School Of Basics | What is an API | API testing interview questions

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Hello and welcome to School of Basics, I’m Raghav and today we're going to learn what is an API So if you have never heard of the term API, you might want to know what exactly is an API, if you go online and search for some Wikipedia definition or go to a book you will find the definition of API which is technically correct, however it is very difficult to understand from these definitions what exactly and API is. So in this video I will make it very simple for you and after watching this video you can confidently go and explain to anyone what an API is. So let's get started and API stands for application programming interface and API essentially is a component that enables the communication between two different applications and these two different applications can be completely different from each other for example they can be an application which is develop missing text platform using Java and its uses oracle as it’s database, there can be another application which is developed or one of Windows platform using C++ and it uses my server as it’s database. Now these two applications cannot communicate with each other directly, but with the help of API they can, so API enables communication between two different applications. Let’s look at our examples so suppose you go to a restaurant to order food, so let us say, you go to a restaurant and this is you and you will order that food from the kitchen, so here is the kitchen, so you will order the food and the kitchen will serve the food. However there is a person involved in this communication who takes the order from you, goes to the kitchen, places your order and then takes the food and places the food on your table towards you, in order. So this person is the waiter, so we have a waiter here and the waiter takes your order , goes to the kitchen and from the kitchen brings your order or your food and places it on your table. So this waiter enables the communication between you and the kitchen and that is why the waiter acts as an API. Now you might get a question like what is the importance of having or this person or waiter in this communication, I can also directly go to the kitchen and place my order and take my food. Now that is true, however take this scenario if you speak and understand English and the chef who is there in the kitchen speaks only German and understands only German. Now in that case it will be very difficult for you to communicate with each other and that is why this person or this API plays a very important role in communication between applications. So now I will take you to my system and show you a real-world example in this example I will try to book flights between 2 destinations using some online travel application, so I will just say flights from bombay to delhi and I will Google this and you can see I have got a lot of options and there are some travel websites as well. I will just go to some travel website here, so let me just go to and he can see, we have a from-to destination depart date and then the other details so I’ll say Bombay to Delhi on this particular date and I will say search flights and you can see it has searched for the flights and it has given me all the options. So you can see it has given me auctions from different Airlines we have AirAsia, Vistara, Air India, Spicejet, IndiGo, Go Air and so on. So it has actually interacted with all these applications of different airlines and communicated between these Airlines and has given us all the results. Now in this example we have seen that there was an online travel service that has communicated with different Airlines or Airlines applications and have shown results. So here let us say, here we have this online travel app, it can be MakeMyTrip or any app and then here we have different Airlines so let’s say we have a Vistara here, Air India, IndiGo, Jet, Go Air. So this online travel website has communicated with all these applications of the airlines and has given you the information so here, this communicate with this and send that response back, sends the request and response, request response, request response and the same thing. Now what do you think about how this communication is possible? Now one of the ways is all these airlines or all these applications are giving access to this third party to access the database and get information now that might not be the case because any Airlines or any application will not allow any third party to get into the database or to see their information for security reasons and for other obvious reasons. So that might not be the case, another case can be all these applications or these Airlines applications are dumping all their data every 10 minutes or 15 minutes and from that particular source, this third party MakeMyTrip or any travel application can access the data. Now that can also not be the case, because all this happened in real-time. Let’s say you are trying to book a flight and a flight got canceled just 5 seconds ago but the source where you are fetching the data from is still showing as available and you are able to book a flight so there will be a lot of chaos if that happens, so even this cannot be the case, now what happens here is all these applications had exposed information in the form of an API, so they have exposed some APIs that can access their information from the application and can provide information and the third party application is getting the information through that API so it sends a request in the form of an API that these applications understand they look at the database and provides tender information so all this happens in a very secure format so they need a medium and they need a format, so here these two things are important, medium and format. So the medium can be an HTTP for example when we talk about APIP web services HTTP is the most commonly used medium and the format can be some common protocol like JSON or XML so this can be a common format that can be understood by both of these applications. So let’s take an example when you talk to your friend over the phone, the phone is the median and English language that both of you can understand is the format the same way that APIs talk to both of these applications and it communicates and then it enables the communication between both of these applications so this is what API is in very very simple words and this is exactly how APIs, work I will also have a separate session or video where I will tell you how this web services API work, and if you have any other topic that you want me to cover in the school of basic series, you can write them down in the comment section below and I will meet you in the next episode of the school of basics. Thank you for watching! :)
Channel: Automation Step by Step
Views: 425,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is api, how api work, api basic architecture, api design, school of basics, raghav pal, what is application programming interface
Id: C_rkJRSlJS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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