Washington State Road Trip: (4 Days - 260 Miles) Highway 20

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foreign [Music] welcome to the once in a lifetime series in this long form video we're going to be crossing the great state of Washington along the very Scenic Highway 20. from Newport to Bellingham Washington almost 400 miles of pure Scenic Beauty along this great Washington State Highway all this footage was shot in the month of August sit back and enjoy the ride and the journey starts right now well we got about 20 miles left of Idaho what we can see of it just drove through all that rain now we got blue sky clean roads really pretty here look how they cut through that rock look at that right through it make this road what's goodness is Highway 2 West us2 we'll connect up here on Highway 20 once we cross over the state line foreign trucks my goodness just a bunch of them well looks like we got a town coming up here welcome to Priest River Idaho well small town USA right here Priest River Idaho kind of a cute cool uh mural in that brickwork right there along the sidewalk I don't need fuel one thing this van that goes good on fuel averaging over uh 21 miles a gallon just checked on the phone looks like there's a dam Albany Dam and uh Campground up here before we get into Washington State yeah we're down just a few miles left here in Idaho should be getting close look how flat it is here we're out of the mountains now Big Tall Pines there's a sign I'd have seen the sign for the dam here it is made it check this out got some bugs on the window well let's go down this way it said Visitor Center oh look at this they got their boat inspection station you gotta clean your boats before you bring them in here and use them in the Lakes it's a good practice oh let me stop I'll ask these guys where a good place is to park and get some pictures where's the best place to get pictures at back here yeah so at the end of this road you can drive down to the right oh okay thanks well back there probably takes you down to the dam here's our Visitor Center hey let's go ahead and park here a sec we'll walk around then I'll go down to the bottom it says viewing area [Music] I see a lot of trees Wildlife viewing there's the dam see it see what the storyboard says Albany of all Albany Falls so he made a dam here at the Falls oh look at the railroad Bridge down there cool let's drive on down let's uh head down there can't really see much from up here [Music] well at least we we're getting to see something here out of the rainstorm Idaho wasn't a total washout get it wash out [Music] well there's our Visitor Center it's early it's closed it's okay this was an unplanned stop anyway we'll head on down to the water check it out foreign here we go what a job these two guys have they're sitting there waiting for a boat to come in the wash thank you too I don't know if you could hear him he said Arizona van he read the plate well we're right at the stop sign see how close we can get to it maintenance buildings there on the left I see a parking area to the left wow day use area this is gorgeous oh my goodness look at the water it's like a mirror the reflection this is a photographer's dream this brings back memories there's that train bridge that reflection in that water like that that body of water is like glass photographers would oh my goodness look at this Crystal Clear perfect reflection even the clouds well with all the rain everything is just clean the air smells good perfect temperature Blue Sky low bench to set on even the trees are happy with all the water huh Albany Falls damn well probably a lot of people come down here and fish right off the rocks I don't know if I've ever seen that big of a body of water that flattens still ought to throw a rock in there and let the ripples go huh little picnic table here [Music] and there's the dam you can even see a reflection of the dam in the water it's almost see the bottom pump or something running in there hear it ah the sprinklers they're pumping the water for the sprinklers what a pretty Place check it out Albany Falls [Music] little boat launch or something for like a fishing boat or rubber raft kayak probably that water's so flat it looks like you could walk across it doesn't it call that Mother Nature's artwork you're at Mother Nature's Art Gallery right here [Music] [Music] no charging it down in here if you're traveling around Idaho on U.S 2 stop that upper parking lot you get easier Park a trailer or rig up there and just walk down here busy road there goes an RV wow look at the glass water look at that there's your picture of the day there's your Kodak moment we're walking around way down there there's Highway two the railroad bridge the falls they just created a dam out of the falls Harvest that energy right down the road there's Washington State we'll be there shortly looks like our Blue Sky Is Gonna stick around clouds are then and out or good shape yay [Music] we only have about three four miles we're right in Washington we're gonna be looking for Highway 20. this ought to be just one epic trip Le right across this River coming up should be the state line between Idaho and Washington State and we are leaving Idaho we got blue sky high clouds and we are in Washington state yay this is a little town called Newport there's the welcome to Washington sign we just crossed under it I'm going to kind of fast track it a little bit we're actually gonna pick up it's Washington State Highway 20. what kind of zigzag our way up to we're going to head up to Kettle Falls that's a goal to get to today I'm gonna spend the night up there that's also where the Columbia river is right here's where we say goodbye to Highway 2 so long Highway two this is uh Washington State 20. it's going to take us up through a couple little towns and once again get up to Kettle Falls actually we're going to be on Highway 20 for almost 400 miles it's a Scenic byway through Washington State as well kind of found it online and I thought why not let's do it Tall Pines and blue sky no rain yay like we had in Idaho still turned out good that uh Albany damn that was neat that was a neat little stop very picturesque all right I'm gonna fast track this a little bit I'll kick the cameras on when I see