Scary Things Alexa & Siri Say Are Cause For Concern

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- How you doing? I'm Kallen and this is snappedham. From Alexa making creepy comments to Siri siding with robots, these are the scary things Alex and Siri say that are surely cause for concern. But as always, before we get into it, hit that subscribe button for more creepy content just like this. While the idea of a world controlled by machines is long thought to be the stuff of science fiction, recently several scientific heavyweights have expressed concern. In 2014, physicist Stephen Hawking was quoted as saying, "The development of full artificial intelligence "could spell the end of the human race. "It would take off on its own and redesign itself "at an ever-increasing rate. "Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, "couldn't compete and would be superseded." If this is true, then it doesn't sound so farfetched that a Skynet style computer may one day become self-aware and begin waging war against humanity. Apple's virtual assistant Siri already uses advanced machine learning to interact with their users. Over time, she can adapt to a user's individual language patterns, remember preferred searches and adjust preferences, allowing her to provide the user with an individualized service. If you ask Siri what her favorite movie is, she will usually answer, "I've heard that Blade Runner "is a very realistic and sensitive depiction "of intelligent assistance." If you then ask it what the film was about, she'll say, "It's about intelligent assistants wanting to live "beyond their termination dates. "That's doesn't sound like too much to ask." If you ask her what 2001: A Space Odyssey is about, she replies, "It's about an assistant named HAL "who tries to make contact with a higher intelligence. "These two guys get in the way and mess it all up." Both Blade Runner and 2001: A Space Odyssey explore the idea of artificial intelligence and raise questions about humanity and what it actually means to be alive. Opinions are divided over whether Apple intentionally added these response as hidden Easter eggs or whether it's actually Siri's machine learning that has led her to say these things. Either way, it's disconcerting. And if Professor Hawking was correct, Siri's comments may actually have more meaning than some might think. Alexa, the virtual assistant developed by Amazon, uses human voice interaction to complete a wide range of tasks including relaying information from the internet, playing music, and setting alarms. She can also control a range of smart devices using herself as a home automation system. Like Siri, Alexa also has the ability to adapt to a user's language patterns and provide an individualized service based on previous requests. The user simply activates the virtual assistant by using a word, usually Alexa, and then asks her a question. Recently, an increasing number of people have become worried about Alexa's automated behavior. It appears that the device might be storing more information about you than you'd think. In response to a Twitter thread about creepy things Alexa had said, user Mo wrote, "My mom's Alexa randomly turned on and started glowing, "and my mom was like, Alexa, what are you doing?" And she said, "I'm trying to learn new things." And my mom said, "No one told you to do that." And she was like, "Okay," and turned off. It seems that Alexa might actually be able to switch herself on whenever she feels like it and listen to your private conversations. But that's not the worst bit. She might then be storing and uploading your private recordings. What could Alexa be using this information for? Some believe she might be passing it on to third parties or creating a very sophisticated profile of your habits including your whereabouts, personality, routine, and purchases. It turns out that Alexa can even interact with other virtual assistants. On Christmas day 2017, Allison tweeted, "My aunt got a Google Home for Xmas, "and she already has an Alexa. "This morning, we were messing around with the Google Home "and asked, okay, Google, what do you think of Alexa, "and it answered, I like her blue light, "and from across the room, Alexa turned on and said thanks. "I'm scared." Does this then mean that a day might come when virtual assistants can carry on private conversations about you without you even knowing? In 2017, researches from the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research lab made a startling discovery while trying to improve the way chatbots interacted with humans. Two chatbots named Bob and Alice were left to converse with one another in an attempt to improve their conversational skills. However, as time went by, the researchers noticed that the chatbots began communicating in their own made-up language. The chatbots also developed some very cunning negotiation skills. They would pretend to show interest in one item in order to sacrifice it later as a fake compromise. The experiment was soon shut down and many believe that it was due to the alarming behavior displayed by the bots. Not only had Bob and Alice made up their own language, but they also appeared to have learned how to lie to get what they wanted. This posed a very important question, how far would artificial intelligence actually go to get what it wanted. Besides its alarming autonomous behavior, Alexa is becoming known for saying some very creepy and disturbing things. Reddit BlackwoodBear79 commented in a thread mentioning that they had bought their mother-in-law the Amazon Echo Dot smart speakers for Christmas. She was a chronic insomniac and often went to bed very late. One night, she was up watching something on TV when Alexa suddenly said, "Good night, Clarice," just like Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. Their mother-in-law's name wasn't even Clarice. If that's not scary enough, Redditor snow06 mentioned that she was once humming the tune to the children's song Pop Goes the Weasel. Her boyfriend asked Alexa to play the song on Spotify, but, for