Science for kids | Body Parts - SKELETONS | Operation Ouch | Experiments for kids

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today waiting in all the haze ane with his mum is 10 year old Casper with a troubled tibia I broke my leg about but recently it just got really sore this morning they've got worse and looks like that legs in limbo how did it happen one year ago it was a beautiful sunny day beautiful birds were tweeting tweets flowers worse odd thing yes okay and caspere was playing in the garden with his friend Magna Oh what would they play they were running around blasting foam dance pow-pow-pow sounds like fun it was until Casper tripped over a tree root and broke his leg ouch a year later and that leg is still causing problems and now it's fine spring out yellow stuff and now white Johnson's gravely that's no laughing matter Casper best get that grim limb in to see dr. a short loud Rama back that's right mum gross alert coming out when Casper first broke his leg he had an operation and doctors discovered he had a tumor which they removed to strengthen his leg bone they inserted a metal plate one like this yep that's the one and Casper was also given a bone graft a bone graft is a surgical procedure when bones need repairing or rebuilding a very special material a bit like molding clay is put into the bone it holds the bone in place like scaffolding and encourages new bone cells to grow sometimes like in Casper's case the material can leak it's nothing to be overly concerned about that there could be an infection so the doctor orders Bloods to be taken and x-rays if there is an infection Casper may have to have surgery to sort it out you're going to keep him in tonight to see how things fall up tomorrow morning and now Casper's got other things on his mind my thoughts exactly not yes on to find out later if he does need search in accident and emergency nine-year-old Tamsin is waiting to see the doctors oh dear that doesn't sound good when pee that's from the whole leg went purple green and blue let's find out exactly how this multicolored mischief happened well there's two parts to this story zond okay what's the first turns enlisted her tight boxing class from spiraling with her partner riad who wouldn't want to mess with her eye nose on they both went to do a band I move a flying kick but their knees clashed ouch that's not all sand there's more hot a couple of days later Tamsin was playing hockey in PE who's winning never mind that zon Lukas as Texans opponent whacked the ball his stick accidentally hit Tamsin shin on the same leg Oh double ouch here to find out more about Tamsin's troubles is dr. Helen Stewart it's obviously quite so Chris just down there okay well a stupid egg so if she lost we need to get some x-rays so it's off to get some snaps to see why her ankle is in agony after a few photos dr. Helen delivers the verdict we're going to treat you the same as we would if you broken something pot is another name for a plaster cast and I don't think it's what Tamsin was hoping for the cast will make it more comfortable it'll help the pain helper to you Tamsin's having a back slab which supports the back of her leg and allows for swelling I think we've got a pot star on our hands here's on Tamsin's Got Talent she'll need to come back for a check-up on that painful pain find out later how she gets off back in accident an emergency Johanna is waiting for news of her x-ray let's find out how she's getting on earlier fifteen-year-old Joanna was rushed to hospital in an air ambulance Joanna was walking across the road when all of a sudden the moped came along and knocked her over Joanna was in a lot of pain and was sent down to x-ray to see if she'd broken any bones dr. Shirley bulb Amy takes a look so this is the x-ray of what we call the femur which is the big bone of the leg so as you can see it's nice and smooth there's no breaks in the bone so this is the pelvis seeing that all the lines are nice and smooth but last x-ray we did was a chest x-ray and we have a very good look at the ribs because her chest was so soil and you can see they're all nice and smooth there's no cracks in any of them you can also see her spine here and if you look at the bones they all look okay and everything is absolutely fine well that's great news for Joanna with all serious injuries ruled out dr. Shirley works through every part of Joanna's body to make sure there are no outstanding injuries fantastic so we've got the all clear from everything else okay everything looks fine you're still gonna be a bit sore in this leg so it's what we call a contusion and that means that the muscle is bruised so we'll give you some help all and some urethane okay and then if you're okay in a couple of hours we'll send you home okay so nearly home time how are you feeling Joanna I feel a bit pain because it give you some rest on one well with plenty of rest we hope you'll be back to a hundred percent soon bye [Music] waiting to be seen by the doctor is 10 year old ila with her mum I'll hurt my wrist and it's really so she's doing a great job of elevating her hand with that hoodie I wonder where she got that from I was a few episodes of