SCCM Training Mumbai | SCCM Server Side And Client Side Troubleshooting

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this conference will now be recorded okay so let me just quickly take you through this slide again so the client is today we are going to discuss about client-side troubleshooting so in client side troubleshooting we first need to identify whether the client is healthy or unhealthy so most of the time the client is unhealthy because of two reason okay the first reason is if the client is itself not working properly right there is something wrong with the installation or the service is not running properly or some files are missing the client is itself not working properly the second thing is the WMI repository the client is not able to access the WMI repository due to some reason let's say this one is WMI and this one is the client right client so in case if WMI repository is corrupt then it needs to be repaired okay so two options two issues are their most common issues which you have to resolve and then that will start reporting back to the server properly so we'll talk about this let me just go back to the client computer on the client computer you first need to make sure the services service is running properly the SMS agent host and as you see it is running fine okay in case if it is not running it's not gonna function properly the second thing is you need to go to see windows and inside windows you have to have three folders CCM CCM cachet and CCM setup these are the three folders which must exist then go to CCM setup and locks and then inside logs CCM setup got to log and you need to make sure the client is installed successfully so let's go down to the bottom you see CCM setup is exiting with the return code zero that means the installation was success then you go back to Windows and go to CCM and inside CCM logs then you look for another law called client ID manager startup that shows you the registration log ok so you see this client registered successfully if you wanna see the how it registers you you can right click on SMS agent host and restart it's gonna be registered with the server again you see shut down shut down the service is getting shipping is shut down now we start starting up ok and client is already registered so the client end is registered properly so looks like this is now talking to the server the second thing is location service in location service it shows you the management point and where it is connected to you see it is connected to this management in point default management point that is sec mps dot lab comm HTTP no forest yes and then successfully created the raw certificate so yeah we have a self-signed certificate and that already created the certificate so that is showing self so in certificate is successfully created and it is communicating to the right management point location service and then policy agent suppose you send some policy right then you see policy download so it is downloading the policy so in case if it is not able to talk to the server properly and not able to get the policy then it will say policy download failure or you know there was a failure during downloading the policy or something ok so for example if I go to client this is the client guys right now the moment I run this machine policy or user policy that will show up there say if I choose this user policy and run now and click OK you see it is it is saying requesting user policy got it requesting user policy and then it is saying received zero Delta policy it did not receive anything it's - there was no policy pending on the server it received zero policy similarly if I run this machine policy and then now it is saying requesting machine policy and then it will check and let us know whether there was any policy pending on the server or not it's checking the policy from the server clear now you you guys can you you guys are understanding right everyone oh the right hand side where did the application come from that you opened this one yes this is aye-aye-aye I have taken it from the control panel if you go to control panel this is the one config manager I right click and created a shortcut on the desktop here is the shortcut very good ok I didn't see you open it so that's what I was asking ok yeah so this one is the agent one ok so if you run this machine policy that will talk to the server and check if any policies spending or not so requesting machine policy and it is still checking it did not come back yet so it is still checking with the server and we'll come back with let's say if any policy is there it will give you downloading policy or something and if there was no policy then it will say zero policy found or something so that is it's the client is talking to the server properly right and if you go back to SACM server and check the the client status on this computer let me just log in to this console [Music] okay now I'm gonna go to devices here and you see it is green green means it is connected online and client 1 and when was the last time the the secm client talked to the server so that is mentioned here 3:15 3:15 a.m. yesterday this of time will get updated in few minutes because we recently connected back so in few minutes this time will get updated when was the last time it communicated when was the last time the hardware was scanning happened from the computer when was the last time in the software scanning happened right then it is when was the last time the Status Messages state message was received from the computer it would it is communicating to this management point then if you go to client check details you see all evaluation the rule succeeded okay so in case if there was some issue in evaluation it will give you the failure message here yeah guys okay so you can go to the dashboard and then in the monitoring and inside monitoring there is a client dashboard where you you can see all the clients with the healthy clients and unhealthy class times so you go to a