, Science at home, Home Science, Science Project, Science experiments for kids, Kids science experiments, operation ouch, operation ouch episodes, operation ouch en espaƱol, cbbc operation ouch, Dr Chris, Dr Xand, unluckiest kid, ouch, injuries, wounds, accidents, compilation, unluckiest kid compilation
Id: Lnn8hPE9Hl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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