Schneider Burrito Recipe 10 Dollar Meal

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it's reality cooking time and my last burrito video did so well that I'm doing another burrito video this one is called this time is uh what What's this brand the sniders burrito that's what this one is and so we're going to gut this I had this idea because I wanted to do something fast because I'm hungry and I only had $10 and so this cost 950 all together I got this Snider's original beef and onion pie I'm going to gut this put that onto the pan the in of this going to mix this this Ben Smokey flavored rice and beans red beans together to make the burrito with the tortilla some cheese the cheese I'm flying myself I didn't buy that this time this is the cheese is left over from last time so that's an added expense onto the 950 just so you know and that's all coming up right after this and so I've got the butter melting let's get this let's see what's going on in these in this box oh I expected it to be in another kind of container but it's just right in the box there nothing special sweet just okay I've got the butter melted open that thing this would just Raw in there not even in in a Saran Wrap or anything this I opened it smells terrible oh smells horrid it's the smokiness I think I'm smelling but oh okay there's my teeth I'm going to use there's a cat just waiting for scraps and I'm gonna get everything onto this so I need to dissect this somehow this is going to be messy isn't it let's get this baby turned around solid you would probably want to go in from the bottom because that's where it's most vulnerable let I'm going to cut that with a knife okay I figured I'd document this look at this I've opened this up look at that it's like a doode it's like a this beef patty is like a doode in there it's got Crystal formations how neat is that I'm exploring it's like Minecraft or or it's like Minecraft look at this wonder what's in there maybe a Wandering salesman oh this is interesting wow jeez in the end I'm probably just going to cut off the top and throw it in there with even the bottom crust on there I'll take some of the bottom crust off but we'll just mix in for some filler okay so here it is kind of carved it up a little bit what I'm going to do is cook this down to get it all broken up and then I'm going to add the WRA and sorry for the the shakiness of the camera work again and I'm starving starving oh it's a mess here I'm going to clean up well this is just simmering in here oh yeah it wasn't easy to carve that crust off cuz the thing's Frozen okay I'll be right back when it's you know broken apart I got lucky in the the coating of this the outside the what am I talk about this the pie crust came off easily so I got lucky there and separated and I removed it so luckily I won't have any of the pie crust just about there still frozen in the middle but we're making progress here just hacking at it and normally I don't like onion but this is at least going to be cooked multiple times so these onions are really going to be broken down yeah onions are just too smelly for me I don't like smells of certain things so you'll never see me cooking hardboiled eggs or spinach or cabbage or just things that smell or onion no thank you look at that there we go we almost have a Brio as easy as that took a couple seconds sweet this stuff just smells like onion it doesn't even smell like beef that's all I can smell okay well it's still pasty like that let's get some let's get a bunch in actually some [Applause] rice we've got the we got the nephew Ben's original rice yes that looks so good I'm excited for this burrito it's going to taste exactly like how I imagine it I just been cooking this at a pretty low temperature at 4: just so everything had a chance to melt down cuz it was cooked from Frozen and you could have add hot sauce at this point I'm not because multiple people are going to be eating this and some don't like hot sauce maybe a couple drips won't W wor though let's no let's get pepper that's what we get some pepper sorry for the camera work here are you okay jeez the we I swear that's never happened to me before okay it's peppered up that will add some spice much needed spice I really looking like a burrito I think what I'm going to do is turn up the heat cuz now this has so much butter in it got to cook off a little it'll turn up to five and a half I'm excited it's smelling good and I will be right back with a couple extra things out and here we are it's all cooked together ready to eat just like a real burrito t t [Music] time I was going to get some dill chips but I didn't find a small enough bag okay A a thing I would add to this besides these three items would be some sour cream but I don't have sour cream sucks sucks hard if I thought about it at the store I would have added that but okay get this folded and try it yum deito probably fry this too actually so let me make up a couple of these and I'm going to fry them got two m I put the extra off to the side there because I need my pan free now I'm just going to fry these babies up yes turn this up and then they will be nice and crispy and ready to eat my belly's just aching but yeah these are teap burrito you know you could make three with this and you've got a bunch of tortillas left over for other meals all for 950 like that's great I only need one of these to fill me up so it's it's basically a meal for free for three and yeah I don't think you can really complain about the price so a couple seconds I'll flipp her soak up butter on the other side for a little bit it all burns up yes soak up that butter yum and it'll fry them on both sides it'll be more Brown sorry for the noise if you hear that side in the hallway it's an apartment building those are already looking great though those are going to taste like a real burrito they have no reason not to okay momentarily they'll be cooked and I'm going to taste test them all done and cooked just super excited I know I keep saying that but oh and there it is don't let that there that didn't look good there we go yes bit bready looking to use more grease but let's give her a try oh it's really hot whoa not going to lie I think that's one of the best burritos I've had that's insane without even hot sauce on it go buy those ingredients it's 950 and make this trust me it's so good I don't know what it is but wow anyway guys that's it for now thanks for tuning in
Channel: Cardocraffz
Views: 291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, goodmythicalmorning, burrito, chef, at home, dinner, supper, superman, stove, schneiders, breakfast, cheap, easy, fast, meal, quick, $10, deal, mexican, rice, uncle bens
Id: e0QRhK5tR-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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