client status and client activity and you need to choose the collection suppose I would like to see the client status in all system for example all desktop and server clients for example I need to see the client status on all desktop and server clients and click OK and that's gonna give me the dashboard here that's taking from few minutes is actually updating as you see updating summarization information so how to wait for some more time nowadays let's let me in the meantime let me show you how to repair the WMI so it will uninstall for example there was some issue with this client how will you uninstall either you uninstalled from the server itself you know from server there is an option you go to asset and compliance and suppose the client is not the client is not healthy ok client is not healthy on this computer the client once what I do is I do this install client and then I choose next and then I choose always install that means you repair the client if you have to repair the client on that computer you choose this option if you want to uninstall and then reinstall then you choose this option clear everyone okay so this option you go next next to finish and that will uninstall and reinstall the blind-eye this is the option from the console now if you wanna do it manually so you can do like open the command prompt with admin then as administrator and choose yes now we need to go to a folder that is C Drive this PC and then C Drive and then windows and inside windows CCM setup tween see windows CCM setup right and CD space and run this CCM setup dot exe space flash uninstall so that's how you uninstall client manually understood and there is a log file you can see the log in this logs folder and then CCM setup dot log that shows you the uninstallation whether it is removing or not so stopping service okay and then it will start doing the uninstallation so they're moving now got it everyone okay now that's the uninstall now how do you repair a WM I suppose you the both the things are corrupt let's say the client installation was not proper and the WMI is also not working properly so how will you repair WN very positively so to repair WMI repository you go to services dot MSE and choose the blue mi windows management instrumentation windows management instrumentation ok this is the one windows management instrumentation which is running all the time so you cannot stop this you need to pause this okay and then the second thing what you have to do is you need to go to C Drive inside C Drive windows then system 32 and then a drivers and then no sorry say it's on 32 and WebM and inside WebM you have repository so this is like DNA of the computer guys everything is take being taken from this location the client secm client is talking to the to the repository here and accessing all the inventory data and everything from here now if this repository is corrupt or they positively not present due to some reason so how will you repair you come back to this repository and either you rename it or just delete it clear if the service is running then you cannot modify this you know the service the windows management instrumentation so you have to make sure the services either stopped or you know paused then you need to resume this verse again and that repository folder got created again you see and it will start calculating and getting all the details again and this size will get increased you see the size is one six six four and below is four eight three two if i refresh I'll get a new new size well good so it is a calculating everything again and putting all the data back sorry so that is how you repair WMI now you go back to the let me see whether the in agent installation was successful or not so if I go back to Windows and CCM setup CCM setup and logs and cesium shut up brought log looks like the agent installation is there still happening see it is removing okay actually it failed why it failed because I do when it was doing the uninstallation I stopped the blue and my repository W my service so that's the reason it is saying you know CCM will removed a blue my name space delete the blue am I am space some some error message but if I go down still doing something okay yeah it is done now successfully as you see CCM setup is exiting with the return code zero understood or not guys yeah so the onions halation completed successfully now you see this these extra folders are still present like CCM and CCM setup let me just delete these two folders CCM and CCM setup right-click and delete them both of them are gone so it is like completely deleted now there is one tool from Microsoft that is not necessarily needed but in case if you need to do the clean clean removal then you download that CCM cleaner CCAM cleaner that's a Microsoft tool guys you can click on this ECM clean dot exe and it is gonna download that so we used to do it then when I was in operation so I used to ask my team members to you know if any computer has some issues we used to run this one as well CCM clean dot exe what it will do it will remove everything from the registry DLL and everything so right click and run as administrator and say yes so all the CCS ECM client relay related files and everything present in the registry that will also get cleaned understood here clear so this is the one which you have to keep it with you all the time when you're troubleshooting the client computer so now it is completely clean one now to install you can push the agent from the console if I go back to the console this this icon will be there it now not yet ok so probably it is gonna take few few more seconds for this a few more minutes for this I can to become cross because it is not connected anymore right now to install the client you can manually install it will copy the client setup from a CCM server so I'm gonna go to a CCM server and Program Files and then Microsoft config manager and then client and then paste the folder on the desktop now we can reinstall manually okay now to