Scary MEGALODON Eats Me During LAVA Tsunami In GTA 5.. (Mods)

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yo what's popping guys we're in gta look at my beautiful girl oh my god so i heard on the news something insane happened apparently there's freaking lava everywhere but i'm driving through the city and there's literally not so i don't know what the news is saying i think it's a lie bro it's clickbait it's all freaking clickface uh eddie no no no no no no surely not wait a sec is that real wait what hold on hold on hopefully no one hates me what no oh my god we gotta go the pier guys there's literally no way that the whole that no no no no oh come on are you kidding me you're moving away hit run i'm calling the cops i'm just kidding i'm probably not gonna call the cops i do that all the time to people anyways let's go to the freaking ocean there's no way it's all in the ocean too and all in the water right it's probably just this right maybe that's what they were talking about just the water dude what what is happening freaking lava i mean the city's fine i mean i know i've done videos where the whole freaking city's flooded and stuff and that happened but it's all taken care of now but there's no way that oh my god jesus they need to slow that down what the heck that was so scary okay we're going to the freaking pier dude i'm going to the pier and i'm going to see what's up because this is absolutely terrifying there is no way that this is happening right now okay guys we made it to the pier let's just go to first person real quick you see the oh no it's literally all lava you've got to be kidding me are there people on the beach hold on i gotta go check out the beach hold on that's how you get out of your car in style guys just letting you know anyways this is not a joking matter yo what the heck why is everyone not freaking out the whole freaking it's all lava guys what the heck there's jet skis oh god so you die instantly if you touch that right i mean it's lava guys this is no time for tanning get the heck up you stupid idiot get the heck up fight me now all right there's lava are you running for this is ridiculous dude what do we actually do okay we're going on the pier i'm gonna see if people are freaking out on the pier okay guys yep it literally looks like everything is lava this is absolutely ridiculous freaking do something man stop just walking around like an idiot you gotta help me out come on man let's work together oh maybe i shouldn't have killed him anyways he'll be fine he'll be okay guys what do we actually do there's freaking lava everywhere freaking fly in my face what are you running from you should be running from the lava that's everywhere guys dump one do something oh my god this is there's boats no way is that guy okay i don't see anyone is there a guy on there oh my god we might have to save this guy no i mean yeah i guess you could take a picture of it but like we need to do something about this this is not good i don't even know how this are they fishing why would they fish all the freaking fish are birds right guys idiots the fish are birds what are you guys stupid what are you fishing for it's lava guys there's gonna be no oh oh my god oh my god i haven't seen i have not seen that in a long time the megalodon no way how is it alive it's lava is that what they're fishing for the freaking megalodon no way what do i do dude oh my god this is terrible it's a burning megalodon excuse me what is happening i'm freaking oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god did i kill it is it dead wait oh my god no it's not dead wait i can't tell i mean i sniped it oh my god what do i do i gotta run dude i mean the megalodon did i kill the megalodon i might have killed it i actually don't know i mean it's not moving should i go and check i mean i'll die from the water but i mean i can respawn so i mean it is a game okay guys i'm going in and checking i'm probably gonna die but where's the megalodon oh no it is dead and look oh my i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh no get out get out oh god oh is there another one no i don't know if it's dead i mean i'm freaking dead and i turned into michael again okay what's happening there oh my god okay we gotta go back dude what is happening the whole freaking city the whole water is lava and that every ah okay i'm back we freaking died but hey we respawned we went to the gulag we won them from the gulag and we're back and why is everyone i guess is everyone already normal hi get the heck away from me oh it was i it was a joke i was shadow boxing relax guys i cannot believe my eyes should we jet ski i mean yeah look people are jet skiing people are literally jet skiing no way okay we're gonna jet ski and we're gonna figure out where the heck this megalodon is dude that's my only way i don't know how the jet skis aren't burning down though that actually doesn't make sense maybe they're really strong jet skis get the heck out of my way how did he oh he did die okay anyways we're gonna jump in and jet ski hopefully i do not die from the water oh god does that mean i have to swim to those jet skis dude i might die from that all right let's jump off this here we go oh god am i gonna die oh i almost died i literally almost died from that jesus dude oh god how am i gonna get to those jet skis dude okay here we go oh no no look at my health ouch oh god what do i do bro what do i do i know the perfect thing well here's the jets can i get on this no oh frick dude okay guys here we go i'm just gonna try to make it i'm just gonna try to make it oh i'm not getting hurt wait what oh we're chilling we're chilling actually okay let's get on the jet ski oh god hurry up franklin hurry up franklin hurry up hurry up yes yes yes yes okay i actually wasn't getting hurt there i don't know what's happening all right we're on the jet ski dude we got a yellow one too which kind of looks sick yo oh my god this is insane should we go off the little ramp just for fun okay anyways let's go find the megalodon guys i don't know where it is i think it's over here let's go off this ramp real quick just because uh it'll be fun i hear people screaming dude this is not good this looks really cool though i'm not gonna lie oh god i'm sorry i'm sorry you're freaking dead though all right here we go off the ramp oh