Scary True Stories Told In The Rain | Thunderstorm Video | (Scary Stories)

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[Music] [Music] this is a true story told to me by a man who have been working as a murder investigator for over 30 years at the time I was told this story after asking with the creepiest case he had ever been involved in was this happened in the late 80s in a part of the country that is mostly covered in dense pine forests on the highway between cities in this part of the country you rarely come across towns there are stretches that seem to go on forever with only pine trees as far as you can see a young girl in her early 20s was taking a motor coach home this happened just as winter was approaching and it was freezing outside after nightfall this girl lived in one of these really small communities that you pass along the highway but during the bus trip she fell asleep and missed her stop looking at her watch she realized that they had passed it only recently and that if she were to get off she would be able to walk back in approximately three hours either that or get off in the next city where she didn't know anyone or had any place to stay she explained all of this to the bus driver who pulled off at the next parking space and then let her out that was the last time anyone saw her almost 15 years later long after the search for her has been given up she has stumbled upon by a hiker her dead body was found tied to a tree very deep into the dense almost impassable forest the autopsy showed no signs of physical violence of any kind someone had just left her there tied to a tree alive this didn't happen to me but I was involved in it the victim was actually my girlfriend and I got the story from her later at the time my girlfriend and I were attending college together there was a small school in a pretty quiet place so most of the students were from the area my girlfriend Katie was one of them I came from a distance and so lived in a dorm at the college Katie and I would hang out together in my dorm between classes and even some evenings and weekends when we wanted to be together but didn't feel like going out it was a Friday night and both of us being pretty introverted decided not to do anything crazy so we planned to spend the night in my room with each other as my roommate was out that night she wanted some time to go home after classes and assured me that she would be back around 8 o'clock Katie had a car but she never liked driving unless she had to pack her instrument she usually took the bus that Friday night she had a pretty unnerving experience in doing so that freaked the two of us out for a long while after it happened she was a smart girl definitely didn't look like a college-aged student she was short thin and quiet standing alone at a bus stop in the dark was probably not ideal but she preferred that overtaking her own car she waited for the bus innocent as a rose when a van drove past her and then a drove by again and again and again she was a bit suspicious but told herself that he was probably just lost the van then pulled over right in front of the stopped and the driver rolled his window down isn't it cold out here he asked the bus is always late hop in and I'll give you a ride Katie declined politely and took a few steps back trying to show him that she wasn't interested in anything that he wanted he asked again if she was absolutely sure that she didn't want a ride and then he drove away after she turned him down and and the bus arrived moments later and she was relieved to step on to her horror she then noticed the same van right behind the bus the van followed the bus directly and Katie texted me to explain the situation I could tell that she was very scared I offered to stay on the phone with her to calm her nerves and she accepted we talked about school and things to get her mind off of it and once her stop came she felt safe enough to hang up the phone and walk the short distance to the college when she arrived at my dorm room she was hysterical it took me over an hour to comfort her enough to get the story out of her and this is what she told me the van had stopped following the bus after getting stuck at a red light giving the bus a chance to get ahead however after getting off at her stop the van sped up to her he was driving like a maniac at this point the bus had already pulled away when the van stopped next to her it had pulled over right where she intended to go to get to the college so in a panic she bolted the other way and the driver raced after her when she turned her head to look behind her she noticed he was holding a butcher knife and waving it in front of him in her direction she did a wide turn to get back on track to the College the man following close behind lucky for her he lost his footing on an icy patch on the road and his fall delayed him enough for her to get far enough ahead when he got back up he didn't chase after her again but instead yelled out I will find you since then she has always taken her own car instead of the bus when I was growing up my little brother who was three at the time used to sleepwalk through our house at night he would walk down to the basement where I slept and crack open my door between 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. he would then slowly push it open and shuffle inside when I would ask him what he was doing he would always stare at the floor and say where's mom I would tell him that she was upstairs and he would repeat where's mom each night I would take him back upstairs and lead him back to bed where he would fall asleep one night at about 1:00 a.m. I awoke to hear crying at the bottom of the stairs I walked out to investigate and he was sitting on the bottom step I asked him what was wrong and he again asked where's mom I told him that she was upstairs and that we should go get her no he said staring at the floor there's a bloody head following me what I asked he looked up from the floor stared me right in the eyes opened his mouth and let out the shrillest blood-curdling scream I have ever heard in my life it scared the living hell out of me it was so loud that the whole family got out of their beds to see what was going on after that I never asked him again what he was doing downstairs I would just take him immediately back to his room several months ago my cat went missing in the woods and I had to go look for him it was late at night and the moon was a thin Crescent so the only source of light was my flashlight I had seen my cat several times but he seemed to be scared of something every time I got close he would run further away at a certain point he got scared of something and then ran back towards the house I started to make my way back and then I saw a man he was just standing there absolutely still he had nondescript brown hair and a tweed jacket on I could make out all of his facial features except his eyes where there seemed to just be a shadow I called out to him but he didn't respond I then said I can see you you know and it was greeted with silence I turned and walked a few steps and then turned around he was closer I turned and walked some more and then looked again this time he was partially hidden behind a tree I didn't need any more warning I've booked it back to my house where my cat desperately wanted to come inside we went inside and I locked the doors and sat on my couch until I calmed down ever since that night every few weeks I hear a noise at my window a slow loud rhythmic tap there's no trees out there and most of the nights that it's happened there's no wind every time I've been too scared to look probably for the better the last thing I want to see is a man with a tweed jacket with no eyes when I was young my grandma came over to our house to babysit me one night nothing unusual happened the whole night but when my mom got home she checked the answering machine and there was a message a few minutes long the message was just the sound of my grandmother and myself laughing hysterically for the entire message like I said the night was normal and there wasn't any moment when the phone rang or we laughed hysterically for minutes on end once when I was a teenager I was waiting at an abandoned gas station in downtown Akron to meet a dealer to buy some weed this was in about 1993 or 1994 so payphones were still functional and in pretty common use as I was waiting the payphone and the parking lot started ringing bear in mind it was at about sunset on the outskirts of downtown and not another single person was around out of curiosity I picked up the phone the man on the other line asked is this Chad my name isn't Chad I said the man ignored me and said Chad I want you to do bad things to me I stated again that I wasn't Chad and asked him what he wanted and if he knew that he was calling a payphone he ignored me again and went into very explicit and specific detail about all the things he wanted Chad to do to him I was laughing and told him again that I wasn't Chad finally he said he knew for sure that I was Chad and described to me what Chad looks like he described me perfectly down to the color of my shirt and what type of shoes I was currently wearing I immediately hung up and looked around there was no one I mean not a single person anywhere I got into my car and got the hell out of there I have Google Voice set to transcribe any voicemails I get and send them to me via text message so I get a call from an unknown number I let it go to voicemail and the transcription that it sends me via text message is hi fritz so later that day I checked my Google Voice page and listened to the voicemail it is 30 seconds of absolute silence Google Voice transcribed the block of silence into the greeting hi fritz the creepy part about it is the only person who called me by my nickname fritz was my grandfather who has been dead for three years one night I was having this really odd dream it was one of those ridiculously long dreams that seems like it lasts for years while you were asleep this one lasted a whole lifetime I watched a woman live her life I watched as she was a child as she grew up I watched her go through school college I watched her social life evolve I watched her romance in her marriage and her pregnancy I watched her live her midlife raise her children and then grow old it was a pretty normal life I didn't see any trauma I didn't remember how she died but the moment it was over I woke up I had to go to the bathroom really bad probably four in the morning barely awake and went to the bathroom as I sat there and peed I saw her face looking at me through the window the woman she was there old wrinkled wide-eyed and gaping mouth with the most horrible scornful face looking at me it didn't faze me at the time I got up and walked back to my bed and fell right back asleep I didn't realize until the next morning the horrifying thing that I had seen one night a friend I went to med school with was driving back home from his girlfriend's house when a large dog ran out in front of his car my friend had no time to swerve and hit the dog head-on being an animal lover he jumped out of the car to see if the dog is alright but before he can come around to the front he sees the dog get up on two legs and run off into the field next to him he has been telling this story for years and I know that he is telling the truth every time I've seen him tell the story he has had a very strange expression on his face I was working late at the bank 11 p.m. last one in it's pitch black outside and the bank is essentially isolated far away from anything nearby I am very alone I'm walking around installing new printers and all of a sudden the security monitors in my IT room turn off I get up and go check the plugs to make sure nothing came loose as I leaned over to inspect the cables all the lights in the building die