School Sisters of Christ the King: A Day in the Life

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[Music] so a typical day in the life of a school sister of Christ the King our rising bill is at 5:15 and then we go to meditation start our day with a prayer sharing our hearts with Jesus and listening to him in his word then we have lots at 6:15 and then after lods we eat a quick breakfast and hop in the car and go straight to school the beginning of each day of school we start with mass we're blessed to have daily Mass in our parishes with the students we work in a number of different roles in Catholic education primarily teachers but also principals administrators we also have sisters who work in the diocesan the main diocesan Office of Education and so all of our work really feeds into Catholic education and various capacities one huge grace about being a teacher and particularly a sister who teaches is that I get to prepare the students for confirmation it was amazing last year preparing the students that was a time when I felt most strongly the spiritual motherhood that really is ours I felt so proud when they were being confirmed and I felt the presence of Jesus so strongly that both he and I in some way were bringing the children to the Father that I was helping to bring the children to my spouses to Jesus and it was so moving and it was so real just that spiritual motherhood Corbin is our class pet he's a frog sometimes were able to go outside and even hold the Frog he's gotten very docile and so he really will let people hold him so he'll just kind of sit there on the children's hand until he decides he wants to jump and then he'll really just take off so miss cute and then you hear something else from the children that it's just really cute and then we stay after school for just a bit wrap up anything that needs to be wrapped up planning for the next day and then we come home and have Holy Hour in the evenings and so there's that silent time prayer in front of our Eucharistic Lord and we pray Vespers during that time as well and then we have dinner so that's an important community time for us to just really enter into the family that we've been brought into and then after dinner we have recreation or we get to truly recreate and connect with our sisters doing something fun enjoyable for all of us we pray complan in the evenings that's the last prayer the Divine Office that we pray and then our day ends at 10 o'clock and that begins grand silence so the heart of our charism is an awareness of our total belonging to Christ as king and that's nurtured in us through prayer and authentic development of the intimacy our intimacy with Christ the other major points of our charism really just flow from Christ's kingship so a love for the Eucharist where he's truly present with us a love for the priesthood the priests bring Jesus to us a love for Catholic education evangelization specifically through Catholic education where we bring that love that knowledge of Jesus to others our charism also includes a particular devotion to Saint Alphonsus and his love for The Passion of Jesus we can't there is an intimacy unless we are willing to enter with Jesus into his passion and to accept the crosses that come to us as him lovingly handing them to us and then naturally Saint Alphonsus is devotion to Mary how much Jesus loves Mary and how she brings us so close to Jesus when I was growing up ever since I can remember I wanted to be a mom I wanted to have children and so in the beginning I really didn't discern what my vocation was I just assumed that my call was to be a mother and to be a wife I was raised in a very strong Catholic family what I experienced in my family just the love for God in the love for his church and the love for his commands I didn't experience that outside of the home and that was really confusing for me at the time over time I would say just my practice of the faith slowly eroded though choices that I was making it wasn't sitting right with me and so over time just kind of falling kind of further and further away from the Lord and feeling more and more pain from it until I finally reached a point really it was just a rock-bottom that moment really was the turning point for me both in terms of conversion back to him but also the beginning of my vocation because this dream that I had so strongly and for so long to have children of my own and to be married it finally became lesser to me I was willing to let that go say lord if this never happens if I never become a mom I'm willing for that to happen but I can't spend my life separated from you and so that was the turning point when I really handed over everything to him and was willing to let that go and to say Lord whatever you want is what I want after my conversion I felt like I had met him really for the first time in so many ways and so I started going to adoration I started going to daily Mass I started praying the rosary every day and in that time I felt like I was in love with Jesus and that love felt very real and it felt so different and so much stronger than it couldn't even compare really to the relationships that I had and so in those times of Prayer I would think about religious life the thought came to mind and at first I thought it was a crazy idea but then it became a desire that was so strong and so real and it wasn't going away so then I started visiting communities and it was really it was a conversation with a priest in my home diocese I was talking with him one day and he was asking questions and I told him that I was discerning and he asked what apostolate do you feel called to and I said teaching without a doubt and he knew of our sisters he had known our sisters for a few years and he said you need to meet the school sisters of Christ the King and so I emailed the vocation directors that day got on the website he melt our vocation directress and from that point on it really things moved very quickly and he just opened the door so clearly to our sisters that it's very clear to me that this is the place that he always had in mind for me some advice for someone who's discerning Jesus will answer the question of what you're called to as much as it's possible to just keep your eyes fixed on him and let that relationship develop and he'll show you within the context of relationship with him [Music]
Channel: Vocations Outreach: Religious Life & Discernment
Views: 76,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: religious life, discernment, nun, sister, catholic religious sister, a day in the life, values outreach, catholic, vocation, religious life vocation, school sister, Christ the King, school sisters of Christ the King, sisters of life
Id: 57ceocKiQ4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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