Science and Engineering at the University of Bristol | Bringing life to Learning

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[Music] at the University of Bristol we're bringing life to [Music] learning The Faculty of Science and Engineering is developing the people the ideas and the technology to Build a Better World We believe this is a learning environment where you'll grow as a person thrive educationally and discover your potential the world needs your analytical skills and your intellectual curiosity whether you're motivated by being part of the solution to climate change and health inequality or by the potential for exploring the unknown in Quantum technology or astrophysics from mitigating damage caused by earthquakes to synthesizing a molecule that captures CO2 our academics are leading the way in their research areas and this worldclass research will directly inform and positively impact your teaching my research is about developing robots to Monitor and clean up the natural environment I'm interested in building softbed robots that move like living things and I'm also looking at Greener sources of power for these robots including electricity from bacteria nuclear power is important because it's a source of low CO2 electricity but it creates long-lived hazardous radioactive wastes I'm leading international research efforts to safely store and dispose of that material Paving the way for sustain aable nuclear power now and for future Generations whether you aspire to Industry Academia or starting your own business your education at Bristol will equip you for your chosen career and our staff will help you get there my research involves ultrasonic technology one of the most exciting applications we're working on involves the use of these ultrasonic waves to manipulate cells into structures called organoids which better represent the tissues of the human body we're working with researchers in the Bristol Medical school to explore how these new organoids can be used to create more effective means of testing new drugs and medicines this work has the potential to reduce the need for animal testing and create more effective ways of testing new medicines for diseases such as cancer my research focuses on developing new infectious disease transmission models and working closely with policy makers to inform situations from covid to malaria to E being able to know what's going on with transmission enables us to make informed decisions about the economy about healthare settings and ultimately saves lives I'm a particle physicist and I'm searching for dark matter much of my work takes place at the large adron collider in Switzerland 68% of the universe is made up of dark energy and 27% out of Dark Matter my research uses exotic decays of the higs boson to try and find out more about this mysterious 95% of the universe as a top 10 UK University and 55th in the world your academic Journey starts here in this vibrant Dynamic and inclusive City
Channel: University of Bristol
Views: 725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: University of Bristol (College/University), Bristol (City/Town/Village), Ian bond, hemma philamore, sudan paramesvaran, Claire corkhill, Juliette unwin, bruce drinkwater, bristol ultrasonics, bristol engineering, bristol maths, bristol electronics, bristol civil engineering, bristol earth sciences, bristol geography
Id: -g5FZR7bupM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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