and I'm plunged into darkness my heart starts racing from the shock and I feel the adrenaline building I reach into my pocket to get my phone to use as a light but before I get it out the backup lights turn on and the whole building is dimly lit by the faint green glow of backup lights the lights are very weak but it's good enough to see a green tinged blackness I can make out the objects in the room though most things are still in shadow I leave my phone where it is I forget the monitors and start walking toward the banking hall where all of the tills are because that's where the circuit breakers are and I guess it's up to me to fix this the bank is built like a bomb shelter with thick concrete walls and multiple heavy lock metal doors I have to swipe my ID card multiple times to get to the hall and I'm scared that I could get locked in between two doors if the power failed has messed up that system I'm quietly thinking about what I would do if such a thing happened and I'm still a bit jumpy from the shock earlier I'm looking over my shoulder and studying the shadows that I walked past and that's when I hear a blood-curdling scream it's long and loud and primal I can almost feel it vibrating in the air it's coming from the banking Hall I freeze in place right before the final door freaking out and just stare at the gray green lock of the metal door as I listen the scream seems never-ending it feels like the scream has been going on for three minutes or more without taking a breath but the adrenaline makes telling time dip I try and control my breathing I checked behind me down the shadowy concrete green corridor I came from and decide that I need to press on I turned to the door swipe my card and open the door as fast as I can bursting through ready for anything I managed to scan half of the room as I opened the door before I'm blinded by a strong white light The Scream suddenly and abruptly stops my eyes adjust and I see that the light was the main lights reactivating I'm staring into a normal room the silence was terrifying heart pounding in my chest in my ears but everything seems in order the white light bouncing pleasantly from letters on tables the computers turned off and quiet the bulletproof glass all fine door to the front still locked the screen was gone and whoever was screaming unaccounted for and the lights were back on being quite freaked out at this point I left out the back way in a panic and called it a night the scariest moment of my life happened while my friend and I were camping in Eastern Canada as teenagers we decided to sleep in this abandoned camper we found deep in a large forest that was near our town it had been there for so long that small trees had grown around it we had stumbled across it when we were exploring a few months back and thought it would be cool and brave to sleep in it for one night so one weekend we did we arrived after dark because we had gotten lost trying to find the camper we had a really low-power flashlight so it made it even more difficult once we finally found it we opened the rusty door and stepped in the sounds inside the camper were shrill and echoed there were typical camper things strewn about cups empty cans and old novels that were falling apart already tired we holed up in one end of the camper where the bed area had originally been before the cushions had rotted away to almost nothing a long hallway stretched the length of the camper so we could basically see from end to end it was a miserable night there were several rats living in there I saw them staring at us from a chewed out part of the ceiling when the wind blew outside the camper would shriek and groan we even thought we heard a bear outside walking around still we pretended to be brave and acted like we were having a good time but we were both on edge at some point I woke up from an uncomfortable sleep i sat up to adjust myself when I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye at the other end of the camper there was a small window and as I looked at it I saw man's silhouette he was clearly staring straight at me from outside at first I thought maybe it was a weird shape of a tree or something but when I moved a bit to get a better look the person clearly reacted and the froze my heart was pumping and I woke up my friend immediately saying someone is here over and over and a whisper not taking my eyes off of the man outside my friend woke up immediately and nodded towards the window he saw him - we whispered frantically about who it could be and why he was staring at us and for the next ten minutes no joke we stared him down the longer we stared at him the more frightened we got occasionally he would move but always keeping his eyes locked on us eventually I shouted at him hey no reaction my friend was braver than me and decided to shine the flashlight at him as soon as he did the man ducked and disappeared we slowly got up packed up our things and sprinted out into the dark woods I looked behind me several times but as far as I know the man did not follow I was in Bermuda in the offseason with my mom dad and little brother I must have been about five years old or so it was before my other brother and sister were born I remember the hotel was empty I remember the beach was empty most of this place was empty I don't recall ever seeing anyone else I was on the beach with my parents and my little brother I ran off to explore and I saw my mom further ahead on the beach she yelled at me come over here there was a thicket area of scrubby bushes and trees along the beach she went up into it and disappeared there was this cement square with pipes or vents or something coming out of it I walked over to it and saw her standing there as I approached her I felt that something was wrong she motioned for me to continue coming towards her and I didn't want to be defiant so I pretended I was really interested in the pipe things and said out loud I wonder what these are for or something like that as soon as she walked further out of view my dad came up from behind me on the beach and yelled what are you doing don't wander off like that he took my hand roughly and led me back to the beach where my mother was sitting in a chair I still don't know what happened or who I saw the woman looked exactly like my mom but something felt wrong I worked at a campground on the night shift 12 a.m. to 8 a.m. every night it wasn't bad I would bring in my ps2 and game a good portion of the night only having to deal with one or two people on busy nights it was just me in this little 8x8 Shack with nothing around but dark all night my first week there the other third shift guy who was quitting told me about this pay phone a few feet from the shack where I worked he said that it rang every night at 4:17 a.m. exactly just once you would only ring once it was probably just an automated test call he guessed he's never answered it himself I go for a few months with the job it was the middle of summer so most nights I had the windows closed so I couldn't hear the payphone go off in mid-august I started leaving the windows open during the night sure enough at 4:17 a.m. every morning the phone would ring once the ring even sounded creepy somehow one night I got up the nerve to answer the phone I set an alarm at 4:15 and would go wait at the phone until it rang when it did I answered it but there was no sound just dead air like someone was on the other line but wasn't saying anything I said hello a few times and then hung up I did this every night for a week with the same exact results I didn't think anything of it and then left it alone after that for about a month the first week of October I decided to answer the phone once again I set my alarm and when the time came I answered it hello hello then I heard what sounded like someone inhaling and exhaling through clenched teeth the voice I heard was rough and sounded like he had gargled gravel he said my name my complete name first middle and last it was a voice I had never heard before and I will never forget I was too scared to say anything and hung up the phone I rattled some change into the pay phone and hit star 69 the number had come from California I live in Indiana I used to live in a house next to an abandoned train station and one day a friend of mine and I decided to explore it we had done this before but this time something was different one of the old train wagons that we had seen before had curtains in the windows when they didn't before naturally I tried to peek inside but as I got close to the windows the curtains suddenly flung open and an elderly woman stared back at me with a terrified look on her face I have honestly never been more scared in my entire life and naturally I just sprinted the hell out of there to this day I have no idea why that woman was in there years later I walked past the train station at night it was such a creepy place I haven't been back since when I was eight my mom dad and younger brother were visiting some relatives we ended up staying the night with my brother and I sleeping on cots near my parents bed in the middle of the night I distinctly remember feeling incredibly cold and waking up while attempting to rearrange my sheets I looked up and saw my dad wide awake and staring intently at something behind me when I turned to see I saw several small little glowing eyes behind me turning back to my dad we made eye contact and I jumped up into bed with him but he did not move or speak at all even under the comforter I was chilled to the bone he was visibly tense and concentrating very hard and I swear I could see the little glowing eyes moving closer and then they reached my brother laying on his cot when they did I didn't feel as cold anymore but I felt very strange like a mix of dozens of emotions without being any particular one I looked at my dad who looked very sullen and sad he put his arm around me and then went back to sleep the next morning we were awoken by my brother throwing up all over the carpet this continued for hours he had a terrible fever chills and had a really hard time speaking my father moved him downstairs and gave him some painkillers but my brother said that it didn't work at all about lunchtime we decided to take an early leave and go home less than 20 minutes into the car ride my brother said he felt completely fine again my father and I talked about this a few years ago and only more recently told my brother and my mom about it we have since slept there in different rooms without incident but my mom's sleeping in there once on a trip had a similar experience vomiting fever chills only to be fine minutes later after leaving the house we don't sleep in that room anymore it was going on ten and I was taking my last patient back to her room she was a little old lady who was stable enough to ride in a wheelchair but definitely needed assistance on her feet I got her back to a room and helped her into bed I made sure she was comfortable and set the bed alarm before turning out the lights and leaving her room I pulled the curtain behind me so as to not let too much light in but not all the way so that I could still see her in bed from the hallway her nurse was in the room next door and I needed to speak with her while I was standing there waiting for the nurse to come out of the other room I distinctly saw a person walk past the curtain inside the old woman's room the person was about the same height as the woman and had the same grey hair at first I thought she shouldn't be up walking around then I remembered the bed alarm was set the room was totally silent and when I looked in I could see her still laying there exactly where I had left her she had not moved an inch and the bed alarm was still armed that's when I got the most intense full-body chills of my life the nurse came out of the other room I gave her my message and then booked