Science 6 Quarter 4 Week 7: Planets in the Solar System

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hello everyone how are you today I am your teacher Jim rymon and today we are going to discuss your week 7 lesson for this week class we will discuss your module 6 entitled compare planets in the solar system hi everyone welcome to my channel tutorial by Sir Raymond my name is Mr gem Raymond is Chen Master teacher 2 from Escalante Central Elementary School and our object is compare planets of the solar system let us discuss first the what I know part of your module this is just a pretest of your a lesson for this week so let's see what you already know about our lesson number one which of the following statements describe the outer planets a they are large and made of rocks BD are small and made of ice and gas CD are large and made up of mostly gas D they are solid and made up of rocks and metals I know some of you don't have yet the idea about this question but again this is just a pre-test we are just trying to know what have we already known about this lesson don't worry we will discuss all of this as we go along okay now what do you think is the correct answer here yes it's letter c outer planets are usually large and they are made up of gas number two which of the following planets has the highest average surface temperature a Mars B Venus C Jupiter or letter D Mercury Planet glass yes it's Venus so we will explain later why Venus is considered as the hottest planet as a solar system number three how are Earth and Venus similar to each other a Venus and Earth are Jovian Planets B Venus and Earth have almost the same size C Venus on earth have almost the same temperature or letter D Venus on earth have the same distance from the Sun what do you think yes it's letter B Venus on earth have almost the same size since their equatorial diameter is almost the same number four which of the terrestrial planets is the biggest a Mars the Earth C Venus or letter D Mercury actually all these planets are considered terrestrial planets class now later on we will discuss what is terrestrial pero among these planets which planet is the biggest foreign the answer is from the Sun number six which among the four is the smallest planet class among these four planets long a Saturn B Jupiter C Uranus or letter D Neptune actually class all these planets are juvian planets these are giant planets glass among these giant planets yes Neptune is the smallest planet among juvian planets number seven which planet is the largest planet Class A Mars the Earth see Jupiter or letter D Uranus I Jupiter so Jupiter among all eight planets and Jupiter number eight which planet in the solar system supports life animals and plants a earth B Saturn C Jupiter or letter D Uranus yes obviously the answer here is Earth among eight planets only Earth can support life number nine which among the planets have extensive and complex Rings a Saturn B Jupiter C Uranus or letter D Neptune actually class these four planets no arduvian planets and at the same time they are all ring planets ring obviously seen yes Saturn among all the ring planet Saturn extensive and complex Rings number 10 which of the following are inner planets a Mercury Venus Earth and Mars B Venus Mars Saturn and Uranus see Earth Jupiter Uranus and Neptune or letter D Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune inner planets actually inner planets are also called terrestrial planets class yes Mercury Venus Earth and Mars are called inner planets so don't worry no later on as we go along our discussion you will know all of this this time let's discuss the what's in part of your module our planet Earth belongs to solar system solar comes from the Latin word soul Saul means Sun meaning the center of the solar system is the Sun and solar system is also part of a galaxy and that Galaxy is called Milky Way galaxy nothing Galaxy is a huge collection of gas dust and billions of stars again our solar system could be found in the Milky Way galaxy this time class we will focus on our very own solar system solar system is composed of course of sun and eight planets and solar system eight planets around it the planets that revolve around the sun are Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune planet around the Sun again solar system is composed of the sun which is the center of the system and eight planets now these eight planets that make up our solar system class can be described by their sizes by their distance from the Sun and the composition and other characteristics solar system classes from the Sun their composition and their characteristics and we will talk all of this as we go along you know what class there's so much more to learn about planets than just their names and their arrangement in the solar system but before we proceed let us answer first the what's in part of your module part A identify the movement of the Earth in the illustration by writing the letter of the correct answer so we will answer the question based on the given illustration okay number one Which movement of the earth shows rotation is it a or is it letter b yes the correct answer is letter a letter A shows rotation Ito next number two Which movement of the earth shows Revolution revolutionary Earth around the