that was cool okay enough messing around we really need to figure out this megalodon situation dude the lava megalodon you have never seen this before in gta smash that like button 500 000 likes guys seriously drop like okay where's this megalodon dude we have to figure out where this thing is i thought i killed it but i guess now let's check on this boat is this guy okay is he stranded oh my god i thought that was a megalodon right there yo you good bro there's no one on it oh my god that means they freaking jumped out and probably died dude oh my god that's not good dude where is this thing oh oh it's gonna eat the boat oh my god oh my god it's massive okay we found it it's not dead i thought it was dead bro what do i do shut oh no get up get up get up dude oh my god oh my god i'm freaking dead i'm freaking dead franklin you better oh my god how did i not die there oh my god i'm so lucky you know what i'm gonna try to pull a maneuver here can i shoot why not while i'm on this well i'm get am i flipping off the freaking i was where is it guys it's just a finger it's fine i mean don't do it if you're kids but like it's just a game all right it's okay i'm sorry hey shark megalodon where you at bro hey you suck you freaking suck i didn't know you could do that that's so funny okay we got a pistol now can i shoot it oh my god oh my god get away from me get away from oh oh oh oh oh my god okay out of first person screw this bro that's too scary how do i kill this thing i hate it i hate it oh my god okay we're gonna try to get on this boat guys because this boat might be safer oh my god i hate it's probably underwater right now dude i hate this thing all right we're fine let's just try to get on this boat real quick like right here okay back up back up back up get on the boat get on the boat yes yes yes jump off no not in the water no get up get up get up get up get up get up get up franklin you idiot you're gonna die ah what are you doing get up okay i got up dude oh my god okay we're controlling this boat now screw the frickin jet ski that's too scary dude i'm out of here dude what do i do here this is freaking terrifying ah beautiful day in los santos though seriously new merch soon you do not want to miss out guys i think i'm gonna drop the new merch kind of around november-ish or something so yeah just stay tuned all right guys this is not a laughing matter get off the jet ski go to shore all right you do oh no oh that's unfortunate i didn't mean to do that uh you guys okay f's in the chat guys i did not freaking mean to do that ah they're dead okay uh i'm sorry it was a prank all right we're going to the shore dude i gotta sleep on this dude screw this this is too scary about the way am i going to hit this guy sorry i'm sorry i'm so so oh i didn't what the heck where am i climbing yo i'm sorry buddy i'm sorry i'm sorry why did i kill him i don't know oh my god i have cops why do i have cops i'm sorry oh my god oh my god oh my god okay let's get on this why are people sun tanning dude do they not see the freaking lava i don't get it we got the way bethany move out the way about the way it's time to go it's time to freaking go time to get out seriously i'm sorry about that sorry about that guys there's lava this is not okay you can't tan when there's lava jesus dude move out the way guys no more tanning for you time to go to safety get away from the lava don't know if you saw the lava there but there's lava move out the way bethany oh my god no no no oh oh i almost just ran into the freaking ocean dude the lava ocean guys not this way go left not don't don't go down the beach go go left so oh sorry about that that was are you okay she's probably fine i'm safety duty i'm safety patrol you guys have to get off the beach what are you doing no can i save him i'm gonna why did i just jump in the water oh my god i'm stupid i was trying to save this guy where'd he go no is he dead oh my god no no ow ow ow the frickin water i'm almost dead oh my god this is bad oh my god okay i gotta be safety patrol because no one else will dude there's megalodons and lava guys you have to leave go go go go go go go go no guys wrong way wrong way that way that way guys i have to shoot him they're gonna die i have to shoot him so they're gonna die or what guys i'm trying to save you guys all right i'm trying to i'm trying i'm so stupid guys it's that way why you just laying on the ground i'm a really bad safety patrol i'll admit it i'm just trying to help guys come on i don't know why there's cops on me i mean i'm not doing anything wrong guys it was not me i didn't do it there's megalodon are they just chasing me later oh god oh god no no no no no guys help help be my help safety patrol there's people right next to the beach we got to get them away move stephanie we needed oh god oh god oh they're shooting me now cops we gotta do something about this there's a massive megalodon in the ocean i'm just trying to help you saw nothing sorry about that okay i gotta go back home dude i'm gonna sleep on it and then we're gonna come back and uh see what's going on oh the police station's right here jesus uh it wasn't me it was tina she's over here running freaking teen a loser don't go this way there's lava okay i'm gonna go back and sleep on it and then we're gonna see what else happens dude because this is terrifying okay i just ran all the way home we're gonna sleep on this real quick and hopefully in the morning the lava goes down and hopefully there will be water i don't know let's just sleep on i mean at least i have pool water i can freaking swim in my backyard all right anyways let's sleep on it right here oh this is terrifying man okay guys i want you all to smash that like button come back next episode where we try to freaking figure out how to get all the lava out and also kill the megalodon anyways i'm gonna jump in my pool now franklin are you broken there we go perfect at least i have this bull all right anyways guys peace out subscribe to the channel now
Channel: Caylus
Views: 3,916,345
Rating: 4.8730173 out of 5
Keywords: infinite lists, infinite, lists, infinite lists 2, fortnite, minecraft, gta 5, caylus, gta 5 caylus, more infinite, jelly, gta 5 mods, more infinite gta 5, jelly gta 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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