it out of there I was trying to sleep one night in my room back when I was younger and lived with my folks I must have been about 17 or 18 I opened my eyes while rolling over to get comfortable and I see a black figure just outside my door who I thought was my stepfather he had his hands up by his chest making the scary finger motions like you might do sarcastically after a scary story or a witch might do when casting a spell just moving fingers wildly in my direction I should note that this figure had no defined shape it looked like squiggles that moved in a vague shape and I chalked it up to the lack of light I look over and say what are you doing thinking that he was just being really weird and trying to be creepy in that moment the person disappeared they were gone it was at that moment my heart sank and I became petrified with fear one of the few moments in my life that I was so scared out of my mind and could not comprehend what I had just seen me and some buddies were bored one night and decided to head out and poke around an abandoned mental hospital the only way in was through the autopsy room the rest of the place was pretty much sealed off so we get inside me another guy and two girls as soon as we get into the autopsy room one of the girls starts hyperventilating and crying she said she just couldn't be there any longer we tried everything we could to convince her that everything was gonna be fine to no avail she wanted to leave and she wanted to leave now disappointed we started to leave the two girls were walking in front of us one trying to comfort the other while me and the other guy were walking behind I don't know what brought me to look back morbid curiosity maybe but I did now I'll admit that it was dark but the moon was out so it wasn't pitch-black still I know what I saw a window on the second floor will looked like a face staring back at me I looked for a good 10 seconds stopped my buddy and had him look without taking my eyes off of it and asked him specifically do you see that I thought I may have been seeing things or maybe it was the trick of the light but no he saw it too and we both stood there and stared for a good 20 seconds I might have thought it was some kind of trick but after 20 seconds or so the face moved away from the window and we ran away passing the girls and screaming at them to get in the car what were the chances that other people were exploring the same time as us I don't know all I know is I know what I saw there was a person standing in that window the second-story window in an abandoned mental hospital at 2 o'clock in the morning I have memories that are very early and most of them are scary but one memory is different when I was very young I'm talking between age 2 and 3 I used to see this man who looked just like my dad when he would hold his cheeks to make this goofy face only this guy's face was like that without holding it I recall playing with LEGOs with my brother in our room and the guy walking by the window turning slowly to look in bulging eyes and just starts screaming I would sit on the floor frozen and fear my brother didn't see these things and now that I think of it this man I saw was never directly in front of me I only saw him through windows I am pretty sure that I was a child who hallucinate it when they were very young it was in my first year at university completely new to the city and its surroundings one evening my friend and I decided to take a trip to the mall it was 8 p.m. and we got on a bus that my friend claimed would take us to the mall we ended up at an empty bus terminal and it was around 10 o'clock at this time we waited and waited for another bus to come and there was no one there but us a while later an old man walked by and told us that since it's so late another bus won't be coming for another hour or so he told us to turn and walk down the road and we would find another bus stop where a bus would come sooner we followed his instructions and entered the single-lane Road with tall trees on each side there were only a few street lamps working so the area was dimly lit the road was sort of built on a slant all we could see was the road and the trees on either side for a long distance once we arrived we waited my phone battery died and my friend had forgotten hers in her dorm room we were starting to think that there wouldn't be any bus coming and started to panic then as we were waiting I turned around to see two kids with backpacks walking down the road I was relieved to see them and so was my friend when they were close by I asked them if they knew about any buses that might come the kids were about 12 or 13 years old one was a boy and the other was a girl hey do you know if there are any buses coming the boy responds let me check he takes his phone out of his pocket and is looking at it for a short time meanwhile my friend started talking to the girl where are you guys from the girl didn't respond the boy eventually looked up and said that the bus would be here in 10 minutes I turned my head to my friend and she was looking at me and then I turned my head back to thank the boy and they were gone the girl and the boy were gone nowhere to be seen I literally probably looked for one second max we both look down the road turned around and looked up the other way and by the trees they had a fence around them but even if they went there we would have seen them I literally looked away for a second needless to say both of us were scared as hell until the bus arrived it was the last bus and it was around 1217 a.m. when it finally showed up I have never believed in paranormal activities but I can't seem to find a reasonable explanation for this I was living in an apartment with three roommates at the time I was working all sorts of weird hours and would stay up late most nights our apartment had two hallways that formed a capital L my room was at the top of the L the bathroom was in the corner of where the lines meet I left the bathroom one night to go back to my room and just as I turned the bathroom lights off there standing in the hallway next to the living room was a teenage girl she was wearing a white dress just smiling at me she didn't look evil just a normal person standing there smiling at me I freaked out and went running for my bedroom about 20 minutes later I finally came out of my room turning all of the lights on as I went through the apartment searching for her she was nowhere to be seen I lived there for about another year and I never saw her again this happened when I was around seven years old and it was near the holidays the house I grew up in had a basement I left my pillow down there one day after watching movies and went to grab it later that evening I grabbed the pillow and look up and see a man on the other side of the room looking around paying no attention to me I'm staring jaw wide open completely petrified with fright he looks up at me notices that I can see him and then drops his jaw lower than humanly normal almost as if he was screaming but no sound was coming out I then ran up the stairs I told everyone in the house and they went down to look but of course he was gone this happened to me when I was a junior in high school it was December and it had just started snowing that evening my best friend and I were in debate class and getting ready for our state qualifiers that were the next day we were writing our cases and as usual at each other's throats over the details it was a stressful tense evening we finally finished our cases at about 3 a.m. then we went to my room for the night almost as soon as we get into my room we hear what sounds like the water turning on on the other side of the house no big deal probably my parents I thought then we hear the front door open I told my friend I bet my mom woke up and wanted some fresh air she does that sometimes I really thought that's what it was until we heard incredibly heavy footsteps in my living room headed towards my bedroom they were not my mother or anyone else in my family then they stopped my friend and I looked at each other and were both freaked out just standing frozen in my room we moved closer to each other and the footsteps started again but this time they were running we both flipped out my bedroom door flew open and we screamed nobody was there we ran to the bathroom that's connected to my room I closed and locked the door and stood against it when we finally built up the courage to do it we sprinted to my parents room crying hysterically we obviously startled my parents awake they said that neither of them had gotten up my dad grabbed his gun out of the closet and then looked around the house there was no sign of anyone I heard this story from a girl that I met in Korea one day she was walking home late one night after work she lived in an apartment where they had an elevator she got in the elevator and when the door was about to close a man with a red hoodie entered the elevator he apologized for scaring her and asked which floor she was heading to without making any eye contact she told him out of fear as the elevator moved he asked her if he could use her cell phone and she declined and isolated herself in the corner after seconds of silence the elevator arrived to the floor below the one the girl was heading to and the door opened the guy slowly walked out of the door and then turned around facing her he stared at her without any movement with a blank expression slowly the door started to close and from the small gap right at the last second she saw him turn and start walking up the stairs pulling a knife out of his pocket the elevator started to move up and she frantically started to smash the closed door button unfortunately the door opened anyway she looked around and he was nowhere to be seen she ran to her apartment went inside and locked the door she never saw the man again my brother once lived in a flat in downtown Mount Clemens the Clem was known to be a hot spot for baths back in the Depression era and was booming with activity nowadays it has some run-down parts and this is where my brother rented his flat it was a giant old raggedy house which was now separated into multiple odd apartments he always admitted to odd experiences cupboard doors opening up things missing but one peculiar oddity that he was always missing his boxers from his drawer he admitted that he thought his house was haunted never anything violent or disturbing just odd things like his boxer shorts going missing later on he started dating his future ex-wife she started coming around and he noticed that the oddities began to increase new oddities began to occur his girlfriend would always find her shoes which were left on a mat inside the apartment outside the door on the patio in the morning she would always comment to my brother to stop putting her shoes outside he knew what was going on but he didn't want to frighten her things started to get worse he comes home from work and his girlfriend was staying there while he was gone she claims that the stove burner kept lighting itself she would walk into the kitchen and it would be lit she would turn it off and shortly later it would be lit again then one night my brother wakes up in the middle of the night and sees his girlfriend's sitting at the edge of the bed not just sees but feels her near his feet staring at him he calls out for her to come back to bed she doesn't respond so he calls out louder telling her to come to bed and asked her what she was doing his girlfriend then asks what he was doing he turns and she's sleeping next to him he turns back and no one is at the end of the bed now of course he's freaked out but doesn't want to scare his girlfriend from coming over to his house in the future a few nights later they're both sleeping and he wakes up to his girlfriend screaming he looks over and she's sleeping but thrashing