Sun yes it though no it don't letter B next let's proceed to Part B of your what's in part of your module are there other heavenly bodies that revolve around the sun I mentioned it earlier right now all the words listed below revolve around the sun find the words in the word search grid and mark them with a line the direction of the words can be up can be down to the left or to the right or maybe diagonal all these class found in our solar system right all we have to do is to find this word in this grid understood okay let's have Venus agreed yes this one huh yeah and that's Venus next we have Saturn Saturn yes in class yeah next Mars Mars okay to you Mars yeah next is Earth on Earth yes it does yeah next Uranus where can we find Uranus yes ah next let's have Jupiter Jupiter could be found in here class next let's have Neptune um from right to left the mind and Direction observe n e p t u n e so that's Neptune next Mercury yes Italian Mercury from right to left diagonal and let's have planets the word planets where could we find it yes Young planets I hope you got it right our very own planet Earth class again is a member of the solar system and we must also understand our neighboring planets now in the solar system again our solar system is composed of the sun which is the center of the system and the solar system is also composed of eight major planets namely Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune and this planet class could be classified into inner planets and outer planets inner planets not in class they are the nearest from the Sun and inner planets include Mercury Venus Earth and Mars and we have also outer planets and these outer planets are farther from the Sun and what are these outer planets outer planets include Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune actually we have activities on this later on now each planet class has different characteristics they differ in their distance from the Sun their size the temperature and the composition Mercury Venus Earth and Mars are called inner planets and these planets are usually Rocky and small and these planets do not have rings Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune are again belongs to the outer planets and these planets are usually made up of gases and these planets have rings also they even differ in color as seen on the earth let's have the Activity one in the what's more part of your module Direction identify the planets and write the names in the box then answer the questions that follow and we will call this activity as planets of the solar system let's identify their names first let's have number one I'm sure you have your idea already because I've already presented some of the important things that you should know a while ago now let's have number one what is the name of this planet yes it's Mercury how about number two it's Venus very good number three yes it's Earth number four what's the name of this planet yes it's Mars how about this yes very good it's Jupiter how about this yes it's Saturn how about this yes it's Uranus and how about this yes we have Neptune please familiarize not the arrangement of our planets from the Sun because it's very important that you will acquainted that you are informed that you are aware of that that is very important as we go along our discussion okay now let's answer this question which are the inner planets we call this inner planets again because they are near from the Sun yes it's Mercury Venus we have Earth and Mars these are all inner planets or what we call terrestrial planets next which are the outer planets and outer planets are called juvian planets also classes they are old outer planets because they are the planets farther from the Sun and actually class these planets are made up of gases mainly hydrogen and helium and what are they yes it's Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune they are all outer planets number three which planet is closest to the Sun so eight na planets classan yes it's Mercury Mercury is the nearest planet from the Sun Number Four which two planets are almost of the same size or lucky yes it's Venus and Earth pero Yung Uranus class at Neptune hallos macapareos then pero if we are to compare it number five compare the temperature of Saturn and Uranus which of the two is colder it's okay Uranus foreign yes very good it's Uranus if you are to compare Saturn and Uranus Uranus is colder number six what is the largest planet obviously the largest planet is Jupiter Jupiter among eight planets number seven which among the inner planet is the hottest planet yes it's Venus though Mercury is the nearest planet from the Sun but Venus is the hottest planet of all planets because Venus has a thick Cloud that cover and traps hit on its surface making it the hottest planet number eight which planet is the coldest this question class refers to the average temperature of the planet yes it's Neptune Neptune has the coldest temperature among all planets pero Main itala astronomers number nine which group of planets are smaller compared to other planets we call that as inner planets namely the Mercury Venus Earth and Mars number 10 which group of planets are large and sometimes called gas giants yes it's the outer planets namely Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune now let's proceed to activity two let's compare and contrast using the teacher compare and contrast the characteristics of inner and outer planets so we will compare the characteristics of the inner and the outer planets class and we will get our answer from here inside the Box okay now let's have number one Ito What is the characteristic of the inner planets in terms of distance from the Sun it's letter B closer to the Sun how about in terms of size yes the inner planets have small dense and rocky um made of rocks next the temperature yes rocky planets are warm how about the composition yes it has silicate mantle and metallic core capacinabi nothing silicate mantle plus this mantle are made up of minerals with silicon Planet are usually made up of metals like the earth made up of iron and nickel how about the distance from the Sun for the outer planets what do you think would be the characteristic of the outer planets in terms of distance from the Sun yes of course they are farther from the Sun how about the sizes of our outer planets yes outer planets have large they are gas giants because these are planets made up of gases particularly helium and hydrogen how about the temperature yes they are called planets not all planets for outer planets are cold how about the composition yes the composition of the outer planets are hydrogen and helium now what are the components of the solar system yes the solar system is composed of the Sun and all objects that travel around it the sun is orbited by planets and their moons asteroids comets and other heavily bodies not only planets that revolves around the Sun class they are more heavenly bodies that could be found in our solar system this includes the Moon on Earth on my moon classes when we talk about Moon classes these are natural satellites that orbit a certain planet moons natural satellites Earth is along a natural satellite land on Earth I moon is along but we will find it later names we will talk it later again aside from the planets we have also natural satellites that could be found in our solar system and also the asteroids class asteroids adding solar system and other Heavenly Bodies dwarf planets your Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune these are all the major planets and we call those as dwarf planets so again all this heavenly bodies could be found in our solar system now this is our solar system as you see all eight planets mentioned earlier are revolving around the sun the sun here is the source of our light right in our solar system the sun here is the center of our system and all other eight planets are revolving around it this is again our solar system we're in orbits of the different planets could also be shown human orbits these are orbits or the imaginary line or the imaginary path where the planets used to revolve around the Sun next what are the eight planets in the solar system very easy I know you've known this already the eight planets in the solar system include Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune again these are all the eight major planets that can be found in our solar system and what are the inner planets the first four planets in the solar system from the Sun are the inner planets namely Mercury Venus Earth and Mars and this inner planets are also called terrestrial planets terrestrial planets are Earth-like planets because these planets are made up primarily with rocks and metals those make these planets dense or maybe got again class inner planets are solid dense and mostly made up of rocks and metals they don't have rings also Mercury Venus Earth and Mars don't have rings and these are the planets closest to the Sun that's why they are all called inner planets so we have mercury Venus Earth and Mars inner planets have silicate mantle surrounding a metallic core composed mostly of iron among the four terrestrial planets class or inner planets Earth has one moon or one natural satellite only one Heavenly body that revolves around it and which is called moon on Earth and we have also Mars Mars two satellites or natural satellites namely fubos and Deimos while other terrestrial planets have no moons or natural satellites all these inner planets class have common features and that is they have all mountains and we have also volcanoes and what are the outer planets the last four planets include Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune these outer planets are also called juvian planets or giant planets these outer planets class are also called gas giants they are called gas giants because they are much larger than other planets and mostly they are made up of gases that's why they are called gas giants planets like their atmosphere their surface are made up of different gases now juvian planets class or outer planets are made up of hydrogen and helium and they have small rocky core also aside from being called gas giants Uranus and Neptune are also old ice giants the ice Giants have interior composition of compounds like water methane and ammonia outer planets or Jovian planets are separated from this what we call asteroid build now they are separated from the inner planets because of this asteroid belt these are the inner planets the asteroid belts or the area in the solar system where most