something good enjoy the ride well so far it has been kind of flat a lot of Pines line in the road I'm gonna stop up here and uh check the maps I think I can cut over to a little town and get over on 395 up to Colville yes there's a little County Road we're gonna cut over it's about 18 miles I'm gonna go straight west and that'll take us over to U.S 395. they won't cut up that way to Coalville and then we'll pick back up in that state route 20. if that makes any sense I had to look at it twice on the maps oh this is definitely Back Road Farm country I'm going to keep the cameras on just enjoy the ride what a pretty place to live here huh oh no well we got detours coming up well my shortcuts turn into uh really back roads oh what the heck we got all day and we got a full tank of fuel it's absolutely beautiful back in here pretty dry but it's August sign back there said Colville national forest and we're actually going to be climbing over a mountain pass this is going to be such a good trip across Washington get up here to Kettle Falls for the night we got a lot of miles to do yet made it there's a little town Chewelah something like that Washington I'm not real familiar with it definitely small town USA wow look at the Copper Dome look at that look at the Copper on that thing someone just clean that or it's brand new got flower baskets hanging pretty pretty place 15 miles an hour through here definitely small town USA flags are flying green trees Ace Hardware right there old brick building how cool is this huh all the little shops right up here is 395. we're going to take this I'm gonna head straight on up to Coalville okay this is us-395 we're heading north look at the cloud formations up there pretty big mural on that building there neat little town motels oh check it out Zips burger go get you a zip Burger never heard of zips big old park here pretty busy road another logging truck all kinds of logging up here all right we got about 35 miles to get up to uh Colville looks like we're getting close to town a few clouds hanging in I did hit some sprinkles a couple miles back wasn't much hey another zips must be like a regional restaurant chain should have stopped and got me a zip Burger oh no yuck Donald's yeah [Music] we're just gonna keep right on this uh going here pretty soon we're gonna pick up uh 20 or I think it combines maybe with 395. no matter what we're going to end up in Kettle Falls then out of Kettle Falls tomorrow when we leave there because I'm going to spend the night there at an RV park is 3.95. I think somewhere up here 20 will kick back in yep right there okay they combine then we're going to take uh State Route 20 clear across the rest of Washington we'll stay on that route the whole way across kind of looking forward to that there's a couple neat sections of Road that we're going to cross when we go across Washington and that's coming up this week Les Schwabs tires this is a pretty good sized Town we've been going through town for a little bit here motels it's getting this is Colville Washington and in case you're wondering my shortcut wasn't very short I should have just stayed on Highway 20. so don't do what I did still okay it was a pretty ride [Music] there's Postman delivering mail angle parking on the streets you don't see that in big towns FM station they got a little bit of everything here way up North we're not that far from the Canadian border either we're kind of hugging a high line of Washington state here [Music] it looks like we're getting near the end of it we're really close to Kettle Falls we only get a few miles should be there shortly starting to get back in some Pines here we should be getting close according to the maps here another logging truck this that's a massive business up here here you go welcome to Kettle Falls we made it yay I kind of scoped this on the maps let's drive through town we'll go film the Columbia River Columbia River actually starts up here comes out of Canada runs all the way down through Washington it's clear down through to the ocean we'll film that and then I'll come back and find that RV Park I need to fuel up here too sometime I got all day we want to go straight right there there's the RV park I'm gonna stay at it's a motel RV Park we'll come back to it let's go down to the water and film that first cool what's a sign State okay we'll check that too there's a park up here should be getting close to the river man that's pretty up here just pretty there's a campground off the left we'll check that let's go across the bridge look at this get ready here we go [Music] cool beans across the Columbia River how about that huh ooh gas station I've ever stop get some diesel before we go back make a quick pit stop here all fueled up now tomorrow we make a right right there in that road and stay on 20 that way but we're gonna go back into Kettle Falls here we go what's this sign say Lake Roosevelt and Kettle Falls Campground okay there's it's part of a lake here too cool gotta love these Bridges there's an old timer here it's seeing its day I think that turn off was right up here like right here all right let's go check out the campground should be right up here yep pretty place is a boater camping Paradise well it looks like a big time Marina I see a bunch of big houseboats we'll get out and walk around I need to stretch my legs I'm sure the fishing is perfect here beautiful Northwest all right oh park right here like a boater [Music] I've been to the Columbia a few times way down like a Long Long View and way down on along the Oregon Washington border a long ways from here this is where all the water comes from [Music] look at that dock that's floating there I guess you gotta swim in pretty kind of breezy [Music] those are some good sized houseboats [Music] so this is a Columbia River in Roosevelt Lake huh have to look at it a little closer on the maps I wonder if the Columbia River freezes over in the winter huh all right to the van we go [Music] there's a nice boat that's when you can't hurt you can go out and really uh take on some rough water in that thing there's the houseboats but this is cool they got a pretty good sized Marina Campground about everything in here lake with a river man I bet that fishing is good looks like more