Scary Urban Legends That Will Keep You Up At Night

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You and your friends are gathered around the campfire. It’s getting late and it’s pitch dark out here in the woods. You’re already on edge because you’re worried that someone at home will notice that you’re gone - in fact, you were just thinking about leaving, when one of your friends has the “bright” (narrator: sarcasm) idea to swap scary stories and urban legends. You can’t leave now or your friends will know you’re scared, so you tell yourself not to worry, they’re just stories, there’s nothing to be scared of...right? “I’ll go first,” says the friend who had this “brilliant” (n: sarcasm) idea in the first place. “Have you guys heard the one about that lady who came back from vacation? No? Okay, so it goes like this…” Once there was this lady who went away to some tropical place for a vacation or something. While she was there, she fell asleep on the beach one day, and when she woke up a few hours later, the side of her face was burning. She assumed it was a sunburn, and she was careful to use extra sunscreen on her face for the rest of her trip, but the burning feeling kept getting worse and worse. By the time she got back home, the whole side of her face was swollen. She made a doctor’s appointment, and by the time her appointment rolled around a few days later, a huge, ugly, painful boil had popped up on her cheek. Her doctor looked at it closely before deciding that he had better cut it open and drain whatever fluid was inside. But when he took his scalpel and carefully cut into her boil, nothing came out - no blood, no pus, nothing. The doctor leaned in to look closer, and he noticed something that stopped him in his tracks. The boil seemed to be moving! He tentatively reached out with his scalpel and prodded the boil - and out crawled thousands of baby spiders! The group breaks out in shouts of “No way!” and “Gross!” as you all imagine how it would feel to have spiders crawling out of your face. One of your friends isn’t impressed, though. “That’s nothing, you guys. Wait until you hear this one…” A man in India took a new job working on a construction crew in the busy city of New Delhi, a few hours away from his home village. The man had a large family to take care of, and he had been drawn to the city by the promise of higher wages. Although it pained him to be away from his wife and children, he was comforted by the fact that he would soon be earning enough to provide for them. Best of all, the job included room and board, so more of his hard-earned money could be saved for his family. When he arrived for his first day on the job, he was shown to a small, blue and white house - this must be his new home, he thought. He happily settled in and waited for the work to begin. But, after a few days of waiting around the house with no sign of work starting anytime soon, the man started to become nervous. Before he had a chance to do anything about it, though, two masked men forced their way into his bedroom early one morning. One of the masked men held him down while the other one forced a needle into his arm. The last thing the man remembers before slipping into unconsciousness was a feeling of pure terror. Several hours later, the man woke up groggy and in pain. He was laying on a cot in a hospital, he was confused and disoriented, and his right side was burning with pain. He lifted his shirt and looked down at his body, and saw a large, bloody surgical bandage covering half of his side. And that’s when the man knew that there had never been a construction job at all - he had been tricked by a gang of illegal organ dealers, and they had stolen his kidney! As your friends once again express their disbelief and disgust, another friend is eager for his turn to share. “Okay, that was gruesome for sure, but this one is really creepy. Do you guys know the legend of Bloody Mary?...” As the legend goes, if you’re brave enough, you can summon the vengeful spirit of Bloody Mary, a woman who was executed for witchcraft hundreds of years ago. My cousin told me about one of her friends who tried to summon Bloody Mary, and my cousin says her friend hasn’t been the same since that day. To summon Bloody Mary, you need to stand in front of a mirror in a dark room and say her name thirteen times - “Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary…” (Narrator: slowly, quietly). My cousin’s friend and another girl decided to give it a try together. As they stood in the bathroom chanting and spinning - “Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary…” (n: slow, bit louder) the room started to grow cold and they began to feel a malevolent presence. They kept going - “Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary…” (n: slow, louder) and as they completed the thirteenth repetition, they turned to look at the mirror. There, in the mirror, was the face of a woman. She stared at them with hatred in her eyes before she opened her mouth and began screaming at them: “Why have you summoned me!?” she yelled, as her hands reached out towards them. Suddenly, my cousin’s friend screamed in pain as angry red marks appeared on her face - Bloody Mary had scratched her! They ran out of the bathroom screaming in terror, but my cousin’s friend’s brother wasn’t buying it. As he walked past the bathroom he said “You guys are such babies - I don’t believe in Bloody Mary.” Almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he tripped over his own feet, fell down and broke his leg! My cousin has been to that girl’s house many times since, and she swears that there’s an evil feeling in the bathroom to this day. After this story, there are less laughs and bravado. A few friends chuckle and try to look brave, but most of them are looking a little less sure that this was a good idea after all. But not everyone is done with scary stories. Before you can suggest a change in topic, another friend pipes up. “Hey guys, I’ve got a good one…” Late one night a couple was driving home along a dark country road. The road was deserted and they were far from town, so they were surprised when they noticed a hitchhiker up ahead. As they got closer they could tell that it was a very young, very pretty woman. The wife convinced her husband to stop and pick up the girl, telling