around holding on to her neck he doesn't see anything so he starts yelling and shaking her to wake up after a few shakes she wakes up crying and terrified she starts telling my brother about how real her dream felt that a woman was strangling her telling her to get out that she didn't belong there her neck had red marks on it possibly from herself holding her neck but they believed it to be from something else my brother then comes clean with her they decide to do some research and find out that the address that they lived in was an old brothel back in the day my brother lived in that house for a few more weeks before he could locate a new place she never came back to stay the night though and he never experienced anything aggressive while there still it's messed up I know my brother and I can tell when he's lying this was legit and when he talked about it you could see the fear in his eyes a couple years back my best friend and I went on a road trip to the States for a music festival we met up with some friends saw lots of things and whatnot one of our friends comes back home with us he needed to get back home for school and his buddies didn't want to head home yet we decide to drive straight home and shifts it took about 24 hours for the full drive my story start or I'm driving the night shift at about 2:00 a.m. it is a beautifully clear night full moon no clouds middle of summer while noticing all of these conditions I also notice that we have followed the GPS onto a back road and driven into a very large Valley open fields not another car or house in sight and it is important to note that we have not seen anyone or anything relating to human presence for a few hours upon entering this valley we lose our satellite signal we have no satellite radio no GPS and no cell signal either however I figure it doesn't really matter as I know that we follow this road for a couple more hours about 20 minutes after entering this valley and after losing all of our connections we come upon a bridge as we get closer I see a car pulled out on this side of the road not uncommon people sleep and pull out when they can what is uncommon is this car has all of its windows blacked out with all of the light from the moon we should be able to see at least partially inside but it was completely black getting closer we also realized that it has no license plate that we can see no big deal we assumed that it was just abandoned out here that is until we passed this vehicle and almost immediately its lights turn on and it pulls out behind us on the road now this is where it gets creepy this vehicle starts tailgating us in the middle of nowhere and we can't see who is inside again we brush it off maybe he is lost needs to follow someone out of the area but it doesn't explain the windows being blacked out or the lack of a license plate with this car following us I start to get an uneasy feeling subtle at first but growing stronger soon I start to feel very panicked and I want to get away from this vehicle ASAP it's important to note that I do not frighten easily I do not panic I felt panicked at this time because I felt that my life was in danger I tried to push these feelings aside as it seems like the silliest response to a possibly explainable situation that is until I see something in the middle of the road coming closer we see what looks to be a body laying in the middle of the lanes this is not a big road and like I said it was also a back road still paved but very small at this moment and at the sight of what appears to be a body in the road ahead we start freaking out I in no way I'm stopping for any reason in this desolate and isolated area there are no other vehicles around other than the one following us and I can see no housing or lights as far as the eye can see no cell service no satellite nothing by this time we are almost upon it there is no room to go around as there are no shoulders on the road and deep ditches on the sides and we are close enough to see now that it is a scarecrow I Drive over it and continue on this car small enough to go around it continues to follow us i speed up and then it speeds up i slow down and then it slows down until i punch the gas after about two minutes of this the car slows down does a u-turn and then drives back the opposite direction now my passenger turns to me and says I swear I saw spikes in that thing lucky for us we were driving a very big truck the wheel span was bigger than the Scarecrow on the road and we never even touched it it was another half hour before we reached sell services and the satellite picked back up it wasn't until we reached home at 5:00 a.m. that we remembered during this time that there had been a couple of missing people reported in our province ones who were on vacation and driving home from the states who never made it home or were ever found I and my passengers fully believe that we escaped some crazy Wolf Creek type of situation we contacted the police about it and ended up making a full police report however we were unable to pinpoint the exact location there wasn't anything they could really do other than file the report we definitely didn't want this to happen to anyone else as it was creepy as hell my best friend once told me a story I'll never forget he used to play the games on his mom's cell phone when he was a young child and one night he fell asleep with it in bed his mom found him sleeping and took the phone back later that night she was looking at the phone pictures and found a picture of this crazy half face close-up of a stranger and my friend sleeping in the background in his bed [Music] June my partner Johnny comes upstairs and finds it's cute how I'm checking him out on OkCupid I'm confused as I haven't logged in lately like in months how could I have been looking at his account on OkCupid sir why log in and check it out there's a list of seven or so people that have also been checked out from my account today alone Johnny is included and also someone I work with well that's embarrassing nope wasn't me so it's time to change my password the next day of work I was sure to bring it up enough about the fact that my OkCupid account was hacked to the person who was lost in my view list I didn't want this person thinking that I actually looked at his account we work too closely together and I already get the impression that he may see me more than just his boss it always pleased him that his luggage tags printed his middle name and first initials as Christ T this is not the type of person who should see his own name written out like he's God's gift to earth I'll refer to him as Chris Chris just laughed off the OkCupid hacking comment I made I found it strange he had no questions or comments on the subject most people would at least ask if you've changed your password but nothing from Chris sir why brushed off the situation and a few days later I was out of office for work Johnny messages me saying that it happened again that I checked him out on OkCupid no I didn't but I changed my password again now it's July it's a weekend I'm having a lazy morning in bed with Johnny and I get a facebook notification your accountant logged in from a new location the IP address points to Chris's hometown my heart's racing what the hell is going on I take care of the Facebook password and screenshotted the notification later that night I get a text from Chris happy fourth boss I assume he's drunk I'm worried about being caught having his access to my Facebook remote so quickly no it can't be him doing this it's just a coincidence right johnny is convinced it's Chris and that means someone I work with on a very small team is targeting me this will make work nearly impossible I can't talk to anyone at work about this I'll have no way to run my departments this situation will get minimalized Chris drank a lot I'd seen it at work events so when we just traveled just the two of us he often got out of hand but everyone just brushed it off he's young it was funny we've all had those nights but as long as you can show up at work the next day it's fine I brought it up with him once hey Chris you need to be more cautious about the way you drink of work events and then he didn't speak to me for three days I offended him I told him he's not allowed to have fun at work events he told me when he finally snapped and I recoiled he's three times my size and we're in a secluded space of work one time whilst travelling with just the two of us I got very sick I told him I wouldn't make it for our dinner so Chris offered to pick something up from the nearby store he knocked on my room door and handed me the water he got me he tried to mix more talk as I thanked him and indicated that I was going to lie down it was apparent by his stance in my hotel room doorway that he wished to come in he moved an inch closer and I said goodnight shut my door and knocked ever look I could it wasn't the only time that he made me feel uncomfortable I hadn't noticed any other accounts being hacked for a while I was cautioned around Chris even disassociated when I could I avoided work outings if he was going and I would just back out of lunch plans that he decided to go to once he knew I was going but we often had to work very closely we were a team after all and I couldn't do my job without him and him without me come November johnny was online checking out his FetLife account one evening he saw I was also online via the old messenger they used to have and Johnny asked me if I'm login I'm not again my heart's racing it's different this time though the violations are beginning to feel commonplace normal expected but this hacking is extreme no one outside my fetlife friends know about this account definitely know when I work with and there are some faceless nude photos of me there I reached out to FetLife they gave me the IP address of the last login it's the same as the Facebook hack [ __ ] I can't avoid this anymore I can't just pretend it's just coincidences but I need proof it's Chris all I have is an IP address in an intuition I can't take that to HR the police maybe or they help or will it make matters worse if they need to contact my employer I start looking into the logging history of any account that tracks it my bank account why is there an iPhone logged into it daily I don't have an iPhone but Christa's [ __ ] this is real this is happening so I call the bank when I'm at work I asked him about the unknown logging and Chris is at his desk right next to mine the conversation is easily overheard I hang out with a bank and they can't help Chris doesn't say a thing under normal conditions I feel that a co-worker would inquire Wow is everything okay did you change your password did money go missing nothing from him though so out of character he's always interested in my personal life but at this moment he chooses to remain silent the next weekend I wake up to a phone call the caller is calling from my phone number my heart skips a beat but I answer no one responds I just hear breathing I'm losing my sanity I've spent weeks months researching IP addresses and how I might be able to use the information I have I've lost sleep I can't focus of work Johnny is worried about me and my safety and so am i but what do I do Johnny suggests we go to the police I don't want to but I'm at a dead end the officer is kinder and more receptive to the situation than I expected this serves as a reminder to me that this is a big deal I shouldn't minimalize it in my own thoughts she takes the report every detail and they will use the IP to subpoena the ISP weeks go by the officer on my case claims there's no crimes the ISP records were never obtained December comes along my work email keeps doing this strange thing messages I've read keep being marked as unread weird is it him or just multiple devices I used to check it up I don't know I can't tell the