Campground down that way probably dry camping boondocking right here in Kettle Falls Washington once again we're not that far from Canada here pretty place there's your Kodak moment right there [Music] thank you [Music] I'm really glad I came up this direction I have never been up this far ever you don't talk to too many people that come up this direction either should be an interesting trip Across The High Line huge wood mill massive piles or logs that one sign said plywood so they must make plywood here my goodness it's big what a magnificent place look at those bridges just had to take another look here boat going up through the water those bridges have seen some traffic in their day huh that's the side we're going down across River in the morning we're heading that direction [Music] [Music] thank you this place is called the Grand View Inn it's a motel plus a RV Park had really good reviews let me go in I'll get chucked in see what spot they want me to take space 24 or a very nice lady her and her husband own this they're pretty much open year round they get a lot of Forestry people that stay here a lot of shade should be good enough I'm only here one night all right this is home for the night tomorrow we hit the road we are leaving Kettle Falls cute little RV Park this Grandview Inn it was okay but we're gonna have a hopefully a eventful little drive today we're gonna cut across the Columbia River get this show going decent weather okay here we go back across the bridge yay so long Kettle Falls I love these old bridges all right right up here we're gonna make a left and this is still uh Washington State Highway 20. State Highway we're going to stay on this for a long time now we're not going to get off till basically the coast all right this road is also called the Sherman pass Scenic byway we're going to cross over a big mountain pass and all that so it should be a cool little trip what a pretty cool place to come up to along this high line up here Washington State along as historic State Highway Washington State Highway 20. look at that they had fire here in the Years passed all the forestry that goes on even at that RV park she said they're just full of guys working for All the lumber companies but absolutely Shangri-La here I highly recommend it you get a chance get up here to Kettle Falls Washington [Music] last night I uh Googled all this and read a few articles about it there's a couple pretty good points of interest up through here a bit chilly this morning but it's supposed to be up in the 70s should be a good date well let's leave the camera go enjoy the views oh what's the sign say yes this is the first one coming up here should be whoops missed the road it's right there on the left it's a CCC camp Memorial from the old days let's go ahead and check it out yep I see a few storyboards we'll see what this thing is [Music] okay oh boots look at this step into these shoes CCC look at that now that's cool they built our national park system statue of a guy working huh building a wall storyboards those are hard to read Camp groden okay a letter home look someone wrote a letter home I'll be darn oh look at the picture original picture look at that [Music] well let's wander around it's kind of like a picnic area they got fresh germs [Music] here's their sign Little America I can hear water running back here too [Music] wonder how much of this is original I bet these benches are for sure concrete benches something was here probably building oop my shadow sorry talks about the trees in the water oh flowers look at that hear the water that's the same view they had years ago when this is actual camp for the CCC I'm sure most of the buildings are gone go check this thing out a little Log Cabin [Music] I can hear heavy equipment in the woods so there's logging in here somewhere [Music] [Music] boys are hard to read sorry this is another map of the area it looks like definitely check this out online I'd say that's original [Music] look how little the rooms are bet it was cold up here too in the winter [Music] everything made out of wood but they got a forest to build it [Music] what a cool little stop here in the Sherman Pass Road uh if you ever get up this way check it out [Music] that's neat with them boots like that isn't it and the statue I'll get a picture of the sign out here in the road they're kind of hard to read [Music] all right if you look for this look up groden heritage site alrighty [Music] some of the old features from way back probably a fountain of some kind huh always amazes me uh the original architecture and structures that are still left in a lot of these places [Music] perfect [Music] we can see how this is just nestled right into Forest along the road and that Creek just a sea of trees as far as you can see I bet fire Danger's always up here you know back at that RV park and Kettle Falls the lady was talking about they do a lot of replanting reforesting they take it out but they also put it back which is pretty darn cool takes a lot of years to grow all these trees [Music] well too cool for school thank you CCC we're still enjoying it all these years later my goodness what an effort all right on to the next one let's see what else we get I'll keep the camera on enjoy here's a sign you see a few they're Trail all kinds of trails shows for horses snowmobiles bikes hiking I bet snowmobile be all over the place up here huh we're definitely climbing or getting up in the world here oh look at the Mountaintop yeah we're definitely getting up here what a pretty Drive wow we're almost there oh cool overlook Campground let's stop definitely have to check this out I see an RV probably their camp host Maybe yep there's a campground overlook let's go check it out well we got restrooms information board I'm the only one here and wow paved Pathways okay let's take a walk there's a path let's see what it says up here [Music] no more picnic tables [Music] and what we got here's a map of the area Campground little Trails for the Overlook it says 10 minute walk let's take it [Music] it's quiet up here pretty [Music] see what these guys say here [Music] old pictures when they built it built the area logging right there's a road fires past and present I bet oh my goodness I bet they've had a few well