reinstall manually I'm gonna go to this folder and copy this and put it here CD space and enter and we need to run this ECM setup dot exe so CCM setup dot exe and enter that's it so it's gonna install the client if you go back to C Drive and windows you see CCM setup folder got copied here and it is as I started it will start downloading all the content from the distribution point let me just open the log file and see what is happening so you see it is downloading something from where from the distribution point from here it started doing the installation so in this example I showed you the troubleshooting of the client like uninstalling the client and reinstalling plus that the blue a my repository repair so these are the two major troubleshooting steps we follow and most of the time it resolves the problem I hope that's yeah do you find that you can do this remotely or do you need to be at the client we can also do it remotely there I had a script which you used to do all these tasks so there was three or four script I I remember I used to run it using PSX ik you know you have you guys used P is exact you know okay so I used to you know copy those files on the computer and using P xx ik the first thing first the uninstallation command-line okay to uninstall the client then after uninstalling or delete those extra folders like CCM and CCM cachet and CCM setup folder right and then repair the WMI stop the service repair the w delete the repository folder so these are scripted so using those PSX ik we used to invoke that script on the target computer and it we don't have to login to the computer necessarily good so now it is installing and it will the client will will be installed in the computer and that will start reporting back to the server as you see it has the cross mark now the client 1 but when the installation completes and it reports back to the server again this will come back as green now the server side troubleshooting so we are done with that client-side troubleshooting ok server side troubleshooting first thing first you need to check alerts if any alerts or warning is there you need to resolve those alerts and warning so let me just take you to monitoring and inside monitoring alerts and you see the recent alert is 0 there is no alert at the moment everything is all good in cases you have alerts those alerts will be showing up here you need to go to active alerts and in case if you have any active alerts that will show up here yeah flirt at the moment everything is all good understood the second thing is you need to go to site status and then site status this one to see if there there is any warning status you see the critical the first one that is critical apart from the first one everything is all good okay now to see why what is the issue with this one you need to right-click on this and show message and choose let's say error hi over the ship sorry saying something so you need to get the alert yeah you see why why I'm getting this a alert message because of this reporting's point the reporting point failed to monitor okay same alert reporting point failed to monitor then site manager successfully install this copter however the sequence of a plane named could not be validated in Active Directory okay so it also gives you the solution as you see the possible cause and the solution manually publish manually published SQL Server SP n in Active Directory clear everyone so then you have to go to this component status in component status it will give you the status of each and every component let me just close this console and open again give me a minute guys I think I'll have to restart this computer is running very slow you we're gonna hear you not saying anything he's trying to get things restarted back up and running you okay so i just restarted the computer let me just click on this my eyes your properties and specify not so first thing first suppose if you are working in a CCM team and you have to take care of the server so what would you do on daily basis what you have to do you need to come to this primary site server and go to the service this and make sure the services are running properly so I'm gonna go to this open services okay so the first thing is you check the service this and that is on the primary site server okay anything related to SMS that should be apart from site backup site backup is fine that will run only during the scheduled time but the SMS agent host SMS executive is mass notification SMS site component manager and VSS writer make sure you these services are running properly okay and site backup is fine site backup if it is not running that's okay because this will run only during the scheduled time so in case if secm is not working properly due to some reason and you put some application or you try doing some some installation like Olson thing and if it is not happening you can restart this one the component manager plus the SMS executive these are the two major services in in secm so if you restart these two services it will initiate all the pending jobs all the pending tasks what secm has in the cube plus you need to make sure the drive c drive as ample amount of free space at least like you know 50 gigabyte or 100 gigabyte free disk space so that it does not have any you know any issue okay that's the regular checks you have to do the drive space and the services plus I'll go to toll now now in the meantime I'm gonna take you to the database server now on the database server you have to make sure the services the learning uh properly on the database server to so I'm gonna go to services okay not sure what is happening right-click on this chart run so the CPU utilization in is 99% okay looks like it is sequel server is taking more memory okay that's okay now in database you have to make sure sequel related services are running properly like this one that's server sequel the server agent sequel server browser sequel server reporting services and sequel VSS writer these are the five