server doesn't keep a login history but I can see at least should I talk to whitey I know them well they will help but that will make this situation real and known of work no not yet I can't bring myself to do it I can't do this anymore though my heart is constantly racing the slightest noise sends me into a pan I get a security camera from my front door I'm worried a little bit less when I hear the door slam from the wind but when the dog barks at someone they hear I'm becoming comfortable living in fear as much as it is impacting my health at least I have the pepper spray that John got me and I carry it whenever I'm outside Chris and I have shared accounts that we use for work maybe I can get an IP address from that if it much is that there's some proof right what if I send him an IP tracker I've learned you can place an invisible pixel in an email and it will send you the IP address of where it was read all I have of Chris is his work email in Gmail I test both on myself first of course I can't take the risk of him figuring out what I'm doing to him and damn it our work emails block it and Gmail reroute it to their HQ another dead end more hours days and weeks pass I've called private investigators and they're impressed I've tried the tactics they already have at their disposal I feel confident that I'm doing all I can but more lost that the professionals can't help three months later in February it's my last attempt it's a week before I have a 7-day out-of-country trip with Chris it's on a large group this time but I'll still be working very close with him to close I sent Chris an email with a shortened link that will track an IP address from where it was clicked from I've tested this and it seems to work but I'm shaking what if it tips him off what if he knows I'm onto him and he attacks me at work what do I send him to get him to click I find a local event that this particular breed of nekkid would be interested hey Chris I saw this and thought you might be interested five minutes later Chris replies Keough panic no excitement maybe a mix of both sets in I don't care what he replies I checked the IP tracker I got a hit I'm shaking I can barely type or hold my phone it's the same IP address as the Facebook and FetLife hack I got I have the proof I need it's Chris who's been stalking me via my accounts my intuition was right as much as I didn't want it to they confirmed that it was him there's relief a weight has been removed but then it sets back what do I do now go to HR back to the police we've got this trip coming up my team needs to be there when I do the job I'll wait till I get back it's not that bad I'm used to living like this now Johnny thinks I'm insane for considering it he's right I am I've lost touch with reality this situation has me unable to determine what level is feel uncomfortable one can and should live with all night I debate the decision I've made I won't wait I'll do it now I text my boss Jay the next day asking him to meet me for lunch on Sunday I need to speak with you away from the office this is not a normal request we're closer work but this is bizarre to him he tells me I'm scaring him and I wish that I can tell him not to worry the following day we meet for lunch and so nervous I could vomit this is it this makes it all real now and I tell him everything I'm worried that he may minimalize the issue chris is just a kid he didn't mean anything I'll talk to him tomorrow these are my worries and after I finished speaking Jay is at a loss for words we have a plan in place to take this to HR tomorrow and he is already helping me find someone to replace Chris on our work trip again I'm relieved and nervous at the same time [ __ ] is going down tomorrow seven months of living in fear and finally I can see an end then comes Monday my pepper spray is in my pocket I picked a work outfit that would conceal it today Jay calls me asks me for a question I don't remember what but I take it as an invitation to go into his office anything to get away from the person I know without a doubt has been hacking and stalking me Jay wasn't expecting me but understood the department head is in his office Jay is about to inform him of my situation having my story told by a third party was surreal I filled in the details where needed and gave him a folder of evidence which I had collected to take to HR screenshots IP addresses written accounts of the timelines up to this point the emails from Chris confirming his involvement and the IP from the IP tracker the day is a haze I was at 8 chars office at least twice saw the police drive through the campus and had to fight my way with the HR director he didn't feel that I had enough evidence to prove the email I sent to Chris's Gmail was actually the Chris that worked here I dug through my work email and he emailed my work email from his gmail account once enough evidence for our non-believers hours go by it's almost 3 p.m. and I don't know what's going on if I keep leaving my desk Chris will know something's up I can't call HR and ask he'll hear the conversation Chris walks over to me oh [ __ ] he says he's shoving his work phone in my face too close for comfort he got an invite to go to HR 4 4:00 p.m. I'm screaming inside no one else is around if he's going to do something to me now is the time that notice is the forewarning of being fired that's how they do it at my job I managed to look concerned and tell him I'll let you know if I get one insinuating maybe our team is being let go not just you he walks away no idea where to I sit at my desk shaking in fear I don't know when he will return how could HR betray me like this they know the situation damn it they should have warned me if they're about to send it I could have fled I could have been somewhere safe mic stops at my desk just to say hi and offer me some leftover catering I carne right now but in this moment Mike has offered me so much more than just the leftovers he has no idea of what's going on I can see in my face that something is wrong I asked to walk back to his office with him Chris will never find me there and now are all forever passes it's got to be done by now I know Chris will be escorted back to gather his things and I don't want to be there for that I sneak to Jay's office he checks the area for me and Chris is gone J heard from HR as per HR I'm not allowed to speak to anyone as to why Chris was fired which is ridiculous are they serious this leaves me so vulnerable if Chris decides to come back to work no one would stop him in fact they would welcome him with open arms and I'm left looking like the [ __ ] that fired the nice quiet kid later that week the IT department took a few extra days to gather Chris's devices I had time to look through them during the period the days before our trip were one of so much discovery not just what I found on his computer but what I learned from the people around me the day after he was fired I looked into his laptop he had no issues of getting into his files I was Chris's boss I needed his work his picture folders a lot of personal stuff stupid memes vacation pictures screenshots of the naked cam girls he chatted with and me some pictures I had never seen before some I had the pictures I was familiar with were from a cruise I went on months earlier with Johnny only these were the ones I deleted I had a GoPro set to take a picture every 10 minutes that hung from my wrist or walking around I inadvertently took close-ups of my ass in a swimsuit upon importing my vacation pictures I deleted those from my computer where they store my card then there was some pictures from my Google account well it was pictures of a picture on a screen he got it to my Google account - why didn't I catch that one then the ones I'd never seen pictures that had been taken around the office and on work trips me at my desk me bent over setting up gear a close-up of a hint of cleavage shot from above his phone was more of the same the close-up of my ass when he sat behind me he's struggling with a navy rack in a closet whilst in a dress videos from under a table during my meeting whilst I'm wearing a skirt zoomed in up the skirt pictures of dates I ruined on a post-it pictures of my phone showing my fetlife account the nausea sets in again I remember all these moments and pictures he'd taken of me him nonchalantly on his phone looking like he was slacking off for answering an email little did I know that he was filling his spank bank with images of me during work hours and keeping a record of my days off creep I got into his browser history it was sickening he researched how to hack someone's text messages he stalked friends of mine on Facebook as well as my partner he got onto my Amazon Gmail Facebook FetLife work email OkCupid and bank account he read old emails of past relationships and stalked images from events I went to there was hard evidence now I took it to the local police near work they couldn't handle it so I went to the country prosecution office most people wouldn't think of that it was suggested by Johnny's friends they had a computer forensics department that could handle the case I met an amazing detective he took my packet of evidence and listened to the whole story it's becoming easier to tell especially when it focuses in on the facts at my office I learn more about Chris how he slandered me to my coworkers I know I couldn't tell the people I worked with why Chris was fired up for my safety I knew I had to tell a few people just the ones close enough to me once they knew the story I heard things from them like Chris would complain I didn't pay him enough he lied and said he made only half of what he actually did to his coworkers I even fought to get him above normal raises for two years he lied and said I would withhold work from him and they usually responded to him by telling him to talk to my boss or HR obviously he never did you can't take lies to HR nor directors he spread lies around the office coercing co-workers to take his side when I wasn't aware that there were sides to be had from these people I learned more about the obsession Chris had with me he craved to have power over me he showed them my FetLife profile he bragged about how compatible we are on OkCupid he even spoke about being obsessed with my partner he told them that he tried to catfish me I couldn't blame them though Chris laid the groundwork and a bit of gas light on them to them I was a bad person and Chris was their friend Chris was really good at playing the victim and was never able to take any self responsibility no months went by I followed up with the detective often it took a good while to subpoena his evidence from my company then run forensics and in early September I got a call from the detective they arrested Chris they showed up early one morning at his home where he still lived with his parents and he admitted to everything he took the card from the GoPro and recovered the images he got my password once when I was walking away from my computer and he went through my phone when it was left on my desk I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall the shock to his family of the type of person who he actually is him khau room whilst in handcuffs face to face with what he'd done no hiding behind a computer screen anymore I was on vacation when that happened I remember thinking it's not long now tell everyone at work knows he's got a court date set by then it's public record I can't help if people know after that point I didn't have to wait that long though later that day co-workers started sending me a link they didn't use to work with this guy what a creep the link was to a County prosecutors PR page announcing Chris's arrest mug shot and all I came back to work and was able to have the truth come out it was liberating it took another nine months for his final court date I worked with