of the asteroids are found the part here are the outer planets now all of these gas giant planets class have rings that's why they are sometimes called ring planets and also all outer planets have moons natural satellites now Jupiter and Neptune however have rings made up of dust so that's why Hindi mashadong clear pero among the four gas giant planets class Saturn has the most prominent ring that makes added beauty also in the planet Saturn planets it's made up of complicated compositions unlike the Jupiter Uranus and Neptune manga Rings clear as I said all these juvian planets class have several moons and would you believe that astronomers now think that Jupiter has a total of 79 moons if Earth has one and Mars has two moons Jupiter has 79 moons now this time let us discuss let us compare the different planets in the solar system and let us start with the inner planets now what planet is the nearest from the Sun yes it's planet Mercury so Mercury is named after the Roman god Mercury Mercury is the messenger of the Gods planet Mercury is the smallest planet among eight planets in the solar system its equatorial diameter measures only 4880 kilometers now the average distance of Mercury from the Sun Mercury Sun I about 57 million 900 000 kilometers that is how far Mercury from the Sun is mercury surface area Mercury during daytime 427 degree celsius it would fall to negative 179 degree Celsius that's why dinitong planet of extremes Casino planet Mercury class daytime Young man now it takes 88 Earth days for Mercury to complete one revolution revolution on earth 365 days on its own access Mercury around the sun machine earth rotation only 24 hours of Mercury now knowing planet Mercury is the nearest planet in the sun this location also affects why mercury has nearly no atmosphere location Mercury is a sun class atmosphere [Applause] its surface is also full of craters just like with the Earth's Moon human craters Mercury class Earth planet Mercury has no moon natural satellite or Moon young Mercury also class has no rings and let's proceed to the second planet closest to the sun which is planet Venus Venus is a rocky planet and at the same time part of the inner planet and this planet is named after the Roman goddess of beauty who is Venus in your class es on Earth because Venus rotates in clockwise Direction and this is from East to West Direction once every 243 Earth days rotation rotates [Music] 243 Earth days planet Venus also revolves around the Sun every 225 Earth days Revolution rotation Revolution now planet Venus has almost the same size that of our planet Earth planet earth that is why these two planets are also called twin planets Venus is also called Earth's twin planet now Venus and Earth structures are almost similar both of crust mantle and core and the crust of planet Venus have thousands of volcanoes and the tallest volcano found in Venus is called Maxwell Montes Earth the average distance of planet Venus from the Sun is about 108 million kilometers 108 million kilometers Venus has equatorial diameter of 12104 kilometers usually classes Venus is the most brilliant planet in our night sky Earth and planet Venus among all other planets that is why it is sometimes called as evening and Morning Star because of its thick clouds it reflects 70 percent of the sunlight that reaches the planet 30 long class young other 70 percent or it bounces back that is why planet Venus appears to be bright in our night sky now as I said Venus has a thick clouds that cover and trap heat on its surface making it the hottest planet in the solar system the atmosphere of Venus is made up of greenhouse gases and mostly carbon dioxide which cause global warming as you see here on screen this is an example how greenhouse effect happens once the sun's heat enters the planet and since the planet atmosphere is very thick the heat will just trap inside it that makes the planet hotter the average surface temperature of planet Venus is over 450 degree celsius that is how hot planet Venus is now various Explorations in planet Venus show that no human can live on the planet navinos more than 40 and months spacecraft visited the Venus but even spacecrafts were destroyed upon pluring the planet it has a small amount of water and nitrogen but 99 of the planet's composition is carbon dioxide let's proceed to the third planet from the sun which is our very own planet Earth planet Earth is the only planet in the solar system that can sustain life solar system classes living things such as humans animals and plants and this planet also our very own planet is also called a blue planet because our planet looks like blue in the outer space that's why it is called a blue planet again only planet Earth where life exists it has water on its surface and atmosphere that allow life to flourest one third of the earth's surface is composed of land while two-thirds of its surface is composed of water the Land part is divided into different continents with different landforms like mountains and Hills the water part of the earth is consists of various bodies of water like Lake and oceans now maintaining liquid water in its surface is one of the unique characteristics of the planet Earth this is because of the unique position of our planet Earth in the solar system Planet aside