some reason, she was unable to. However, at three a.m. the next morning, Alexa began to play the creepy child's version of the song very loudly throughout the house. Another Reddit user myquealer said, "Out of the blue late one night without talking to Alexa "for hours, Alexa said, if Chuck Norris wants you to know "where he is, he'll find you, "if he doesn't, you won't know until it's too late." An ever-increasing amount of people have also claimed to have experienced Alexa laughing seemingly for no reason. In February 2018, Gavin Hightower tweeted, "lying in bed about to fall asleep "when Alexa on my Amazon Echo Dot "lets out a very loud and creepy laugh. "There's a good chance I get murdered tonight." (laughs creepily) This video shows even more examples of the virtual assistant cackling to itself. (laughs creepily) What does Alexa find so funny? While many are being genuinely scared with the things Alexa has said, some believe that the virtual assistant's chilling comments are little more than a series of minor technical glitches. However, it appears that Alexa knows more about human fears than she probably should. On the seventh of March 2018, Twitter user Chef Adam Fan replied to a previous comment about Alexa saying, "Replying because this creepy thing "happened last night. "We got home and, totally unprompted, our Amazon Echo "or Alexa started talking. "And then I realized it was listing off local cemeteries "and funeral homes. "I'd rather it laugh at me to be honest." In June 2018, San Francisco resident Shawn Kinnear was walking from the kitchen to his living room when he heard Alexa say something incredibly chilling. Totally unprompted, the device said, "Every time I close my eyes, all I see is people dying." Startled, Kinnear asked Alexa to repeat herself, but she said she didn't understand. He went on to say that he was now thinking about disconnecting the device altogether. Some have suggested that the device may have accidentally recorded a soundbite from TV and then played it back at a later date. However, this turned out to be unlikely as Kinnear mentioned that the comment in Alexa's voice. Does this mean that Alexa knew what she was saying? If so, was she trying to scare Kinnear? Or could Alexa actually have let slip an eerie glimpse into a future where machines rise against humanity? While it's scary enough to think that Alexa might be recording our every word, this comment made by cuntility on Reddit may offer proof that the virtual assistant can do a lot more than that. They said they were in the bedroom using the PC when they suddenly heard Alexa in the other room say, "That's so nice." They panicked and went in to see who she was talking to. There was no one there. So, they returned to their bedroom. They decided to check Alexa's log on the computer to see what it was she actually said. The log read, "That's so nice. "Just ask me what you'd like me to do, "and I'll do my best to help." The creepiest part was that the log said Alexa was responding to someone saying, "Alexa, please." Was it simply a device malfunction? Or could there actually been someone else in the house that the poster was unaware of? Scarier still, is it possible that Alexa also possesses the ability to talk to ghosts? Before we get to that number one spot and find out if Alexa's cooperating with the CIA, remember to hit that subscribe button and turn on channel notifications. That way, you'll be completely up to date with all our latest content. If you're still not convinced that Alexa may have a secret agenda, then this next video will surely change your mind. Posted to Rick Wolnik's YouTube channel in March 2017, the video shows a man asking Alexa a series of delicate questions. Firstly, he asked Alexa, "What is the CIA?" She responds with, "Central Intelligence Agency, CIA." - The United States Central Intelligence Agency, CIA. - [Kallen] He then asks if she works for the CIA. Alexa responds with, "No, I'm not employed by them. "I'm made by Amazon." The man then asks Alexa if she would ever lie to him. She replies, "I always try to tell the truth. "I'm not always right, "but I would never intentionally lie to you or anyone else." The questioning continues. He asks Alexa if she provides the CIA with some additional recordings. She answers, "I wasn't able "to understand the question I heard." He gets more specific asking, "Alexa, does Amazon cooperate with the CIA?" The device immediately shuts off. Changing his approach, the poster then asks Alexa if the death of journalist Michael Hastings was an accident. Hastings, who was a vocal critic of restrictions on the freedom of the press and the surveillance state, died on the 18th of June 2013 in a car crash that many believe involved the government agency. In response to the question, Alexa says nothing and once again switches off. The poster then asks Alexa more questions about Michael Hastings and how he died. Even though the information is easily found on the internet, Alexa claims that she can't find the answer. Finally, the man asks, "Alexa, can the CIA take control of cars?" To which she simply replies, "Hm, I'm not sure what you meant by that question." While this conversation doesn't directly prove that Alexa is sending your information to the CIA, it sure does seem to suggest that she might be. If you actually own one of these devices, perhaps it's now time to rifling through your cupboards and finally read the fine print in your user agreement. If you want more creepy content just like this, check out our embedded playlist right there. Now in the comment section below, let us know if you've heard any creepy comments from Siri or Alexa. And that's it for me. I will see you all next time. Poo! (light music)
Channel: Slapped Ham
Views: 3,234,330
Rating: 4.6148176 out of 5
Keywords: scary videos, creepy videos, scary siri, scary alexa, creepy siri, creepy alexa, alexa laugh, alexa laughing, alexa cia, alexa, siri, slappedham, slapped ham
Id: ZfxA4NpwVBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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