services which has to be running in sequel server plus you see backup and SMS executive and this one is the agent one so five plus three eight Services has to be running all the time in case if something goes along with the sequel you can like we start this one right click and then restart got it guys yes also on the database server you have to make sure the the size of free size is is available like C Drive okay so you see this is a having ample amount of free disk space so that's okay ninety four point eight GB of free space so you need to make sure the C Drive space of the computer or any drive should have free disk space similarly on the secondary side you need to this is secondary side guys so I am on the secondary side I'm gonna right click on this and choose run and services dot MSE now on the secondary side anything related to SMS should be running like SMS executive notifications server side component that these are running all the time similarly the c drive space the drive has ample amount of free disk space I hope you guys following it right okay that's taking a lot of time to restart this service let's wait for a few more seconds you guys need to make a note of these services you know all the sequel related services a CCM related services ordering troubleshooting you can restart these services Wow so the service did not respond to start or control requests in timely fashion okay so this is still getting stopped as you see if I know what is so I'm gonna just leave it as it is for some more time now let me go to a CCM server on a CCM server suppose if you want to stop the site completely let's say you deployed some applications or something and or the the sec my is SCCM services all the services need to be stopped right so what will you do you go to command prompt and type in like CD c d c colon program files and then microsoft config manager and then CD dot latest right inside CD dot latest I don't remember the folder name so let me go to Program Files Microsoft config manager and CD dot latest continue and you go to this SMS SMS set up yeah and then bin and x64 and then go to this zero zero zero zero four zero nine this is the folder which you have to go let me just copy and CD space slash paste it here okay now there is a file here that is you see pre in store XE prints not yet C is basically the main file which helps you to do multiple tasks pre ins the exe space slash question mark that's gonna give you the the parameters what are all parameters you can use you see the dump dump site that means it dumps all the site control images are just on that a specified route of SMS drive stop site it will stop all the services let's say I want to stop the services of all secondary site there is a second aside and I want to stop that site so I can use this stop site then delete site so it is going to delete the site site code delete job whatever the jobs are pending on that site we can delete all the jobs using this del job site code so for example my site code is the secondary site code is s is one for example so I need to type in like three let me just free inst space what was that slash del job from this site code SS 1 so SS 1 and hit enter so deleted 0 job that are targeted to SS 1 as looks like I don't have SS 1 probably this is some my site code is different but that that is how you use that command if you want to stop the site you type in like stop site and let's say SS 1 all the services running on SS 1 will we stop all SS ECM related services I hope you guys understanding right yeah let me go back to my database and refresh and start this ok now the database service is running if the service is running your secm will not work because this is completely dependent on that service SCCM is dependent on this service so I'll go back to my SEM server and console for the most part it reestablishes communication by itself when the service for sequel comes back of 8 right do you know of any particular issues where failure of communication or failure of a server or failure of a link creates a problem in completing a service that was running previously our transmission yeah the most of the time it happens that is show and it corrects itself most of the time it corrects itself if not then you have to reverse restart those services which I showed you if that is still not happening then restart the server yeah okay guys so today's bad day giving a lot of problem today okay so I just logged into this hands-on lab and I'm gonna show you the the remaining server-side troubleshooting and in this hands-on lab so hyoe showed you the important services which you have to Reese restart in case something goes wrong or if that is still not resolved after restarting the services then you probably need to restart the computer and that might solve the problem so let me just log into console okay so we need to come back to this monitoring and inside monitoring we need to go to sites system status and component status so in components state tests uce these are present in SEM like the management point distribution point the services which has which are running on the and the service so we have to make sure nothing is critical and warning okay as you see there are a few critical and warning messages so I'm going to click on this add criteria and choose status and add and I'm going to choose a status and add so either critical or warning and search so these are the critical and warning status now the first one says MP control failed in the management point failed so you need to right click and show messages and either you choose error or all and for the past two days for example what all the messages are there for the past two days so nothing is there looks like everything is resolved automatically as you see MP my MP manager verified and management point is responding to HTTP request this might be the old issue but that is not as that is still not refreshed so I'm gonna click on error and let's say for the past one week for example and click