operation out and I saw it so I tried it and it work excellent work you could be a doctor at this rate but how did it happen ila was on holiday with her family in Sherwood Forest home of Robin Hood that's right Zandt I can picture it now Robin Hood or Robin Hood riding through the Glen actually sound I was playing hide and seek Robin Hood Robin Hood with his band of man knows and she was with her friends and there were no horses she was as a leisure centre in forest when all of a sudden she jumped onto her stool and fell off and look she's landed on her wrist ouch it's straight down to x-ray for Euler to get some pics of that charred joint with the x-rays out of the way here to look at her hurt hand is dr. Daniel Murray let's roll that sleeve dr. Daniel checks to see where Isla is most saw did you wear a onesie no Bard's insult to injury thank you and understand you be ready for any tree yeah and I'll call that navitat were you in mum okay all right so what's the diagnosis dog just drained about here because where she was tender and that looks completely normal okay they live down there to see if there's any sort of steps or breaks in the board and I can't see anything obvious there to me it looks like a normal normal x-ray so she's most likely just screen to rest when she's when she's falling on it there are 13 bones in your wrist between these bones are ligaments they're like strong elastic bands which connect bones to one another when too much pressure is put on a part of your body like falling on your wrist these ligaments can get stretched twisted or torn it's called a sprain and this is what happened to Euler he's given us some rest okay I'm regular pink to do sports at school yeah we do PE okay I probably give that a mess for the week okay just to give it a chance to rest all right oh it doesn't look overly happy about that sound and sports and have we learned any lessons from this hmm we'll bear that in mind how much does the average adult skeleton way is it as much as a one car tire be five BMX bikes or C 15 bricks the answer is air one car tire our skeleton only makes up about 15% of our overall body weight the rest is our muscles guts and blood and talking of skeletons now it's time for investigation ouch so what do you think the inside of a bone looks like this is an animal's thigh bone I'm gonna cut it in half and show you [Music] you can see how amazingly strong bone is by the fact that I have to use a saw to cut through it there we go yeah look at that that's perfect so it looks like rock but actually your bones are as alive as any other part of your body inside the bone is a web of fibers and that's what gives bones their amazing strength these spongy fibers can absorb lots of pressure meaning our skeleton is one of the toughest parts of our body so bones are incredible but they're also incredibly complex and in here engineers are growing them meat engineering expert dr. Michelle Oya she's so interested in the structure of bones that she's built these robots made out of Lego so they can make artificial bones in a lab we shall wire bones so amazing bone itself has really fantastic physical properties especially for something of its weight or density it's really stiff it's really strong and it's really tough the resistant to breaking so Michelle what are you doing here we're dipping a screw into four different beakers two of them just have water and the other two have some protein from your body and also some calcium in one jar and in the other jar we have some chemicals called phosphate so the little piece of metal that is being dipped in these liquids but you're getting a solid bone out of it yeah it's forming its growing itself as we dip so we go over and over and over again and the layer gets thicker and thicker and thicker so why are you doing this for surgeries you could take a screw which are used in surgeries when you have broken bones to hold your bones together but the biological cells in your body don't really like the metal and so if you put a bone coating on the screw then those cells would basically not see the metal but michelle is an engineer and think she can take her homegrown bones and make something much more spectacular we're interested in building things and so we think it's got a lot of applications for maybe making skyscrapers that's amazing you're actually taking the kind of inspiration from the human skeleton to do something completely different with it absolutely and it makes sense because we've evolved over millions of years and this is the structural material that holds us up so it absolutely makes perfect sense that we might be able to make new things where it's holding them up in fact remember the web-like pattern of fibres we saw inside the bone earlier well it's this same pattern which was the inspiration behind the structure of a very famous landmark the Eiffel Tower in Paris isn't it amazing to think that one day we could actually be living in buildings made out of bone but these are small beginnings and after 24 hours this is the result of the robots work in the lab so it really looks like a real bone doesn't it yep because it's made of the same stuff this tiny bone is the final product