they say lightning strikes they get those dry thunderstorms [Music] there's a little Pavilion there we'll walk over to that [Music] this is a nice low area here [Music] what do we got in here [Music] oh bobcat A View from Above there you go all right here's your view from above that's it there's your overlook what nice little stop heck Camp up here bring your rig camp out for a night or two all right well let's head on back to the Beast [Music] yeah I wasn't expecting all this [Music] pretty colorful for being way up here in the top of a mountain pass here's another one turbulent landscape [Music] little trees there I bet they replanted here at one time [Music] a lot of dead stuff on the ground boy yeah it would be a firebox if anything ever happened here but you can't stop it Mother Nature man look how tall them things are in that neat [Music] and there's the van this one big loop they're right about 10 minute walk it's worth it [Music] [Music] perfect little stop matter of fact have made me something to eat before we got back on the road here okay well we're gonna keep on trucking we're almost up to the top of this mountain here we had signed Kettle Creek trailhead they show the pictures are like horses and snowmobiles and Hiking mountain bikes don't think I could handle all that maybe a snowmobile with a heater oh well we got here this is it this is the pass all right what's it say well kind of like that other board it's downhill from here cool Sherman Scenic byway nice and big rocks there it fell down this is it top of the world here look how they cut right through that rock make the pass going over [Music] see what the elevation says [Music] Sherman Pass elevation 55-75 better get snow here [Music] oh check it out look see the metal they're like wolves they're all over one there over there [Music] pretty cool stop someone's put a lot of effort into this place here [Music] figuring there oh look at the one way up there I didn't see that one well that's neat okay we are climbing as part of their Trailhead there a bit see the pass they got power lines running up through there that's looking down the other side look how the road cuts through look at the line through the trees how thick that Forest is that's amazing top of the world there and looking back down what a neat ride today this has just been great glad I came up through here there's part of the trailhead too [Music] well here we go like the sign said it's downhill from here well hopefully there's something cool going down the other side here has to be here's a Overlook right here let's stop check it out we're heading downhill the sign back there said downhill all the way they got a lot of these cool little pull outs along the scenic byway here this looks like another one we're cutting Across The High Line of Washington State trying to stay cool and the cooler weather look at that view there all right get parked check her out as usual I'm the only one here I could really hear some uh chainsaws going it must be logging close by let's just say a little map of the area this landscape changing about the wildlife [Music] what a pretty view huh [Music] there's a look just a sea of Pines and that's something there's the road Highway 20. what a Scenic low ride so far been beautiful [Music] [Music] well nice little stop here could easily have uh stop and get a lunch they're big enough you could pull a rig down in here actually coming up that pass is not a bad RV road you did climb the pass but it was kind of long and windy so it wasn't bad at all you'd easily be bring a big rig up through here fifth wheel motorhome all right I'll leave the camera run enjoy the views we're heading downhill pretty soon though the Fall colors will come into play I don't know about here but I know back East you'll definitely get him all the leaves changing with the end of the summer fall season begins definitely a pretty ride here oh there's the van there's the loggers right there that's what I could hear back at that overlook there's our login Cruise look at all that gravel that they spread in the winter there it's a year-round project by keeping up with that stockpile on it we're getting down close to the bottom of this pass I'd say yeah we're getting down near the bottom what a pretty ride though okay what's this say Curtis Lake State Park Republic Straight Ahead we're staying on 20 here humans we haven't seen any in a while looks like a gas station that road will take you straight into Canada up to BC we're not that far from Canada we're right in there there's a little town of Republic here login I bet pretty good size uh lumber yard there foreign Republic three oh we're not in the Republic yet okay here's a little bit of Town it looks like a few businesses boats door small town USA right here just spread out how'd you like to live here look at the views they got perfect weather definitely everyone knows everyone else here haha crosswalk what else we got a pretty big parking area off to the right another Highway and I see a gas station uh I'm gonna stop grab a quick cup of coffee onward we go we're just kind of cutting through getting over to the Cascades we got we'll end up over on uh what's that Highway over there pretty sure it's 97 and we cut South and then we pick up on 20 and head straight into the Cascades let's do a little more Town left here another gas station oh wow there's a lot of town left look at this here we go we're just out in the suburbs you got a cute little town here look at this small town USA look at the old buildings look at the porch on the Second Story up there in that meet a couple of them well this is just picture perfect tractor on top of that roof I'll be darned Republic Washington okay we need to yep we gotta stay on 20. we gotta make a left here there's a rest of downtown thank you well here we go it looks like we're getting out of the mountains don't see the big mountains anymore got a little park there on the left but they had mining going on probably still do all right away we go all right well we got here aha I see a place to pull off I need a break anyway what's the sign say Bonaparte Recreation Area but look at this I got a big pull off right here in the road this will work break time been doing a lot of driving today very