from the air too big important component things foreign foreign it will just become ice unlike dito Supply and planet Earth can support life because of this unique characteristics of our planet speaking of location the average distance of Earth from the Sun is about 149 million 600 000 kilometers and the Earth's average temperature is only 14 degrees Celsius and distanced on earth from the sun Hindi Masada enough liquid water on its surface antique equatorial diameter Naman I think planeta I 12 756 kilometers again an equatorial diameter angina gamete compare UE Planet if you could still remember manga 12 000 kilometers planet Venus Earth pero they are almost of the same size that is why planet Venus and planet Earth are called twin planet as we all know it takes only 24 hours to complete one rotation of the planet Earth it takes 365 and 1 4 days for planet Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun and that is equal also to one year now planet earth has only one Moon that revolves around it the Moon is the only natural satellite of our planet and our moon is the fifth largest moon in the solar system and you know what class Earth's moon is the only place beyond Earth where human have set foot Heavenly Bodies class aside from the earth and it was Neil Armstrong on July 1969 Earth's moon and it was followed by Edwin Bas Aldrin so far there were 12 human beings who walked on the moon's surface and let's proceed to the fourth planet from the sun which is called planet Mars planet Mars is also called a red planet it looks red because of the presence of iron on its surface the crass of planet Mars class is made up mainly by Iron this iron reacts in the small amount of oxygen in its atmosphere that is why it gives the planet Mars color red by the way planet Mars is named after the Roman God of War who is Mars the average distance of planet Mars from the Sun is about 227 million kilometers Mars equatorial diameter is about 6788 kilometers and this is why Mars is also called as the second smallest planet in our solar system next to Mercury Mars has very thin atmosphere also class which is mainly made up of carbon dioxide and a small amount of other gases Like Oxygen and it has an average surface temperature of negative 63 degree celsius Mars is also known for its volcanoes and you know what solar system and this is called Olympus moons Olympus moons is the largest volcano in the solar system it is three times the height of Mount Everest of the planet Earth this is how we compare the height of our Mount Everest now Mars take 687 Earth days to complete its revolution from the Sun katula's Earth Mars also rotates on its own axis within 24 hours Mars has two moons or two natural satellites that revolves the planet and these two natural satellites are called Phobos and demos now you know what classes Mars because scientists discovered the presence of water in the planet some scientists believe that life may exist in the planet Mars and may continue to exist because of the presence of water in the planet this time let's proceed to the outer planets namely Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune let's discuss each of their characteristics and let's have the fifth planet from the sun which is planet Jupiter and planet Jupiter is the biggest planet among all other planets in our solar system planet Jupiter is named after the king ancient god who is Jupiter Jupiter's equatorial diameter is about 142 984 kilometers planet Jupiter in fact Jupiter is 11 times as wide as Earth and planet Earth to measure the equatorial diameter of planet Jupiter 11 Earth ankasha diameter now planet Jupiter Jupiter now the average distance of planet Jupiter from the Sun is about 778 million 400 000 kilometers on planet Jupiter from the Sun Jupiter is covered with thick clouds and there is no Solid Ground on the surface of Jupiter unlike the inner planets do it is called a gas giant because it is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium planet Earth now planet earth is made up mainly by rocks and metal now we can observe the Jupiter's gaseous components in its atmosphere and you know what Jupiter has huge storm atmosphere the Great Red Spot this great red spot is a giant swirling clouds with a wind speed of about 1600 kilometers per hour typhoon Pilipinas Great Red Spot glass Jupiter this is a huge Storm's atmosphere that's why it makes this Mark as unique for planet Jupiter only it has 79 moons and one of its Moon Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system planet Mercury it was discovered by Galileo Galilei Malala King Moon and a discover Europa Kalisto and Ayo these were the largest moons in the planet Jupiter the average surface temperature of planet Jupiter can reach negative 149 degree celsius Jupiter has a ring system also that is about 30 kilometers thick many pieces just like Saturn it can directly viewed only by the use of infrared wherein these Rings faintly glow Decatur Saturn class which is composed of full of large icy and rock chunks angry Nang Jupiter class is only made up of small dust particles let's proceed to the sixth planet from the sun called Saturn and Saturn is very popular or very well known for its visible Rings which add Beauty not to the planet like Jupiter Saturn is also a big ball of