OK nothing will come because this is an old snapshot so you see this is all already resolved so either you wait for some time so it will come as green or you right-click and choose this reset count and choose all reset count means refresh the error count so after like three or four warning messages it comes to critical so and now you right-click and refresh and that should go away so probably by within like a few minutes it should go away yeah you see that is gone the MP control is gone now we have the second one called database notification so only two are pending now right understood yes so we have to resolve each one of them step-by-step so MP control is resolved because that was already resolved and we just had to refresh so I refreshed reset count and that is gone now the second one SMS database notification money to right-click and choose right-click and choose show messages and warning message let's say for the past one day okay these are the warning messages so it is saying warning because of the deaths scheduled tasks could not run today you see the dual task the deleted passcode record is configured to run today but it could not run why I did not run because the server was shutdown I just started the server works right I just logged it was they were not running so that's the reason it could not complete these tasks so that's okay it will you will not get these issues because income company you will have these reversal then right-click and show this the second one and warning message for the past one day and click okay nothing is there so it will also go it will also be gone if I right click can reset count that will go away reset all and right-click and refresh so this will go away in few few minutes because I don't see any error message so you if you wait for like few minutes right you don't have to manually do it it will go automatically any question anyone know so I think this yeah these things you have to run into them well then this will you will turn your life upside down yeah J any question from your end nothing okay so so these are the things which we do normally this one server-side troubleshooting then plus if you would like to see who has done some changes like for auditing you come here in a state messages state Message Queuing and here you can see what all changes are done by a particular user so suppose if you wanna see what are all things done by a particular user you click on that show messages and choose the username so the user name is canto so administrator and time okay sorry specify and the time so let's say in the last so it contains only one year law guys I don't know whether I will be able to show you that one or not okay ins let me just type in okay I think I can type in the last five years what all prompted specified okay I cannot take five year I'll have to take one year so in the last one year what all things all prompted value must be specified before this is done the time in the last okay so in the last 12 hours what all things done by this guy administrator you see I have reset these things that's the reason it is showing these audit so if somebody deleted or deployed and you would like to see who who has done that then you come go down little bit and if somebody modified the collection you can run this one collection created modified or deleted if somebody deployed some application or any deployment you can get it from here or package or program you can get it from here yeah okay guys so these are a few things I wanted to share with you now tomorrow we will do mobile device management same time the last session yeah do we where would you see things like group policy can you manage those from this console no you cannot okay are there some additional add-ins that that may be used for the group policy to integrate here no no for other SCCM consoles for other products from my understanding there's other add-ins that you can put into it yeah you can you can integrate MDT here MDT add-in you can also add the the application apple application I don't remember the exact name if you have to integrate that Apple application add-in you can add add one there is one more that is right click tool so using that one you can restart computers send policies and multiple things you can do you know just but Microsoft in the new version of SCCM they have integrated everything that you don't need right click to you know when you when you do right click you have this client notification restart previously very limited options were there so the third-party tool was there right click tool and people administrators used to use that tool to to integrate that one but most of the things they have already integrated okay yeah I think the CM is the latest feature which I read about yesterday you can also stand entities to the to the different administrator let me just browse they see a madman okay so this one is what this one is [Music] 1902 okay that feature is available in 1906 so if you want to send some message to Administrator let's say you are doing working on something and you want somebody to be notified you can right click on the name of that guy and then send message that that's the new feature of SCCM in 1906 that message that is not available here in in in zero two so clear wellyou're this okay guys we'll meet again same time tomorrow and we'll do the last session okay thanks
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Keywords: Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager SCCM Training, SCCM Training, SCCM Training Videos, ConfigMgr Training, SCCM 2012 Training, SCCM 2019 Training, SCCM WADK, SCCM SQL, SCCM Roles and Features, Make Me It Expert, SCCM Interview Question And Answer, SCCM 2016, SCCM 2018, SCCM Training In Chennai, SCCM Training in Mumbai, SCCM Training in India, SCCM Training in Canada
Id: Q5S7wKrEbto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 1sec (3901 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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