peaceful you know it's long stretches in between uh towns here always keep your gas tank full [Music] definitely do some camping Prairie fishing I'm sure they got Lakes back in here [Music] we're at a lower elevation you can see the mountain the big mountains are gone but just rolling there's the road we only got another 20 miles to get up to that Highway 97. we're getting close [Music] this the land of Pines the Sea of Pines pretty [Music] very good road this has been well kept looks like a bunch of new pavement through here too for more information on my travels be sure to check out my website rbeertv.tv there you can sign up for my free newsletter we put it out on the 5th of every month also we have free download screensavers sunset pictures they're beautiful all free and we carry quite a bit of merch for our beer TV help support these kind of travels once again it's rveretv.tv wow we're getting a little different uh scenery here Rock Cliffs right along the road not too much farther I'm going to pull off for the night find a campsite RV park something [Music] I see houses according to the phone we are getting close we're slowing down to 25. welcome to Tona set Washington that we should pick up uh that Highway 97 actually 20 and 97 we're going to drop South and from here I'm probably gonna take a break figure out a place to stay and then tomorrow we head into the Cascades yay all right we're dropping South I'm gonna pull off for the night tomorrow's a New Journey we are just leaving Highway 97 and we are heading west on Washington State 20. all right we need to make a left here we're heading to the Cascade Mountains the North Cascade Mountains the beautiful northern part of Washington State this should be one Epic Drive they'll be forest and mountains and lakes and who knows what else should be a good one it's early morning we've got a little cloud cover up here uh I'm gonna let the camera roll enjoy the views we got a few miles to do before we get close to the mountains all kinds of farmland and Orchards out through here just a beautiful ride wow look how Barren that is here I bet they had fire through here you can kind of seeing the burnt marks on the bottom of the trees we're dropping down fast well there's a beautiful view there a little mountain and we're gonna stay to the right on 20 put the signs a twisp that's a cool name for a town oh small town USA right here big old trees see a few little businesses gas stations stores really rustic this whole this whole drive has been just a rustic look old western style buildings see some mountains here's a river this is a busy road going up into the big mountains up here in Northern Cascades there's not hardly anything that cuts through here 20 does you could really feel the difference though between Eastern Washington now we're in the central part heading to the western part of Washington State the mountains even the temperature air temperature it's getting cooler so it's definitely different late summer and August here too still got some green grass so yeah I'm really looking forward to this uh drive over the mountains the pictures I've seen online are just breathtaking so hopefully we can catch a few big old NAPA Parts coffee Shack that's not open well it looks like we're about through town here we're gonna go through another town up the road to win Winthrop or something like that I got the maps loaded on the phone here just a HomeTown feel you know I get out early try to miss some of the traffic usually works low road construction here but definitely in the summertime you don't want to be down south in the heat this is definitely a place to come up to and along the Washington coast Western Washington slowing down to 35 this is Winthrop Washington big old KOA there look at that thing KOA is okay but boy their prices are way up there let's see what we get here you can see the mountains coming in see them way off in the distance we're getting closer yay green grass I know I always say green grass but being from Arizona you don't see it the only pictures of it looks like most of the businesses are on the right hand side gas station busy wow what a pretty little town this thing is picturesque Bridge sign back as a recreation area we'll stay on 20 here or you can make a movie in this town my goodness it is just scenic look at these buildings there's a lodge Motel park right on the street look at this this is Old Town here wow oh cool my goodness all kinds of cool little shops Emporium you could spend a day or two just wandering around this town looks like we're at about the end of it and ahead I see mountains in our future yay big park there on the left look at that they even got goodbye signs till we meet again that's class all right I don't know about you guys I'm gonna go see some mountains pretty big clouds that hit a few sprinkles here and there but then the sun pops right out wow look at the dark clouds over the mountain CA photographer's dream well I need to take a quick break and stop a second stretch my legs been driving quite a bit a lot of miles across here well it's all said and done we have traveled about 400 miles and uh Washington State Highway 20. okay now there's a look tree covered mountains dark clouds sunshine blue sky typical day here probably in the northern Cascades huh absolutely gorgeous we're in for a treat going to this pass here [Music] well I'm losing uh cell coverage here my Google Maps isn't working here we go we're on our own but there's only running Road getting in here so we're on it just teasing let's see what we can find up this way we are definitely climbing going up in the world quite a few trees there's a pull out try and keep the windshield clear I don't think the dash Cam's picking it up there's a really big rock face right there look at that mountain we got to stop and get pictures of that thing here's a pull-out let's stop sec [Music] yeah the trees are hiding it we have to look at this from the air wow look at that even got a little color left in the bushes flowers there goes the fifth wheel heading up let me switch uh cameras [Music] a lot of traffic picking up on this road is getting super busy but look at the rock face on that side of that mountain no vegetation there huh totally different you know once we get