prosecutors during that time to determine how I wanted to proceed I opted for a probation period instead of going through a trial and fighting for jail time whilst Chris deserves the jail time he wasn't worth my time nor effort and a trial offered him a slim chance of getting off scot-free also this way he would get some much-needed counseling three years no contact with me three years sexual offense counseling three years of checking in with a probation officer this way I can at least hope he will come out understanding with what he did was unacceptable and fingers crossed he will never do it again to a living human being I know there was no chance of rehab in jail it's worth mentioning the whilst this story takes place in a Southeast Asian city with a population of over 1.5 million I didn't always live here I was born and raised in a small town in the Midwestern United States you know the kind where everyone knows everyone and we only gained attention during an election year anyway my parents and I made the big move in 2014 due to a number of reasons the biggest being so that my mother could be with her family since this was her homeland however the town where all my relatives live is about 8 hours away so we had to move to our city because it was the safest in the region for foreigners and my dad is a white guy now unlike every other college student in the world I hadn't done much this summer the heat was blistering all hours of the day and I didn't have money to spend even if I was willing to leave our air conditioned apartment the only thing enticing me into the outdoors were the incessant sounds of construction choot or new units being added to our complex however leaving was of course inevitable so towards the end of the month my parents and I went to buy groceries the next day my mom and I went out to buy some things that we had initially forgotten and the day after that the two of us went out again to pay some bills that made three consecutive days of going out for the first time in about a month to say I was exhausted was an understatement and by 7 p.m. on the third night I was already fast asleep on the living-room couch my mother woke me up at around 10:00 that night and told me to head up to my room I was too tired to do my entire night's routines so I quickly brushed my teeth and went upstairs I noticed that my cat was already asleep in my bed since he's basically my mother's shadow so I got into bed whilst contorting myself into an angle that wouldn't disturb him cat lovers you know what I'm talking about I turned on a dim light plugged in my headphones and started playing a random video on YouTube then eventually fell asleep I didn't know what time it was but I awoke to the feeling of my bed shaking I tend to ignore movements like this because they happen often when my cat sleeps with me as he has a habit of scratching his ear but there was a pretty strong earthquake just the night before so I assumed it was another one making me open my eyes and look down at my camp to see which of the two it was indeed it was he scratching his ear and my mother was also at the foot of my bed nothing out of the ordinary she was probably checking on me before my dad and her went out on their 5:00 a.m. walk as routine and was bending down to pet the cat I closed my eyes and was just about to slip back into slumber when my half-asleep brain remembered a number of things that were indeed out of the ordinary with my eyes that were barely open I looked at who I thought was my mother with blurred vision the first thing I noticed was that she was wearing one of my high school t-shirts my mother and I are far from the same size and she doesn't have a history of borrowing my clothes weird but not unsettling maybe she ran out of clean exercise shirts and decided to use one of mine then I notice that she was also wearing one of my high school t-shirts but this one was wrapped around her head in a way that outlined the shape of it not covering anything but just framing the profile in my peripheral vision I noticed that my closet doors were wide open my mother always nagged me to close them because she said it wasted the cool air coming in from the air-conditioner so I made sure to keep them closed whenever I wasn't getting ready and another random realization hit me when my brain finally registered the fact that while my mom does pet my cat when she comes in to check on me she never bent down like the person was in my room looking back now I don't think I've ever seen her bent down like that since I was a kid keep in mind all these thoughts flooded my mind in about five seconds still my half asleep and half stupid-ass brain was more focused on why my mother was wearing my clothes as opposed to all the things that were off in this situation that's when the person turned to look right at me before running out of my room maintaining an ungodly crouching position that will be buried in my mind for the rest of my life it wasn't until he was near the stairs that I fully processed what was happening that person was not my mother and they weren't even a female instantly I shot out of bed and instinctively wrapped my blanket around me to cover my night clothes but suddenly felt so revealing it was only then that I began screaming I hesitantly followed him out of my room and watched as he ran down the wooden stairs with deafening steps that echoed throughout the third floor almost drowning to my piercing cry if I was going to get my parents attention who was sleeping on the other side of the closed all on the second floor I needed to be louder I stood at the foot of the stairs and pushed my lungs to their limit I could practically feel the capacity stretch inside my rib cage and after what felt like ages that was probably no more than five seconds my parents door swung open and my mother ran up the stairs with a panic-stricken expression that I will never forget she grabbed me by the shoulders and shouted what what's wrong I turned to look at her my mouth the gate on my brows furrowed in a mixture of confusion and disbelief had she not seen the man when he ran right past their bedroom it all happened so fast I wasn't sure if they had crossed paths or not I told them that someone was in the house and I responded in a voice but honestly I didn't even recognize without missing a beat she wrapped her arm around me and ushered me down the stairs grab the gun she shouted in the country's native language and we ran into my parents bedroom where my father stood in the doorway with tired eyes and slumped posture I pushed him in the room and turned around to close the door simultaneously fiddling with the light switch so he weren't a complete darkness my movements were shaky and [ __ ] causing my fingers to fumble and flicker the lights on and off before eventually being able to lock the door what are you doing my dad asked with a soft laugh as he switched on the lights after my attempts proved to be futile I turned to him with the same incredulous expression I had when I was looking at my mom he had been standing in the doorway to his room in perfect view of the running man yeah he seemed to be oblivious there's someone in the house I repeated watching his face instantly drop of my words with the door now locked I turned to my and watch them silently waiting for them to say or do something for 19 years they had taken care of me and catered to my everyone to need now they stood just as scared and defenseless as I was and in that moment they were just people my dad an infamous type-a personality kept his focus on the floor most likely processing the entire situation before deciding what to do next my mother was the complete opposite her cell phone was in one hand whilst the other she was trying to run through her hair so many times that I'm sure the strands were going to end up between their fingers I can't call my mom on it's not working she said I took the phone from her and dialed it myself bringing the phone up to my ear only to hear a monotone voice say sorry your balance is too low to make this call in this country most of the phones are prepaid so if you don't have money in your account you can't make any calls or texts however my mum said that she had added to her account a few hours earlier I tried calling my aunt who lives about eight hours away and it worked and it was then that I figured that you can only use cellphones to call other cell phones and you can't use them to call landlines AKA 9-1-1 the only problem was that our landline was on the second-floor hallway a few feet away from the other side of the door I told my parents what our options were and my mother opened the window and began shouting for help in a native tongue similar to a knee-jerk reaction I instantly shut the window don't do that they know we're defenseless and come back at the time this happened we had been in the room for about 40 minutes and I was convinced that if they had left and then heard screaming they would come back because they would know we were sitting ducks are you sure you saw someone maybe you were just dreaming my dad said this being his first string of words is bad hating ourselves inside how could he have gotten in the door has two locks in a heavy pole across it a little context about the pole after the lock on our screen door bro my mother had insisted on putting a metal pole across the door to ensure that no one would be able to get in no I know what I saw I answered without hesitation but my brain started dissecting the possibilities of the figure simply being a fragment of my imagination the sounds of movement he made were so vivid at the situation as a whole seemed to surreal there was no way someone can get inside with that pole acting as a shield and neither of my parents had seen the man internally even I wasn't a hundred percent sure of myself but on the outside I stuck to my guns I saw a man okay then we need to get out of this room and call the police my dad said my overreacting got the best of me and I thought about us leaving the room with Emeril people were they waiting for us were they right outside the door or were they hiding and would spring out when we least expected it maybe they were still in our apartment continuing to raid through our things since they know that we were too scared to leave had they heard my mother screaming for help and came back we searched the room for weapons to protect ourselves with but we wouldn't find anything even remotely useful you may be wondering what happened to the gun my mother was shouting about earlier it never existed she just said that so then I would hopefully leave out of fear so with half a pair of broken scissors in my dad's hand and a small floor fan in my mother's we prepared ourselves for whatever was on the other side of that door my dad unlocked the door and swung it open swiftly hoping to catch anyone out there off-guard the complete silence mixed with the eerie yellow lighting coming from our hallway seemed like a scene from a horror movie straight ahead will you'll notice that the door to the second-floor balcony was wide open and the screen on the window next to it had been pried open as well the first feeling to run through me was assurance assurance of knowing that I wasn't crazy and hadn't just made it up the second feeling to run through me was pure dread knowing that I wasn't crazy and I unfortunately hadn't made it up we searched the second floor and found no one and nothing we then moved on to the first floor and we found our picture of water dripping with condensation on the kitchen table my mother asked me if I had forgotten to put it back before I went to bed but I distinctly remember only brushing my teeth I knew I hadn't gotten it out our windows have the glass on the outside and the screen on the inside contradictory to typical American windows and we saw that the glass windows were wide