him that they couldn’t leave her out here all alone. They pulled over and the girl climbed into the back seat of their car. They asked her where she was headed and she gave them directions to her parent’s house in the nearby town. She thanked them profusely for picking her up, before falling silent. It was late, they were in the middle of nowhere and they figured she must have been walking for a while, so they assumed she was tired and had fallen asleep. Fifteen minutes later the car pulled up in front of the house she had given them directions to. The wife turned around to wake up the young woman, but when she looked in the back seat, it was empty. ‘Where did she go?’ she asked her husband in a panic. ‘I don’t know!’ he replied. ‘We didn’t stop anywhere along the way, not even at a stop sign, and we would have noticed if she had opened the car door. She just...disappeared!” They were shaken, but it was late and they were tired, too - maybe they were imagining things. So they headed home, and tried their best to put it out of their minds. And they did, for a few days. Until the husband stumbled across an online newspaper article that chilled him to the bone. The article was about a young woman who had disappeared from this town, and the picture showed an older couple, her parents, standing on their front porch holding a photo of their daughter. The photo looked remarkably like the young hitchhiker they had picked up just a few days ago - and the house they were standing in front of was most definitely the house they had taken her to! But most disturbing of all was the date on the article - the woman had disappeared ten years ago to the day that they picked up the hitchhiker...and she hadn’t been seen since As soon as he finishes his story, the group starts arguing. “That’s a made up story!” “No it’s not, I swear, it happened to my aunt and uncle!” “No way, I’ve heard that one before!” Your buddies continue to bicker about the truth of these urban legends, but one of your friends isn’t participating. In fact, he has been suspiciously quiet all night. The friend who originally suggested this “fun” (narrator: sarcasm) game has noticed the other friend’s silence, and he starts calling him out: “Why are you so quiet? What, are you scared? Don’t tell me you’re creeped out by a few made up stories!” Your quiet friend slowly looks around the circle at all of you, and finally he says: “You guys want a scary story? I’ll give you one...a true one, too….” It was last summer, and I had stayed up late playing video games in my room. I must have fallen asleep playing video games, because I woke up around three A.M. and I was laying on my back facing the wrong way in my bed. As soon as I opened my eyes, I immediately knew something was wrong. I felt this wave of terror and dread come over me, and I had the strongest feeling that someone was in my room, staring at me. I tried to turn my head to look towards the corner, where I felt eyes on me, but I couldn’t move. I was totally paralyzed, trapped in my own body, unable to move even a finger, even though my brain was screaming at me to ‘Run!’. As I was laying there, in full panic mode, trying to breathe and desperately trying to move, I suddenly saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. My heart was racing as I started to be able to make out the figure of a tall, shadowy man. I couldn’t make out his features, all I could see was blackness, an unnatural blackness, in the shape of a tall man wearing a hat, and he was slowly moving towards me. The last thing I remember is the tall figure leaning over my bed, and then feeling a crushing pressure in my chest, like someone was sitting on me, before I passed out. When I woke up in the morning, I was still laying in the same awkward position, but the shadowy man was gone and the feeling of being watched had disappeared. Still, that experience stuck with me, and I haven’t been able to fall asleep in my room ever since - I’ve been practically living on my couch. As he finishes his tale, the group is eerily silent. Everyone seems really freaked out now. Something about this last story has really changed the mood around the fire. Even though you had no intention of joining in on the storytelling, you feel the need to break the silence, and you find yourself saying: “Hey guys, what about the hook story. You know...that one about the guy...with the hook…?” Uh oh...You hate public speaking. You were hoping someone else knew this urban legend and would jump in and start telling the story, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. Everyone’s looking at you, so you just start talking: (Narrator: awkward and nervous) “It’ urban legend...about this guy…, this guy, he was driving down the road one night, and he sees a hitchhiker so he stops and picks him up. The driver asks the hitchhiker ‘Where ya headed?’ and the hitchhiker says ‘To your grave, because I am a murderer!’ and he rolls up his sleeve to show that he's got a hook for a hand. And the driver is like ‘No way! I too am a murderer, and I only picked you up to murder you!’ and he shows the hitchhiker his own hook hand. And they lived happily ever after, or whatever... Your friends all stare at you for a moment over fire, before the whole group breaks out laughing. You laugh right along with them - they all know you’re not usually the scary story type, and you’re just happy that the tension is broken...for now. Your story may not have been very scary, but you have to admit... some of these urban legends will keep you up at night! If you thought this video was spooky, be sure and check out our other videos, like this creepy one titled “True Scary Stories”, or perhaps you’ll like this other video. You might not be able to sleep after hearing these urban legends, but we can at least keep you entertained while you’re wide awake and terrified! As always, thanks for watching, and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe! See you next time!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,596,518
Rating: 4.8073869 out of 5
Keywords: urban legends, urban legend, scary, scary stories, campfire stories, spooky, nightmares, up at night, creepy, the infographics show, creepy urban legends
Id: w1cysvFcOdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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