over the past it could be blue sky and warm who knows but it's cool enough you can really feel a temperature drop in the air here [Music] well fun little stop feels good to take a break a lot of miles so far I think I'll make me something to eat then we'll continue on down the road way we go and look at that a tiny little patch of blue sky perfect you know we're really close within 100 miles of the ocean so some of this is probably coming straight in right off the ocean we are seriously climbing now pretty good grade there's some blue sky and look at these mountain peaks you can even see Tiny patches of snow I'll find a place to pull off there's got to be pull-offs up here but isn't that gorgeous well the Articles and reviews and everything I was reading online about this highway 20. they weren't kidding they were right it is just drop dead gorgeous here cool here's a pull-off that's a pretty good drop off off this Edge too we'll get our Kodak moment of the day [Music] how's that look how fast the clouds are moving over top of the mountains look at those way up there it's Charlie too it's in the 50s I had to put my jacket on look at those clouds coming over top right there all right well let's keep on going up [Applause] we're on a scale to one to ten I'd give that view uh 10. traffic lightened up we go we are still climbing when are my thousands of feet we are up top here there's some parks and campgrounds up here I'll probably pull off for the night and we'll finish this trip tomorrow oh wow look at that you can still see the snow cap wow we gotta stop again I gotta get a picture of that that'd make a perfect photograph right there my goodness I'm gonna stop right here I gotta get a photo of that don't look over the edge there is your Kodak moment look at that that's a post pitch postcard picture getting talked still got a little snow up there clouds rolling over my goodness this is beautiful so glad I chose to come here wow welcome to the Cascade Mountains goodness in case you're wondering that is way down there look all the rock they pushed off making the road one last look here my goodness take it in [Applause] well I'm keeping the cameras on I mean how could you ever get tired of that view my goodness incredible life's Little Pleasures when you come out and find them like this because think back where we started like way back at Newport and all the flatter desert type terrain and we went through few mountains Columbia River now we're up in these big beautiful mountains Cascade Mountains my goodness taught by history there are some here hoping when to get up top they'll be a cool place to stop get some pictures what a journey we're heading towards the Coast West Coast over uh near Anacortes Washington in the islands and that's still part of Highway 20. we're going to stay on Highway 20 for quite a ways I'm going to leave the camera on enjoy the views wow that's it that's wow oh yeah look at this we can pull off here just like that guy it is way down that pass isn't this just spectacular right here's our view oh look at that little waterfall coming out of the Hill [Applause] look at that right out of the Hill Mountain Springs right as snow melt right down the hill all right first little waterfall going over the Cascades now check this out look at this View right here [Music] goodness is that a long ways down or what there's the pass we just drove up through I'd say we're getting close to the top the air temp here is what is put it chilly look at that rock that came down from right up there all right I'd say it's time to move on let's rock literally well we'll see what's around the next curve I've never been up here so I don't know this is definitely one to come back to though this is where you'd want to get some local knowledge I'm sure there are campgrounds and all kinds of good places to stop and see we're floating in the clouds up here I see a sign what's it say Washington Pass yay we made it that's the top almost 5 500 feet what we got here whoa whoa whoa whoa overlook I'm in let's go check it out Washington Pass is the name of this okay did not know that 5500 feet that's still up there imagine all the snow they get probably pretty in the winter too though back in here a little ways one way I see parking off to the left there's the trail Overlook Trail that's what we want we got restrooms a little picnic area I don't know they got RV parking down below I'll go try one of those let's go for a little hike maybe we'll see something cool [Music] very well kept look at that tree oh look at the mountain yeah [Music] I think that trail is over this way there's a little restroom [Music] overlook that away so we're going that away it's all asphalted that's good look at how green it is here nice little fence here keep it from falling off hopefully there ain't no bears up here don't want to be a bear Buffet trees just laying over right alongside the path imagine the winds I bet they scream up through here today's perfect oh wow look at this I see an overlook get ready here we go what's the sign say don't jump teasing a valley like this that is way down there look at this enjoy The View [Music] [Music] [Music] look how the trees just go right out of the Rock see the storyboard says captured Valley sculptures oh when it was a glacier huh great [Music] [Music] very peaceful up here well the path keeps going [Music] so will we just as Scenic as you could make this my goodness I know the camera doesn't do it justice to see this in person is just breathtaking just peaceful all right up we go see what's up here [Music] end of the line kind of hard climbing top of the world you can actually climb farther but I'm not it's called rock climbing nope time to go back [Music] [Music] well if you get up this way check out this Washington Passover look my goodness you will not regret it bring a camera [Music] there's some folks first people I've seen in uh quite a while [Music] last look at it I'd definitely come back here markers dedicating people that donated to this what a nice job I mean to Asphalt this but clear they had uh pack that in here put up this metal fence keep it clear let's see what they say North Cascades Highway history wow 1893. and then 1972 wow what a difference look it up online I'm sure there is