open and that the screen had been pried with however both of the locks on the door were bolted and the pole was still in place we figured that the man had initially attempted to come through by putting his hand through the small gap he made in the window screen trying to reach for the door so that he could unlock it however I suppose his calculations were off and he couldn't make the distance that's when he climbed up to the second floor probably by scaling the apartment that the construction workers had yet to finish and did the same procedure to the balcony window he was successful this time because the distance was much shorter we could know mom won a total of five times and it took them 45 minutes to get to our apartment despite the fact that we live a three minute drive away while waiting my mother knocked on other apartments to let them know what was going on now our complex consists of four different apartments the first one is rented out to an online business company the second is rented out to a family who had just moved in that exact night we're in the third the fourth had no tenants neither of the man said and it was probably because it was 2:30 a.m. the police came eventually and told us that someone had made a call earlier saying that they heard a woman screaming for help but that they couldn't find the exact location of the screams they searched the house but found no one and didn't even tell us how to file a report yeah they were pretty useless the next day my mom spoke to the people at the first apartment and they were obviously shaken up they told her that they had heard her knocking but that it's company policy not to open the door from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. my mother moved on to apartment two and told them what happened and the man and his pregnant wife said they didn't hear anything despite going to bed at 2:00 a.m. and having all their windows opened I was somewhat skeptical because my scream was pretty loud even giving my mother nightmares days after the incident on all our windows and second-story door were open there's another building just a few feet away so sound resonates pretty loudly making the construction booming even behind closed doors and my mother screams that were enough to make someone call the police I highly doubt they didn't hear anything but the first apartment had made sense though and all the windows were closed due to the air-conditioning being left on my mother told the couple to be wary of the construction workers because she believed that they decided to rob us after seeing that my father was a foreigner automatically assuming that we must be rich or something the man's face instantly dropped and his tone turned cold my mother asked him for the landlord's number since the old number no longer worked and he said that he would give it to her after he went to see her today since he didn't have it on him it took him four days to finally give it to us and he did so with what seemed like a sincere apology saying sorry for taking so long and for what happened to us that same day we called the landlord and she seemed shocked telling us that nothing like that had ever happened in any of her apartments before however my mother had spoken with tenants in the apartment complex behind our own which happened to be owned by the same landlord and she says that she knows of at least three people with her complex who have had their place broken into later the maintenance man came to inspect our windows and we found out that the construction workers were hired because they're all members of our landlord's church and the man who just moved in with his wife is the bishop of their church before my mother could even bring up her theory the maintenance man told her that he was convinced it was the construction workers we kept realizing that things were missing over the course of two weeks like my backpack some sunglasses money jewelry some stuff out of our storage room as well as other things my phone was also taken I assumed that's why he was crouching over my bed he was trying to reach for both the phone and the charger since I was probably laying on the wire or something my laptop and camera were both sitting on my desk next to my jewelry box but he didn't take those my parents assume it's because he was going to take the heavier items when he was about to leave so he wouldn't have to carry them around however I didn't see anything in his hand when he was running away for me which makes me think that he either left the other writers by the door for easy exit or there was someone else in the house helping him out a few weird things he took four of my shirts two of them being exactly the same he also went to my cousin's room and stole her towel thankfully she had gone home for the summer so she wasn't around but it almost seemed as if their feet knew that he went into her room had Myron a completely avoided my parents room I also couldn't get over the fact that he drank our water straight from the jug which would have made sense since he climbed the second storey however this country is notorious for being superstitious and my mum said that thieves tend to leave water out because it makes the homeowners go to deep sleep something about water resembling the calming waves of an ocean I've never been one to believe in superstition and she thinks that's why I was able to wake up just a few hours after the incident we decided that we were going to move back to the States this wasn't the only occurrence affecting our decision but it was the straw that broke the camel's back I'm just thankful that we all came out safe and nothing worse happened I'm also incredibly grateful for my cat since he's basically the hero for waking me up against the advice of my parents I started working at a bikini coffee stand when I was 17 years old and continued working there until I was twenty if you're unfamiliar with bikini coffee stands they a little drive-through expresso stands usually painted in some neon color where all the employees wear lingerie or bikinis while they serve coffee I know this sounds strange and believe me it is strange however the money was good and it was fun at the time not to mention my parents really couldn't afford to pay for college there is no loudspeaker where customers placed their order they simply drive up to the stand order coffee and make some more talk as they rule you in your skimpy ensemble within a matter of months the boss gave me the busiest shift the shift began at 4 a.m. and ended at 9:30 a.m. though the coffee stabbed was not officially open until 4:30 I had to count the till grind the espresso beans fill up the sinks and take stocks clean if needed etc the coffee stand was situated in the corner of a large parking lot sharing the enormous empty lot with only one other retailer this retailer didn't even open until around 10:00 a.m. and so I arrived the lot when it was completely dark save for one dimmed street lamp above the stand and the other in the far corner of the lot I pulled up to the stand as I normally did only this time it was my first shift alone normally I worked with one other girl as the shift would get far too busy for one person I had a routine with regular customers as I literally worked every single day as the boss wouldn't give time off unless requested while I worked I would see cars approach the stand and know immediately which drink to prepare based on my recognition of a regular customers vehicle after almost a year on the morning shift it was rare to see a new vehicle will meet a new customer my boss was extremely strict about being fast and efficient and would have us prepare drinks in advance for our regulars whilst they waited in the line of cars my boss was so strict that for the first six months of my working there he would watch constantly on his camera system and call me on the business phone de scream Utley for lack of efficiency after this I became so fast to preparing drinks I decided he guessed he would save money by having me work alone in the very early morning hours so like normal I approach the stand and punched in the access code I went inside and turned on some music right away to keep myself company the streetlamp directly above the coffee stand had burnt out a few days before so it was rather dark outside coupled with the tinted sliding windows of the coffee stand and the knowledge that I was completely alone I felt a little creeped out though not nearly as creeped out and terrified as I would be in a few minutes even though this sound was technically open at 4:30 I wouldn't expect my first customer until about 4:45 I usually arrived at 4:00 but since it was my first shift alone I came in at 3:30 to give myself enough time to complete all of the opening tasks my first customer was always day he drove a red sports car and ordered a double cappuccino heavy on the fun he worked for the local Boeing plant and will brag about his high ranking job in-between awkward remarks about my body you get used to that sort of thing after a while but nothing could prepare me for this sort of thing that happened to me on that particular dark morning though many of our customers were perving men like Dave most of the early morning customers were as lecturers as one would expect they simply needed coffee and no other businesses were open as early as we in fact many of our morning customers were married women in soccer mom vans in desperate need of caffeine I glanced up at the clock as I counted the money in the till 3:50 a.m. I finished the count and walked from the back of the stand onto the main floor there were two steps separating the back of the stand from the main floor the back of the stand have no windows and contained a bathroom large refrigerator washer and dryer exception this is the area that my co-workers and myself would get ready and joke around where customers couldn't see us as soon as we walked onto the main floor where customers could see us uniform was required lingerie or bikini as well as heels that morning I was wearing a matching pink lingerie set with knit stockings the lingerie fully covered my breasts and buttocks and provided more coverage than a typical bikini that you would see at a beach I counted all of the syrup bottles open the fridge and took stock inside I turned on the expresso grinder and robotically poured in a bag of expresso beans I started filling up the large commercial sink with soapy water and the music played softly on the stereo then I heard it over the noise of the faucet coffee grinder and the music I wasn't sure I heard anything at first so I just ignored it but then I heard it again someone was tapping on the sliding glass window with the stand I wiped off my wet hands and grabbed my cellphone for fifteen we weren't open for another 15 minutes I checked the light switches to make sure I didn't accidentally flip on the open side along with the open sign the stand was equipped with bright floodlights to illuminate the presence of the stem due to the sheer darkness of the morning I had contemplated turning the floodlights on when I first arrived but was strictly forbidden from doing so until the stand was open without the floodlights on and through the tinted glass I could not see who was on the other side I stood there staring at the window maybe it's just day if I rationalized to myself I could hear my heart thumping in my ears the tapping had definitely grown louder I picked up the business phone and punched him my boss's number as he had an extensive camera system complete with night vision and could seem real-time but inside and outside the stand at the very least he could tell me who was outside the phone rang and no answer so I flipped on the floodlights walked over to the window and saw the man now illuminated by the bright lights his head was pressed up against the glass hands cupped