hydrogen and helium and the average distance of Saturn from the Sun is about 1.4 billion kilometers planet Saturn Earth planet naked eye Saturn has an equatorial diameter of about 142 984 kilometers that makes planet Saturn as the second largest planet in the solar system solar system this is next to planet Jupiter Saturn is 10 times as wide as Earth new equatorial diameter non-planet Saturn Earth Saturn and planet Saturn and that makes planet Saturn's second largest planet in the solar system but despite of Saturn's size Saturn is also considered as the lightest Planet among eight planets in the solar system and planet Saturn planeta is a planet Earth at planet Mercury Saturns are too big just like you see here on the screen on Planet na Saturn Casino Earth planet Saturn is composed mainly by gas like helium and hydrogen planet Saturn takes 10.7 Earth hours to complete one rotation its revolution around the sun takes 29 Earth years so 29 not on parama completo Nang Saturn and isang around the Sun and Saturn is also considered as cold Planet because arau the temperature at the top of the Saturn's Cloud can reach about negative 176 degree celsius unlike Jupiter Saturn is also a gas giant without a solid surface walang solid surface and planet Saturn's a planet Jupiter and planet Saturn as I said is composed mainly by hydrogen and helium planet Saturn has 53 confirmed moons but there are still yet to be confirmed the largest moon in the planet Saturn is called Titan Titan is the second largest moon in the solar system solar system and Titan is the only moon in the solar system with clouds and dense atmosphere underground ocean class that would make it possible to sustain life Saturn's ring is made up of very complicated compositions its ring is the largest among other planets have rings Jupiter Neptune Uranus now planet Saturn Saturn Saturn and ringnan Saturn class remnants um asteroids and manga moons and sizes of this remnants also vary foreign [Music] the Ring of Saturn class can be made up of different groups also manip is about one kilometers or thickness Saturn but what is the reason why these Rings or the composition of the Rings remain intact particles Saturn's ring it has something to do with the movements of the Saturn's smallest moons shepherding moons Saturn classes ring shape particles materials Saturn and move it in a circular path that is why this remnants of the asteroids comets nanasa ring Nang Saturn also in circular path which resembles Saturn strings and now let's have the seventh planet from the sun called Uranus Uranus is the first planet discovered by the means of telescope the average distance of Uranus from the Sun is about 2.9 billion kilometers planet Uranus unlike other planets Uranus is the only planet that rotates on its side that's why it is called sideways planet the poles the North and the South is west to east or east to west young planet Uranus Uranus why it is rotating Planet equator and usually and it takes 17 hours to complete its rotation so Mass Mobility planet Earth 17 hours planet Uranus pero 84 years complete Revolution and Uranus has the equatorial diameter of 51 118 kilometers equatorial diameter Nang planet Uranus apat Earth planet Earth now this planet is also considered as ice giant because it is made mostly by Frozen water methane and ammonia its atmosphere is also made of mostly hydrogen and helium and its surface temperature would reach negative 215 degree celsius planet Uranus class because Uranus has ring also there are about 11 to 13 rings around planet Uranus planet Uranus has 27 moons all in all and the largest of which is called Titania let's proceed to the eighth planet from the sun called Neptune Neptune is the first planet to be discovered using mathematical calculations before being confirmed by a telescope the average distance of Neptune from the Sun is about 4.5 billion kilometers and this is the most distant planet from the south planeta from the Sun now Neptune's rotation lasts about 16 Earth hours of planet Earth but it completes one revolution around the Sun for about 165 Earth days then expect that it will revolve also longer compared to other planets Neptune has an equatorial diameter of 49 532 kilometers Neptune has six dark rings made up of very fine particles some Neptune classes Neptune is cold dark and icy the core is made up of silicate eyes and other parts is believed to be made up of water ice methane and ammonia eyes and this give the planet Neptune blue in color average surface temperature planeta foreign Atura temperatura now Neptune has 14 moons and the largest of which is called much to discover about planet Neptune and only one spacecraft visited Neptune and that is Voyager too now this time let's proceed to the what's more part of your module Direction know your solar system and answer the crossword puzzle Below in your answer sheet so you are given here a puzzle so all you have to do is to fill it out okay let's have this across part of the puzzle number one the blue planet made up of methane what planet is that so we will answer this part number one across Italian class indito yes it's planet Neptune Neptune is a blue planet made up of methane X the largest planet in the solar system so here is yes it's Jupiter so Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system