a ton of history on this area the clouds keep rolling in and out one minute Blue Sky next it's all cloudy even with a Sprinkle Blue Sky again no one's here look at this I mean it's empty absolutely empty those folks in that van they're just taking their time Washington Pass Outlook definitely stop here if you ever get a chance I'll leave the camera on enjoy the views a few sprinkles look how the clouds are hanging right in the front of that mountain there we are definitely starting to drop in grade we're going way down quick trees are getting taller too [Music] it is just a pretty pretty Drive look way off this is how narrow this steep the mountains are and how narrow this pass is look way way off isn't that neat and finally Blue Sky getting our blue skies sunshine back perfect couldn't ask for a better day be up here well here we go man that guy was unloading his trailer right there to camp I've moved the camera to the outside I mounted it up front I'm tired of fighting the windshield all the time all right here we go so if you hear a little wind noise that's it that motorcycle is moving right along we're still dropping down we don't have that much farther go that uh Ross Lake well I'm just going to leave the camera go and enjoy the view foreign we are dropping down quick oh wow waterfall we got stopped look at that coming right out of the side of the Hill there check this out [Music] there you go free car wash Highway 20. wow just keeps running [Music] all right well let's get back on the road [Music] well here we go once again what a epic trip through the Cascade Mountains let's see here according to the phone there's an Overlook here yep that one looks pretty full this overlooks that Ross Lake and Diablo Lake the dam all kinds of cool stuff we'll go down farther what a view around every corner look at this there's the lake I see it off to the right way down there I'm sure we'll find a place to pull off check it out what we got here Overlook hey we're in here it is Diablo Lake Overlook oh yeah I see all kinds of parking perfect absolutely perfect still not that many people up here all right let's go check it out [Music] couldn't ask for a nicer day you know it clouds up a few sprinkles blue sky comes along wow look at the color whoa it's like a turquoise huh against that green look at that huh [Music] there's the damn way out there I wonder if we can get see that we'll check that out down the road but look at the color difference my goodness Crystal Blue Water what's up here there's quite a ways down there oh look a dog so there's got to be a campground down there there's power lines running through probably from the dam my goodness what a view foreign let's head on down the road try to get closer to the dam see if we can get closer to the water [Music] way we go this is uh highway 20. state route Washington state route 20. we've been traveling on Highway 20 for quite a ways yeah we're getting closer to the water and we're going to keep on going clearer to the coast actually it goes farther it goes into the islands and then drops South we're going to take it the entire way yeah we're getting down here look at the color of that water that is just fascinating maybe it's a Greenery of the trees that makes it stand out more too but that is just crystal blue bet it's cold too real cold snow melt snow melt water looks like we got a bridge coming up when you look at all this on the maps that Ross Lake has a dam then up here is a Diablo Dam something like that I hope I got it right oh uh tree limb fell look at that these people are picking it up dead limb fell out of that tree that would have hurt a windshield huh well them nice people cleared it way we go let this guy go first well I can see the dam but not a good view with all these trees we'll try to get up here somewhere and get a good picture of it really steep Cliffs here I don't know if you can tell that camera's not picking it up the water is right off to the right straight down see a sign coming up what's it say Learning Center Parking cool let's see what we can get down here and straight through the Rocks here here's the road this ought to be fun what do we have here got a gate the gate's open we're in and see what we get here looks like it's going to wind down well hey if we can park that'd be cool at least get some pictures or something wow there's the damn look at this oh my goodness look how narrow that road is oh boy we can drive across wow check this out that Van's going I'm gonna follow him 10 miles an hour so this must be Diablo Dan then there's another one up there called Ross Dam I think how is this for a front row picture taken place no clue I'm just glad another car ain't coming I bet this is an old time damn too wow that is way down there absolutely beautiful well they don't let you stop anywhere got to keep going all right well let's see Parkin Learning Center let's go back maybe we can check out get closer to the lake I'd like to work back here there's a little picnic area down there really not much of a place to park well I'll go to the end just turn around I guess that water is blue as it can be right next to the road here look at all these cars I got some kind of a Resort or something here I don't know that sign when we turned in said Ross Lake parking I think there might be a ferry or some way to get over to Ross Lake too I got some of this parking in here blocked off no parking must need a permit or something maybe oh well let's turn around just driving across the dam was pretty cool see oh this is ConEd off too got the boat docks I bet this is what we've seen from way up top these docks what great access my goodness there's that van that was in front of us well this looks like good as any getting turned around pull over here by the water check it out a minute instead of Ross Lake Diablo Lake whatever they should have called it Blue Lake Crystal Lake how about that Crystal Lake that's a marina over there so that's why on cars I've even seen a border patrol car over there we're really close to Canada well there you go bird's eye view of it okay well let's go back across that Dam [Music] what a perfect day at this wind is really hollowing down here but perfect day on this little Lake now the trick is getting out of here well that