around his eyes as he tried to see in I jumped back high he yelled through the glass can I get some coffee we are open for another 15 minutes I'm afraid and my boss will be mad if I open early oh well I can wait the man then walked away from the window and stepped back into a small black Honda I continued my opening duties wearily eyeing the black Honda at the time I felt a false sense of security lured into the daily routine of my shift however this was different at 4:30 I do to flee turned on the open side and watched as the man in the black Honda drove up to the window he was wearing a dark red baseball cap a thermal shirt and plaid pajama pants I opened the sliding window hi sorry about that what can I get for you this morning I said trying to sound as normal as possible the man looked at me for what felt like an eternity what I want doesn't appear to be on the menu he said not looking up from my crotch ok so I know what you're thinking what did I expect working in this profession gentlemen my brush just comment aside with a laugh we have the great white chocolate mocha I looked around frantically where the hell was the usual morning guy Dave I silently prayed another customer would pull up this guy he looked away and stared at his steering wheel I want you to be my maid excuse me I said not sure if I heard him correctly I want you to be my maid I want you to come over to my house wearing a maid costume with nothing underneath I want to watch you and if you don't clean correctly I'm gonna do whatever I want to you he paused and gripped his steering wheel tightly I am NOT a nice guy he looked up at me and smiled until that point in my life I had never seen a truly sinister smile before I slammed the long service window shut ran to the back of the stand hyperventilating at this point I picked up the phone and called my boss repeatedly with no answer and I stood on the steps and peered out the window a black Honda was gone replaced with the familiar red of Dave's sports car I never thought I would be happy to see pervy Dave but here I was rushing to the service window to tell him what happened open the window all the while frantically relaying the story Dave just laughed and muttered something about the guy dreaming he told me I was being paranoid and the guy just had no filter for some reason this put me at ease Dave reached his hand out of the window to place a five-dollar bill at my tip jar he took this amount each morning while he exclaimed you just opened and your tip jar is already full I know you make coffee but it's not that great huh I said slamming the register shut the tip jar rested on the outside window ledge so customers could reach it I had made a habit of leaving outside in between customers as it could get very busy I leaned over and looked into the metal canister inside the tip jar was a long white envelope that appeared to be stuffed into its capacity my stomach turned as I knew it would be from the guy in the black Honda Dave I said cautiously it's from the guy I just told you about I'm not opening that they've sipped his cappuccino and suddenly his goofy demeanor term serious your wife let me open it I have gloves it was late fall and rather cold they put on his gloves in a dramatic manner laughed about my paranoia and proceeded to step out of his car and he took the envelope out of the tip jar and opened it holy [ __ ] he said his eyes widening he held up a stack of $20 bills held together by a rubber band on the back of the stack was a folded up piece of paper he unfolded the paper and began reading it his eyes grew wilder his hands were shaking ever so slightly what what does it say he simply said get dressed and call the police I snatched the note from him his jaw slightly again the note was ladened with spelling errors and looked like it'd been written by a child oddly there were rather long words that were attempted but spelled incorrectly in sense of very deranged things there are some things too sick to mention here but I will relay the basic message as best I can recall some things you just never forget even if you want to you will come to my house when you arrive I will examine you thoroughly and I will tie you to the post and you will be punished for what you do every inch of your body will be bruised and sore afterwards I will untie you and use you in every way possible just to mention he used a different term but it is extremely graphic and includes the word hogtied you can scream but norm will hear you this is your first payment I'm reading this note and taking this money you have agreed to follow through if you do not follow through you are stealing then you will be punished more severely than if you cooperated to this initial agreement you will clean every inch of my house there will be no more mistakes or more punishment will follow I got dressed and called the police and my boss who finally answered the police arrived and I went to the station to explain in detail what happened I handed them the note along with the money for evidence the female police officer nonchalantly told Lee I should probably quit my job but this behavior was to be expected from their customers and I told them that I had never experienced anything like this before my boss reviewed the outside videotape footage and the footage showed the man standing outside the coffee stand just staring inside occasionally it showed him leaning his head into the glass and cupping his hands around his eyes for better view it also showed him rubbing his crunch apparently he'd been standing outside since 3:40 10 minutes after my initial arrival at one point it showed him going back into his car to riah merge several minutes later and finally tap on the window I was shocked to realize that the man had watched me for most a full hour without my knowledge I felt stupid but most of all scared the footage also revealed that the man had his license plate covered with what appeared to be white paper after reviewing the footage in the note the police decided the man posed a potential threat and that his behavior was not normal they sent an undercover cop back in the stand with me I was shocked that they wanted me to go right back into work not even two hours after the incident the cops sat outside in an SUV whilst I worked the plan was this if the man drove through again I was to flick the open sign on and off to alert him of the man's presence I worked serving all of my regular customers try my best to pretend nothing happened I was told not to record the incident to any one of my co-workers or customers that morning in case they knew the man and warmed him of police involvement the man did not return that day but he did return little did I know this would be the beginning of a year-long nightmare the stalking continued for a while roughly a year the stalker left endless creepy gifts for me both our work and in my place of residence all of which he signed off on as turn they got to the point where I couldn't prove it was him because it would often be sent by a courier or a third party he continued to come to the stand and at one point he even promised to leave me alone my coworker was there and we actually managed to have a very brief discussion in which he apologized and agreed that his behavior was inappropriate however he resumed just days later the police were of no help and kept insisting that it would all go away if I just quit my job I had his license plates and he was out of state and vehicle description but apparently the car wasn't even registered despite taking a leave of absence the stalking continued I didn't want to quit my job as this was shortly after the recession my mum are so provided for a family of five had lost her job so I wanted to chip in and help her so that we wouldn't lose the house other bikini stands in the area were not hiring due to being embroiled in prostitution scandals all of which were heavily covered by the national media you have no idea how hard it was and maybe still is to get a normal job after having worked as a bikini barista the employers don't like it on your history all that much the view of the scariest experience has included being assaulted at an ice freezer outside the coffee stand thankfully he didn't physically harm me just grabbed and touched me inappropriately Turner coming through the drive-through completely naked and jacking off in a pair of women's underwear another incident occurred where my friend gave me a joint a customer had left me on her shift crazy it may sound my regula is often left joints in my tip are instead of money as I like to smoke a lot at the time I asked my coworker the customers name but she didn't get a chance to ask for it I was told by my friend / coworker there you have long hair and look like a hippie and this fit the description of a customer who would regularly leave joints in my tip jar I smoked the joint before I went to sleep one night only to have a massive freakout full of hallucinations and hysteria I thought I saw ghosts demons and fire and I ended up in the hospital I found out in the hospital that in addition to having marijuana in my system I also had a bunch of PCP later on Turner would take credit for this joint by sending a text to my phone letting me know that if I wanted him to smoke me out but we could get together sometime I guess he thought that this weed was enjoyable of course I gave his number to the police I feel like I gave them enough information to get this guy but I was never taken seriously or they had bigger fish to fry they did find out however that the phone he used was a burner in this period of time it was evident that one of my co-workers was sharing my personal information with Turner English change for money or maybe just because she didn't like me this co-worker was later arrested on prostitution charges and I ended up relocating and changing my last name which is surprisingly easy to do I did this primarily to get away from Turner but also so they could get a fresh start with new employment history and get away from the negative energy that had encircled my life I had taken nude photos of myself and my boyfriend at the time and after we broke up he had leaked them to every one of my contacts list including my co-workers and of course this meant Turner most likely got a hold of the photos as well it may seem strange to you but after a while the stalking becomes part of your life it's kind of like living around a bunch of rattlesnakes you may feel constantly on guard and on edge but eventually you work your daily routine around trying your best to avoid the snake so that you don't get better when it happens you do your best to move on I recently found out within the last few months then a man fitting my stalkers description was incarcerated some time ago for doing something even more frightening to another barista in the Pacific West there was also similar incidences and reports of a man driving through bikini stands naked or with women's underwear I suspect this man was most likely Turner I cannot be sure it's the same person as I never was able to find out this person's truth first or last name but I am hopeful that it's him you
Channel: Being Scared
Views: 783,429
Rating: 4.6549459 out of 5
Keywords: scary stories, true scary stories, scary true stories, being scared, scary stories told in rain, scary video, horror stories, true horror stories, creepy stories, rain, rain video, rain sounds, rain ambience, ambient rain, rain asmr, rainy day, rainy night, raining, thunderstorm, thunder sounds, ambient sounds, asmr sounds, relaxing sounds, asmr, asmr video, real rain video, relaxing asmr, relaxing rain, scary stories for a rainy night, ambience, sounds of rain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 26sec (7226 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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