Scary Process of Dropping Ordnance from US Most Advanced Stealth Bomber

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to the fluctus [Music] channel one of the most dangerous aircraft the B2 spirit is currently in operation with the United States Air [Music] Force not only is the B2 Spirit a stealth aircraft but it can also carry some of the deadliest weapons in the [Music] world stealth combined with Precision deadly Firepower means no adversary can defend against it when it comes to ammunition interestingly the Blue 82 often known as the daisy cutter is considered one of the most lead it was originally intended to clear helicopter landing zones in [Applause] Vietnam however its tremendous 15,000lb blast which can destroy jungle and foliage over a 5 acre region evolved from its intended function into a pychological weapon the bomb which was dropped from a C130 aircraft Rose to prominence after being used against underground complexes in the Vietnam War and later in Afghanistan the unique B2 Spirit stealth bomber represents the Pinnacle of strategic long range bombing capabilities capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear weapons this aircraft is capable of penetrating strong anti-aircraft defenses and striking high value targets with unparalleled Precision it employs Superior stealth technology which reduces its radar cross-section and renders it practically invisible to hostile [Music] defenses the B2 is an essential component of Modern Warfare having played critical roles in operations over Kosovo Iraq and Afghanistan [Music] its capacity to fly over 6,000 nautical miles without refueling demonstrates its strategic and operational flexibility in global strategic and tactical [Music] missions one of the reasons that the B2 has a small radar cross-section is that it carries all of its weapons internally At Whitman Air Force Base maintenance and loader teams prepare a B2 for flight loaders consist of three members and they use a Munitions handling unit or Jammer to carry weapons to the aircraft and attach them joint air to surface standoff missiles are one of a variety of weapons that the B2 can be armed with in its Bombay with the Bombay doors open the parabolic arm of the Jammer raises the ja SSM into position where it's attached to the bomber another reason for the low radar observability of the B2 is the flying wing design of the [Music] aircraft the B2 bomber's flying wing design is critical to its stealth characteristics as it eliminates any tail and fuselage components that would typically reflect radar signals using a continuous smooth Contour the aircraft reduces the amount of surfaces that could generate radar responses this structure not only serves to disperse radar waves in different directions but also greatly reduces the bombers radar cross-section making it more difficult for enemy Radars to detect and track furthermore the lack of vertical surfaces reduces heat signatures which improves its stealth against infrared tracking devices with the B2 having the ability to negate any air defenses by low observability it must deliver The Knockout blow to make it worth its operating budget at cruising altitude the B2 refuels every 6 hours carrying up to 50 short tons of fuel at a time a much smaller weapon but one with a much more interesting history is the GBU 28 bunker Buster [Music] bomb this weapon was developed in less than a month from conception to its use during the first Gulf [Music] War US military planners realized that none of their weapons could reach the underground bunkers of Iraq [Music] these weapons weigh 4,000 lb a piece and have a 675 lb impact time delay detonation [Music] mechanism this bomb behind me perhaps represents the fastest weapon put into service from the time that there was a requirement for it to the time that it was dropped in Anger was less than a month when a normal Mark 80 series bomb is fitted with a laser jdam kit it becomes a [Music] GBU the GBU 56 however is not a normal GPS guided bomb but can also be guided using a laser a mark 84 bomb is taken ammunition Squadron Airmen attach the guidance kit whereafter the 2,000lb class weapon is ready for use one of the largest bombs in the US Air Force inventory must be the GBU 43b Moab but often jokingly referred to as the mother of all bombs the Air Force research laboratory created this large yield [Music] bomb it was initially tested in 2003 installing guidance kits on bombs is not such a large operation this is often performed by aircraft maintenance squadrons using a conveyor assembly rack and wrenches several parts are connected to a bomb with the tail fins providing the means of controlling the direction in which the bomb Falls the tail fins are connected to the guidance unit another part attached to the bomb another bomb worth mentioning is the GBU 39 small diameter bomb the GBU 39b small diameter bomb is a 250 lb Precision guided Glide bomb designed to allow aircraft to carry a larger number of more precise bombs most US Air Force aircraft will be able to carry a pack of four sdbs instead of a single 2,000 lb bomb this weapon has a 46 mile range GBU 12 Paveway 2 is another American aerial laser guided bomb yeah go back clean our okay wait a minute it's based on the MK 82 500lb general purpose bomb with a nose mounted laser seeker and fins for guidance Paveway 2 a member of the Paveway line of weapons entered service in 1976 and is now in service with the United States Air Force Navy Marine Corps and other Air Forces cluster Munitions take the idea of a single bomb and turn it into one with many smaller bomblets which can cover a greater area air dropped cluster Munitions are made from a container that opens in midair releasing many submunitions or bomblets across the large area these weapons are intended to strike various targets including armored vehicles and Equipment troop concentrations and air defense installations they are often used in big area coverage operations which are intended to maximize Effectiveness across large areas of land unfortunately cluster Munitions are controversial which can endanger civilians long after hostilities have ended for example millions of unexploded bomb lits from the Vietnam War remain in La posing everyday risks to [Music] people similar concerns have Arisen in battles in Lebanon and Iraq where places remain [Music] dangerous this persistent risk has prompted worldwide request for restrictions under agreements such as the convention on cluster Munitions despite this some countries arguing military need continue to store and employ them fueling the debate with the only operational strategic stealth bomber the UN US military has an edge in getting Munitions onto targets anywhere in the world without detection once a Target is exposed they can drop any kind of munition on that Target from J dams to massive ordinance Air Bursts no terrorist or belligerent organization is [Music] safe that's the end of this video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe to this channel so you don't miss any of our new content see you next time
Channel: Fluctus
Views: 29,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: B-2, stealth, BLU-82, US Air Force, USAF, daisy cutter, C-130, Radar Cross Section, Munitions Handling Unit, Jammer, Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile, JASSM, JDAM, Joint Direct Attack Munition, GBU-57A/B, Massive Ordnance Penetrator, GBU-28, bunker buster, GBU-56, GBU-43/B, MOAB, Massive Ordnance Air Blast, mother of all bombs, GBU 39/B, Small Diameter Bomb, GBU-12, Paveway II, cluster munitions
Id: dpT5o09Xxqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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