must be their Visitor Center Marina all kinds of stuff here for all the Lakes maybe need a permit or something to park who knows another time I'm just happy we got to drive across that Dam see this incredible still worth coming down here probably fisherman look at there's a family once again you need the local knowledge of some of this stuff there's some people walking but they walked all the way down to the dam that's a long walk got power poles around the two here so there's power amazing place okay we get to go across this thing again oh just pretty can't even describe it even got restrooms right here but they got no parking all over here oh well let this go look at that guy enjoying the view here we go wow what a view better view on the driver's side here now but now you can see across Diablo Dam twice along beautiful Washington State historic Scenic Highway 20. what a trip if you get a chance drive it I mean it's a lot of miles but you see a lot of different things across here all right speaking of 20 we'll go up find the main road well missed that truck it was good timing and we made it look at this we're at the gate this has probably been one of the best stops I've ever made in all my travels was this damn and that Crystal Blue Clear Water that is something to remember I'll remember that forever okay let's keep trucking see what else we can find we dropped down quite a ways and here's the river it's not as blue as that Lake though huh bet this freezes over I bet you could ice fish here if you could even find a place to pull off there's a little road right there look how steep the mountains are go way up there foreign I think it's our first tunnel on this road had to honk the horn you know for a big van this sure has a weak sounding horn of these years I'll get a big one of them air horns and stick on this thing sound like a freight train coming down through here foreign we got something coming up sign said George Creek overlook so we'll have to see what it is foreign ER there here's some parking this will work I see a bridge oh look at the water coming out of the mountain all right we're in a little waterfall look at it it's pouring out of the mountain there cool is that well looks like it walked across this bridge over here boy the winds are really picking up hang on to your hat time [Music] wow look at this bridge oh my goodness uh look you can see all the way down through the grating [Music] that's a couple hundred feet at least down to them rocks look at that oh another waterfall I hear it wow isn't this too cool [Music] said George Creek that must be Georgia creek or lake I don't know [Music] this bridge is something else I'll tell you like walking on air [Music] a lot of traffic really picking up busy highway [Music] well there's Trails back there I'm mount it up to hiking that far if I want to go check out this waterfall let's go back across the other side [Music] there's a pretty good sized waterfall over here [Music] looks like they had fire through here at some point [Music] if you have fear of heights you'd never want to walk across this thing just don't look down there's that waterfall [Music] could listen to that all day and all night huh relaxing water running pretty low place here it's a lot warmer down here than it was uh back up that mountain hour or two ago [Music] George Creek okay so that's George Creek so George Creek must dump into Ross Lake maybe I don't know something like that who knows take across the road before that one over there is really running want to sneak over there and get a quick picture of it no cars are coming here we go okay there's your Zen moment an rver TV at the end of this video go to rveretv.tv sign up for my free newsletter you'll find out all the latest and greatest on upcoming travel Adventures rveretv.tv well we've seen a lot my goodness coming up over Washington Pass he overlooks a couple waterfalls this one here and the one up the mountain then that Lake Ross Lake uh that color I'll never forget that drive across that Dam and then this bridge just don't look down because you can see straight through it I'm teasing it today what a cool adventure people taking selfies on that rock that was cool just don't step back and goodness well here you go here's a big old tunnel wow look at this thing huh I am definitely gonna do something about this horn all right that sounded pathetic all right all right let's go up this little town see what it is I'll just keep the camera rolling enjoy the views until we get there this western part of Washington is just gorgeous I'd never been up here never ever should have been put this on your RV plan and list here for sure kind of lost our blue sky but we're getting closer and closer to the ocean we're quite a ways West now all this will drop right out and we're heading the islands uh Anacortes and all those uh Port Townsend all kinds of cool places foreign slowing us down 30 miles an hour should be the town of new halem Washington there's campgrounds and stuff here goes a RV another happy camper wow look at the power grid I bet that's from the dam power generating maybe huh and looks like all their maintenance and everything's in here and the park on the right what an adventure huh Highway 20 through Washington State take it if you get a chance even take parts of it doesn't matter do the Eastern side or out through the west side over here because it's a long ways I mean that's 400 miles we just did on this thing but it dumped you right out out here by the ocean thank you for coming along on this trip the once in a lifetime series this is one for the memory books for me this Washington State trip and it's not over there's a part two to this video coming up probably in a month or so after this one is published it'll take us all through the Anacortes Islands down through Port Townsend clear out through Olympic and out to Cisco Bay and clear out to the Pacific Ocean so once again thank you for watching the once in a lifetime series Journey continues talk soon
Channel: RVerTV
Views: 527,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _R1Nvjgog6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 23sec (8483 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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