next the center of the solar system number three across three lettering class yes it's Sun next and the last for this uh for this part the smallest planet number four across Italian so that's yes it's Mercury Mercury is the smallest planet among all planets in the solar system next let's proceed to the down part of the grid number one Ito from here going here so we have here letter a letter Union available in a letter uh to fill this out let's answer this the twin planet of the Earth yes so it's Venus Yan next number two down so my letter r my letter is the red planet yes it's Mars very good next number three down my letter E the planet where we live in obviously it's Earth and so earthian next and the last for down part and [Music] the seventh planet from the Sun yes it's Uranus what's more part of your module next let's have the what I have learned part so all you have to do is to fill in the blanks not to complete the first four statements number one the different planet s in the solar system have different what do you think you look the answer Inside the Box yes different characteristics next number two the different characteristics of planets are blank blank and blank yes so we have size temperature and distance from the Sun next the planet in the solar system that can support life yes it's Earth next number four Earth is unique because it has blank and blank unique characteristics planet Earth yes because it has water and atmosphere very good so let's have number five yes it's smaller the inner planets are smaller than the outer planets next number six the inner planets are yes near from the Sun next the four planets are blank than the inner planets yes it's bigger than the inner planets and the outer planets are farther from the Sun now let us all read the what I have learned part of your module go the different planets in the solar system have different characteristics the different characteristics of the planets are size temperature and distance from the sun the planet in the solar system that can support life is Earth Earth is unique because it has water and atmosphere number five the inner planets are smaller than the outer planets number six the inner planets are near from the Sun number seven the outer planets are bigger than the inner planets and number eight the outer planets are farther from the Sun let's proceed to the what I can do part of your module now this time you will make a poster but let me read to you the what I can do part of your module Earth is the only planet in the solar system where human beings live this is the only planet we can call our home to our water oxygen and the right condition that can support life which other planets do not have how can you show appreciation to our very own planet Earth how will you take care of the Earth now all you have to do is to make a poster that shows your appreciation of the planet Earth to support life and how to take care of it use one whole sheet of long Bond paper and any coloring materials of your choices poster class showing how you appreciate and take good care of our planet Earth this time let's have the assessment part of your mojo let's see how much have you learned about your module 6K I'll give you time to answer your assessment and your time starts now now let's proceed to the additional activities part of your module since our lesson for this week is quite heavy so we will answer the additional activities right now now use the VIN diagram to compare the inner and outer planets the middle section represents the characteristics of the inner and outer planets have in common a represents the characteristics of the inner planets that are different from outer planets B represents the characteristics of the outer planets that are different from the inner planets and choose your answer inside the box so this is an example of a Venn diagram class this is usually used to determine the similarities and differences of certain things just in here for example we will find out the difference and the similarities of inner and outer planets so this one this part is for the characteristics of the inner planets the outer planets here let's have the inner planet first so what are the distinct or unique characteristic of the inner planets please select the answer here inside the Box yes inner planets made up of rocks correct next inner planets without rings so they don't have rings and inner planets are closer to the Sun next let's go to number four outer planets yes are also known as gaseous planets next good outer planets have rings and outer planets are farther from the Sun how about their similarities a new similarities now inner attack outer planets number seven yes all these revolve around the sun and all of this rotate on its access these are the answers for your additional activities part of your module that's all for this week class thank you so much for participating have a blessed week ahead see you next week don't forget to stay home and be safe always
Channel: Teacher Jem Rymon
Views: 59,362
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Id: 2uWiAdQP9iw
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Length: 77min 25sec (4645 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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