and it's almost exactly the same as the bones in your body but there's one crucial difference it's not alone it's inanimate the bones in your body have living cells in them that allow them to grow and mend if you break them yeah [Music] medical teams always expect the unexpected let's see how they deal with this patient [Music] this is nine-year-old Ellie and she's in hospital in a painful wrist I was with in high heels like that big Durham family sisters I love through the paper and the third gorgeous yeah got it they sound fabulous and our Charlotte Russe afternoon meet and then Rafael who had what on let's get this story straight Eddie was at home with her friend trying on clothes is that a sandwich yes then Ellie spotted her favorite dress up items her sister's purple high-heeled shoes fabulous so she put one on her hang on her mates put the other one on yeah don't ask and then they ran down the street with all of a sudden watch out Ellie tripped and fell onto her hand ouch because of the high heels but they were fabulous and purple anyway let's meet dr. mark Ansel he's the man to sort that wrist out so what's happened wanna say my sister's high heels I'm sure is a mystery and I fell so where's it hurt dr. mark will need to examine Ellie's hand and wrist thoroughly to find out just what the problem might be I'd say the problems running in high heels you mean he'll she only had one on that's the sore right here well I'm touching my finger the rest is kind of okay a little bit here okay the one thing I'm a little bit concerned about is there's a little phone called the scaphoid and she's a bit tender on that I'm just gonna look at the x-rays and see if there's anything that we need to fix is that okay the human hand is made of 27 bones your fingers alone contain 14 bones called the phalanges and then there are five metacarpals stretching through your palm and eight carpal bones in your wrist and this is right where Elias feeling the pain the bone that I was a little bit curious about is this one here it's called the skates would appear to be anything minute and there's no gross deformity so that this is not a particularly obvious break it's good news for Elly okay so I've had a look at the x-rays and I can't find any obvious break of the bone or anything like that in some circumstances that can be a little break that you can't see in the first 24 hours but at the moment I think that's unlikely but we're gonna go on the side of caution so to help Ali's hand heal she's getting a scaphoid splinted where you wouldn't happen to have that in purple with you it's just a supporter to hold the thumb in a nice position you just got that they give me this so with this mate making a better spend it up le can head home in some nice sensible next patient stay was turned upside down by a bizarre accident better let's go meet her we're at Liverpool's accident in emergency where 12 year-old Carmen has a jaw that's giving her chair what's the problem common desiccator why wonky how did you do that it was lunchtime at school and carmen was with her friends in the canteen gosh there's a long queue Chris I know zone but don't worry it's moving quickly for you but what was she getting for lunch a triple decker BLT nope a jumbo pineapple nose and a bread roll with a burger in it those aren't just a big white crusty bread roll oh and when Carmen bit into it cheap dis the case is heard joy ouch are you sure there was nothing in that bread roll I don't think we can blame the butter first get dr. Schrute Meza help to have a look I'm just gonna happen looking and it's clear that her jaw is dislocated in our place and what I need to do is relocated her jaw I need to put it back into place inside your head are 22 bones which make up the skull and two of them are in your jaw there's the mandible which is the largest and strongest bone in your face and the maxilla they're linked together by a hinge which allows you to open and close your mouth and Coleman's hinge has become unhinged dr. shrunk needs to get to grips with that sword jaw I'm going to have to get on top of her almost it's really hard down and back this may look uncomfortable but Carmen's had painkillers so it won't hurt me yeah Carmen she's not a bread roll does that work doc yeah that's what she usually looks like how'd you feel Carmen I feel safe after that push you like pushing and it felt like it was gonna crack the away and a quick x-ray shows that commons Joy's okay you need to really you know use your jaw for what are you gonna eat now Carmen also like the only nice thing hasn't that bread roll taught you anything by [Music]
Channel: Operation Ouch
Views: 221,639
Rating: 4.6298199 out of 5
Keywords: Science for kids, Kids Science, Biology for kids, Home schooling, Educational kids content, Science at home, Home Science, Science Project, Science experiments for kids, Kids science experiments, operation ouch, operation ouch episodes, operation ouch en espaƱol, cbbc operation ouch, Dr Chris, Dr Xand, operation ouch bones, operation ouch skeleton, operation ouch skeletal
Id: 0Qr6H_-eJ_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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